Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Sep 1887, p. 8

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»ing (Mid . Bowser shut the vote* down lo LlffidftUd: let's start out right, feelings of that poor Mi." n as good as we are, and put on any airs over her. it at the table with us, and i'any time from her work you m her how to sing and play •Vy' " it quite agree with yon, Mr. ^wr^Oh, you can'tP Woman's mortal - is woman. Well, I'm going out ivo a little talk with Eliza and I her frhat I'm willing to do." •'<> ' listened at die kitchen door. Mr. is no man to beat about the bash. He went right at the business f s Id hand by saying: |;'m Xt "Eliea, nobility does not consist in L; ' riches." p , ' S h e s l i d a w a y f r o m h i m t o w a r d t h e fe" j sink. . "You are not to blame for being in your present position. How would >\P' you Uke to take singing lessons?" JK ̂ She lookad at him with an open |annt|i, . 6 l, "And learn to play the piano?" ^ 1 v She opened her mouth still wider. |C *. "Ana. perhaps, learn how to sketch ®yy*' and pafai^" 81m seised a pail of water la the X-rink and whirled on him with: ^ "Ton infernal cross-eyed old repro- §;V£ bate, to talk to an innocent girl in that iff fashion! Get out of mv kitchen or Til SfcJ drown you in a minute!" When we sat down to supper I a§5 wondered why Eliza hadn't put on a ' plate for herself, and I asked Mr. p; :Bowser when I should begin her piano lessons. » „ "Mrs. Bowser, have you lost the little sense yon possessed two or three jjL, months agor* he hot Detroit Free Press. hotly excl&imed.- Socrates. ' Th# victims of religious persecution have been so many since his day, and we are so well accustomed to the deaths of courageous men in support of a religion, that we are apt to un­ dervalue the greatness of the first heathen philosopher who sealed his evidence to the cause of goodness with his blood, and this is the more to be lamented because there has probably been no more consistent life and deatn recorded in the pages of profane his­ tory, with the exception, perhaps, of the life and death of our own country­ man, Sir Thomas More. Socrates, like Sir Thomas More, might have escaped the extreme penalty of death had ne been willing to plead guilty. In a large jury of nearly six hundred persons, a majority of five votes only found a verdict against him, and had he appealed for mercy there is no doubt that it would have been granted, but to appeal for mercy would have been to admit guilt, and to admit guilt would have been to discredit that divine commission--to better his coun­ trymen--which he believed himself to have received. Further, he had always declared that death was in itself no evil; to live unjustly was evil; to suffer unjustly was a small misfortune in comparison with doing unjust acts; and so he submitted to his sentence with a dignified cheerfulness which, as described by his friend and disciple, 1 Plato, has been the object of the ven­ eration of all the centuries of learned aadgood men who have since been |ti£viieged with the contemplation of his great example. --MacmiUaris Maga- wfme. ';C5< ' ft ^VI tow-m ii- SUCCESSORS TCI > tfi1- i f f ' i t,4\' t ,r Are just receiving their new Fall stock of I . '% • S W ' " ' : * . Call on them and you will find good goods in every department, omjo^kof . .. , _ .J a* Are manufactured by Selz d^Schwab, the largest manufacturers of Boots and Shoes in the United States, and for good fitting, good wearing goods hare no superior. In our line of t-,* w . ft. .. i mmrnm ^ - * ** , x _ * r « * ^ * r»>I i •>'* *' - *4,* *<" ' :• *{ Tf ifrtfe fiJuBu Jp wiuplewj |Eil6iy ( Mill Goods. In ?*¥&• 4 ' i, ' Sf*l . f'fyf «*>• t: >. >.1 ,< : . w - thebert malcea of the ioA^nilmd St. Joseph Mills. \ v_k- J il •la- No wonder that there is a mild pro­ test against the dialect story when The Richmond States has to explain that the title of Mr. Thomas Nelson Page's last Virginia negro story, "No Haid Pawn," means "a pond without a head." 'X/ Miss Fortescue made a rather con- !?;., spicuous failure in this country, both artisticaUy and financially, and she M - purposes a terrible revenge by pub- Ci'; Iriucs book on the United States* T« the Farmers of McHenry County and Vicinity: I am now prepared to show a new and clean assortment of Agricultural Implements second to none in the county and at prices that I am confident will pay you to investigate before mak 1 .̂ Habits at Bharka. ' " f . O f t h e l a r g e s h a r k s o n e o f t h e c o m > B&onest is the fox shark, or thrasher. fc ̂ Bisfowd on the British and on the S»~% " Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts, as also on the coasts of California and - Zealand. The thrasher reaches a of fifteen feet, of which the takes more than one-half, and is quite harmless to man. It follows the Moils of herrings, pilchards, and sprats {& their migrations, destroying incredible numbers. Its method of attack gives it its name, as in feeding it uses the long tail for splashing the •nrface of the water, while it swims in gradually decreasing circles around a shoal of fishes which are thus kept so crowded together as to fall an easy prey to their enemy. Gunther does not credit the state ment that it has been seen to attack whales and other large cetaceans, and thinks they rest upon erroneous ob­ servation. The basking shark Is the largest of the north Atlantic sharks, growing to a length of more than thirty feet On the west coast of Ireland it is chased for the oil, which is extracted from the liver, one fish yielding from a ton to a ton and a half. It derives its name from the fact that many specimens may be seen in calm weather lying together motionless, with the upper part of the back raised above the sur­ face of the water. Where Are Those Girls Now? v- Twenty nice-looking young ladies in a Massachusetts town, a little more than three years ago, looked about them and Baw there were many spin­ sters in that portion of the country. They bethought them of a scheme. They formed themselves into a society Mid adopted % constitution, declaring that marriage is a humbug, that the Wedding-ring is a fetter, and that men a nuisance. They pledged them­ selves very solemnly that they would ttever marry Time passed. Those girls immediately came into good de- They were forbidden fruit, as Itwors. How the boys did long for To-day the society exists no , It has been deader than Cleo- , fy- almost two years. Eleven of fJreis AftT6 husbands and babies* • have husbands and no ' , ftmm 1 Wanamaker of Phila- " laities $600,000 insurance ou S. B. Stetson $516,000, and Diss ton #600,000. 'flS'liS all kinds. Iron and wood, at toy length aft B*M.Owea 6 Sen's. shoft our expaiien^ in business has taught us which goods are best for us to handle. We have proved all brands and have aimed to hold fast to^hose which are best. We ask you to call and look our stock over. iPe give you the worth of every dollar you leave with us, | ,-Wff.J- ;i/5 M. • ' >tii -s --«• 1 >... *«• * *'•••« i i- <if$: % *S" T5' m.W j tejtow.^-^ §feeyens & Miller ̂ WEST MoHENRT, ILLINO10. RICHARD BISHOP. DJCALERJIK ALL KINDS OFf • lit' : ? • '{" •' ~ " vim. • 4iiir«ov iMiTii)g"tl^ir • • « ** To which they public. Opr stock of pectfully invite the attention of the buying - * .fJi,-' , ,t t, 1 ** * ** ^4 GENERAL MERCHANDISE how offering all th^ir •y-in*', .r. 'mm. <-L. Has been boughi in larger quantities than ever. We cordially Invite the public to call and examine goods and compare pricejf.. Every purchaser has the advantage of finding here. . \ . id .1 « m -- ---- 4<*,? • * » i,|n 1 -• - « y LARGE STOCK Clothing, A ^3. i- For Men, Youths and Children, plete line oi the latest in ^ a well selected and 00m- GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS* HATS AND CAPS, '•&!}: 'St! A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for t h e b e s t m a n u f a c t u r e r s ^ , , ; M , > t v r t f } :«|8.fiNew Goods Every Week. <m s'*4s A full line of choice Familj Groceries. Come and see ut, ALTHOFF lrom •** ' V»- .f iw ^ 'iu ->>4 ut - t (Suocessors to Smith* Son A Co.l j 1- Near tit© JLfepot, % ^ West McHenry, Illinois ̂ ' Having ^purchased the Lumber Yard and stock of Lumber of} Smith. Son & (Jo., West McHenry 111., and replenished the same with FULL STOCK OF LUMBER Of all kinds, we are now pre­ pared to offer to the public, the best quality of Lumber at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. 'iiitrl We shall keep our stock complete at all times and spare no pains to accommodate all who may favor us with their patronage. Our yard at this^ place will be under tne charge of Charles H. Granger, who will be ready at all times to make you prices on large or small lots 'Call and see us. WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY* West McHenry, Hl., Atig. 8th, 1887. MMtMS-.CO \ I'J Has recently put tn a fall new stock i( S H E L F A N D ^C 0 H N m^c ?r0v^ Which he will tell at such prices as* ill make it an object for every person, when In XoHenry, to call If In wantof any G<mn1s in his iine^y uij* ,f f A ITILL LOT W SIOVIS. At Reduced Prices. Look out tor Big Bargains in that line their store for the next Ten Days. «'» 7J?W'vl " * «F'< ,v'i t-yi »4)i •»>;*•••.• ;:;t • i' '<:J - ">vv( .y:.\ Wt to'st 'Vi.itjiii, it1 mi. |t:' M •' Will soon ariive, and will be one of the largest ever brought into this tows. , j 4T '.'^V 1 f , ' a ; , . ,* ,V ' T •vf, Y tmi a full •Uok'o# Ke* trna«\fear, to'whkk w« vite an inspection. ; V r OLO AKS'l^Sot d'AKSPf ^ . • - ' t - . A large and well selected stock of the most Fashionable Cloaks, to be found in the market, will arrive in about Ten Days, , ^ '•t. t .1 * 1 '••f K «*, > -.v }' -V- . ; ' ri, 4 ' » '-HSf, Wi €tn Sni»Iy Pl»Mt T«u is tUa U&t , Shoes, Rubbers, s.jti;;'! •.'.ufi yv ".s- redi We carrya large , and fully warrant tul M •i 0«(r new ^all Stock of abbve goods haffVYttved assortment ofi^tyles, sizes, grades and widths goods stamped .. .-:-V ^ i - ; ' - . ' i ' , t t - 0 * \ « 4 T , » « v •«w. T Jtail'+Tl t • :«i»f 'y Prices the lowest considering quility. L. Candee Rubbers, best on earth, gveratti, Shirte, «tecJtet8R mi^^flises, Bag^, etot ; • . « -vi CROCKERY* GLASSWARE, Choicest 1887 Teat^' 2to. 1 Rockford Flour, $1.05, "fkk\ Bonslett & r'vv. 4 - .1 v * m j w 'Ci n ( 't : West McHenry, 111., Aug, 31st, 188? 't'i.A ' tjr.t A full . u ! ; K • r* • . '-in.*, K< '4n 1 1 4 1 > ¥ * - " ' * l l < " ^ ; -x v { - .«-> i lin- • v J i'y t [ lo ' r . '<'4* w ^ 1 i>< 1" if • V 1 'Vv>' oes m town, and can give the best fit, best wearing goods and • • 't y >W}r *, •fFor bothOo&l end Wood, of the best ms^es, always on If you want to own the best, behold it here, finely finished, I B B1 .N (|f;A N D R E^P AI RIN , unex- ishop before proportioned, light running, durable, superior quality celled. Do you want a wagon? If so examine the Bishop TIE BOSS 6UITT1 And LITTLE GIANT Patent Safety Fly Wheel Cutters, fori Ensilage and Dry Fodder. It leaves the cut feed free lrom grit and dirt, and in better condition than any other Cutters. They are paiticularly noted for their Strength, Capacity and Durability. | A cheap made Fodder Cutter is poor property. It is laid away to I ItoU^NgCiittMrjpiilj»jf fiwitadt.!#* «hort| Promptly at tended to. A. share ef Public patronage respectfully solicited. JVStore opposite Bishop's Mill, McHenry* June tttb» 1887, H. V. 8HEPARD. «k ' - 1 v ... _ f^SPOne Boor West of ii&e Riverside House,. R. BISHOP; SEALER IN , * • A9 v ' v TO CURE * RHEUMATISM This remedy hu » apeciflo action npon the " mi-- -- *- " " the th* tedy, mpplftoc moisture to the Uwim •WfMlM the jofnU ainwfd by th* diataM. •R" arfMNM Uaba remain after a em* by ttis speeiflo. A trial of a single bottle will convince the moft »eepyqathat we hare not told bait iu vtr- per botUe. For sale by aU enMista. Maoefaotared only by • • LINWY MEblCINE CO., ̂ CHKNOA. ILUNOia. m H; FISH, Practical Fainter aii Decorator, , ILL. #v 'Decorating, Paper-Hanging, CALCIMININQ, Q&AININQ. «( Dane on short notice and satisfoction gnsras. I .teed. Gall en er address, H. FISH, Hebron. IlL, Mar *M, VK. GASrANS Ml v >- I'" ' !•' fir"* -'t Also the Celebrated Garland Stoves Gasolene and Oil Stoves and Ranges. jMftdiii short, everything in the ^ ^ Stove and Tin Line. 'il-t Beflley'i Famous Wankegasp i] Ale and Porter On draught al J. Bonslett'l, A* j glen*s and John Heimer's. ft' '• •>:' ^tended To. IOHN I McHenry, HI., May_18th, 188? <i ;./• fef.Mi sets in Dr. pchiJ ling'# celebratei Health : Preserving and Short Hipp Dr. Warner's Coraline, and several others. A full stock of Dress Goods and Trimmings, also Buttons and RiUW- . - ,i- -1.. •• >*h A good stook of th. lite* rtyl«.°f ^ ̂ 1 in /r«,v, -i "*k\ '! ' y> W. mmm ALWAYS . . ' "•* ' ' :A Full Stock and Frioes Doi*|, ^ PERRY 4 8WCN.

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