Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Sep 1887, p. 5

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^ ' jr * * ,. t mum jw ^ '%TA ' » 'W«s ICfiWi WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21, 1887, Railroad Time Table. «.T?,k1ng ®®80t Sept 19th, trains will pass Sf»ow8ry 8Ulion daUy> exceP( Sundays, aa _ , QOING SOUTH. MM ttsneT& Putengei .......7:25 A. K Lake Geneva Express.... .8:23 " take Geneva Freight 2:0" F. * l*k» Geneva Passenger i.3:26 •• . OOISU VORTlf. take Geneva Freight.. Lake Geneva Passenger o.«**eee..9:03 • Lake Genera Express .4:56r. M Lake Geneva Passenger ^ :00 B. BUBS, Agent. McHenry, III MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second Ond Last Tuesday evening of each montn. Neighbors coriially invited- MASONIC. MCHENRT LODGE, NO. 158 A.|F, and A. M.-- Segular Communications the second ana mrth Mondays in each month. JOHN I. STORT, W. M. Settlement Notice. Being about to close my business in this village and move West, this is to Notify *11 persons knowing themselves tadebted to me, either by Note or Book account, to call and settle the •MM without delay. This Is no collec­ ting dodge, but square business, as my business must be closed here in the next 10 days. Thoso interested will take notice. Delays are dangerous, JOHN I. STOfctr, MoQenry, 111. Sept. 20th. 1887, FEED HATCH, of Spring Grove, had a herd of his Short Horns at the Boone County Fair last week. A. L, HOWE and John Huemann bad a large number of sheep killed by dogs last week. !*HE County Fair is in progress, with every prospect of line weather and one of the biggest orowds ever iseen in Woodstock. MBS. YOUNGER has recently had her residence painted on the outside, which much improves its appearance. John Nelsh done the work. PROF. L. GALITZKI, the Optician, will vl*lt McHenry again lu about six weeks, the exact date of which "will be announced in these columns. MKB. WM. LANGHAM. of Ring wood, % ill please accept our thanks for a Very handsome boquet, left on our table on Saturday last. It was the jst one we have seen this season. WB learn that H. C. Allen, of Ring- wood, met with a severe accident on Friday. He fell from a wagon, dislo­ cating hi* shoulder and otherwise bruising himself severely. £> FRANK WARD had twenty fine spring chickens killed by a mink, weapel, or some other animal, on Saturday night last, Frank is mad and no one can ilaose him. -w * *BHSON*U J. A. GOING returned to the city on Friday last. MRS. ADAM LEIGHTNER is visiting this week with friends in Chicago. JACOB WBNTWORTH, of Chicago, was calling on friends here on Sunday. HON. CHAS. H. TRYON, ofHebron, was a caller on Monday. MRS. FRANK SCHNORR, of Athol, Dak., is visiting with her parents and friends in this village. JOSEPH Hyde, of Basse tt's Station, Wis., was on our streets on Friday last, JOHN WENT WORTH and wife, of Chi- cago, spent Sunday with friends In this village. Miss CLARA B, 0\va», of New York, is spending a short vacation with her parents. In this village. NOAH PIKE and wlfei of Chenoa, were the guests of-John I. Story and family over Sunday. ED W.OWEN, whole traveling for tbe Belle City Manufacturing Co., of Racine, Wis., spent Sunday with friends in this village, MRS. C. P. WAITK and children, of Kansas City, Mo., is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs/ O. W. Owen, In this village. MRS. GEO. WHITSON. of Woodstock, accompanied by her brother, Elmer Blanchard, of Massachusetts, visited with the editor's family on Sunday. JOHN I. STORT returned from Iowa on Saturday last, and will immediate­ ly commence packing his goods to ?«Wp to bis new home.' DR. H. T. BROWN and wife and Mrs. C. A, Knight and daughter, broke camp at Pistaqua Bay, on Monday, and are now at the residence of Dr. Brown, la this village. REV. B. BRUNNING, formerly pastor of tbe Uuiversalist Church in this vil­ lage, has accepted a call from &ie Uuiversalist Church at Sherburne. Che- nango county. N. Y., and removed with his family to that place. AMONG those from this place who took in the Western Excursion on Tuesday last over the C. A N. W. K. R. we noticed W. H. Ford and wife, Bert Howe and wife, Henry Colby and wife,. Dr. O.J. Howard-jtnd wife, Mrs. E. Wr Howe. Mrs. H. E. Wlghtman, Mrs. R; Carpenter, Mrs". Lee Andrus, Frank Calkins, Mrs. John L. Howe and Wm. 1 THE friends of F, A. Parlcer and wife took forceable possession of th ei|c domlcll last Saturday evening, and' after enjoying themselves and partak-: Ing of a bountiful repast, left their compliments with a fine Crystal Water Sett, it being their fifteenth anniver­ sary. _ _________________________ JOHN KLEIFGEN has an apple tree in bis yard that is now blossomed as full flls any tree could be In the month of May. It would seem as though our seasons bad come in wrong end first this year, THE Rev. E. F. Cleveland, M. D„ will celebrate the Holy Communion and administer the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, at St. Mary's Church, Spring Grove, on Suoday, Sept. 25th, at 10:30 A. M. / Tb/ IAVELERS will do well to note the / change in the Railroad Time Table f which can be found at the head of our I local page. Ths 10:10 train North and V the 5:36 train Soqth, has been discon­ tinued. "THE web ot life wouldn't be sueh a mingled yarn" if the whole civilized would would learn--as thousands already know, that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup oures colds and makes sufferers happy. JS. A, MURPHY, a highly respeoted . and prominent citizens of Woodstock^ a member of the firm of E. A Murphy A Co. and also President of the First National Bank, dropped dead on the streets of Chicago on Thursday morn* ing last, of heart disease. REMEMBER the dates for the fall meeting of the Elgin Driving I^prk as­ sociation, September 27, 28, 29. 30. The 3 minute trotting, 2:30 pacing,^ :28 trotting* 2:40 pacing 2:45 trotting, free 'for all pacing, 2.38 trotting, free for all totting. Ijryou have sick or nervous bead- ache, take Oyer's Cathartic Pills. $hey will cleanse the stomach, restore healthy action to tbe digeetlve°organs, : remove eflete matter (the presence of which depresses the nerves and brain), andjhus give speedy relief. J/ MARRIED, at the residence of the f brides parents, in this village, on / Thursday, September 15th, 1887, by I the Rev. R. K. Todd, Will H. Mead, of Dundee, oldest son of H. C. Mead, of McHeory, and Miss Lida .Schiessle, i daughter of Robert Schiessle, oftbis \ village. / WE learn that Robt. Richardson, /who lives about four miles from this / village, oa the Woodstock road, was / thrown froci^hls buggy on Saturday ; last, and had his leg broken lo two ( places. His horse was frightened at a \ pile of tin scraps beside the road and x«£an him off into a deep ditch. EVERT publisher subscribes "them's •ur sentiments too," to the following from an exchange: "If you know of a little item of new*, apprise us of the fact as we all consider it a great favor. We want tbe news. If you go away or bave a friend visiting you let us know It. Frequently we have people say why did you not make a notice of so and 60; It is simply because we were •ot aware of the facts. So do not be d backward about giving us tbe news." ^Gallons 150 test prime white all (9M5oeate at Evanson's. THERE are a great many of our stfb* scrlbers who have not paid us, We know times are rather close, but they will please take into considertlon tbe fact that our bills must be met, whether money Is plentiful or not. By paying us you will confer a favor and save us the trouble of dunning each of those who owe us, A word to the wise is sufficient. LUKE BFENNIN, of St. Charles, who last season was employed in Bishop's mill, in this village, while out riding with a friend on Sunday, September 4th, was run into by a runaway ho-6e. and the buggy and occupants thrown off from a bridge. Brennan received a deep gash in the forehead, an iaju.-y to his eye, and other severe bruises. A rumor was in ciiculalion, here the past few days that he was dead, but a letter received by Miss Maggie Clark from his sister says that while be is badly injured, he Is im­ proving as fast as could be expected, and will be around again soon, all of which is good news for his many frjpnds here. f- - WE are Informed that the sales at the Lumber Yard, in this village, since September 1st, ISS., foot up the hand­ some sum of $4099.9", This we be'leve to be a good showing for twenty days sales. This Yard is now owned by the Wilbur Lumber Company, who have recently put up new sheds and are carrying one of the largest and finest stocks of lumber of all kinds to be found in this sect'on, and are selling at prices th it wlllcompae favorably with any Yard in the Northwest. C. H. Granger is the Manager, woo will give you estimates on large or small lots, and guarantee satisfaction. Be­ fore you buy your lumber be sure and get figures from the yard in this vil­ lage. IN oompany with our townsman, T. B. Turner, we last week made a trip to tbe Boone County Fair, at Belvi- dere. and as it was our first visit to that handsome little city we were much pleased and interested in what we saw there. The Fair showed large exhibits in all classes, tbe crowd was large and said to be far ahead of for­ mer years, while the management -showed perfection in every depart­ ment. They have handsome grounds, a fine track, new ampatheatre, and other improvements, which shows the officers to he live men who are deter­ mined not to let tbe Boone County Fair fall behind those in her sister counties. Belvidere shows a healthy boom, and new buildings and public improvements generally can be seen on every hand. Her citizens seem to be alive to tbe situation, and any man­ ufacturing or other enterprise that seeks a home in their midst receives their hearty encouragement and sup­ port, This is as it should be and Is sure to bring them their reward in the near future. Our short stay there was very pleasaut. and for courtesies ex­ tended we are indebted to Jehn Hannah and wife, Geo. Reed, Presi­ dent ef the Agricultural Seolety, and •then; THS MoHCNRY BAND. The leader of tbe McHenry Band, squirming under tbe fact that by bis own act he lost the jeb ef playing for the Old Settlers, attempts by lying and misrepresentation to clear his skirts in the eyes of the people, and being too ignorant himself to spell the commonest words, he canvassed the town oyer to get some one to put his slang io form to read. He finally found one low and mean enough to do his dirty work, and in last weeks Nunda Herald appeared his wonderful de­ fense, As regards the Band as an organization we bave nothing to say, as among Its number oan be found a few who are gentlemen, but as re­ gards tbe leader who is rlghftully named "SNEAK ," he Is not worth the notice of any respectable man. As far as the action of tbe Band In their meetings Is concerned we know noth ing, but we do know that the leader promised to come and let us know what they would play for. but never came near us, and later when we sent them word what we could afford to pay, could get no acswer only from hearsay on the street. We never re­ ceived from a member ef the Band any preposition whatever. These are faots well knewn to our citizens, and were also known to tbe thing who wrote the slush for the Herald, but this was a chance, under the cover of the Band, to vent a little personal spite, and the truth was net considered in the matter. We hive no desire to put ourselves on a level with this dirty mud throw­ er, If he has made any fame by it he is welcome to it all. We have bis his­ tory and shall keep it for future use. and unlike bis story it will be facti net fiction. We have net done with him yet. The leader of the band and his ally will receive our undivided atten­ tion in tho near future, and "SNEAK" and his friend shall be shown np In their true light. We learn that this Wonderful pro duction was also sent to two ether papers in the counts* but the editors of said papers bet^g men of brains respectfully refused t6be parties to the slander. But we are net astonished 'hat It appeared in tbe Herald, as Where there are ne brains there can be no judgment, and thluking he could make a little capital at our expense, this "would 6e" editor readily took the bait, although in an anonymous form. Here ag in we may be induced to re­ late a few fpcts instead of fiction. Perhaps a couple of affidavits now In our possession in relation to an at­ tempted Pension Fraud would not be uninteresting reading for this "would j&e.*' ' In conclusion we weuld simply point out the consistency of this champion writer for the band. He says, "in less than two hours enough money was raised to pay the boys all they voiihedP How their Ideas of price had fallen! They acknowledge •ur offer of 925, and now do not claim that they got over that sum, but relia­ ble authority says they did not get but a little over half of it. Be that Its it may, "SNEAK" and his friend wetfe much easier satisfied, it seems, when it came out of the two or three "btuirut men" thao when he thought he could Vet the Old Settlers* Committee to pay It. As regards the C. O. D. busi­ ness, if this Military Band Leader" and one or two other mouthy mem­ bers had paid their bills C. O. D. many of our merchants would have lien ahead in tbe past few years. Ktehmond Department, r SUNDAT last being tbe twentieth an­ niversary of the marriage of Mr, and Mrs. John I. Story, their many friends In this village planned a surprise for them en Mondty evening, and carried it out in such a manner that it was a surprise Indeed. About 8 o'clook the company, to the number of about six­ ty, took possession of their residence, and proceeded to make themselves at heme. Mr. and Mrs. Story, although taken entirely by surprise, accepted the situation and surrendered grace­ fully; and the result was one of the most pleasant and enjoyable evenings that has been spentf-in this village for many a day. Before they departed the guests presented Mr. and Mrs. Story with a very handsome China Tea Set, as a token of their regard and a remembrance of their 20th anniver­ sary, with the wish that they might live to celebrate their silver, golden, and diamond weddings, under equally as pleasant prospects. During the evenings Mrs, Julia Bishop and Miss Maggie Clark sang a very beautiful and apprlate song for tbe occasion, The evening all in ail was one that will long be remembered with pleas­ ure by ail present. SOME queer reasons are frequently giving for caking a local paper. One eld lady cheerfully Informed tbe Tonlca News man that since she had moved away she didn't care so much what was going on there, but, "it was pleasant to know when your friends died," and she took the paper to keep the run Of them. She was probably sister to tbe woman who informed the undertaker that ibe did "enjoy a good funeral." - Bargaius in winter dress goods, all colors trimming velvets, winter dress­ es for misses under eight years, a new lot colored embroidered Bklrtlngs, satines in blue and black pelka-dots, jerseys, dresses, corsets, infant's ward­ robes, etc., at Ladies' Salesrooms, MRS. H. S. GREGOBY. AN exchange says: "A farmer has Ho travel some distance in putting in and atteuding forty acres of corn. To plow tbe ground with a sixteen Inch plow he travels 350 miles; to harrow the grjund thoroughly before plant­ ing he will travel 100 miles; te plant the Same 50 miles; te cultJvste after­ ward, 300 miles, making a total of 800 miles, besides tbe distance traveled In gathering It." Special bargains In child's School Sheet. Ks oheap stuff. At iTMMal* P 7' Fair week! Oysters bave come. Corn Is mostly cat. E. A. Bower was In Waukegan last week, ' Key. G. H. Wells was |n Chicago last week Wednesday. 9 John C. Smi^h is to close out his business here and go West. Richmond horses and horsemsn will all be at Woodstock this week. Mr, Menlcal, our new School Princi­ pal, is giviffg good satisfaction. Dr. Fitch and family are at their cottage at tbe lower lake for a few days. Wilmot Cornet Band wen first prize at the Burlington Baajl Tournament last week. Robt. Hunter and Frank Wra'y taaye filled their biles. Frank will convert his ice house into a silo and fill that also. The ladies of the Spring Grove Church are making preparations for a Fair to be beld soon, for the benefit of the cfeurch. Rev. Dr. Cleveland, rector of the Episcopal Church at Dundee, will preach at the Spring Grove Episcopal Church, Sunday, * The streets and ttylewalks about town were never in as good condition as at the present time. Street Com­ missioner Strain Is tl# man for the place. * Maitl Agent P. K. Allen, of this place now runs between Chicago and Mil­ waukee Instead of Chicago and Ml nne- apolis, bis regular run, Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Wright. Mrs. R. Motley and Miss Maggie Heck took the 8 A. M. train for Chicago, last Thursday, returning ^the following day. Op at Twin Lakes the Rockford Club have built a cottage for Wood- ard, their janitor, and Bain has a gang of workmen remodelling and repairing his buildings and getting in shape for winter. George Carpenter was shaking b^nds with his many Richmond friends last Friday. He is traveling for an Elgin wholesale harness firm, a business for which he Is well fitted, as he Is a prac­ tical harness-maker himself. The Ring wood CornetKU and held a picnic at Capt. Ackerman's grounds, at the upper lake, last Saturday. All present report an excellent time. The b >y8 have a new wagon which Is cer­ tainly a "nobby" one and a credit to tbe band. Scene, hajf mile west of town. Time, Sunday forenoon. Dramatis PersOnsc Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Greely In their car­ riage, Arthur*Winn on his bicycle. Act 1.--They meet In the road, Ace 2.--Runaway horse. Act o^Mr. aud Mrs. Greely thrown ouct' Fortunately no one was seriouslyQhurt. Next week Thursday and Friday Frank W. Smith, of Marengo, will, at Burton's Opera House, deliver his two lectures on "Andersonvllle," and "tin­ der Which Flag." They are highly spoken of by all who have been fortu­ nate enou^b^to have heard them. Mr. Smith delivered "Under Which Flag" at the "Veto" reunion at Crystal Lake, Sspt, 8th. Give Eldredge and his injure Flora L. another credit mark. At the Sharon races last Thursday, Geerge and the little bay captured first money in the 2:40 class, defeating Gray Jim and other good ones. Gray Jtfa took the first beat, Flora L taking the next three straight and the race. Best time 2:41. H. Heck with Holmes' colt got fourth place in the three minute class lu a field ef seven. Glory enough! _____ ALCONOUIM. EDITOR PLAINDBALER:--Married, at the German Lutheran Church, by the Rev. Wm. von Sclenck, Sept. 14, 1S87, Mr. Johu B)iikaskl to Miss Alviena Kegman, After the ceremony they all returned to tbe bomb of the groom's father, where a grand reception was given and of course s good time was bad. The Fair and Festival given by the ladles of the Episcopal. Church, en Thursday evening of last week, was a grand success, both socially and finan^ daily. The society cleared about $35. The Crystal Lake Cornet Bind were down and gave same very fine mu6ic on the occasion, for which the society tender their sincere thank9. Our first nine played a gsme of base ball with the Oarpentersville nine, on Saturday last. The score stood 36 to 40 in favor of Algonquin. Our boys were not very^ favorably impressed with their mode ef playing base ball. Our boys would rather play with bat and ball and not with their mouths. Died, Sept. ISth, 18S7, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. von Schenck. The funeral was held at the German Luth­ eran Church on Tuesday, at 10 o'clock^ A.M., an J the remains wefre interred in the cemetery on the hill. The be­ reaved parents bave tbe sympathy o~r tbe entire community in this, their sad affliction. Mr. and Mrs. J. Helm gave a birth­ day supper, on Sept. ISth, in honor of their mother's 73 birthday. Among the guests were D, T. Helm, wife and children, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Coltrin, of Cbioago, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter and family. Peter Eckstrem Is very sick with rheumatic fever. Dr. Watson, of Nun- da, is attending him. Mr. and Mrs. Gilespl, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKay, John and James Dolg. and a gentlemen friend, all ef Chicago were the guests of the family of A. Doig on Sunday last. Miss Ida Morton and Miss Lora Julian spent Sunday last with friends in Elgin. pps. Chapman and wife, of Qfcteago were the guests of the family of C. E. Chapell, on Saturday last. Our farmers have about finished corn cutting and some have oemmenced husking. The corn Is turning out a great deal better then was expected. We are greatly In want ef rain In this section, as it Is too dry for fall plow- ing. Miss Maud Fowler, who has been visiting here with her aunt, Mrs. Sher­ wood, returned on Tuesday of this week to her heme at Grand Rapids. Michigan. Mrs, H. B. Hubbard has a nephew visiting here with her. At this writing, Monday Of ibis week, Dr. Nason has aot returned fress ites Michigan trip, bat he Is expected on every trais. Jimmie. Lynoh started on Tuesday ef this week for Colorado, whore he Intends making his future h7>me If the country suits him. James Philp, Sr, started for Puget Sounds en Tuesday* of this week. He will be joined at St. Paul by Wm. Glazier, who will accompany-hlm en the trip. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--It ISA iub- ject ef not a little comment, that in a comparative short space ef time four of oui most prominent citizens should die while sctive and Influential mem bers ef the Board of Education, First among these was John A, Parrlsb, then John S, Wheat, whose last Illness were not of a lingering character, then A. L. Salisbury and E. A. Murphy. Tbe two last named fell as If by a stroke of lightning. And while the loss In eaoh of the four esses mention­ ed, inflicted upon the family of earh wounds too deep for healing, our little city and its surroundings are so much Indebted for very many enterprises wherein they were shining lights and whereof they were part and parcel, that tbe community entire bows the head in grief and seeks a place among tbe mourners. And not these alone are snatched from our midst. Others ne less enterprising of Woodstock's leading spirits have found a common home In the silent city, and though years have passed since their decease, the places made vacant have not been filled, a vacuum still remains for each departed. What tLough we suppli­ cate " Reqaicscat in pace" over the tomb of each, spite of our supplica­ tions how quickly weuld we snatch them back to life, were tbe power of resurrection conferred upon us. Presch Agnosticism if you will. Preach an­ nihilation till you shudder at your own dogmas, still Hope and Faith, twin sisters ef Immortality, will buoy you up and bid you look beyond the world of doubts and fears, as the elec-. trie lights of tbe Holy City, dispel the gloom of doubt and unbelief. "He is not dead, but sleepeth" comes with untold comfort to the grieving mourn­ er, and who so hard of heart and veld of sympathy as to break the charm and bury Hope beneath Despair. Not I, be sure; and I fain would believe he llvetb not who would. Report? says R. D. Cooney's farm bouse, near Hartland depot, was burn­ ed Saturday the 17th, and the house­ hold goods of Thomas Green, the ten­ ant, were entirely destroyed. The liou. a was Insured. Cannot say about contents. Of course everybody knows this is Fair week, because they are coming to get the news first handed. When you come to the Fair do not fail te see Tim's tread power, all In running order by "bull power." Tim flays it only takes an hour to break 'em in and then they work like a charm. So much for Tim, Who next? Fred Colllson -and C. H. Tryon smiled on friends here Saturday. Owen Mead has returned from Ne­ braska. He ssys Woodstock Is good enough for him yet awhile. MoNett & Co. have opened their shoe store In Dacy'6 block, and if their goods serve the feet as perfectly as they adorn their shelves, their patrons will be likely to call a second time. Lookout! Don't stumble over these feed cuttere. Farmers are taking tbem ofl as fast as Tim and John and Bill can loid them, so determined are they to make the fodder last for all there is in it. Perhaps with the flush fall feed and the economy of cutting and saving all, there will not be so great scarcity after all. Thomas McBroom basSpurcbased the home farm and Epbraim has moved into town. Tom needs somebody to help bis mother and then he will be all righr. The sheriff and clerk are busy pre­ paring for court next week. Tbe anarchists begin to think there is more virtue iu courts and bemp than there is in dynamite. House to Rent. To rent io this village, a good house. Inquire at Jacob Hetzel'g barber shop, in the Parker House Block, West Mc­ Henry. We ofler 10,000 yards extra heavy cotton flannels at 10c; such as are usu­ ally sold for 14. Please examine at John Evanson & Co's. THE celebrated Queen's Reclining Chair is sold at H. V. Shepard's hard­ ware. Hammocks are nowhere com­ pared with these for ease and comfort. Cheap Rates to Chicago 4b Roturrv The Chicago A Nerth-Weatern Hail, way Co. will sell cheap excursion tiok* ets to Chicago ami Return durtpf September and October, on aiuieii' of the Chicago Exposltior. which w, continue from September 7th, to Otl-j- ber 22d, and for the International Military Eencampment, beginning Oe- teber 20th. For information relative to date* when tickets will be sold, rates, etc., apply to *gnnt« & North-Western RallwaJT^ - ^ 8-5w. f -• It will pay the cash buyer to exam* ine our workingmen's boots st 92.45. Every pair warranted. JOHN EVANSON db Co. 60 bars one pound soap for #3.15 at Kvansoa'4* r ur Bw wwv^MGR r«ir, H. E. WIGHTMAIJ'8 BITS. Will, commencing on Wednesday morning next, Sept. 21st, attend the Woodstock Fair each day, leavlog McHenry at 8 A. M., and reaurning leave Woodstock at 5 p. M. Easy rid­ ing Busses and quick trips. Seats can be secured by leaving your name at tbe stable or with the undersigned. Remember will leave promptly at 8 o'clock each morning. H. E. WLGHTMAN. McHenry, Sept. 14,1887. Fair ! Fair! Fair! mber the Woodstock Fair next week and don't forget to secure an easy, comfortable seat in Parker's four horse carriage, that is now back from Fox Lake and will eaoh day ssake the round trip to Woodstock. Engage your seat early. Carriage leaves Mo- Henry at 8 A. x,, returning, leaves Woodstock at 5^0 p, M. F.A.PARKER. Ladles, Attention, Having just replenished my stock with the latest styles of Fall and Win­ ter Millinery to be found In tbe mar­ ket. I am now offering the ladles bar­ gains never before heard of in this section as these goods must be sold. Flowers, Feathers, Plumes and all kinds of trimming of the most fashion­ able styles at bed-rock prices. Call and see me, as I can save you meney on all kinds of millinery. Dress Making promptly done and satisfaction guaranteed. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS. Cheap Rates to Denver A Return. The Chicago & North-Western Rail­ way Co. will sell excursion tickets to Denver and Return at one fare for the Round Trip. Tickets will be sold Sep­ tember 13th to 18th, exclusive, and as they will be good returning until October 31st, an excellent opportunity is presented to parties desirous ef vlstlng Colorado. Tickets will be sold to Odd Fellows, their friends, and the general public. For tickets, informa­ tion and sleeping car accommodations, SR&S *38# 8-2 w. Hotel Property for Sale ^r Kent, The Riverside Hotel Property, situ­ ated In the Village of McHenry. with Furniture complete, Is offered for sale at less than one half Its real value; or will sell the Furniture and rent the Hotel. For price aud terms write to the owner of the property, O. C. Peterson, Brltt. Iowa, or call upon or address S. RAYMOND, West McHenry. West McHenry, III.. Sept. 14, '87. Cheap Bates to Bt Louis and Betnra. The Chicago A Northwestern Rail­ way Company will sell excursion tick­ ets to St. Louis and return, tor the G. A. R. Encampment at very low rates for tbe round trip. For particulars regarding dates on which tickets will be soldTates and general Information apply to agents Chicago & Northwest­ ern Railway Co. S3 VP, Call at Evanson's for fine Teal*. Fine full cream cheese at Evanson's An Immense stock of Rubber %oods just received at Dwlght's, A floe line of bird cages chea(k, at W. P. Stevens', West McHenry Silver and Demlng Feed Cutters at E. M. Owen & Son. Star Feed Cutters with any length carrier at E. M. ©wen & Son. Best hand feed cutters earth at E, M. Owen & Son's. Economical House Keepers should try & sack of Evanson's Flour. I| is sure to plesse you. The fall stock Is arriving at John Evanson & CA It will be unusually large and attraotive. Two good Row Boats for sale cheap if applied for soon. . JOHN I. STORT. I have learned the latest method of cutting by Worth's Tailor Sqaare, and am prepared to do work by the newest method and latest style, for my old friends. Will solicit the patronage of all. MRS. E. W. HOWE, THE Red Jaoket Liniment, made by Mrs. Harriet Holmes, can be found at Louke's Bakery McHenry. Is the best Liniment known for cuts, bruises, sprains, bunions, rheumatism, etc.-- Good for man and beast. FEED CUTTERS AND POWERS. Remember we will do as well by you on Feed Cutters, eto., as you can pes- guaranteed on Bolle City, Smalley, Star aud Ross Feed Cutters at E. M. Owen & San. Oysters! Oysters! At Pekevsky's Restaurant, two doors south of the post office, McHenry. can at all times be found Fresh Oysters, ef the best brands in the market, either by the can or dish. Oysters served in any style and OR tbe shortest notice, either day or evers ing. Also a choice line or confectionery always on hand, GIVE US A CALL. McHenry, Aug. 30,1887. ' fiWICEIT, JR., formerly of Libertyville, ha9 been purchased by W. E. & F. C. Colby, and will stand at the farm of W. E. Colby, one-half mile north of McHenry. Terms, $10 to insure- 7-1 m Fall Millinery. MRS. E. W. HOWE has just return­ ed from the city with a full stock of the latest styles in Fall Millinery, to which she Invites the attention of the Ladles of McHenry and vicinity. Hav­ ing selected everything with tbe great­ est care, she is confident she can please sll who may give her a call, both io style of goods and price. The Ladies are Invited to c»ll and inspect my da whether they wish te purchase ' *°%t MRS. E. W. HOWE. A Biff Ohanee for the Right Man! To a capable man who wishes te Rent a large Stock Farm, I will give the biggest kind of a chance. If appli­ cation is made atones. Will Rent for a term of years. W. H. FORD, Riverside House. McHenry, 111. Sept. 7th, 1887. Handkerchiefs, all styles at Althoff Bros. Call at Besley's for the bast Paper in tbe market. Just received a Car load of the Reliable Lyman Barb Wire, at Joba lJ Story's, -i -- Walking sboes at less tbaa half prie#» to close at H. Colby**. . r„ m ^ ^ m m " V - * ; W M O T I City residences for sale. Apply t» Asa W.Smith, Woodstock,111. The finest line of Bird Cages la town, at John I. Story's. When in search of a good Hat of any . kind, go to Althoff Bros. The finest 50 cent tea fa tbe ataffcet* at Althoff Bros, I Is II See the Belle City Feed Chit tore aa4#':' Down powers at E. M. Owen ft Son's. f Drink Besley's Ale and be healthy and happy :.rj Plum-ba-go-ine, the finest Wagon *>J, 2re?8*, ®*®r used, a new thing, at ^ Bwtey'a. ... * 7'rp Ellwood's Veteran solf dump Rake.' f/ the best on the market. Sold by B. ^ Bishop. . .. * ISIl School Books and Stationery, all />-,• kltids, at Besley's Drug Store Wast jjf n Side. ' Bishop sells the combined hand and ill power Ross Cutters. Call and sea them at Bishop's Warehouse. sjfekj Call for the "Winning Stroke1*,aaew • Bra°d of Ave cent Cigars, manufaetur- * • ed by Barblan Bros. It beats ftbam U ail. A higher than market price will be i paid for good Milling Wheat at the -5#;; Wauoonda Mill. . 41 J* SPENCER, Proprietor. < *0 ; THE Genuine Novelty and Universal Clothes Wringer at bottom prices at » *2- John I Story's. Beware of Imitations. The Rockford Cutlery Company's fine Scissors and Shears, at W. P Stevens', West McHenry. *^ If in want of a Cook Stove «tll and see eur Peninsular and London and * Pans Ranges. W. p. Stevens. West ' ^ McHenry. . V If you aae In need of a first clsss^y ^ Feed Cutter, look at the Ross Upward, «^v:y cut Machine before buying. Sold by v ^f R. Bishop. T Tbe M, D. Barrows Dundee Milk Can ^ warranted four cross: tfn all throuSrh. at W. P. Stevens', West McHenry. ^ Clothing I Clothing! 'fi, The finest line of Clothing, In Sin- ffle Garments or Full Suits to be found n tbe County, and at prices that not fall to please, at Althoff Bros. FEED CUTTERS. The Ross, the Star, the Standard i'-Vf (Silver & Deming), the Belle City, the Baldwin, the Smalley. All slsee for sale by E. M. Owen A Son. FOR SALE I offer for sale my house and lot pleasantly located in the vlllege of ' 4 McHenry. If applied for an onod will be sold cheap. House almost new, and a very desirable place. Inquire on tbe premises of ERNEST WENDELL. * " ^4. YAWL BOAT for sale; 18 feet long, - ' •mast, sails, etc, complete; fast sailer; ^ dirt oheap. J.K.|IILNK, • Fox Late. Notice. To those that want Tube, Vat*. Hay Racks,and anything In my line of bust*! aess. Work done on short notice to order. Shop one door South of Law- I us' Store, F. A. HXBASN. McHenry, Aug. m 1888. lM-ly FOR SALE. Fourteen acres of good laid, situat­ ed within a mile or the village of Mo- Henry. There Is a good house, .bam and ether outbuildings. Also a good well of water. Terms reasonable. Apply at this office. CART STATION, III., March 9d, MSL V. DICKINSON ft SON--Harrington, IlL Gentlemen:--I had a cow that did aot clean for three days after calving, and I procured a bottle of your cow l-rescrlption and gave it acoordiag to tbe directions, and the cow was all right in less than thirty-six boors af­ ter giving, ana has done first since. AUGUST ARTS. For sale by all druggists. FLOUR AND FEED, If FOR CASH ONLY. V We now hare in stock *t all times and will meet any prices' made for same quality or quan­ tity ot grain or feed, shelled corn 1886, Oats, Middlings, Bran, Ground corn (ground corn and -p.*'. w«« » vw\* vufuwi^ ma j vie vieis |/vo \h **** vvsit tiuu s'bly do at the fairs. Bottom prices «ats) Salt, Oil Meal. Clover, Mil- criiarantfinH nn Rnlla Oltv Kmallav i . i m> . i . let, and Timothy deed, handle only No. 1 stock. BONSLETT & STOFFEL. DO YOU ATTEND THE CUBA* an and Jugs 9 oeats per gsJlea Sa^ela. at 1̂11 SEPTEMBER 20 TO 23. Remember tbat tbe place to get yoar Laaefc will be »t Locke's Home Bakeryff South Side Floral HaQ. Hot Coffee, !;SsSSi That is Coffee. Cookies, ete. Sandirtobes, Piee, Oakea, With a fall line of oar Bakery Gooda, baked fresh every might, and a complete corps ef assistants to attend to your every want. Eresh Made Goods, Provpt Servic, Reasonable Prices. Kemeaber the location, SoatkSMe ftetl Ball. MOKri KOMI IAKMY, , p*et of tbe beet Bnaa estf Qskas T .r, ;*• • ; I I**

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