Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Nov 1887, p. 4

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DAT. NOV. 23. •LYKE, Editor. -Psrnmii Atfrnntrata a*d vtoin- g themselves indebted tor tb* appeared to be a genuine kfti %omb was found Friday tlie door of the local depart- of tbe Columbia, Obi*, Hate j A match was 80 arranged Vllirany one stepped on It, the fua« lake fire and explode the dread Implement. , MTA pasienger train on th§ StatU j %f«aph of the Evanaville and Iadlaoap- t" tik road waa thrown from the track ? >neer Brasi) Friday night, and the an- i S> glneer waa burled beneath his loco mo-1 live, which with a coach was consumed . by flames. The fireman and br&kemen ^ • Were seriously injured, as were some >fc'-' pt ttM paatengers. % fOr JuBt before noon Aerolite weighing three tons fell In the Street In front of the Merchant's Na- ^ llonal Bank at Amsterdam, N. Y., ere- ] ||^:.4ttlu£ the greatest excitement, A 'tteep Indentation was made by the Visitor from on high, in whose mass ^ experts have found traces of lreo,| bf' nickel, aluminum, and other metals. In the vicinity of Hope, Ark.; and In the hills and bottoms of tbe Red and f ̂ . jBulphur Rivera, forest fires are raging. ! Many farm houses and out buildings ^ . liave been destroyed, and numbers of P-.'hogs and cattle have been burned to death. At Little Rock the smoke Is kv - almost suflocating, and unlesa rain I"; speedily falls the losses throughout the state will be vnry heavy. fl tyAt 10:30 o'clock Sunday night P Btrnum A Bailey's winter quarters, at » ' Bridgeport, Conn., caught fire, and in V - half an hour tbe main buildlag, con- taining nearly the whole outfit of the |p4: greatest show on earth, was reduced to §- „ . ashes, involving a loss of #1.0C0,000.-- I-"4 * The fire originated In the north end of |v the building, and is supposed to have - taught from the explosion of * watch- . man's lantern. Of course there are diflerer.cefjof , opinion as to the propriety of Gov * > O^lesby'B action in commuting the sen- tinces of tbe Anarchists, Fielden and p" gchwab, to the penitentiary for life, [NOTICE Itv, knowing - Pi,AiNHKAt,ETi can laafrn of tb« amount by oaliintr on John Helm, WHO is sntborised to receive money and rccoipt for the same, In our name. Those wlshiog to subscribe can lenvo their names at his ;store. Call on ihim ami get a sample copy.] EDITOR PLAINOEALEH Algonquin was well represented at tbe Fat Stock Shew In Chicago last week, * 4 Mrs,. Von Scbenck is vlsltlnf Willi friends at Fort Wayne, lad. D. W. Thomas shipped a car-load of stock to Chicago on Wednesday last. Mrs-J. Helm visited with relatives in Chicago last week, Mr. and Mrs. Nason, of Alpeno^ Mich., are visiting here with their son. Dr. Nason. Born, November 20th, to IN wife of Wra. Jericks, a daughter. L L. Chapell went to Chicago on Monday for a visit. W. P. Benson and son Slsrtafifre tak­ ing in Chicago". Mrs. E. Bigelow and sou H|pry have returned home fwitt their Wp out Wf St. ; Wm. Morton will have an auction sale of a carload of cows on Monday, Nov. 28. H. B. Throop, auctioneer. At Kohle's auction sale of a car-load of cows on Monday of this week cows •told On an average ot $35 per bead. AUCI^N~bALE. '.;'rTL' The undersigned will; sell at public auction on the premises one mild west ot Johnsburgh. and two miles north of McHenry, Tuesday, Nov. 29, 1887. com­ mencing at ten o'clock the following property: 3 cows, 1 heifer, 1 spring calf, 10 shoats, 1 horse eight years old, 1 black mare five years old, with-foal, 1 brown mare four years old, 50 bush­ els oats, 10 to 12 loads corn stalks, 3 tons slough hay, 1 lumber wagon, 1 hay rack. 1 plow, 1 corn plow, 1 sulky culti­ vator, 1 diamond-tooth cultivator, 1 two-horse cultivator, 1 drag, 1 plat­ form double wagon, 1 single top bug­ gy, 1 single harness, set double harness set bob sleighs, fanning mill 15 good bags. 1 butter churn. 1 sewing machine, 1 table. 1 cupboar J, and lot el house­ hold furniture too numerous to men­ tion. TERMS OF SALK:--Sums of 810 and under, cash; over that sum a credit of one year on good approved Botes at 6 per cent interest; two per cent off for cash; ne property removed until set­ tled for. Free lunch at noon. JACOB MILLEK. F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. 'HXHY3 mo s3hy:> axv avaaa J.S39 3HX eaxvrc ANARCHISTS ̂ SO HAVE OUB -OWT .' ,iJr 1 <Kv- Sfl> •*- i * ^ -. r* In order to close out our ver hedvy stock before January ir, V Cloaks, Wraps JACKETS, SHAWLS, AND DRESS GOODS; flannels, Hosiery, . • . r " ^ - v • ' " ' All siases, tarieties, audi priced li&e lowest consistent consistent; w ith honorable goods and work ^ We John L. ~ s: -T-. .» •ft- s*f v .• , ? . W; I HP m • '0r . - (l $ ; -'f <• ' vi l'* .. " 1-"CW ' >>/ .? ft DEALER IN Underwear i r.̂ C:%r.,0CfDrBlaa3va anx pressure was brought to bear upon th%> Governor in behalf of all the doomed •ten, Is certain, such as no other Gov­ ernor has been called to endure; and It may be stated to bis credit, that, be­ tween bis leaning toward mercy and his desire to maintain justice, he acted in the maimer that met tbe approval of bis ewn conscience, and the con­ science of the general public, and seas­ oned justice with mercy. Had he re­ fused to interfere in behalf or any of the condemned men, very many who approve bis act inlcommutlng the sen­ tences of two of them, would also have heartily approved his course. Many who thought It best te commute their sentences looked only at the horrible sight|of hanging seven men by tbe neck, losing sight of the seven police­ men who were mangled and slain by a bomb thrown in their midst as a tesult of tbe Inflammatory speeches and ac­ tions of these men. Justice demanded that an example ^should be made. It has been made. Let it be written'that they ^whe plot to overthrow society must be punished at the decree of that society tbey seek to destroy. This is both just and merciful.--Marengtt Re- publican. *a »i«8 em <m jtiolj tttfio ftro nvqt praia For variety, q[u^tit^ anl prie< in faucy, scarlet, camels' hair, white and grey mixed. Only ones living selling Levits Condi L. C. 1 Underw ear for $1,25 each All others must sell for $1.50. We also sell in a quiet unas- summing manner, for the lowest living prices, now and then a fine J0n9a 1 OVERCOAT Wonfld fnftmn his IHendf a«d the public in general that not withstanding the ' 01KL 9^1*01 HIM IsaOBaqa *)eaq aqi er 1' asnvasq lsodson? eqt pBj'jsaa <"f) si ti »seg s^nqsud MM A dandy Pea Jacket and Vest, or a nobby Suit to a well satisfied cuf tomer. Toe much cannot be said for the C.H. Fargo &. BOGUS FHIf.ANTBROPlSTS. Several weeks ago the St. Paul Pi'o- neer Frew advertised that it would take charge of a fund, to be used for tbe prosecution ot the murderers of the Rev. Mr. Haddock, so cruelly assas­ sinated by the anti-temperance fanat­ ics at Sioux City. It was a worthy cause and made by reason of tbe ap­ peal of the widow of tbe assassinated tnaa because there was a lack of means to prosecute the supposed guilty per­ son or persons. It was an appeal that should have received an Instantaneous response from not only every Prohibi­ tionist in tbe State but every citizen who is in favor of law and order. The results, after weeks of advertising Is the donation of a few hundred dollars, not a penny ot it from any temperance organisation, and apparently Lone from any Prohibitionist Tbe tem- foranoe people and the Prohibition­ ists are enthusiastic, so far as "tilk" is concerned, but when money or action Is wanted that aims at Iba suppression of Intemperance through any ether medium tban their chosen one of pol­ itics, they are as callous te the call of good government, or to tbe proper and bettor enforcement of the IHWB already enacted, relating to tbe sup­ pression of the evil of liquor selling as tbe anarchists are to the laws govern­ ing society,--Stillwater Gazette. All custom made and warrant­ ed, which we always keep ity^icJt Full assortment of 4 CANDEE EVuebor ana ELGIN DAIRY MARKET. Snorted Expressly lor tbe PLAINDBALEB by ! A^W.JHatchina, Secretary of the Elgin ELOIW, in.. NOV. 21,1*87. Tbe attendance fair. Offerings in excess of astea.Ml-tabs sold at regular .pale. Private eatMi terg*. The market for butter 29 cents. WoebeeMaaM. V OFFICIAL. Old Biter. South Rue Lector..... Beach* Jj. Meier............ JlMMDtuioTe!!!! WANTED LIABLE MEN to sell ^ Fruit Trees. Gra~>e Vines Skrubs, Rosea, Ice. LIBERAL COMMISSION or SALARY and EXPENSES PAID. A'Hie-b H P 1 KliKMAN & Co,, Brighton N. Y ; ; •III ^aaoifOic aJd*ea aiu dipoi 'Oidnma *poo9 1oa •Bax Joj ejuitj 09 pj«d uai;o 3A«n "«®X Saudg 'uj.vvojo «apa«D "Sumou Aia«a jo panod v JOJ ejuaj 0£ '»«11 i© luiqx •punoj jad 08 JOJ iianoo om ui nuavp issng otn OAeq moq |>u« 'box ufdBus,, « dn p81|9ld »A ^89J4 jb«i oS«?mQ U} 911'IM 'vax aooo xNiiia 3AV8 Goat Robes, ALL GRADES. Horse Blankets. TRY A SACK Of THK CSLSBBATED Honest BOCOOBO PowuU. Price. ifioi? ^ Amount. 6V0 1500 2160 9800 1200 29 12860 Ilftr, Sale*--Batter, locesss T « Cbeese.. 177894 t 8706 90 241(117 53)* 9558 61^ f254dS2 15 ^•taitrans'ns ii9ess» OUTSIDE HABKBTS, Btrn Tar*.--Batter firm bat quiet at 25 to 28. •Madjr, Plats 11 to 11X. Batter firm at 26 to SS. Obeese, 1 1 X - ^ tier steady at 26 to 17. «--Batter weak and lower; ehotee Si to 26. Obeese, W C, 10 to 11%; •;skims, S to 8; Centrifugal, 3 to JU W. BDTCHIXS. See. £. B X ̂Parker's > SPAVIN CURE is mraqvALED as an application to horses for tho cure of Kpavln, Uben- mntisin, Hplint, N'avicnlar Joints, and all severe Lame­ ness, also tor track use when reduced. Price tfl.00 per bottleTv Sold by druggists. Strong testi­ monials on application. E. W. BAKER, (Sole Proprietor, AOTBXM, K. H. Trade supplied by JAS. E. Davis ft Co., Detroit, Mich.; Peter Van \Bchaack & Sons, Chicago, 111. j Meyer Oio's & Co.,St. Louis. Xo. Of the past few weck<, several of Our Department! Ate yet Please Remembf f., WB ARE SSLLIHQ ivblytbub At what it cost n», FOR CASH. Any Quantity fiesl»4, OR THE) For 811 DelivercMl Free ̂ Warranted. and Biiy t he little girls a Toboeeao cap at Eva naon'iL K J, GROCERIES, ALWAYS NO. 1, Fresh, clean and cheap, tflHSlXIT fc 8T0FFEL -f' » 1 A. * Pel s' "r^ •. , e ^ B O O O * » » . - i i . . - *-h • vi ii biCo&flrtid M m ai die. & 'r -^t 10 ; -V M ' 1 toiS&Miia v» o SCO With the fixtures will be sold on the most favorable terms An excellent oppertunity for anyone wishing to engage in Mercantile^ business; we can 8AVE YOU MONEY ON Talla&d Winter Supplies, HENRY COLBY. uicraiittit§ as a rule, usually be<?in advertising .VVinter Goods at Reduced Prices, shortly following the Holidays or towards Spring, (we have done the same) and people iu many instances wil' buy more winter goods than necessary at that time, l>ecause they are cheaper. This year we have adopted a different system. Its reason perhaps is owing to the different- outlook in the general trade. \^Te bave a large stock of winter goods on hand and more to follow which we are anxious to convert into Cash, and in order to benefit everybod and as a further inducement to cash payiug trade, G LOSING OUT SALE • / -t * *; v A f'C*'. * * €>nMi '&j r, M K-i. >'•' • ^ - 'W* . .. Thursday, December Continuing tho Whole Mouth and Ending Saturday Eve ̂Ddc. 31, Duri-ig which time every article in our store will be sold - r; ja t ' p o s i t i t u c o s t . ; f We desire to remind the Cast Payiug Trade in connection here­ with thht every piece of Merchandise ill stock is new and fresh* That our. V'.1-: ' ' ' f t SUrtl&g 'ImmI, Bed HOUSE BLANKET^ SUITS, QVEKCtfl* Ladles Cloaks and Jackets, <Vi. ^ " f ' , 1 ur Caps, Boots and Nhoe^ Cmm^Tlannnes, Are manufactured for this Fall aud Winter trade and that you. are invited to purchase fresh and desirable goods only. In order to complete the necessary preparations for this grand sale, such as marking down the goods etc., our Store • J Thursday Morning, Dea. 1 Everybody for 40 lliles Invited* V - W - *» if F iiiibiil WEST Woodstock* taring leased the 8t*r« In Pacy's New Block, HSTE opened np wltb I large and MM- | oaable stock ot Boots, Shoes, Gmts FuisMds GooSs, etc. To which we Invite the attention of the baying public. Udits and Se&ta run S|||| ^At Bottom Prices " \ <C;' For First-Class Goods. Our Winter Stock is now just coming in and It will par you while at the fair to just oati In and look over ear stock. Wo will guarantee to please In both quality | of Good* and price. RUDOLPH & McNETT. lTee<Uftxik« Mill 1HB, MW« L. D. LIHCOLI, Prop. Having recently refitted my Restaarattt, near the Depot, in first class style, I am now prepared to accommodate the public with Warm or Cold Meals, At all hours »f the day or ev$nla£. Coffeeer Tea on flve minutes notiie. A rpLL STOCK OF Bakers1 Supplies, Ai-WAYS ON HAND % THEIR SEASON". By the Bulk^Oan or Dish.. "Si Also the Choicest Brands of Cigars 4nd Tobacco to be found in the market. With everything in Arst class order, ana promptness to wait upon easterners weaoUolt a share of publle patronage. L. D. LINCOLN* ; .||EH]IE|UAQR,L|AF MAT* 1MB ?2V"^4' '• *, -"r *•*§« y*Mt k^'4'

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