She symoon, tii« Count went to Me. 'Hil'tiwa. to a R«ith ansSgifoor. He • jrsfitiinnr fr' utort '*j3£J <J®a ranilisiiaa alialaiiiai ĵ i may in the mart trade at the THE war cloak of of Honolulu is a complete ssade . on; &. of nt «0««II of th« i&aref a trea. 'ihfcift a îfr 31' ' ' ifilh"* •' ^recent Sunday while and " her 11-year-old son alone la their home new **1 ̂**» •» I'.limiry . • vHHpp w ̂ iWKmJ:. •-.-wm /further, bat dipped into "||ot' a pistol, a»&steal- len Mrs. Walker found oat been going en site wasterri- Paciflo BaOrosd Com- begon so& apafeufc u»rtain Dakota sioee £be resignation it is ehatgad that entered into ooHmrien with 'i and-hav®' pttirpostiy jj**» proceedings during the vacancy ' e of Land Commissioner, be* hare the Government at a s Jg |ii|§iiil atfli sthat rendered by Mr. Lamar rence to the indemnity lands ISIPS '̂' has been Mnsenm, Wardlaw b':sh&*hhd »n a very valval)!* ornitholog- Tha collection and tha pis now »ther with many rue >gical specimens obtained by the far east The value of atis#8fc )̂a well-diggers were sinking a ;ferm in Washington Town- County, Iowa, at the fourteen feet they began to t walnuts, well preserved, of ly took out half a bushel. At of sixteen feet they found a [wood and a pair of dear's horns. #P» *P&* soft when first but became MU$toi8&' so tfte air. The idug in a timber country, but liar feature of the case is that i is not a white walnut or butternut i in the country. „ g a n t f e o i e n a r e m a k i n g a *p«s)elty of iin|«ar|hig English birds m. X>uriiigthe past i alone has imported plieaaaats, a 2,000 par- 150 roe-deer, 1,000 English Epglish rabbits, and 50 besides a number of red- ,JS3lDW*deer, and several hundred eggs. These were all for ̂purposes, the most of them jffllMr. Pierre Lorillard for his pfcown,: N. J„ and Tuxedo Ci/Mr, Botherford Stuyvee&nt is kurge game presanrer.. Jiia park is four miles in length, i'X ; -**» Qjmbbodox Christiana will watoti with and perhaps alarm, the new »ry movement in Germany. So- theologians have a society, whose object is of fte elementsofcidture ,,. in found In edu- lea' na^ona, and oa thin up a Christian culture ac- advanced ideas. Thai soci- that the old methods fail do nj)t interest the think- Itpsalsd non-Christian peo- I*BO membaw in Switser- iiany, andkosa few men Loroow, Coul, DM was a half-grown cat chasing a much smaller than herself. "3NMHi|NL - > V., *1* ScifS. W tiie lbg£j ;-*(f the man's |latty It̂ l̂ red suit, but to silver gray, feathers wewtaken from the Oa 'iiiiii' tasedi flrnai Itissaid to b3* been *" ers , ^0«t' ThO! lpsî l tor: ln-v 'P^ !̂®®s of nankeen, feaftera for a piece valMd at Aa the feathers are not OW two inehMl ideamaj b»l|inMdfif4» 1883 lie wore this robe fmr his ecsrona ̂ tion, making the ninth king who has been so adorned. It has been known for some time past by the Treasury Department tip! large quantities of opium hare bonght bf a syndicate of Americana, and that shipments of the to Ctana&a. snooassfully introduced into the Do minion the drug was put into packages oafc to pac alaQlfteflrontier towns ia the S tiR^p> It was lhe of these agents to smuggle the drag into the States, and this has been in rations instances. At notably at Saspe Y., the4 eustotns authorities have been alert, and the smt̂ glers have given the place a wide berth. Most of His work has been done in the West. Assistant Secretary Maynard of the Treasury Department has jnst issued a circular to the collectors of customs, stating that the department has re ceived trustworthy information that persons are actively engaged in smug gling opium by way of the Canatttan if nnpooiifTrtlj smuggled, mba dupped to fym: Fran cisco and other Pacific ports, collectors are instructed to use utmost vigilanee to prevent such importations. Mb. McIver Welliam80K, a farmer near Florence, S. C., met with a ret tnarkable accid^ut a few days ago on l|| place. As he was approbating his statk>fcary engine by his gin*housse it was very active puffing up volumes of sooty smoke. As fee got within seven teen paces of the engine suddenly he felt the earth throb, qdiver. snd trem ble, as if in the convulsive spasms of an earthquake, followed instantly by a terriBe explosion, resembling the dis charge of a park of artillery. When the smoke lifted he saw tibwl the boilsr of tlM ̂engine had exploded, the crown sheet being blown ont. The engine, which was about twelve feet from the gin house, was thrown bodily fifty fast in the air, then turned a complete somersauft, mid shot like a bolt in a bee-line through the solid wall of the upper story like a bullet would through cheese, making as complete a wreekof that side of the gin-hooee as if it were a house of oards, twisting and rending asunder huge eight-inch sills as if they were pipe-steqis. It then lodged itself in the second-story of the gin-house, where it is now. The engine house was literally wrecked, not a shingle re maining intact, and every timber torn and splintered like kindling-wodft, its fragments being scattered for three hundred yards, like leaves in an autumn gale. The force of the con cussion blew cotton out of the bale* Strange it is that no one was hurt. beos»ebewil- ^StUman's A Thrifty Man. v A white man upon meeting a negro whom he had not seem for many years, vigorously shook his hand and safil: "Spenoer, I am delighted to fee you. How have you been getting along?" "Wotdder been gittin* enottg njightv well, Mr. Jim, ef folks had ertendea ter dar own bizness an' er let me erlone." » "Did they not let von alone V "No, s&h, da didn'. Da tuck me from the ferryboat whar I wus doin' well ernuff an* made a. jestioe o' de peace outen ma* * "It was a case where the office sought the man. It was a high com pliment, Spenoer. Yon should not hesitate to serve the pnbllev" "Oh, I didn' mine goin' office, sab, ef ds'd jes hrt m after dat. Da came enoun"< o'takin' er bribe o' fifty dollais an* sent me ter a pwitMiohy fur er year, da did. Come "Wroyin' «r pecka dat er way. Da loured ̂ npn I IW& dft Office dat er thrifU maa obnld make er libux' outan it ĵ faa tor|«nl terbe sorter thriffy da whimdip an' sent mo ter dat penitonqhy. Wojr thievin' nigg«rs an%' folks. Dat sin* no ter ack kpr eoantry ia»:"i»ik*--^o t̂ow • far. • - Though tune of Soman wa&**.-~MockeiUr- Po*t>l faiwri 'slisiiswas i. es| lw Ndi tMlaea wMh a nawM . tocMay. . ttwas Bood<ocrS.OCO votes in 1 •WHttoodc OM|lt th« j MitjrSew *prk' by SS.0P# L mads CtoyUa*'* mmn» tlwte platform. KDITOBIAX. COaCMKKT. B«e th* XtaquBMit !• Tlemd fejr The lnoui la Sb ita ms asbasftesa nimdiM wttstiMse of bott. tfae gnat lam- ; pur̂ ieaoM to elMur Ml; (X trMfotftbts ta Ms eoaela. doKtlwiseob PMty trbieh thsyrspwiwî •wnrbibm. fPHIUdelpbfa Hbbm. XndLi Who* the President arg« " vision al tariff dnttss 1m Is demendtog that oar msanfsotam , tally protoetad. Xs t̂lac *Ws is view, all as- s«wi|«ob of & tnm'tno* awry or potptm vaaisbMfromth«mtDmof to Anxctosapee- ipl*. Ta* masaage will inspire idom diwuMlati •ad lnv*atlgKtion of th» axaet ralstkwa at ttie tariff to eapitel, iudustry, sad and* than say doeomeat tbat baa smaaated fines tbsCbist Ms^staats. _ IChioHgo Inter Qcjan, Bap.] Tba Pftaideat lma laauad m yam. pbletm which no snmmsat is sdeeed 4tas has aot bees naed by all tbe Oobdea Olob oegsna till it has become stale and threadbare. [GMeago Kewa, Mugwump. 1 There is no partiaanahip, no lie* taide, no S»> dice, no special tobby. ia 5a 'a message. It iaylaia yatetoMc aimt toSloee.Ttehas to uie osie sabjeet at mm upon tte neoenetty at a ayswmsw# xeaiw. tion of lbs tariff without prejudice sad without favor. [Boston Globe, Dtm.] wt OX» WftKtsa. , ¥vmt mm w«e hiptMdSlfkilled, three se- riomdy and perhaps fsteUy injured, and foar left eUnginff like hnsaan ttM to the rams Rxty-ure sees aoove me gcoono, ay totalling of a w^er-tewer atTboims- tilk, Ont., Che porticnlors of whioh are funished in the following telegram trom thatplaee: tt wuabmrtie e«o^wlwatts«rs«»oame. It conld be »w«d tor hatt a auia, and pMple horiibte ai|{htnM?nM»Cr eyeS'̂ pdSraSSgfireiu tbentixis > eoNmwi sssti poM|ofd|a( ttwbodies pesl to Fresii wrtlto Coagiess has only to fume and pays a tariff UU la ttM spirit and on ttw Unss imticatwlin . . . . g » | a « s # s r t o s o l » e la whlah,m atlsssef psaoe. iMBpMnlle " {Hew Toric Times, Uagwamju.] lit Ohrrstend has done an act of ata sUp m fee best sens*. Hwogniirtng agmak duty, behaa performed it wtth_o»»rs|te. with fliiiiiiiss an 1 ill Min rlglit Tttti" Judsedbyaay otdteary standard o< foWM eapwUency, the Pr.aiSsWfs aot la iaaacpedieat. .fle ̂ fawei his party an iasoeaa a MM flw put* »d ao divided that jgdess tfaeSh it esa defeat tbs wfllol OeatMr- 1S»hasdcaiethis m the•*•<* aaaMnaaj soMesI In whteh a considerable aamber at hSijMWttaa party wtthdlassfg tt he dld nS PRswTark Sun, antt-CaewJasfl Pem.1 Hr. Clevaiand has never bsioes la a publie s %& .?s; that re asMwi _TT..I aerusade aga nst maas daat that he woold t*M that w«uld avert fwmre I relieve th# eawatry frin t eCtaasMeBi ̂: j tBeMoa Mvrt̂ ltep.1 . Stir 4«elo(_ tte^riwoftou (Aoetan Hwrald, ] It is a elear, sound, thropghMit. aagaaMmt* COLLAPSE OF A TOWSB. Vewr Men Killed Iqr tka BVrti ef Twmm* at TtawiatlWl, fla, ttoss Ota. ta|aw* llass>aeaa Beaeae tat _ ... aa be- several traaapiatatioa lines of the If that shall be done, the towns Whioh hate great natural advantages, or advantages Mqnind by large expenditures of money la es- tafiUshinff new thoroughfares at oomioer-f will have eheaper rates this can ordinarily be ob tained by towns less favorably eitimtedt It • " loasltily be within tbe eompeteney t* ve power to preacribe for the ssvwnd . lU railroads equal mileage rates (or _. Whole oountry, bat this, B entoreed, weald put aa end to eompeUtlon ass tsetorla making rates, sad to a vfry large nrtve the great business eeatsMof of their several natural advantages, i of the benefit of expenditures made by them in creating for themselves new channels of trade. It would, la faet, work a revolution ia the business of the ooontry. whtsb, thongh it might be greatly bearSeial la some would befea rfufl] tatalr feet oa stones belorw. epaieay ssnvws lev, atteatlon waa aa i t nwiw; ly destructive la others. Coa- greashssaotby thsexIstlttglegiBlatiOB uader- takeato inmiosM sasb a revolution. Tbe oompetitloa by wstsr Is tbe most impoctaat factor la forcing rate* to a low level at the points where tbe lines <* Isad and water trans portation lateisest. Tbe experience of tbe country has demonstrated that tbe artlfieial waterways eaaaot be successful competitors with the railroads on equal terms. -The railroads loag ataee deenved the great caaSla of Ohio, Indiana ar d Iilisoia of nearly all their importance, and tbe Krle Canal Is only maintained as a great channel of trade by tbe libersAtyof tte Sale of Kew York in making its ase free, la their competitive straggles with each other towas eaaaot ignore the effect which tbe existence of natural waterways mast have upon railroad tariffs; the railroad compa nies cannot igaors It, awt can the commission ignore it if competition Is still to exist and He allowed its foroe according to natural laws. Neither can tba great free Erie Canal be Ig nored; It influences the rates to Ne w Yr*k more tfaan any other one cause, and Indirectly, thioagb its influence upon the rates to New YorkTlt influences those to all other seaboard ad indeed to all that section of tbe The Commission finds that the operation of St. law baa In general been beneficial; that it He Kvdm Hla wire aaM Commits Sol- ' «Ma, Usvlaf Toor Orphans. ' " . A Wiehtta (Kan.) •ttsprteh seyslh^J. B. both dyingInstautty. The. hi the fineel house ta jtfe jaCjBmiiaMhM'.A-.'1-' •WMBBPfl 'P . •Jirsd sad tm* w. to inorease railroad earnings, while at tbe "T* time the tendeacy of rates ha» been downward. These facts are attributed to the fnnroimMt movement of materials indno6d by faith la the stability and fairncaa of the jdl&XBMe Oi7the subject of amendments to the law tbe has not seen occasion for •eaonomeading any considerable changes ia the act under which its work 'jb performed. It baa ssearodtoits members tbat the taw for the reg ulation of interstate commerce should be per mitted to have a growth, and that it would most anrely aa well aa moat safely attain a biga de gree of efficiency sad usefulness ia that way. nte geaeral feasarsa of the act are (prounded for the ̂ enforcement are safe, sooad. and weekable. When they prove act to be so, ex- jSn^M-wiU be a safe guide in legislation to perfect them. " I; • TRADE FB0SPECT8.' 7 ̂* la Speculative Markets--Tbe •My Goods and Other Trades. In tfceir last weakly record of the condi tion of business, R.4J. Bun A Co., ef Kew York,say: la nearly all the sposalstjve msrtists t»sre tt furidns excitement, coraera awiuu, aod srti- Ociia advances axe formed by powasfal slices, aided by abuadance of money./ Bat yrleos ebeek legitimate busineaa, indaairiee are hesi- tatlnff. aad monetary stris r̂eacy at a>aay points iSi«aSa in tiow coiieottaos and acsas taportant tfaeaeasan. a Insle ericas sia Hit JUS pmeuu m«HT* W ims qnuuf. saen«rffcen naasaa tgitfmfctf fMenda niiMooiniitd t̂ îiî bSw ŝto^r ̂ T cstatas s. rmoUtK Chsrles S. Falrehlld wasbom at N. Y., in IMS, Was grade**** ' " began the prsotfee of law -.M where be was very sseeeeslb|.„ alictod Attorney Oenend of » DeuoorsMo ticket He waa a OS . soafnattwta ib77,but was dafsated m ttw 9Ŝ f&̂ S&!SSSSSSm̂ aatll. in 1S8"<, ha was appointed by Preaideat Clsvelasd to be Asalateat Seoietanr Of ths ^w.'. tion. wiuuuit naanAH vjms. Mr, Vilas was born at Chelses, 0rsage Coun ty. Vt, July B. lSiO. Wbea be was U years old be want to WISooDSia, where, a few mouths waa entsred as a papil of tory department of the nalvnsî r laittsaematrioalated lathe fn „-- of that Institution, and was sredustod Umpitx 18S& After tokiag bis soadetalsal dagtee he atadiedlawin Albany.N. Y..aad^wss nsda- ated from the law achool ofthatcitytoMS. After his admission to tbe Sagtame peart ef Mew York be removed to Wisconsin, where, on hla birthday, July », 1880, he made his first srgament before tbe Supreme Court of that State. Upon the breaftbw oat ef tbe war Hr. Vilas entered the army as Captain in the Twenty-third Wisconsin Volunteers, and rose to he Major and Lieutenant Colonel. Heresigawt his commission and resumed the practice of the law January 1, ISM. The Supreme Court of Wisconsin appointed Cotoael Yilss one of the revisers of the statutes of the State In 1879, aad the revision of 1878, adopted by the state, >u partlv made by him. He has held varioas posi tions of trust In Wisconsin, and la UB4.t0.wse a member of the lower bouse of the Legtslstsra He is a One orator, hia famous oology of Grant at the Chicago banquet giving him a national reputation. He presided over tbe National Democratic Convention which nwmtastsd Cleveland. DON M. DICXINSOK. Bon M. Dickinson was bora in Port Ontario, Oswego County, New York. Jan. 17, ISM; In lSlfiL when Den M. was but S vests old, *be Dickinsons moved to Michigan. After passing through tbe public achools in Detroit be en tered the law department of tbe (Mate Uni versity. He wasagoodetodantt aodthedecrea IX.B. made tbe yoang Detrotter a nll- aoholsr. He aobletad shnoat tastafct aa a Uwyer, aad It was net long before hia practice became the most laorative ta the State. Much of hla atteatkm waa tuned to bankruptcy oases, and be aided Isrgetytn fram ing the Michigan insolvency laws. SBa vioInlH. to know how < Thepeopli sdue was thb hashsial ie.i ingthe reoenta ease be toe in*18$ and later besssM 1 of tbe National Demomatle Dleaiasoa is aa affable mat wasaaoouBsal intbei the United States Bopre] of Mm State CeAal Wrisi the aptrit of a aoeial which makes him altogether agreeable. OBIffiKM ARE VfGT0Rf0</8. A Judge Decides that Texas Cannot Tax Commercial Men from Other State*. Galveston spe*lel.T Jadge 8abia, ofths Vnttetf States District Court, bas rendered a deolaien in the acted habeas ocrpaa case of BobertC. Kaaaaa City-drummer wbo wsa to Kovember at Tyler, Texas, for a fatttwe fe exhibit bis receipt to the oourt*ble'abowiag rhat he had paid tbe Compt»o.'ler of tbe Btate the annual occupation tax of S 3 leviel on all The case waa strongly isvats yellow 0t| I --By the Unite* I fiald,S»eeM ^epsa-,«|' N. Y., sgainsl Johnson was -dap in t>snstTir inches of the large bone out to ssve the limb. tfcsi --Hie municipal t are in a taj had weeks the sitting the eel by the eity < nry is < beeun iA I on East St. of the! made the publie sohei(4%hint| 93,500 was: ers woald go apSegiiMlk *' temptinK to nW|f jlfi a tide it over. --Freeport was we diem reoently on i etptfOl and esp#pliV Satfrnml Minneapolis. at the op§ra-honae and made by Judge Bee. Daniel Fish, J>spsx^swSt.;. C. Swwrtser, E, Hsrian, tibe ̂ S. D. Atkins, Ihd alsaj and llarsbal MttA,' X*wlsr, and George William Bjrers, of Monroe. ward given at I - i--A suit Instil enitOonktal egetax, ha Coi t imtmvf lWm% With>t fiMC