Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Sep 1887, p. 5

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NESI>AY, A KPT. 28, 1887, HR * 1 - " _ . , GOIWO SOUTH. OreneraPassenger ........ «7:S8 A, u £*ke Geneva Express *B:2S * Lake Geneva Freight 8:00 r. * Geneva Passenger t.,..v<J:S6 *• OOtKO NOBTH. Lake Geneva Freight JU*11 A. I Lake Geneva Passenger 9:5® " Lake Geneva Express........ .4:65p. St Lake Geneva Passentrer 7:00 B. BUM, Agent. McHenry,: 111 0 MODERN WOODMEN OP AMERICA. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second aid Laat Tuesday evening of each month. Neighbors eoc lially invited- MASONIC. MCHRHKY Loooa, NO, 168 A.|F, and A. 1L-- ffcegular Communications the second and Sartli Mondays in each month. JOHN I. STORT, W. X. ; • Settlement Notice. \ Being about to close my business ID tills village and move West, this Is to notify all persons knowing themselves ladebted to me, either by Note or Book account, to call and settle tb« eame without delay. This Is no collec­ ting dodge, but square business, as my business must be closed here in the next 10 days. Those interested will: tlfre notice. Delays are dangerous, JOHN I.STOBT^ McHenry, UK Sept. 20th. 1887, /_ Miss HATTIE STORYvlilUd Chicago on Tuesday. CHAS. SMITH visited with frleoda in Chicago laat week. •/ •?$. ' « „ J--, --. MRS. JACOB BISHOP Js visiting with •€3llf0flCl Time Table. fjpiamls ill Chicago this week. JS8&T su^n'Saiiy!1 EXCERP̂ LN3̂ J<LAYS?AS | FRAKK QCIGLKY rejoices, over the Allows: i |ymj|val of a large fine boy, at his house. BEN WRIGHT returned on Saturday evening last from a visit with friends at Rockford and Chicago. HENRY ALTHOFF speat a few days visiting friends at St. Charles last week. P. D. SMITH, of Leonardsville, Kan­ sas, was calling on friends here last week. JOHN M. SMITH, of Osborn, Kansas, spent Sunday with friends in this vi­ rility. * ERNEST WENDELL rejoices IN the ar­ rival of il^in pound girl Tuesday W. M. BRIGGS and wife of Elgin, were the guests of E. O. Wheeler and family, a few days the past week. H. S. COVET andNwife, of Chicago, were the guests of Sirs. L. A. Clark over Sunday. AT Mat Helmer's. Johnsburgh, a young ladv, of about eight pound? weight, took up her residence one day lafitwftek. ArMr.Overocker's,who livesfttthe Howe Block, wn learn they have a new boy that weighs 2} pounds. Not • heavy weight. /I5ABL L. MEAD took his departure for Chicago on Tuesday morning, where he goes to ehter the Illinois College of Pharmacy. He has been in the drug store of George W. Besley, In this village the past year, is a young man of steady habits, and one who is bound to make bis mark in whateyer profession he may choose. TfTs ce6&j_ . - * • • -4 ip session at i CIRCUIT COUBT is Woodstock this week. SMOKB the "Empire Cpban," the best Five Cent Cigar in the market. A HEAVT frost one night last week rput an end to cucumber picking in this vicinity. JOHN EVANSON A Co, are building a new and handsome storm house in front of their store. QUITE a number who went West with the Excursion a week ago. have returned and report a pleasant time. •v W. A. CRISTY has been finishing ofl a new office in the' South part of his Pickle Factory, which makes it much V^jgore convenient than heretofore. \ WH. NICKLE will preach in the FTH E. Church, in this village, next Sun­ day, at 10:30 A. M., and in the even- lag at Kingwood, at 7:30 P. M. PROF. L. GALITZKI, the Optician, will visit McHenry again in about five weeks, the exact date of which will be ^sMHnounced in these oolumns. , THE Good Templars of this village are preparing to give au entertain­ ment. full particulars of which wlil be ^iven soon. For the present they will • Beet in the Universalist Church. THE horse thief, captured a few weeks since by Officer Bentbusen, es­ caped from the Woodstock Jail oo Monday evening last, and at last accounts had not been heard from. THE Beview of the Fair can be found in our Woodstock Department. With the exception of one day the weather was good aud the crowd Im­ mense. The Fair, in both show and attendance was a grand success. They say that the beautiful belle of Washington, Miss , uses cosmetics but 1» is a yile slander. She owes hor bloom to excellent health, and she keeps well by using Dr. Bull's Cougb 8yrup. • LOST, between the residence of L. Jt, Bennett, on the West Side, and the Millinery Store of Mrs. Schumaker, a Grey Gossamer. The finder will confer * favor by leaving the same at Mrs. 8chumaker's store or at the residence ofL. E Bennett. IONOM DIRKOTORR. MAaotrre.--A. t. and A. H. met at MMonte Hall on every tat and 3d Wednesday even- ta#ao(M«h month. KOMTA WOODMKW O* AMERICA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every 3d and 4th Monday even- Infl^of each month. Neighbor* cordially In- eons or TiMPBBAMoa.--Meet at Unton]HaU on Tuesday evening of eaeb weak. To eradicate the poisons which pro- fever and ague, take Ayer's Ague Cure. It cures without leaving any Injurious eflect upoi the system, aad la the only medicine in existence whloh may be considered in absolute antidote for malaria. A HOUSEKEEPER, who has been in the employ of A. Wllley, of Chicago, for the past twelve or fifteen years, .died at Fox Lake last week, and was buried In the Cemetery, In this Tillage. We dtd not learn her name •fsge. ; JI*. LANGHAK, .of Ring wood, has left at this office one of the handsomest thlogs la the flower line, we ever saw. It is a Coxcomb, measuring over six laches across, and the most beautiful as well as the largest we ever saw. Call and see it, IT IS said that when an Indian dies [his surviving relatives pay all his debts. We are acquainted with a man whom we heartily wish would turn Indian and die. If be reads this It will be just like him to wonder who Is meant. E would call the attention of our readers to the new advertisements of H. Y. Shepard, Hardware, Perry A Owen, Dry Goods, etc., E. F. Boemer, Groceries, Mrs. Schumaker, Millinery, P. Hauperlscb, Blacksmith, and Wag- Mi Maker, and Judd's College of Com­ merce, Chicago, all of which can be 4feund Io another place la this paper. LOST, on Friday evening last, be­ tween the farm of Robt. Richardson, on the Woodstock road, and the village of McHenry, a Music Book be­ longing to the McHenry Band, with the name of Ray Owen written on the - cover. The finder will confer a favor by lowing U at O. W. Owet's Jewelry ' BUre, y ^TED SUTTON has been showing two | Pumpkins around our streets that beat anything in that line we ever saw. One weighed 116} pounds and the other 96 pounds. He obtained the seed from Washington. Had it not been for the dry season he thinks he could baye shown one thai would have • .weighed 600 pounds, # THE Ladies Witling Workers Socie­ ty, connected with the Universalist Church, will meet with Mrs. W. A. Cristy, Thursday afternoon, Sept 29th, at the usual hour. MRS. W; A. CHISTY, Preside** Miss JULIA A. STORY, Secretary. ; _ DELL FORD, youngest son of W. H. Ford, of the RiversUe House, bad the misfortune to get kicked by a horse on the Woodstock Fair Grounds on Wednesday last. Although no bones were broken he has been badly crip­ pled, being unable to use his right arm since. Braided dress a patterns, #6, plain jackets, 02.9S, fur trimmed wraps, chil­ dren's cloaks, suits and dresses, fancy velvets, toboggans, floe wool remnants, wool hosiery, Jerseys, infants1 furnish­ ings, corsets, bustles, gloves, etc. Or­ ders on approval every week. At Ladles' Salesroom. MRS. H. S. GREGORY. WE never had any use for pen who allow money to sprout In their pockets when they are indebted to others. Such men check the business and pros­ perity of the towns In which they re­ side and cause more worry an J sickness than all other causes known. Hades with a capital H Is in store for this class of men if they fail to reform, ANDRAU has evidently with his new opera, "Indiana," repeated his earlier successes of "Mascotte'* and "Olivette." The thousands who have seen It at the Chicago Opera House admire It and the excellent manner lu which it is staged. The Chicago Opera House is undoubtedly the leading theatre ot Chicago. BY a telegram received here yester­ day wo learn that the Art Studio of Miss Clara B. Owen and Mrs, Dr. St John, in New Tork City, was burned on Monday tight, with its entire con­ tents, Including Pictures, Furniture, etc. Wo have not learned the amount of the loss, but it muse be large. Miss Owen Is at present at the home of her parents, in this village. $15 REWAKO. Sfy*»e vandals, with neither the fear of (j\d or man before their eyes, have t't been desecrating the resting of tbo dead, in Woodland Cemetery. Some time last week a Pair of Vases, representing Stone Jugs, were taken rrom our lot, and aoout the same time three very fine Plants were stolen from the grave of Miss Bertha Holllster, |10 Reward will be paid for evidenoe that will lead to the conviction of the parties who took the above Plants, and $5 Reward for the same evidence as to the parties who took the above named Vases. it is lamentable that we have such sneak thieves in our midst, and it is high time that some means were idopted to put a stop to it. The above Reward will be promptly paid on the required evidence being furnished. FRANK W. MAXON, a farmer of Wal­ worth, was gored to death by a vicious Helsteln bull owned by him, lastFriday morning that be was leading to water. He dropped the phain and as be stoop­ ed to pick it up the animal turned up­ on him. Mr. Maxon was badly hurt buf managed to escape and climb over a fence. The bull pursuod overtaking him by breaking through the fence and began stamping ;upon and goring tbe man. Mr, Maxon died Immediately after assistance arrived. He was liter­ ally torn to pieces. The deceased was one of tbe best known breeders of Hel­ steln cattle in this county and had an extended acquaintance throughout the state. He leaves a widow in indepen­ dent circumstances. Mr. Maxon was 60 years old.--Lake Geneva Herald, Besley's celebrated Ale on draught at John Heimer't, J. Bonslett's and A. Engeln's. The most healthy drink for warm weather. EDITOR PLAINDEALER : -- Hervey Stewart went to Chicago Tuesday. G. B. Stone leturned from Nebraska a few days since. Frank Rowe spent the first oi the week in the city. Milo Munger paid 73 tents per one hundred for July milk, A few from this place expect to see the little black trotter Jay-Eye-See, in Chicago this week. Chief, owned by Manor & Reynolds, won one race at Woodstock, Saturday, Pickpockets relieved one or two He- tronltes of a oonsidefabio amount of money at the Fair Wednesday, D. L. Rowe and sister," Ibbie, are visiting friends in Chicago 'this week. Hebron horsemen display with pride a number of blue ribbons brought home from the Fair. The Presbyterian society will have an orange supper at Rowe's Hall on Wednesday evening of this week. Miss Delia Crewe bad a large collec­ tion ef.palntings, oil and water, at the Fair, and of oourse received many premiums. The drawing for the picture on ex­ hibition at Frank Rowe's store Is ex­ pected to come off on Saturday of this week. Mrs. Frank Rowe and Mrs. Van Hoozen, from Greenwood, left on the morning train Monday for a ylslt of a few weeks with friends at Fort Wayne, Indiana. Frank W. Smith will deliver his two famous lectures "In and Out of Andeiv sonvllle" and "Under Which Flag?" at Rowe's Hall, on Saturday, and Monday evenings, Oct. 1st and 3d. No one should miss hearing him as It will be an opportunity not offered every day to listen to two of the most Interest­ ing leotures ever delivered In Hebron. BUSINESS men in thriving young cities ot the west do not over estimate the benefits of judlctous advertising. Every good advertiser in a town is more or less a benefactor to the whole people. It is not an unfrequent occur­ ence for business men to come to the Inter Ocean exchange room, or send for exchanges for the sole purpose of studyin (the life and enterprise of tbe various marts o! trade, "which they judge by Che advertising columns of tbe local press. It is just suoh enter­ prise and business that has built up Chicago, and it will benefit a commun­ ity wherever found. What we under­ stand by judicious advertising is not blow or bluster, but facts, which save buyers both time and money. In these days a city without advertising is dead, no matter what its wealth and resources may be,--inter Ocean. Modern Woodmen of Amerloa. OBJECTS. It Is a secret society, organised in 1882, to afford practical relief to the living and substantial aid to the devisees of- deceased members. It has a pleasing ritual that has a flavor of originality, and Its meetings aflord a valuable school in parliamentary practice aad social entertainment. Persons seeking membership, must be of exemplary character; of sound physical health;over 18 and under SI years of age. " BENEFITS.1 It provides for thl^fi^iit of either one, two, or three thousand dollars at death to the families of de­ ceased members; also care and atten­ tion in sickness. Assessments for the purpose of paying benefits are gradu­ ated according to tbe age of the per­ son at joining, the grading being in proportion to the average expectancy ot life by the standard American ta­ bles. The rate does nos increase but remains tbe same as at the beginning, special Inducement being thus afforded to young and middle aged men. Tbe ordinary expenses of the local and bead camps are paid by semi-an­ nual dues in addition to tbe assess­ ments, the amount of whioh is>regu­ lated by the local camps. GOVERNMENT. The order Is composed of local camps entitled to representation, com­ prising the head camp that meets bi­ ennially. The next session will be held at Des Moines, Iowa, the Bgoond Tuesday In November, 1888. • • IT IS A SECRET SOCIETY. , ^ , This Fraternity is in no sense an association for pecuniary profit, but is purely a society for improvement and benefit, and under tbe entire control of its membership, having Its beauti­ ful and realistic ceremonies and rit­ uals. Its financial matters are guarded by an admirable system of checks and counter checks, making fraud or de­ ception Impossible, and its bond of fraternal union is admirable. The Modem? Woodmen have paid every beneficiary and has relieved Its distressed members and their fam­ ilies faithfully. Eyery law of the States and Union has been oomplied with, and It to-day stands in the^Yront rank of respected and honored fra­ ternities. Its mempershlp of 12,000 is composed ol the leading men,|^rerj community. ,^^=======!!^*' 'I'-Ai "Doctor," said a despairing patient to his physician, MI am in a dreadful condition. I can neither lay nor iet. What shall I do?" "I think yon bad better roost,n was tbo reply. Now If we oonsider that this poor fellow was all contorted with rheumatism, the doctor would have done much better by prescribing a bottle ol Salvation Oil, which would have relieved his patient at onoo. Pcfoe 85 cents a bottle. Were you at the Pftlr? Heavy frost Friday night. What hat beoome of our band* Overcoats and mittens aro earning la style again. Several of our farmers have pur­ chased feed cutters. There was a dance at Olo Cbrlsten- sen'slast Monday night. G. R. McClellan has finished filling his silo and Is happy. Chas. Grant Is at work for Alex. Derment In tbe livery stable. Don't ask us'.to tell who went to the Fair. It would be far e uier to give a list of the stay-at-homes, John C. Smith Is In Nebraska look­ ing after business Interests. Ho Is ex­ pected home in about a week. Last week we omitted to mention that "Arch*' Wray and his pacer, Don Pedro, took se^nd money at the Lib­ er tyvl He Fair. Waters Stock Farm was represented at Elkborn Fair last week by the trot­ ting stallion, Sprague Pilot, and the colt. So Long. John W. Hodge, who has boon pilot of the Lucius Newberry of the Burton Steamboat Line at Lake Geneva, re­ turned home last week. The black stallion, Typhoon, for* merly owned by Elliott Cropley of this place, took second money In the 9:40 class at Woodstock Fair. Ho Is to trot at Elgin this week, Rev, Dr. Cleveland,of Dundee, oocn- pled the pulpit of the Spring Grove Episcopal church last Sunday. He was the guest of Dr. Waters of this place over Sunday. ^ Wo hear It rumored that the Driv­ ing Park Association are to have one more meeting this seacon. If they will only ge^ Olo and the pony, a crowd and lots of fun is assured. Laat Sunday Rev. George H. Wells preached his farewell sermon at the M. B. Church. During the three years Mr. Wells hag been amongst us he has made many friends who hope his lot may always be out in pleasant places. Joseph Huff and Miss Maggie Evans Of this place werer united in marriage at Woodstock Fair last week Wednes­ day, by the Rev. E. B. Boggess, pastor of the Congregational Church of that city. Joe canvt say he did not get a good "seud-ol!" ( ?). Residents of Richmond and vicinity figure In about a dosen cases set for trial at the September session of the McHnary County Circuit Court, whloh commenced last Monday. The 'bridge case', People of Richmond ve. Super­ visors of McHenry .County, is No. 14 en tbe docket. An uauauai$y large amount of ensi­ lage corn was planted by our farmers last spring, and owing to the short bay crop will be of almost untold value to those fortunate ones that planted it. talks from ten to fifteen feet high are oommoo, and we i»«*r of one farm­ er that had a stalk that weighed over five pounds. To-morrow (Thursday) evening Frank W. Smith, of Marengo, wilt de­ liver bis lecture on "Andersoaville" at Burton's Opera House, aod on Friday evening his subject will be 'Under Which Flag.M A rare treat is prom­ ised all who attend by the loeal man­ agement. An unusually large number of seats have already been sold. For tbe finest piece of road between Richmond and Woodstock we vote for that lying between Tryon's Corners and the residence or C. F. Tryon. We understand the work was done under the Immediate supervision of Capt. C. H. Tryon, who is,favorably knowu to our citizens as a competent civil engi­ neer. The job speaks for Itself. Richmond horses, as usual, made a good showing at the Fairs last week. At Woodstock A. M. Wray's pacer Don Pedro, E.S. Johonnott's stallion, In­ terior, and H. Heck with the Holmes colt sust lined the good reputations they have already made, a»id at Elk- horn G. W. Eldredge with Flora L represented Richmond. We learn that Mr. Wray refused an offer of 0476 for bis horse, made immediately after the free-for-all pace on Friday. He Is a good horse and is constantly Im­ proving, 85 pound at Perry ROSEVILLB. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--All attend­ ed the Woodstock Fair last week. Miss Bertha Wilson Is attending school at Delavan, Wis. T. Bacon's silo is rapidly being fil­ ed. Miss Llsclo Neville returned last week from a three weeks visit In Chi­ cago and Hyde Park. Mr. and Mrs. I. Fairweather are re­ joicing oyer the arrival of a son. Our school closes this week, after a successful term, by Miss Emma Quin­ tan, of Volo. J. C. H. Poile and mother attended the picnic at Fox Lake, last Saturday, Fairweather Bros', new bouses are almost completed. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Neville spent an evening with their parents last week. JUMBO. MKS. M. SCHUMACHER. Wishes to Inform the Ladies- of Mc­ Henry and vicinity that she has just received a full line of Pall and Winter Millinery, of the latest styles to be found in the market, to which she in­ vites a careful inspection. Feathers. Wings, and Ladies Furnishing Goods In great variety and at prices as low as any house outside of tbe city. Call aod see our new styles of Hats and BoooMl. ' •O;-' MRS. M. SCHUMACHER. When yOu are prepared to buy feed oome to me for prices. I can make it an objeot for you. And bear in mind that I charge you but one profit There la no three dollar bonus bore. W. A. CBISTT. THS FAIB. Our little city has been crowded to Its at moot during the week, On Monday exhib­ itors were coming with stock and articles, aad the arrivals and entries were continuous natil Wednesday morning, when the books were closed. The show of horses as they appeared in re­ view beforethe grand stand called forth from our distinguished visitors well merited praise, both as to extent and quality. The cattle exposition was good and admirable in quality, bat net as extensive as last year. And right here 1 improve the opportonit y to redeem my pledge to the ladies In the fine art gallery, that in their behalf I would thank George Abbott ft Sons for the use in the ladies'department of the Polled Angns entry books and cards which they eeuld not have had if Messrs. Abbotts had been exhib­ itors. The farm and garden department exceeded all expectation and demonstrated that veg. etable life had not been scorched out when the fall rains appeared. The floral display was creditable and the fine art immense. The display of su bstantial and fancy cook- ®ry» AS well as of substantial and fancy wear, ing apparel and needle work, did honor to the women of McHenry County, The display of mercantile fabrics was good, bat aot as extensive as it ought to have been. The display of paintings was good, bat for want of proper background and light, due credit coatd not be awarded the artiste. Mr. and Mrs. Wyant made a pleasing dis­ play ot articles from their museum. Musical instruments and sewing machines by Derry Bros, and M. Sherman were attract- ive features. One who feels an interest in these magnifi­ cent displays in doors and oat, and views in ite proper light the poor accommodations af­ forded by the stalls for stock, and by Floral Hall for the exhibitions there, he pauses and wonders why with the large and extensive patronage of our fairs better accommodations could not be had. Mr. Grow whose liberal hand has done much for the society said to the writer hereof, while we were watching the races: "If we could only get ten acres of ground adjoining on the east and improve our buildings, cattle stalls, Ac., I woald be will. Ing and would gladly contribute several hun. dred dollars to the enterprise." The plausl. ble assertion is frequently heard that there is not a foot of land in McHenry county that is not enhanced in value by the enterprise begotten through the Instrumentality of our oounty fairs. If this be true, and to one who has watched our county interests for years it appears truthful, why will not our board ot supervisors buy the land now owned and needed by the society, pay off the debt and lease the grounds to the society while used by the McHenry County Agricultural Board as a fair ground. The Board consists of all who purchase membership tickets and hence is not a siock company. The grounds sontin- |e to be enriched by the manure which is not jtliowed to be drawn aw*y but is spread over the grounds each year after the Fair is over. Thus if the Board should "go uy the board'• it would not be a losing investment, because It would be worth all it cost, and if the Board continues, It is the citizens of the county who are beneilted, or in other words, the county supplies the county with this mu&h.needed enterprise. But to return to the exhibition: The names of exhibitors are not at hand, but it can be set down as certain, Fred Hatch, Frank dole and Fred Oolison, with their Short Horns and Hager with his Holstoins, were on hand and vieing with each other hon­ orably and zealously for the prises. There is no desire to be partial, but only the names of Hanly Bros., and G. W. Young are at hand among the many extensive es. hibitors of horses, There was one department forced upon the admiration of everybody by the industry of exhibitors aud that was farm machinery. T. J. Dacy and J. D. Donovan were on hand early and the hum of their machinery could be heard at ail hours of the day. each display­ ing to tbe best advantage possible the bene­ ficial traits of his machine. And as tne drouth has cut short the todder crop, the great aim of farmers seems te be to utilise every item of fodder gathered. Taking ad­ vantage of this idea, both Dacy and Donovan weroWn hand with their powers and feed outters, and judging by the number marked "sold" during the day Friday, their labors were net in vain. The number so marked was to have been furnished your correspond - ent, but is not at band and the mall is about to close. On Wednesday the rain rendered the grounds unpleasant. But the attendance was large and the wedding ceremony very interesting, but when the Rev. Mr. Beggess took the bride's hand from that of the groom and saluted hor with the first kiss it occur­ red to the writer that when be gets married in that public way, or in fact in any other way, the minister who gets the first kiss will need to be lively. There wai fault found, and not without reason, with certain gambling Institutions which were admitted to the grounds, and when the managers beoame aware of their true character thoy were not stow to have tliem pulled. Another criticism was that there was too much long speech*making, all of which the writer enjoyed very much, but as the great mass could not hear, they grew restless and perhaps not unreasonably so. It put the speakers to a dlsadvantagoand ap. peared uncourteoas to be interrupted by the band, but as it Is unknown who was to blame, criticism will not be indulged hywin- iMd yoa ever Happen to Notm • ' That luok often makes us ov«f con­ fident. That the lien that doesn*t lay eats the most corn. That tbe truest story Isn't always the moet belisved. That you can not judge a man by bis own recommendation. That the fish that got away­ ways tbe biggest of the lot. That a fire most always comes after an insurance policy has lapsed. That the man who drinks tbe most hasn't always the reddest nose. That good credit in business is often better than a fat ba ak account. That every lane has a turn, but some of us get mighty tired before wo got to the end of it. That when we havn't a penny we waut tafly; when wo have a penny we want a house, aod when wo have <>neugh to buy a house, we want tbe earth. • The Chicago Inter-Stato Kxposition. The great inland city of America now comes to the front with its Fif­ teenth consecutive annual Inter-State Exhibition of tbe products of science, industry and art, opening Wednesday. Sept. 7, and closing Saturday, Oct. 22, The mammoth building Is now crowded with exhibits from almost every part of tbe civilized world, Il­ lustrating every department of human activity with Its latest and best prod­ ucts. It Is impossible to do this great collection justice by noticing It iu de­ tail. In some important respects it has never been equalled at any tem porary exhibition, and In scarcely any respect has it ever been excelled. All railway and transportation lines give reduced rates to visitors, aud there is every Indication that the usual at­ tendance of about 500,000 will be well nigh doubled. It oertainly will be If tbe Intelligent, enterprlslog well to do people of the Northwest properly ap­ preciate tbe opportunity it afford#* Pumps, all klttda. Iron aod wood, at any length at B. M. Owen A Son's. Examine Goods and learn priees at Bishop's. It will pay yon. An immense stock of ;Rubber Goods just reoelved at Dwight's. A floe lino of bird cages, cheap, at W. P. Stevens', West McHenry Silver and Demlng Feed Cotters at E. M. Owen A Son. Star Feed Cutters with any length carrier at E. M. Owen A Son. When you want a winter cloak call oo Perry A Owen* Largest stoek-- prices lowest. BARGAINS (N Scarlet and fancy underwear at Perry ft Owen's. Some special bargains In dress flao- nels, tricots and black goods this week at Perry A Owen's. NOBBY HATS. Latest fall styles In bats at Perry A Owen's. " Go to Perry A Owen's for the best wearing shoos. House to Rent. To rent la this village, a good house. Inquire at Jacob Betters barber shop^ in the Parker House Block, West Mc­ Henry. THE celebrated Queen's Recltntng Chair is sold at H. V. Shepard's hard - ware. Htmmocks are nowfiere com­ pared with these for ease and comfort. If you want a fine cloak, short jacket, trloot dress patterns. New and styl­ ish, call at Branson's. Evanson's store is full of now goods for fall mod wloter. Call and exam­ ine. It certainly will pay yon. Have yon tried Evanson's floor at 01 per sack? 500 new suits for sale at Evanson's cash stand. •v 'V . it NOTICE. All these who are anxious to got s ready-made suit of clothes that fit like tailor-made goods, should go to Perry A Owen's and see their new fall stock. Prices guaranteed the lowest. Go to Perry A Owen's for clothing this fall. Their fits are the finest, stock largest and prloes lowest. For a good tea excelling all for strength aad flavor call on Perry A Owen. A Big Chance for the Right Man! To a capable man who wishes to Rent a large Stock Farm, 1 will give the biggest kind of a chance, If appli­ cation is made at once. Will Rent for a term of years. W. H. FORD, Riverside House. McHenry, II!. Sept. 7tb, 1887. We would respectfully oall the atten­ tion of cash buyers to the fact that our fail stock is now in and that we should be pleased te have you oall and look us ovjr at earliest possible con­ venience. We are in position to otter you a very complete assortment In dress goods, flannels, underwear, cloaks, chawls, clothing, ladles' and children's line shoes, groceries and In fact anything needed for fall and win­ ter and at the most reasonable prices ever known in this section. Inspec­ tion earnestly solicited. Very respectfully, JOHN EVANSON A Oft, Cheap Rates to Chicago A Return. The Chicago A North-Western Rail­ way Co. will sell cheap excursion tick­ ets to Chicago and Return during September and October, on account of.the Chicago Exposition which will continue from September 7th, to Octo- Oer 22d, and for the International Military Eencampment. beginning Oc­ tober 20th. For Information relative to dated when tickets will be sold, rates, etc., apply to ageats CMgago A North-Western Railway. 8-5w. Ladles, Attention, Having just replenished my stock with tbe latest styles of Fall aad Win­ ter Millinery to be found lu tbe mar­ ket. I am now offering the ladles bar­ gains never before heard of io this section as these goods must be sold. Flowers, Feathers, Plumes and all kinds of trimming of the most fashion? able styles at bed-rock prices. Call and see me, as I can save yoa money on all kinds of millinery. Dress Making promptly done and satisfaction guaranteed. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS. Hotel Property for Sato or Bant, The Riverside Hotel Property, situ­ ated In the Village of McHenry. with Furniture complete, is oflered for sale at less than one half its real value; or will sell tbe Furniture and rent the Hotel. For price and terms write to the owner of the property, O. C. Petersen, Brltt, Iowa, or call upon or address S. RAYMOND, West McHenry. West McHenry, 111.. Sept. 14, '87. . Cheap Bates to St. Louis and Setara. The Chicago A Northwestern Rail­ way Company will sell excursion tick­ ets to St. Louis and return, for the G. A. R. Encampment at very low rates for tbe round trip. For particulars regarding dates on which tickets will be sold rates and general information apply to agents Chicago A Northwest­ ern Railway Co. 8-3w WAUCONDA.HL. Sept. <( 1884. 0. Dickinson A Son, Barringtjn, III. Gentlemen.--I find your Russian Liniment tbe best medicine I ever used. I am on the road most all the time and always carry a bottle of your liniment with me. I use it for bruise9, pain In the stomach and bowels, diar­ rhoea aud cholera Morbus; one dose al­ ways cures me, I use it also for my horses. N. B. DUERS. Throe Harvest Excursions. Will be run by the Chicago & Nortfi- Western Railway to points in Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Northern Iowa, and Southern Minnesota. Tickets will be sold Tuesdays, August 30th. Sep­ tember 20th and October 11th, atone fare for the round trip, good to return within thirty days from date. For full particulars apply to agents Chica­ go A North-Western Railway, or address E. P. Wilson, General Passen­ ger Agent. Chicago. 1 Bucklen's Arnloa Salvo. Tne best Salve in the world for cuts cruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands,chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptians, and poe- tlvely cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. Prioe 35 cents per box. For sale by Henry Colby, at Altbott aroi. Call at the ^sst Paper in the martut. . .1 . Walking shoes at less than half tirlna toctoso/M H. Colby's. City residences W. Asa W. Smith, W< When in asaroii of a good Mat of aav kind, go to Althoff Bt«o. The finest 60 cent tea in tbe market at Alt ho II Bros, See tbe Belle Ci. Down powers at K. Drink Besley's Ale^ and be iMithy and happy Plum-ba-go-lae, the flaect Wagon Grease ever used, a now ftUsKtat Besley's. EUW.MXTS Veteran self the best on the market. Bishop. School Books and Stationery, ell klhde, at Besley*s Drug <8tore West Side. ' Bishop sells the combined hand and power Rosr Cotters. Call and aeo them at Bishop*s Warehouse. A higher than market price win bo paid for good Milling H%eat at tbe Wanoonda Mill.. J. SPEHCBR, Proprietor. The Rockford Cutlery Compute fine Scissors aod Shear*, at W. P, Stevens', West McHenry. If In want of a Cook Stove call and see our Peninsular and London aod Paris Ranges. W. P. Stevens. West McHenry. If you aae In need of a first class Food Cutter, look at the Roes Upward cut Machine before buying. Sold by R. Bishop. The M, D. Barrow* Dundee Milk Can warranted four cross tin all through, at W. P. Stoveos'. West McHenry. T : Clothing 1 Clothing 1; 'Ski The finest line of Clothing, to Sin­ gle Garments or Fnll Suits tOBO.^.^ In the County, and at prices that tWgv not fall to please, at Althofl Broe. . ! FXBD CUTTBB8. ' ,'^v The Ross, tbe Star, the StOadftfCi (Silver A Doming), the Belle City. *5? All «!«* for sale by S. M. Owen A Sotu ;f * FOB SALB -kVV:" I offer for sale my house amd lot pleasantly located In tbo village of McHenry. If applied for ao ooos will be sold cheap. House almost new, and a very desirable plaoe. Inquire on the - premises of ERWEST WSKDSLU J Notice. To those that want Tube, Vata, Hay Hacks, and anythlnsr In my line of bodf* . oess. Work done on short notloo to order. Shop one door 8oathofI«Mr» I us' Store, > % lfcHen*y, Anf. CART STATIOK, HU. Mareh 9D, 19SS. U, OiCKiNsoM A Sow--BarrtngtoB. IlL Gentletnen:--I hsd a oow that dtd -lot clean for three days after calving, aid I procured a bottle of yonr cow Prescription and gave It according to the directions, and the -cow Was alt ! right in less than thlrty*slx hours af- \ tor giving, ana has done irsT rate since. AUGUST For sale by all druggists. 7 ^ FLOUR AND FEED, . FOB CA8H ONLY. „ We now have in stock at alt" times and will meet any prices ^ made for same quality or qaan- tity ot grain or feed, shelled corn 1886, Oats, Middlings, Bran, ; Ground corn (ground corn and - oats) Salt, Oil Meal, Clover, Mil­ let, and Timothy deed. Wo handle only No. 1 stock. BONSLETT A STOFFEL. I have learned the latest method of outtlog by Worth's Tailor 8q«iare,aod am prepared te do work by the aewcel method and latest style, for say old friends. Will solicit the patronage of > ALU MKS.E. W.Howa. THERedJaoket Liniment, made by Mrs. Harriet Holmes, can be feoml at Louke's Bakery McHenry. Is tbe best Liniment known for cots, braises* sprains, bnnions. rheumatism, ete.-- Good for man aad beast. ^ FEED CUTTBRS AND POWERS. Remember we wlfiPdo as well by yoa on Feed Cutters, eto., as von aha s'bly do at tbe fairs. Betti|p| guaranteed on Belle City, ~ Star and Ross Feed Cutters a| Owen A San. _______ Oysters! Oysters! J At Pekevsky's Restaurant, two dooro south of tbe post office, McHenry, eaa at all times be found Fresh Oysters, of the best brands in the market, either by the can or d'sh. Oysters served In any style and oo the shortest notice, either day or evoa» ing. Also a choice lino of always on hand, GIVE US A CALL. MoHenry, Aug. SO, 1887. SWIGERT, Formerly of Llbertyville, has boon' purchased by W. E. A F. C. Colby, aad will stand at the farm of W. B. Colby, one-half mile north of MoBeom Terms. $ 10 to Insure- 7-tsa Fall Millinery. MRS. E. W. HOWE hss fast rotat­ ed from tbe city with a fall stock of the latest styles in Fall MUUaerji to which she invites the attention off tbe Ladies of McHenry and vicinity. Sav­ ing selected every thlog wttb tbo great­ est care, sbo is ooofldeot she can please •11 who may give hor a call, both In style of goods and price, Tbo Ladlee are invited to c*ll and inspect my goods whether thoy wish to purchase or not, L MRS. B. W. HOWB. Cheap Itateo to Donver * Return. The Chicago A North-Wee tern Rail­ way Co. will sell excoralen tickets to Denver and Return at one fare for the Round Trip. Tickets wlU be sold Sep­ tember 13th to 18th, exclusive, aad aa thoy will be good retnrolng until October 31st. an excellent opportunity Is presented to parties desiroas of vlstljigftalerado. Tlokets will be sold to OdcnPeilowa, their friends, and the general noblic. For tickets, loferata- tlon andsleeptng oar aocommedatteaa» ayply to ̂ goats of Chicago A North- ' <" 1/6 hi , '4 8-2w. Iway Co. Rest haad food cotton ea earth MLQwtaASortu atSSsSlI

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