Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Nov 1887, p. 8

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« r • • - receiving to complain , isider Mexican fiwlt is chiefly on >m themselves importance to "Este el en dia- ; is at your disposal.) 'Ave as generally used as "1 to see you," "I shall be j>iO0ine," etc., at home, when M not--quite the reverse is everything is placed "at . sal"--house, horses, car- •errants, even the master and themselves, and all their figuratively speaking, only. If [ wittnre your hostess' gown "it is tly at your service," she instant- j ' replies; a picture, a child's trinket* | i geotlemans diamond, ditto. V Iff. Fred Ober relates how, when he tiune here first an exceedingly bashful young bachelor, these profuse offers •mbamwsed him considerably. Rid­ ing beside his guide, soon after landing, ; |ie happened to express admiration for te horse the latter rode, and inquired It were his own. "Si, senior," re* filed the man, "and yours also." ventured but one more question JIhftt day, hours later, in the house of Ihe Muchacha who prepared their sup- 8er, when he thoughtlessly asked is guide if she were his sweet­ heart. "Yes, mv friend" (arnigo moi), "•and yours also.11' That silenced him ior a long time until one day, chancing to see a mere child, with beautiful oval fece and large, dark eyes who could Bot have been more than 14 years old, affectionately tending a baby, he asked. If it were hers. "Si, senor," came the ready answer, "and yours also! /~(2er. W%iiadelphia Record. Bie w>:. r: Origin of the Dahlia. - A& English botanist writes: The first iKntion of the original type from which inr florists'dahlia lias been developed •fear* in the old Spanish book pub­ lished in 1651--"The history of Mexico," %y Hernandez. The author describe® a*wild plant growing in profusion on Use elevated, sandy plains of Mexico, •ml gives a drawing which is easily identified as a single dahlia. The flnrator of the Mexican Botanic garden, who bore the illustrious name of Cer­ vantes, was the first cultivator of the (ftahlia. He sent a plant to Madrid in 1738, and it was seen in blossom in the botanic garden there by Abbe C a van- Hies, who described it scientifically, and pamed it after his friend, Prof. l>ahl, •f Stockholm. In 1802 Cava- illes sent roots of the new plant to the ardin des Plantes in Paris, and two #ears later the "dahlia ' was introduced Into England from seed sent from Mad- fid. In 1804 Humboldt went to Mexico, %here he found the dahlia growing jfrild, and collected seeds which he sent •ifo Berlin and Paris. The dahlias of our gardens came from the seeds raised from Humboldt's plants, and the first flowers were gathered in England in 1806. Byd egrees the double form ap­ peared, and the dahlia grew under the hands of the gardener till it became the Severely perfect flower we have so often 'admired at South Kensington and the Crystal palace. The whole world has Indeed been ransacked to supply our trdens, and many other plants have long a pedgree and as interesting a itory as the dahlia. Cashmerw, Drtp d Almas, DrapDttt, Ottomiu, Sirgts, Tricots, and all other kinds of Dress Goods we •wffi'Seff at gtiMi reduced prices. Best Ginghams 8c, Calicoes from 3c to 5c. Flannel Bluukets, Wool Yarns, Linens, Gloves, Hosiery, .. and Notions of all kind We have a complete stock of ; ' % Ladies' and Gent's Underwear, and Children's Combination Suits from 25 to 60 cents, for­ mer price from $1 00 to $1,40. ^ A CHANGE ••{ AT J- WEST MCHENRY. H.TIRX BOM oat their La: •Wilbur T.nmt«r iber Yard to the Oomiia&T, «ritl now devote their entire attention to the sale of BARD AND SOFT COAL, MAN, SHOFITS, OATS, Lime, Stucco, Etc. f Aj-.d by keeping a full stock always on hand . will, in the fatnre as in the past, do all in v* ' P*wer to please ail who may favor them With their p&trou&ge. MOM as Lew U UM Lovnt ?>. • All persons knowing themrelves indebted *!•:•- ar0 requested to call and settle the same '% ^I'hout delay, as our old book#,miuU be clo*» v M. Delays are dangeroas. Smith, Son ft Co. ;i WeM MeEenry, Aug »th, 1887. We have now placed before the County one of the largest stocks o ot this city and Me Henry That has ever been shown in our Store and at prices thai defy competition. We are determined to reduce our stock of an And by so doing will offer the entire stock ot those goods at a little more than one-half of tormor prices. These will be the great* est liargains in Silks and Velvets ever before offered to the Ladies ot j Countf.; ; , ^ To which they respectfully invite the attention ef the bavin* public. Our stock of c GENERAL Has been bought in larger quantities than ever. We cordially invite the public to call and examine goodn and compare price* Every purchaser has the advantage of finding here. j V- a. A LARGER STOCK 01 Ready-Mad# Clothing:, For Men* Youths and Children, plete line ot the latest in >F 1 & well selected and c«»io- :'N: • McHenry,Ulinols. --DEALER1!*^ OXHTS' FURNISHHTO OOMtS. fiATS A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men and Boys, the best manufacturers*. New Goods Every Week* A fnUliM of olwice family Qruceries. Come and SM u(F :; from •O ALTHOFF BROS. CLOAKS ! CLOAKS! We have complete assortment of these goods in Ladies', Misses' and Chi dren's. We are having the largest trade in these goods of any house iu the County. m We carry a full line ot Cray Bros, fine Kid Shoes* for Ladies Misses and Children, and many other kinds of Goat and Grain Shoes and our prices on them are lower than those of regular shoe dealers. We also have Men's Kip, Call and Grain Boots of all grades; Rub^ ber Boots, Felt Boots and Arctic Overshoes. We will offer the best Kip Boot made for $2.50, B ;ys Boots for $1.00 and $1.50. This is lower than you can buy tliem m ony house in the County. FISH, Practical Painter aM Decorator, HEBRON, ILL. Decorating, Paper-Hanging, CALCIMINING% GRAINING, die en short settee and aatisfhetien guana- mr *4«tresa. H. »!, 1887. FISH. » • • HAVE YOU SEEN IT? ID AKBICAX BOY. Ths Popular New Paper W'-' " For VOUNC MEN AMD BOYS. «• ftota everywhere that It ta W»ey have been looking for. p»»er filled with interesting and sea; columns of "Tricks ot BQY MS6 08.11, and mtcro&tiiis reading? Send and have your •ed for a sample copy. 60 cents i|*4tjr to " HUD90W BROS.. v- TPi Philadelphia, Pa. jgaatitm thia payer. We have an imownse stock of, aud in order to redtice our stock in this depaitment we will offer out best Lowell <tnd Hartiord for 65 cents, this is the lowest price on these goods ever made; body Brussels 85cf Hemp Carpet 15c, Oil Cloth, 1 yard wide, 25 cents. Men and Boys made happy. As years follow years our stock in­ creases in size and we are now able toj place before our patrons an endless variety of everything that is new and seasonable in well mad«5 and reliable ready-made clothing. We will offer 100 Coats that cost us 18.00, tor $5.00; 200 pa^r of all wool Pants worth $4 50 for $3.C0 all wool Vests 75c; a job lot of Bo^s Suits for one-halt price; Men's Suits and Overcoats in all grades, lower than ever. We also manufacture Clothing to order and if you want a suit made in first class style, call on us, we keep on hand the largest assort­ ment ot American and imported cloths ot , -- any cuatom tailoring nouse in the county, and prices lower than the same goods can be bougnt elsewhere. We don't sell from samples we have arot the goods to shew you. Attmtion Horsemen! MOY«V|IA ®IS] MM K Perch m « their ;h@ Public r in num. .w % Pefeheron, and TM&are all good rep br*«d. Also a few 'tale. The pablieare cor- call aadrfexamine stock, get Awe on Sunday. 1. & OOLBT. rij- tfianr, t|i^ PI LUMBER CO® (Successors to Smith* Son A Co.) T, v- Near the Depot, "West McHenry, Illinois. Having purchased the Lumber Yard and stock of Lumber ot Smith. Son A Co., West McHenry 111., and replenished the same with FULL STOCK OF LUMBER Of all kinds, we are now pre­ pared to offer 1o the public, the best quality of Lumber at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES* '.iiii ' ' I, UVW1H, VUUUW) Casing, Door and Window Frames-Ready Mafle-always on M We shall keep our stock complete at all times and spare no pains to accommodate all wh > may favor us with their patronage. Our yard at this place will be uuder tne charge of CHABLES rl. GRANGER, who will be ready at all times to make you prices oil large or smill lots Call and see us. : • WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY. West Mc Henry, 111,, Aug. 8th, 1887, , Tin, Copper Sheet-Iron WaiS. Aold^SrrS 8M °Ur G»,TOni««*iiwa Keri^ne Tanks, that we make ourselTea, that) will with Track., nanglngs, Floor Hook, and PuUeys, the LI2TB OF STOVES. For both coal and wood, ot the best makes, always on hand. In ev T e/ythi»£ in the Hardware line, to be found in " when in want ot I have employed STEVENS & MILLER, 8UCCESSOR8 TO frsim Are just receiving their new Fall stock of General Call on them and you will find good goods in every department, Oux stock of BOOTS AND SHOES Are manufactured by Selz & Sch%ab, the largest manufacturers of Boots and Shoes in the United States, and for good fitting, good wearing goods have no superior, in our line oi |:v:. i; Will beT nind a complete variety of the celebra'ed Bvouthead Mill Goods. In We are prepared to offer you the best makes of the Rockford and St. Joseph Mills. - * * •• ysszzz--'T. • ,.v Groceries! NEW GROCERIES We carry a fine linelat all times of the year and will sell to yon lower than any grocery house can. We offer 15 ft>8 granulated Sugar for $1 00: ^ 16 fcs Coffee A Sugar for $1.00. . y 20 ft>s Brown Sugar for $1 00. 25 lbs Kirk's best Savon Soap (1 lb bars) for $1.00. Tea and Coffee we fell to our trade ior just what they cost us. B. A. MUBPM 4b CO* Groceries! , T The purest and best we can find. In short our experience in busiiiess t as taught us which goods are best for us to handle. We have proved all brand-* and have aimed to hold fast to those which are best. We ask you to call and look our stock over. We will giv<s^» the 3m: with us,, h MINTS, OIL8, Toilet Article#, -FUKK- t.IQUO ife MEDIcii USE, use. f,v * * * 1 *»"t,, • «. " Ale and Porter for Family The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Toibocoo lwiy$ an liaad. PHYSICIAN^ #ERSORI|>TIO!?8 Carefully Compounded. Give McHenry, October 10th, 1887. n DEALER INSM . .. w -- v :; Vic Henry county. Do not fail to call when in want ot anything- in my line and see what can be done. I have employed a first class Tinner, and all J f IOBBIN6 AND B1FA11SINA Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A W^t^U°yf^c?tUFaCt0Iy ^ Share °f public Pannage W. P. STEVENS, BARGAINS -I N~ I BOOTS AND SHOES. I We have just bought a carload of MS;'ft -A T- GASH BOTTOM PBICia| And knowing well the fact that there has been a great drouth all over McHenry County, we shall sell these goods so low as to Kut thi Waste of fmy Mas, Woman and Chill. ii will pay you to come from all parts ot the county to trade with us N. W. H. DWI6H , Woodstock, III ....House Established in 1865. H. V. SHEPARD 0PPO8ITE BISHOP'S MILL, MeHE> IIY. . TIJLIINOIS, 1^:' -DEALER IN- gaMNQ Also the Celebrated Qax|aad Sto7M and The Prize and Black Acorn, } Unlr*e»al, Sterling, and Oth.* m t ' * •% ̂ f Y0TTB8 BXSPECTFULLY, • Stevens S& Mi 4- jdfef- «s m* ;,t •Mj WEST MoHENBY, QXINOVK '..HieiUhX . it f Coal and Woo Cooks, Small and Large Wood Parlors* Elegant Coal Heaters, j e have one of the Largest Stocks of Stoves IN MCHENRY COUNTY* stoves from which to make a selection. In alert everything in the Hardware, Stove and Tin line can be fonnd at our Store. Come one and all and examine our Goods and learn Prices. JOBSma A£ID £U&FAXRX2Ta Promptly Attended To. „„ Q . 100, - H. V. SHBPAKD. McHenry, Sept. 27th, 1887. t ' ̂ , tf&JLifr „ - I-.*.- V, ' i t * * \ •K-: ' •' ago.

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