Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Sep 1887, p. 4

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XMfttor. Mar be fbnnd on file at GEO. P. fewspaper Advertising •ett where advertising EW YORK. Hie democratic exchange exag- kylfeg tbafRebt. T. Lincoln luw o® Mp«Uttoa except bis father's to nnoiui Presidential candidate b«k suppose secb was the case t The Mflgo 0t 1884 wi to eased the ano- WMfot run of a man who net only locked that negative capita), bat who tad no reputation of his own, ft MT*Uncle Dick*' Oglesby hits di­ rect from the shoulder. As he was entering the cars after his speech at Indaili the other day, a pick pocket endeavored to relieve him of his cash When the governor turned with a blew that seat him a spinning. State Audi­ tor fiwigert, who was Just behind . grasped the thief bj the coat but he wiggled oat of It and was glad to get nwayevsn without bis coat. Pick- fMokets will shy clear of the governor til the/fotare.--Aurora Beacon, MTA. J, Hopkins, Member of Con­ gress, It one ot the men who improve Upon acquaintance. No picnic or re­ union in his district Is complete with- •at bin. and he never slops over. With Ms extensive law practice on his tande and carefully attended to, he inds time to go and talk to his con­ stituents. whenever called apou to do •Offtnd always seems to say the right thing In the right place. His thorough Mqiaalatanoe with the people, gained by sack frequent meetings with them, makes him really their representative, and they seem to trust him more, the More thoroughly they become dftquain- ted with h 1 m.- -Sandwitch Free iVeu. Win bis opening speech Mr. Powell, Democratic candidate for Governor of Ohio, in speaking of the "rebel flag order," said: "The Presi­ dent Immediately reclnded the order, Which ho had thus been hastily led to make. That order of reclsion bad the indorsement of our party at Cleveland and now has the approval of your can­ didate," Bat Mr. Powell should have remembered that It was not Myour candidate* that influenced the Presi­ dent to "recind the order," but one , Vsnksr, who happens to be the other fellows candidate. Powell gaye him away badly. Unless be does tatter there will not be a grease spot •f bim left in November. County fair will you ready? We hopeao. Nothing has been left undone by the manage­ ment whloh would prevent the Fair of 1887 being far superior to all others. We pride ourselves on the program presented aud fully believe it will re­ ceive the hearty endorsement ol all who attend. For eight months we have labored unceasingly In the work of jaakiBig tlto S&th, Aoiaaal imposi­ tion a great credit to the people of McHenry county. Will you give it your sanction by attending it. and assist In part towards making op for the two past years, whloh were so roiny ? The Fair is as much yours as anyone else. You have been Kreatly benefitted by it and still wll} be. You may think the season has not been as prosperous as it ought to have bee In other words you may feel poor. Ye1 it is not neoessary to dwell upon It. You'have a long winter before you; you have been tied up at home all summer; you need a change; and no such place affords such excellent op­ portunities to brighten life as the Pair. You will see thousands of ex­ hibits which will encourage you for the coming year. You will see and hear great men (and do not let your children miss this part) as th% attend- ancc of publlo men (will be larger this year than ever before and men who stand foremost in the Nation. (See list this week). It requires work to bring tbem here, hence we are anxious to give them a grand reception. Will you disappoint as? The McHenry Qounty Fair stands to-day foremost among the Autumnal Expositions. To keep up with Its progress it i9 neces­ sary to have more accomodation! to meet the large exhibits which are sure to come. Your attendance this year will bring this. Furthermore, we are entitled to it. fox two years past bad weather prevailed, which cut our re­ ceipts largely. Many thousands ol people were prevented from coming, who can make it up this year. You all know these are facts, and we sincerely hope yoa will not disappoint us. A. S. WRIGHT, Secretary. l aid an the very beet la Ohio***, writ varf prominent. The OhairflMMi aa 4ra£ej»!tTtteo, Maj Jack Barau la the registrar of the railroad and ware­ house commission; be informed the writer there would be about three car-loads. We are confident, with good weather, Sept 22 and 28, wl)l be days which those who attend will nev­ er forget. That has been oar object In seeurlng the great array of public men here. It will climax all others, be- sitw ft o'litnnc of seeing them. Now do your small part by being present, and give them a royal welcome. A. S. WRIGHT, Sec. You can make your entries now by sending them to the Secretary. Be generous with them. Membership tickets now-on sale at the Secretary's office. A. S. WRIGHT, Sec. V^: .. 1 Ut • l> *HE FAIR TIOKHTS. Providence permitting, tt& edtolng Fair of tbe McHenry County Agricul­ tural Board will excel all others. Far the Information of those who jnay at­ tend, I publish the following list of LIFE MEMBERS. Privileges of Sept. 24, 1872.--Said Board adopted the following: Re­ solved, That any person may become a life member of said Board upon pay­ ment of f20 into the treasury thereof, which shall entitle such life member, wife and children under age to admis­ sion to all agricultural Fairs held by this Board, and to all beneftts granted to annual members of said Board. ••• Those named below availed them­ selves of the said resolution, tnose marked * being deceased: MbHENHY., * v-"' - * .•••! t r r - ' k < = • ; I L L I N O T S . <m, 1 ( "-ti#- » *i «*»*»» " * ' A \ " T'iui'. . 7i .i* 'V. it5, V. r,l .'-rut "S afld ^inter Stock Now fiL A.O inspection of same earnestly solicited. We aim to carry the mosf complete line of Children's Boj-'s and Men's Clothing in the market, in Suits and Overcoats. Also a fine line ol odd Pants and Reeff rs und Vests tajaMfiii* Styleslatest» ftiialit# feliabJie ftnd .r ,a.„-o \ s >r '• -m ;. ?'"s >.'^'•'1 ':*3 ;• 1 . 1 } • 'J* «• 'it tti 1 • ,,{$1 *'lii mm OTP 4f iii -ut.r. .|--V MW ' ' i i . , , 1ii*f •sm ••just OaT> f *4?- \J prices the lowest. 41 Huffman, Wo H 42 *Hunt, Geo W 4S Huntley, ThosS 44 Irwin, Ghaa E 45 Joalyn, M L 46 Keller. Henry 47 Lindsey, Thos 48 McOonnell, A B 49 McOonnell, Geo M 60 Mead, A B 51 Mead, H W 53 Medlar J S 53 Murphy^ John J 64 Murphy, T D 55 Owen, E M 06 Parker, J F 57 Pareone,CO 58 Pardons, Lorenzo MT>The grand lateraatlonal milita­ ry encampment will commence Octo­ ber 1st la Chicago. Soma of tbe most Mted military companies have given ipttfla that they will be present. The pastaal feature of the entertainment Will be very Important. A thousand aiasldaas will be present, wbose ablli ty Is above tba average. There will be live grand concerts, In which aattoaal airs will be performed, with artillery fired with electricity from the directors' stand. The anvil chorus Verdi's *11 Trovatore," will be per­ formed with the aid of fifty anvils and oae hundred hammers; also Yankee Poodto. with artillery and Oatling gen alkcta. The thousand musician's will be subdivided Into four divisions, each one a complete band In Iteelf, under the eorcrol of a sub-director whose pasition will be stich as to give them • dear view e( the priacipal director. fl^The Dakota Bell says: What a / day August 8 was. A Georgia colored woman who ha<! been dead ten days '• aame to Ufa, a wild man with **hair •Muring over Ave feetn was captured la Illinois, aaatber meteor weighing two tons fell with a hissing sound Is Qaargla, a man In Kansas was, struck by lightning while swearing, a current •f air was struck in a Texas well which blows like a whale, they had a •bawar af fish In New Hampshire, It was so dark trom noon till two o'clock In a Wlsoensin town that people had to light their lamps and a murderer was hong by tbe regularly authorized authorities In Kentucky. According to the dispatches August 9 lays over tha fourth of July. But the belief Is constantly gaining ground tbat all the professional liars in the country were holding a convention somewhere that day aad submitting samples for soma •art af prize. rFrlends of the McHenry Coanty Fair, Secretary Wright and the press of McHenry County, have so well ap­ prised our people of our Fair soon to take place, (20th Inst), that no extend­ ed paper is needed from me. Every indication augurs an unusually large attendance from home and abroad. Tbe Northwesteran railroad gives us reduced rates and runs an excursion train from Aurora. I know this has been a discouraging season for farmers, the unprecedented drouth has short­ ened our crops and made less inviting the condition of our stock, yet. 1 trust, the native grit of our stockmen will not desert them, and that they will bring the best they* have to the Fair, as they always have done. Nature Is again clothed in spring like beauty, pastures are again green. Bye. for fall feed, la being extensively sown; tbe corn crop is being all saved in shock and silo; all kinds of straw Is being cared for; our people are again hopeful and cheerful, and all are coming to the Fair, to see and be seen, and thus spread the fame of our noble county and do themselves good. The ladies of Woodstock, assisted by tbe ladies from all over the county, will doubtless fill to overflowing Floral Hall. It baa been the pride of our people for years and the ladles need no urging to keep up and increass its Interest. Let all come; we have variety enough for all. Oar half mile track is now the nicest in tbe county, and will be so managed as to give no offense. Orevensteen will provide for tbe Inner man. 8porta that are harmless will help make variety. Distinguished men from all parts of the country can be seen and listened to. 1 would urge all to make entries early. It saves con­ fusion and makes a more satisfactory display. Give as a good show In vegetables and frultss as possible Andrew Bourne, your long tried su­ perintendent, will nicely arrange them. Let our County schools fill the Youth's Department with their work. Wo need the |belp, not' only of the farmer and his wife 4hd family, but the business men, tbe professional men. the saientlfic men and the mechanics, In short let all come, from town and hamlet, and thus sustain our almost National reputation. THOS. Mcp. BICHABDS, Pres. Bap. 6 1887. 09 Quintan, Jerry 60 Bichards, T McD 61 *Bussellt Geo W 62 Seward, £ W 63 Sheldon, Lyman W 64 Slocum, Irs 65 Smith, Asa W 66 Snowden, John 67 Southwortb, GS 68 Sten art, A S 69 Stewart. John 70 •Stewart. K W 71 Stewart, W H ^ 72 Turner, O L " / 78 Toles, Job : 74 Vail, AH 75 Webber, ON 76 * Wheat, John S 77 Wood, J A 78 Woodard, Loren 79 Wray, Richard 80_Whitney, Peter furnished upon applica- 1 Abbott, Geori 2 And«ra«n, A 3 Anderson, Joseph 4 Archdeacon, wm 5 Ashton, T H : 6 Austin, W B Ayer, E E Backus, Lyman 9 * Badger, a. 10 Benton, RtG 11 Blgelow, T 12 Boies, W JL 13 Brass, O If . 14 Buck, Elijah 15 Colby, N H It; Church, Mae ]7 Clow, Caj»t D 18 Cole, Frank 19 Cook, T M •20 Cooney, R D- 21 Crosby, B jf >; Crow, James •23 Crow, Willie J 24 Dacy, T J •25 Davis, DrLH •>; Dole, C S •27 Earing, Geo •28 Ellsworth, W W 29 Ercanbrack, W S 30 Felt, Elam :5l Forrest, Robert 32 Garrison, J H 33 *Gn.tes, S IS 34 Glass, Lyman 35 Hamilton, W 3ti Hanly, A Q 37 Hatch, Lewla 38 Hickox, Mark 39 Hildretb, Oscar 40 Hill, Wm 81 Wright, Bu rton Each life member will be with a perpetual ticket tion to treasurer. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP TICKETS. price fl, will be sold, eutitling a man to admission to the grounds each day and to entries for premiums. These tickets are not transferable and will be taken up if presented. YOUTHS' EXHIBITION TICKETS, price 50 cents, entitle persons under 19 years of age to make entries in the youths' department and to admittance during the Fair. They are not trans­ ferable, and will also be taken up ii preeented. « , MEAL TICKETS. Dinner,40cents;supper and break­ fast, 30 cents each. AMPHITHEATRE TICKETS. entitling to one admission thereto, 15 cents, DOUBLE CARRIAGE TICKETS, admitting team and carriage fyary day, 91.50; one day, 75 cents. " QUARTER STRETCH TICKETS, admitting one each day, 25 eents. SINGLE CARRIAGE TICKETS, admitting horse and buggy every day, fl; one day, 50 cents. HORSE AND RIDEB TICKETS, admitting horse and rider one day 50 cents. SINGLE ADMISSION TICKETS, entitling holder to one admission 35 oents. CHILDREN'S TICKETS. admitting child over 6 years and under 12 years, to one admission, 10 cents Wednesday, no charge under 16 years For two years the weather has been against the society, and a great many have been prevented from attending Let all come this season and make up what has been lest in the past. The Fair stands at the headend many new improvements are needed to keep up with its progress. £, O. JEWETT, Treasurer. Fmo, Assistant Treaeasetf. B00TS ': AND SHOES. An immen&e stock . We continue to sell the celebrated Forbush & Brown Buffalo Boots and can recommend them with the utmost confidence, to parties wanting the very best and most serviceable oods made. In medium priced footwear we offer a full line of iedpath's manufacture, which are giving very general satisfaction. We also have a very "complete line of Johu Fotter's justly celebrat­ ed Beloit Fine Shoes, which for style, finish and excellent wearing ualities are not excelled by anv shoe in America. We take great pleasure in calling attention to o^r a. which can be found the most attractive line of Dress Goods we lave ever shown* and believe it will be for your interest to examine them before making your Fall purchases. In U N D 1 R W E A m , , _ 'k ' :z&: Our Grocery Department is always full of choice and reliable Goods, which will at all times be pold at bed rock prices. Every department is now well filled wilh seasonable goods which are offered at as low prices as is consistent with honorable dealing. hankful for past favors, we shall at all tim'es endeavor to conduct our business in a manner to retain for us your valued patronage and ifrfU -t • HENRY COLBY. Reception. There will be a reception at the res­ idence of Hon. John J. Murphy honor of A. E. Stevenson and Samuel Randall, Thursday evening, Sept* 33, from 8 to 11. All are invited. A. S. WRIGHT, Sec. 'A Washing ten correspondent uThat there Is an out-and-out rnV«ure between the administration aad mugwumps, is no longer a iehata* ble question, and it is well understood that the Democratic leaders are re­ joicing over the fact. That the mug wumps have preyed a serious incubus ts no doubt true, and that they elected Mr. Cleveland is equally trus, and that they aught to have known that such aa uaaatural alliance would prove of afcert duration Is the synonym of truth mugwumps ae a political . Jiietar have no further existence, tbe moet emphatically "played out" skeleton of an organization that ever jlkM political recognition. From now they will cut no figure in the dem* Mmll« party manipulations, they are #ut, aad the door is closed against them. Tbe democratic leaders have id ever from the Prohibition 1 • flirt, and the love making going on Is extremely ridiculous. c«f nodest maiden Temperance modern democracy. The lava actually Jubilant over of a seemingly serious batetfffhieh In the end will tbe mugwumps, be- deeertion." Yea, it ia True. Never In the memory of man, woman or ebild will there be so many frominent men together as will be on 'hursday and Friday, Sept. 22 and 23, at the great McHenry County Fair. On Thursday, Sept. 22, Hon. Samuel J. Randall, Gen. A. £. Stevenson. As­ sistant Postmaster General. Hen. E. B. Washburn, Whig Ewlng. U. S. Dlst. Atty., U. S. Marshall Marsh, A. F. Seeberger, Collector of CuBtoms. H. A. Hurlburt, receiver Chicago Timet. Hon. W. H. Springer, M. C., Hon, Frank Lawler, M. C. Hon. E. M. Haines, Alfred Orendorfi, Springfield, Hon. P. A. Hoyne, Hon A J Hopkins, A F Ewlng, Harry Donnovau, Andy Welch, James Herrington, aad a large delegation from the great Iroquois Club, of Chicago, besides a great many others who have written they would be here if possible. Friday, Sept. 23, Senator C. B. Far- well, Hon Lewis Payson, M C, Pontiac, Hon J C Cameron, M C, Danville, Hon T J Henderson, M C Princeton, Gen P S Post, M C. Galesburg. Hon Wm E Mason, M C, Chicago, Hon A J Hop­ kins, M C. Aurora, Hon Jonathan Row- ell, M C, Bloomington, Hon L B Cas­ well, M C, Ft Atkinson. Wis, Hon Jas A Connelly, Springfield, Hon John Flfer, Bleomlngton, Hon John A Roche, Mayor of Chioago. Gen John A Rinaker, Cantonville, Gen James Mar- Martin, Salem. Hon Isaac Clemments. Carbendale, Long Jones, Sheriff Mat- son, and P G Treasurer Geo R Davis, of Chicago, Veteran Union League Club of Chicago, Hon H D Dement, Hon Charles Swigert, Hon John Tan ner, Geo Clark E Carr, Galesburgh, Speaker Calhoun, Clinton, Gen Been, Chicago, Gen Chellaln, Chicago. The guests will arrive here at 11 Cheap Ratea to Chicago A Return The Chicago & North-Western Rail way Co. will sell cheap excursion tick ets to Chioago and Return during September and October, on account of%the Chicago Exposition, which will continue from September 7th, to Octo ber 22d, and for the International Military Eencampment. beginning Oc­ tober 20th. For Information relative to date* when tickets will be sold rates, etc., apply to agents Chicago 4 North-Western Railway. 8-5 w. ELGIN DAIRY MARKET. carload of Boots, Shoes Rubber Goods at Cash Bot| torn Prices, and knowing well the fact that there has been a great drouth all over McHenry County, we shall sell these goods so lc^ar as to meetthe wants- of ever}! man, woman and child. It will pay you to come from from all parts of the count# II •'t $ k >*"• - to. "iO trade wltli us •: \ ' 4 • , « W . H . D W I G H T , W o o d a t o c k , I V . And Notions Department!,: Are invited to visit ^ash Store of » ai'-.jt West McHenryl UU. "Vi " y'i- h' DEALER SHELF ANH ftoves, Tin, Copper jcAr i""$ And Shoot-Iron Ware. Gome and see oar Galvanised Iron Kerosene Tanks, that we make ourselves, that wil hold a barrel. - ' ' T The Church Swivel Hay Carrier, with Tracks, Hangings, Floor Hooka and Pulleys, the best in the market. Call and see it. FULL LXN& OF STOVES. For both coal and wood, of the best makes, always on hand. In short I will keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found in McHenry county. Do not fkil to call when in want of anything in my line and see what ran be don#. I have employed a first class Tinner, and all AMU* REPAIRING Will be done on short notice and atlsfaction Guaranteed, specialty of Butter Factory Work. A share or public patronage respectfully solicited.., T-. W. P* STEVENS, • « • - ' N. B.--House Established in 1866. <mn 1 wi't-ri "» • " «*T" "" ' AND' apt •o VAN Or any day following:, aim to save the Cash Buyer a reasonable percentage on every purchase prheth^i large or small. Pleas® . kL •mm »stigaxe JOHN ETANSON & CO. DO TOU: UTTENL CR1EAT SEPTEMBER 20 TO 231. Remember that the plaoe toget yonr Lnnoh will beat , iocke's Home Bakery,, South Side Floral Hall. Hot Coffaa, A CHANGE Reported Expressly for cbe PLAIKDKALBK by A. W. Hutchina, Secretary ot tbe JSIM& Board ot Trade. / SLOIV, IlL.gept. 13, 1987. Buy era aad sellers were out in force and the goods sold were all tine and sold for 23X centB for butter. In cheese nothing waa doing. Following are the sates reported: ovriotAu Seller. Bartholomew. Lily Lake Lovell Old Klley Munger ...... Pleasant Grore,../.. OS McAUeater...... H. Munger... .... Kanevillo. Munger Mr. Church. O. Creamery, G C. Wolvertoa KO Hoyt Hands . ......... Delete... C Bunch# JCJ Wayoe. Priv, Sale »-B utter,. Total trans'ns Pound*. Price. Amount. laon 1260 900 1500 2*5 CO 289 80 21150 360 00 552 W 230 40 167 40 705 oe 144 00 1057 50 705 00 B52 00 705 0© 342 60 557 00 14! m 253 80 493 50 352 50 § 8271 00 : 8926 S6 f 17197 IS Elftn Oondenatng pays for ttie'i&ontha of October, November, December, January, February, and March, an average of 14c per gallon for milk. Monday was contract day. The increase of fall feed has helped the dai rymea in the district. This accounts for the drop la the butter market. 1|. -DXALKK IK- WEST McHENRY. Having sold out their dumber Yard ^s tlie Tllbur l<umber Com pan v, will now dew)to their entire attention to the sate of BARD AND SOFT COAL, BRAN, SH0RT8, OATS, Lime, Stucco, Etc. And by keeping a full stock always on hand will, in the future as in the past, do all In their power to please all who may favor them with their patronage. Prices at Loir as tin Lowsst All persons knowing themselves indebted to us are requested to call and settle tbe same without delay, as our old books must be clos­ ed. Delays are dangerous. Smith, Son i Weat McHenry, Aug. 9th, 18B7. Examine Gooda Blahop'i. I| will and learn prleea at >ay you. - i Corn, Oats, ' Rye and Kill Feed. Prices as LOT AS THE LOWEST Call f nd get figures before buy­ ing elsewhere. Will guarantee you satisfaction in every particu­ lar. |N>n't Bay Anyone To Boy You Fttd Tot Yoa, Large new i iW W.UCT0U1H Warehouse at the PickleFactory in West McHenry, Jllinois. W. A. CB1STT. That Is Coffee. Dooklea, ete. Sandiriches, Pies, Cafes, Woodstock. With a full line of our Bakery Goods, baked fresh every inight, and a complete corps of assistants to attend to your every want. Eresh Made Goods, Prompt ^ Servic, Reasonable Prices. ^ « Remember the .location, South Side Floral Hall. LOCKE'8 HOME BAKERY, Maker of the best Bread and Cakes en earth Having leased the Stere in Bacy's New Block, have opened up with a large and seaa- onable stock ot Boots, Shoes, • •- i Gents FDrtim Goods, etc, """ Ladits and Itnta liae Show. J At Bottom PrteSs" ";*' For First-Clasi Goods. Our iVlnter Stock is now just coming In and it will pay you while at the Fair to just call in and look over our stock. We will guarantee to please In both quality of Goods and price. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE ot Margaret Walcn, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Admini Uratrixof the estate of Margaret tfralen deceased, late of the county of Mcllenrv and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appeal before the county court of Mc­ Henry county, at the Court House in Wood­ stock, ai the Nov. term on the first Mon­ day in Nov. next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate arc notified and requested to attend tor the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons in­ debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undorsigned. Dated this l7tli day of August. A. D. 1887. ANN SIMON, Administratrix. Executor's Notice* ESTATE of Berdina 8telling, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed executor of the last will and testament of Berdtna Stettin?, late of the county of Mc­ Henry and State of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the county court of McHenry county, at the courthouse in Woodstock, at the Oct. term, on the flret Mondiy in Oct. next, at which time all persons having claims against s<ud es­ tate are notified and requested to attend lor tbe purpose of iiaving the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested kO make Immediate payment to the under* signed. Dated tbia 19th day of July, A. D. 1887. JACOB STOCK, Executor. RUDOLPH & Woodstock, Sept. 5th, 1887. t ii HAVE YOU SEEN IT? Tfflf; AMBICAH BOY. Popular New Paper 'A YOUNG For M E N A N D W r • *V.JT BOYS. Boys write us from everywhere that it ie just the- paper they have been looking tor. Do you want a paper filled with interesting stories of land aud sea; columns of "Tricks of Magic," amateur base ball, and interesting miscellaneous reading? Send and have yonr names registered for a sample copy. 00 cents a year. Write to-day to HUDSON BROS., 703 Che'tnut^GU, Philadelphia, JEW. Mention this paper. Attention Horsemen!" I would call the attention of the Puhlie to n»7 Stable of Stock Horses, four In num­ ber: Two Morgans, one X Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They are all good rep resentatives of their bread. Also a few Merino Sheep for Sale. The public are cor­ dially invited to call and examine stock, ,get prto«Mt$e* Mini hwiaeso done on Sunday*. OOLBT. Mk.%* I « 'H

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