Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Nov 1887, p. 8

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•VjJ ;,h: /?j The Ifeopto from £fr and near to inspect our tieautiful stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING - , BOOTS A27D <* l) Mood oa SATS AID CAPS, BL0Y1S, HUTHS, OPOCIBIIS, .«»• *r*E side of it," regard an « sea pic- rustication P" trip in the eamship "jwst cite in Outing with ^ponder if the writer he said paper. "I think are that he has the 'bridge' and Ihi steerage victims in their odd moments, when they 1MB deck, and are joyous in release from their it below. Certainly wbofead ever been a steerage " ilfctoality would recommend erimettt to any but a tost had only that means of fl'oS^hSlens^Do^ I P1enty of them, "always tfie l ^ht price for you to pay, atd uo store "" full meaning of in the c«unty will strive harder to please you than ours. Every UsbJ^^Jii^^ ̂ meatonce. Will you dome. And in fact all kinds of such goods as are needed for Winter use, land if yon are buying X 1; :f .*f e • '*** 5-1! , *-* ,fro«aso»e We will Bave you money. We have the right qualitydf goods, Are now receif^jt Stock ; To which tfiey respectfully invite the attention of the buvidff public. Our stock of ' GENERAL MERCHANDISE Has been bough! in laiger quantities than ever. We cordially invite the public to call and examine goods and compare price*. Every purchaser has the advantage of fiuding here. '1: >4*. LARGE STOCK or ; • - - Made \ £ How k me tell you what (Sfee^ A long, low, dark illnniBated during the day >r*ys through the thick 8t which the waters and at night by a whose cheerless rays to the cheerless gloom. A d,table, a few round stools con- s only furniture. Along the i torn ranged two or three .tiers of banks against the damp ship tandma, for the room is mostly below Ifea Water lift* '"pare are gathered promiscuously me& women and children, herded to- Lulbrii Ul ri Mi|mftln rather than human beiags in tlpf miserable quarters, and in Uieir forced confinement mod- estgr is soon forgotten. The ventilation at east ia but scant, and the exhala- tioas from the perspiring bodies and their not overclean garments, together Wi&ttaiw&iaf timbers, the odor of pitok, the lOWrty bedding, the steam from the food and the fumes from old totittoo pipes, totder the atmosphere foul, iAilung, and nauseating in the ex- i is by no means clarified violeBt weather when sea- "if&naii fa oommoiu The only escape Wfja ^ia tmiirritii*|f pen is when the Pm 'In allowea on deck. In [want weather Hfe on deck is enjoy- bla and fidl of interest. "Jl» menu of the steerage usually itftades soups in tin Jetties, coarse hatfk, ill boiled potatoes, and bread from the cabin table, is aerved in tin dishpans. Te*a*d ceflfee are passed around in bottom, thfe princi iple difference be- l that the tea is less thick i coffee. The whole ell on the table and a dive and grab, plates and cups, and tin spoons • she who fails to dishes at the first Wait till some luck- There being no to wash the uten- beasedaa they are, ex- Id m done by olCHaldl knife. anotlier Matter that! > facilities are] The steerage his hands 'and I „„ withstand on deck, {fader such conditions! thrive apace, and the 1 4 to tolerate them the ] !ara determined to grew in- "their increase is only de- the length of the voyage.' Commercial Advertiser. sixty thousand tons of I eat in Traokee l season the crop will] theasand tons. has 'Been returned by tfce relative to the amount of in this country to I ties. We have at pres­ umes of railroad and the Upon the return from of the roads. From this ive tni that, allowing the ties in seven years, Also it well selected and uom- 'i • * ^ t > ' ' ' . * * ' f i V ' >' ' * . • mM Raapeotfully, JOHN ETAISON A CO* WEST SIDE! For Men, Youths and Children* plete line of the latest in OENTS' Fuiunsimre mm Sift i*l> oft, A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men Hud Boys, Irom [ the best manufacturer . ' : 1 New Goods Every Week. A^ltae ̂ ^i^itfqAto Oruceries. Come and ae» «fc ' •A"'ALTHOFF BROS. P. HAUPERISCH, L 0. LDCOUf, Prep, O E < naving recently refitted my Restaarant, near tbe Depet, in first claas style, I am now prepared to accommodate the public with Warm or Cold Meals, vi mr-" MoKenr^r, IllinoiM. ^Successors to 8mlth» 8oh 4k Csui '••.jSTeair the Depot, ' -4 "M , At alt boar* of the day or eTenlng. I OoffM or Tea on five minute# notitie. A FULL STOCK OF Hot I have now on hand Spring Wagons, Lumber Wagone,"all owu make, which I will aell at lot of Top Buggies, " «r i twae* thewihi Baker's Supplies, | Bottom Prices. ALWAYS ON HAND. if All CTA And warrant them to to A No. 1 in every par­ticular, It you want a bargain la this line call on me. lalaodoa IN THEIR SEASON. By tbe Bulk, Can or Dish. Also the Choicest Brands of Oigars and | Tobacc4fc|o be found in the market. With wrerything in first class OTder, and promptness to wait upon customers we solicit' | a stare of public patronage. L. D. LINnpii. West MeHenry, May Slst. M87. , General Blacksmithing tin'ifhess, and will do your work In tbe belt of manner and with the least possible delay' BEPAIRI]> G Of all klnda promptly attended to. Oatl and see ior youraelf. .P. HAUPERISCH. Sept. 28,1887. West MeHenry, Illinois Haying purchased the Lumber Yard and stock of Lumber ot Smith. Son & Co., West MeHenry 111., and replenished the same with TOLL STOCK OF LTOBEE Of all kinds, we are now pr»> pared to offer to the public, the best .quality'of Lumber at the LIVING LOWEST PRICES- AT fit"? .Has GaieS WiW Iefli» I A EWWMZ IK7ENT10I V'V«r nEAUKU T1IK ^TCK AND COXQtJKK- WEST MCHENRY. » Having sold out their Lumber Yard to the I WilburLumber Oompanv, will now devote | their entire attention to the sale of HARD AND SOFT COAL, BRAN, SHORTS, OATS, 'A 'ft* fiMv T)t*rM*rj r>r r.npplylrij Higapilsa to Ike ha* 102* ».• * r (rlt 'y antl •agnriUm IftlUstt xt Urnvei Jlsturv Ueallag too Sick WjTOr -• - nrfaro apaingt phy«!)o!ona Or the medical fra^ rnr.y generally. TlicirspheraofUM- fulncsi ia larCT nr.a wo desire to aid them in fur nighinp auxiliary means for curic*; the sick. Tbe hon»«t physician ceupica a high place In public i esteem ond dosor*edly *o, too. VVIiila our Appli- 3 nncesare not n. panareRforevery 111. they are wnat *a i ! i;;n f irttic:n an 1 '.v•! lairoraaspceily cureoft- enttmn alter hove to gtvereliaf. mmi HASITiC APPLIANCES CLASSIFIED. for cold feet and bad ST ftfeqnired for this purpose I LillflGf Stucco, iDppij of new roads from I * & timber Irom 666,714 I Etc. tMi^yeers will be neces- iHenew thegrowtii, we must set a ratbroad reserre a tract of embrabtng 16,971,420 acres the necessary timber for ties larger than Vermont, Mnfiflarhnnfitta ftionis beln '̂extoasively cfares- in Maryland, calling the atten i Congress to a system of slavery m "vease! engaged in oyster ia tito Waters of the Chesa- and fts trib^arles,wUch, ia oppression/and horrible rarely been equaled in Hen are enticed, by^atee »ns, to BU* for a short /and, often, are kidnapped by force, and kept against their r force, as slaves on these vea- the bay, for three, four, and j months, being transferred from liMiebaatto another, kept at hard w<wk provision, without ]»sy, most cruel and horrible eat. Many of them have been and the murderers have been brought to justice; and the (of-these poor men from mal­ es well as the exposure to to the elements, without protection of the law, as there police supervision over these and your petitioners pray that itttee may be appointed by your body to inquire into this svance, and that such laws passed as will remedy this Iwrong." Pedro, the Emperor of Brazil, i elected as associate member Liverpool Astronomical 60- cfip is an enthusiastic amateur and when the great comet blazing in the morning to tumble out of bed at he morning and ply the rimd spectroscope upon the ^measure the length of its t tfce rising sun blotted it out . who has just returned California states that ind was the average ' grapes last year, 1 of small vine- to dealers and to store it, 0 s per gal- that farmers ^ptt»w«by mov­ ie they expect to Av& by keening a full stoek always o« hand , in the future as in tbe past, do all in r power to please all who may favor tt~~ i their patronage. Prion as L#w sa U» Lowest | All persons kn^rkng themselves indebted | to us are requested to call and settle the same I without delay, aa our old books must ibe clos­ ed. Ppl^a are dangerous. Smith, Son ft Co. W tat HeDewry, Aug Mb, 1887 KAuKETIC Send tJze ut shoe worn. Send for Send for cir;uu!r«. forhand MA6HETID cerpnir. Si-nd measdro of wiiit. 8 Send fcr cirouUr. _ for lame and weak ice 82 eaeb. Send alas nervoos ilees- tor MAGOIC of an).'". Send for circular*. MAGNETIC r.fss. ' ntiirti. «ta Price It ty Sena clrci'lar. M*GSETIC SStfBSTOSS.'ffila hip dM a*« etc. frico $f>. Send (Ice of waist ana leg at iiip. gend for circular*. MAGNETIC RenralKla or catarrh, will I Mm ' " | Practical Paiiter ail Qwatiu HEBRON, ILL Dectrating, Paper-Hanginfl, % * GALCIMINING, GhAININQ. Done on short notice and satisfaction guana. ' teed. Call on or address, H. FISH.. total**, m., 1SS7. HAVE YOU SEEN IT 7 AMIRTCAH BOY. Ths Popular New Pap# For IYOUNC MEN AMD BOYS. Boys write us from, everywhere that it M Just the paper they lmve been looking for. Do you want a p»|>cr tilled with intereating stone* of land and twa; columns of "Tricka ol Magic;" amateur itase bait, and interesting! [ aaiwellaneona readina? Send and have your naaea registered for a sample copy. 80 cents ! a year. Write to-day to 1 HUD&Olt BROS., 703 Che tnut SU, PhUaMpM*, Us. NntHa thla paper. Itrla or catarrh, will afire relief Immediately. frioe Is each. fi. od tire if bat worn. Send tor *:reu.»r»- MUHETI3 KS.WJ.!S,fnsS!1rJB roduce the sveliingr and restore to natural alae Immediately. Frico S3 eaoh bjr malL. Sand das Of knoe. Peati foroir^ular*. MAGNETIC ». C.RgKSX%*. lung*. They prevent and core cold, rhei neuralRla, pueumonla. throat trouble* terrh. Price SS. Send for drcolar* uonlala. rheumatUm. MAfiNETIC JSP'ffcSHIWn Den^flt to clocutionistu, public speakers and staff* QT». They st rengrtben the vocal oorda and prmnt poarsenens. Send for circular, frio# 91 iiokbf mail. £>( nd size of neck. MAfiNETIC hi°aK'S.Sr« varicose veins. These legglns l •er>al praise for their medical the ease with vhlcb they are w< by mail. Bend size of leg aron 8end for circular. MAfiNETIC 5Ra\PeTii??il,»l,m.« pation, kidney ana IWer trouble. Quickly remove, backaches ptcnUn r to 1 adieu, and impart* wonder­ ful vigor to the whole body. Person* of sedentary hiblta *nd tmpalrtcl nervous power will find them a valuable companion. fric« #2 each ty mail poet- paid Send for Ind inl­ and for SSeach ,lver, ». dri etc. . soles, 010. Bend measure of •niist and «iM>ol'aho* a? ion, hernia or k or rupture, piles, etc. five, l'tlce of Belt, with Ifagnel iumbago, eoralfpa, er.SMBp dyqjep- c. Oon- letiola- won. Bend for circular*. MMKTic rheumatUm. neuralgia, nervous exhaustion, dys­ pepsia or with dlseasesof thef 3 acne or cold fee lencorrhoea, chi abdominal belt la* hav X£? ion,djra- e liver, kidney*, nead- 1 feet, lame back, falling of the womb, .. chronic inflammation of the womb, ar belt and apairof MagneticFootBat*« ve no superiors fifthe relief and care of complaint*. They carry a powerful mag­ netic force to the seat of the duease. Price of BeTt with Magnetic Foot Batteries, S10. Sent by iTurss* CL O. D.. and examination allowwl, or by m»ll m rec*j^t of jpr) ce. Jn^rdering, sand MAfiNETIC chronic rheumatism, gout, lumbago, paralysis, tnon* Uvjng at adlatac lend yoai Ht*eaeh with insole. Send roeairare ofoh bust and wai*t. Persons living at CM not coiuult u* ' -- statement of their will designate the k ea«b caae to effect a cure. the 'New Departure inItedical oni Medicine," with thousands i The Magnetic Garment* are adapted to §• worn over the underclothes (not Ay like the many galvanic and electr verged so extenrtvelyl andshould be taken 2«SE!K3fiS6SSWSSUSS5B musmio appuihoim. i, uuviH, vuims) CamiE, Door and WMOT Frames-Ready HadHlways on M We shall keep our stock complete at all times and spare no pains to accommodate all wh > may favor us with their patronage. Our yard at this place will be under tne charge of Charles K. Granger, who will be ready at all times to make you price? on large or small lots 't Call and see us. ^ . W1LBCTH LUMBER COMPANY. West j&icHenry, HI., ^ug. 8th, 1887* STEVENS "} '*i- / ̂i *» •~:2& 0f[ just receiving SUCCESSORS fo mr.;' ,i r new Ifcli s •* *$&:&• t<4M- General MeH Of) V'Uf'y' : Illinois. --DXALBB WINEB AND ':-:W 1 IfOB MEDICAL U8EJ^ - ;il .'i • .. - so lotted Ale hAd Porter for Family use. 1 % "' 4 The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco alvv ^s on hand. / PHYSICIANS PERSCRIPTION8 Carefully Compounded. Give MeHenry., October 10th, i887^'V-'-i:' hold'aUtorTe^ 866 """ Gaivanirod Iroti* ftSToseno Tanks, that wc mske oaraaiTas, thAM Wtl) ^ wlth Tr^ks. Hsnglng^ Floor Hooks and Pnllsjrs. ^ FULL LUTE or sTovaa f For both coal and wood, of the best makes, always on hand.^ Iiji iort I will keep everything the Hardware line, to be found h# McHeniy county. Do not to call when in want ot anything hp my line and see what can be done. I have employed a first cias* inner, and all P, JOBBHYG AND RlFAIRlIf(| Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A';>. *'• specialty ofHutter Factory work. A share of public patrons* <' - ^ ̂ STEVENS. ntfj^hnHSMMBMSS Call on them and yon will find good goods in every department. t,'A A N D S H O E S Are manufactured by 8elz & Schwab, the largest manufacturers of Boots and Shoes in tbe United States, and for good fitting, gpo< wearing goods have no superior, in our line ot D R E S S G 0 0 D S , WiTTbe found Mill Goods. In a comple variety <jf the it J 4 jt ' • , r M ,Vr Attention Horsement Sfflis*, PATEN I won Id call the attention of tbe Publie torn7 stsble of Stock Horaea, four in nam. bar: Two Morgan*, oa§ % Peroheion, «ml one Imported florae. Tbey are all good rep veaentatiren of tbeir brwd. Ala* • ~ Marino i»boep for Sale. The pnbUcare duliy invited to call and examine vtock, g»t #m* on sand»? - «, bo LBS. tf.- N'HEMKT, ILL tended to for MODERATE FEES Our ottee oppoaite the U 8. Patent Office, and we can ob tain Patent* In less time than tiwee remote from WASHINGTON. Send MODEL DKAWlMi or PHOTO of invention. We adrlae aa to T>atcnt- C ability free of charge and we make AO t'HAKQJi UNLESS PATENT IS 8BCVMKD. For circular, advice, terms and reference* to aetuaj^UjWg in yui^own sta^Countjr, Oitjr or Uif9emU wmt i.^u V- ' We are prepared to offer you the best makes of the Rock ford and St. Joseph Mills. . i >'ti A) -vju ' Tfs?.;«4-i-'r'~ W>8i- r ,n e f - ?! % v **.,< >sr ' ; v? -JH , , •* v. - *t ,h' V V. Gfocenes it Xnil puivol aHu OvBv «v Coil niiu• 111 HoOlX out cAjpoticiliCv ill busiiiess has taught us which goods are best for us to handle. We have proved all brand-* and have aimed to hold fast to which are best. We ask yon to call and look our stock over*' We wil give you the worth oi every dollar you leave with ns, :4f-< "J -• 4 ; '•#w. Stevens & •i WIST MoBEtntT, BLUWIOiakT""' « ' v ^ *4 **4* " • PAINTS, OlUr PUKK I C. w. BE8LEY, - > ; A " u • •*"».' - • West Mm i - i&fv DEALER Mi 8HELF AMD Stoves, Tin, Copptf 9 -Vv?; ••'•i And 8heet-iron Wmwji -'r VI >4 ,;w - ; mm*: BARGAINS tilMi i. f5 / * '" > « %*t '4^1 1 ROOTS AND SHOES, t We harfi jUSt- bought» carload of • :C£ CASH BOTTOM PRICES^ And knowing well the fact that there has been a great drouth •§ over MeHenry County, we shall sell these goods BO low as to licit ths Ws&ts of hrttj Mtn, Wsmsa sad ChQ£ It will pay you to c^me from all parts of the county to trade with ill' • 1/ XT w *0- -./i * t l <' i W. H. OWIGHT, W0Dd«t0Ck, I f N. B.---House Established in 1866. '•hM. 1 i" H. iV i 'k/ 'Is -md •• OPPOSITE ^UY, D Bl SHOP'S MILL, DEALER IN r* ft , 4- ^ (f »f . > y ' : Also the Celebrated Qarland Stoves and Raages '•mm?* I 3$h -' Prize afl Black Acora|! Unlrveaak Sterling, and. Other*, XM and Wood Cooks, SmaU and jta^e Wood Parlors, fhrnf Coal Heaters. (Vehavo oo» of ths StoVes IN MCHENRY COUNTY. Over sixty stoves from which to make a selection. It ihtlt everything In the Hardware, Stove and Tin line can bo fonud at our 8tore. < . ^ £ Com# one and all and examine out Goods and learn prices.. :»rf| AJAD Promptly Attended To, MeHenry, Sept. 87thi 1887. tmM,?

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