«0p» Hsnfl Saturday last , v ̂ this morning pffpNial telegram from ltttstu*dfr««nthe hwninastL Paris. - Soma - of the ' Committee wipe MotvmsAter' what .4 would bescpo 4 «Rttk t̂e CMeage flie Tribuna .<* it JIM rtbepurehase Oct option termed, o< Ibave been gives I 'HcM atCotum- Grand 'wajg^V'. :b^8J!f •̂ fk-ras f»JX» "•(tat , a f̂ ttt-tewa. of UN reeponsi- mm. madnin W the Mflri thit appli- ijUvtenee I* the tetdl _ ----,-- Jon -fcis SaftntnL ite of 0» town »«i destroyed r.aw m a destitute I the meaenree relief. Fliee. whose two triiU at the murder of Bev. ml ttl were eefteesary tit - ---* . ifiiti) «*» la t> thieeeurt M raffed |«r#«»cwi eaetnisd prohibit̂ thattbi abuse* tatextoettte was productive ef pauper* ism aBdcriros. The n«tt ground of eonfsnliBn, SvS§̂ ggStSffi8SS! t̂o-*̂ '~n®BjaRSK5 ot tMContl- oodetoar ftw of not l» used so rights off tu own* > a^nflifmec. Tbs • DM » "Hgnt lb jKNfctblt the itdid w^wSt̂ Tmta »w*y P>« »«*«. XI simply ikisra . . . property was not taken away itsotraers; they were only prohibited tnug It for a Specitle purpoee, which the itmn declared to be injurious to the idnsnyiitf. Justice Jj'.eld concurred In the opinion so fbr n|4$ rolsted to the two oases in wiuch the fiWteof Kansas wssdefendsnt He agreed, he said. to ao much of tbe opinion aa sustain* t|iev»lidity of tbe act of Kansas pr&WbSit tbenale of intofcteante which an manufactured in the State after the passage off tt««A He was noc prepared, however, to say that the ncotdbttton off the maAtUectur* of such -- J-,d for exportation, can be sns- the StaMcanforbid thewale ians for ths BfuteCtMm «* 4rsF--5a. authorise to be Imported. He was net seedy to edmit thetNew ftft or atqr ether coast .State eanfeps defeat an aotof Con. cm*.' Neithereo^neeouour in ths validity o* thirteeath eeeti<m of tbe prohibition act off Kansas. beeaase he b^Uevad it antboriised operty t̂hoat doe uoeeas i see apon wbat pnndplt , eloetng thebtewwq^eaa _ofli9tiM; wblob It admits nkedtealormeehapleal pw- Win rrfitartlnn of the deatrae- >ils after the the deatrastion _ of taw. He eoold' theL ordtt _ may be poses; uof the metals tion of had been etdptted from them. P*oii ihe annnal report of Secretary of War Eadieottt which is arerjr lengthy doe- njsM^veghpa Uke f<dloving: - ***--•the depaiteent ft* the jEfgr. uuoimted to«<l.saQ,U ̂while jaafbrthe next flecal Tear will attra- An faataaae & dmandeq en * PnM^Jgwlta^ îiM îî w%«r̂ î u>d i&a army and military Secretary attonsly i||ti»wt of -- cpntanin in General . u tonchbu the exflen- J**«ible Od Sy the Geaeral -jnt to tte national gnard of the oinraent 8tetos, and angf eating a sy atom of na- -- -- itfoî tate mum* at the en- J Kattonal Oovenuooent At- to the fMt that the Vmma jci AfttSositiobs, gans. and fieafrta. oho îD beilred of powder to nmm of the war da fit/May trine somber m, or dSper re 93 percent ; flfty- w---- to paai, their average .wpi*«eot. Taxatmnal report of Attorney General G*riiaflliTOsafqllaoooaniof thebosineat of of JastfaM dorioft the liwd yes*, together with statistics of V*it«* Slates: fwjUwysalto now pending hi " "»i*» *»*** tvnMtag the --eea iiled She amonat w 'jMt Saits were fttan.̂ _Dist«et to the Circuit to the So. t,- thus were pending JulyV4.0M «» Which the W^OMmJSri Attoney Oeneal his last aonnal for remedial argee the neeesa Iheseso wltaeaaea and jurats, eriminal pvoeedare, per- iSwal̂ to COXTSABT to usual custom, the »M»nil report of UM Secretary of the Treasury was set Mat to Congress this year until DM day after the President's message had toad. It is a very lengthy paper, and we ha** apace for only a short synoneis. The report shows that the receipts oftbe wyernment for the last fiscal year were |̂ *»i?3»s21» and the expenditures $315,- 835»43& Then was an increase in the receipts of $34,963,550 over those of the --j.. -rear, and the expenditures were $25,449,Ml. The revenues for m year are estimated at $9*8, - i the expenditures at $316,917,. • irBpUhfl on the second The Still "f f wUdh is 1 flfllltiM. is >*t«kMy»f with the field. . _--ertw laooh of » •« Mtd her, _ wally fairoced . ,wa* a faint to sdff9 111 r«gacd to ilHiee and n-- *" attained, ttU it _ Taey Mty,tha* ̂. troB awa? with the < tube: to ma tho 000, . 786. The Secretary advises a reduction of the customs duties on tbe lines suggested in tbe President's message. The Secretary gives three ways in which the receipts and expenditures of the Government may be BUM* «bout equal: 1. The poMhaae <4 tbe interest bearing debt of theOoremnxint. a. Larger expenditure* by - nnNMuiueul lor other purposes than the pur chase of bonds, so thMtthey ahali each rear •qaaltbe taxation of tttat year. & Redn^oo • tottw amoaDt not otherwise call for the expenditure. Ae to fhe thM plan, Mr. Fairohild gays: BtdMttM of the reveane from taxation is the o«Uy atgsmedy far the evils which threaten •eoompUahsdlnva- "jynj*- pneutorednoeor aboltehintteial* ^uejsKrtlpB. In javwrof this is. the fact k a(aMI ps*»ef 4he Soothern States ths 1 tax on Uqaors and tohaoeo is tboagbt I Its sodsetiou might 11. -he ehlef saase for the p«aWi»t tliista« seentSto be that as -- -- ta* before the war for the r> aa » reminder of the t ' T._ 1O0, Of PNMi 1--- i»re«t Uada og toxatton; eaeh tor his family, and to h ttl end NVW* jmrm MM 5lWUr»|S ̂ ta' pobta. gavy _ ff' to: m two^ambred. Vessels om is now being " Tfaeeom __.1KW.bei tdant Can forniih harbor deftnse, .for whlob Congrssa ttsd Aeue^waL the SeweiaiyTays been dane. The Secretary does not repairing the: tti|l»tBiiil<d' monMoH using them for eoast defense. "An «ai tion of tbebr eiMnMtoriaUos." be saya. "shows that outside ol tbe ships In Oar own n&ry no antaebnist could, probably be found against which thsv oonld stand for a moment. They were good vessels foe their time, ont are eniirely obsolete," and he adds: "It would be little less than mu»der to send men to these at the present time to en counter any teoentty built ironclad, faptieet- ate fully that it i* only a* a temporary expedl- mat that it is stugestod, and with the thought that in the absence of anything else, these might be better than nothing. This-has been the theory upon -whioh over 9&J.U0Q.U ' probably §7o.wO.OOU, has been spent tbe close ot the war. It is tone it and be co t̂oit only with the bee*, ery dollar fa made to oonnt upon •omesatug of real valae, waste will stop, and not before.1 The rest of the report la devoted to a detailed description of the condition andsitaatioa oftbe several vessels belonging to our navy, to the re ceipts-ana expenditnres of the department, <a baunoe of flft4.59g.ua on hand andavailable on Dee. 1), to estimates and apprbprtattattB for nan year (over N,(Ui<,eou less tbiu for thoonr- rent year), to salss mî le ot naval vessels, to developments made, in spsed of veMels ttis> world, aad to r̂ ctts ̂of ttie Admmal and the several bureaus of the de partment. A WASXXNGTON gpedel to the Chicago Inter Octa* saye: The nigotiitliAi of the Xlshery Commission ars apyroachiat an a wad, and there is good Mdii% hrnt statement that attempts to seenrs agreement upon a treaty hive tailed. _ It aĵ eats that Mr. Chamberlain m Mr. Bfflrt oonld have oome to ah tmderstsmding, but Sir Chartes Tap. per is obdurate and is not willing to so- tbe terms to whieh afene the Imotlean end Seocetary Bayard are WU1- Charles Tttpper, in fac% is znssr ̂ -jeiates a* an irreconcilable, ssd :H«iy acjtoowledge to those in oflltdal rela- Wonswith mattifit may be considered that the iMMalhma, solar as the txeab'#DM, are pragt»ally at an end. Thbee who are best informed tq>onthe sub- opinion that so far as our administration goes tlbe subject will end by a "lion by the President to Con- erttftratton. BAST. A COMMXTTEB representing the anti-ad ministration members of tbe Knights of Labor in Philedelphia has eent out a circu lar vhieh contain* aeummaryof the abuses that are eaid to exlM in the order owing to the bad tnaaagement ct ft>wderiyand hie 'eeye that the organkaUon ie «ertainl?iSS pes, and ihat its strength will be used -_ ̂ _Jd up a trades-union and political labor movement. Th* Bath bone A Saxd Stove Tula, at foeny, N. Y., were destroyed by fire. The loM to estimated at $30,000. JOBAXS Mom has been denied a new trial, and eeateneed to imptieanmeiit in the penitentiary for one year. He made a gwmdiloquent appeal to tiw court before sentence wa« pened, tn which he said: _ Wtthaniespeottoyomr honor. I consider it my stoto thetttiato yonr provinee to-day to decide wbetterfry spee<di &« lawful assemblage A ̂tejdeeteoĵ int̂ Mimtty. The Mb- tenee which your honor is abont to pronoonce history of̂ IbeUnited - -v M Wee aninnocent shout by pMjniUoe and-' per-' boawrtha* a shame to.̂ e '--one who suffers for his opinion's sake, ytonoesnee el gutti of the of- •vimtw wnH »nand convicted, end appeal ;IS 5̂5!S * f - • • • - •• ;KV (* ofittnuoa ; *' M. GAVABD, a Ba êal of a«ueva« hM been elected President of Switzedaad. JOHN GREEN & Co., wholeeele dry. Roods merchants of London, Ontario, have fldtod. Their liabilitiee are egHlwilgd at $150,000. MB. CLAKK, Clerk of the Honge of liepresentativee appointed a man named Robinson to succeed Smith, of Miohigan, •e Journal Clerk, and it is alleged he made tbe change to secure the rapport of Indiana Democrats. He denies the ehuge absolutely. MARKET REPORTS. NEW YOBK. CATOB... Hoog ..... . • WHEAT--NA 1 White.... . Ko. 2 Bed . . * CORN--No. 8... . . . . . , . OA»S--White "* ***** POBK--New Mess. *. CHICAGO. CATTLE--Cholo# TO Prime BtMft Oqoi Hoos-tn^kg Ptoua--Winter Wheat WmtM^Na 3 Bed Winter. .. Conn--No. a.... HeTMae £e thesufeMoa ̂ this is .DmiapBiAnBi>K ExxoMHoai, and a eolpabW betrayal of AlWHrleaa fairness tottwrong, lidttBted upop th»a hnird en of ns«te ̂ta3tSSD ̂iike multiplies a bteod orwr MbQc t̂reasw.wWiih exist as a &nd«lt oonveytog the pswle's A* to ils legitimate objects of expSidi- yle'suse, thus crippling onrnstioosS etiervies, fiusnendins our country's develojimwmt, "" iteent lB woduotive .;emt«rt:, eoSsmss o? pablir plwadw!̂ n of our Treasury is not aJtof ; .aM it %u more than once of lsto Itothe people's representativM in the Who alone can e^y the remedy. And m still eMMnuek with noit Watt ever'----ii*- •eodwir Hot now exist none foreseen they will after com plied to tii interest of On the SOth day of Jnne, 1 rwenoes om public expe- WWI the anna il j.__ IUM act, waaJflT.gie,1 i®?» Jgfofc «69eii amounted «d du£iue the year -ended > leaehedthe sum.of (tn,sm, annual oontributions to tho sinking fund --J the three years above specified, amounV toj.te m aggregate to «13h,o 8,3aa»», iuBd ds- ducted fnan the^sur\?lns as stated, were m l̂s parSlods of the%tolwh>hs!̂ ^Ou%4^ba Six months prior to June &), 1887,̂ the , SUBPLOS &KVBNUK had grown so large by repeated accumulations, awl it was feared the Withdrawal of this neat "tUW sunt of money needed so affect the business of &e country, -- ̂,™ sum_179,804,100 of. such surplus was ap- the payment of the principal end the three per cent, bonds still _ 11 1 ̂ mi end whieh. were then pay- jW* ai the option of "Hue Government. The precarious eoodition ol flnanoial affairs TTW S^OF «M ,̂SOUTWMHMLLE4 HMUM ATK 1** tp the ainliing;f rod eesttribntion for ̂ --Trent fiscal nar. Nokwithstandtag these tip erat ions ot t te^r tsr^ 5™® ! m f ^ tatfrms of distress fn &*Ŝ ~ ' year was expenditure of the purchase off Government bonds ffiyftduobearing 4% pereenl interest,the ^emluiii paid thefeon ravaging about M per wait for 'ormerande per eenl for Utelat- tor. In addition to Orts, S interest accruing the outstanding -reramentwasto •an, ana banks selected as e money were pemntted to WWHTMW IIWM9M9 illtitflroOlltl. While tbe expedSehle thus emidoyed tore- lew. to ££ treasury served to avert immediaie danger, our surplus revenues have continued to accumulate, •rtmaWd toreach the stun of ̂ 00X000 ̂ tte aeth of ?une aex ̂ whî date ft Is expected th*t this sum, added , to prior MeunmlaUcqis, OWW^e 4b*surPlua t̂ue Treasuryto^S,- ^her« aesms to be no sssaracee that with such a withdrawal from use of tbe pe«»le's clr- oulating medium our *--1 near future be su" ' precisely; .'#hc»eM- ~ ie» never usw per same to the , who bay do- payasumat 1 dutytothe sncetottts made by itm may becon> in oonsume ,_ewbo create a tat relieve be celled *elief MmMe o Z X 3 S S : C . : - : i S s * 2 ? BDTTU--Choice Creameiy. # !a0 rmail, S*2?J8**7 .N # M - .«» p Coaa--No. 8... ..."..*". " OATS--No. 2 White..... **" RYE-NO. 1. /...*.*.'. POBK--Mess t..... .**.".* ST. LOU1& WHEAT--No. t Bed Coax--Mixed.. ....... " OATS--Cash POBK--Hess TOLEDO. WHEAT--CART,..... COBM--Cash.........". *'* *•** !* OATS-May V..V.T Banr Carrtn ^kTBOItf. Hoos * •••••••••* Bwur WHSA^No/iwhito::::;:::;::. Coan--No. 9 OAT»~NO. A White "".*.*!*." „ CINCINNATI, YMAT-NO. % Bed OA«»--Na t.. • ««. HOSS, ,,,,,,, "MieineiM WmtAî -No. "l aird!M' Coax--No 2 Yellow. .. __.* -̂Na » Med Ooan &> Tr-)..' •' ' • ess may not in the tothesame which wee quite And ; AifMis trade end while leu, and 8,837, 12 are classed as employed In manufaeeuiisuf and mining. . . ~m ple.and while I believe ses, however, the laatnum redueed. sion ot its it will be ly eubtir % deduetodfrom Whieh it includes 8T3.1 carpenters end lesltlmate 885,48BmUliners, we .. witb- y to lie eut waste pleee amongthe If suoh no clear b*feohsm,4!£M 4,801 engaged manuf grsgate to such msnuf tofore the h were pa; emment,hae of the excess have all cent, bonda of tbe Oov- the but tfMise OSINBO of which we S31 olaimed to be be To thee* the toeave t and in There eboul be no die- WsMion to answer such enggesttons by theal have the right to In a minority among Should forego an low prices for the at aU time* be scrnpalonaly kept fa view ̂ and ysf with slight reflection they will not over look tbe faet th# they are consumers with the interest has, Iwen slreadf-me cuneat yeer, so tbatthsreisno on the only the of the pretense of an 3&8SffiSfi?!?J&fi&'SZg'* _ - earnings neoessariefi of life, at. # wages, will regulate of their welfare and oomfort ______ redttctton o< taxation demanded Should be eomeaswred as not to necessitate or }usMfy either the loss of employment by tbe the lessening of his wages; to the ustment, of the end that the price of of the miurn to be The only pro poweroouldbe ation bill passed an issubleettothesi as temporary, uki MeadM eonfming atarate offpre- w from whieh such P«wer to • S8.80 4.73 row» of their athU.will,. teetsase in the be . ee possible, ae wlli and ait responsi u Mr family use onra OWli labor, to re- iaarease iu price oom- »a means cf • money M he bom 1*0 nitres i who menu- the increased every agrt- wears and _ theiaereaee such things as eoil, is Invited eihmon,and ted wed is who ol e( ooure* be .81 ao* mu.oo net entirely be .f 4.7ft 0 8M 6.00 « a. 75 .01 » M .90*4» .91 • MH& .63Ji . M # .48 . IS. 50 glS.00 6.75 A 00 &60 m *M 4.W m &80 5.T# «| 4.00 .TV** .78 .• •a .80 elal. <«l our . existence ways insure the xitsiosteadof --. tbe volume eu« activtaes inereaee those who desire a tages whieh they of tariff taxation - sjhibbornly have all eirt cmiditton bera resisted by t feUow-eitiseas i£us wittmd t&at magw__._ aswetlas lectures, It uy other name, wet and danger s of our devised withene. Mlinp the existepoe rests. But ftls --- ,̂ -on a condition .jWgiitho, pubiie •klgency must sl> 1$ of immense profitable returns. "*,xot oar national Its are added to t of the ndtfan* present system _Jrds them, go reform the prss- MM of our they can can hardly complain of fte susnicion, enter tained toaocrtatoextent,thai the^e^stsan - OBOAM1ZBD OOLTBIDAXUTK can sldll and ingenuity, in AOMIH a ̂enteprise, and to the wonderful _ for the bMKM «o«r xuasmtaetarers, quite be- yond.e^wia son able demand for goverameulS t""™* Kighs»t and greatest degree of favor snd care that esn be wrung from Federal . . .......TWWS'B posrnos. . It is also iajd feat the increase in the prtoeol domsstie manufactures resulting fremi the present taria is necessary in otder thathicher --as may be paid to our workingmsi mn* --./ed in^mannfa^ories tban are paid hir what is called the pauper labor of Kurope. All will rrr̂ B'tffia'Ls' sarfes sa%n off, oar laboring people, onrlabor is honorable in the eyes of every Amer- t dtlsen, and ee it lies at the foun- tar that ot any other eonntoy less favored, end tfey^ t̂lUed to their full share of aUouf ®fa8us 14 is made to appear that o« theMT.iaMlW of our population engaged in aU kinds «rf mdustries, 7,07 ,̂488 are employed in ease duddonM MtnObTioir or otm *w» same time, to ieouutifsiri-'"-̂ lemede and none of us when . . AN ABUSED A*in |̂a«ci>,nD nana, c WPViPPi.--? radî redu<«|caofteduttea isiqpeeld tor in any eftet to pan off h products, ae is now laid upon tion to our m the Mvsae* reeulttng quiet end ea»> ^»s topetattvely vmesuted tar h* vsnoono ®wn. cherabterise the action of these tbe weal off a confiding nto deolare party wanting to urge pi demned the condition off our lawewl the collection from the people of « revenue, and have, in the most solemn n..,, ŝSJeSfow^^SSl Ikmoĵ tewiawe thedeUber̂ r̂ attonof Our progress toward s wise eonslosion will of bandying epithets. It Is a oonditfa M r̂anls us, not a theory. Belief tram AIUM. may involve a slir"*' -- J ^^^SKgSfeb23;l*±aip.i fiĝ ses'.tBssgrt* ~ jwnwewary taxaUonare sohemes O. .OWM free-traders, is ndschlewme end tar removed fkom any consideration for tfaepublie good . WSSSftS&'fessafi! expenses off aS atoSSSnXS tteGovernment, Sdton^mtolte ms^powSS^heseffiS iJA5?JS9L jtf̂ Srtoall our out danger to ths opnotr l»hor*Eioh our worto efitte than and aa our their means ofssbslste measure off their oomfoi been the with this yrovisiow, imMiomuieh'i •« •' .. IManpn.vM deo* in. 'SEewe ci - BesseeenhkM ymd H t̂t, ot ijoinnocticut, to be Treasur«r United States. A Few Gbras SniMdlEea gaid to be Toric, left an eeU»e .1;- lira. Mid Mrs. IdDurebhll O. fSch widowe par •1t«rk.. . ,¥„ "V«M ' jl-mV ; womfu»lnAmwMM.S]in b*s of it least $*»,000,00Q, nnd spend haiftiwijiMme* mSmm, is beliemd to l̂ eyeir made otttiMT wind. IeanoJdMî sPM I a l ^ wlio bh« made a fortune ot Ml it firait 'iBftportaiv'/beshtt * oareear by ieilittg tMranitea •iretail. T ê fOTtnne of Prince Fe eo muw uBk, ii Tbe Priaee fortmm the Frinoeee ttOdtlMlbfl b_ ^alflogeOier ieiiiin. 'Didi Kisam of Hyderal OjBR r̂etf Tn ĵaa r ooo to strengthen north weet front vi.