Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Oct 1887, p. 4

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IT. OCT. 5. 1867. Editor. T> 10*7 M Ibaad on l&ile at OKO. P. Advertising ... advertising YORK «• staled that socialists and an determined to bold a lag la Union Hill. N. J. this In spite of th« plHw latwdletlon, and that a oenfllct «*d a repetition of the Haymarket Jttijfeily In Chloafo la highly probable, % tfrn* Inter Ocean says: The for* Mat opening and christening of Camp ffreftdM oooarred Monday afternoon :. ^ l« the presence of 3,000 people, The ft large aggregation of brilliantly clad troepe and musicians made a most 1m- '•'* „ poetne spectacle. The weather was ^leaeant and the event enjoyable. '. .v:}10o»erDer Be ve ridge christened the f and then Introduoed Mayor Boobt, who delivered an address o' > - ivolcome. The flag was run np and a ,1 •' 3faMonal salute fired, while a score of ^ : t>ind« fiayed "The Star Spangled ft-, banner." 1 afiVSeToral Dakota citizens are in ^Washington completing arrangements for an oarly and vigorous effort to ad­ mit that Territory to Statehood. She tMSbeen most shamefully treated by Ibe past two democratic Congresses. %eeanse her people are Republican in %ol|tlos, and If admitted It adds three electoral votes to the Republican eotomn In the next Presidential elec­ tion. There will be such an array ef facts presented this winter that the ^democratic leaden will be put to their wits' end to tramp up excuses for further exclusion. , jgrThere are rumors of trouble In the Inter-State Commerce Com filia­ tion. It Is said that Col. Morrison is •ot rated quite as high by his col­ leagues as he thinks he ought to be. /•ad seriously contemplates resigning. Morrison Is not a very easy feilow to ^fet along with. He took his defeat #•* Congress sadly to heart, and jokaifees Randall as being at tfie bttibm of the whole affair. He posses •est good deal of bull-dog tenacity, and his better qualities are displayed there Is more fighting than on ftqttltt aad laborous Commission like that of the Inter-State Commerce. The thought that he cannot have a feted In the tumults of the next Con- gieaa* annoys him. ' t Will Unit* the Republican Party. The nomination of Fred D, Qrant at lb« bead of their tioket by the New Yetk Bepubitoans will force the Dem- •amta ef that State Into a clean can- Vtes. Mr. Grant ta not a politician, and as a cltlsen no word of reproach «aa be uttered against his name. He !M «m» at brains and Integrity, and k« 4rtH honor the party In the faithful discharge ot the duties ef the office to Vkid he Is pretty certain to be skated. Of course the whole power .the administration will be brought Wbaafleeeeure his defeat, because It liifi fa andentood that the administra­ tion of President Cleveland is on trial, awlbacaaM;as the sen of the "Old Oemmaader,M be stands the represent- - elite of the men who perserved the rf ^ Union, and for these, it has been aaffidently demonstrated, Mr. Cleve- Itsd aad tboee who most earnestly 'i i tapport him have no love. The nomi JMtbe Is a strong one. It will unite • the Republican party ef the Empire If^SpMste, as it has not been united in V Jeara, and give to the canvass a / •y^ setloeel latarest. & :*§I ".The unartmone dedslea ef the Su­ preme Oeort of Illinois that the notoriousCatoage Aoaioblin, Splss, Kegel, Llngg, Flelden, Parsons, Fisher and Schwab, must be hung, cannot but encourage all friends of la«f and order everywhere. It Is a heavy blow to the revolutionary elements of society, and a moat timely and Important support to good government. We trust that nothing will be allowed to Interfere with the carrying into effeet of the sentenoe of the condemed men. It is to be hoped also that the demonstra tions of sickly sentimentallsm which some people have been allowed to ex­ hibit towards them. If current reports be true, may be prohibited henceforth. They are criminals of the worst and most dangerous sort, and tbey should be treated as such. Two things must be borne In mind in regard to tbem. One is that their condemnation involves no Invasion of the right of freedom of speech or even of opinion. They are Bot to be punished because of thetr pestilent social doctrines, nor for their blatant and virulent harangues, but for the shedding of Innocent blood. They are murderers, and murderers of the vilest and most cruel sort. In spit<> of the manifest advantages of allowing sncb men to proclaim their malevolent and dangerous beliefs with entire freedom we are by no mears clear that it would not be wiser sometimes to punish such utterances as theirs have been. But however as this may be, they have not been condemned for anything which they have said. They are to die be­ cause thev are guilty of the death of others. The other thing is that they have had a fair trial, as well as every oppor tunlty and advantage which the most extreme charity could ask for legiti­ mately in their behalf. We often have had the feeling, during the months which have been passing since their arrest and conviction, that their cases should have been decided more promptly, and that, if they were to be put;to death, the Interests of proprie* ty and of good order would be promo­ ted by making their penalty follow 9wlftly upon the heels of their crime. But we feel now that the long delay has not been without Its advantage. All appearance--however unreal--of haste and passion has been prevented. The majority of the law has vindicated itself with becoming calmness and dignity, and the result which has been reached is the more soltnenly im­ pressive. We trust, and believe, that a pos­ sible appeal to the Governor of Illi­ nois for their pardon will be refused promptly and decidely, and that the influence of their doom upon all other anarchists will be salutary. The doctrines which they have prided themselves upon advocating naturally must lead to the shedding of blood and to the overthrow of society. Bloodshed will be punished as sternly in future as in the cases ef these miserable men, and society, if onoe convinced that Its safety needs to be protected actively, will wipe all such plotters against it oil from the face of the earth with short thrift. Reported Rxpres»4y f*vr the PutKMUR* by A. W, Hutohina, Secretary of the Elgtt Board ot Trade. Xloiw, III., Oct. 8. M7. The attendance fair, offering* liberal, bid- dine at times spirited. 846 tabs of Butter sold on the call; no ebecse. At close of call thn directors declared the market for butter toteaotl^MMVeeota. ? OFFICULt. • flWter. Bartholomew.... .A.; OS McAllester Pleasant Grove..4*,. Old Riley, Iturton M G Creamery KG Smith .... Wayne C, Bu.-cho Geneva.. ....... Aurora ... South Uitey.......*;.. BOHoyt., Kaneville Potter & Barker..... Priv. Sales--But tor.. " Obeese.. PovncU. J*isa Amatm'd MX 371 40 I8S BO S08 00 45ft (K» 231 7fi 229 fiO 438 40 489 60 306 00 : 681 40 459 00 306 00 836 60 2 29 50 382 50 II 10 25 24 98 102 00 Total tians'ns 56441 « 1®»7 *S OUTBIDS MABKBTS. New York.--Butter firmer at{SS to 28, 18. Louis-- But tor Arm at 24 to SB. Boston*--Butter much tinner at 25 for extra. Baltimore.--Butter active at 24, A. W. HUTOHINS, Sec. E. B. T A Sluggish Liver Causes the Stomach and Bowels to be­ come disordered, and the whole system to suffer from debility. In all such cases Ayer's Pills give prompt relief. , ,< After much suffering from Liver and Stomach troubles, I nave finally been cured by taking Ayer's Cathartic Pills. 1 always find them prompt and thorough in their action, ana their occasional use keeps me in a perfectly healthy condi­ tion. --Ralph Wee man, Annapolis, Md. Twenty-five years ago I suffered from a torpid liver, which was restored to healthy action by taking Ayer's Pills. Since that time I have never been with­ out them. They regulate the bowels, assist digestion, and increase the appe­ tite, more surely than any other medi­ cine. --Paul Churchill, Haverhill, Mass. INVIGORATED. I know of no remedy equal to Ayer's Pills for Stomach ana Liver disorders. I suffered from a Torpid Liver, and Dys­ pepsia, for eighteen months. My skin was yellow, and my tongue coated. I had no appetite, suffered from Head­ ache, was pale and emaciated. A few boxes of Ayer's Pills, taken in moderate doses, restored me to perfect health.-- Waldo Miles, Oberlin, Ohio. Ayer's Pills are a superior family medicine. They strengthen and invig­ orate the digestive organs, create an appetite, and remove the horrible de­ pression and despondency resulting from Liver Complaint. I have used these Pills, in my family, for years, and they never fail to give entire satisfac­ tion. -- Otto Montgomery, Oshkosh, Wis. SiK ' $' v. JUST1 ),4\ <H ' «* > < 'e< 'Hit; . ' v , 1 /f* K ' & •'f , t J', . a X i V - > - - f 1 . . ' « • » * £ , , J ? > . , « * » > 1 V?'1* *'* . ' ' ' . > < 4 RfiCEITKD, • A ,t •r I?- ^7 * Bonslett & Stoff^l's, it West McHenry, Illinois! new line of Cloaks, Wraps and Jackets. The nobbiest stock ever brought to this town. Also a full stock t)f Shawls; Overcoats, Under­ wear, Blankets, Hats and Caps, etc. ; v P TRIGOT .Mi?' .iv With Trim mine: to Match, Ayer's Pills, Fiffy-twd inches 85 cents per yard. Call and see us and we I will show you one ot the finest stocks to be found in the County. fv if . Bonslett <fc Stoffel Wwt McHenry, III., Oct 4th, 1887. T - 5 Of General Merchandise. We me eager for business i;/ llBMBMBBR. W« present you with the right quality of reliable Goods just price at all times. When yon are selecting FALL AND your. Look in on our place also. We will be pleased to show yu what we hare and will treat yon just as generous if you don't buy a dollars worth of goods. Onr plans for this seasons trade are quite broad, our preparations lot* a large business have been somei * extensive, and we invito the many.good bargains. West McEenry, . - t . J.t-s ' . 1 Executor's Notice, ESTATE of John Knox, deceased. a i The nridersigned having been ap|wu¥wl exocutrix of the lnot will and testament of John Knox, late of the county of Mc. Hen'v and .State of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the, county court of McHenry county, at the court house in Woodstock, at the Dec. term, on the fti'Et Monday in Dec. next, at which lime all persons having claims against so id es­ tate are notified and requested to attend tor Che purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested .o make immediate payment to the under­ signed. Dated tbis 39th dav of 8ep tember, A. D. 1887. - " KNOX, - jrW I#-1 12-4w HART Executrix. tflT*That there will be *n everbaul- 1«C •( tbe Peoiloo Boreea by i Con- gi--lousl ioTeetlgetleg oommlttee. Is settled beyood all qoeetioo. Several demoeratio Cengnaemeii are verv ladifnaot at tbe wav that Oflee it adninUtered, aad yield!ok to tbe prenare ef their cauititueots wboee application bave bee a neglected, are determined that tbe Comlutoner sbaii leader a full aooeaotof bis iteward- •btp. BMolutiooa of loqalry are already prepared, backed wttb suffl- cient facta aod data, tbat will cause tbe Peaslos Office no little uneasiness. It baa loag been suspected tbat Oen. Black was using bit position for selfob purposeas, but not until recently bad foeltlve proof been collected tbat weald justify an open charge of flagrant abase ef power. That evi­ dence is rapidly accumulating, and hundreds of instance* will be citled to abow where claimants hare been sub jected to unreasonable and needless Allays, presumably because of official hostility. Oen. Black was once a can­ didate for Congress from tbe 16th Illinois district, and very lew of the old soldiers supported him. He wae vexed teyoad measure, and threatened then retaliation If opportunity ever •ocorred. More titan a score of cues will confront him In this Investiga­ tion where he has kept worthy men from the Pension roll. It will be s^own. too, that the large force of •pedal examiners of tbe Pension Oftoe, who prewl eveiy section of tbe oouatry, are the mere tools of tbis ••plrant, and are working in his Inter­ ests, Instead of adjusting the legiti­ mate pension claims of a worthy ; tetetaa «r needy widow. Oen. Black prelmd charges against bis prede y CMeevOel. Dudley. Dudley was In- vyetlgaled and came out all right Clsjntsata who bave business with the Feeelon (Nice prefer charges now Let os see bow Geo. Black win come sreiacs jajBaj fiT thnnf ui.'.cU i '•..'iiiul 1 OS 11K/OJLNG THE 8)Cli AKD COHQDKBp I BI.CSTEB THAT WILL REACT. It would be Interesting to koow just wbat tbe wife of Capt. Black, chief counsel for the Chicago dynamite as­ sassins, expects to accomplish by the wild yarn wblch sbe has been telling about tbe wholesale murder and sui­ cide which will follow their execution. She declares tbat tbe wives of tbe condemned men, including the silly, balf«crazed girl, Nina Van Zandt, who considers herself wedded, by proxy, to August Spies, will all commit suicide at tbe moment the assassins are hang­ ed, and tbat their children will all first be killed. Is this a threat? Does tbe woman Imagine that tbe people ef th#Un|ted 8tates will be terrified at the prospect of such a wholesale slaughter of furiou* cranks and their offspring? Does she think that anybody can be made to be­ lieve such a tragedy will be exacted. Would not tbe publication of such a story, by any other than a tellow an­ archist or sympathizer, be considered an attempt to Insure tbelr execution and to convince tbe country that the whole dynamite fraternity was utterly desperate and dangerous? But this talk of tbe horrors to be en­ acted In the families of the condemned men Is not so wicked and foolish as Mrs. Black's reckless assertion that the seven criminal* under sentenoe ot death are regarded as hostages by tbe "workingmen,' and tbat tbelr execu­ tion will endanger Inspector Bonfleld, Judge Gary, and Stales Attorney Grinnell. Such threats coming from persons on Intimate and friendly terms witb the anarchist leaders, tend to make It impossible to think ef avert­ ing or postponing the hanging Of a single one of the condemued villains. If Governor Oglesby were disposed to exercise bis pardoning power be could not do so In tbe face of murderous threats on the part of tbelr associates. will never do for the representa­ tives of the law to even «eem to swerve a hair's breadth because of dark hints of murder and revenge. Day by day the fact becomes more evident tbat the sentence of the courts must be executed, and foreign desperadoes taught, once for all, that the ven geance of the law Is as sure as It is terrible.--Cleveland Herald. < 4v 1L V.- SIIEPARD BISHOP'S MILL, k Taloable Diamer* for su vpl^fey Hifirtfas to fheks* I MA fctf^trleity runt Vrtgji*U«ia CUJJ*94 as 2kever Jcfor* for lealnjf tiio 3iek» OPPOSITE i«r, ---r-DEALER IN- Wov.ago no warfare agi ins^phj'sieSans or the | wo v.afiro no wvrl rtedifal fratun.ity (f y. Their t-phere of us©-1 s-lines-; Ik lar^o and wo <lc: re to aid tliem la fur-1 i )f.Uin^r a.ixiliai y jiv aiiS I'u.• <mrintf the eiek. Tbe I l.oreitr, phvs'cia.ii ocou >io« A high slice in public I CEteer.i ur.d <Usorvi cily so, too. While our Ar~" a .ices Rre ncl a panacea tor every ill. they are i v. e "Inlm for flic v.i ;-.rk! vi!l aiford a speedy cure oft-1 enl aitt r rtitdlcin'.s have failed to give relief. I HiBE MAGHET1C ftPPUAMCES CLASSIRED.! flURMCTIP INSOLES for cold Iteet and bul | iHAtinC I Iw circulation. SI per pair by mail. bend bizo of sho* -worn. Send for circular*. MAGNETIC per pair. Send measure of wrist. Sena for clnmlmr. I MAGNETIC of ankle. S.>r>d for circulars. MAS«ETIC r.eue, Catarrh. «tc. File* S> bjr uaJL Send fori circt'lar. I MAGNETIC 9vce^sJi!fcL?£^£ hip disease, etc. Price 96. Send lis* of waist AM I ley at hip. Bend for circulars. I MAGNETIC Also the Celebrated Garland Stoves and Ranges The Prize and Black Acorn, Universal, Sterling, and Others. neuralgia or catc rrh. will gtTe relief immediately. I Price f5 each, bend six* ot bat worn. Send for I | circulars. I MAGNETIC reduce the sweUingr and restore to natural slse I ImmedlatelT. Price SS each br mail. a«nd«f>B<| knee. Bena for circular*. MAGNETIC FFLA. , lungs. They prevent and cure cold, rheumatism. I neuralgia, pneumonia, throat troubles and ca-1 tarrh. Price S&, Send tor circular* with t--tt I | moaials. I MAGNETIC benefit to elocutionists, public speakers and slnc-1 . eis. Thejr strengthen tbe Tocaloords and prerant I hoarseness. Send for circular. PrloeSl «aohb)r I ! mail. Bend sizo of -- ffll Coal and Cooks, Small and I&m. W^.]^rlpr8^.|<tegsiit >al Ileatera. v|Ve have one of-the \ ,7" " { * Coal Largest Stocks toves •fSSSS: MAGNETIC •aricone Teins. These legsrlns have acquired 'iai-1 •ersal praise for their medical quailties. and fori the ease with which they are worn. Price S3 each I bymalL 8«ndsix* ofle«aroundcaUandanUa.I Send for circular. MAGNETIC 5"JETIIS!LT__ I pation, kidney and liver trouble. < , backaches peculiar to ladles, and imparts wonder-1 fnl rigor to the whole body. Persons of sedentary I habits and impaired nervous power will find them I a valuable companion. Prioe «2cach by mail 1 paid Send for.circuiars. MAGNETIC »PK?CTE| lowing diseases without medicine: Pain in Uu I back, head or limbs, nervous debility, lumbago, I general debility, rheumatism, paralysis, neuralgia, I sciatica, diseases Of thfl kidneni.torniif live Inal emissions, lm{ , , sta, Indigestion, hernia or 1 sulfation free. Price of ! soles, >10. Send measure ot waist and else of a worn. 8end for circulars. IN MCHENRY COUNTY. Over feisty stove# from which to make a selection. •<dl* ehorl everything in the Hardware, Stove and Tin line can bo found at our Store. Come one and all aud examine our Goods and learn Prices. AND REPAIRING Promptly Attended To. V. 8HEPAR% McHenry, Sept. 27th, 1887 . r, heart disease, dyspep-l • rupture, piles, etc. Oob-I r Belt, with Miignetie la-1 1 MAGNETIC ta^'a exhaustion^ djns-1 acneo leucor nervous exhaustion, djrs-1 da or with diseases ofthe liver, kidneys, head-1 _ ) or cold feet, lame back, falling of the womb, I leucorrhcea, chronic Inflammation of uie womb, an I > or cold feet, lame back, falling < 1 ...vtrrhcea, chronic Inflammation of . abdominal belt and a pair of Magnetic Foot Bather. I ies have no superiors In tbe relief and cure of ail I these complaints. They "" " " leatoft' £ 1 e*"? » powerful diulI netic force to the seat of the disease. Prtceof Beltl with Magnetic Foot Batteries, 910. Sent b; C. O. P., and examination allowed, or by receipt of price. In ordering, send waist and slse ot shoe. MAGNETIC chronic rfaernnatlim, goat Inntbturo, ptrtbrrii, bronchitis, lung disease, and other complaints, which baffle the skill of our best physicians. Price MO each with insole. Bend measure of chestor I Dust and waist. Persons living at a distance who i can not consult us in person should give a clear statement of their difficulties by letter, ""1 we will designate the kind of Appliances required in each ease to effect a cure. Bendyour address for the " Sew Departure in Medical Treatment Wltfe- out Medicine/' with thousands of testimonials. The Magnetic Garments are adapted to all ages, I are worn over the underclothes (not next to the I body llk« the many galvanic and electric humbug! advertised ho e xtensively) and should be taken oS. . at night. They hold their power forever and w»| | Worn at all seaaonsof the year. I _ WOrker direct through your Dniersrist, 'Physician, I General Store Uealer, or terv'igh tbe publighsr ot this | THJE1U6NETIC APPUAKCK OO* 1** Pwtsrs tt, IB. IHGW STORE. The undersigned would respectfully In­ form the citizens of McHenry »nd uuirountf- mg country that he has opened the stole VS BILLES' BLOCK, ? Vear the Iron Bridge, Mlc!tiENRY, - ILLINOIS. Where at all times can be found a choice line ot MTPresident Cleveland la la^Cblca- go (o-day, and tbe programme for hie reception and entertainment is elabo­ rate. The crowd will be Immense, representatives going from all parte of tbe country to do honor to tbe Chief Magistrate. Goto Petty St Owen's for the boat Sweet potatoes, cranberries, oranges lemons, jellys, and all delicacies of tbe #MMSBitKvaaMgK"v" " BILE BEANS! TThat a funny name or a medicine! Nevertheless it ia very i:;:jilicaiit as applied to tbe article, iile, according to Vv ebster, is " a yel- owish bitter, viscid nausceous fluid, ;ecreted by the liver." Whenever tbe ivei does not act properly this fluid is etained in the blood ana poisons the vholesystem,and sallowness and misery s the result. 8A1ITII'S BILE BEANS s a sure cure for biliousness and liver "fiw,,® SW ' **> - GLOVES AND MITTENS, • v.,:- i . _ • fly; I, • Confectionery, ClQiBS, TOBACCO, SIC. Everything Fresh, Vint Class, and pries* the lowest. tittreawaeall. P. HAUPERISCH, J W A K E R ^ ; «# Illinois --toKALER SHELF . Stoves, Tin, Copper And Sheet-Iron Ware. Qome and see oar Galvanized Iron Kerotene Tanks, that we make ourselves, that irU hold a barrel. ft " ; The Church Swivel Hay Carrier, with Tracks, Hangings, floor Hooks and Pulleys,, the beat in the market Gall and see tt. FULL LUTE OF STOVES. For both coal and wood, ot the best makes, always on hand. short I will keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found in McHenry county. Do not foil to call when in want of anything in my line and see what can be dose,« J have employed a first claw Tinner, and all JOBBING AlfH llPAIBmCr Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A specialty of Hutter Factory work. A share of public patronage respectfully §olicit«4, W. P. STEVENS, Parker's x SPAVIN CURE IS VHXM)VA£ED as an application to horses for the cure ot Spavin, Rheu­ matism, Splint, Navicular Joints, and all severe Lame­ ness, also tor track use when reduced. ^ Price 91.00 per bottle* v Sold by druggists. Strong testi­ monials on application. y E. W. BAEEBtC' •; Sole Proprietor, Ansm, ft. H. Trade supplied by Jab. E. Davis ft Co., Detroit, Hich.; Peter Van Bohaack &'8ons, Chicago, DL| Meyer Bro's ft Co., St. Louis, Bo. F.L CBISTY, m--DEALKR IK JUDD'S OF COMMERCE. 116 East Monroe St„ Chicago. Book-keeping Munson's 8horthand, PenmansMp, Arittimetie, Bto. TBACHBBS Commorcia'. TAUGHT BT EXPERIENCED Eight years' experience in College Work enables us to offer the very BEST ADVANTAGES at the LOWEST RATES to all wanting a Practical Business or short­ hand Course. School is in session day and evening, an<i old students* friends and strangers are cordially invited to come and see us If you desire to study Book-keeping or Shorthand, but are unable to attend the College, we can give you lessons by mail at a small expense. I have now on hand a lot of Top Boggles, i Aad warrant them to be • No. 1 in every par­ ticular. If you want a bargain la this line call on me. I also do a - General Blacksmitirfng Business, and will do your work la the best of manner and with the least possible delay. KEPAIHIISG Of all kinds promptly attended to. Call and see for yourself. Pi HAUPBRISOHi 0 H paieaif,«eftr ' v i M . - . J ' WEST MCHENRY. Having »<»1'1 out their Yard to the Wilbur i.unib*r Ufiiiiwn', WMl now devote their entire attupUou i» thu WW Of "4 HARD AND SOFT COAL, BRAN, SHORTS, 0AT8, Lime, Stucco, Etc. And by keeping a full atoch i»l will, in the future as In th« M«fc. rt# l» tbelr power to please all who wK|f I#*#!1 with their patronage. PrlcM si low ss Uw Lowitt All pereons knowing th«m»#lv## to til Are requested to mil Htul n«ttl# in® without delay, as onr old l>oukM mimt «slo«» 6<1* Delays are <langcrous, ft Oo. R^e and Uill Peed. Fricesis LOT AS THE LOWEST Call f nd get figures before buy­ ing elsewhere. Will guarantee you satisfastion in every particn- tar. Don't Pay Anyone TaBay Yoar Fed for Yn. Large new Warehouse at the Pickle Factory in W est McHenry, Illinois. v< W. JU OBIS'] "Vi M :\ Woodstock. ^ - Smith, Son Having leased the 8tore In Bsev's New Block, have opened ap with a large and seas­ onable stock ot Boots, Shoes, (iiits PomMo! &ooi*. ett* To which we invite-the attention ef tls buying public. Ladits&adOt&ts fins Shots. At Bottom Prices For FErst-Clase Goods. Our Winter Stock is now lust coming in and It will pay you while at the Fair to Just call in and look over our stock. _ We will guarantee to please la Mth qnaMty of Goods and price. s RUDOLPH & McNETTi weedstook. Sept. 6th, 188T. v , r , v . „ ' < • 4k • : k. "feL:

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