Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Dec 1887, p. 4

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wmm \,k£<.S: '•>. Jt8DAY. WRD ug as we tlo tliut if if fot the intereg^%f seller to buy and sell for cu^li only, we shall, J... .. .1-.. 0 wl 1 ;.<mi J.TA Ss y, by a Semi-Weekly and Weekly Ec ITS"# SEMI-WEEKLY INTER OCEAN nd TIIUKSDAYS, and boside the m K'cial iuatureH of great value to those Mimblished on MONDAYS and ' PA PER «?.•88a p" '.X. Jk CO.*8 New«paper A.<tvertl*jng RtirWM (»»Pr^ 8UWt£where Rdwtl(sing f t N E W Y O R K - iVJay Hubbell is in the field for the Republican nomination for Con- greMoan In the Eleventh Michigan District. with Big competitors. g^pr»Ex-Secretary Dftolel J. Man­ ning died at hi> home. In Albanv. ST. T.. on Saturday afternoon last. He had been fradmllr failing for soma days and his death was not u^ex^eot- ed. * gyrX Battle Creek correfporident tells of George Arnold's sentence, on Saturday, to thirty days in jail at Mar­ shall. and Ihe efiender's making the trip to the county jail at Marshall •lone becauae the court officer* were too busy to take him. 10"Mrs. Kilpatrick, widow of Gen. Judson Kilpatrick. has concluded not to return to Chili, the plac« of her na­ tivity and old home, but with her two daughters will live at The Homestead, the General's late residence, near Deckartown, N. &/' |0rFur a young member, Hon. A J. Hopkins, of Aurora, Is making his nark In Congress as one of the best repieseotatlves from Illinois. He Is modest, unassuming and able, and the Republicans ef the Fifth District will no doubt reward him with a reelec­ tion. Se far he has a* opposition. --Journal. he Overland Express. e latest addition by the Chicago Northwestern R til way to Its al­ ready ^admirable train service is its new train between Chicago and Oouu- cil Bluffs, which on account of Its quickened movement and the very ad- vaiitageousjconneciions which it fora»s for the Pacific Coast, has been chris­ tened the' Overland Express.'* rhe^make-up and moveraeut of this train have been arrangod with studl* ouscare to afforJ the greatest conven­ ience and best servioe to the patrous of the Northwestern. Completely equipped with Wagner Palace Cars, in which are found all the mast recent and approved devices for comfortable and even luxurious travel --suppienfented by the perfect service for which the Chicago & Northwest­ ern dining cars have established a na­ tional reputation-- leaving Chicago daily at 7:30 p. m . after the day's work Is over, arriving at the Missouri River before the following noon--connect I n» with the fastest trnin9 of the Union and Central Pacific.Railways for Den­ ver and tlie coast (upon which new through sleepers aje carried from the Missouri river to the Gulden Gate), reducing the time of transit from Chicago to San Franclsoe to 89 hours. For Information, time tablss and sleeping car reservations apply at the ticket offices ef the Chicago & North­ western Railway, or address E P. Wil­ son, G. P. A., Chicago. 111. 19*This is only a straw, but straws •how bow the wind blows: The Mis- Mar! editor who has beea sending out circulars to editors of weekly Repub­ lican papers in Missouri, Kansas, and Illinois, asking their presidential preferences, has rsceived slxty-ulne replies so far. Of these thirty-six are for Lincoln, thirteen for Sherman, twelve for Blaine, two for Harrison one for Sheridan, one for Fiske. one for Gresham and three for the field. A colored woman and a white man met on the street at Beaufert 8. C, the other day, and the path through the mud would only permit ot one passing at a time. Neither would waive; the right'to the first place and th|y both remained in the street all day, sendirg for chairs and their meals, while their friends gath­ ered about to watch the "sitting match." When the old lady sent for her knitting the white man concluded lie did not waot to go that way, and turned back. fGFRev. Hugh Pentecost, the pastor of-ihe Congregational aD a Illinois 8tate Teachers'l Association The thirty-fourth annual meeting of the Illinois State Teachers' Associa­ tion. will meet at Springfield. Dec. --30. The County Superintendent's Association will meet there at the same titn*. An excellent programme has been arranged for each meeting. Railroads will make the usual reduc tlen. A receipt must be secured from the agent of the home office selling the ticket, this countersigned Sy the R. R] Sec. will secure reduced rates re­ turning. Music will be furnished by the Imperial Quartet, of Chicago, one of the finest male quartettes in the West. as shown by the announcement of his repudiation of Christianity. • fond- ness for sensation rather than religion (••evidently one of his leading charac­ teristics, and he will no doubt, ulti­ mately be found in the society of socb men as Flelden and others ol his class who have abandoned the calling ot religious teachers to become mere agitators about the saloons and other resorts of the Anarchist crowd. 'Wharton Barker, of Pbiladel ptii*, announces himself as a candidate for delegate to the national conven­ tion on an anti-Blalne platform. He is against Blaine for the reason that he thinks the letter's nomination would be Mtoo great a peril to be nebd lessly incurred." that the Maine man Is admitted no stronger than be was la 1884, and that the same causes that combined to defeat him then would operate against him were &he again a eandidate, with added elements ol weakness apparent to all thoughful persons. Mr. Barker opposed Grant in 1880 and Blaine in 1884. His argu ments against J, G. B. are not without force and reason, but as they emenate from a chronic and professional kicker thty will not have the weight to which they would be otherwise en­ title d.~-JfaM. •pSTThe political situation in France Uifar from reassuring. The friends •f republicanism throughout the world w^re greatly encouraged by the happy outcome ol the late crisis in the elec MOD of M. Carnet to the Presidency Subsequent events, however, have demonstrated a deplorable lack of co­ hesion among the nominal supporters of the Government, so that the Presi­ dent has been unable to organize a Cabinet that promises to remain In power a mouth, and his own retire­ ment. after the example of ex-PresI dont Grevy, is now deemed one of the early probabilities. About the only encouraging Sign for the malntainance •f a republican form of governmeut lu France, consists In the imbecility of the monarchist leaders. France is afflicted with a superabundance of great men and a dearth of patriotism, the Inevitable result being dissensions and mutual dtstrus;, which may end In H^har anarchy or despotism. Oalifornla Excursions. "The Chicago & North-Western Rail­ way will solflirst class (excursion tick- •te to San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, and other points in California at very low rates for the round trip. These tickets are good going by one route and returning another, and are good for return for six months from date#f sale. The Northwestern Is also selling third-class one way tickets to afl points to California at very low rates. For fall particulars, rates, and gen- oral information, apply to Agents C. • W. Railway, or address E P, Wilson, Genfral Passenger Agent, Chicago. 18 6w A Morel BtuineaS Calendar and Stand. By far the most novel, convenient, and valuable business calendar for 1888 is the Columbia Bicycle Calendar and Stand, just issued by the Pope Manufacturing Company, of Boston Mass. In this calendar a new departure nas been made, decidely unique and different from any previous attempt in calendar construction. The calen­ dar proper is in the form of a pad, containing 366 leaves, one for each day in the year, to be tern off daily. The leaves are 5| by 2$ inches, and a por­ tion of each leaf is left blank for mem dranda, so arranged that the memo­ randum blank for any coming day can be turned to immediately at any time The pad rests upon a portable stand Which takes up bnt little more room than the pad itself, aud whej placed upon the desk or writing table the en­ tire sur^iCe of the date leaf is brought ana lert constantly, before the eye,"furnishing date and memo­ randa, Impossible to be overlooked. It is one of the neatest and handsomest designs we have seen, Tha Paper forth* MillionStUI at the Front. The Western Rural and American Stockman of Chicago is one of the most progressive and thouroughly practical farm journals of this country. It is also the largest as well as the best of its class and is always at the iront on the leading questions which affect the interests of the farmer and stock- raiser. The Western Rural Is the pa­ rent of the Farmers Alliance Move­ ment which is growing strong In all the Western States. The organiza­ tion has done much to break up combi­ nations which seriously cripple the in terests of agriculture and has set in motion influences which must crystal­ lize into legislation to put in check the greed of corporate capital. The price of The Rural. $1.50 per year, is mar- velously low for so large a journal Address, Milton George, I ublisher Chicago. 111. senortnbn^^ FACTS YOU CAN BET ON. That the eldett and largett tobacco factory in th* world ia in Jersey City, N. J. That factory makes the popular and world- lamed Climax Plug, the acknowledged stand­ ard for first-class chewing tobacco. That this factory was established as long ago as 1760. That last year (1886) it made and sold the quantity of 27,982,380 lbs. or fourteen thou­ sand tons of tobacco. That this was more than one-seventh of all the to­ bacco made in the United States notwith­ standing that there were 966 factories at work. That in the last si years this factory has helped * - support the United States Government to the extent of over Forty-four 'million seven hun- • dred thousand dollars ($44,700,000.00) paid into the U. S. Treasury in Internal Revenue Taxes. That the pay-roll of this factory is about ft^ooo,- 000.00 per year or $20,000.00 per week. That this factory employs about 3,500 operatives. That this factory makes such a wonderfully good chew in Climax Plug that many ether factories have tried to imitate it in vain, and in despair now try to attract custom by offering larger pieces of inferior goods for the same price. That this factory nevertheless continues to increase its business every year. That tills factory belongs to and is operated by Yours, very truly, P. LORILLARD & CO. SIBLEY'S (|*TESTED»#| 0 E E D 0 SEND^rillutaW CATALOGUE vegetable Flo /er. i-leld OCCnC Plants, Bulbs Implem'ta. 9 E* K t D CT E* ny .aall >n ippllcatlon. • I\ K C Dont neglect writing tor it. HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ROCHESTER, N. V. 322-328 X. IU1> It CHICAGO, ILL. tt-li*. Clark tt. THE WEEKL T INTER OCEAN MODEL FAMIRY newspaper, Sound and wholesome In nvorv respect. It contains each week n, very carcfullynrepared summary ot thoISIOVVS OF XHE WORLD, and the VERY BEHTJU|TEg&&lK4& ' it. W TE8 that MONEY CAN ItliY. AmoiiK its special departments1 THE FARM ANI> HOME, WOMAN'S K1NOIJO-VI, and THE OIJKTOSITY SHOP are superior to any such departments i" allv "f'her American iniMiuatimi. The popularitv of TilE WKKKI.Y INTER (H'KAN is shown by the fictthi >s"rilK'rsinEVESiY STATE AN1> TERRITORY IN THE lIMON.iUlS at It has MANY achie ved this threat success by a conaclentioiut aims to liecc Mibse . , IN FOHEIUX COUNTRIES. It ha. ..... r --- endeavor to faithfully nerve its readers. It aims to become the friend of every member of the family, and at tho same timo act tho p;> rt.of instructor and entertainer lor the home circle. How well it has filled these parts hundreds of thousands of readers ean testify, and many of them do testify iu beautiful ami grateful letters to the Editor. IHE HAEKET REPOUTS OF ALL EDITIONS OF THE INTER OCEAN ARE RELIABLE AMD COMPLETE. SCKIBNEE'S MAGAZINE AND THE INTER OCEAN. For the benefit of subscribers to THE INTER OCEAN special arrangements have been made with the publishers of SCKlkiNER'S MAOAZrNE. by which we can lurniBh that popular and eleKftutjaublicatioii with THE WEEKI.Y itlTltB OOEANj both for one year, for THREE DOLLARS JSH.OO). The Magazine ia illustrated in the highest Style of art, and is one of the best published in America. The American Agriculturist and The Inter Ocean. We have also made arrangements with the publisher of THE AMEBJC AN A GUI-1 1. • i. ai. .. x --i; «.i4K nrEflr urwirT v tvii'ir In this CHANGE w« shall HIMRE no friend* NOR frrfa/Tiut serve all alike, CASH ON DELIVERY HEING our motto to all. We know that in doin? this we can sell goods cheaper, aud THEREFORE our customers wilf be benefitted as WELT Yourselves. (X W < Z c/? * TR 73 a CD P O 00 k for OVER THIRTY YEARS, and is now better than ever before. THE SEMI-WEEKLY in any of these COMBINATIONS is gl.50 MORE than THE WEEKLY. Do not forget th at IN 1888 A PRESIDENT WECX BE ELECTED, and events of (treat importance are portending in Kurnpe. At such times every family should have a thoroughly reliable newspaper. The f a th e r sa n dm o th e rs need It < dren. Bend for sample copy of THE INTER 1 OCEAN. t as well as the chil- Kemtttances may be made at our risk, either by draft, express, poatofflce order, expreu ordereTtoBtal notes, or registered letter. Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. PAYNE L "k BOILERS of ail Sizes* HI at W AYS bo ful l , and of the best, and we invite our old cus­ tomers and many new ones to call as we are sure we can'save vou money. - , ,. Y Wishing you allHAPPY YEAR," we rem#!, Yours for Cash and One Price Only, WRITE m 33. "W. m mi 08 WHAT YOU WANT. cto SONS, Drawer 1130, ELMIRA, N* T« 10 South Canal Street, CHICAGO, IU. BBANPW flPPlPT?<!» j 10 Son n *nal !stPeet» pKAWtn UtrlLiib* |45 Dey Street, HEW YORK, REPORT OF THE C O IV D I T I O N --OF-- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, --AT THE-- Ciose of Business, Bee. 7, '87k HESOCBCES, Lr»ana and discounts Qvorilrafts,. '. U.S Bonds to secure circulation. .. Due from ii!n»voveil resevvc agents. l)ito t'voui other National ISnnUs.... . Current expenses and taxes paid... Ulic ks ami other cash itenis.V.#i... Ituis of other hanks Krc' paper cur. nickels & pennies.. Spooe... v». .Hits * -- Legi I ten<ler notos^ .. ftetl'mpt'n fuiul \«IJ. S/i'reasurer (5 per cent ot I'otal . .f 113,736 80 357 90 30,000 00 21 i, 1 >25 Ot 20.1H3 18 25 47 St & ESSSIT, --GENERAL-- Commission Merchants. All kinds of Produce. Butter, Eggs. Veal and Poultry a specialty. 274 SOUTH WATER 8TRKBT, OHIO AGO, ILL. Tap*, Stcncita, CaBes and Coops sent on ap­ plication. KKFEREHCB:--Prairie State Loan and Trust company. MlUL JiF FARE. UnpiLal st 4nri> Un Sal (11 (•I. 1,350 #234,20b 19 ..... 50,000 00 30,000 00 2,186 62 Outstaniing.. 27,000 00 ulijcct to.check 124,089 07 of deposit 934 50 ...$234,200 19 I.INOIS, I Henry, f Quiulan Oaahler of tho ab«ve k,do solemnly swear that theabove is true to the'best of my knowledge EDW\RD 0. QUINLAN, Cashier, crlbed mid sworn to before ibe this 13th i Dec, 1887. K. V. JKWBTT, Notary Public. Cvrrcot Attest:-- JOHN J. MURPHY, WM. H.STEWART, E. E. RICHARDS. Directors. THOUSANDS OF THE BEST $38 GOLD W A T C H *2.40 1.00 Finest Reefing Jackets, in Black 13,00 A1s)inBIue 6.75 Men's Beaver Caps, heavy cloth .50 Leather front, knit Mittens, .50 Boys' Knee Pants, heavy Twilled .50 and .47 Boys Turban, double Caps, .50 Men 's Undershirts. .25 to .75 Keep your eyes open. E. LAWLUS, EVES £S£ SELLING IN OUB CO-OPEFIATI CLUBS, Thin Is tli« B«it. Cheapest, Most Ooiivniieut, And only co-oncrative System of telling watches. The watches j.Ve Anu-rican Lever Stem Winders, Containing every csscntfal to accuracy and durabil­ ity, and have, in addition, numerous patented im­ provements foimi! in no oilier wa|Ch. They are ab­ solutely the oi ly Ihtut and liampproof Move- metifr lim-le iv tl... World, nnd are jeweled through­ out \v: 'i OS: V * f A K M {JHI KS. The Patent Stem fVuu ami Svt the strongest.and simplest made. They air. J'lilft/ equal for apjtear- anc<>, v••n/rnrii, durability ami service, to any $75 M'nlrh. Our-i 'o-operative CMub System brings them within the reach of every one. We want an aetive, responsible r«p> mentative in EVEBT CITY and TOWS. Heavy profits f;nnrant«ed on limited investment. Write for full particulars. The Keystone Watch Club Co. P. 0. Bos 528, Philadelphia, Pa. R R F KR F.NCE SKeystone |Nation;il Dank, or any Com- f mercial Agency. A G FANCIES : New Tori, K.7. Banlitaie, h. CMctgo, IU. Esater, Col. Pittsburgh, Pft. Btltlmore, Vl Boiton, flui. Bt. Lonli, llo. Philadelphia, Fa. Wilmington, Dst 8#troit,!41clu WATt-fi Xto., (to. Parker's > SPAVIN CURE IS tNE^VALED as an application to horses for the cure of Spavin, Klien- mniism, Hplint, Navicular •loints, and all severe Lame­ ness, also for track use wfean reduced. ^ Price 91,00 per bottle. - Bold by druggists. Strong testi­ monials on application, ' E. W. BAKER, O* Bole Proprietor, ANTRIM, N. H. Trade supplied by J AS. E. Darts & Co., Detroit, Mich.; Peter Van hehaack & Sons, Chicago, OL { Meyer Bro's & Co., St. Louis, Ko. J. Fekoxriiky Saloon and BwUanut, One door South of tbe Post Office, McHENRY ILLINOIS Pure Wines, Liquors and Cigars si ways be found here. - HOT SOUP, For Free Lunch every day. Warm or Cold Meals At all hours and on short notice. OYSTERS By the dish, can or bulk. We keep none but tbe best brands, and guarantee them tresh and nice. Call and see us and we will do our best please you. J. PEK0VSKY. McHenry, December 7th, 1887. *&St O U R S T O C K O F V . - ^ • • . • • • • ' * ' : 1 ' •$msm L! McHenry, III., December 28, 1887. ALTHOPF BROST -DEALER IN 1 DRUGS, MEDICINES, 'i PAINTS, OILS, Toilet Articles, PURE--- FOR MEDICAID USE. , Mm Ato mh {IW M^'i^af dseT The best brands OL Cigars and ^ SMOKING and (Jhewiug Tobacco always on hand. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPT!ONf Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. C. BESLEY, McJlenry, December 28th, 1887. IH X T O U F O R C A S H , Do not fall to Supply Yourself from our Great CLOSING OUT SALE. SISOOO^STOCS To bo Conveitid into Cash at O&eo. And Actual Cost is all yoa are required to pay. No old or shelf worn (roods to select Irom, but ever, article .New and Fresh and otapie. IHIS, we believe/ must be the class of goods you want. ' COME ! IT WILL PAY YOU- Respectfully, 1AJ A MTCn **fcK(iRTi«, %E W M W I C . U L I A B L E M E N t o s e i l Trait Trees. Graie Vines Shrubs, EOB@B, &o LIBERAL COMMISSION or SALARY and £X?£NS£S PAID. AtlUrow It p. FKEKMAN & Co,, Brighton N. Y tti- '-m *"•¥ ^ tyt! \ 6 ^ ""-A MS™ OI)ta i: i t-'.l, <1 il!i I'All.Si Jit ..,A/iSS «t- tciKlc.i lo for M(i 71'i. i.s «)ur offlcc is optMisiu- the r S. 1'uU'Hi Oilii-e. and we fan ob­ tain Cutouts in less tinv; t'nn roiiiiic from WASHINGTON . s..ii<j moi>i:i.. I>HA h IN<i or J'llOTO of invention We advise nx !(> imtent- nt)ility free of oliaw nnd we nmke AO t'llAHQE UNLESS PATENT IS SEt l UU). For circular, adviet?, terms and references to afituvi„clieiits in your own suite. Oiunty, (,'iijr or Town, write tu C . A . S N O W a C m Orwmtc Patent Office, Washington, D C USE 'STEWART'S1 H E A L I N G CREAM ForChapped Hands, Lip», etc. It makes the skin smooth, soft and white J cools and heals th© face after , r '^vin» ;»>•«» cures Burns, Tetter, m alt-Rlieum, cuts from corn husking,! J etc- Thi3 Cream is the mosX satisfac - llory preparation made. 1 Priee, j5 and 5Q ct8 a bott,e ^ •\ It your druggist does not keep it nnd will not order it, send 24 cents in ^stamps for large sample bottle toj Stewart Healing Powder Co.. 404 N. 2nd Street, St, Louis, Mo. The Rots and Giant F#»«d Cutters tie beat in the mirlcct at R, Btabop'p, BOOKS, THi.EE CENTS EACH! ari? piJbllsho(1 ?n pamplilrt form. rnnto^ from pood readable type ofl ir«o«| •KS ft?.I y ? th»em haud8°nuny iUnnratcu. They are without exception tU« book* ev#r |»«i» 7}?n".or lan«uage, anj furtiicli to tlie masses ot tlie people »n oj.rwirtuuitv to , the day at the most trifling expense. In any other tlx^e yreut works v Uniei the price at which they are here offered. .Each oue is coiiij.l «at Wonder* of tbe World, 1XD OTHER, •-- HTIJ llliniratKms of tlie t«».nt w..n Cot 1 k@ Of 5 I.I inn "",l1 > try inir-tcating ;i Woudcraol the New. A «>{ the w. ti i. r- ful and Ix antiriti tliin^a IuudU at the louoia of ti.o ot:«t»u. wiih profuse ' •i JoV •»«> Other Br s Win., a «,r iii#-»»futuiy t>y the lu.wt |.n|.,ll„r 1,1,|l„. ,|»y. Aunt Kcxiuii i*i>p<-1.1 ( LAKA >. untlmr **,' T1"' A !>,..»! iLlidilmy tui,t,y t*.ok --tn.rery w»y »|ii,l t,, -Wi.tow Rf. Chrl.tmu. Sturio. l v C»«uii •mi(ib«r<ir t ie niu«[ .'l..irmia; C|,I„ k» thecr. i l.-.t writer w!. . ,»v.-r l ln- ,1 . l n. h. ,11. . 1 ,0 . Koumt the I'vi-HlliB I.UUM,. A U ..I Mmit ll." lull.. Ii.IVk .11 h..«,V. rOpulitr IterltllttoilM 11 utt Otutit1*, iiftn nir Mejn.1 IMthetir. i,„ In.linw 4,1 t;,u I.,,,,,. i„:^ The Self-iuadc Men i>r Mu.!"niTlmt,. ( ., Ir»1t» .n.l bingia^MFK I.r f .n.ou. .eir-iu.,!, Aiiierical Itnie of FranUtiu to tlif pi'-rtctit. Famlllur Quot.iUou.. c .,:i.lntiis tt.emlut,. .n.t am'...1 rttpof M",y ph,«,. I.e„urmlj nu t In ,„,Hus •«<! Low 1 •bowing . Th* I liny h«>uk C'<nia!na a !*er written lW-J.Imm. r«. <1rnma* r pur. A T&l "ilfe In Ncvr York. A i>er1i>« of vltid p»« dark bMo of lis- In t(i« frteat cirj. rinftiatcJ. _ lomd t* Wcullh. Sot an mlwitUmg ohctilar, WMeball may nmSin nioiif.v. «n«ilv. rnni.ilv #«• Hand red T , l l irhniirt loomk, lu« . „ Nor.i. By M A Novel. Bf aerllce. A. 1 laiorltea. 1 . MAT Aovna The K«» Tbr 4ii,t '» hi' I't'i Itolton < IllU- f" ti1::# Thfc H t tlllnl Kub!o«. A Nwf. 1 Ot.kHi( li„t. A N<iwl. I.yji* «« |lj».' Xovfi. l.s A.«!l lltttl. a NuvW. J!y Ii * lin^- > S >vr\. Jty Krt» W. rilfarw. te l^llitcm A Novel. \'y lha author < Dlmnond Hrncelot. A Vov»l. Ry Mr r*j th« »m uulU cu^t m.- ;i> r,:m: . V? V!»« V. K. vli and Mr. Il/4ci I itiuurl li*i Mi'lwfi'it T*r« ^!nm A Novel. By the author »»f •• |k.i« r»,.iUu*tr„<.d. The *Iimb of llcnrta. A Novel. By I*. I.. Piwuft*. l>ori-«* Forltnir . ANuv.1. Ily Fi .nki- m v . W« mi -kx . A l.OU' MMPrinr**. A Nuvri. Hy Mitfl Ulnnt K, 111*9 KUcp. A N< vhI. h> Wii.kik r*n i.isa. Tbe ol' A Korel. Hv Ki.niiKvnr U4BBT4T. A >..vel. Ity For^iiitf the A Nuv«-I. A I'liij wriirht'a OuugllUn A I [IIWAIUIH. Illustrated. Fair but FaUe. A Kovtl, Bf tli« author ef *• thra n«oriie." IUu*tratcti. 1,nm>a«tcr*ft C«bln. A KoviL Br Mr*. M.V. Virrea» 'l/tftmfrd. \vc Klnartoira Oath. A Novel. By Mr*. Milt A HovaL By Or.J.H. BOIIIIMVi Tb» tallfoml* Cabin. A Novel. By M. T. C«i.i>oa. __ wsfl any four of the abora book* by mail rout-paid tipon receipt of only 19 Ceatay any ten tot SSCeeteiany twentv-Jlv? lor XSO Cental the entire liwt (4ohookn)f«r if* Cents; the entire list bound la boardi Wtth woth back, for ,10e Thi«Uthetrreatent barpRin in books ever olfered. Do not fail to take adTantaceof it. Bmtfketi&n guaranteed or money refunded. Post-ice sr.amt>« taken forfracrtonaof a dollar. AR toonr reliability, wewer to any newspaper publlabed in New York, likewise to the Commercial Agencies. All order* iljad by •lm ••It iMnntUlettw: r.M. LVirrox.P«ulik«r, HwrayaKMlilmTaiW Florenee Ivln

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