w <ww » www * "" ii- -»•*»« f*' '^<V> "£.V Y~ -' * ' " " ^ -t sSfca## JfeJeirj pitiifeslef. WEDXE8DA.Y, NOV. 9, 1887. ,.7A i. I Railroad Time Table. L Taking effeet Sept 19th, trains will p»u MHtBTf StuloB dally, tzolft guwtayi, u fellows: ; ooiire SOUTH. |<ake Onm fuMBgar I<ake Qtam Xxpiui Lake 8«MTt Freight ^ wk« Qmn Passenger oorao loin ik< Onxn Freight t» 3eneva Passenger to }w*n Kzpnu U Gam PHMBNT. .... •• * Sufl^.IU 9:58 " 4:86P ....I'M ? MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. I MM! st Parker Hon* Hall, every Second lad Last Tuesday eTMiH or each month. Neighbors eov t tally tnvltea- % MASONIC. : MoHmBT LODOB, Ha 158 A.|F, and A. M.-- tegnlar Communications the second and Earth Mondays In each month. JOHI I. STOBT, W. M. METHODIST 1PHOOP1L CHURCH. PnacMng every ftabkath.morninf and even. l7Ymm«inrf at Q-W > w ^ MOnwdWua worahlp WMM'*«!M*SI $o»4/or SUmittf. J HAKDT X. WroKorr, A. B., Pastor. j Ho*. F. K. OKAMOEK baa pal a n»* VFumtoe 111 hla residenoe. % JOHN EVANSOH A Oo, of lh« W««t Jjldo, have a new advertisement Ibis : J^eek. Read It. '"J| TMK Waukefan Patriot of Salarday Ijkys: "John G. Rag an lies lo I orl ti- ml condition with no chugi for the : fjettet stoco *sst week." / A. W. BODELL baa atarted a Singing (ClassIn this village. Bo opened on Vlfonday night with about thirty Vchelars. THE Social Party, at the Parker touse, on Friday evening last, drew it about thirty couples, and all report good time. 0. E. CHAPBLL will have aa faction |f a car of MUch Cows, In the Tillage If Algonquin, on Saturday next. Nov. •Jpih. at 9 o'clock. X. A. MUEPHT A CO., of Wooditock. ave taken possession of two columns the PLAINDEALIB this week. Bead Carefully what they have to oiler. "CEASE to lament for that theu Omnst not help. And study help* for Jjbat which thou lamentest," If It Is Wsj cold take Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup MB. 8LADE'S subject at the Unlver- laiist church, next Sunday morning • frill be ' The Authority of Christ as a teacher of Truth and Doty." (MONTAGUE and Hurklns, two traveling temperance evangelists, are bold log forth at Good Templar Hall this week. THE young people of Yolo will give ' An entertainment In the M. E. Church, f^ednesday evening, Nov. 93d. Ad mission 16 contt. A fullor announce ment will be given later. THE American Fat Stock Shew. torso Show and American Dairy'Show tmmenced at the Exposition build ing* Chicago, oa Tuesday, and will itlnue until the 18th. FRED SCHNORB IS repainting bis block in West MoHenry on the outside^ John Nelhs Is doing the work, and Is ono of the best Painters In this section moos his work well and cheap. (' THE Toboggan Slide, being built by Geo. W. Owen, Is about completed, and Is one of the most oomplete ever put up In this county. As soon as cold weather sots lu the fun will commence. **AOE cannot wither it nor custoi •late Its Infinite yariety." Flesh fiardly heir to an ache or pain wblcb' eannot bo oared by using Salvation Oil. / CIRIS. KHOLLS, of Fox Lake, was so / unfortunate as to lose hie barn recest- ( ly by Are. Six tons of hay and about \flj260worth of tools were oonsumed. jEr. Knolls was at Antioch at the time •f the oonflagatloo. ' AM oxohange ssys It may bo of ad vantage at this lossoa of the year to fcave recalled to mind that a piece of $lnc placed on the live coals of a het tteve will effectually clean out a stove flpe, the vapors produced carrying soot by ohemlcal decomposition. REMEMBER the Thanksgiving and farewell party, at the Riverside House, fn Thursday evening. Nov. 34ib. Music Sloonm's full Orchestra, happy i go-lucky Welsh, Prompter, the best Band and best Prompter la the North west. Do not fall to give .Ford i foase'r on Thanksgiving evening. A MEW ruling of the postoffloe de partment provides that postal cards |hat are uncalled for will be returned to the writer at the end of thirty * flays; also that advertised letters will be bold but two weeks Instead of foui |s heretofore, before being sent to the dead letter office at Washington. g A WAUCOMDA correspodent of a Lib I ertyville paper says: "About three or J four o'clock Thursday afternoon, Oct. I Mtb, the village people noticed a Are I acroas the lake In the neighborhood of I Mr. Thom&s Glynch's. Net much at- I lentlon was paid to It however, as It I was supposed to bo brush or something 1 of that nature that was burning. It proved to be a large sttck containing 40 or 60 tons of bay. By the efforts of Mr. D. VI Walt, who rents the farm and of Mr, Glyuch and family, and of the neighbors and others present, the other stacks and buildings near were saved. Had there been very much wind Ik would have boon next to im possible to have prevented tho Are from destroying all the l arns and houses on the hill. Fortunately the night, was still, bat considering the nearness of other property ^lt Is re* markable that all escaped except the single stack.** Bny the little girls a Toboggan cap iftlVMMM'ai PMMSOMAU. SIDNEY DISBSOW, of Alden, #as on oar streets one day last week. MRS.'R. STEBBINS, of Richmond, was calling oo friends here on Saturday. WM. YAGER, of Waukegan, was on onr streets oo Saturday. ; HARRY HOLMES spent Sunday with bis parents In this village. JOHN D. NISH, of Lake Geneva* wai> a caller on Monday; * T. B. TURNER and wife visited with friends lo Nunda on Thursday last. C. FRED TRTON, of South Hebron, was on our streets on Monday. H. H. NICHOLS arrived homo from California on Tuesday evening. "MRS. JOS. PEKOVSKT spent Friday and Saturday With friends In Chicago. DR. O. J. HOWARD and wife, spent a few days with friends in Chicago last week. WM. BBSLET, of Waukegan, visited with bis son. George W., In this village over Sunday, REV. FATHER CARROLL, of Chicago, has been the guest of Dr. Fegers and wife, the past few days. ROBT. SCOTT, JR., had orders to meet bis company at Omaha, and departed for that place on Monday morning. MISS KATE HILL and Mlsa. May Wlghtmaa spent Sunday with friends in Nunda. / MRS. JOHN I. STORY and daughters parted this Wednesday morning for artley, Iowa, their new home. MRS. B, S. GRO8VENOR, of Wauconda, visited with C. Grimolby and family last week. / JOHN NEISOK, who has been maklnc quite an extended trip through the west, returned homo on Monday pvenlng. THE Ladlos Willing Workers Socle* ty, connected with the Universalis! Church, will meet with Mrs Dr H. T. Brown Thursday afternoon, November 10th, at the usual hour. Mas. w. ALCBISTT, President. Miss JULIA A.STORY, Secretary. Bargains In children's wool dresses, ages 8, 10 and 12 years, ladles* and children's hand made hoods In silk and the Quest of yarns less than cost of material. Something new every week at ladles'salesroom. MRS, H. S. GREGORY. ELI PERKINS will give his great Lecture, "Philosophy of Wit and Humor,'* at the M. E. Church, Nuada. on-Friday evening of this week, Nov. 11th, under the auspices of Nunda Post, G. A. R. No one should fail to bear him as he will "get there Ell," sure. * THE Womans Foreign Missionary Society, of McHenry and Rlngwood. will meet at the residence of Mrs. L E. Bennett on Thursday afternoon, November 10th, at 3 o'clock. All members are requested to be present, as there Is Important business to be transacted. LOVEINA E. GRIMOLBY. Rec. Boo. ONCE more the dancers of Wauconda and vicinity are Invited to attend a dance and raffle. Said dance and raffle will take place In Mai man's Hall, Fri day evening, November 11. 1887. Three prizes are offered: A watch valued at $22; watch chain valued at |6, and a music box valued at 98. Music by Tidmarsh Band. Tickets, 91, Invitation extended to all. SID. ROMMEL, Proprietor. residence of the this village, on Nov. 2d, 1887. by •ff. MB. CHAS. H. HATTIE 8MITH, ,Ooih of McHenry. he wedding was a very quiet affair, but few being preseat except the Im mediate relative* of the bride and groom. * The groom Is the son of Hon. F. K. Granger, and Is ono of McHenry's most promising young men. He Is manager of the Wilbur Lumber Co.*s yards, In this village, has more than ordinary business qualifications, and has hosts of Jfrlends wherever known. The bride is the daughter of • Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Smith, and is one of the uaost popular young ladies In the vil lage. Their many frieuds wish them bon voyage in the journey of life. They took the 8 JO train on Thursday morning for a two weeks' visit with friends in Kansas. DIED.--At Slay ton, MinnM on Sun day, October 30, Alta. the little nine year old daughter of Mr, and Mrs. L. Harrison, of Slayton. On Friday she attended school, ap parently as well as usual, and not one of her schoolmates dreamed that she was with them for the last time. Saturday morning she was stricken with scarlet fever in such severe form that from the first there was no hope, and Monday morning the hearts of all were saddened by the news of her death. Alta was a bright,^ladylike child be loved by all and will long be kindly remembered. The remains were laid at rest In the village cemetery on Monday afternoon. The sorrowing parents have our heartfelt sympathy in this their great bereavement! Mr. and Mrs. Harrlson .were formerly resi dents of this town, Mrs Harrison b^lng a daughter of Andrew Thomaa, ^ Take Notice- To ALL IT MAT CONCERN That Ibe following order was entered in Pro bate Court Oct., 19tb. 1887. It le hereby ordered that the appli cation for Naturalization papers will be beard only on the first Wednesday after the first Monday of each month. WM. AVERT, County Clerk. We have 289 Toboggan caps for la dies, misses and children at 10 per bent below the regular price. JOHN EvANSON A Co, 5 lbs gMd ground coffee 91.99. Ball white Asb'^ cents per lb. Salt Her ring, 8 cento'per lb. Fine full cream ohease 12} cents per pound. Choice .•alter 91 cents at CtruNi^ THE following Item, whtcb Is clipped from an unidentliod exchange, will shew how far out of their way some editors are willing to go in order to bewilder themselves and everybody around them: "Suppose a man and girl were married, and w|h!ch, of course, la Impossible, that at the time of the hymeneal contract tho man was 36 years old and the girl 6, whlob makes the man seven tlmea as old as the girl. They live together ootll the girl is 10; this makes the man 40 years old and four times as old as the girl; they live antll she Is 16 yearp old. aad the man being 4I, this makes the man three times as old ; they live until she is 30 years eld; this makes the man 60, only twice as old; and now^ as ire haven't tlmo to work It out, perhaps somebody will be good enough to tell us how long they would havo to live to make the girl as old as the man.*' MME. MODJESKA, who has for the past week been filling the Chicago Opera House with the representative audlenoe of the western country, has given during that week several of the plays In which her talent Isseeo at she best, such as Mary 8tuart, Camlile, Adrlenne Leconvreur, etc. Although U l« net formally announced, still It is generally understood that this will be the last time Modjeska will over ap pear In Chicago as a star, and In al) probability the last time In the United States. The second week will be de voted to a cycle of Shakespearean plays, a like number of which have never beeo presented In Chicago dur ing the same length of time. The company surrounding Moljeska is the smoothest working one she has ever had. The feature of the week and In deed the feature of the engagement will be the performance of Romeo and Juliet on Saturday night. The inter est In this piece will be understood when It Is known that Modjeska has net plased It for a number of years In Chicago, and further in the fact that it will be the first time on any stage where the character of Juliet has been essayed by an actress who can call her self a grandmother. Modjeska's Inter pretation of Rosalind in As You Like It, Is toe well known to need cemmeot snd her performance of. Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing Is one of her brightest creations. The repertoire for this second and last week of the great Polish actress on the Chicago stage will be: ^ Monday As Vou Like It Tuesday Cymbeline Wednesday ev'g .......Twelfth Night Thursday Measure fer Measure Friday Mnoh Ado about Nothing Saturday mat " " Saturday ev'g .......Romeo and Juliet To the Dancing Public. I wish, In this public manner, to thank the dancing public for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon me since I took possession of the River side House, and as I shall give my last party, before leaving the house, en Thanksgiving evening, Nov. 24th, 1 would most respectfully Invite the dancing public to my farewell, assur ing tbem that no pains will be spared to make it pleasant for all. 81ecum's full orchestra will rurnlsh the music. Gome out and have one of the best times of the season. W. H. FORD, Riverside House, Fort Hill Proolnot-Lako County- EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--We are-call ed upon to mourn the loss of another of the early settlers of this precinct in the person of Mrs. Abigail Wilson, widow of the late Wm. Wilson, 8r who died at ber late residence in Ibe town of Avon, on Sunday October 30, 1887, aged seventy years. Mrs. Wilson was a native of Ireland and had lived In this precinct about forty years. She leaves to mourn ber less two sons, Matthew Wilson of Chicago, aad William Wilson, Jr., who owns and occupies the family homestead, also four daughters, viz.: Mrs. Leander Wakefield, of Gurney, Mrs. Henry Hart, and Misses Abigail Wilson and Ann Wilson, of Avoo, besides several grand children. Her funeral was nu merously attended by ber friends and neighbors on Tuesday of last week. Religious services were conducted at Fort Hill Cbapel by Elder Rodney Gilbert, and ber remains were burled in Fort Hill cemetery. Gray's Lake station Is still booming, Several new buildings are going up and stock dealers are lively. Haineevllle now boasts of two pool rooms with the usual accompaniments. Elam Converse is conducting gospel temperance meetiags Lyceum Hall this week. The citlsens of the town of Avon are discussing the propriety of laying a aew road near Edwards' Crossing, ad- (aoent to the Wisconsin Central rail road, Dighton Granger, Esq., of the tewa of Grant, Is building a new ban for bis seventeen horses. William W. Wood, of Fremont has leased his farm to Jame* Gullidge of Avon, for a term of three years fro March 1st next. Mrs. Edward Lusk of Fremont Is re ported very sick. Also Mrs. Compton, mother of Jehiel and Richard Comp ton, of Yolo. GARTH. Hebron Department Good prints at 3 cents per yard. Better at 4 and 6 at Evanson s. UNDERWEAR. ' 660 pieces men's shirts and drawers white and colored, 46 oents each at Evaneon's, OYERCOATS. Low and medium priced, great gains at Evanson's. 100 bushels onions at 91 por bushel at Evanson's. FOR SALE I offer lor sale my bouse and lot pleasantly located In tho village of MoHenry. If applied for an enoo will be sold cheap. House almost new, and a very desirable plaoe. Inquire on tbe pemtMwoc XBMMT W LODGE DIRECTORY. MASOwro.--A. F. and A. M. meet at Masonic Hall on every 1st and Id Wednesday even- loir* of each month. MODERN WOODXBW or AMERICA.--Meet at Maaonio Hall every Sd and 4th Monday even lngs of each month. Neighbor* cordially In •Hed 8ons or TiMFi84R0i.-M«et at Union?Hail on Tuesday evening of eaob week. [aple EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Mrs. Ward baa a niece vlsltlog ber from Minneap olis, Minn. Free temperance leoturO tit tbe church Thursday evening. /V Dr. Gratton's bouse and lot on Mi Ave. Is offered for sale. Rev. Fish preached to the Baptist penplo at the hall on Sunday. Remember the dance at Rowe's Hall on Friday evenlrg of this week. Miss Laura Mason spent a few days of last week la Chleago, returning Sat urday. Dr. Avlin-Street, from Albert Lea, Minn., spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of bis brother, Selden. D. W. sopor, from Belolt, Kansas, was shaking hands withhold friends in town one day last week. Lyman Glass has been quite sick for sevsral days. As soon as he Is able to undertake the journey be intends go ing to Florida for bis health. Mr. Jack Mason came home recently from Ohio, where he has spent the summer, making butter for a Arm there. He returned Monday to work for the same firm through tbe winter. Diligent search was made for the missing Homer Wickham until Mon day noon of last week. Inquiries In Geneva brought to light the fact that be had converted bis horse Into ready money and had two notes cashed at the bank. From this many feared foul play and thought ho bad been murdered. The lake was thoroughly dragged for the body in the vicinity of Button's Bay, but without result, only bis cap and overshoes being foond. On Tuesday a telegram was received here from Harvard, to tbe effect that "the bo Jy" was seen board ing a train at that plaoe Sunday. It is supposed he Is now In Texas. Report of Hebron public school for the month ending Oet. 18: HIOAKR DEPARTMENT. Enrolled daring month 43 Present atten>ianca 43 Average daily attendance 39 •Roll of Honor.--Geo. Conn,Charlie Prouty, Cera Taylor, Florence Brig- ham. Ida Groesbeck. Lois Mason, Wil lie Noyes, Menzo Stone, Annie Slme, Kate Seaman, Jennie Shoudy, Mabel Householder, Belle Mason. Leaders of Grades.--A, Geo. Conn; B, Lois Mason, Ida Groesbeck, Willie Brown. IWTBRMEDIA.TB DEPARTMENT. Enrolled during menth 80 'resent attendance SO Average daily attendance 47 Roll of Honor.--Llbble Boughton, Stella Boughton,-Alice Khle, Agnes Housliolder, Lllllo Hooks tad t, Lura Leech, Fannie Prouty, Pbehe Shufelt, Effle Shufelt, Arthur "Woodwork, urace Hyde. Leaders of Grades.--A, Grace Hyde; B, Libbie Boughton; C, Stella Bough- ten. ETTA E. TORRANCE, Teacher.** PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Enrolled during month SB Present attendance 26 Average daily attendance 27 Roll of Honor.--Ray Crane, Leon Householder, Sadie Root, Inls Rogers, Frank Householder, Henry Hookstadt, Flossie Earle, Anuie Fish. Flora Wick ham, George Lang, Edith Smith, Grove Stewart, Harry Leach, Floyd Earle, Josie Chapman. Leaders of Grades.--A, Flossie Earle, B, Ray Craoe; C, Annie Fish, LACRA E. MASON, Teaoher. * The Roll of Honor Includes those who have been neither absent nor tardy duriug the month, and who av erage above 90 per cent In scholarship endln deportment. JOHN F. CON ANT. Priuctpa). ALOONOUIN. [NOTICB.--Persons in Algonquin aad vicin ity, knowing themselves Indebted for tiic PLAWDEALKR can learn of the amount Dy calling on John Helm, who Is authorized to receive money and recoipt for the same, in our name. Those wishing to subscribe can leave their names at bis •,store. Oall on tblm and get a sample cu py.] EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--A load of our young folks gave Miss Florence Allen, of Csry, a surprise party on Halloween. C. E. Chapell started North on Tues day oflastwoek to buy milch cows, and he Is billed for an Auction Sale for Saturday Nov. 13th. J. Yan Slyke,,of tbe PLAINDEALER, was a caller in town on Thursday of last week, Mrs. J. D. Montanye. of Belolt, Wis., Is visiting here with ber daughter. Mrs. J. Helm. Mr^aad Mrs Wakefield, !of Ridge- Held. are here with their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Jencks. Mr. and Mrs. 8. M. Thomas, Miss Mamie Thomas and |Mrs, W. T. Hamll ton, of Nunda, visited bore with Mr, and Mrs. D. W. Thomas, on Friday of last Week. At Wm. Morten's Auction Sale of a car load of milch cows oo Saturday last cows sold on|an average of <39,60 por head. H, B. Throop, Auctioneer. Miss Ida Morton Hundayed with friends at Wayne. Born, Nov. 4th, 1887, to tbe wife of John Hunter, a daughter. Miss Lottie Chandler, of Carperter- viile, was visiting friends here last week. Mrs. J. D* Ferguson, of Auror^. Ne braska. was calling on friends here last week. Mrs. Hyatt, of Nonda, was a caller In town on Monday of this week. Mrs. Smith Chapman, of Chicago, was in town on Monday of this week, Mrs. J* A. Sherwood started on TnesJay of this week for Detroit. Mlohlgan, to spend the winter with friends there. Ed Mortoo, our boss painter. Is painting Uucle Fred Perry's house, at Qerpealerviile, Ibis weak* Richmond Department, OOXTRIBUTSDBT "THE PROWLER.' News Is scsroe- Indlan Smmer! What splendid nigbts last Turkeys art beginning to roost high. W. W. Bog art's little boy la oa the gain now. McConnell A McGan paid 80 cents per hundred pounds for September milk. « Ross Sill, foreman of the Lombard 111., cheese factory, was In town over 8unday. Tho south end of the mill bridge was re-planted ?ast week. Good Job, well done. Jaok Still well and Jas. Waugh were In Chicago last week Thursday and Friday. Postal Clerk P. K. Allen paid tbe county seat a flying visit last Saturday morning. With tame hay at 910 per Ion where dees the profit come In, whoa It la fed to cows and young stock ? Miss Jennie Motley has been on the sick list, but at this writing (Sunday) Is reported to be much improved. David Smiley, of Spring Grove, has moved to Woodstock and is a student In the office of Lawyer C, P. Barnes. Shootlsts should bear In mind that there Is to be a shooting match at Spring 3reve Thanksgiving day, Nov. 24th. Dame Rumor says The Boys'* will hold their next dance at Burton*s Opera House tbe last of tbe month. Slocum will furnish the music. C. y. Hall A Co. are to establish a branch store in Odd Fellows Block Wilmot, and John Strain of this place will be their manager. McHenry is to sgain have a to boggan slide. Why wont some Rich* mondlte be patriotic and ereot one here? Echo answers why. Washington people sprutg Ibe second surprise of the season fast Wednesday night. Mrs. Holmes and Fred were the victims in this instance. A few farmers In this vicinity have tried threshing their corn, "Ned** Heze'grave has done the wirk with his twelve horse "Agitator.'* It does a good job and is much cheaper than husking, Otatman Bros, have completed the repairs at the Washington creamery, aud It Is now one of the most con venient factories to be found in this vicinity. Fire was built under the new boiler for the Arst time last Thursday night. Never before has there been as much feed sold the farmers of Richmond as there has been this fall. Hardly a day passes but what one or more car load* are unloaded at the depot, A large amount of shelled corn has been purchased. At 2 o'clock Friday moruing the L of the bulldiog owned by A. R. Alex ander and formerly occupied by John Billings as a moat market wss discov ered to be on fire Tho blaze was ex tinguished before any great damage was done. If tbe fire was not seen "In ibe nlok of time" Richmond would in all probability havo been in ruins- Opinions vary as to the orlglu of the fire. "Opposition Is the life of trade." Thanksgiving night, Nov, !4tb, there Is to be a social dance at Burton's Opera House, with music by tbe Rich mond Orchestra, five pieces. Geo. Rowa Is the Richmond member of tbe committee of arrangements and Wall Bogart of Richmond and Nate Stevens of Rlngwood will officiate as floor managers. Supper will be served at The New Hotel and everything will be done to insure ail a good ttme. Ladies, Attention, Having just replenished my stook with tbe latest styles of Fall and Win ter Millinery to be found lu tbe mar ket. I am now offering the ladles bar gains never be lore heard of in this section as these goods must be sold. Flowers, Feathers, Flumes and all kinds of trimming of the most fashion able styles at bed-rock prices. Call and see me, as 1 can save you money on all kluds of millinery. Dress Making promptly dooe and satisfaction guaranteed. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS. AUCTION SALE, The undersigned will sell at Public Auction on his farm one-half mile south of Big Hollow school bouse and miles north of Volo, on Thursday, Nov. 10, '87, commencing at 10 o'clock. A. M„ the following property: 1 mare 11 years old, 3 cows ail giving milk, 1 calf, 13 sboats, 2 dozen chickens, 1 sin gle buggy, 1 double buggy. 1 single harness,! lUbt sleigh, 1 grindstone, 1 fanning mill, 1 corn plow, pitchforks, shovels, hoes, 1 large cupboard, 4 tons wild hay, 1 stack corn fodder, 100 bush els corn in crib, 40 tniehels oats, house hold furniture aud other articles not mentsoned. TKKMS OF SALE.--Sums of $10 or under cash. Over thai sum a credittof one year on approved notes at 7 per cent Interest. No property remo7ed until Bettled for. NICHOLAS ADAMS. DIGHTON GRANGER, Auctloaqr. Auction Sale. The undersigned will sell at public auction, on bis farm two miles sooth- west of Wauconda. on Thursday, Nov. 17,18S7, commencing at 10 o'clock, the following property: 6 choice milch caws, 1 calf, I team work horses, 1 yearling colt, 8 shoais, 1 mower, 1 horse rake, sulky cultivator, I diamond tooth cultivator, plow drag, lumber wagon. 1 double buggy, 1 roller, I set double harness, 1 sot bob sleighs, 16 tons hay, 1 stack corn stalks, 100 bnsb- eis corn, 50 bushel* oats, and ether ar ticles not mentioned. TERMS OF SALE--All sums of #10 ai d under, casti. Over that sum * credit of one year on approved notes at 7 per cent interest. 2 per cent oil for cash. FRANK McBRIDE. HBNRT SEIP, Auctioneer. Horse blankets, bed blankets, in rea sonably large variety, and at tbe rig;ht (lie* alwaje at Syaaeeu'a. See tbe One stock of dress goods, at Althofl Bros. Pomps, all kinds. Iron aud wood, at any length at E. M. Owen A Son's. Examine Goods and learn prieee at Bishop's. <|t will pay you. Silver and Demlug Feed Cutters at E.M. Owen & Son. Star Feed Cutters Wltb any length carrier at E. M. Owen A Son. Best band feed cutters on earth at E. M. Owen A Son's. Before you buy your underwear, ex- ffthoVBri?** attd BARGAINS I# Scarlet and fancy underwear al Perry A Owen's. Underwear in jfreat variety and of the best quality to be found In the market at Althoff Broe. Do not buy you a Cloak or a Wrap until yon have examined the stock at Bonslett & Stole Is, West McBeifl^r. CLOAKS AND WRAPS. As usual we have a very large stock and will unload them at very low prl- °®*« PERRT <SB OWEN'S, Our stock of Clothing cannot be ex- oslled, either la quality or price. Call aud look It over before yon buy. ALTHOPF BROS. TP you need a Fall or Winter Wrap don't fail to call at Bonslett & Stoffel's West Mcdenry, and examine their immense assortment, it will pay you. NOTICE.--As I have decided to close up my business in McHeery, all parties owing me arej requested to oall and settle at once. HBNRT COLBT. OYERCOATS I OYERCOATS! Best goods, best fits and lowest prl- oes at Perry A Owen's. Ladles see our splendid assortment of Dress Flannels. We are sure we can please you. ALTHOFF BROS. The finest styles In hanging lamps ever seen In this village at Geo. W. Besley's West Side Drug Store. A BIG BARGAIN. Heavy twilled rod fla^ael. 91 eefifts, worth 80 oents at Perry A Owen s, Ibis week. NOTICE.--As I have decided to close up my business lu McHenry, all parties owing me are requested to call and cettle al onoe, • " HBNRT CTOFCJJ* A BIG BARGAIN. ' J ThU week extra wide heavy prints. 28 Inches wide, 4 cents at Perry A Owen's. , NOTICE.--As I have deolded to close up my business in MoHenry, all parties owing me are requosted to oall and settle at once. HBNRT COLBT. NOTICE.--As i have decided to close up my buslaess In McHenry, all parties owing me are requested to call and settle at enoe. HBNRT COLBT. BIG BARGAINS. Kid and goat shoes #2, warranted at Perry A Owen's. Call and see onr stock of spectacles Don't pay a high price to a traveling stranger when you can get just as good lor one-fourth the money. Call and be convinced. GEO, W, BBSLET. at the West Side Drug Store. Bealey'fl Famous Waukegan Ale and Porter OB draught at J. Bonslett's, A. SA- glen's and John Heimer*s. NOTICE. All these who are anxious to get a ready-made suit of clothes that fit like tailor-made goods, should go to Per^r A Owen's and see their new fail stook. Prites guaranteed the lowest. CLOAKS AND WRAPS. A full line of the latest styles to he found In the market. SPECIAL BAR GAINS EYERY WKEK. Call aod see them before you purchase, at MRS. SCHUMACHER'S, Near the Depot. FEED CUTTERS AND POWERS. Remember we will do as well by you on Feed Cutters, etc., as you can pos sibly do at the fairs. Bottom prices guaranteed on Belle City, Smaller, star and Ross Feed Cullsrs al E. M. Owen A Ssn. Buoklen'a Arnloa Balve. The best Salvo in tbe world for outs orulses, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all Bkin eruptlan6, aud pos- tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price 2f eots per box. For sale by Henry Colby. MR&. M. SCHUMACHER. Wishes to inform the Ladles of Mc Henry and vicinity that she has just received a full line of Fall and Winter Millinery, of the latest styles to be found In tbe market, to which she in vites a careful inspection. Feathers. Wings, and Ladles Furnishing Goods lo great variety and at prices as low sa any house outside of the city. Call and see our new styles of Hats and Bonnets, MRS. M. SCHUMACHER. OART STATION, 111., March 3D, 1888. U, 01OKUSOM FT Sow--Harrington, 11L Qentleitien:--I had a cow that did dot clean for three days after calving, aid I procured a bottle of your cow Prescription and gave It according to the directions, and the cow was all right in less than thirty-six hours af ter giving, and has done first rate since, AUGUST ARPS. For sale by all druggists. Hotel Property for Sale or Bentf .The Riverside Hotel Property, situ ated In the Village of McHenry. with Furniture complete, is offered for sale at less than one half Its real value; or will sell the Furniture and rent tbe Hotel. For prloe and terms write to tbe owner of the property, O. C. Petersen, Brltt. Iowa, or call upon or address S. RAYMOND, West McHenry. West McHenry, III.. Sept. 14, '87. Oysters! Oysters! At Pokevsky's Restaurant, two doors south of the post office, McHenry. can at all times be found Fresh Oysters, of tbe beBt brands In the market, either by the can or d'sh. Oysters served In any style and on tbe shortest netloe, either day er even ing. Also a choice line ef con feet i<NMff always on band. GIYE US A CALL. A..» an inflT Business Notice*s Walking shoes at less than half Mfei lo close at H. Colby's. SMO$E the "Empire Cuban," the best Five Cent Cigar In the market. A great variety of Toboggan Caps at Perry A Owen's. Handkerchiefs, all styles andlorfeea al Althoff Bros. City residences for sale. Apply |» Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, in. When In search of a good Hal of any kind, go to Althoff Broe. The finest 60 oent tea In Ibe market st Althoff Bros, 1 See the Belle City Feed Cutters and Down powers at E. M. Owen A Son's. Drink Besley's Ale and be healthy and happy New and nobby beta, all styles at Althoff Bros, Plum-ba-go-lne, tbe finest Wagon Grease ever need, a new thing, at Besley's, Eilw<>o<fs Veteran self damp Rake, the best on the market. Sold by R. Bishop. The celebrated Fargo Boot and Shoe, tbe best manufacture oo the market, can be found at Althoff Bros. School Books and Stationery, a|l kinds, at Besley's Drug Store West Side. * Bishop sells the combined band and power Ross Cutters. Call and Mi them at Bishop's Warehouse. Something new in the line of Shawls, at Bonslett & Stoffel's. West McHeary. Call and see them. M Glass, all sizes from 8x9 up to 24x36 inches. Also putty ready for me. To be found at W. p. Steveus*. Besley's celebrated Ale on draught at John Helmer't. J. Bonslett's and A • Engeln's. Tbe most healthy drink ter any weather. A higher than market prloe will be paid for good Milling Wheat at the Wauconda Mill. J. SPENCER, Proprietor. If you aae In need of a first class Feed Cutter, look at the Ross Upward cut Machine before buying. Sold by R. Bishop. The finest line of Cloaks and Wraps to he found In the county, at Bonslett & Stoflels, West McHenry. Overooats, in all the latest styleC at Bonslett A Stoflels. • ii Those Tricot Dress Flannels, SS inches wide, at only 85 cents a yard, are going like hot cakes, at Bonslett A StofleTs, West McHenry. Our stock of Underwear eannot be excelled, either In quality or price. BONSLETT & STOFFBL. Asa W. Smiths Solfeitoib Chancery Notice. STATE OF ILLINOIS, uounty of McHen. ry. Circuit Court or McHenrr Conntv. January term, A. D. 18S8. JoVn R. Dutton vs. Ira Slocum, Caroline Towne, Georgian* Smith, Florence Hayden, tnci Sheldon Slocum, in chancery. Affidavit of the non resilience of Caroline Towne, Florence llaydeu, ami Sheldon 8lo- cum, and that Ueoriiiana Smith resides in Washington Territory, but that, after <ltlu <ent Inquiry, this affiant is unablo to state tier postoftice|iddressk>f the defendants above named, having beeu flled in the office ot tbe clerk of said Circuit Court of KcHenrv Oeun. ty, no'.ice is nereby iriven to the e.iid uon res ident defendents, that the complainant has tiled his bill of cbmplaint In saiif court on tbe Chancery side thereof on the 38th day of October, A. D. 1SS7. and that a summons there upon issued out of taid Court, against said defendants, returnable on the 9th day of Jan. uary, A. D„ IStW, as i» by law required. Now, therefore, unless you. the said Caro line Towne, Georgian* Mtnith, Florence llay- ileu and Sheldon slocum shall personally be and appear before tho said Circuit Court of McHenry County, on the first day of the next term thereof, to be holden at the Court House in the City of Woodstock, in said county, on the 9th day of January, A. L>. 1S8S, ami plead, answer or demur to tho said complainant's bill of complaint, the same, and the matters tnd things therein chargod and stated, will taken as confessed, and a decree entered against you according to the prayer of said oill. In testimony wh9reof II have hereunto set my band and affixed the seat of said court, at my office in Woodstock, this 5th day of Ho- rem ber, A. 0.1887. - E. E RIOFtARDS.Clcafc. ASA W. SMITH, Complainant's Solicitor. ™ - Noy. 5th, A. 0.1837. * ^ . * • • - 8ALE8MEN WANTED^ We are in want of a few more good men to canvass for the sale of choice varieties of Nurqery Stock. To men who can make a sue- cess of tbe business we san pay good salaries or commission and give permanent employ ment. We have many new aud choice spe cialties, both in the fruit and ornamental line, which others do not handle. Send fer our new catalogue of greenfiouae, bulb aod bedding plants mailed free on application. Address at once, with references, L. L.MAY k CO., Nurserymen aad Florist* 8T. PAUL, AGENTS double their money selling onr BRASS finished corrugated UFLECIIKUFnTUD. Can be sold in every family. Qlnt more light than three ordinary Iamfe. SswlThlHySvs srattfer •IdslssiraaS hs CMTiMsS. We manufacture a larga line of .household articles. Bend for tree Illustrated Circulars to mmuiiMuiiimr DO YOU Then T»y Locke's Hone Kale Candies. Absolutely Pare, health^ gnd wholesome. Old folfaat like them; young folks say, "lovely;" children cry them. ••4m As you lite them, aod titiea to suit. ? i L0CKTS HOMJ BABKf ' MAKES THE BEST BREAD AND CAKES EARTH*