Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Oct 1887, p. 5

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. 'X ;4: 52! Hewaftdaobby bats, all style* at Althofl Bros, Wait* DAY, OCT. 6, 1887, f Railroad Time Table. ®: i®?111! ®®»ct Sept 12th, train* will pa»» fiiinirr'* rion »Myt sudtyitH I OOIHO SOUTH. |J** PUMB|«r i..7 « A. * |*k« Otntn Ixpreu take Qensva Freight wiGwmFuNtm " ^ oomo iro*rn. ; Lake odfceva Freight .; «-ll a. * Lake Seiiera Passenger 9:82 •* Lake aeneva Express..... A-Mr. u Lake Genera Passenrer 1M ' ®* MOAWST.IU '*§ r* Tan family of R. jsigia last week. Is iliUlag with friends In Book ford this week. W. R. SKINNKR, of Elgin, was on our etreet&one day last week. GEO. W. OWBK and wife were call­ ing en friends at Elgin on Monday. BERT STEBRINS, of Richmond, was calling on friends here on Monday. THB MISSES ECKBRT, of Decorah, Iowa, are the gaests of their uncle, P. Hsuperlsch, in this village. rbnais. rival of a fine little girl at bis home MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. MP WE#K« Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second 1/ AUQUST NoRDQUIST Started for Iowa - J Last Tuesday erening of each month. Mid Last Tuesday evening neighbors corlialir laTlteq. MASONIC. MoftavaT LooOB, No. 158 A. IF, and A. ML-- bpi»r Communication« the second and garth Mondays in each month. JOHN I. STOHT, W. M. REMEMBER the Peach Festival and Igntertatnment, at Riverside Hall, on :?/ tfrlday evening of this week. IF • LADIES employ Mrs. C. W. Slafter to ^ do your dressmaking. Shop at rest- , west of public square. THB little daughter of Frank Calkins had the misfortune to fall from a chair on Sunday last, breaking her collar bone. PROF. L. GALITZKI, the Optician will visit MoHeory again In about flvn Weeks, the exact date Of which will be ipnouoced In these oolumns. BET. H. E, WICKOFF, has been sp pointed by the Rock River Conference il Pastor of tbe M. K. Church in this village and Ringwood for the coming on Monday last. He went out with \^ne car of J. I. Story's goods. Ho*;R BISHOP .ad wife ,re Th, .U| and bwutlfol pre* lug wUh friend, to WwikegM thief cuts received, testify to the* love Md *t SSfettfee aa4 iris, gathered at the ome of Mr. and Mrs. Mlnard M. Cha^e, Ui Ringwood* ou Tuesday afternoon, a»pt. S7th, towltesss the marrlags of taelr daughter, Miss Lois E. Chase* to l|r. Edward W. Bobbins, of the Same place. The ceremony was at 1 p. M„ after which tbe whole party sat down tie a bandsemo and bountiful collation, and did ample Justice to the dainties prepared for them. The bride was ittlred in a white satin dress, with 4 rich lace over-dress, and looked very fair and sweet as she modestly received the .congratulations of tier frlenis. Both bride fend groom are well known and popular young people In oar village, and will be much missed In social life here. NEW advertisements can be foon d; In our columns this week for John| Kvansen A Co. and Bonslett A Stoffel wbloh tbe buying publlo will do wel tJM'sad. f MCHRNRT POST, No. 643, G. A. R Villi meet on Friday evening of this weakest Parker House Hall. All mem bers and those wishing to become i joembers are requested to be present. *BS. C. W. SLATTEK is now pre­ pared to ao all kinds of dressmaking St short notice and at reasonable rates. Ladles, give her a call. Shop at resi­ dence, west of public square. THE latest style of Dude Is wildly, devotedly and intensely English It •very particular except one. Having Still a faint glimmering of brains left, lie still cures bis colds with Dr. Bull's Coggb Syrup. F- OUR town Is almost depopulated fthls week. * The International En- joampment, the Exposition and the I President's visit to Chicago each taking their part. Tbe railroads are doing a rushing business about these fs. week. JOHN GTUEMANN, Jos. Deltrlch, and! Martin May are visiting, friends and prospecting at Stacyvllie, Iowa. RET. MR. SLA.DE. of Elgin, was call- lug on friends hers on Monday and Tuesday. Jog. FITZSIMMONS returned from a trip through Dakota on Saturday even* iwgja&t. '* JOHN SLIMPIN took in a now boarder one day last week, in the person of a Jpe fourteen pound boy. ' POLICE MAGISTRAIS HOLMES has got a new hat. The majesty of the law most now be sustained, and evil ^dgfirs had "betterjook a leetle oud." FRANK L. MCOMBER, who for the past few yeirs has been engaged with John I. Story in this village, in his tin- shop and hardware store, departed on Monday for Hartley, Iowa, where he will occupy the same position with Mr. Story that he did here. Frank is one of our most promising young men, and his many frieods here, while wish* Ing him well In hlc new borne, much dislike to see him go. He Is straight­ forward and reliable in every partic­ ular and we take pleasure i ore com­ mending him §o his new acquaintances 4li,Hartley, his new home. THE young folks had a pleasant Party-at Parker House Hall, on Friday evening last, about twenty-eight couple being present. Music by the Blngwood Band. They will have another at Riverside Hall, on, Friday ^ggeolng of next week, the 14tli. THE Peach Festival and Entertain­ ment, at Riverside Hall, on Friday evening of this week, promises to be a very pleasant and enjoyable affair. Tbe Ladles have arranged a flne^ro- gramme. and you will miss a rloh treat If you fall to attend. Let them have 4 full house. " ' s i THERE will be a reception held In the M, E. Parsonage on Tuesdfy even­ ing, Oct. lltb., for the pastor of the church. The welcome address will be delivered by Mr. H. Y. Shepard, after which a musical programme will be rendered. Refreshments will be fur- alstied by ladles. All are cordially Invited. /"**OME of the best Hotels In McHenry I County Is the Richmond Hotkse, Wood. | stock. The Proprietor, Mr. Richmond, I Is a born landlord, and all who stop I there are assured of being taken care of In the best of manner. This House Is situated on the East side of the Public Square, the entrance being next door to tbe First National Bank, and we advise all, whether visiting Wood­ stock for a single day or a full week to Vglve tbe Richmond House a call. ONE of the handsomest Bouquets that that has graced our table since we oc­ cupied tbe editorial chair, was pre­ sented us last week by Mrs. M. E. Hodkiss, of Greenwood. The flowers were beautiful and the arrangement the most perfect* Mrs. Hodkiss also presented us at tbe same time a Boquet of Coxcombs, six diflerent shades, one of which measured 8| Inches across. It was beautiful beyond description. Mrs. Hodkiss will please accept our hearty thanks. LADIES, when In want of dressmak­ ing call on Mrs. C. W, Slafter, at her residence west of the public square. She guarantees a perfect fit and never falls to have woirk done when It Is promised. OAKD OF THANKS. We wish to extend our tbanks to the kind friends that took so much inter­ est in our little bey that was kicked on the Woodstock Fair Grounds during our absence In Iowa, ' j ^ MR. AND MRS. W. H. FOED. A PEACH FESTIVAL And Entertainment. Will be given by the ladies of the Unlversallst Church, at Riverside Hall, on Friday evening, Oct. 7th. Enter­ tainment to consist of Reading, Speak* Ing and Singing. Come out and enjoy a dish of peaches, a good entertain­ ment and a general good time. Enter­ tainment to commence at 7^30 o'clock. THE Ladles' Aid Soctety. assisted bv the cornet band, will give a New England supper at Band Hall, Ring, wood. 111., Thureday evening, Oct. 13tb, for the benefit of tbe M. E. Church In that place. There will be good mu6lc« tableaux, curiosity shop, and an] excel* lent supper. The ladles will stjiare no palns, and tbe ability of the Jtand Is well known, All are Invi good time assured. Br ORDE % TWO friends were walking along the fttreet. One of them pointing to a house, says: "There Is s beautiful ftlape, but it is enough to make a man ikd to look at It." "Whyso?" "On iccount of Its history; for, despite its •aim and serene surroundings, It was built upon tbe groans, tears, walling •nd blood of widows, orphans, old ipen, and struggling women." "You don't say so. Was It built by s rail- load monopolist!*" "Oh no by a den- iek •let," Ito t kto / AT a regular meeting of the Village ' I Board on Monday evening, Geo. S. | I Curtis was appointed Village Consta- 1 tie, has filed his Bond and entered vil- • upon tbe duties of bis office. Tbe ps duties of this office are not always of "of; the most pleasant character, but we0y b e l i e v e G e o r g e k n o w s w h a t t h e y a r e > f a and will perform them without fear the •r favor and to the satisfaction of the IP? law-abiding people of the village. The YUlage.Board have signified their Intention to enfore tbe Ordinances. It It well. ON Friday evening last a ^ery ant party of our citizens, between thirty and forty couples, assembled at the Riverside House, on invitation of Mine Host Ford and bis estimable lady, and enjoyed a regular old fash- ioned visit. About ten o'clock the company were invited to the dining room, where well fi!led tables awaited them, and to any one who knew the parties there It would be needless for us to say that ample iustice was done to the good things thereon. About 12 o'clock the party broke up, each one voting that Mr. and Mrs. Ford were right hospitable entertainers, and that tbe occasion was one long to be remembered with pleasure b|Lall« ^ WHILE at Woodstock a week or two since we called on our old friend Geo. L Sherwood, formerly of the Waverly House, In that city, who has recently fitted up a first class Restaurant on the East side of the Squarf, where a Lunch, a dish of Oysters, or a good Warm meal can be had at all hours, served up in the best of style, on sbort notice, and at a reasonable price. Mr. Sherwood has hid a large experience in catering to the wants of the(people, nas fitted up bis Restaurant In a neat and tasty style, and Is ready to serve you with anything from a Sandwich up. Parties visiting Woodstock, and especially farmers who want a Lunch on sbort notice, should not fail to call at Sherwood's Restaurant. • J "TT-fc • --J **«»** v».,-r** *otfr.n --ii -- mii dav and half with those children of the past, ourselves "as was"--a kind of self pity when we reflect liow ure would have liked such things--such sympathies make us lavish.--Cliamber'it Journal. esteem of their many friends. Tbey left oc the 3.20 train for a trip to Chi oago and St. Louis, amid a shower of rice and good wishes, for health, peace and prosperity IWr1 Mf. and Mrs. Bobbins. ^ , ""The bride goetb forth in beaatv, i With a heart eo tender and true, 'Mid tears and kisses and blessings. From the old Ufe unto the new. t Forth from the arms that protected Her childhood's innocent fflee; Forth from (ho roof tree that sheltered Ths maiden so happy and Ire*; Forth frem the leve that has given The joy of her beantiftu yonth; r j, . Forth from tbe care that h&a nurture! Her mind in its beauty and truth: To hope as fair as the'morntng. And faith she can never recall,-- Trusting her life in its beauty. To loye that Is dearer than all. HAPPENING lo at the store of Bonslett & Stoffel, on tbe West Side, a few days slooe we took oooaslon to loos over their handsomely arranged store, and were astonished at tbe large and well seleoted stock of goods to be found there. Their large store is literally packed from cellar to garret with Fall and Winter Goods, and par* ticularly in the Ladles Cloaks aud Wrap Department, can be found an assortment not to be found outside of the city. Those goods are all new, of the latest styles, and In variety enough to suit all. It would be impossible for us to enumerate the different kinds of goods to be found In their store. Suffice to say you can find there a stock of General Merchandise surpassed by no country store in the Northwest, Read their advertisement and give theja a call. THE horse thief, who escaped from tbe Woodstock jail last week was re­ captured by Detective Benthusen on Saturday last, on the Milwaukee A St. Paul road, near Montrose, and on Sun­ day morning was again safely lodged In the care of Sheriff Eckert. Tbe particulars as we understand them are these: After the escape of the prison­ er Sheriff Eckert sent for Detective Benthusen and put the matter lntb bis hands with orders to capture the pris­ oner st any cost. Benthusen very, soon got on bis trail and found that be was traveling nights and sleeping in bay stacks daytimes. Disguised as an old man he kept on his trail and on Saturday morning came upon bis man about three miles from Montrose, on the Milwaukee A St. Paul R. R, He was much surprised when Benthusen threw off his disguise, and was in­ clined to be ugly, but the muzzle of a revolver thrust under his nose soon brouirht him to time, wben he was ironed and started on his return to his old quarters In tbe Woodstock jail. This again demonstrates what we have several times before said, a criminal mlgbtas well try to avoid death as to escape from Benthusen when be once gets after blm. He might rightly be named the Lightning De­ tective. Great praise Is also due Sheriff Eckert for his efforts to recap­ ture the prisoner, giving Benthusen orders to spare neither time nor money to accomplish this end. WE take pleasure In announolng to tbe ladles of McHenry and vicinity that we will place on sale Thursday morning tbe greatest bargains In black dress goode ever offered In this county. These goods are of tbe finest quality and worth from 91 to |5 per yard. Bought for fiity cents on the dollar, we will sell them at prices that defy competition. Earliest Inspec­ tion secures best choice. Also now goods In grey and brown flannel suit- inge and velvet trimmings. Heavy weight calico, 8 cents, worth 10 oents. Common calico, 5 cents. In children's cloaks, ladies' jackets, dohlmans, jer­ seys, muslin underwear, hosiery, col­ lars, cuffs, gloves, laces, embroidery, etc,, we have a ffne assortment. The unprecedented success of our method uf doing business Is a positive guaran­ tee of your appreciation. Garments on app every week. Satisfsctlon guaranteed at tbe Ladles' Salesroom. MRS. H, S. GREOORT. vteln- - lor the the aponnt by is sattorised to for the same, in oar same. Tfcoee wishiaf to subscribe oan Biw thlr names at hto tilore. 2 Call on ihim Md get a sample e« py.} EDITOR PLAIN DEALER;--Mr. 8.] 8. Chapelt returned home from his Chica­ go visit on Monday of last week. Ce E, Chapell came In on Thursday of last week with two oar loads of stefek, one of milch cows and one ot steers. He Is Selling them at private sale. Dr. Nason arrived home from his Michigan trip on Wednesday of last week, looking happy. He reports having a very pleasant time. Mrs. Kasper, of Chicago, and Miss Anna Tomiskl, of Cary, were the (nests of tbe Adamek family a part of last week. Mrs. Burr Thomas and Children, of Carthage, Mo., are the guests or Mr. and Mrs D. W. Thomas. Gottlelb Smith, of New Ulm. Minn, called on old friends here one day last week. Mrs. Geo. Dodd gave an afternoon Tea and Progressive, Euchre Party, on Friday afternoon and evening <of last week, which was greatly enjoyed by all, being tbe first of tbe season. Mrs. James Phflp, Sr. epent last week with friends In Chicago. Mrs. Benson, of Maywood,- Is the guests of her son, W. P. Benson. The young folks gave George Helm a surprise party on Saturday evening last. Mr. A, Dodd, of Elgin, preached at the Congregational Church on Sunday forenoon and evening last. We had the hardest rain and thunder storm of tbe season on Sunday evening last. Mr. and Mrs Frank Yerkes spent Sunday at Solon, The first street lamp In Algonquin was erected by H. Benthusen on Sat­ urday last. Now who will be itbe next. Mr. and Mr*. D. B. Sherwood, of Elgin, were the guests of Mrs. J. A. Sherwood on Sunday last. Mr. George Smith, of Blair, Bert County, Nebraska, oalled on THonds here on Monday of this week. THE October Wide Awake will de­ light the boys w-Uo love a humorous story about one of themselves, for In it Maurioe Thompson tells an irresist­ ible story about one of his own boyish escapades, entitled My First Voyage. They will also enjoy A Catskill Bear Story, by Henry Tyrrell, There are three delightful out-of-door articles: E. 8. Brook's Foot-ball, Grant Allen's Pitcher-l'lant, and Amanda B. Harris' Indian Corn Talk; these have fine il­ lustrations by Hassam, Barnes, and Lungren. Charles Egbert Craddock concludes the powerful aerial, Keedou Bluffs; Mrs, Catherwood's Wabash River serial, The Secrets £|-feoseladlee takes Sister and the Mound-Diggers through strange adventures; Howling Wolf. In Mrs. OfcfcesillNgftt- Indian serial, Tbe Lost Medicine lit the Utes. goes campaigning with Geronimo; young Vangrlft in A Young Prince ot Commerce, forms a railroad syndicate; Margaret Sidney's Cottcord paper de­ scribes and illustrates the Concord Library with Its famous treasures, Mr, French's studio where the statue o! the Minute Man was modeled, anil tbe site ot Thoreau's hut at Walden Pond. The biography, In Mrs. Bolton's series Some Successful Women is about Miss Alloe Freeman, the President of Wellesley College; Mr. Holder. In Wonder Wings, has an entertaining chapter on Tbe Sports and Games of Animals, illustrated by J. C, Beard; tbe La Rose Blanche story by Mrs. M. E. M, Davis, Is about An Afrloan Princess* The poetry of tbe number te fine: Atalanta, by Edwin Arnold, Butterfly and Thistle Ball, by Kdith M. Thomas, Bird Talk by Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney, Tbe Dairy Maids of Dort by Mary B. Dodge, Following the Sunset, by Juliet C. Marsh, His Offer­ ing, by Callle L. Booney. Wide Awake is 92.40 a year. D. Lotbrop Company, Publishers, Boston. See tbe fine stock of dress goods, at Althofl Bros. DRESS MAKING. At the urgent request of many friends and former patrons, I have de­ cided to again engage in dressmaking In McHenry, and feel assured that, with the experience of past years in the business. I oan give perfeot satis­ faction, both as to quality of work and price, to all who may employ me. Remember I GUARANTEE A PERFECT FIT, and make no promises that I can­ not fulfill. I Invite all who may de­ sire work In this line to give me a call. Shop at residence* west of public squsre, McHenry. MRS. C. W. SLAFTEB. ed A Shoplifter Caught. A lady in London stole a piece of Valenciennes lace while , examining some. She was detected, but permit­ ted to leave the shop, whence a letter to this effect was eoon sent: "Madam I am afraid that the fifteen yards of lace which you selected in my shop will not be sufficient to trim your dress; Salvation OU, tbe greatest pain f. i therefore take the likely °* sendii>on |a guaranteed to effect a cure fbe| tTbe informed whether" you L""8™ " 18 POMlble for the «.t ot lb, ceptf" The signature was that of tJ,disease to be reached by a liniment proprietor. It was accepted and pa Prl$e 25 oents a bottle. for.--London letter. X - - j -- uc drive at short range. When the smoi of battle cleared away the ball w lying on the ground as dead as Caesar.--New York Sun. _ Getting Rid of tbe Crowd* A justice of the peace was trying case in the town where he lived wh< Sarsaparllla cured him of a dry and he was a young man, and the speech a very eloqaent lawyer attracted crowd, which filled the office ai blocked up the doors and windows. The old justice, needing fresh air, last stopped the orator, and qniet remarked: "I wish yon would sit down and 1 speak a little while. I want thin out thw crowd!"--Youth'8 COI Now and stylish closks Just arrlvsd at Evanson's. When In need of a good warm over­ coat for a small pr'oe look In at Evanson's. " MR. T. E. WILET, 146 Cbsfebers St., New York City, says that Ayer's scaly humor, from which he had suffer ed Intolerably. He adds: "I have not now a blemish on my body, and my cure Is wholly due to Ayer's Sarsa­ parllla. CONQUER thyself. Till thou that thou art a slay&L 't Underwear In great variety and the best quality to be found In the markst at Althoff Bros. 3 300 suits and overcoats just reoelved and more to fellow at Evanson's. Evanson's store Is full. Wben you buy your cotton or wool flannels, look In at Evanson's. Something new In the line ot Shawls, at Bonslett & Stoffel's, West McHenry. Call and see them. Do not fall to call and examine tbe new Fall and Winter stock, of General Merchandise, at Bonslett A Stoffel's, West McHenry. The finest llns of Cloaks and Wraps to be found In the county, at Bonslett & St off els, West McHenry. Do not buy you a Cloak or a Wrap until yon have examined .the stock at Bonslott St Stoflels, West McHenry. Overcoats, In all the latest styles* *t Bonslett & Stoflels. Races Oct. 8th. Plenty of rain now. Dance at Fred Bennett's last night. The hickory-nut crop of '87 is a fall- ore. "Billy" Greeley Is an applicant for a postal clerkship, John C. Smith returned from his Westero trip last Thursday night. MoConnell A McGraw paid 87 cents per hundred pounds for August milk. Oatman Bros, are to give their cheese factory east of town a complete overhauling, The first invoice of plug bats arrived in our city last week. They Mtake the cake." Rev. Mr. Harbaugh has been invited to continue as pastor of tbe Congrega­ tional Church another year. There was no servloe at the Mt* E. Church last Sunday as Rev. Mr. Wells was attending conference at Rock ford, Frank Wray's large barn has bean treated to a coat of paint, greatly im­ proving Its external appearanoe. Several of onr citizens will journey to Chlca ;o this week, the great attrac­ tion being President Cleveland's visit Oct. 5tb. Henry Wheeler and John Calrnes sre attending oourt at Woodstock this week, they having the honor (t) of being drawn as petit jdrors. Mrs, Pierce and her sons have ar­ rived from Pennsylvania and taken possession of tbe farm tbey purchased of Ashley Turner last spring. H. Heck has a two-year-old colt that l« hard to beat. It took first premi­ um on colts at Woods took and sec­ ond premium for gents' driving horses. Don Pedro, A« M. Wray's promising youux pacer, has bid farewell to Rich­ mond and is now owned In Elgin, We understand 9500 was the price. Mr. J. L. Loveday, who has reosntly purchased Bain's land on the east shore of the upper lake is making things assume a different look. He is clearing a part or' his pnichase and will erect a number of cottages and otherwise improve his property. Mr. L. has one of the best locations at the lakes, and as he Is a go-ahead person will no doubt Improve all bis oppor­ tunities for Improvements. It is seldom that tbe people of Rich­ mond have the opportunity of listen­ ing te as good a lecturer as Frank W. Smith proved himself to be at Bur­ ton's Opera House last Thursday aud Friday evenings. In spite of the rain and mud he was greeted each night by good audiences, that showed by close attention that the lecturer and bis subjects were highly appreciated. Should Mr. Smith over visit our village again he may be sure of a hearty wel­ come. Tbe last meeting of the Richmond Driving Park Association for the sea- sen of 1887, will be held next Saturday afternoon, Oct. 8tb, The programme will cobslst of two trots and a running race for purses of #100, divided as iol- lows: 2:45 class, purse of 950; 3 minute class, purse of 140 and running race for purse of 910, As these are to be tbe last races of the season there is no doubt but what there will be some No. 1 trotting and a big crowd, Tbe so­ ciety have held some good meetings this year and this prom'ses to^be "as good as the bast." T Fort Hill Prooinot-Lftko County. EDITOR PLAINDEALER We are hav­ ing plenty of rain now. Durlog a tbuuder storm on Thursday last a barn belonging to William Ed­ wards at Avon Center, was struck and set on fire by lightning. The flames were extinguished without serious damage so far as we can learn. Miss Jennie Forvor closed a Ave months' term of sohool at Gllbertsdale last wsek, Although this was the teachers flrst term tbe school was very successful. In addition to those resident in the district scholars were In attendance from MonavlUo, Haines- ville and Gavin dlstrlots. Tbe directors of District No, 3, Avon, sre building a new school bouse at Avon Center, which tbey intend to have ready,for the winter term. A. M. White Is still In tbe sheep desl and ships one or two carloads per week. He has about 300 on band. Mrs. D. C. Townsead, of Grand Rap­ ids, Wis., Is visiting frlecds in this county. Also Mrs. Ira Fisher, and Mrs. Bark, of Sutherland, Iowa, all former residents of Grant Township. to, W, Devoe. of Waus%w, Wisconsin a former resident of Avon, is visiting bis father, J. T. Devoe, at Hainesville, after an absence of some twenty-five years. The school-boy ot thirty years age Is now a gray haired veteran. The personal property belonging to the estate of tbe late J. D. Fox was sold at executor's sale Sept. 20tb. The sale amounted to about 9240C. C- Sumner Fox, having sold his per- sonsl property, has removed to Chica­ go to resume bis dental studies, which were Interrupted by the 111 health of his father tbe past three years. He expects to spend two years In study. Those Tricot Dress Flannels, B2 Inches wide, at oaly 85 cents a yard, are going like hot cakes, at Bonslett 4 Stoffel's, West McHenry. . You should examine a new line ladles' and misses' shoes just received at Evanson's. They are the best goods for the money to bo found In the country. Besley's celebrated Ale on draught at John Heimer't. J. Bonslott's and A. Engeln's. The most healthy drink for any weather. Before you bay your anderwear, ex­ amine tbe stock and learn prloes, at Althoff Bros. SMOKE the "Empire Cuban," the best Five Cent Cigar In the market. MO bnshels of choice Wise potatoes this week at John Evanson ft Co.'s SPEARHEAD PLUG TOBACCO, 86 cents per pound at Perry St Owens. Pumps, all kinds. Iron and wood, at any length at E. M. Owen d> Son's. Examine Goods and learn prices at Bishop's. It will pay you. A floe lino of bird cages, cheap, it W. P. Stevens', West McHenry Silver and Demlng Food Cotters at K. M. Owen & Son. Star Feed Cutters with any length carrier at E. M. Owen & Son. Best hand feed cutters E. M. Owen A Son's. on earth at When you want a winter cloak call on Perry A Owen* Largest etoek-- P rices lowest. BARGAINS IN Scarlet and fancy underwear at Perry A Owen's. Some special bargains In dress flan- nels, tricots and black goods this week at Perry A Owen's. . , . | • NOBBY HATS; I Latest fall styles In hats at & Owen's. Our stock of Underwear cannot bo excelled, either In quality or prloe. BONSLETT A STOFFEL. House to Ront. To rent la this village, a good house. Inquire at Jacob Hetzefs barber shop. In tbe Parker House Blook, West Mc­ Henry. - THE oelebrated Queen's Reclining Chair Is sold at H. V. Shepard's hard­ ware. Hammocks are nowhere com­ pared wlli these for ease and comfort. NOTICE. All those who are anxious to get a ready-made suit Of clothes that lit like tsilor-made goods, should go to Perry A Owen's and see their new fall stook. Prices guaranteed the lowest. Go to Perry A Owen's for clothing this fall. Their fits arc the finest, stock largest and prtoes lowest. Au»x, 111, February 4,188& O. DICKINSON & SON, Barrington, IU% Dear &ir,--Please send me by ex­ press two dozen Cow Prescriptions, I got one of my neighbors to try It on a cow that was almost doad with milk fever, and It cured her. It Is a good thing. E. S. SMITH. MRS. M. SCHUMACHER. Wishes to iuform the Ladles of Mc­ Henry and vicinity that she has just received a full line of Fall and Winter Millinery, of the latest styles to be found in the market, to which she in­ vites a careful inspection. Feathers. Wings, and Ladies Furnishing Goods lo great variety and at prices as low ea auy house outside of tbe clty. Call and see &B0 new styles of Hats and Bonnets, r MRS. M. SCHUMAGHSR. Choap Rates to Chicago A Return* The Chicago A North-Western Rail­ way Co. will sell cheap excursion tick­ ets to Chicago and Return during September aud October, on acoeunt of the Chicago Exposition which will continue from September 7th, to Octo­ ber 22d, and for the International Military Eencampment. begluning Oc­ tober 20th. For Information relative to date* when tickets will be sold, rates, etc., apply to agents Chicago St North-Western Railway. 8-5w. ___ Lad loo, Attention, Having just replenished my stock with the latest styles of Fall and Win* ter Millinery to be found In tbe mar­ ket. I am now offering the ladles bar­ gains never before heard of in this section as these goods must be sold. Flowers, Feathers, Plumes and all kinds of trimming of the most fashion­ able styles at bed-rock prices. Call and see me, as I can save you money on all kinds of millinery. Dress Makiog promptly done and satisfaction guaranteed. MRS. 11. H. NICHOLS. Hotel Property for Sale or Bent, The Riverside Hotel Property, situ­ ated in the Village of McHenry. with Furniture complete, is offered for sale at less than one half Its real value; or will sell tbe Furniture and rent tbe Hotel. For prloe and terms write to the owner of tbe property, O. C. Petersen, Brltt. Iowa, or call upon or address S. RAYMOND, West MoHeory. West McHenry, III.. Sept. 14, '87. Three Harvest Excurelono Will be run by the Cbiosgo A North­ western Rsllway to points in Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Northern Iowa, and Southern Minnesota. Tickets will be sold Tuesdays, August 30th. Sep­ tember SOth and October lltb, atone fare for the round trip, good to return within thirty day3 from date. For full particulars apply to agents Chica­ go A Nerth-Western Railway, or address E. P. Wilson, 3eneral Passen­ ger Agent. Chicago. Cheap Rates to Denver A Return. The Chicago A North-Western Rail­ way Co. will sell excursion tickets to Denver and Return at one fare for the Round Trip. Tickets will be sold Sep­ tember 13th to 18tb, exclusive, and as they will be good returning until October 31st, an excellent opportunity Is presented to parties desirous of vistlng Colorado. Tickets will be sold to Odd Fellows, their friends, and the general public. For tickets, informa­ tion and sleeping car accommodations, 8-2w. • ? -• . • The Verdict W. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippus, Ind. testifies: "I can recommeni Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was enred of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing.'* Abraham Hare, druggist. Bellville, Ohio, affirms: *kThe best selling medicine I have ever handled la my 20 years' experience, is Electric Bitters." Thousands of others have added their testimony, 6o that the verdict Is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of tbe Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only half a dollar a bottle at Heary Colby's Drug Store, Greatly Excited; Not a few of the citizens of McHenry have recently become greatly excited over the astounding facts, "that several of their friends who baa been pro­ nounced by their physicians as Incura­ ble aid beyond all hops---sufisrlag with that dreaded monster Consump­ tion--have been completely oured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con­ sumption, the only remedy that does postlvely cure all throat and lung dis­ eases, Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Bronchitis. Trial bottle free at Henry Colby's Drug Store, large fcottloa fl. all stylos Call at Beslof%ffcr Paper In tho market. WaMag shoes at less than baU priet tocloeeat EL Colby's. City residbaees for sale. Apply Umi AiaW. Smith, Woodrto*,IlL When In search of a good Bat ef aay ̂ kind, go to Althelf Bros. The finest 50 oent tea te the market at Althoff Bros, ]| » • ? See the Belle Ctt: Down powers at Drink Besley's Ale and b* loalthy and happy ' Plum-ba-go-lne, the flaatt Wagea Grease ever used, a now thlag, at Besley's, EllwKxfs Veteran self the best on tho market. Bishop. ________ Sohool Books and Stationery, all kinds, at Besley's Drug Store Wast Side. Bishop sells tho oomblned band and power Roes Cutters. Call aad see them at Bishop's Warehouse. A higher than market prloe will be paid for good Milling wheat at MM Wauoonda Mill. J. SPENCER, Proprietor* The Rock ford Cutlery Company's fine Scissors and She an,, at W. P. Stevens', West MoHeory. If In want of a Cook Stovf call and see onr Penlnsulisr and London aad Paris Ranges. W. P. Steven*. Waal McHenry. If you aae In need of a tint claaa Feed Cutter, look at the Row Upwaad cut Machine before buying. Sold by R. Bishop. The M, D. Borrows Dundee Milk Caa warranted four cross tin all through, at W. P. Stove as'. West MoHenry. For a good tea excelling all for strength and flavor call on Perry St Owen. Clothing? Clothing! The finest line of Clothing, la Sln- f;le Garments or Full Suits to be found n the County, aad at prloes that eaa- not fall to please, at Althofl Bros. FEED CUTTERS. The Ross, the Stsr, the Standard (Silver A Doming), the Belle City, the Baldwin, the Smalley. All alsoa for sale by E. M. Owen A Son. FOR SALE I offer for sale my bouse* and lot Bleasantly located in tho village of [oHenry. If applied for an otMO will be sold cheap. House almost now, and a very desirable plaoe. Inquire on tho premises of ERNEST WENDELL. , Notice* To thoie that want Tubs, Vats, Hay Racks, and anythtnr'ln my line of busi­ ness. Work done on short notloe to order. Shop oae door Sooth of Law* lus' Store, P. A.] McHeary, Aug. W, I860. OABT STATION, III., March 3D, ISSS. ** DICKIHSON ft SON--Harrington. I1L OenUerttetw--l had a oow •iot dean for thiei days after aid I procured a bottle of yoor iiiP Prescription and gavoteaooortag fcL • - tbe directions, and the eew war mfr \ right in loss than tblrty-alx hours af* • TOR giving,.JUKI has done first rata since.' AmaOtTAawr - For sale by all druggists. .. FLOUR AND FEED, 0 FOB CA8H ONLY. ^ > We now have in stock at all times and will meet any prices made for same quality or quan­ tity ot grain or feed, shelled eorn 1886, Oats/ Middlings, Bran, Ground corn (ground corn and oats) Salt, Oil Meal, Clover, Jilt let, and Timothy oeed. We handle only No. 1 stock, BONSLETT 3s STOFFKL. I have learned the latest method Of uuttiog by Worth's Tailor Square, aad am prepared to do work by the newest method and latest style, for my eld friends. Will solicit the patronage of v all. MRS. E. W. Howa. THE Red Jaoket Liniment, made by ^ Mrs. Harriot Holmes, can be found at \ Louke's Bakery McHenry. Is the Mat Liniment known for cuts, brutaee, vJ sprains, bunions, rheumatism, eta«~- 4 ^ Good for man and beast. ^ ______ FEED CUTTERS AKD POWERS. Remember we will do as well by you • on Feed Cutters, etc., as you oan poo- '. i slbly do at the fairs. Bottom priesa . ' guaranteed on Belle City. Smalley, . | star and Ross Feed Cutters 'at X. M. Owen &SM. ______ ' Bucklen'e Arnloa Salve. Ejtil Tbe best Salve in the world for eats V"! oruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever v/ l' sores, tetter, chapped bands, ohilblataa, corns, and all skin eruptions, aad pea- , ^ tively cures piles, or no pay required. - c J It is guaranteed to give perfeot satis­ faction, or money refunded. Price IB » cents per box. For sale by Bauqf ' ' .«_•'• ;i 0ystersl Oyttarsl ^ At Pekovsky's Restaurant, two doors H south of tbe post office, MoHeory. caa - j at all times be found Fresh Oysters, of tbe best brands In the market, either 4 by the csn or dish. * Oysters served In any style snd on /; : the shortest notice, either day or even-, ; ing. • •= Also a choice line ef confectlonerx < > always on hand, *• ^ GIVE US A CALL. ' v *u< ' ^ MeHenry, Aug. 80,1887. , , hf - Fall Millinery. _ ̂ MRS. E. W. HOWE has )uat reiatlt^' ,< 74 ed from tbeclty witb anil atock of * •,Ti­ the latest styles In Fall Mttttativ, to which she Invites tho attoatloa of the Ladles of McHenry and vicinity. Hav­ ing selected everything witb the great­ est care, she is confident alba oan please all who may give her a call, both In style of goods and prloe. The Lalles are invited to o»ll aad Inspect my goods whether they wish to or not, MRS. B. W. HOWA, JOQf Liniment tho beat saedldae I aver used. I am en the rood most alt thar time aad alwaya oarry a bottle ef rail liniment with «e. I use It fst |rw|aj% pain la tb* atomaoh and bsweis> rhcea and obelera Morbosioaa dMe ways cures me. I oso It apL®*. O. DktUMoa* -•%. Of 4-Mt > St i „ . i i - j • -A ' * 1 ^ , j »»j%\•»- ijEt * J" J**?

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