low*. &:-lW jttorMd Aid Society tevens, iaui afternoon Its by tago |*. 6S. 4 F. iiHi " CMlMnleatlM m"%m M„ A. p. |y, J. W.; C 10 • • t - v W^OfW. ••sbemlaiW and *«• bmm " rot •/ pip New' Tone's Party, " \ booo lesoed.end ptaoo ooThursday Dent iorgot it. , S.Soodey School are fbr rnlKni to b on' Chrtstmas of tb| pro- pext week. \. far ot the SfftilAi ' •viifaft I* o Hid » Mlppt Mil not boy yonr It you hove lookod •*•«• lb this village, s pair of ,~#$»e«!wner wahiTi OO- ?rtverelde Skating Rink wlllbe evening next, where " >1 togllde on tte n«bft»o« to do to. tflbifroftlogk. .;'•/• ivo to salt of clothes by ~L*«taa. Bo will tjntttfcat modi low for the you oao got them Cemmuntoatloo of Mo- Jfo. m A. F.4 A.M. 0* MoOdpy evening, DM. the porpoee Of electing '" OfMflfig year aod tran- trasloles. All tly requested to bo Will bo opeoullsr ooe tbftt tbolMt three .....frliljfll li WttlbO |he «? rtfoinnifiw wblob oan to noeOtory, ermer* . , In 111 yean before io of a kind'1 (1M0) will try Ceoaty Agricultural I* aaoueJ meeting Men- ond oleotod oOotra as dent, Thee. l«l>. Blcb- Jamee Cm# and fMOMtery, A. S. Wright; F. rioldt geoertf snper- t4. w. Aodoroon. [Whether Prof. L. Ga- to make McHenry roHlt <aasaaas bo <N hut ||ICiMiim:",0*d lo <odapted , able to do lota of Jilrork during the long > *o boa ooooloded to * Deoember it thr t A. M. till 3 bit third below 40 or ad- is Tut ty.oonoeoted »«*» ,Mi <Hw», TfrOtOdOjr Wtb, at the esoal beur. MeoW* a. cauTT, _ Mus Jcix*. A. gTote^.fewfcry W!% Tbs teaebera of McHenry County will MM to regular session .01 Vid stOckon ftofnidev_Die. 17. TfaO M lowligll^pr^remme ea arranged: their Ltbeooonters of moof no* advert lee. .fHft as lli lay pants to un, tbl" optiotan. for one day oqly. too wlll find partlc- • Vor ii:» B«pomof &aai . M. Grine* #:I0 Business. „ „ r. H. BciT.iPrea, GntMBI Mcmrnr. Ctor, See. Tboboyo Ax a ^pM>eiol .OMMtlng hold by Mo. Henry Poat Ko. 648, Q A. B., tbo fol- lowing olloers wereobeoeo: - L. E. Bonne tt, Comownder. ? A WETAEW, S. V. «/ F ; | % | ^ ' , l ^ # e r . J , V . * \ X W.'H, Sarriaon« Adfntaoi, 'l, * A. 8. OblMi, Snigooo, .r, M. M. Cbaio, <%a|Vlattt.' 4 r . - ftlObard Thompson, Quartem««tor Jaoioe B. Perry, Officer of the Day. Anion Wobotk Offloer of tbeQoard. Peter Lelckea, Sergeant Major. Geo. Rotharmer, Qnarteraaaitor flor<- *•*» t. ' ' " Wi would call psrtle^ar attention to the card of Macheret is Baaaett. General Commlulon Merchanta. JM- ®onth Water Street, Obloago, to be foond tn anotlMroolnaiin, and we toko pleasure to recommending then to abtppora lo thla ae^toa. Mr. Bataolt hna booo In the bnatnea* on Bontb Water 8tre«t for the past 3)00 yota and hla partner, Mr. M^iliit. froal lt #i# 4Moed fortonnto tut spared to minister #»ts and oonforl of hot ^W«i>» String bU last llloeas, fldottty, and an dolNHiWa «bl«b was woo ter enfeebled S»eW#lSw Illed b.r ftaM to tbto ksmfeiftdeal. She win nbly oo- Krand^Mifttlfjltolta, r of Ira «uM|. r'|tailo left , last *qf»| f|H «o«e to tb0 4«|a«aaoe of pamtts In a time of tbettfgrontoat oo#4 jBlnoh fidelity merits otor oduh haro woo a« en#lnbf» riimtaUoo as prompt andrellablo deaters. and fo? getting the highest asftitet quotations averything conalgned to theaiv W#»d¥laesblppers U this and Lako ooootlos to gtvo tbooB 0 «Ha). Bead AHD LAD1E8' BAZAR, AT FBfDA? ITU, BSC. 16, By tbo Wllllqg Workers Society of the Universalis Church. P^rtqiaie. H arr«it Bong of PralM Ofcrtras. Ptayer ...bt. u.auoe QearieMe--*yi#ra Bread," KirBttSMKNT}, Corn Bread and Milk J#.» Mush and MHk...... rried-oakea aa* Oribe f le The Baxar wtU be open for solo of goods both nftornoon nod evening. Admission free. If very stormy 00 Friday evening, repeated Saturday evening. Forty*two Inch floe brown caahmere 60 cents per yard. Our tricots, ourdod and plain cameiettes, flannels, ribbons, tips, plumes velvets, lace an# (null tiee, albums, satin mantel wear. Astrt* chan jackots, brown and garnot" "* rfdmory, have nil prloe. Now >y. Boo thorn at v Mas. H. 8. GBKOOST. A flno atyllsb Cutter at low figures at B. Bishoffs Warehouse, McBenry. Call and eoO Unas. Tlw fflofc Wilt bo opon to tbo poblle oo Sator- day ovosto^ noact. Let alt tbooo wbo love to glide oa the rollers turn out. Admission same as heretofore, Btek open trom 7 to lO o'cftOek. ' - mmmmmmrntmrnrn.. ' Call in and get measured for a nobby psots OI «7. DoVtpay & aod|To Toor choice oat dr tamftea; Also bare yeor eiothee altei«d, fltted aod cleaned, as be cao not boboatfr dotag a nteo job. B. LAWLPS, Tailor. l^aonomical Bayers tn oeed cMf flan- aaia, underwear, trteota. boota fsd sitooa,or ia feet aaytbtng in tli S»e of winter foede are odytsed to vMt Kvaoaon's cloelngont sfle. Great Bandkerdbieff Sale at Xvaa* eon'a. and sodes of Mm, at *vai- Mwt wfimm- * _ a j^wst let It poeal Tbo wofo beared In lf:WPlBMis preceded them 1 was Indeed a good. was a model feMtoO- busband a beontttnl home was proverbial tor tbo geoeroos boo> to of their Hi! to live lid supplies for human bewlagi* Ins Mr. BoAwltb was aa Vmm mem- ber of tbo Congregational Obofoh, and a oonslstent patron of that ordor. He was emphatically a reprOMOtative ssan. As be passed dowa tbo deoHvtty of life, and wbllo disease jiroyed upon 4Jt «Hals and enfeeblod bts asMtol and pbysioa] faculttos, «bo sosso kto* ly» *onla! smile wtHob obuaotoftnod blo individuality la bla proepiroos 1 of yootb, health and strongtb, llljimlned his faatoraa U will to tbo toraloatloo of bls bo^ly ««fl»rta(g, Btaoardlil wotliai fill it«o in tbo tteitf**yof friends sod be their most saorod and la oeMderable ro sui ts la our A. B. Bourne In Misttlt is «i(»^00 fer'falso Imprls- bwnont. aloo ft $m,. .on tnantb Wllle wo f _ to se«| the In hsr saontls and shrubbery llob w tbo rt Institute to to bo In ses- Wmm n^MtsHokeswtf ooapulonf Bqolro Din l«»H1s Sis hundred acfoaeooo pore, plant in Woodstock if Vebrvary next. ' ^Satm tateroeM Our State Boart p other Institutions and lMMrtt^ by able ^ aw .bflr *0 McHenry and enoigy firming on that $bo ^pickle man,** to raise five or cucumbers per Jou will pre- your ground seoore tbo Droit wheng^fioi His method Is il» ^Nf: manuto ground well, plough ^ fllt «p«rt Md three to flv« to twelve I Wtfito f srbon vlne»«k« Havlof but o PtftOtlog may . life nod the Whloh tbf pieoeors «M ttotrik9f««t toMbi I ttWR •rnim by IndUM, wild beaeta aod ptlferiog lwrta, win bo toiilMd ooly bsr tbooe wbobbeo ponod tbroogb n llko o» perteooo. Mr. aod Mn. ieokwitb bl^o beOfi a^ivo pit^loipooti lo Iti#' wovft »f tmnsfomtng this country from i wild, nnprodootlvo prairie Into eultl- va|odrp«olifle flolda, aad Intvodtmlay the hi^iost ordor of olrlNmtlea «s» knowa to tbo world of mooklnd. Tbo world ls ugMdo better for tho^traaslt of snob persoa* tbron^b tt. Mr. Boabwltb was no aSeotlooato •ebaud,#? Indulgent fotber, a nelgbborood a fWtbfbl IHood, Death was a weloome moseonger. Be pos death's portal oalaly and serenely os an l^not passes <0 an naoooecloos sleep upon tbo matoroal boeoii. ' Funeral obsequies wojto bsld at tbo to«iao, >Bor. O. B. Wyokoa ooMuatla« tbeeervleoutbeoestoeataatlsfaettoo of relatives ood friends. In wboae bo iialfwotendor their gratoftd ««|BOW)- odgments. Tbo ros»olo|f «oio veyed to Woodlood Cemetery tboro laid tenderly to vostlo Hs.|^ ence of a large concourse of mourning relatives, and sympatblalng frtoodl andnolgbbors. Tbus are tbo pioneers 000 by 000 oallod from their Inhere bore 00 earth --from this beautiful ooootry they bav» chosen to derelop--from the door, sacred homes they have erua slented and beautlfled--from ill the IMHred ties of ooosongntotly and friendship--from all tbo! II amr aad door in this life, to evoriestlng ro- fnpbilonts in that paradise, whet*, at tbo sunset of life, the weary travolor will flad ovary woot supplied, ondi every desire satleAod. Tneyoaageuiy <Ue. the aged most; farewell. Oueweil, *tis aad to sHtafWuare WHh Her at •̂ ts:ST(ss.%î i . aees a smr that sheds a Uaht, wm eheer e» thmoh the darkeet jleeaL SEvriNO MACHINES. "Rie Amerleao No, 7. the Hel. Bldtodg*. New Home, ihioeler 4b son Mo. 8 Botasebold, Bo«rO Inprawd, Oavle aad Mow York eon all bo beitght of O. W, Oweo, McHenry. at fJB Isfea tbao manofaotnrers' prtOM. Call ood ^eiO'̂ iom. Bob Blelghs of mg.owo manufacture and warranted OMOp. Call and see tbeas, B. BISHOP, Hell day Goods at Xvansoa^s deelng California Canoed Goods ~ ttd ftuoM, ,Ai rronob F want# ill not place from ton li tbo row, ent- deep, and then thin out, t .in a plaoa. . . r„ . e at any Hmo Ireoflt tbo tooth to ^o twenty-fifth of June, whenever the ground Is suitably propwed aad tho woaMmr propitious. For fortbor particulars write to or seo blm In regard to kind Of«ood«,oto. ; ... are trying It say Ooro fodder properly out and fed will MlKely Inptoaas tbo flow of aillk and go from ooo^trd to one-half further Addijpjf&ls the n handling the a querf##by the more POlt, And If this and it#rt crop may ^ ^ ff lnstraotion. •0 Jip̂ llaf Btm1 :Jm$find to was It the sv* lehool U onthe slek •wfo*- ' •oM' loads kt bogs were ship- W. B. returned last week Tuesday. Ueme^ H«sM««« was badly hurt last week by bclitf thrown from his pony. Oatman Bros, paid 91,05 per hundred for Op^|iir milk. Their butter dlvl- dondwin IB oeots. Mr. Clufc Toft bas boon made glad by xoioividf i visit from bis brother *$to«,*roM»hern Mlonolota. lioBlaoo has boon oleotod mmmm tbo Bxoontlve Cossntttoo ol tbo MeHenry County AgrUmltural Boivd. Rrank Wray^aalo of Iowa 00we last Wednesday was stopped after a few had boon told. Chose, poor bidding. We Inadvertantly omitted to men tion the foot last week that'The Drummer Boy of SbHoh" gave aa en tertainment In town Deo. 1st. ~ Don't forget the Couoert at m Opera Hoose Satarday evening. Groat preparotliuit bsvo been nude for tbo entertsinm^t which gives promise of heir g the event of the season. Riohmond to tj^galn fortunate enough to have a Jewelhr, Mr. Nichols of LlbertyvIUo having looatod In towa. Ho oin be found for tbo prssoot at Harry PirlmeHi fruit nod notion store. One*thing Is certain, the crop of poultry was not a failure this year I1 every other crop was, Turkey*, ducks chickens aad geese without number have boon cared f«>r at the picking bOoses Of G.W. Eldredge and Waugh 4k Bastings. MoConnell ds MoQau, tho proprietors Of the Richmond eheesa factory, are still at the front. October milk nettod the patrons of this faotery the hsod- dividend of S3 oeots per hundred poundeof milk. This for butter alone, asnodboose is made by this firm. Last woek Tuesday evening Rev. Joeepb Gastoo delivered an excellent ieoture On tbo HYosemlt« Valley" at -1L B. Clif»rdk. Thursday evening ^Martyno tbo Bomorist*1 held forth at the Opera Boule to a sir all urowd- To-night (MoOday, Dec, ISth) tbe |»0ko Geneva Dramatic Club appear In MiTovadan nod 00 Saturday eveaiog 17th, the Oonoert by local talent taker SurelyRlchmond Is blestC?) «MKmkBi|p 9Mft« worob ASt999.«riitBl.&.G, Umoof bor dooesso ssloslonary work, ft] torsasapoptllntbo , _ aod bad ntoi^Maiiip :̂ Jamea Kaseoo snttloi His blandest smiles 00 friends in Wo^dst^k. A Mlllerttowo C^NiioX younc man • to^fUMtviftoiWMi two Metal •ordsupon entirely difeMut Mlgoota. *• ad- drosssd them, but by mistake placed |b* addn»as«s upon tbo wrong cards Tbe result WM that tbe eblrt msker in HarHsburggota polite Invitation to take a onitiago ride ln Btuft Ward e horooch^, wbllo tbe y«mf man's girl «a* made frantlo by mfihg the fol- , t 'Ploale send me a sample of lb* atol yoor shirts are Hade of."» "Judge will you oltmb on and ride Wltfe a graniorfN Ot course U was opt In the blakt of ye local to resist *ssd consequent* &b*flWnbid on, Hlpon among other to tbooi, aod tbo transHlon from these a suitable candidate for ,^9^iber of our legliiature was natural Famer--'̂ We want a praottoal fanner, 000 wbo will give tbo farming Interest bis special atten tion. Of course be must not shut bis eyes to other Interests but there are alwnynplonty of mon|bon who make *»il»1ty and 10090 ^0 farmer to tak«.&w of himself. MMH- C. H. Tryoo n '̂ambor a fow yojie ago, aad bolag a^botloal work ^ uraWia!| his oourse very wltloollyj and trm he dld iiet make loog •ches, fititfem be did r,°* «bd |wPoved blm «S.lii«pitt|l and aealous worker In bobdt#f tiMi Cwmlng districts, and* I not load alsS t|t«t wfeeoeoer the whisky •M. i question was up, bisiMortiioi'tb-. temperanoe Is* that session U1 we arrlvod at you showed 1 hut On the presented during flus be talked un- forks of the road " t bO had dip! v-- :wiaL, .|rben he ^>ed his team and oootiop»||%ay, odge, won't you just write aod g«tSOM|.fW:«0 nsxt log^atoro. ' ( has no oye lattbo to County Haines or tbf not Tiryon. Monday Deoember 5tb, tbe 50th Congress began its session at the tal. That the present fro on exciting and lntar- estleg one gees without tolUog, when tt la, remembered that next yoar is Presidential yoar and Hilt tbo poiiti cal leaders In the national legislature will never allow any aotlon to receive a tiieh within their respootlvs bodies may in any sense be used t them, or their parties, durlog Presideolal campaign. Goose qointly we may look forward to see m«Db of wrangling, idle discussion "talk for Buooombe," and peeing for Oftjsot so long ss tbe session lasts Wbllo It is morally certain that tbe Kuncor questions that ought to receive the attootion and eettlement will only serve to furnish tho foundation for tboso mountebank performoooes Possibly tbo Inter State Oommeroe Act* the i-'acfic Bsllroads, tlie Tariff, and other matters of like significance aod Importance, (but what may be voted by tty» politician at only |of secondary ooosldofat|on) ssaoy recotve tbo 00nsfderation they ololm, aad deserve, but it is safe to conclude that tbe long session just (entered upon must only bo regarded as the opeolog of tbe PresldeOtlal campaign. Meao while, all real interests must owalt wita patleoce the caprices of our rep- seoutiyea. To bo sure all this may be reversed aod tb>s Congress diStlngui st> itselt by moking a reoord that will alariys be poiotod to with pride, but front past experiences we oanoot ex pect any such "good luck." ' filKOWOOO. -W$- EDITOR PLAINDEALEH^-J. C. Ladd, of Osceola, Iowa, is visiting friends io RiOgwood and vicinity. James re ports good crops and prosperous times io his locality. Mai tin Spauldlng Is doing an ex tensive business In buying and dress ing poultry for tbe Boston market. He certainly has some very floe stock nicely bandied and he deserves snoosss. Tbe new Teacher In the Primary Department of our school, Miss Pom- ray, of Nunds, seems to fill tho bill so far to tbe satisfaction of all, Sharp discussions on tbe Presidents Message are among tbe attractions at tbe Pos. Office. Tbe question will bo deelded next November. Meeting at the M. B, Church every evening this week. John Hopper, in driving into town Saturday evening. It being very dark and stormy, had tbo misfortune to drive onto or oil an embankment near Mr. * Chase's residence, upsettlog bis carriage, demoralising the top con siderably, but injurlog no ooe sort ously. Tbe Method of beallog by laying on of bands In Ringweod- seeHS to have died a natural death, slooe Idiots bo- came scarce and It required the outward application of tbe sharp toe oi a boot to tbo Healer.--whose high est ambition*#* seesse to be only to excel as a travel!^, bftbtilfalfe gowk* more lo keepfngwltb hfs abffltles. Wa aee all satisfied bo will suoosod to wtlfs, go And vests at Bondott 4k Is aad flannols ot Boaslott 's. Bats In town at BonHott 4k Allkl oblldvai amioe tbe stock Althofi Bros. Uodorwear tbo bait market at nroar, ox- loam pHoaa* at Totbooo ood It- Is tbo Our stack of Clothing oaaoot bo ox* dtow lo qaaltty or prloe. Call and look tt ovor before yon buy. ALTBOP* Bnoe. . If younooTskFaU Winter Wrap itt*8toCol*s examloe tbelr It will pay you. NOTICK -As I have doolded to close up my buslneos lo Mo&To^ali partiOS owlog sao ore| requested to oallaod eettle at 0000. HnitsT COLHT. seo oar Flannels, plaasoyou. Tbo flnest st; einr oeon In Besley^ aosortmoot ro oro awo wo oao BOUdB TO JttHT. Inquire of 8, Raymond, West Mo* Henry. " lttf I will, trom now ootll Jlooary 1st, ^ WOtrtOds; Laos^msw Shasts aad Sproacb, If yoo are lo want of a oow bat o( honnet, or looklog around for Christ mas presents, do not foil to give as 0 csll. Mil SOTOMACMMi. Notion.--As I have dootded to oloao up my btnlnees to MoHOory, all parttoa owing mo are rofpostod to coll and tattle ot 0000, HKNBT COLBT. Namon.--As I bive deotded to dose upmy business In MoHonry, all parties owing me are requested to oall aod sottlootoooe. B--ET COLBT. Callondaoooor iteok of spOctaolos Don't pay a high price to o travellnf stranger when you can got foil aa food tor one-fourth tbo mooey. Call aod bo oenvtnOed. Gno, W, BKALIT at tho Weat Side Drug Store ;'*«*Af:;WA Tbo ht wtBtej ot Ai>ox Heoty. loundlor GAINS eeotbemi andbappy Tbo oalo Tbo highest market will be paid for good at the Fox -- ~ Henry. in River Valkgr wboai Ho- A choloe line of Box Paper, oboap, st BeslofX ^«*t Side. BONSLBTT 4k Dealers io flour, STOFFEL, . corn, oats, bran, middlings, ollmeal.eto. Call or writo for prloas. Plush Albums, Plush Tollot Cases and Plush Jewel Coses for holiday presents at Goo. W. Beeley's west side BREAKING COLTS. Anyone baving Colts whloh wlah broke to drive doable or st and broke right, will fiod It to tfietr advantage to give me o ooll. I will guaraoteo satisfaction. Ter^s Reasoi able. T. B. TUEMSK. McHenry. Nov. aid. 188T. Shakeapeare'a Worka, Med Lloe Edition, for only •! ot Beeley's drug store we*t side. firast RaductiwM is PHess. NBW THIS W Mrs. H, H. Nichols otters, from oow until January 1st, her entire stock of cfaiidree's hoods, ehlldreo's felt hi trimmed aod uotrimmed, boysP oops, aod other goods too oomeiooS to meo- tlOn, below ooo-balf the flret oost. rbis sale meaoa business from tbe start aod goods most bo olosod out for cssh this next mootb. Cell and loo for yourselves. Mns. H. H, NICHOLS, McHeory, 111. ' Toth# Dancing Publlo. As this Is my flrst party slooe taking possession of tbe Riverside House, aad my list of oamoa bee boon what imperfect, I may have missed seme In sendlog out tickets for. Nov Years, and If so I would say that snob omissions were not lotontfenal. nod that all are cordially Invited. And wo would tay to all thoee wbo do be they ffw or many, we oball en deavor to make It so plsasaot for them that they will be sure to oome again. Hepiog to meet yon all 00 tbo eveoing of the 30th, I remftln Yours Bespedfully, A. CAX.KM8. M""' to oo- ao- r -- My eogogooMttti make tbls Imperative aod not optional with OM. I trait those interested will give this their prompt ottOottoo. HMIT COLBT. fOA SALE. In tbe village of Rlogwood, tbo fol lowing property • One good DweHtog Bouse oontaln- I eg seveo rooms, good ooKar. On tbe somo tot In a shoi^ lla^l one story, suitable for elmoat aoy kiod of boot noes, tfej^ltod for >tjm». win sell bouse separata for ffitl. Or wlH eell hooae. lot ood Sbop fOr f860. Peeeee^ stop glveo homodtaloly. Aloo a«HlM» bouso nod loi w«U Hooted*' TboiMUiil'oontnial Mb IOOUM» Special Koti.ee, All partlea owing mo are again tlfied that all notes ns well oa book oonnts most bo settled ot sotdfOrft • 'v;V Mm-, m " eash. ' Wi Tbo Baroo If yoo bottom;' Tho m farm ( neer W| dorngoodi ty of irati ooodltieo. terauiifa tbopesibt AU ktnd* books aod west side. Not a fill have ret evertlw 0* Ibelr oouooedf bib nod wife that< tloa--beve Dr. King'e Oolbv*S We hava test oedtaarjr oAeOf CASH Hew 1. _ •f that, oily: upoieaaaOr yourtaMa. *•»* e»*awhe«fc will wake yoo t