AY. SEPT. Editor. ^ER *'ly b0 iro-~rt ®n ioe Street! wEere »dT6rtl8ijig file at GBO. P. er Advertising YORK- Great heads the Republi- ittiket la New T»rk, being.the ttMdldate Cor Secretary of State. MrMoGarigl* will uot be extradit- «d. Secretary Bayard has reported to President Cleveland that the papers submitted In the case do not afford »ny ground upon which to demand the •x trad it ion of McGarigle from Can* ttf* Three men irom Harvard, Itt., who were boating on Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, were drowned Mouday. The eteamer Leman collided with ibelr waft. Their names were Win- field McAallfle, a brother of Dr. Mc- Aollflo, of Chicago^ Ned Burdlck, and ,Tony Torkihlre, a laborer employed Ijr Ed Ayera, each about 24 years old. j^Mr. George William Curtis re plies to a newspaper correspondent, who wrote to him asking for a politi cal interview, that be Is not disposed to talk Just now, and that "it is a better time for thinking than for talking much." Mr. Curtis and his associates, no doubt, have abundant food for thought, but if they had done more thinking and less talking two or three years ago. they would havo ' shown more wisdom. The Supreme Court has affirmed II* decison of the lower court in the celebrated case of ' the Anarchists, and the decision l« well received by the | public. The order now is that thai sentence be carried out and that they be executed Friday, Nov. lltb. We •aid the decision was well recei ved by the people--not because they are actu-1 ated by any feeling ot vengeance--but because they wish to make the future secure against plots and conspiracies. These seven men are guilty. Let] them suitor the extreme penalty of I the law. •0^The owners of drive wells In #td about Ylncennes, lad., are making ft fuss oyer p&yiag the royalty of $10 on these walls now being called for. It will avail thom nothing. A decision •f the U. S, Supreme court is good In •11 the courts, and cannot be shoved •aide. That decision made Nelson W. Green • millionaire two or three times Over, if he succeeds Uncollecting tlOj on each drive well in this country. Probably he would collect a royalty of 95 without any fuss, and that would make hi* rich enough. But very likely Mr. Green wants the earth. A- MT'The dairy interest of the United * - States has reached very great propor tions, the eapltal invested being more than $3,000,000,000 or about five times the aggregate of the banking capital. Tho number of milch cows is 21,000,- 000,giving 7,350,000,000 gallons of milk yearly. Sometbiog over half of this to made into butter, and the balance is •ade into cheese or consumed with out going through any other process. The value of the dairy product of the country last year is estimated at $500,- 900,000, which exceeds the value of the yearly corn crop. As some one has i put It, "Corn to king, but the cow is fez $u««a." relief. Failures In Now Raven and Philadelphia have Involved some minor houses, but do not Indicate especial weakness In any particular branlh of trade, for the present the signs favor a large and profitable fall business, unless money strlagency should Interrupt. SpMial Correspondence to the Hainctialer. ST. LOUIS, Mo„ Sept. 12, 18S7. Preperations are being made to give the boys In blue a rousing reception that will equal, aud possibly, eclipse all such courtesies they have received in other cities. An unexampled at tendance Is Expected, and a greater number of famous men will in all probability ba present thfcn have honored any re-unlon of the past. To enumerate all the entertain ments contemplated is Impossible, as the programme will not be issued until to-morrow. When published it will be in "the form of a twenty-four- page folder, about the size of a busi ness envelope. Applications are pouring in for it from all parts of the country. The veterans need not anticipate in St Louis ^repetition of the Wheeling Incident, as the la«fr provides that no flag or banner can be suspended over the street without the major's cou- sent. Grand Marshall Grler has not yet made np his list of aides tor the great parade. There will probably be about fifty of them, as every Grand Army Post In the city will be represented. Gen. A. J, Smith has beea appointed chief of staff. A ^select reception to be tendered Gen. Phil H. Shoridan at the Llndell Hotel has been decided upon, and the date announced as Sept. 28, Only members of tho Loyal Legion, and their families will be permitted to at tend. Chairman.Gondelfo, ofjthe Commit tee on Camps, announces that he has closed contracts for tents to accommo date twenty eight thousand men. Forest Park, which will| be one of the camping grounds assigned the soldiers, is a beautiful place, and much frequented during the hot summer months by citizens who wish to cool ofl, and rest in the pleasant shade. It has splendid drives, is provided with a first class restaurant, and has an ample supply of water. There are a number of fine statutes in the park of prominent Missourians. The cele brated Shaw's Garden is within easy walking distance, and no visitor should fail to see Its wonders. It is proposed to close the school on Tuesday of Encampment week in order to enable the children to view the parade. Three triumphal arches have been orected at a cost of about three thous> and dollars. Gen, Fairchild will have fine special cars, and tracts will be furnished them by the Wiggins Ferry Company. The miles of various colored globes for the grand illuminations are nearly all la place. They are arranged on each side of the street In connected arches, and at the intersection of prin cipal thorough fares larger and more magnificlent arches are erected. Upon these latter, beneath which the vet erans are expected to pass, will be placed portraits of popular Union offl- cers. At present several of the most fre quented buainess streets are being torn up considerably to lay tracks for new cable railroaddf but hopes are ex pressed that by the time the Grand Amy arrives most of the confusion will be ended. L. L. DBESSBB. Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTORY. MASOHKX--A. F. and A. M. meet at Masonic j Hall on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even* uwts of each month. MODBKH WOODME* OF AMitRrcx.--Meet at Masonic Hatl every Id and 4th Monday even- lags of each month. Neighbors cord tally In vited . SONS OF TRMPERANCK --Meet at Union?Hatl I on Tuesday evening of each week. HENRY,» COLBY EDITOR PLAINDBALKR:--Hebron will be well represented at tho Fair this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Glass returned from tbe west last week. Charlie Chapman's little girl has been very sick for a few days. W. A. Bowe and wife are bousekeep- inar In a part of Hiram Howe's house. Henry Noyes has gone to Kansas to look for a position in a cheese factory. Miss Rose Buchanan has bought out the Millinery business of Miss Stevens. They also have a practical Dress maker. Miss Wells, of Lodl, Wis. Mrs Frank Donnelly, from Wood stock, spent Saturday with her sister lnthisplase. Rev. G. H. Wells will go to confer ence in a tew days. He will preach his farewell sermon on Sunday next. The school library is open every Saturday afternoon. Miss Cora Taylor Is the accommodating librarian, and any person wishing to draw books can do so by advancing the annual fee of twenty five cents. All those holding books are requested to return same at once, ,4*- George Gilberts was few days with a badly sprained ankle, but with the aid of a his knee be has again cupation of drawing four thousand pounds tbe factory daily. Mr. Dell Holmes, after a jhort illness, died of typhoid fever on Thursday evening Sept. 15th. The attendance was large at the funeral, service;, con ducted by Rev. Andrews, at the M. E. church, on Saturday afternoon. The deceased was but twenty eight years of age. He leaves a wife, mother, five brothers, two sisters and many friends to mourn bis early death. Almost the last words uttered by his sister, (MrB. Reynolds') who died four months ago, was, "Dell will not live a year," and true indeed has been her prophetic words. MoHENBY. *5 ' artment. A n inspection of same earnestly solicited. We aim to carry the most complete line of Children's, Bo ,'s and Men's Clothing in the market, in Suits and Overcoats. Also a fine line of odd Pants and Reeffrs and Vests to match. Styles the latest, quality reliable and prices the lowe#. J" <m Mija,Jiff - _ ' <Ht Is in. N but -V"- *V All immense stock, /fife continue to sell the celebrated Forbush & Brown Buffalo Boots and can recommend them with the utmost confidence, to parties wanting the very best and most serviceable goods made. In medium priced footwear we offer a full line of Fort HIIKProe Inct-Lako County. EDITOR PLAINDEALES We have been called upon to mourn the loss of another eld settler. Mrs. Mary Nelson, | widow of tbe late Thomas Nelson, died at her residence near Fort Hill school house on Saturday last, Sept. 10th. aged about ssveuty-one years. She had been a resident of the town of Avon about thirty-flvo years. She leaves twoisons and five daughters to mourn herloss. Threshing is finished and threshers estimate tbe small grain at about one- third of an average crop. Corn is Improving some sinco tho lato rains. Will you try the flour that we sell for 91 a sack? It is pronounead very good by our customers. JOHN ETANSOST A Co. 19*An important decision has boon made by Judge Nelson, of the U. 8. District Court, at Boston. The plain tiff, David F. Winter was on his way to some place beyond Olean, and de siring to stop off, the conductor con sented to endorse his ticket, but for some reason failed to do so, but Mr. Winter stopped off nevertheless, and on his subsequently offering his ticket for the balance of the passage on the ttxt train, the conductor refused it and ejected him from the train. Mr. Winter brought an action, laying bis damage at 910,000, and obtained a Verdict in the June term for that amount. The company appealed, but tbe Judge sustained the judgment, With costs. IMPROVEMENT IN BOSINK4&. The tenor of tbe commercial reports In the trade papers, for the last week, Indicate that, while speculation is dull and stocks somewhat depressed, there has been "a decided improvement in legitimate business with large sales, larger production and more wholesome feeling in branches lately more op pressed. Though wool continues dull and quotations generally one to two points below tbe prices of last ye»r, tbe woolen goods trade shares in the' Csnerai improvement. Iron is report •d somewhat firmer owing to greater scarcity, although prices are practi cally unchanged. Rogers Brown 6 Co., of Cincinnati, estimates that the stock of railroad iron "on hand at tbe fur naces is only about one-third what it *** * Joar ago, while consumption, all ^ I® gro&Ur thin & year ago»w " Dunn & Co., of New York, sum op the general situation as follows: SHdlDM of general Improvement comes from nearly all cities. Remark able heavy distribution of hardware Md farmers' supplies atChleagoand St, Louis, with activity of banks, not from speculative demands, and reports •f a formidable increase in shipments if tbe railroads from this city promise llfllsfaetory returns of fall trade. lt»»y Is generally active at interior fftiatt and collections fair. The large Ijitpplies of mosey from Europe, *iceedy received and on tbe way, clear off heavy leans which have tied up lMMM oapltsl % and thus promise much THB CHICAGO OPERA tfOUSK. A Feat in Decoration--The "Handsom- CHt Theatre Still Leads the Race, The management of tbe Chicago Opera bouse, between last Saturday sad Monday evenings, accomplished an unparallelled feat in the way of re habilitating a theatre. Tbe great audience had no sooner emerged from tbe building after wit nessing the 120th and last perform ance of the Arabian Nights, than an army of carpenters, painters, uphol sterers and tbe like, surged Into the vacated auditorium, and, In half an hour the theatre, brilliantly lighted was swarming with a busy brood of artisans who worked away for dear life, Seventy painters and the entire force of a big carpet bouse were at work all night, the performers having meanwhile escaped to the depot where, at 4:SC Sunday morning they left by special train via the Niagara Falls Short Line, for Now York, after having drawn houses that aggregated something like 998,000 for the 120 per formances. The night gang of workmen were relieved early Sunday mornl ng, and aew ones put in their places. The men were changed at regular inter vals in order to permit ot rest, but no place was allowed to remain vacant. The change was again effected Sunday night, aud once more on Monday morn- Ing, operations being brought to a sat isfactory termination at 4:30 Monday afternoon, In ample time for the open ing of the doors, three and one-half hours later, when Mr. Keene opened the regular season of the house with Richelieu. During the forty-one hours that the men were at work, the entire prosce nium arch were thoroughly and artis. tlcally redecorated, and the pillars and foyer walls and interior entrance ways repainted and gilded. The whole house was In the meantime richly car peted throughout and the theatre ren dered in every way the handsomest as well as the safest and most comforta ble in the city. The transformation was as complete and the results as ef fective as those (ordinarily achieved during tbe customary two or three weeks of summer "closing fer repairs." Redpath's manufacture, which are giving very general satisfaction, laid up for a | \yc a|so have a very complete line of Joha JPot: ter's ) justly celebrat ed Beloit Fine Shoes, which for style, finish and excellent wearing qualities are not excelled by any shoe in America peg fastened to resumed his oc- from three to of skim milk to We take great pleasure in calling attention to our We offer to the Trade good* staple, everyday goods, sue® as you need, and every artii cle of the best. - s wnat we aim to se. you., "We will sell that of nothing. We have strictly And Notions Department. In which can be found the most attractive line of Dress Good§ we have ever shown, and believe it will be for yogi? interest to examine them before making your Fall purchases. In U N D E B W 1 A B And Knit Goods I and Gentlemen. ) we have a large and desirable line tor Ladies Our Grocery Department is always full of choice and reliable Goods, which will at all times be Fold at bed rock prices. Every department is now well filled wilh seasonable goods which are offered at a9 low prices as is consistent with honorable dealing. Thankful for past favorsjs^e shall at all times endeavor to conduct our business in a manner to^etain for us your valued patronage and friendship, HENRY COLBY. Fair ;?ect will carry ps throug Respectfully, W, We have abiut fifty coats for sale at half price. Will be pleased to have you look them over JOHN EVAN SON & Co. West McHenry, DEALER ELGIN DAIRY MARKET. Reported Expressly for the PLATNDEAXEB by A. W. Hutchins, Secretary of tbe Elgin Board ot Trade. ELQIW, III.. Sept 19.1S87. Bayers and sellers were ont in force to.«lay and the goods sold were all flne and sold for j 23 cents for batter. In cheese nothing was j doing. Following are the saiea reported: Seller. OFFICIAL Pound*. 01<1 Riley i South Riley.... OS McAllester. Icasant Grove Bartholomew... Wolverton ily Lake Mr. Church...... A urora R O Hoyt Kaneville I, Johnson Ball Mound Way ae Geneva O. Bufeche .. 2800 2040 720 1200 1200 1200 10-20 3600 2100 1'40 1200 5400 1320 1830 1800 960 286C0 26413 Price. 98 AnxcurU. - 414 00 469 20 165 60 876 00 876 CO 276 00 234 60 848 00 483 00 811 20 S7 . 00 12*2 fD 303 60 88? 40 £14 00 220 80 t o 5i;:9o t 1S174 66 j , Copper Sheet-Iron Ware. Priv. Sales--Butter.. Total trans'ns 54493 OUTBIDS HA3SE'. S. New Ttork --TJ.'Uer steady at 21 to SSAfi Cheese, Western flats 10>£ to It. Baiii.nore.--Rotter steady at 23 to !1, Bo: c:i.--Butter stcnoT at*24 .Or A.. Jauii.--Butter easy at i-'. V C Cheese. Ill 10 to 10.,. Neu> Orlea.ts.--Butter steady; western ex tra to 2~>. K C Cheese, 12X • v>»r skims 3 to 7. The increased supply of milk has caused an increased production of butler throughout j t*>e district. General business throughout this seciion is picking up. A. W. HUTQHINS, 8ec. E. B. T dome and see ear Galvanised Iron Kerosene Tanks, that we make ourselves, that wil hold a barrel. . The Church Swivel Hay Carrier, with Tracks, Hangings, Floor Hoots and Pulleys, the best in the market. Call and see it. FULL LINTS OF STOVES. tfor both coal and wood, of the best makes, always on hand. In short I will keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found in McHenry county. Do not fail to call when in want of anything in my line and see what can be done. I have employed a first class | Tinner, and all YV ill be done on short notice and specialty of Gutter Factory work, respectfully solicited. atisfaction A share of Guaranteed. A public patronage W. P. STEVENS, NEW FIRM A CHANGE •--I ATI- Woodstock. WEST I i CRIST! -DEA£B« IN*- Having leased the Store In Daey's New ' Block, have opened up with a large and seas, onable stock ot MCHENRY. '"VniBold out their '.uraber Yard to the Wnbu * I.t..njer Com pan v, will now devote laeir entire attention to tho aaie of Pumps, all kinds. Iron and wood, at say length at B. M. Owen A don's. Boots, Shoes, HARD AND SOFT COAL, n™t. ... BRAN, SHORTS, OATS, Gfllti Mill Mi, It). | 8 • Etc- To which we Invite the attention ef the buying public. Lodiia and Brats fini Shots. At Bottom Prices For First-Class Goods. Our Winter Stock Is now lust coming in and will pay you while at the Fair to just call in and look over our stock. it will We will guarantee te please In both quality of Goods and price. i RUDOLPH & McNETT. Woodstock, Sept. 6th, 18S7, And bykee] <ng a full stock always on band r!'l, in the tuture as in the past, do all in th<- - o«T7e.* to please all who may favor them wi .h lueir pat.'on^gd. Prices as LOT asthi Lowest AH persons knowing tie.p»elves Indebted to us are requested to call and settle tae same without delay, as our old books must be olo» eu. Delays are dangerous, • mibh* Soa ^t C« West McHenry, Aug. 9th, 1887^ % I ^ . Examine Goods and learn priees at k Bishop's, I| will pay you. Corn, Oats, Rye and Mill Feed. Prices as Low AS THE LQWEST Call f nd get figures before buy ing elsewhere. Will guarantee you satisfa 3tion in every particu lar. Don't Pay Anyone To Buy Yolr Fssd For Yon. Large new Warehouse at the Pickle Factory in West McHenry Illinois. W. j*, CR1STY, If* GREAT I N-- i BOOTS AND SHOES. "We have just bought a carload of Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods a Cash Bot tom Prices, and knowing well the fact that there has been a great drouth all over McHenry County, we shall sell these goods so low as to meet the wants of every man, woman and child. It will pay you to come from from ail parts of the county to trade with us. N. W. H. DWiGHT, Woodstock, III. B.--House Established In 1865. Attention Horsemen! 1 would call the attention of the Public to n»7 Stable of Stock Horses, four in num ber: Two Morgans, one % Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They are all good rep resentatives of their bre*-d. Also a few Merino Sheep for Sale. The public are cor dially Invited to call and examine stock, get prioes, etc, Mo business done on Sunday, -tf. N. 8. COLBY. M'HENRY, tL % Administrator's Notice. ESTATE ot Margaret Walen, deceased. The undersigned having heen appointed Admini stratrlxof the estateofMargaret Walen deceased, late of the county of Mcllenrv and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice thtit she will appeal before the county court of Mc Henry county, at the Court House in Wood- stock, at tho Nov terin on the first Mon day in NJV. next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend ior the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make Immediate pajment to the undersigned. Dated this lull day of August. A. D. 1837. ANN SIMON, Administratrix. Executor's Notice* ESTATE of Berdina Stelllng, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed executor of the last will and testament of Berdina Stelling, late of the county, of Mc- Ilen'-y aud State of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the county court of McHenry county, at the court house in Woodstock, at the Oct. term, on the livet Mondiy In Oct. next, at which time all persons having claims against s-iid es- lite are uotiiled anil requested to at'.end lor the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested io make immediate payment to the under signed. HAVE YOU SEEN IT? THI AmiQAJT BO The Popular New Pager YOUNC For MEN AND BOYS. Boys write us fiom everywhere that it is just the paper they have been looking for. Do you want a paper filled with <n 'I< , r.e®"n5 stories of lami and sea; columns of "Tricks or Maginamateur base ball, and interesting miscellaneous reading ? Send and have your names registered for a sample copy. W c«ttts a year. Write to-day to HUDSON BKW., 70S Che tnut SL, PMladelpMa, Pa* Mention this paper. ated this 19th da of Jul A. D. 1887 Obtained, and nil I'ATENT B O IN ESS at tended to for MODp.RATE FEES Our office IS opposite the U S. Patent Office, and we can ob tain Patents in less time than those remote from WASHINGTON. Send MODEL. ORA WING or PHOTO of invention. We advise as to patent ability free of charge and we make HO CliAKQS UNLESS PATENT IS SECURED. . For circular, advice, terms and references to actual clients In your own Ktate, County, City or Town, write to i C A S N lliiani /ULM ILA . Je ̂ 'L