Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Aug 1887, p. 4

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Hebron LODGE DTMMHPOFTR. MASONta-A. T. andfA, M.moot at Masonic »U on every 1st .and 3d Wednesday even- 1 AUG. 81. D17D May be found on IT Jul A "I® at <*®0. P Newspaper Advertising •pra^ v ert leing S NEW YORK- VE^KBSKCS! peoed at a rail read crossing in Con- necJcut. How much langer must •laughter of Ibis kind oontiaue before railway companies are eompelled to abolish oresslngs at grade P England can teaob as a jmluable l««wn 1° thie matter. as a JMI ssssWs lOTGeorge Brlnskt, the much talked of veteran, who went to the late war at the substitute of President Cleve­ land died at the Soldier's Home, in Bttth, N. Yn OD Friday, August 19th, aged 65 years. An application In his behalf for a pension was pending at the time of hit death. SOT*Acting Secretary Mule!row, ef the interior department, reeeutly ren­ dered a decision, according to married women the right to enter and purchase timber and stone lands, under the law gOVttfllibf the sale of such lands in the Stages'of Mississippi, Loni8ana, Cali­ fornia. Nevada, Oregon and Washing­ ton Territory. MF*A few cool and cloudy days ap­ pear to have made the editor of the Toungtown (Ohio) Telegram have a dalirens dream of the coming social •eaten: "Just think of it! Cider, doughnuts, ram bo apples, euchre or •even op, and a rip-roaring Are, and Sitting along side your best black- eyed girl! The good old winter nights are earning, boys, when a slice of below aero is worth a cycle of July. IW 11 Mayor William EL Wicklam explains to a correspondent that it Is Ma judgment Hill has lost his chance •f the Democraticnomina tion by not antagonizing Cleveland with sufficient boldness, while Cleveland hat got him •elf "Into bad odor with the party generallyand that the man to carry New York is William C. Whitney. From this might it appear that the ancient and honorable firm of Bill and BUI (limited) still exists. fjts-y- g0rlowa Republicans stand by their OOlors. la their platform they say: "This government, saved from distrac­ tion and treason by the patriotism and valor ot the Union soldiers, can not aford in jostloe or honor to deal less than justly with them, It should eerdially and promptly bestow, as an Obligation of the government and not at a charity, liberal pensions to all tisabled or dependent soldiers and to the dependent widows and parents of Midlers." Let us bear from the gen­ tlemen who want to controvert £hi proposition. jVSome Democratic JouijMs at tempt to comfort themselves over the Dtfllng off of their party vote in Kentucky by the talk about its being **an oft year in Kentucky.*' In view of all the facts this appears te be rather eeld comfort for them. The total vote appears to have been remarkably large far an "oft year," being 285.110-more than DflQO above that of the presi­ dential year of 1884, which was the laigest previously on record. Cleve­ land's majority In 1884 was 30,009. At the recent election the majority of Buckner, the Democratic candidate, over Bradley, the Republican candi­ date, was 4,128. An "ofl year" Indeed! far the Democrats. Halloa every . uwrs of each month. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA.--Meet at Maeonie Halt every 2d and 4th Monday even, inga of each month. . Neighbors cordially l&. vtied. SONS OF TBMFKRANC*.--Meet at Union;Hall on Tuesday evening of cacb week. EDITOR PLAIN DEALEH;--School be­ gins on Monday. A Baa w ?roa ten >ittM9d4. races at Richmond Saturday. Carpenters are at work this week building a silo at Walter Andrews*. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hewes are visit­ ing friends in Whitewater, Wis. Mongers factory paid its patrons fifty-nine cents per one hundred pounds of milk for the month ef June. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Manley were down from Harvard the first of the week. Mrs. Geoge Gedard and Mrs. If. d. Goodsell went to Carpentervllle Sat­ urday for a short visit, Mrs. Charles Stratton and daughter Bertha spent the first of the week with friends here. Helmer and Mann's show proved te be "somebody else" and hearing of their reception In neighboring towns they were refused admittance here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowe went to Greenwood Friday to attend the funeral of George Van Hoozen's youngest child that was brought there from Evanston for burial. J. W. Webster met with a painful accident a few days since. A heavy timber fell upon bis foot bruising It badly. He Is unable to get, around without the aid of crutches. The schoolhouse is completed and ready for the fall term which will commenoe on Monday next, Sept. 5th, The rooms have been made unusually light and pleasaat and It Is hoped there will be a large attendance. . :,i - r* 'Wrm Are no* offering • • Are invited tcS Idsit the in that line at ices. heok out ior their store for the next Ten Days OUR FALL STOCK €2 Xa C(P , For All t be ol^tiQUtee for gubernatorial honorsto ajp^ak at tbe Great MeHenry County fair at Woodstock. Special dispatch to the Chicago Journal, AURORA* 111., Aug. 34.--Hon A. J. Hopktns ef this city. Representative from the 5th district, is to speak at the McHenry County Fair, in Wood­ stock. Sept. 32, and through him ex- Speaker Samuel Randall's presence has also been secured for that occasion, while another curt! for the ton, first Assistant Postmaster Gener­ al and candidate for Vice President. On the day following all the Republi­ can candidates for Governor of Illi­ nois will be present and speak, the list embracing Hon. Jos. Cannon, M. C, of Danville, Gen. T. A. Henderson, M. C„ of Princeton, Major Joseph A. Con­ nelly, of Springfield, J, W. Fifer, Bloomlngton, Gen. Smith, L. E. Pay- sen, M. C., Poutiac, and others, A. S. Wright, secretary of the to* ciety, is now making arrangements for the running of excursion trains from all over the northern part of the state for these two days, and in securing this grand aggregation of notables has proven himself a worthy riyal of Kim­ ball, the famous manager of the Win­ nebago oounty fair. The Importance of the event will draw to Woodstock the largest gathering ever teea at a county fair in the West. ffiTCaaadlans and others make load talk at>out defending their rights wlthla the three mile limit. There is BO Intelligent American who does not admit that we have no right to fish within the line, nor Is there one fisher­ man in a hundred who hat the slight­ est wish to ettch fish there. We < Simply claim that we have the right to do the business in their ports that tboy do In ours; that we are the parties to determine Its character; that no other nation hat the right to Question It; that when we arm a fisher Bkaa with a permit to fish and trade has the same right to buy in a ft^Janadian pert that a British merchant r shlp has to buy la the port of New r- York. ALGONQUIN* [NOTICE.--Persons in Algonquin and vicin­ ity, knowing themselves indebted for the PLAIXDEALBB can learn of the amount by calling on John Helm, who is authorized to receive money and receipt for ttie same, in our name. Those wishing to subscribe can leave their names at. his store. Call on him and get a sample espy.] EDITOR PLAIN DEALER: -- Rev. Mr. Fish, late pastor of the Free Meth­ odist church ef this place, moved to Pennsylvania on Tuesday of last week. Miss Nettie Phillips has returned home from her trip to Chicago and Indiana. Mrs. S. A. French, of Chicago, Is the guest of Mrs. J. A. Sherwood. Miss Ida Swan, ef Elgin, was the guest of Miss Ida Morton last week. Miss Ray, of Elgin, was the guest of Mrs. Wm. .Morton last week. Mrs, Sutton and two sens visited a part of last week here with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Frank Terkes. Mrs. Julian and children spent part of last week with friends at Barring- ton. Mist Laura Miller, of Woodstock, Is visiting here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Miller. &rs. Burton, of Cary, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jas. Pbilp, a part of lait week. Mr. Balch, from Mitslssippl, is visit­ ing here with his sister, Mrs. W. Phillips. Mrs. Fred Bartells and Lillie Binnie return to Chisago this week. I. C. Goodrich has company from Washington Territory and Iowa visit­ ing with him here. Mrs. James Hubbard, of Chicago, is visiting here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Seeber. Robert Fitchie, ofl McQueen, 111., spent Sunday hero with relatlyes and friends. J. Penney and A. Reed, of Elgin called on friendt In town on Sunday latt. W. P, Benson has so far recovered from his late sicknest that he It able to ride oat. On Monday of thlt week Dr. Kason received some fine new tbow caset and a fresh supply of new goods. RINGWOOD. EDITOR PLAiNDEALER:-By the looks of the farmers and the smile on their face, you can see that it has struck them in the right place. The RAIN. The new Band Wagon looks nobby. It Is a flue piece of workmanship. It was made in Wisconsin. Our farmers are getting in a lot of feed from the difiereat firms at Wood- stock. Miss E. Fiemmlug, of Omaha, Neb., Is visiting with her sister, Mrs. F* Lawson. Mrs. Mason, of Chicago, spent the Sabbath with Mrs. Wm. L&ngham. Mrs. S. Dodge has her house full of boarders. Miss Anna Green hat friends visiting from a distance. There is much talk about the Old Settlers1 Meeting. Who wHl get the Flag ? That Is the question of the hour. Who will haye the beet looking turn­ out of Band boys In full uniform. The new boiler at the Cheese Fac­ tory is doing good business. The moon plant at the Depot can be seen in the evening In full bloom. It attracts much attention. Mr. Harrison, the Depot Agent, takes great eare of It. ELGIN DAIRY MARKET. Reported Expressly for the PLAINDEALER by A. W. Hutchins, Secretary of the Elgin Board ot Trade. ELGIN, 111., Aug. 29,1R87. there waa a fair attendance on the board. The maj-ket was declared unsettled at 83 to 25 cents. Some of tho sales at 23 cents was butter made from gathered cream, :,«iTI01AL. Seller. Pound*. Price. Amount. Bartholomew^,. Pleasant Grove... Kaneville South Riley C Creamery O Creamery....... Camp ton Maple Grove ..... Aurora. Geneva.. Mr. Church. Priv. Sales--Butter. 960 85 240 CO 600 M 150 00 900 . • • • ¥ . 225 00 1020 •i 255 *0 3000 n 69000 1800 44 414 00 •60 25 165 00 720 23 166 60 1800 as 450 00 1980 •• 495 00 6400 •• 1350 00 18840 $ 9600 60 2115280 56598 10 200000 10000 00 321531 t 76198 70 OUTBIDS MARKETS. Boston dispatches report butter dall at 25 C#nts. Cheese not quoted. ^Baltimore quotes Dutter steady at 8t cents. Cheese, full cream, 9 to 12J£ cents. St Lmiis.--Butter weak, though choice creamery is selling at 24 to 25 cents, with fan­ cy Elgin a shade higher. Cheese in fair de­ mand; Full Cream 10 to 12 cents; Young Americas ViK cents; skims 3 to 7, New York-- Butter market dull; Western creamery quoted at 22 to 26 cents. Cheese quiet; western flats, 10 to 1034 cents. A. W. HUTCHINS, Sec. E. B. T. MMlMsxtefTlMOoalBlBg. The managers of the coal ring are giving, as an excuse for their extor­ tionate policy toward the public, that there is a limited coal output and a Scarcity of cars to get the supply to consumers at distant points. This ex­ cuse for the robbery that they are practicing Is false and absurd, The Basternceal ring, with the Chloago ooal ring linked, own both the mines and the railroad cars that carry coal. ATHENS, Pa.. August 21st, 1887. EDITOR PLAINDEALER In your last j Issue I saw a request for a report of ] the visits of friends, and I was favored with an extremely pleasant visit on the 15th and 16th, by Mrs. J. P. Smith of McHenry, whose familiar face looked good indeed to me. Both she and her little daughter told me many incidents of reoent McHenry life which were of especial interest. This is not the only visitor I bave from McHenry, as the PLAINDEALEB I comes every week with Its newsy chat, and is a most welcome guest. With many thanks for the favor, I am yourt truly. Mas. 8 E. BKUHHVO. Your Children Are constantly exposed to danger from Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup, and diseases peculiar to the throat and lungs. For such ailments, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, promptly adminis­ tered, affords speedy relief and cure. As a remedy for Whooping Cough, with -which many of our children were afflicted, we used, during the past win­ ter, with much satisfaction, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. For this affection, we consider this preparation the most effi­ cacious of all the medicines which have come to our knowledge.--Mary Park- hurst, Preceptress, Home, lor Little Wanderers, Doncaster, Md.' My children have been peculiarly sub- ), and I failed to edv until I com­ menced" administering Ayer's Cherry ject to attacks of Croup, nnd any effective remedj Special Train. OIH WEECo, GEN'L TICKET DBTT, ; , . „ „ CHICAGO, ill., August 22,1887. A S WEIGHT, Esq. Sec McHenry Co Fair, WOC * • • -- .. oodstock, 111. -- , DEABSIR:--In accordance with your Ane ring is largely made up of rail-1 letter of the 19th jnst., and personal |Sf road capitalists sn«i managers. They can put out as much coal as they want to, for their mines are practically in­ exhaustible. They can Carry away from the mines all the ooal that they can put out, for their transportation Mtources are equal lo any demand. If 6Ml It scarce. It is because tliese con- j^irators prefer to keep their mines Aalf Idle, for. If coal is scarce In the fltwkat, It gives them a chance te add ^ dollar a toa In warm weather and fW» or three dollars a ton In cold weather to the price of ooal. In other words, the ring managers fvoduee a "scarcity of ooal. and then •W they have to Increase the price because ooal is scarce. Their excuse la part of the entire system of fraud OStOrtlon on which the business •f the ring It managed.--Chicago Journal Putapt, all kinds. Iron and wood, to Mjta*tfcatS.M.Owen A Sen's. Interview at my office, I have decided to run the special train from Wood-1 stock to Aurora on September 22 and 28, to leave Woodstock at 7 p. M, also i to allow the coaches to run through on those days from Aurora to Woodstock on our regular train. This will obvi­ ate the necessity of passengers chang- l ing cars twice. I hope you will make it k point to advertise this excursion at intermediate stations and make the running of this train a success. Tours truly, W. A. THBALL, Gen, Tkt, Agt. The Secretary desires to publicly acknowledge bis Indebtedness to Hon. I A. J. Hopkins and John M. South- worth, who in this interview, (as stat­ ed above) done much toward securing this train for tbe benefit of the Kane county people, as well as to encourage the people of McHenry oounty In their great fair. A. S. WEIGHT, Sec, TH#celebrated Queen's Reclining Chair Is sold at H. V. Shepard's hard ware. Hammocks are nowhere com pared with these for ease ai m " M Will soon artive, and will be ode of the largest erer brought intot^isjom We shall hav| a full stock of New Underwearto w hich we in­ vite an inspectfiii. ' CLOAKS! A large and well selecteS ttock of tffe most Fashiohable Cloaks, to be found in the market, "will arrive in about Ten Days. Wt Cu Surety Fliasi Yoa In this line. Rubbers, We carry a large warrant all j Our new Fall Stock of above goods has arrived. assortment of s^les, goods stamped f H.. Fargo Ac Co. Prices the lowest considering quility. L. Candee Rubbers, best on earth. Overalls, Shirts, Jackets, Trunks, Valises, Bag-?, etc. CROCKERY, GJLASS WARE* Teas. No. 1 Kockford Flour, $1.05. Bonslett & West McHenry, 111., Au^, 31st, 1887. W Pectoral. This preparation relieves the difficulty of breathing and invariably cures the complaint. -- David G. Starks, Chatham, Columbia Co., N. Y. I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my family for many years, and liave found it especially valuable in Whooping Cough. This medicine allays all irritation, prevents inflammation from «xtending to the lungs, and quickly sub­ dues any tendency to Lung Complaint. --J. B. Wellington, Plainville, Mich. I find no medicine so effective, for Croup and "Whooping Cough, as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It was the means of eaving the life of my little hoy, only six months old, carrying him safely through the worst case of Whooping Cough I ever saw. --Jane Malone, Piney Flats, Tenn. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, McHenry, --DEALER IN SHELF AND J Stoves, Tin, Copper And Sheet-Iron Ware. Come and see our Galvanized Iron Kerosene Tanks, that we make ourselves, that wll hold a barrel. The Church Swivel Hay Carrier, with Tracks, Hangings, Floor Hooks and Pulleys, the best in the market. Oall and see it. imUNl OF STOVES. For both coal and wood, of the best makes, always on hand. Iti short I will keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found in McHenry county. Do not foil to call when in want of anything in my line and see what can be done. I have employed a first class Tinner, and all JUB BIN& AND KMP AIKINCw Will be done on short notice and atlsfaction Guaranteed. A specialty of Butter- Factory work. A share of public patronage respectfully solicited. _ F • W. P. STEVENS, Administrator's Notice. ESTATE ot Margaret Walcn, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Admini Jtratrl xof the estate ofMargarot »Valen deceased, late of the county of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appeal before the county court of Mc­ Henry county, at the Court Iionse in Wood­ stock, at the Nov term on tho first Mon­ day in Nuv. next, at which time all persons having claims against eaid estate are notified and requested to attend for tho purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons in­ debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undorsigned. Dated this 17th day of August, A. D. 1887. ANN SIMON, Administratrix.. 3*rep: Sold ared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. by tdi Druggists, :0wetl,Mass. ice $1; sis bottles, ft. HAVE YOU SEEN IT? Till A1BBICAB Ths Popular New Pap«r YOUNG For MEW ANQ BOYS. Boys write as from everywhere that it is Just the paper they have been looking for. Do you want a paper filled with interesting stories of land and sea; columns of "Tricks of Majjie;" amateur base ball, and interesting mis cellaneous reading? Send and have your names registered for a sample copy. 60 cents a ytsar. Vr rite to-day to HUDSON BROS., I(i * * V ? f tollowini aim to save "the Cash Buyer a reasonable percentage oil every purchase; whether large or small. ' CHANGE H HT WEST McHENRY. Having sold ont their Lumber Yard to tho Wilbur Lumber Companv, will now devote (heir entire attention to the sate of HARD AND SOFT COAL, BRAN, SHORTS, OATS, Lime, Stucco, Etc. And by keeping a fall stock always on hand will, in the future as in the past, do all in their power to please all who may favor them with their patronage. Ptices as Lew as ths Lowest REPORT OP THK C O N D I T I O T t --OF-- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, • : --AT THS-- Close of Business, Aug. 1, 'j * • RESOURCES. Loans and discounts Overdrafts; CJ s. Bonds to secure clrcuYation.. Ouo from approved reserve agents Duo trom ottier National Banks Current expenses and taxes paid.', l/iiev.fcs and other cash items. linis of other banks """ Krc'ijpaper cur. nickels ^'pennies.'* specie Log: 11 tender notes..V.V tted'inpt'n fund with U. S. Treasurer • (o per cent ot circulation...... (164,190 82 2768 30,000 00 41,449 00 10,147 71 795 02 2,548 00 1,470 m 97 64 20,655 00 4,483 00 Total..., ,, , „ , " LIABILITIES. Uapual stock paid,In .. Surplus fund Undivided profits 1.350 00 •276,21328 . 50,000 00 . 30,000 00 1,292 30 All persons knowing them»elve s indebted to m are requested to call and sett le the same Without delay, as our old books must be clos> ed. Delays are dangerous. Smith, Son & Co West McHenry, Aug. »th, 1887. . VTjf."- -DKAJUBB nr- Executor's Notice* ESTATE of nerdinaiStelHng, deceased. The undersiitned having bceo appointed executor of tho last will ami testament of Berdina Stellinp, late of the county of Mc- Hen«*y and State of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that lie will appear before the county court of McHenry county, at the court house In Woodstock, at the Oct. term, on the first Mondiy in 0<'.t. next, at which time all persons having claims against slid es­ tate are notified and requested to attend lor the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested Lo make immediate payment to the under­ signed. >ated this 19th day of July, A. D. 1887. JACOB STOCK, fixecator. FOR SALE. The undersigned oft.»rs for sale • tbe following property: 1 work horse, 1 three year old oolt, 1 sacking colt, 3 cows, coming In early, and 0110 single buggy. Will bo sold reasonable If ap­ plied for soon. Apply on the prem­ ises one mile north-east ot Johnsburg. B-4w Mas. RAVEK. A floe Hoe of bird cages cheap, W. P. Stevens', West Melieory at Examine Goods HUhojp'i. and learn prlee* at Corn, Oats, Rye and Mill Feed. Prices as Low AS THE LOWEST Call f nd get figures before buy­ ing elsewhere. Will guarantee you satisfaction in every particu­ lar. Oon't Pay Anyone To Buy You Food Tor You, Large new Warehouse at the Pickle Factory in West McHenry, Illinois. >v- Disease Cored f ithont Meiick A MARVELOUS INVENTION FOB HEALING THE RICK AND CONQUEB- IAU PAIS. A Tiknllt Mrnmr for supplying flugnetlnt t* tk* ha* r*- aj'fctpm. Electricity ami SJagnetiaiu CtllSnd M Never Before fur Healing (be Slek. We w.iM no -warfare affftinst physicians or the medical fraternity generally. Their sphere of uae- fulnesq is larffe and wo desire to aid them in fur­ nishing auxiliary means for curing the sick. The honent physician occupies a high place in public esteem and deservedly sof too. While our Appli­ ances n re not a panucw for every ill, they are what we claim for them and will afford a speedy cure oft­ entimes after medicines have failed to give relief. GENUINE MAGHETiC APPLIANCES CLASSIFIED, MAGMETIG 'oa?u?aiion. 31 i«t pair by mail. § Send »i?e cf sl-.o* wi irn. Send for cir.ulare. IflifiHKTif WPISTLSTS. for hand paraly-Hl All ilk 11*4 his, 8prain<l wrists, etc. Price 88 porpuir. fieri J njc.'.suru of wrist, tend ft r circular. MAGNETIC ^^^P.forIameand W8ak National Bunk Notes outVtanilitlgV. 27*00000 deiwjeHs subject to check 166,996 48 Ooui^nd Certificates of deposit 924M Aotal |27«,8liii il'ATE OP ILLINOIS, I * County of McHenry. r" I, John J. Murphy, Cash tar ot the ahitif named bank, do solemnly swear t ha tthe aboVe TiZfief!*true t0 the be8t ot Q * . ^ « J O H N J . M U R P H Y , Cashier. 4a " of lug 1887 8WOrn b6f0re me 'his tth E. A. MURPHT, WM. H. STEWAR®, JOHN J. MURPHY, Director* Money to Loan On Real Estate, in sums of $500 to $10,000. Time and payments to suit borrower. JOHN J. MUBPHY. of ankle. ic> §2 fact), ftendilsa Send fur eiieulut HlliHETie! SLESPIUC CAP ror nerroam Rlflllilt. IIM hnadnrho, neuralgia, sleepless­ness, CRt&rrh., etc. I'lice 92 by mail, genu tor circular. MAGNETIC hip disease etc. l'rico 96. Bend else of vrsdut and leg at hip. Send for circulars. OFFICE CAP for gentlemen KINQIIEIIW troubled vdtli nervous headache, neuralgia or catarrh, will tjivc relief immediately. Price 96 each. ti.auS BJ70 of bat wore. Send for circulars. M*aNETlo^E5,9*o':r,r.brrr,,rr.!s reduce the swelling and restore to natural sice Immediately. l'rico S2 each by mail. Snail sire of knee. Sendforcireulurs, MAGNETIC SAM58. 8»S lungfs. They jnevent and cure cold, rheumatism, neural (fin. pneumonia, throat troubles and ca­ tarrh. Price Send for circulars vitb momlals. MAGNETIC ™R&AJt benefit to eloeutionlsts, public speakers and oingr- ere. They atreiiKthen the vocal cords and prevent hoarseness. Send for circular. Price SI each by mail. Send size of neck. IlifiHFYM! LtCC'NS for gotit, rhenm^ mnanc I lU tiMn. l!U).e legs, fever sores and •arlcose veins. These legprins have acquired *ini' vorsal praise for their i^iedi^al qualities, and for the ease v. ith v. hicb tliey are worn. Price 83 each by mail. Send size of, h-g uxound ca'f and uilrle. Bend for circular. MAGNETIC •ation, kidney ana liver trouble. Quickly removes _>ackachoa poouliArto ladies, and imparts vender fuhvigor to the wholo body. Persons of sedentary habits and impaired nefvous power will-find them a valuable companion. Prioo $2 ftech by maM post­ paid Send for.cin^ilars. KIDNEY BELTS for Senile-. _ in :n v;i\) pu>iiiwly cuivtiiotr.i- lowinff diseases without modirine: Pain in tho back, head or limbs, nervous* debility, lumbago, general debility, rheumaf i^m,paralysis.nearalpia, sciatica, diHoasos of the kidneys, t<-rpid liver, Bem- inal emiysiona, impoteney, heart disease, dyspep- ela. Indigestion, hernia or rupture, pHes, f*to. .Con­ sultation frco. Price of Pelt, with Magnetic In­ soles, 310. Send measure of ftnd iJixe of RBW worn* Send for circulars. MAGNETIC rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous exhaustion,dys* I pepsla or with diseristsof the liver, fctdneys, head- E ache or cold feet, lamo back, fnllinir r>f tbe womb, leucorrha'a, chronic inflammation of the womb,"" LOCKE'S ON EARTH> MAGNETIC these complaints. They carry a powerful mair- nctic force to t ho sent, ui tho disease. I'rie" of Helt with Magnetic Foot Dniteries, SI'.'. Sent l;y express O. O.D.. and examination allowrt, or by mail on receipt of price. In ordering, need measure ot waiat andbiz " andmze of fthoe. MAGNETIC mm*, ohronjc^ rhrumati:-;m, K"Ut, lemli igo OR CORSETS d gentlemun cure . ̂ , paralysis, bronchitis, lung tii^easo, and other complaints, which baffle the skill of our bebt physieians: Price sao each with ins >le. hentl nit isuie uf ohestor bust and waist. I'ersons livirig at a .distance who can not eonsult us in person uhould jclve a clear statement of their difficulties by letter, and we willdcsignate tho kind of Appliances required In each the 1 to rlt'e< . - - lit! your addrecs for "New Departure in Medical Tre. : "" out Medicine," with thousands of testimonials, eatment Wltb- The Magnetic Ciarments are adapted to all a: are worn over the underclothes (not next to the body like the many galvanic and electric humbujJB advertised RO extensively) and should be taken oS at night. They hold their power forever and Worn at all seasons of the year. IWOrlcer direct through your Druesrist, Physician, General Store Dealer, orthro'igh tl»e publis>i«r of Uik paper. THE MAGNETIC APPLIANCE CO, 184 IKearhors St., OUWM Mi BILE BEANS! What a fanny name for a medicine! Nevertheless it is very significant as applied to the article. Bile, according to Webster, is " a yel­ lowish bitter, viscid nausceons fluid, secreted by the liver."' Whenever the liver does not act properly this fluid is retained in the blood and poisons the whole system, and sallowness and misery is the result. SMITH'S BILE BEANS is a sure cure for biliousness and liver iumpiaint. Price, 25 cents jper bottle. Ditto Cakes, Cookies, pies, Candies, et& For the past six weeks we have been tap lMisy to write an advertisement, bat tbult yoa all the same for not gfving us even time to eat and sleep, and have now only time to say we are "STILL ON DECK" And extend a coidial Invitation to«|ltt#m may visit McHenry on : - ' •: • ^ /A- ** ^: Or other,-to give as i M, headquarters for #• Hot Coffee, Sandwiches^ Ice Cream, Confectforiery, And everything that is nice and good U» eat. One nnd all give us a oall, at Lockes Homo Bakery, Howe's Block, near the Iron Bridge, :ind close by tbe Public Square. We bid yoa welcome and will treat you Well. A. C. LOCKE, BAKER AND CONFECTIONER. I Obtained, mid all I'A LEST BLSiSEOS at­ tended to for MODERATE FEES Our office is opposite the 1' s. 1'iiteiit <Mlleo. and we can ob­ tain Patents in less time than those remote from M'AS111AV;7'OiV. Send HODEI,. Jilt.I H7.VO or PHOTO of invention. We advise as to patent­ ability free of clinnje nnd we make AO CliARQK UNLESS PA TEXT IS SEW RED. For circular, advice, terms and references to actual clients in your own State, County, City or Towu, write to i' C . A . S N O W a C O Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. Q WAUCONDA. 111.. Sept. 6,188*. C. Dickinson A Son, Barringt̂ n, 111 Gentlemen.--I And your BuMlao Liniment the best medicine I erer used. I am on the road most all the time and always carry a Dottle of y«nr liniment with me. I use it for bruise", pain in tbe stomach and bowels, dlar< rhoea and cholera Morbus; one dose al­ ways cures me. I use It also for my horses. N. B. DcKRft. Smeke Bvanson's Mole. Drink Bcaliy's Ale and be hMlthf and happy ' ' " \* If-':

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