Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Nov 1887, p. 5

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gressaa mm - ,• '•• s" mm liemrm JuNfftrtmeiit Kiclimond MMM SDAY. NOV. Railroad Time Table. Taktnf eftoot Dept. 1Mb, traina irlH pass MeHenry Station dally, eaaept Sundays, as ooiiro SOUTH. Uka Genera Passenger 7**.* Lake genera Ixpnsa --8:S Lake Genera V-rei*ht .t... S^OP. H Lake Gonera Passenger..... ..>* " ooivo WORTH. Lcka Oeaan Freight . . . . .9 -11 A. M Laka SefeeTa Paaaenger #:M " Laka 3«mt» express » Lake Geneva Paaaenaer........ .7:00 " Ohuroh Dlr.otory. t Bingwood at t:30 P. 11. nulla and worship with at. "AHAwn tfSlMOZiM*. t REV. B, S. IFTCKOVR BM been ea the sick list the past few d*ya, f Mas. Jos. UWSBHOI AND CHILDREN ave moved to Minnesota. DB H. T. BROWN anil wife will spend Tbankgivlng with frletida in Chicago. C. H. GRANGER and wife returned from their trip to Kansas, Saturday last. MM. GREBNLBAI, of Waukegan, has been visiting with her brother, Henry McOmber, In this village. Miss MABT MADDBX and Klia Maggie Kearns are apendlntg * lew weeks with friends in Chicago. MRS. HARRIET HOLMES hat moved into the Heimer house, which Is also occupied by Mr. A. Fisher. MRS. GOTTLEIB BOLBT and children went to Chicago on Saturday for a few day«' visit amoag friends. ( JHTTHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. PnacMng every Sabbath, morn tn* and even Cimed (Jphtfor AftnKy* UARDT K. Wroxopt, A. B.» pastor, jCAPT. WALTER HILL baa moved his family back from the lakes and now occupies his residence in this village. BRADLEY SEARLBS and Oscar Gibson and wife of Albany, N". Y., spent Sun­ day with the brother of the first named, Smith Searles, In this village. UNIVERSAL 1ST CHURCH. Service* every Sunday morning, and every first and third Sunday ereuioga la each month. A cordial welcome Is extended to every one to Join us in our worship. _ Our Motto--Study to know the truth. Ex­ amine--Reflect--"Prove all things; hold fast that Which is good." BBV. H. SLADE, Pastor. LOTS of fan at every day. the Toboggan 811de HAVE yea tried the new Toboggan Bllde? It Is a dandr sure. ( W« understand the McHenry Band will give a Conoert and Dance, In Parker House Hall, about Dec. 0th. WM. MORTON will have an Auction of a oar of Cows, In the village of A1 gonqulnon Monday next, November 98th. JOHN NBISON contemplates opening a Blacksmith Shop In the old Blchop Building, near tbe Iron Bridge, about December 1st. READ tbe new advertisements of John Bvanson A Co, Henry Colby, and A. G. Looke, to be found elsewhere In ' this paper. It will pay ydu. REMEMBER tbe Thanksgiving Party, at Ihe Riverside House, to-morrow evening. SlocnnTs full Orchestra will be there. THE Ladies Witling Workers Socle ty, connected with the Universal*6* Church, will meet with Mrs, C. T. EI dredge, Friday afternoon, Nov. 25th, at the usual hour. MRS. W. A. CaiSTT, President Mtss JULIA A. STOUT, Secretary. /AN exchange says: "Never judge b; appearances. A shabby eld coat ma contain an editor, while the man wear* Ing a high-toned plug bat and support ng a dude cane^may be a delinquent -ubscriber." Vftrtf, To-morrow. Thursday evening oo- eara the Annual Thanksgiving Party at tbe Riverside House, la this village, and which Is also the farewell party Of Mr. Ford, the present landlord of that House, be having sold the same and Will give possession December 1st. During Mr. Ford's administration In this House be has become justly popu­ lar with the dancing public, and tbe in­ dications now are, with good weather, many wtil turn out at this, bis farewell party. We trust that every citlsen of our village, who ever daties or go to see others danoe, will pay their re­ spects to Mr. Ford on this ooeaslon. He has always been foremost in every­ thing Btarted for tbe public good, and our citizens should turn out (tbe daneing portion we mean) en masse on this ocoaslon. And we believe they will. Slecum's full Orchestra will be present and none oan fall to enjoy themselves. !n \ L. W. NICHOLS JR. who formley run a Jewelers Store In Beslay's 8tore, West McHenry, has we learn, located at Richmond. Mr. Nichols Is one of the best workmen In either this or Lake counties, and we can recommend him to the citizens or Rich iron d and vicinity as in every way worthy of their patronage, and congratulate thera on being able to induce him to settle there. UNION Thanksgiving Services will be held at the M. E. Church. In this village on Thursday evening of next week, Nov. 34th. Rev. H. Slade will ^deliver the_eermonJjJ Let all come out and ^assist in giving thanks tS the many blessings enjoyed during the past year. His Saasari Visit to Ma deary. We received a letter from Prof, L. Gall tiki, the well known graduate op- tlolaa who visited us last Jane, saying that he will be in McHenry for one day on Friday, Nov. 25th. He will WElearu that A. Calkins will take possession of tbe Riverside House on Jbe first of December. V We shall have i ffiTs relation next week. ANT lady io need of a home lor tbe winter and wishing to do light work for her board, please to address Mrs. Vary Ames, Wauconda, Lake Co., 111. "I WAS most ready to return a blow and would not brook at all this sort of thing," for I knew I could cure all dam- ages with Salvation Oil. THE Toboggan Slide Is now running •very day, weather permitting. It Is •ne of the finest Slides in the State. If you have not already done so try It. _ • .. MARRIEIX--At Milwaukee, Wis,, No­ vember 14,1887, by the Rev. Updike, ppstor of the Somerfleld M. E. Church, | J. A. GOING, of Chicago, and HATTIE 6 C. SHIMMIN, of Ravin la. 111. f GEORGE SMITH has one of the floest £ full blooded Mastlft Pups to be found j In the State. He Is twelve weeks eld | and he paid tbe handsome sum of #50J for him, ' JOHN G. RAG AN died at his residence near Waukegan on Monday morning. Nov. 14, aged 75 years. He had been al resident of Lake and MoHenry Coun­ ties, for 51 years, and was honored andjf 7 respected by all who knew him. W, J. Soanlan. the young Irtah come­ dian who follows tbe Black Crook at the Chicago Opera House, will be seen In his most popular play. The Irish Minstrel. The engagement Is for one week only. "THE man that blushes Is not quite • brute." We suppose not, but they.say there Is a whole family out in Dakota, who had never even heard of Dr, Bull's Cough Syrup. How they must blush to Ijave found it out! amined iue uv8, . ..--J, -u»u. na win healthy handed me a printed certificate arrive kt the Riverside Hotel at ten of lm soundness up to tbe dato of in . spection. M" f ere unUI te® p' *• As o ten as a change of residence oc " true this Is a rather short visit curs must this troublesome prooess o with which Prof. Galltzkl favors us. re-registering be gone through. Ever but we are sure it will give many pao- foreigners making only a temporary ple a chance to obtain their proper s t a y i n G e r m a n y m u s t , i f a c c o m p a n i e d , M g e B f r o m h f m f , , IiT ft door n»v« him lDHDeetea and r<>fiS; * New the long evenings are near, and everybody does more reading and fancy work during the winter than summer, hence glasses which enable a person to sit down and read for a few hours with ease and comfort are highly appreciated. All those In need ef a pair well adapted glasses should not fall to coo- suit tbe Proiessor. He is well known by the people ef this county, having visited this county for years. Don't forget the day, Friday, November 25, from 10 A. Mh to 3 p. M., and call in time as tbe indications are that the Prefpssor will be very busy. No busi­ ness dene outside of his office. No agents ei»i>loyed, „ SUMDAT night at tho Chicago Opera TMn Mm v«. ... * . , . " , , from the office of the man of teetd Hous* w,n Inaugurate the second week He had become accustomed to moansof the Klralfy Bros, great spectacle, and subdued exclamation from thatthe Black Crook. The piece has been quarter, bu£j*ever had he heard suchrutin|ljg tbe theatre the past week beUow^g/^ now pierced^he air. Hijt° p.Cked booses and bids fair to con c u r i o s i t y w a s s o t h o r o u g h l y a r o u s e d . . . , that a little later on he wfdked into th<f"nu* *n 8Rm* *ke ensuing dentist's office and said:-- / week. The piece is replete with new "Whom have you been butcherinj features, beautiful ballets, and won- overhere?^ I never heard Bnch a ye| derlul features, The Premiere Dan ™)h,"rr;"»li,=d the extractor of mol J f ?"*"'*• ,r°m, "that was old John Tarbox from T 4 star tbe Klralfy's and Is supported He had a tooth out." J by the Premiere Clara Newman, and "Had a tooth out!" replied the visitoi the greatest grotesque dancer living, "well, I should think so, and it muil Mons. Arnold, whese character dauc- have come mighty hard to fetch such] x the operetta bal,et wllh a I*OAP I1.H tllftiL "Oh, dear, no,* said the dentist; «himak« UP Francis Wilson. In Ermine, didn't make that noise when I pullet18 on® of the hits of the performance. hv a no or hnvo liim insneeted and r#>f ia, A wail is now going up from many of the newspapers, objecting to the women wearing white dhirt fronts and stand up collars, like the men. First thing we know some one will be ob­ jecting to the women supporting their husbands, but in many cases it will be done just the same. THE latest postal laws are such that newspaper publishers can arrest any­ one for fraud who takes a paper and refuses to pay for It. Under this law the man who allowsjhis subscription to run along for some time unpiid and then orders It discontinued, or orders the postmaster to mark it "refused,v and have a car J sent notifying the publisher, lays himself liable to arrest and fine the same as for theft. ^ P A. G. LOCKB, ef tbe Home Bakery, bM three new advertisements In this paper, and although you may be obliged te stand on your head to read them, It will pay you to do so, as he tells something that Is.of Interest to all buyers. READ the notice about Prof. L. Ga­ ll tiki's (the optician) visit to Mc­ Henry. He will be here on Friday, Nov. 25th for one day, from 10 A. M. to 3 p. M. Offloe at tbe Riverside House. Consultation free. No agen-s em­ ployed. . PROP. L. GALITZKI, the eminent graduate optician, will visit us ror one day only, Frlday^November 25th, from 10 A. M., to 3 p. M., at the River­ side House. Call in time If you con­ template getting gla'ses to suit your eyes propetly. Consultation I free. Read the notioe In another column, WINTER started in on Saturday last with a regular blizzard. Eight or ten laches of anow (ell and was piled la all conceivable shapes, In the streets and en the sidewalks, much to tbe discom­ fiture of pedestrian* Tbe mail train due here at so yon In the evening did not reach hare until half past three 8und*y morning. THE Good Templars will observe this week as the week of prayer, meet Ing with the Methodist society at their regular prayer meeting on Wednesday evening, and at Good Templar Hall on Friday evening, at 7iS0 sharp. AH Christian and praying people are lnylted to join them. SEC'T, MB*. E. D. WHEELER, has left on •ur table an apple, raised in the or- ebard of her brother, Samuel H. Berry. In the Northern pirt of Maine, which wo think one of tbe finest specimens wo over saw. It measured 12J inches It circumference, was smooth and handsome, aad of the finest flavor. Wo confess to a weakness for such fruit as we were aaoustotaed In our iboyhood days la the East. Do sot fail to call and examine the new Pall and Winter stock, of Geoeral XerduwdlM. at Bonslett AStofiel's, MeHonry. f.VlA T*- FOB the beuefit of a few of our sub­ scribers, who owe us for one, two, three and four year's subscription, we will state that we would be very much pleased to have them make ns a call, or write to us and let ns know what they mean, by not offering to pay up sometime. We want to belle?e th»t they Intend to be honest and square with us, but when we have repeatedly asked them through our oolumus to pay the little amounts they individu­ ally owe us, which are doe now. (ard which we greatly need,) and If we didn't need the money* we would not ask you for It now, for we know as well as you do that times are bard and money scarce, but to have some of you pay not the slightest attention to our demands. It somehow makes us loose faith. THE Republicans of Woodstock met at the Court House, Monday evening, Nov. 14. and organized a Republican Club. There was a large attendance, sixty members being enrolled, and there certainly was no lack of zeal. Eloquent speeches were made by Judge Gllmore, James W. Casey, Capt. C. H. Donnelly and others. Judge Gilmore was elected President, Capt. C. H. Donnelly and A. R. Murphy, Vloe Presidents; Asa W.Smith, Treasurer; L. T. Hoy, Secretary. President Gll­ more appointed Col. Avery, E. E. Rich­ ards, J. F. Casey, W. H. Dwight and G. 3. Soutbworih as committee to draft a Co nstltutlop. SECRETARY. For children's "tfrcttfes, cloaks, and hosiery, ladies' Jersey gloves, corsets, handkerchiefs, hoods, etc., dress pat­ terns and trimmings to match, Span­ ish knitting yarn, oetton flannel, fine towels, fancy goods for Holl days, visit the Ladles' Salesroom. MRS. H. S. QRKQOCT. Special All parties owing me are again no­ tified that all notes as well as book ao- ceunts must be settled at once. My engagements make this imperative and not optional with me. I trust those interested will giye this their prompt attention. HENRT COLBT. HOUSE TO RENT. Inquire of 8, Raymond, West Mo- The oorps de ballet consists of nearly one hundred artists and Is one of tbe finest in ensemble that the Klralfy's have ever brought to the oity. The specialty features consist of the Schroede Bros, parterre acrobats, tbe greatest of automats, tbe Tlssois, and Mr. A. O. Duncan, who Is conceded to be the flneit ventriloquist living. The scenery Is for tbe greater part new1 and thei'costumes and accessories are brilliant and beautiful. Commander? Rleotion. At the Annual Conclave of Calvary Commandery No. 25, K, T., Woodstock, held at their asyldm, Thursday even­ ing. Nov. 10, 1887, the following offi­ cers were elected and appointed: C. N, Ksndall, Em. Com,; Witt. Avery. Generalissimo; E. C. Jewett* C.G.;E. E. Thomas, Prelate; B. V. Anderson, Sr. W.; L. T. Hoy, Jr. W.j W. H. Stewart, Treas.; Emll Arnold, Recorder; J,R.Sterns, St. Br.; Alex. McLaren,Sw. Br.; A. K, Bunker, War­ den; A. S. Wright, 1st Guard; B. Whitson, 2d Guard; J. P. Zlmpleman, 3d Guard; D. Tripp, Sentinel. EMIL ARNOLD, Recorder. M Qalak lime to California. Tbs double daily schedule recently established by the Union and Central Pacific Railway Companies, shortens the time one day to the PacMo noast, and forms close connection with tho double dally service over the Chicago A Northwestern. A6 the entire line is abundantly *up» plied with first-class equipment trav­ elers by this route can secure ample accommodation by applying to any agent of tbe Chicago,4 Northwastern y. 19-2w " BREAKING COLTS. ' Anyone having Colts which they wis*) broke to drive double or bingle. and broke right, will find it to their advantage to give me a call. I will guarantee satisfaction. Terms Reason­ able. T. B. TURNER. McHenry, Nov. fed. 1887. THANKSGIVING LUNG®. Ax A. ENGLEN'B. The finest Sauer­ kraut ever in this section, and dished up In a novel manner. Come and see li A, ENOLEM, '• FEED CUTTERS. TGf Ross, tho Star, tbe Standard (Silver * Doming), the Belle City, tho Baldwin, tho Smalloy. All slses fee safe LODGE MEECTOKV. MASONIC.--A. P. aad A. It, meet at Masonic Bail on every 1st aad Set Wednesday even lb t* of each month. Moownr WOODMICH or Aw F.HICA.--Meet at Maaoole Hall every id aati 4th Monday even, tngsofeaeh month. Neighbors cordially in­ vited. SONS OF TKMPKRAKCK --Meet at Unloa Hall on Tuesday evening of eaeb week. EDITOR PL&INDBALER: -- Johnnie Pierce Is attending school at Aurora. "Nightcaps" at Union Hall on Sat­ urday evealng of this weak. Willie Archibald Is very tick with measles and typhoid fever, G. B. Stone and Frank Woodbury attended tho Fat Stock Show last week. Remember the Presbyterian Oyster Supper at Mr. Stoneails, on Thanks­ giving night. Our boys will have a dance tbe first week in December, and 8locum will furnish the music. Mrs. and Mrs. Yincelette and Miss Rose Buchanan vlsltfd Chicago last week. Lyman Glass Is falling slowly. Dr. Davis from Woodstock and Dr. Turner are attending him* Frank Rowe has been having his store newly painted'inside. Henry Fish superintends tbe work. Measles Is tho prevailing disease at present. There Is a number of {oases In town and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland, from Ster­ ling. Whites!<ie Co., spent a few days with their relatives. Lyman and Ellas Glasa. Those who attended the Richmond party Friday night bring a unanamous report of a grand good time, and say they will surely go again. The right ones are at tbe head ot the Richmond Dancing Club. Old Winter awoke from his slumbers with a surprising start, on Saturday last, and whistled "yon have had sum­ mer long enough, Jts time I took a band at the wheel,n and he turned it with a vengeance tor several hours. WOODSTOCK* PLAINDEALER: -- evening the 14th insU» pursuant to call the Republicans of Dorr organized a club by electing O. H. Gllmore, Pros Ident, C. H. Donnelly and A. R. Mur­ phy, vice presidents, L, l\ Hoy, secre­ tary, and A. W. Smith, treasurer. Sixty names were enrolled, and speeches were made which foreshad­ owed a zeal and sentiments of no un­ certain sound or meaning, and James G. Blaine was the first choice of every speaker and there was 00 allusion to that matchless statesman that failed to call forth spontaneous applause. On Tuesday evenlttg tbe Literary Society met in the commodious par­ lors of Mrs. A. K. Banker and passed the evenlug in social converse, humor­ ous and substantial readlugs and the election of officers, Our fine weather which has been so extensively utilized by fArmors abfl enjoyed by everybody, lapsed Into a severe wind and snow storm on Sat­ urday. Messrs. Montague and Huckini are attempting to Imitate Meody aad dankev In their Gospel Temperance meetings and some one seeined to tblok thore was a missing sjrew and dropped one In tbe hat. The lecturer oflered to return it to the owner, sug- iCFiting that it might be of use next summer In tightening the binges to gates on Turtle Dove Avenue. Nearly one hundred oords of stone have been used as tbe foundation for the vaults at the oourt-houte. Sheriff Eckert Is enjoying his new quarters. Hon. C. n. Tryon passes through our city very frequently, armed and equipped for c|4|il engineering, level Ing or surveying, and Is reported as doing very accurate work In either line. Numerous weddings are noted, but as none are reported to the Wood­ stock local none are mentioned. "The farmer of seventy years"-- "Ah, there he is. lad, at the plough; He beats the boy a for work, *• And whatsoe'er tbe task might be, None ever saw him shirk; And he can laugb, too, till bis ey0» Run o'er with mirthful tears, And sing full many an eld time 1 t la splte of seventy years. •Good morning friends! 'tis twelve o'clock Time for a half hour's rest.* And Farmer Smith took out his laneh, And ate it with a zost. 'A hardy task it i.V sai«t be, 'Than following up these stears, Or mending fcnces, far, for ate, To feel my seventy years. Yon ask me why I feel so young: I'm sure, Attends, I can't tell, But think it is my goou wife's ffcult: Who kept me up so well; For women such aa she are scarce In this poor vale of tears; She's given me love »n<l strength. * for more than forty years. - > And then my boy has done so wellii^.^ As far as lie has gone, < ' • And that t h i n g warms an old man's Mart, And helps luin up and on; My giil has nerar caused a pang, Or raised up anxious fears. Then wonder not that I reel young. £' And hale at seventy years. ; X Why don't my good boy do ray wo: And let me sit and rest? Ah! friends, that wouldn't do for I like my own way best. He has his duty; 1 have mine, And till the end appears, I mean to smell the jsoil, my friends,' Haul the man of seventy ye^rs." ; • For Rentv In this village two good houses In West McHenry. B«rn and other out- buildings. • Also store In my Block, West Mc­ Henry. Possession given at once. FRED SCHNORR. California Excursions. Tbe Chicago A North-Western Rail way will sell first class excursion tick ets to San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, and other points in California at very low rates fer the round trip. These tickets are good going by one route and returning another, and are good for return for six months from date of sale. The Northwestern Is also selling third-class one way tickets to all points In California at very low raten. For full particulars, rates, and gen­ eral Information, apply to Agents C. & N. W. Railway, or address E. P, Wilson, General Passenger Agent, CONTRIBUTEDBT «'TH® PROWLER." We are to baye a Jeweler Store soou. Our open winter began Saturday. T. C. Schroeder made bis Wilmot store a visit Friday. The Literary Society met with Miss Maggie Heck. Monday evening. C. H. Morey, the McHenry Insurance Agent, was in our town last Wednes­ day. To-morrow Is Thanksgiving and " Prowler" hopes all will enjoy their Turkey. During the Winter services will be held alternate Sunday evenings at the M. E. Church. The Richmond Dancing Club gave a Party at the Opera House last Friday evening. About fifty couples were In attendance. Seymour Whiston was busy several days last week threshing corn fer the farmers near Tryon's Corners. He uses a ten horse "Agitator." To-morrow evening, (Nov 24th,) the Richmond Orchestra are to give a Social Party at Burton's Opera House. Supper at Skinkle's Hotel. Considerable Barley was purchased by local Commission men last week.-- The price paid was from 48 to 55 oents per bushel, aooording to quality. Buslnes is "booming" at the picking house of G. W. Eldredge. George handles a large amount of Poultry every season, shipping all to Boston markets. The Turner Bros., who hays been visiting with friends and relatives in Richmond during the Fall, returned to their home In Evauston, 111., last week. Richmond was well represented at the Fat Stock Show last week. Visl« tors report an excellent show# tbe horse department and display of horse* mansblp being especially commended. Oatman Bros, are to lay pipe to their Cheese Factory from a spring owned by Henry Wheeler, and will then have running water all the time, thus doing away with ice and ice house. Fred A. Smith left town laU Tues­ day morning fer Nelson, Nebraska where he will join his father and brother Bert. Fred has many friends in Richmond who will miss him, but all wish him "good luck" In bis new home. We bear that H. J. Christian has 9old his farm, situated one half mile *outh of Solon, and has purchased the house and lot and Furniture establish ment of J. L. Downing, of this village. " Prowler" wishes " Hank*' lots ol success In his new venture. The stake races, advertised by the Richmond Driving Park Association, tor August, 1883, promise te be Inter­ acting contests. For race No. 1 there are eight nominations, and the books for Race No. 2 have closed with uine entries. More particulars later. Tbe following, clipped from last week's Gazette is "all wool and a yard wide": "To please everybody is an utter Impossibility. Hence do right and fear no one. and you will be sure to please the better elements of socie­ ty, your conscience will be clear, and you will have far more genuine friends than if you attempt the disastrous feat ef haying tbe good will of all." Last Saturday we were treated to tbe first geuuine snow storm and bliz­ zard of the season, and to say the least it was genuine, as the much abused "oldest inhabitant" can remem ber nothing ef the kind ever taking place the middle of November. It began to snow early io tho morning and about ten o'clock tbe wind began blowing from the nurtbwest and whirl­ ed the snow in every direction. Wind and snow continued until well into the night, and taking everything into con­ sideration winter got a very good Send off." That there may be no more such days is ^he wish ,9j, "Prowler." 1 Heneet; Abe flour «1 at Bonslell A Stoffel's. Fur caps, new styles at Bonslett A St oflef 8. Best El aim Oil, 90 oents; 5 gallons, 18$ cents at Bonslett A StoffePs. Goat Robes, large stock at Bonslett A Stoflel's, Wool boots and overs at Bonslett A Stoflel's, For cloaks, jackets or wraps, go to Bonslett A Stoflel's. Headquarters for underwear at Bonslett & Stoffel's. * C. n. Fargo's boots and shoes at Bonslett A Stoflel's. For a dandy overcoat go to Bonslett A Stoflel's. Pea jackets and vests at Bonslett A Stoflel's. Shawls aad flannels at Bonslett A Stoflel's. Newest Hats tn town at Bonslett A Stoflel's. See the line stock of dress goods, at Althofl Bros. Btuiness Koj Walking shoes at )<ss to close at H. Colby's. Putflps, all kinds. Iron and wood, at any length at E. M. Owen A Son's, Examine Goods and learn prlees at Bishop's. It will pay you. Sliver and Demlng Feed Cotters at E.M. Owen & Son. Star Feed Cutteis with any length carrier at E. M. Owen A Son. Good prints at 3 cents per Better at 4 and 5 at Evaason's. yard. Before you bay your underwear, ex­ amine the stock and learn prlep*t at Althofl Bros. '.,v BARGAfNS ^ Scarlet and fancy underwear at Perry A Owen'a. Underwear in great variety and of the best quality to be found In the market at Althofl Bros. 200 bushels onions at #1 per bushel at Evanson's. OVERCOATS. Low and medium priced, great bar­ gains at Evansoo's. ^ ' CLOAKS AND WRAP|. ^ AB u*ual we have a very largo slock and will unload them at very low prl> ces. PRRRT db OWEN'S, We have 289 Toboggan caps for la­ dies, misses and children at 50 per cent below the regular price. JOHN EVAN SON A Co, Our stock of Clothing oannot be ex* celled, either In quality or price. Call and look It over before you buy. ALTHOFF BROS. IP you need a Fall or Winter Wrap don't fail to call at Bonslett A Stoflel's tWest Mctienry, and examine their immense assortment. It wlil pay you. UNDERWEAR. 500 pieces men's shirts and drawers white and colored, 45 oents each at Evanson's, NOTICE.--As I have decided to close up my business in McHenry, all parties owing me ave] requested to call and nettle at onoe. HENRT COLBT. OVERCOATS I OVERCOATS 1 Best goods, best fits and lowest pri­ ces at Perry & Owen's. BILL OP FARE, In Front of the Riverside Hotel. Men's Fine Check Pants, $2.40 Men's heavy, check Pants, 1 00 Finest Reefing Jackets, in Black 43.00 Als) in£]ue - 6 .75 Men's Beaver Caps» heavy cloth .50 Leather front, knit Mittens, .50 Boys' Knee Pant?, heavy Twilled .50 and .47 Boys Turban, double Caps, .50 Men's Undershirts. .25 to .75 Keep your eyes open. V E. LAWLUS, A. L. HUBBARD, The Harness King of McHenry Co.. baa come out again and started In big at Nunda. He wl!J give #10 to any one that has bought a harness of him In the last three years that he will not make good If It is brought to his shop to be repaired. FARMERS, procure a feed cutter and save one-third In feed. Can sell you a .Star, Smaliey, Bell City or Ross at as low figures as the game can be found elsewhere. In powers, wet have tbe Apple ton tilple geared, which takes the cake. CHAS. HUBBARD. FOR SALE. In the village of Ring wood, the fol­ lowing property • One good Dwelling House contain­ ing seven rooms, good cellar. On tbe same lot is a shop 12x32, one story, suitable for almost any kind of bust ness. If applied tor at once, will sell house separate for 9500. Or will sell house, lot and shop for #650, Posses­ sion given Immediately. Also another house and lot well located. The house contains ten rooms, and there is a good stable and ether outbuildings oo«he premises. Will be sold for #1000 cash. Call on or address, WSSLKT LADD, Ladies see our spleudid assortment or Dress Flannels. We are sure we can please you. ALTHOFF BROS. The finest styles In hanging lamps ever seen in this village at Geo. W. Besley'a West Side Drug Store. A BIG BARGAIN. Heavy twilled rod flannel, 21 cents, worth 30 cents at Perry & Owen s, this week. ' NOTICE.--As I have decided to close up my business In McHenry, ail parties owing me are requested to call and eettie at once, :» HENRT COLBT. A BIG BARGAIN. rtitu WHK extra wide heavy prints. 28 Inches wide, 4 cents at Perry A Owen's. NOTICE.--As I navo decided to close up my business In McHenry, all parties owing me are requested to call and settle at eno*. HKNRT COLBT. NOTICE.--As Thave decided to close up my business in McHenry, all parties owing me are requested to call and settleat ence. HKNRT COLBT. Bedey's Famous Waukegan Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonalett's, A, En- glen's and John Heimer*s. BIG BARGAINS. Kid and goat shoes 92, warranted at Perry A Owen's. Notice. To those that want Tubs, Vats, Hay Racks.and anything In my line of bnsl* aess. Work done on short notice to order. Shop one door South of Law* ius' Store, F. A. HKBARD. kteHenry, Aug. 10,1885. 11-4-ly CLOAKS AND WRAPS. A full line of the latest styles te he found in the market. SPECIAL BAR­ GAINS EVERY WKEK. Call and see theift before you purchase, at MRS. SCHUMACHER'S, Near tbe Depot. FEED CUTTERS AND POWERS. Remember we will do as well by yon on Feed Cutters, etc., as you can pos­ sibly do at the fairs. Bottom prioes guaranteed on Belle City, Smaliey, Star and Ross Feed Cutters at E. M. Oweu & S.M. - Bucklen'e Arnloa Satva Trie best Salve In the world for cuts orulses, sores, ulcers, ^alt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptlans, and pos- tlvely cures piles, or no pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. Price 2fl ents per boxFor sale by Henry C-lby. MRS. M. SCHUMACHER. Wishes to iuform the Ladias of Mc Henry and vicinity that ehe has just received a full line of Fall and Winter Millinery, of the latest styles to be found in the market, to which site in­ vites a careful inspection. Feathers, Wings, and Ladies Furnishing Goods In great variety and at prices as low sa any house outside of tbe city. Call and see our new styles of Hats and ts, MRS. M. SCHCMACHIR. iiii: BONSLETT A STOFFEL, Dealers In flow, corn. oats, bran, middlings, oilmeaL. etc. Call or write SMOKE the "Empire Cuban,'" best Five Ceaft Cigar in tbe market. A great variety ef Toboggan Ca at Perry A Owen's. Handkerchiefs, alistylee a*d)pr!oi# at Althofl Bros. City residences tot Mile, Apply t* Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, PL When in search ofmgood Hat of aiife kind, go to Althofl Bros. The finest 60 cent tea la ttt flaarket at Althofl Bros, See the Belle City Feed Cut Down powers at E. M. Owea A Drink Besley's Ale and le and happy New and nobby bate, all Itylea Althofl Bros, Best hand feed cuttem on earth at E, M. Owen & Son's. Plum-ba-go-ine, the finest Wagea Grease ever used, a new thing, aft Besley's. ______ Ell wood's Veteran self damp Rake, the best on the market* Sold by R. Bishop. U The celebrated Fargo B»»t aa4 Shoe, the best manufacture oil market, can be found at AlthoS 8mH|. School Books and Stat kthds, at Besley's Drug St Side. Bishop Bells the combined hind and power Ross Cntters. Call and eee them at Bishop's Warehouse. Glass, all sizes from 8x9 up to MxM inches. Also putty ready tor ' VlmLr To be found at w. P. Stevens*. Besley's celebrated Ale on drefltgM. at John Heimer ' t , J . Bonslet t 's and A. Gngeln's. The most healthy drlnit fl* any weather. A higher thau market prloe will { p Said for good Milling Wheat at tlMp ' k Tauoonda Mill. J. SPEHCER, Proprietor. r « If you aae in need of a first ties* Feed Cutter, look at the Ross Upwird cot Machine before buying. Sold by R. Bishop. ALDBN, III, February 4, WT C. DICKINSON & SON, Harrington, IU, - Dear Sir,--Please send me by exi»»: press two dozen Cow Prescriptions, I got one of my neighbors to try It oa a oow that was almost doad with naHk fever, and Itjzured her. It Is a good tbiug. ; B. 8. Ram. SALE . ' I oflar for sale my hous# and tot pleasantly located in the village McHenry. It applied for an once will be sold cheap. House almost new, an«| a very desirable place. Inquire on tb§ premises ot ERNEST WENDELL. Asa W. Smith, Solicitor. Chancery Notice. 7 STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of MoBesfc ry. circuit Court ot McHenry Countfv January term, A. I). 18S3. Juliii It. Out ton vs. Ira Sloena, Caroline Towno, Georgian* Smith, Florence Haydaa, tnd SheUlon Slocum, in ehftucery. AtR<lavit of the non residence of Oupltee Towno, Florence iliylen, an<l Shy Won Slo­ cum, and that Ucorgiana Smith reside* in tVailiington Territory, but that, after tlHto. «eut inquiry, tin.-* is unable to State her |]osioflice|Hdtirt!ss{of the defendants above named, tia vniif t>eeu tlleit in tbe office Ot the ciork of said Circuit Court of Motlnnry Onna- ty, nor ice u nereby £i yen to the aaid non-ras> ident defeudents, ttmt the complainant tea tiled his bill of complaint in said court ea the Chancery side thereof on the SBth day ef October, x. l). 1&S7. and that a summons tnen(k upon issued out of said Court, against nllt defendants, returnable on fie9(li any of Ja*» uary, A D., 1888, as it) by law requima. Now, therefore, unless you, the said Caro­ line Towno, Georgiana Smith, Flocenoe Har­ den andslieldon slocum shall personally ne and appear t>efore the said Circuit Oonrt of Mclionry County, on the llrst day of the neat term thereof, to be holden at the Oonrt Hoete in tiie City of Woodstock, in said county, en '.he !Uh day of January, A. i>. 18SS, and ptnnd. answer or demur to the said oomplaiaant's bill of complaint, the same, and the ntatMps and things therein chargod and stated, will taken as confessed, and a decree enti against you according to tbe prayer of bill. In testimony vrhsreof II have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court, ai ' my olllce in Woodstock, )his &lh day of Ko»- vomber, A. D. 1887. E. E. RICHARDS, Olerk.: ASA W. SMITH, Complainant's Solicitor. Nov. 6th, A. D. 18S7. £ % VI - l * y -Vsr • s $ mm om sabs! 'IISVO oqt oA.»q noX J! A'ddmj uoX 3.VL puv 9u aag puv tnuoj *&t»i(*tt|e lr uo.C mqjA puu noA uou^l *OMV| ao aeu IIIVP HI ETFUIM JOIJIO A ASM PAN Suiuoaio X-JOA M.9N -Biiaa i|ao xumx -puuod « Suuims 9ao •>8IJ pus soururf |BX«K . 'id)ea pue supieti *s*hl *ou hv *'!>)» 'catroa vani 'evej *5e| nuiox 'aioo <«o|ddy 'seujoa |o«;g 'MfiUv SAID 'EJOJUDV *SJK«D[ 'SOQSVAJ 'XIMHVK 'scooo aaNNvo -jo Sannu Z.S8I- rz-: " i ' 1 3 3 1 d f f -anyt i i ' f i Py,-: ' § . v 9010TIQ 'A1NO HSVO % V"' *r> "P.* xynaiidHoiaXiniMi^ ^ ; tqn te «f o pee peaiooei i«nf eaaq tn ' , ' , "V- ' 1 , J* tsaa Ana P»V HSVD HOd Ana OJL I8AVd Al nr tne •Mm SALESMEN WANTKD. We an in want of a few more good men t# canvass for the sate of choice fnnrtlw i# Nursery Stock. To man who can make a I cess of the business wo san pnj |Wd ; or commission aad give permanent 4 ment. We hare many new and nfcalei" eialties, both in the frnit aat o line, which others do not haadte. our new eatntogue 0f bedding plants mailed Dree on ape Address at once, with refarenoea. L- L. mkt * ca,: •ittiliiiiiitt

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