>AY. NOV'. 16. 1887. Editor. & *> A Dl?T> May be found on _ JTjflLl JjiJK file at GRO. P. Jk OCX'S Newspaper Advertising )wruM Street), where advertising riPKNEW YORK- full acoount of (h« Execution of the Anarchists. together with a f Jilstnrf of the Haytnarket Riot, can be *v found «n the Inside pages Of this paper. * V| MTThe highest price ever paid for feo.--,-a weanling colt In this oountry was jpald at Jerseyville. III., on the second Instant, at the sale of blooded stock K, t0 <*• V. Striker, fojr the /} Is, Co't Dslphas, aired by Nutwood, dam f: t>olph!n. by Harold, the sire of Maud «- ,'t, ti. The bidding on this colt was splr- Ited, starting at $510, and was in- - ere wed ui.til thegaaimal was knocked ^ down ts the Catoo bto k rarm foi j?;/*8,i50. * • g^The fisheries dispute ts net, seh^uf .'w' w the advantage ef Mr. Bayard ̂ t I1 It seems to be clear enough that the^1^ United States cannot insist upon one^lC kind of maritime jurisdiction forl^j : Canada and another for themselves,; ̂ &tv 4-7*t Is just what Mr. Bayard In-kit ^ C. %lsts upon. Be will doubtless have to £88. retreat from his position with whakite. | ^Jtraoe he may. • Thu will not be souse hard.for bin, who 1s accustomed toL^ . back down, as for the country, which L. Isn't. til hM \)e«ai steMM* rained on acooant of the scarcity otfhsMoal. In Marquette there jMftjta&y two ofcetooal fwnaoea blast, 1H1 ten or twelve have been eloi and ail bow in sndr a dilapidate ooadi tkm that they will never be started again. WILLIAM GRBKN was found gaflty A' Peru, Ind., of aaardering Eaoe Brum baugh. The sentence was imprisonment for life. He was a brother of Amer Green killipg Luella Mabbitt, POLITICS. ANARCHISTS SDROPPED HAVE OUR P R X C 1 Elections were held in a number of Stnte on Tuesday, Nov. 8. The result is sum marized below: New York.--The entire Democratic State tioke In order to close out our very is elected. The majority of Cook over Col, * r K1 ' lrea (irnnt for Secretary of State is about lij,i0ttVy StOCK before JBIlUlliy I. arm ir.... MIT As a result of gambling and dis- sipation. Charles B. Brown field, a mechanic of Louisville Ky., killed his jhrother-l n-law, W, P. Brunner, and ^ his wife and Infant child, cutting their .threats with a razor, and then took his fjown life by hanging himself. He left f a letter stating that his reason fori 1 being tired of life was gambling; that ^ - ;he killed his vrtfe and baby because he ' ••;-dld not want to loavo them penniless Jo tb* world, with no one to care for them, and his brother-in-law because nr be did net think he was fit to live. >d a itil JACKETS, ' SHAWLS,IND DRESS GOODS, Flannels, Hosiery and consistent consistent Witl^honorable goods and a Tnkn T. Unllivun ^ Mf A train carrying Robinson's clr- «°» • ous, which was on Its way to winter! ? * . quarters In Cincinnati, was wrecked *r: on the 4th inst on the Vandalia linet6^ l-^ eight pa lies west of Brszil, Indiana, Mna • The train carried nineteen ttbiaux pii 4 wagons, forty-two cages of animals i'\ ~ and four hundred men and women,M> ^j ' Three or tour coaches left the track try OJ/. There was a bitti r fight in Now Vork Citj " * over tha District Attorneyship, tho rival caudi- ^ dates being Col. John It, .bellows and Delancuu Nicoll, both Democrats. Fellows wus V elected by about 2i>,iH)o majority. The Henrj George vote is not much over <ki,000 in the Stat* There ie a largely increased Prohibition vole a The Democrats iri&de heavy gaius in Buffalo I The Democratic majority in Netv York an(P* Kings C'ouutitts is about iio,u00. The I/egislature is Republican by it majority on joint ballot. Ohio.--HOT. Foraker and the entire Hepub- lican State ticket are elected by pluralities ranging from 17,000 to 2 ,000. The Republican major,ty in Hamilton County Is ti,593. Api r.isfcd.--tsanauel Maxwell (liep.) is elected! Supreme Judge by a majority of from 30,000 30,0.4, and the Republican candidates for re-' gents of the State University, 11. B. Davis and Ueorge Robert*, have nearly the same majority. Iotv<i.--Complete returns from &fty-thre« Of the ninety-nine counties in Iowa give L*r- ^ rabeo (Kep.), for Goven?or, t7,569; Anderson , T ..... (Denio-Greenbacki, 77,44-2; Cain, 6,124; Fara< ham, 21. Larrs.bee's plurality over Anderson J^|] g|Z6S. Vari©tl6S, is lv',127, and his maiority over all in these fifty- . , three counties is These same countieillB lOWGSt last year gave Jackson (Hep.), U2,0J7; Belli 72,oab. _ Oregon.--Oregon voted only on a propoae<Ji\r JJ .Inhn Ij Slllliviin O' amendment to t^e Constitution prohibiting the'* 6 are UOUI1 XA' OUl,1YaU u traffic in alcoholic liquora, which was defeated by some 8,U00 majority. New Jersey.-- The election in New Jersey was for members of the Legislature. Republicans have the Assembly by 14 majority and the San- ate by it majority. Mississippi.--Mississippi voted for count) officers aud members of the Legislature. Nearl) all those elected are straight-out Democrats. Virginia.--'The Democrats will have abool three-fourths of the Senate and nearly two thirds of the House of Delegates, thus insurin| the election of a Democratic suocessor tC United States Senator Kiddleberger. Pennsylvania.--William Hart and Henry W. Williams, composing the Republican State ticket as candidates, respectively, for tbe offices of State Treasurer and Supreme Courl Judge, are elected by 25,000 to 30,0j0 majority. The greatest interest was manifested in thi content in Philadelphia, between William R Leeds, Republican, for Sheriff, and Charles U Krumbhaar, Democrat. The Democrats mas aged to defeat Leeds by about 5,000 votes. Maryland.--The Democrats elected the Ool arnor and other State officers and a majority c tbe Legislature in Maryland, after the bitterei campaign ever fought in the State. Jackson' majority for Governor is about 9,000. The ca for a constitutional convention is defeated b 6,000. Masiachusetts.--The vote on Governor is d vided as follows; Amea, Republican, 135,91S Lover in g, Democrat, 118,311; Parle, Prohibitid* 10,697; Marks, Labor, 848. This makes And g^b'i'csrts.isr^Ks.rX:. For ™net-v- iualityan.'.P™?" plurality of 22,144 ovor Cutting, Democrat. jn faUCV. Scarlet, CamelS hairf Chicago.--The election in Chicaeo and Coo . ' ^. , * County for County Commissioners resulted i white and grey mixed. the choice of the Republican nominees. Judg^„„„ T mrUo Gary, before whom the anarchists were triedOHCS living SGlllll^ lj6Vlt8 was on both the Republican and Democrats!" f TTnilaraonr fni* 41 25 fiiinh tickets, and is elected Jud^e of the Supeno.^' 1 U naerw ear IOl UttUil Court. Captain Black, counsel for the anar^h-^ H Others HlUSt Sell IOF $1.50. ists, the opposing candidate, but he received ... . lt . . . onlys,sMvotes. } We also sell in a quiet unasf >mP AMAP^pfgfjf stimming manner, for the lowest „ -- ' : . living prices THE Chicago Tribune says: Lingg die< " hard. His athletic frame, splendid consti Tfl iderwear now and theu a fine while the train was rounding a sharpl^1 tution and superabundant vitality surviv * "" ' ! for more than six hours in juries fv-'. curve, and were piled up inacon- fuseJ mass, where they took Aire and were consumed. No iiyei were lost, though several perons wen* bruised. M#*Lake Geneva News: Last ilou- day night Mr. O, Gillette thought he saw some one trying to steal his chick- He hld bebln'l the fence ^I^JH^aud-waited developements. The thief »V 8MB loaded up and started for home. W" \ He was crossing the fenoe where Mr. ^r^-OUIeite was concealed, when Mr. k Olllettee stepped out and oonfronted ^4 s'Wffl. He dropped the chickens and pffor Hfe, liberty and tall timber. 1 > His name is Fred Miller. He was arrested and brought before Esquire Buckbee, who will give him a hearing. Aurora Beacon: Miss Jennie Plam ol this city, introduced an orig- v lnal ar. unique melhdd of scoring pro- j^lfresslve euchre, at a party given to ,'vher friends on Thursday eveniog. . After a delicious supper each guest .--was furnished with a pretty satin bag. . They were daintily made In pairs of Various oolors and patterns, each the table number tubbed there- 4M. Those holding matched colors partnera, and at the close of each •(.<., .two trays of marbles were 'ftMsed, white ones for the winners. for the loesers. At tbe close, E 5-' • count of tbe marbles revealed tbe Uv -.v good look or vice versa of the holders. ••"Another beauty of tho Inter- $ '• State railroad law has cropped out, h Railroads are prohibited from selling explorers tickets at reduced rates, f' _ The same rates must be charged fer these tickets as Is obarged other person ^jHow about reduced rates for round ^*r,P to fairs and such places? ;-',r These are sold at less than tbe regular , fare. Tho Intef-State bill Is a big £fv- humbug. It alms to do what never f1»; CM done by any legislation--regu- 0,^ prices to be paid and estab- • r Inflexible rules to cover all cases. 4®ne hM •»®r claimed that tbe pub- >^lo has received any benefit from It, W %t»ut there haro been multitudes of CMes wh«* «>• railroads have taken *dvantsge otl It to increase their | "v icbarges. The bill has worked more In Sv ^ Interests of the roads tbansblp« pers, whether they wanted a long or a p> •" *bort haul.--Belvidere Standard. ELGIN DAIRY MARKET. Be ted K X press I y for (he PLAIMDBALRB by Board'of Trade1!0' 8eoretory of th® KMWir, in.. Kov. 14,1W. Tbt> attendance lair. Offerlors light. Onlv wWoB^-MweAoSjfr eeatS. orrioui. Found*. WttM>loiDe mien itfv. Sales--Batter.. '• Cheese.. 1500 132U 1260 1380 1500 1300 8160 66722 8307 Prtee,i ts Amount. 420 00 3S0 60 m. i'»0 420 00 336 00 9 2284 SQ 7230 IS 678 08 times si Total traos'ns esiss OOTS1DB MABKBTS. ---T&lliSat25t027- Ch«e>e 5%*«Siw-fl?VSii7. tt.S7' cbM» iMi*»toir' 8k,m,» 6 to 8; ,t6ady ftt * *0 S7; a few i^Bsitir firm at 26 to 96. AGENTS WrfipaJ'thp world for lo' rOVERCOAT prices. A handsome and Strongly Bound Photo graph Album, 8H x l0>< lnch», gilt sides and edges, holding 22 psges of Cab- dCar<l rirtures sent for 60centB, rptail pri A Ko<l Finals Plio(«g:r»pli Album, tnet an. SI .25 xio's Emtiopned padded si'los, gold edpoe, extension clasp, holding 32 paces of Cabinet and Card pictures sent for Si.(Mi, retails for S2 25. Illustrated circulars of the aliove and FREE FINER STTXES or FanbceA .HeHakln, Cladanall, Ohio, ALBUMS NEW FIRM In Woodstock* Bavin# teased' tlie Store In Pacv's Sew Block, have opened up with a large and seas, onable stock of Boots, Shoes, Grots Prasliip Goods, etc. Ladlu a&d 6«ats lias Shots At Bottom Prices For Firtit-Ciass Goods. Onr Winter S tock ia now just com inst in and it will pay yon while at tUc Fair lo jubt vail in and look ov;r our stock. We will jruaranter to,please In both quality of Goods and price. RUDOLPH & McNETT. Woodstock, Sept. 6th, 1887. JUDD'S COLLEGE OF COMMERCE. I 16 East Monro* St., Chicago. Book-keeping Hanson's Shorthand, Penmanship, Arithmetic), Ete- T AUGHT BT EXPERIENCED TE AC II KB*. Eijfht years' experience In Commf>rcls! College Work enables us to offer the VERV BEST ADVANTAGES at tho LOWEST KATES to all wanting a Practical Business or Short- band Course. School is in session iiay and evening, and old students, friends and strangers are cordially invited to come and see us If you desire to study Book-keeping or Shorthand, but are unable to attend tbe College, we can give you iessons by mall at a small expense. . Parker's > SPAVIN CURE IS CISEQrALED as an application to horgos for the cure of Spavin, IIlici. mm lam, Splint, Navicular Joint*, and all severe I^anae- ness, also for track use when reduced. Price 91.00 per bott!e< v Sold by druggists. Strong tertfr uonlals on application. B. W. BAKERTc *• Me Proprietor, AKTBIK, N. IL Trade supplied by JAS. E. Da via A Co., Detroit, Mich.; Peter Via Hchaack & Bong, Chicago, 111.1 Meyer Bro'a & Co., St. UiuU, Ko. A dandy Pea Jacket and Vest, or u nobbVSuit to a wrll satisfied ciutomer. \ Too much cannot oe said for the ^ C. H. Fargo & Co. All custom made and warrant ed, which we always keep iu stock Full as&ortment of rA\nE|! - Rubber Goods, * M; Boots' M Goat Robes, ALL QBADES. Horse Blankets. TRY A OF THB CELEBRATED Buy tho little girls a Toboggan cap ; KvaniAn'i at Evaosoo's. elMddarf, 0 to U%. A.W.HOJCBI*9.S«e.B.® T 5 !bs. good ground coffee «1.00. Salt I white fish 6J cents per lb. Salt Her- rlnjE. 8 cents per lb. Fine full cream obeeso m cents per pound. Choifl* batter fi cents at Evanson'si Honest BOCKFOBD For 81 v Delivered Free Warranted. GROCERIES, ALWAYS Fresh, clean and cheap, YOUKS TRULY, BONSLETT & STOFFEL. ' ' C:> Witt . J- 4 • -f 31 ,yi '• " * 3*- * <f m aSSv titim Condi E#K t'i ?y «rn-j i ^ b'y \Wi ' J' • <* b * We have now placed before the people outbid city and McHenrv of lite largest stocks ol^, v -ry; * has ever been shown in our Store ancl at prunes that defy ^re 4eterm!ued to reduce tfur stock si ; 'V;'" •« Colored and Black Silks aad Velvets! ' And by so doift^ ^U bffer ̂ lhtTfrt more than one-half of former prices. These wilt ........-!n Silks and Velvets over before offered p ^ ̂rf ^adies of this City and McHenry (^ounty^"4' v- ods at a mite Ije the srreat- P*slim«t3,Drip d Alnjii, OnpDitt, OtUmO ̂ Tricots,.and all other kinds of Dress Goods we will sell at greatly , prices. Best Ginghams 8c, Calicoes from 3c to 5c, - Flannel Blankets, Wool Yarns, Linens, Gloveti, Hosiery, and Notions ot all kind'. We have a complete stock ef ( \>Ladies' and Gent's Underwear, and Children's Combination Suits from 25 to 60 cents, for- , W W OO to4i«40< • • • '"V V •> A \ J , -f .'5 ^ - :U •:y . ̂ We have n complete assortment of these goods in Ladies', Mia and Chi.dren's. We are having the largest tn»)a in fhnan nr any hous« iu the County. . W e m t f i o f O t s y B m a . f i n e i r l ( ] S h o o » f T o r i a S i e . , Misses and Children, and mauy other kinds of Goat and Grain Shoes and our prices on them are lower than those of regular shoe dealer We also have Men's Kip, Cult and Grain Boots of all grades; Rub^ ber Boots, Felt Boots and Arctic Overshoes. We will offer the best Kip Boot matfe for $2,50, Bjys Boots for $1 00 and $1.50. This is lower than you can t>uy tnem in ony house in the County* We have au immense stock of, aud in order to reduce our stock In this depaitment we will offer out "jest Lowell and Hartford for ^ * 65 cents, this is the lowest price on these goods ever made; body Brussels 85c, Hemp Carpet 15c, Oil Cloth, i 1 var<d wukk 34iiAniA. j •^awa^«a£> .... Men and Boys made happy., A|> years follow years our stock $a* creases in size and we Hre now able toj place before our patrons an endless variety of everything that isN new and seasonable in wdl made and reliable ready-made clothing. We will offer 100 Coats that cost us *8.00, for $5.00; 200 pa r of all wool Pants worth $4.AO for $3.C0 all wool Vests 75c; a job lot of Bo^s Suits for one-half price; Men's Suits and Overcoats in all grades, lower than ever. We also manufacture Clothing to order and if you want a suit in first class style, call on us, we keep on hand the largest assort ment of American and imported cloths of any custom tailoring house in the county, and prices lower than the same goods oan be bougnt elsewhere. We don't sell from samples we have cot the goods to shew you. •*1f ' * -*%: I f ' : *' NEW ;G R 0 C -E RIES #« e»TTT s ftclfeeWiH tfmes of the ye»r lower than any grocery house can. We offer 15 &s granulated Susrar for $1 00. 16 lbs Coffee A Sugar for $1.00. . 20 fi>s Brown Sugar'for $1 00. 25 fl>8 Kirk's best Savon Soap (1 fc bars) for $1.00." * • Tea and Coffee we fell to our trade tor just what they cost ui. • • • ip«.. inJ8iPlI¥ 0 €Q» • '