Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Sep 1887, p. 5

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Mrnrnmmm SKPT. 14, 1887, Railroad Time Table. JlS&S* Jone «th. traiaa will pi ftni a*»«on dally, except Sunday a, „ #oi*n SOUTSL vj*£* t*enevaFnaeenger ...7:35 Ajjs Lake Genera Express .8:« " Lake Geneva Freicht 2:00 p. M r.«v» n«n«™ n-9* «« <3ene«& jfasaengei.... ..8:89 ** Lake Genera Sunday Passenger .6:>6 " votro north. Lake Geneva Freight .911 a. 11 V*5a Bene** Passenger... Lake Qeneya Passenger... 9:52 ....*10:10 •» ........ .4:86*. U ..6:57 Lake Genera Paeaeneer -- • * Stops only to leave Passengers. B. BURS, Agent. McHenry, 111 MODBBN WOODMEN OF AMEBIC A. Meet at Parker House Hall, every second id bast Tuesday evening of each month, elghbors eo* tlallr Invited. MASONIC). MaHantr LODGK, NO. 158 A.|F, and A. M. Regular Oominnnleatlons the second and fourth Mondays la each month. JOHN 1. STOBT, W. M. JOHN EVAN SON IS *ding a new barn Mar his residence, on the ff«»t Side. 'J. , ' . • „ GOTTLEIB BOLEY has been patting in a new Horse Pewerj for grinding it, at the Brewery. SCHNOBR is treating the iron fence in front of his residence to fc coat of Paint, which much Improves Its appearance. SMITH, SON ft Co. have been building f a new air-tight Lime House, near the I Depot. It is one of the moat costly I buildings of its size in the corpora fXjlon. " : ; - BEAD the new advertisement! of Henry Colby, John Evanson ft Co., McHenry, and W. H. Dwlght, Wood- Stock, which oan be found in another part of this paper. IOHN FLOSKY is building an im­ mense barn on his farm, south of this village. It-will be 80x100 feet, and one of the best arranged HI this section. MARRIED, at the residence of the brides parents, on Wednesday, Sept. 7th, 1887, by the Rev. E. M. Baxter, Mr* C. E. Hollster, of Champaign. 111., ind Miss Mary E. Jocks, of McHenry. JUDGE O. H. GILMORE, of Wood­ stock, has bought a lot at Pistaqua Bay, joining O. W. Owen's premises. We understand he will put up a sum­ mer residence there at once. IT used to be said that "virtue al< outbuilds the Pyramids1' but if It go on conquering and to conquer, Dr Bull's Cough Syrup will eat cure and outlive them alL No preparation could have m ile such a reputation as Salvation OH has (in so short a time) without intrinsic merit of the highest order. It kills pain. Price 26 cents a bottle. JUST think ef it! Cider, doughnuts, apples, euchre or seven up. and a~*T(£> roaring fire, and sitting along side your best black eyed girl! The good old winter nights are coming, boys, When a slice of below zero is worth a cycle of July. JOHN HEIMER will move the large / barn from the rear of his lot, lately / purchased of L. A.. Parker, and change "V It over into a dwelling. He has com- I menoed the work of digging the cellar, \ and Intends to have the heuse ready VjfQ.occupy before cold weather sets in. PEOPLE who live In new countries are llablo to be prostrated by malarial fevers. Inhabitants of cities, by rea­ son of bad drainage and unwholesome odors, suffer from similar diseases, Ayer's Ague Cure is warranted a spe­ cific for all malarial poisons. • TENNESSEE ceuutry editor going off for his summer vacation left the following notice oo his office doer: "Will be gone several days and have left matters In charge of the office boy. People who wish to pay sub­ scriptions will see our wife. Those who hate complaints to make will please go to the devil/' REMEMBER when you are at the Fair •Nkxt week, that at Locke's Heme Bakery Booth, south side of Floral Hall.ypu can get the finest Lunch to be found on the grounds. Everything fresh and neat. Hot Coffee, Sand­ wiches, Pies, Cakes, Cookies, etc. Everything Baked Fresh every day. Call and see him and you won't go away hungry. "APPLE SEED AND BRIER THORN," by Louise Stockton, will be the com­ plete novel ia IAppincotts Magazine for October. Miss Stockton is a sister of Frank R. Stockton, and possesses a similar fantastic wit. She bas written several short stories of great merit, and was the author of an anonymous novei,entitled "Dorothea," in Osgood's Round Robin Series. CAPT. KELLY. «f Woodstock, had the finest arranged Tent on the grounds, at the emcampment at Crystal Lake, lut week. It was divided in two apart­ ments, had a good, substantial floor, carpeted and fitted up in convenient and pleasant shape. He was accom­ panied by his wife and daughter, and was out for a few days of real enjoy WE wish to oall the attention of our readers, and especially those visiting the Fair next week, to the new adver tisement of W. H. Dwlght, the old and reliable Boot and Shoe dealer, at Woodstock. Th|s house is so well known throughout the county that any encomiums from us U scarcely necess­ ary. but suffice to say that he has pat in a larger stock this Fall then ever before, and as usual will give you good goods and bed-rock prices, add guaran tee just as represented. Bead his advertisement and be save and call as Mm while la Woodstock. yr *-• • 5 ^ T. J. Wal*9 m4 wife visited a* the " igan Fair two days last week. WAIT* will move with his family Rigin tnabout three weeks* WARNER, of Dundee, was calling un friends here on Sunday. MISS DOWNING, of Richmond, spent Sunday with friend! in this village. H. C. FABB£ editor of the Richmond Gazette, was a pleasant callers on Sat­ urday. JOHN L.GAGE, of Chicago, a nephew of Hon. Gee. Gage, &ade our sanctum a pleasant call on Saturday. J. A. GOING came home from Chica­ go on Thursday last, side, and is now under the care of Dr. Childs. Miss MAGGIB CLARK returned last week from a three weeks visit with friends in Elgin and Chicago. EARNEST WENDELL, who is working In Chicago, spent Sunday, wtthhls family, in this village. * PHIL. YOCNG, of Chicago, was the guest of Jacob Hetzel and family over Sunday.' W. H. FORD and wife, of the River­ side House, will start on Tuesday next for a short visit at Brltt, Iowa, A. WENDELL, of Chicago, is spend­ ing a few days this week with friends In this village. THOS. O'NEIL, of Chicago, has been visiting with his uncle, Rev. Father O'Neil, in this village, the past few days.' -i • v> FRED J. SPPNOBFT, of Qutnter, Kan­ sas, is calling DO friends bora this week. O. W. OWEN and wife attended the Tin Wedding of A. S. Wright and wife, at Woodstock, on Mond^y evan- log. ' ' ' " " " " n Church Service. There will be preaching in the Uni- versalist Church on Sunday next, (Sept. 18th,p> by Rev. H. Slade, of Elgin. WB-are informed by O, W. Owen, who came over from Woodstock Tues­ day morning, that the large barn of Frank Barnes, between Woodstock and Franklinville, was struck by lightning on Monday afternoon, and totally de­ stroyed, together with all its contents, Including several stacks of grain adjoining. The loss is heavy, and there was not a dollar of Insurance? "THE Good Templars will hold pub­ lic meeting in the M. E. Church, Mo- Henry, on Thursday, (to-morrow) evening. The following programme will be rendered: V.7.V.7';.'!Rev. E. lit.' Baxter Alice Bennett Win. Nickle W. Slafter ... ......Rev. E. M. Baxter ...Lucy McLean ..... ....G. W.Colby Singing.,.'... Prayer.... ., Singing..,..,, Reading....'., ' .duress,... , S>ng--Soto... lading.. .. Singing Realtng....... Komarka Singing........ Exercises will commence at 7:80 sharp. All are cordially invited. SEC. "*** h*d~nw pleasure, ! few da^S since, of meeting J. H. Wilbur, of Crystal Lake, who the past year haa commenoed the business of an Auc­ tioneer, and has met with the best success, giving entire satisfaction to his patrons. He Is a good judge of stock and is careful and painstaking and will glye even and exact justice to buyer and seller. He is now ready to take orders so sell your stock, farm­ ing tools, or other goods, on as reasonable terms as any other mans and guarantee satisfaction. ,, Addres, him at Crystal Lake, 111. ( JOHN I. STORT, one of our meat en­ terprising business men, has deuided. /to close his Hardware store ia this village, and remove to Hartley. Iowa, where he will engage in the same business but on a more extensive scale. Mr. Story has been in business here a good many years, and has an extended acquaintance in this and Lake Counties He is a live, go-ahead business man, and one which McHenry oould ill afford to lose. But what will be our loss his new home will gain, as John I. Stery, with his business capacity, push and enterprise, will be a valuable acquisition to any town in which he may settle. We wish him all sorts of good luck and prosperity in his now eld, Grand PI on Is. There will be held at Twin Lakes Saturday, Sept. 17th, on Ackerman's grounds, a grand Union Picnic, under the auspices, of the Ringwfod Cornet Band. A general invitation^ extend­ ed to the towns or McHenry, Green­ wood, Solon and Spring Grove. Let everybody turn out and enjoy a day of pleasure at these beautiful Lakes, Music will be furnished by the Ring- wood Cornet Baad and also by T. J. Ellis' Martial Band, and everything possible will be done to make this a day of pleasure to all who attend. Leave Ringwood at 8:30 sharp, RINGWOOD CORNET BAND. ON Monday evening, Sept. 12, 1887, the Board of Trustees of the McHenry Woedland Cemetery met at the store of Henry Colby. There was present A. H. Hanly, R. Bishop, Henry Colby, Henry McOmber and F. G. Mayes. The object of the meeting was to hear report from the Secretary and to transact any other business necessary. After hearing report of the Secretary thu the surveying and making the plot of the new addition was all com­ plete, the Board proceeded to fix what in their Judgment was a suitable price on all lots and the same may now be selected and obtained at the office ef the Secretary of the Beard, F. G. Hayes. Inasmuch as the Board has incurred considerable * expense and have many outstanding debts, they weuld be glad if the citizens who in­ tend to purchase lots wonld do SO; at their earliest convenience. Mf order of the Board. F, G. MATES, Secretary. a man la, matttot mm wbat-be wiUfttahsttod. ifbliioooesel« hi «*!•% dtreoifen he *l^ti%|ied br the bottir daae of tbecomtnontty,audhe should have it. f he suobeed* in good work he will be bated, by the bad men and envied by the conservative. When you are as­ sailed for good works stand by your guns. Woe unto you when all men speak well. The aggressive maa is worth a thousand "don't care1' ieliowa, and ten thousand who will eacrlfloe principle and let a needed work go undone for fear of enmity. Such men are cow­ ards and stumbling blook*. They de­ serve to be left behind In the race of life. Their stock la trade fa talk and egotism. Drive on.--He. IN another ooiumn can be found a notiooof a meet ing of the Trustees of the Cemetery, which was held en Monday evening last. They have recently had the new grounds plotted, and are now ready to dispose of lots from $4 to 925, according to location. It should be bourne in mind that this is no Individual oc society matter, but belongs to the whole people of this section, and while the Trustees have labored diligently, and assumed re­ sponsibilities and Indebtedness, It now behooves the people, those who have not already done so, to come forward, purchase lots, and help square up the indebtedness, stop Interest, and Im­ prove and beautify the resting place of our dead. Let all think of this matter seriously. We shall have more to say in this relation in the near future. LODG; i it. Proceedings of the Board of TrasSe** MCHBNBT, I1L, Sept. 5, 1887. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present full Board. Minutes of last meet I ng read and approved. The following bills were presented, audited and the Clerk ordered to draw orders on the Treasurer for the same: W Thurlwell, fixing pumps $ 5.«o T B Turner, services Village Constable.. S7.00 N L Holmes, special police 4.00 Tbo» Murphy, care lamps 14.40 Wilbur Lumber Oo, lumber 33.15 Smith, Son & Co, lumber 11® Btiilbert, oil 80 Perry ft Owon, oil go J I 6tory, nails 90 W P Stevens, nails u..*". |S2 H V Sliepard, nails i...... L80 H Colby, oil lilR 3 McDonald, Btreet work ......... 34!S6 C V Stevens, oil go John B Iilnke, park seats.. 37^00 John Neihs, painting park fence 50*00 E Lamphere, teamwork.... UJO G T Howe, rent 10.00 Moved by Trustee Weber that the Street Committee he Instructed to procure gravel and repair the streets at the jjjleast possible expense, and as the best Interests of the village demand. Carried, On motion the street committee were empowered to dispose of old plank from bridges and sidewalks to best advantage possible. On motion the street committee were Instructed to repair railing en bridge crossing Bishop's Mill Race, and adjoining sidewalks. r '7 On motion adjourned. F. K. GBASOaa, J. TAX SLTKB. Clerk. .' •> in • " • The Concert. Immediately after the wedding on Wednesday, Sept. 91, the Chicago Apollo Musical Clnb will render one of their grand vocal concerts in the am­ phitheater free. This is one of our famous departures. We have had our balloons, weddings, etc., and all other Fairs are following. Concerts they tiave never given--no doubt will next season. raOOEAKMB, Artillerist's Qath .........AUen * 1 w* s. ISteCK Annie Laurie ...jht&eii BUI of Fare ... Rolling Old Folks at Home Air by Sltihtep Reade Gay Pilijrim Tars'Song Hatlon Th^JToast Zoller L.«aaKindly Light Dudley Bttok The members of the Quartette are: Sidney Reade, 1st tenor; Wm. S. Ar­ mour, 2d tenor; J. R.Colllson, 1st bass; T. H. Kelland, 2d bass. This alone is worth the prion of a membership ticket. A 75c. oonoert free to all. A. S. WRIGHT, 8«e. No Humbug! PHILADELPHIA, Pa., sept.,11. J8S7. to A. & Wright, B*q„ Woodttoek, JU. Will be present Sept. 22d. Write me fully as to train to reach Wood­ stock. SAM'L RANDALL. I have learned the latest method of cutting by Worth's Tailor Square, and am prepared to do work by the newest method and latest style, for my old friends. Will solicit the patronage of all. MRS. E. W. HOITE. Bargains to winter dress goods, all colors trimming velvets, winter dress­ es fer misses under eight years, a new lot colored embroidered skirtings, satines in blue and black polka-dots, jerseys, dresses, corsets, infant's ward­ robes, etc., at Ladies' dilesroems. - MRS. H. S.GREGORY. A pair of boots or shoes for every man, woman and ohild at the Great McHenry County Fair next week. W. H. DWIGHT. Fjr the Woodstock Fair. H. E. WIGHTMAA'S BUS. Will, commencing on Wednesday morning next, Sept. 21bt, attend the Woodstock Fair each day, leaving McHenry at 8 A. M., and reaurnlng leave Woodstock at 6 p. M. Easy rid ing Busses and quick trips. Seats can be secured by leaving your name at the stable or with the undersigned. Remember will leave promptly at 8 o'clock each morning. H. E. WIGHTMA*. McHenry, Sept. 14,1887. i » Three Harvest Excursion#* Will be run by the Chicago & JfdlPtli- Western Railway t» points in Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Northern Iowa, and Southern Minnesota. Tickets will be sold Tuesdays, August 30th. Sep­ tember 20th and October 11th, atone fare for the round trip, good to return witbin thirty days from date. For full particulars apply to agents Chica­ go dE North-Western Railway, er address E. P. Wilson, Gteaeral Passen­ ger Agent. Chioago. W. H. Dwlght bas just reoeived a tremendous stock of new hoots for fall and winter wear and can "fit yon every tlno. His low oasb prlocs will juit •nil 70a, KASOWTO.--A. R. ANDTA. ULraee t at liasonlc Bali on every 1st'ana Sa Wednesday even- litf**reeeli nxMth mom* Wooomeif or AMERICA.--Meet at Masoate Hall every 3d and 4th Monday oven- tngsof eaohmonth.. Neighbors cordially in­ vited. Sows OF TBVPKAirca.--Meet at Unloa*Hall on Tuesday evening of eaeb week. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER :--H. W.Mead is SlUng his Silo. ,, The new Meat Market It doing a thriving business Miss Minnie Stone started Monday to attend school at Evanston, The Baptist people held a meeting In the Hall, Sunday morning. Hebron will have at least two stands t(t the Fair next week. Friends from Barrlngton have been visiting at Ira Eills' Dr. E. R. Bennett, from Richmond, was In town on Thursday of last week. Mr. Murphy, from Greenwood, bas been supplying Hebron people with some delioious grapes. Hurley Begun and George Gilberts are drawing skim milk for Muogers factory. Hervey Stewart visited a part of last week with Charlie Seaman, at Argyle, He also spent a few days at Fox Lake Station. E. O. Leech, with bis force, are soon to commence work 6n a cottage for Johnnie Earle, In Aldon township. Mrs. Bill returned to her home In Alleghany Co* N. Y. the last of the week, Frank aooompanled her as far as Chicago and spent a couple of days. There will be a dance at Rowe's Hall on Friday evening of this week. Music by the "Northwestern Band'1 four pieces. Tickets fifty cents. Ralph N. Mason, from Ohio, was greeting old friends In town Saturday. He his sold his lot on Main 9|reet, north of the track, to George Goddard, who will build on it soon. Target praetlce bas furnished amusement for the boys fer several dajrjk A man from Kenosha has the goi| and equipments stationed near the drug store. Mrs. Mooks (iallffe died of typhoid fever on Thursday night at the age of twenty six years, The funeral was held at Alden Sunday morning and the remains Intered in the cemetery at that plaoe. W. A. Rowe and Miss Hattle Ward were married at the little church around the corner. In Geneva, on Sun­ day Sept. 11th. May their life fas one of happiness. ALGONOUIN. [NOTIO*.--Persons in Algonquin and vicin­ ity, knowing chomselvoi indebted for the PLATNDEALBB can learn of the amount by calling on John Helm, who Is authorized to receive money and receipt for the same, In our name. Those wishing to subscribe can leave thoir names at his store. Gail on him and get a sample 00 py.] EDITOR PLAINDKAX.BR : -- Charlie Chapell started oh Tuesday of last week to attend school at Wbeaton, 111. A few ef our towns people gathered together on Monday efpnlng of last week and took V. N. Ford and wife by surprise, It being their tenth wedding anniversary. All enjoyed a very pleasant event jg. Dr. Nason started on Wednesday of last week for Alpeno, Mich., to attend the golden wedding of bis father end mother. Which event will o&ur on Sep­ tember 12. The Doctor expects to be absent about a week er ten days. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Chapell were call­ ers in 'Gonquln on Thursday of last week. There was a good turnout from bore on Wednesday and Tuursday of last week at the McHenry County Veteran Association, at Crystal Lake, and all seemed to enjoy themselves and have a good time. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Thomas returned home from their visit at Carthage, Mo, on Friday of last week. W. T. Hamilton and wife, of Nunda, were callers on Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Thomas on Sunday last. Miss Annie Tomlskky, of Cary«,spent Sunday heqs with relatives and friends. %• Mrs. Ray retained to h<*r home In Elgin on Saturday last. S. S. Chapell is Vtsltlog with friends In Chicago. Mrs. Clinging Smith, of Indianapolis Ind., is visiting here With her daugh­ ter, Mrs. W. Julian. The material Is all on band for the new gas pipe fence in front of our oemetery and all who have not assist­ ed will please come forward with their mite. The second game of bail between the married men and first nine Wan. played on Saturday last and it will probably be the last this season. The married men anticipated a glowing victory, judging from the latter part of the first game, and the boys thought It a good ohaaod to change the mar­ ried men's song, and the scdre will shew how they did It. The game closed at the end ef the sixth inning, because there was no one left on the ground to cha3e the b ys' flies. The men were called away on Important business. The score stood 39 td 13 In favor of the boys. Henry Keyes commenced working on the condensing factory, at Carpen- tersville, on Monday of this week. Remember the fsncy fair and festi­ val, at PIngry*s Hall on Thursday evening, September 15th, ±1 Pair ! Fair ! Fair I Remember the Woodstock Fair next week and don't forget to secure an easy, comfortable seat la Parker's four horse carriage, that is now back from Fox Lake and will each day make the round trip to Woodstock. Engage your seat early. Carriage leaves Mc­ Henry at 8 A. M.( returning, lesvea Woodstock at ff £0 p. M. F. A. PARKER. Do you want a pair of nice glove fit­ ting boots or shoes to wear to the Great McHenry County Fair, then go 1 to Dwight's old reliable cash store. KMUaond Oeld nights. Elkhorn Fair next week. Wsukegan Fair lsst week. McHenry County Fair next week "Pretty hot" last week Tuesday. Randall Bros, have built a new house, J. •. Aldrich was la Chicago last week, Andrew Reeder Is building* ill addi­ tion to his barn. Rev. Mr. Harbaugh returned from his vacation last week. Stores close every evening of the week, exoept Saturday, at 8 o'clock. Band toumsment at Burlington, Wis., to-day and to-morrow. Upwards of 9200 in purses at the Sharon, Wis., trotting park to-morrow. A number of our young people will attend Evanston College this winter. The first type writer has arrived in town. Cole, Cooley & Co. are the for­ tunate possessors. The ladies society of the Congrega­ tional Church will meet with Mrs Robert Hunter to-day. Bulletin* of the scores in the League base ball games are published]]daily at H, L, Cbevilion'9. Our farmers are bttylng an unusually large amount of feed and shelled corn this fall. Oatman Bros, paid 70 cents per hnn dred for July milk at their Washing ton factory. They are now taking in about 6,200 pounds daily. < Wllmct now expects a now railroad sure. Large amounts of money are pledged and everything looks favora­ ble for the sucoess of the project. The Gazette of last week publishes a new song by Dr, S. F. Bennett entl tied "Fling Out the Flag." Like everything else ooming from the Doctor's pen it is A. No. 1. Samuel Wilson's^ briok yard, just north of town is now in full blast. Several new hands have been recently engagedjamong whom is Fred Block, formerly of the McHenry yards. Last Wednesday the body ef an un­ known man apparently abou 70 years old was found in Fuller's woods 1$ miles west of Genoa Junction. Frem appearances he had been dead two or three days when found. Richmond this year Is placed In a position that seldom happens. Elk horn and Woodstock both hold their Fairs the same week. Both plaoes have maoy admirers in this vicinity, and both will reoeive visits from large numbers of our citizens. Woodstock being in our own county trill of oourse take by far the largest, number of Richmondltes, but Elkhorn will not be forgotten b; any means. The officers of the McHenry County Fair have worked hard for Its success, and noth­ ing hut rainy weather can keep it from oocupying first place among the 00un ty Faits oJf.|ij^B vicinity. RINGWOOD. EDITOB PLAiNDEALER:-The farmers were more scared than hurt this year. Take It all around It will make them have no weeds in the stubble, no grass in the fence corners to rot. The cat­ tle cleaned all up this summer. Corn is far better than expected. The growth of the Silo fodder oorn in two weeks is a wonder to all the farm­ ing community. i'be rush of feed on traoks from (he different mills Is now a thing of the past. Grass Is as plenty as in the month of May. F. L. Carr commenced teaching sehool at Rev. R. K. Todd's school on the 13tb instant. School has commenoed here with Wm. Nickle as teacher. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Langham spent a few days at Nunda last week, Miss Hannah Westermat has gone to visit friends in Wisconsin. The Harrison Bros are filling their silos this week, Mr. and Mrs. Bobbins attended thf G. A. R. reunion at Nunda. The band boys report a splendid time at the Old Settlers1 Meeting and a good dinner thrown la. Mine host Ford knows how to entertain his guest*., Mrs, Frank Lawson and sister have boon visiting with friends in Chicago the past week. Some of our old veta joined the G. A. R. 'Fost at MoHenry the other night. Father Simmons Is getting very slowly. - The business men of Woodstock are doing all in their power to receive the vast multitude attending the Great McHenry County Fair next week with open arms and to make you feel at home and enjoy yourselves. Conse­ quently you will find Woodstock a most desirable place to do your trad­ ing. You will also find Dwight's old reliable cash boot and shoe store right on the corner handy to drop into at any time where you will meet with a warm welcome. Cheap Rates to Denver A Return. The Chicago & North-Western Rail­ way Co. will sell excursion tickets to Denver and Return at one fare for the Bound Trip. Tickets will be sold Sep­ tember 13th to 18tb, exclusive, and as tbey will be good returning until October 31st, an excellent opportunity Is presented to parties desirous of visting Colorado. Tickets will be sold to Odd Fellows, their friends, and the general public. For tickets, informa­ tion and Bleeping car accommodations, apply to ageats of Chioago ft North­ western Railway Co. 8-2w. Cheap Bates to St Loois and Setara. The Chicago ft Northwestern Rail­ way Company will sell excursion tick­ ets to St. Louis and return, for the G. A. R. Encampment at very low rates for the round trip. For particulars regarding dates on which tiokets will be sold rates and general information apply to agent* Chioago ft Korthweat- ern Railway Co. 8-3w mmmmmmmrnrnm ' '.fe,;1 "t.-, i--1 ' •" 11"fWI"' " •" e Aide of Per , eonal preport.y - - The undersigned, executrix of the estate of J. D, Fox, deceased, will aell at public auction, on the promises. 1 miles west or HaineevillO and oae» fourth mile east of the9 Fort Hill church, on Tuesday, September 20, '87, commencing at 10 o'clock, A. M. sharp the following articles: 40 tons hay. 1 stack Btraw, 20 acres corn In field, 20 registered Short Horn cattle, 17 grade Short Horns, 6 good horses, Clyde and part Clyde, sheep, bogs, farming tools, household furni­ ture. eto. TERMS OF SALE.--All snms under #10 cash. All sums over 910 one years credit on approved notes bearing 7 per cent Interest. No property to be re­ moved until settled for. ANNAH L. FOX, Executrix DIOHTON GRANGER, Auctioneer, La<^i, Attention, Having just replenished my stock with the latest styles of Fall and Win­ ter Millinery to be found in tbe mar­ ket, I am now offering tbe ladies bar­ gains never before heard of in this section as these goods must be sold. Flowers, Feathers, Plumes and all kinds of trimming of the most fashion­ able styles at bed-rock prices. Call and see me, as 1 can save you money on all kinds of millinery. Dress Making promptly done and satisfaction guaranteed. MRS, h. H. NICHOLS. Hotel Property tor Sale t or Rent, The Riverside Hotel Property, situ­ ated In the Village of McHenry, with Furniture complete, is offered for sale at less than one half Its real value; or will sell the Furniture and rent the Hotel. For price and terms write to the owner of the property, O. C. Petersen, Britt. Iowa, or oall upon or address S. RAYMOND, West MoHenry. West McHenry, III.. Sept. 14, *87, Call at Evanson's for fine Teat. Fine full cream cheese at Evanson's An immense stock of Rubber Goods just received at Dwight's, A fine line of bird cages cheap, at W. P. Stevens', West MoHenry Silver and Dealing Feed Cutters at E. M. Owen & Son. Star Feed Cotters with any length carrier at E. M. Owen ft Son. Best hand feed cutters on earth at E, M. Owen ft Son's. Economical House Keepers should try a sack of Evanson's Flour. It is sure to please you. The fall stock Is arriving at John EvansonftCo. It will be unusually large and attraotive.' Two good Row Boats for sale cheap if applied for soon. JOHN I. STORT. Dwlght makes a specialty of Ladies' and Gents'fine shoes in all the latest styles. Bear In mliyl the faot that Dwight's Boot and Shoe Store was started In 1865, and that he has made a great success of it by selling good goods at popular lew cash prices. While the great McHenry County Fair will be the greatest show on earth, W, H. Dwigtit will have tbe greatest show ef boots and shoes ever brought to Woodstock or into MoHen­ ry County. While attending the Great McHenry Co. Fair next week, it will be for your Interest to call at Dwight's old reliable cash store and examine his immense stock and get his very low cash prices. People wishing to buy boots or shoes before or during the Great Mc­ Henry County Fair will find just what they want an at prices that will surely pie see. W. H. D WIGHT, Woodstock. THE celebrated Queen's Recljnlng Chair is sold at H. V. Shepard's hard • ware. Hammocks are nowhere com­ pared with these for ease and comfort. THE Red Jacket Liniment, made by Mrs. Harriet Holmes, can be found at Louke's Bakery McHenry. Is the best Liniment known for cuts, bruises, sprains, bunions, rheumatism, etc.-- Good for man and beast. FEED CUTTERS AN& POWERS. Remember we will do as well by you on Feed Cutters, etc., as you can pos­ sibly do at the fairs. Bottom prices fuaranteed on Bolle City, Smalley, tar and Ross Feed Cutters at E. M. Owen ft San. „ FOR <SALB. ': ^ FT The undersigned offers for sale the following property: 1 work horse, 1 three year old colt, 1 socking colt, 3 cows, coming in esrly, and one single buggy. Will be sold reasonable if ap­ plied for soon. Apply on the prem­ ises one mile north-east of Johnsburg. 5-4w MRS. RAVEN. Oysters! Oysters! At Pekevsky's Restaurant, two doors south of the post office, McHenry. can at all times be found Fresh Oysters, of the best brands in the market, either by the can or dish. ' Oysters served in any style and on the shortest notice, either day or even­ ing. Also a ohoice line ef confectionery always on hand, GIVE U3 A CALL. MoHenry, Aug. 30,1887. 8WIGE9T, JR., Formerly of Libertyville, has been purchased by W. E. ft F. C. Celby. and will stand at the farm of W. E. Colby, one-half mile north of McHenry. $10 to insure- 7-lm . Fall Millinery* MRS. E.W.HOWE has just return­ ed from the city with a full stock of the latest styles in Fall Millinery, to which she Invite* the attention of the Ladies of McHenry and vicinity. Hav­ ing selected everything with tbe great­ est care, she is confident she can please all who may give her a call, both in style of goods and price, The Ladies are invited to cell and inspect my goeds whether they wish to purchase or not, MRS. E. W. HOWE. A Big Chance for the Right Man I To a capable man who wishes to Rent a large Stock Farm, I will give the biggest kind of a ohanoe, if appli­ cation is made at once. Will Rent for a term of years. W. EL FORD. Riverside House. MoHenry, II!. Sept. 7th, 1887. <ars and Jugs 9 «an per fallee at M Kageln. all styles *s4.i Call at Besley's for Paper in the market. the tan, Just received a Car load Reliable Lyman Barb Wire, at JefcaTi*,' story's.. Walking shoos at lesa tha» half prloe to close at H. Colby's. •City residences for sale. Apply til Asa W, Smith, Woo<Mtodt, Hi. # The finest line of Bird Cages town, at John I, Story's. ir ̂ wm When In search of a good Hat of kind, go to Althoff Broe. ' ' i' 'J The finest 60 ooftt tea in the mfcet at Althoff Bros, See the Belle City Feed Gutters aad , • Down powers at E. M. Oweirft 8o*V | Drink Besley*s Ale and be and happy Plum-ba-go-lee, tbe finest Wages Grease ever used, a new thing, at Besley's, KHwiwffs ̂ teraa. sell dilate Rske. „ the best on tbe market. Sola by R. " ' ' Bishop. School Books and Stationery, all kinds, at Besley's Drug Store West - Side. Bishop sells the combined hand andc Ross -- " them at Bishop's Warehouse. Call for the "Winning Btri*e*,ai Brand of five cent Cigars, 1 ed by Barblan Bros. It beate all. A higher than market prioo wULJbe- < . h \ paid for good Milling WW Wauoonda Mill. ^ J. SPENCER, Proprietor » THE Genuine Novelty and Universal Clothes Wringer at bottom prloes ... John I Story's. Beware of Imltatiet*. :4 The Rock ford Cutlery Comptny^S fine Scissors and Shears,M f/rI• Stevens', West McHenry. If in want of a Cook SteW oall tad1 a • 'v see our Peninsular and London and Paris Ranges. W, P. SteveM. West 4 McHenry. If you aae In need of a first class * ^4 Feed Cutter, look at the Boss Upward cut Machine before buying. Sold by R. Bishop. j f Besley's celebrated Ale on drsnght : Jr rS V.J? at John Heimer't. J. Beoslett's end A. Engeln's. The most healthy drink for warm weather. When yen are prepared to buy feed come to me for prices. I oan make It an object fer you. And bear In mind that I charge you but one profit There is 00 three dollar bonos heire. W. A. CRISTT. H $ ls: : * '1^* ! * The M, D. Barrows Dundee Milk Can warranted four cross, tin all through* at W. P. Stevens', West McHenry; Clothing! Clothing I The finest line of Clothing, ie Sin­ gle Garments or Full Suits to be found in the County, and at priceB that oan- not fall to please, at Althoff Bros. FEED CUTTERS. The Ross, the Star, the Standard (Silver ft Ifamlng), the Belle Cttja the Baldwin, the Smalley. All slses for sale by E. M. Owen ft Son. FORSALE I offer for sale my house and lot pleasantly located in the village of MoHenry. If applied for an eaoh Will be sold oheap. House almost new, and a very desirable plaoe. Inquire on tbe premises of ERNEST WENDELL. YAWL BOAT for sale; 18 feet long, mast, sails, eta* oomplete; fast sailers> dirt oheap. J. K. MILNE, Fox Lain. ^ FOR SALE. Fourteen acres of good laid, situat­ ed within a mile of the village of lio» Henry. There is a good house, ban and other outbuildings. Also a good well of water. Terms reasonable. Apply at this office. CART STATION, 111., Maroh td, MSS. U, MOKURAON A SON--Barrlngton, UL Gentlemen.'--I had a oow that did iot clean for three days after Oalving, and I procured a bottle of your eew. Prescription and gave it aocerdleg tot the directions, and the oow was ell right in less than thirty-six hours af­ ter giving, and has done first rate since. AUGUST ASM. For sale by all druggists. It always gives us pleasure to speak well of a good article. The "Garland Stoves ana Ranges" are acknowledged to embody all that Is best in that lfae# They have the reputation ef being the best made. Though imitated by many they are equalled by none. For sale In McHenry by John I. Story. Notice. . •' • To those that want Tubs, Tat8,mar Racks, and any thine in my line of bast* aess. Work donp on short nottoe to order. Shop one door South of Lew* lus' Store, f. A. HSBAJOW MoHenry, AUG. 10; 188B. U-4-& Settlement Notice. Being about to close my buslnessXe t his village and move West, this II fit' notify all persons knowing thooMSlves indebted to me, either oy Mete er Book account, to call and settle |fc» same without delay. This is no settee* tlog dodge, but square business, aaaly business must be oleeed here la fee, nest 30 days. Those Interested will take notice. Delays are daagerevt, JOHN I.BIQST, McHenry, 111. Sept, 6th. 1887, -w ' * *'s V 'U ' .'it-.,!'; v * 3 V * " "i 4 V-VJ It «?'• ,•%'* ̂ svi A - ^ ' tr FLOUR AND F£ED, FOB CASH ONLY. We now have in stock at a3L, times and will meet any prittest maue for same quality or quia-* tity ot grain or feed, shelled corn 1886, Oats, Middlings, Bnut, Ground corn (grotictct corn a&d oats) Salt, Oil Meal, Clover, let, and Timothy deed, W04 handle only No. 1 stock, BONSLETT A STOFFBL. i- The Metropolitan is the Boss otrpet sweeper, and no housewife should bey one before seeing It. It Is hhnaffsr and bettor than all others, for sale by John I. Story. u Smoke Evanson's Male. ̂ Airav, IlCVetreary i MSS. C. DICKINSON ft SON, Banrt*fftm> IK Dear &r.--Please send me to press two deaen Cow Presort ptfoMb I ' get one ef say neighbors to try It e« « * oow that was almost dead wstk fever, and It sued her. It Mk thing. . . . . . . . . . .

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