Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Nov 1887, p. 1

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JMJwj PhMedef, Pnuwao |rnr WID»I»DAT it . V A N S L Y K i l i l \ r BOITOB AND {PROPRIETOR. tNBoe In Bishop's Blooki -OIWII71 pnur I - TERMS OP SXJB90EIPTlOlf• fae iTear (In Artranee) . Slbt Ptid within Three Months...... .. Id lOMtriptiani weelv#it for three or lix •eaths it ttte ma proportion. Kates of Advertising. '"'We anaeance liberal rates for advertising I* ths PuMMiUi, an4 on<1oavor to Stat* 8Mi m plainly that the? will be mdiiy on-rstssd. They are as follows : 1 lack on* year . IM Slaeheeeaeyear , &)?%•':•&*tdVT*. MM S Inches eae year * . 1500 S-Oelnssaone year:£*>SOSS Oefnssn one yearfe;** . •••• Oelassa one yaar 100 00 •ee taeh means the niea forement of one ask down the eolnssn, single oolnmn width. Tearly advertisers, at the a bore rates, hare Ike privilege of ohanging as often as they Me, without extra oharge. •hOMO, < eards) will be entitled to insertion " * aottoes at the rate of 5 oents per line jtojjslar adTerttsers (meaninK .those having ef local Saeh week. All others will be charged 10 •eats per Hne the llrst week, and 5 oents per line fltr eaeh subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of IS oents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first Issue, and leeate per line for subsequent issues. This, "M Inch advertisement will cost $1.00 for one week, 91.50 for two weeks, 92.00 for three WO«.ks, and so on. The PLATWDRALBK will be liberal in giving editorial notlees, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns Cor peeuaiary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. BL T. BROWN. M. D. ^OiVSlOIA.N AND SUROBOlf. Q*H at "IT,gJteaMance, McHenry, 111. a H. FEOERS, M, D. MfTSlOiAN 1ND SURGEON. McHenry, fiia. oilce at Re«Idenoe. O. J. HOWARD, 1L D. r>UTHOIAN AND StTRGEOW, McHenry, t IU. OSes at Residence, one door west Of M. B. Church. BAKBIASI BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or­ders solicited. Shop, la Old_ McHeni K Better Block, third door west of Riv m Livery 3table. (nraished at reasonable rates. Teaming et all kinds done oa short notice. I M V U i U K / M U ^ l NEAR THE DEPOT, IfEST MoHENRY« ELL, •eepe open for the aaooaansodattoa of the Pathe a rirst-Class Saloon and Restaurant, ep the Ix Mp; he will at all times keep the best la of Wines, Liquors and O ~ to he found in tne market. Also Agent For FRANZ PALE'S tlLIAUm LAGffi BUB. Beer la Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al- ways en hand, cheaper than any other, |Ma> ly eeasldered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. OOOD UTABLJIfU *OM HOWE* WCall aad see as. Robert lohMs. West McHenry, 111. PAUL BROWN, ATTORHCT AT LAW. M LaSal'e Street * CHICAGO, ~ M. P. ELLSWORTH, ATTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor i*Ohaa eery, Nanda, III. , ASA W. SMITH, TTOBNBT AT LAW and folletter; ta L Chaneery^--Woodstock, III. MABV G. BARB IAN. « HAIR WORKER. All kinds of Hair Work done In first elass style and at reasonable prices. Rooms st rcsidenoe, north- east corner of Public Square, MoHenry, III. DBS. a X. WILLIAMS * D AH LIN. DENTISTS. Residence Dundee. Will he at Ms Henry, at Parker House, the 10th 11th SSth and 96th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make ray visits on the following Monday, and the first day of such visit ocoars on Friday, I will stay but one day. United States far Clain km WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstock, - - Illinois. Prosecutes all classss and kinds of claims against the United States tor ex Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made In prosecutlag old and rejected claims All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enoiosed for reply. WM, H. COWLtlT, Office at Resideace, Madison St., Woo<l stoec, Iillnels. NEW STORE. The nnrterslgnefl would respectfully In form the citizens of McHenry and su rround* ing country that he has opened the store nj , BILLXS' BUCK. pfiit tke Iron Briige, MCHENRY, - ILLINOIS. Where at ail times can be found a choice line of HOTIOHS, GLOVES AND MITTENS, Confectionery, HBAKOi / KjH*. everything Fresh, First Class, and prices the lowest. Give me a call. JOHN KLCiretN. yjOlJSB Painter, Oralner, Oalclasiaer and Residence one Block verude Roast.. Work attended to Hanger. Paper WeatofRiv promptly aad oa reasonable term a. A. Rfl. CHUItCHg WatoluMAkef and Jeweler ATO. ltt SOUTH CLARE STREET, Chi- lv eago, 111. Special ktteation given to re­ pairing rine watches and Chronomctera. IV*A Foil Assortmeat of Goods In his line Mv for 13 Weeks. The PIM.IOI GAZETTE will be mailed, seearely wrapped, to any address In the tbitted States for three months on reeeiyt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, laaAatobs. Sample copies mailed free i aU orders to BICHAXB X. VOX, SQUAKK, New York. OLD STAND, ^ ' JAQOB BONSLETT ALOON ̂ AVO RESTAURANT, at the old J ilsnil HiiWltt Bishop's mill, McHenry, IH. The Bksfiest Wines, Liquors an«i Cigars to ks.iHHi 4a Me county. Warm or eokl •sails aa short notice on application. PHIL BET'S MILWAUKEE B EBB by the BotoleorOsse, always on hand. euOPBTABLINW FOR HORSES. ATTENTION 1 Farmer* and Dairymen. It Will pay theee looking for CHOICE COWS milkers or springers, »s befor premises suck by the car S PURCHASING. load or single to call at *v I can feraleli cow. PORTER H. WOLFRUM, ORBMOIie. 1 Farm akset isar mlles northwest of Harvard, IlllnolSk. PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. Tbe nndertiined Is prepared H| ^ing.W^lS, Cementing v-lll put In to do all lobe la vjsn?" at On short notion aad warrant satisfaction. In short will do all work in this line. Gaa furnish you a new Pump, either wood er iroa, warranted, as cheap aa any other you new P moas fumlshed If desired. .If ve me a call. ~ attended to. ? Eggs, and Poultry, IN EXCHANGE Batter, TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. I. P. BOOMER. McHenry, Sept. 9Sth, 1887. C. G. ANDREWS., GENERAL H. A. Snglen'B 84L00K m SISTAURM MoHCNRV, lkUNOI%. SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kind? attended to on the most WS0VASL1 RB3IS. C. C. Anredws, Spring Grove, 111. Spring Jrove, Sept. Sth, 18tt, ^il.llJkn Fin* EentTicky LiquoHi, ^ French Bitters, McHenry Lager Beer, Valks* JUlwkukH Ben -AND- J. Schlttz lilvaiitee Battle Beer, Ii any quantity from a Snitz Glass to 5C0 barrels. LT WHO ELS ALE OB RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs or case as eheap as the cheapest. ^ ^ ] We buy none but tfaSS Mil and tall at Reasonable Prices: Call and see me and I will.tne y*u well. ANTONY ENGELN. Mofienry,lU., 1886. B<*fi «>4 Mliiei Summer aumfmi* Oifili L-IJAWLUS, Wjmnnts a Fit or iro' 'uh..y'f\r,; *1- . 3^ -1 ' , We-make Suits to order of the oeet Cloths, Foreign or -Domes­ tic. IT THE LOVEST PRICES That good Goods can br sold '/i HE Ah&O > Cleans anil Repair) Clathea Keatly and on short notice. a Call E. LAWLU8. • McHenry. Jan 19tb. lH««p ? This would be a world if everybody knew the virtues ot SMITH'S BULiEBKANS as a frailly medicine, and acted upon that know­ ledge. One half the mî ry of the world comes from ailnwtite which arise from a bad stomach or a bad liver. ChiefW* among these are dyspepsia, biliousness, side headache and Jfeuralgia. BILE BE Aire will cure all of these, besides all miasmatic diseases. Dose; avOadera bv mall promptly Peet^ee, John.tmrgh, lit. L BANTE8. Jobnaonrfh, UU. Vtr 15th, IMS. titiiai. Abont five Tear* a«o I sulfered pain- fa 1 urination and great pain aad mtktiu in tha lowor part of my haok, pala ia the limba, had taate la the month, disgust at rood, aad great mental and bodily depreaalott I live at Ml York street, JeraevTOHy, and on arriving hone one night I found a copy of tkeSkobr *hnanac. thhad beenJntdaring the day. I read the article, nWMtlathla Diaeaae that la Coming Upon aorta erf my nvmptoma and tee than I could It I had written a My treable was Indeed "like a night," for it had been atealing a ware* for years. I sent for Shaker Extract ot Koots, or del aad before 1 bad taken one-half the welcome relief, in a few like my old self. I enjoyed and food lfy kidneys aeon recover strength, and the urinary trou I was well. Millions of people need some ply to aet npon the bowels. To mend Maker Extract in the sti ble terms. It Is the gentlest, safost and surest purgative In The moat delicate women and el take it. One point more: I hava confidence in thia medicine beca pared by the Shakers I mav religious man myself and 1 anmi era for their seal, consistency and •eaa integrity. What they mal tr u a ted by the public W For sale by all druggiata and by JL M Warren .treet, New York. It de. better book. in the e nna luttle of •Yfoft ted my ne and e aim I eom t possi ntest, world, ren may the more to Shak ct busl may be JOHN P. SMI1 Watohmaker St JeiWeler, MoHENRY. ILLINOIS. AriNE stor k of Clocks, Watches aad Jew­elry always on hand. Special attention given to repairing Sne a call. watehes. Give rue JOHN P. SMITH. "•CHICAG NORTH fenetratei th* Oentrw eft Population In , Ima, •< Wisconsin, liiKota, 4^rl -DKALKK lit- Cora, Oats, EJrr&nd Uill Feed. as ASiTHC LOWEST Call f nd get figures before buy­ ing elsewhere. Will guarantee you satisfaction in every particu- Don't Pmy Anions lay Yrarfitd For Ta Lar^e new Warehouse at the Fickle Factory in West McHenry, lUiMiii* W, A, CKX8TY. MORGAN HORSES, .•a Bat: PolUd Jersey Cattle. IU. Our Mottia 8took Is all !pare bred. and jri^toelodfrMn the heat Morgan atotk fa Ike Old aiflWd Morgan, who atanda at the head *f our JtMk, la one ot the beat breed Morgan lioraea Is the country, aixl can show more and 'tetter all pnrpo-e colts than any other hone ttbe Week We lavlte tke toapectioa ef ear atock bm <araameaaad aU lovora ol Aaeaalasala. A fow fnll htaea Mergaa Oolta aad yoana lorace Car aaMr- Alao one aMteked team, fall •loeda. In Oattie we have the full blood short Horn *birh we are crossing with the Bed Foiled Angus and therefore instead ef sawingoffthe 'toraa we are breeding them |t»ff aad with A lew Heifers and Balls, both pare bred Short Horns aad tke cross above aaeatteaed foraal^ j, R< fayior A Son* WlttJItlSUft lULJlMk MtLJM •• - T -.f 1' / f 'i* .W , : Its train service is carefully jarranged to meet requirements ol local travel*.$a well aa to furntah the most attractive routes for between Trade Centres. Its equipment of day and parlor cars, din- Ing'and place sleeplna ears is without rival. its road-bed is perfection, of stone ballast­ ed steel. The Northwestern Is the favorite rente for the commercial tiaveler, the tourist and the eeekers after new homes In the golden Northwest. Detailed Information cheerfully furnished b 7 B E R N A R D B U S S . A g e n t , MoHenry* III* J. M. WHITMAN, and Cten. Manager. 'i tr. C. WICKER, Traffic Manager. If, WILWN. Omurai Fattenger Agent. D. NEEDHAM* SONS lie-in (HIOAM Hmmmm, ConsttpsUontPftJssa ontor, HraUon p*p*r. roB SALE at H. V. SHBTAKD'S Hardware Store, McHenry. 3Tor Sale Ohoap A 8ABI CHABC1 Ii toe a Good Bisima Location. I offer for sale my store buildings, situated to the* vHlage of McHenry. Tliey are of brief, two stories high, and suitable for any kind ot buainet8, with (toon residence poms In aecond atory. Also good barn and out. bouaea. Centrally located, nearly opposite Bishop's Mill and next door to the post office. Also offer for aale my Cigar and Tobacco business. Will sell building either with er Without Ituslnesa to auit purchaser^^^ MeHenry, IU., May 11, 1887.' Meets the each month. County G. A. R. Directory. M'HBTMT|P08T NO. 643. Meets the First and Third Friday evenings of eaeh month. L. B. BKXVKTT, Com. RatOHHOin) FOST HOSW. aeoond Friday evealag ef Da. S. F, BamraTT, Oom. WOODSTOCK KMT. m> K& Meete first and third Monday evealaga ef eaoh moath. WM, Avaar, Oom. mumtnA ton, wo--» Meeta the seeond aad fourth Wedaeaday evealaga of eaoh month. WM. Bimaa, Oom. BuriiD roar, ao Kg. Meeta the second ana toarth Monday - evea lags ef eaeh month. I. W. 9BAVBBM, Oom. - MAmnrao Poei, Na m, Meete every Second aad Fourth Friday evealai* ot eaek month. I. a. Moaais, Oom. Thomas D. Piokliam Is the oldest soldier la the National Military Homo atTogut, Me. On Wednesday eveoinf. OeL lit commander-ln-ohler John P. Res. YIS- ited Naval Post No 400, Philadelphia. John •. Logan, Jr., has been elected to All his father's membership In the Society of the Army of the Tennessee. The Daughters ef Veterans of St. Paul, Minn,, gave a Hallowe'en party on the evening of Oct. 31. Poet No. 46, Philadelphia, will hold s fair In aid of lit poet fond st federal Hall Deo. 12 to 24. Commodore Joseph P. Hall is the oldest officer In the United States nsty. Ho was appointed in 1818, Post No. 117, Vermont D, T„ hss a msmbereblp composed slmost entirely of Vermont soldiers. The Department of Ohio contem­ plates having 85,000 comrades In uni­ form st the National eoeampment In Columbus la 1888. Mrs. General T. R. R. Cobb, ef At­ lanta, Oa,. has the original draft of tho Confederate" Conatltutlon as It earns from the committee tbst drsfted It. The sword of tlhfy John Mor|sn, lsf H. H. WMUefeWl exhtbn&o*** Wellesvllle, Ohio. [rest rsldsr, Gen. jhe property ef ,wis<«sp«|b^i|: Robert Henderehott, "the Drummer Boy of the Rappahanneok," and bla BOO are In Minnesota visiting ftleude and comrades previous to their return to California. ARBUCKLES' on a paokage of COFFEE Is a guarantee of exoeilencp- ARIOSA OUffFme is kept in all flrsfc-eiass etarseftroiin the Atlantic to tho Paotto. COFFEE Is never good when exposed to the air. Always buy thia brand in hermetically sealed ONS POUND PACKAGES. SMITH'S tSfekMeaSaehelaFeerheera. " Skta.feaatbe F~ , WHS! Mee te man, nSpafflesf USlll, j.r.SMRHACO., st.l la&La te*L5i.. General W. T. Rogers, of Buffalo. N. Y., Past Department Commander, has been eleeted superintendent .of the Soldiers* snd Sailors' Homo at Bath, Steuben county, N. Y. The old war ship Tsnnsssss» which coat ths goysrnment something ever •1.600,000, hie gone into service of the Merlden (Conn ) Railway .C®a|p«oy ss s ooal-bunker. ; ; .• • Pse,t Commftrider-ih-cbtSf T^ttdns Falrctiild attended a meeting of Poet No, 2, Philadelphia, while In that city last month. Corarsde Fstrchtld lesss none of his interest In the order now thst ho Is out of offlos. Ths President ot the Servloe Pso- slon Association of Illinois has made the following official appointments: Finance Committee, G, S. Gragg, Post No. 425; J. L. Danenbower, Post No. 40; John Moran, Post No. 306. A post department commander was reoently caned. The Inscription tolls the story: "R. A. Becker, St. Psuh from the sham battle oommltteo of Mlnpoapolls for meritorious servioe at the battls of Hamlins. Sept, 17," The Michigan Society of the New York State Veterans desires ths ad­ dress of ail New York soldiers residing In the 8tste of Michigan to complete their roster. Address Norman C. Cooper, President, Sturgie, Mich. Comrade Thomas J. Dolso, who hss for several years been tho mounted messenger st the White House,died Monday, Oct. 17. He was General Grant's ooler sergeant at one time. When the Gonorsl bscsme President be sppolnted him ss bis mounted mes­ senger, snd be hss been thsre over since. A collection of photographs of Ver­ mont fegiments In ths war of the re­ bellion Is bsing, msde by Adjutant General T. S. Peck, Tho collection was first startsd by Adjutsnt General P. T. Washburn, who hoped in this way to preserve a likeness of every Vermont officer. General Peck Is ear­ nestly endeavoring to complete the collection by securing the missing ones wherever possible, A reusing camp fire was hsld st St. Paul, Minn,, Oct. 27, In Asksr Post Hall, to rstify tbs olootloo of Cem- rsds John P. Re a, of Minneapolis, to the position of Commander-ln chief of the Grand Army. Several prominent ex-Unlen soldiers were present, among them ex-Governor Marshall, Col. J. Ham Davidson, and Capfialo B, A. Castle. The evening WM devote* to congratulations, speeobsa, musleand hard tack and coffee. - i-X- baX '<i Report of ocrtiflcates issued during weekending Oct. 29, 1887: Original1 824; tneres8e, <07; rslssns, 61; restora­ tion, 27; dupliosto. 0; sccrued, 62; arrears, 1; Act of March 3, 1883,3; Order of April 3,1884,4; Act of March 3,1886,0; Act «.f Aug, 4, 1886,1; Sup­ plemental Act Aug. 4, 1886,24; Mexi­ can war, 400; total, 1,815; Reissue ssme dateO, Commander P. D. Blodgett, ef Ver mont, was mistaken a number of times for General W. T. Sherman while at­ tending the encampment at St. Louis. Entering one of the Grand Army headquarters he was grestsd with How sre you, Uncle Billy* While at Niagara an old Ohio soldier entered the car where be was and shouted. What! General Sherman? Hats off boys! Comrade Blodgett thinks this a little rengh en General Shermae when It oomes to looks. Ws often wonder whst hss befallen the young man who shssrs the "Bay­ onet Points" for the Democrat thst csuses him to so dislike the old sol dlers snd espsdslly those who are members of the G. A. R. This youth sssms to delight la attempting to get something to bis psper that will re - fleet on those who differ In opinion with him on questions pertsinlng to tho war ef the rebellion which occur­ red about the time be first saw the light of dsy or soon thereafter. Yes, Chaa., you sre s good one to undertake to advise, and if they won't be to your method of thinking, to abuse them and prate about their military record ftc.,Ao, We expeot you will try to show that wo wore net regularly master ed into tho United States army before yon get through with us. Or thst while in the service we stole s pig or milked a oow that did not bslong to us. But If the Isttsr Chsa, just add that we deployed up on the off side or the bovine and that for some time thereafter we saw nothing but stars, and ear coffee wss hot cooled with milk tlilt morning. Go for tho record business, Chss^ there is nothing like It --especially when cornet-ed. Ths fteof sf ths Vaddl*g is ta tto Ssttag Tkeieef. Of oonrse Comrades Cowlln sad Ells worth will Insist that She O. A. R. Is not being made a polltlcsl Institutloa, and yet reports are eonstaatly eomiag to te the effeet that Democratic voter am sre everywhere leaving tbi» order rtl- No. 671 of Peorls, Is In s stste of dense turmoil because of the rule-or-ruln policy of the politicians who have gained control of the forder, and at a recent meeting more than thirty mem­ bers withdrew In a body, and slnoe then about seventy more have withdrawn. Our authority for this statement Is a despatch in the Chicago Daily New of Oct. 27. the extreme length of whioh forbids its publication in full this wssk.--J/c- Henry County Democrat. "Of course Comrade Cowlln" wilt perform bis duty and not stand by and bear hi) comrades abused and lied about without denying such ridiculous and unreasonsble falsehoods ss those quoted above, without getting at th< facts of the case in question snd show­ ing up In their true light ths source from which suoh venomous sttscks sre hurlsd st tbe G. A. R. snd In fact at all ex-union soldiers who differ In opin­ ion with tbe editors of soldier-hating papers. Does not tbe young msn who dips the "Bayonet Points" oontained In the Democrat know that tho Chica­ go News Is one of the mssnest, most contemptible and vindictive of tbe few soldier-hstlng sheets he sscures bis wBayonst Points" from? If not it is time he did for there Is not one old veterso In fifty but bss wcsugbt on" to tho feet long since, and we continually hear them express their opinion as re­ gards tho garbage that sheet contains as against them snd tbe slobbering ever glveo the Presldsnt for bis vetoes of pension bills snd ordering ths reb­ el flags returned. The Chicago News is known as an administration excuse and pet, and Its bitter hatred and an­ tagonism to those wbo wore the blue Is shown dsy by dsy hy ths articles they origlnsts and pick up similar to that referring to Bryner Post of tbe G. A. R. We come to the point at Issue aad furnish the readers of these columns proof as to the utter falsity of tbs bsrsfsced lies promulgated by the New» and then taken up as an echo by tbe small fry wbo attempt to>follow la it* wake. (See "Bayonet Points" In Democrat.) Tbe Hon. M. M. Bassett, of Peoria, a member of Bryner Post G. A. R., says In reply to Inquiry made in reference to tbe Chicago News article: "The on­ ly political trouble I have known in Bryner Post occurred In this wise: Shortly befete the recent Nstlonal Encampment at St. Louis, the Women's Relief Corps held a meeting at which they lairlted tbe post to ,be present, and they then presented tbom with a beautiful silk flag. In response to tbs presentation speech by Mrs. Capt- Jobn R. Zelgler, remarks were mads by Elder N. S. Haynes, myself and Thomas J. Coon, and the latter said something about I bo American flag having been Insulted, and the Ameri­ can eagle drooping his wings. Intimat> Ing that the preseat sdmlnistration had net properly protected tbe rights of tbe citizens of tbe government. He seid nothing aboat President Clove* land, or the National Administration. or the political parties, bat gnereft* teed thst la two years the G. AB, would see thst the|?Amerleea1 Reg would be protected. |Thst algl* I beard no exceptions to the used, but at ths next regular of Bryner Post, Cspt. John msde a speech In which ho ma£e hit­ ter personal attacks upon messhsisof tbe Post, Commander Qualman. Cosa-' rsdo Coen, Capt. Tripp sad others. In conclusion ho announced bis with­ drawal from the Post, and after pe?* ing his doss he left tbe roun, followed by Wm. Buchanan sad Ed. Callahaa. Outside of those throe membets not a slugle one has withdrawn from the Post thsn or since. On the contrary a number of new members have been mustered Is slnos snd the Poet Is so- tually stronger thsa It wss before. So fsr ss I know, no members are talk* ing of withdrawing, Democrats er Re­ publicans, and both are ss regular la their ettsndsncs as they wero before. It is not trus thst tbs Republican members have been making the Post unbesrable for the Democratic.(mem­ bers. Nothing of tho kind has oocor> red. It is not true thlrty.of the mem* bers have withdrawn, „ As l)wtd bolero only three of tho members hsve with­ drawn, tbe three named already. It Is net true^that trouble has been brew* Ing over sines Cleveland wss eleeted. er thst bis election caused any trouble In the Post. Tbe meeting did not then adjourn, but went rlgbt on with other busioess. It is not trae tbst Democrats have not boon appointed delegates to encampments. The truth is that Capt. Zeigler himself, together with Major Qualman, was sent ss • del* agate to the National Encampment st San Francisco two years age, Republi­ can and Democratic comrades both worked to get him the eppotntmeQt.'* Mtjer Qualmau, commander ef the post ssys among other things: "J want to ssy tbst there was never better hsrmony In Brynsr Post thsn now Capt. Zelglor seemed to feel sore be­ cause ho thought he had been wronged by seme of tho members, and be want­ ed to Insult tbem la open mooting. | stopped him and told him if he treat­ ed to withdraw to pay his dues lend a discharge would be given blm, tot not to Insult tbe me|i!)ers. It was not necessary. Nobc^ spoke hat Cspt. Zslglsr, exoept Mr. Bassett, aftet be went, snd other business wss sdwlth. Ididnotssk If s$||, ~ wanted to wtthdraWi^o. sit. a He, sir; an infernal Ha. sir. It tsaet true that the delegates to tbe St. Louis enoampment were all fined, for Peoria had no delegates to the St. Louis encampment. There have never been any politics In the Pon slnoe I ban been commander. Wo do sit ask whether ho Is a Republican, a Democrat or a Greenbacker, 4* we care to know is whether he has a rec­ ord as an honorably dlschsrged soldier of the Union srmy Even since Capt. Zeigler withdrew from the post, the pose has called upon bim to oonduot tbe funeral ot a dead comrade, which srathe lsellng we hsve.M > ^ Additional Prsst • The Peoria daily Transcript says In Its Issue of Oct. 29, '87: "Tho artlele from tbe Chicago News, Inspired by John R. Zeigler, In reference to el- leged polltlcsl troubles in Bryner Post G. A. R., of this city. Is so full of fsfso : bood and mlsiepresentation that It de* serves more than a passing notice." And then goes on to prove where tbe falsehoods, Ac., come In, which, with tbe facts as wo have given tbett hat more fully, make a clean case of ssle* representation by the Newt, v Far From Busted. Bryner Post of the G, A.- It'-Vef- Peorla, HI., has a membership of BOO. Major Cbsrles Qualman, la Its com­ mander; R W. Burt, H, V. C,;J, M. Slmson, Jr. V. C.; J. S. Rlttenhouse, Quartermaster; Hugh J. Msrtln, Adjt.; and not one of whem know anything about tbe breaking up of tbelr poet, only as seen la tbo Chicago Newt of Oct. 26 Isn't that strange, Mr, JMb~ Henry County Democrat, .after yoor navlng tbe Post busted or aearly so, only in your last issue t If President Cleveland bsd married Winnie Davis the lionized daughter of "Old Jeff" Instead of Frankle Folsom, his tour through the South would bsve resembled the triumphal parade of.aa ancient; Roman conqueror. As ftjirss Winnie alone created a much greater luror at Macon than Mr. *£& Mre Cleyleand. and Jeff Davis eelfolfertlt the old time rebel yell that stags ii the ears of every old soldier today, *nd caused a display of tho Mg that the bovs In blue had shot tOWwed^-- Richmond Gazette. • WASHINGTON Nov. 1--D. L. Bawtilse Assistant Secretary of tho Interior, having special charge aad direction of tbe Board ol Pension Appeals, hss pre­ pared a report to the Secretary of tbe Interior covering the operations of the board since the Inoroaso In Its membership oo July 1,1886, to Nov. 1 1887. Tho following summary of tbe operations of tho board Is appended to tho report: Appeals ponding Jnhr 1,1886,3,tti ;apppeak fiiedstaeO *3; total esses disposed ot. appeals decided by tne board wborele the decision of the Pension Offioe wss sustained, 9.729; reversed. 296; apfeade wbereie*eetioa was reconsidered t y tho Pension Office and pensions al­ lowed oo notice that appeal bee hems taken, 113); appeal" atithdrawa* 14; app-als dismissed. 169; l"g Nov. 1,1887, 930. s -v i ' ¥} • %.Vi W. maiMoaia--Aa

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