Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jan 1888, p. 6

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it her, Mrs. •oar J ."tier? " "bletoi fknuS a * tOttSlMin, VHItt JOTS Or'" !̂ •M8B»IUI 8es sbe> ejfeiWi at c abac "to a end «n' the , o* tto diy be .lift a*,,; ifioift come a visitin' to oar whet kind »,*• M r̂ i'd took her sbe'dgot 8F»n'. sly, 'wnwl onedge, "he's as other men, t smarter look 's smarter yet man an* mine," • /eeeX fbi&aiitbajt'eitoaigaX m™t go toJOTia' him," an' I begun to feel oaeaay «' natrons like; 'cansel . ea^^vaaadrivia'et cause ye "Mebbe I do, an* mebbe I dont," see aboald think heawars a makes him look ao ma, Sethoame WW; tfc» "Ob.nothln' much,* iwl, tbp g r̂dUjntooold ha* bo ĵ|jjj?a*a thifday,iMl̂ I set that IeeaHhrrer klldw«d it #v 4fl ' ••Anil O---• . - • reestoa Betiitinn taeiataei '"&&&&&&+ aidy. say, much, whafbathe t̂ Vf&trt&ol tot» ftot as e*er my feet oould flWf-ttk-" Smb stain they voa a fcwto' an* heavy. m X could b«« • pM/xE|ITOMfc liCWf Iwliii ' • m. lookedthrough tiie irinder Je*tf PaesataaoM mridft* shawls l̂negingham apera wtt llyin'm thewfeaJike thester*f*w«Jed banner to the IwMla o* Boln Btta, when the Southerners was ar* IT' oar ' we aeeda' ha' rov- so, tor then warn* nobody apunrain' her, tmt I reckon the state o'her feelin's waaaeeh thatsheaoaldntgoslow.noho*. An'from that day to this hed Ao oooaaloa to j letch a my kitchen door woe Neighbor"*-Fan** Mod* ~=*mmmrn: AocuHalatiea. toSferald tad eontioi "The a •ay Iwttet mosey d the inspector, r, raid: that man his me when I ran » nt doesn't care I' fl :J"e.. 'v'; ' toiervetbe ĵ M»tJfcoo--awfTeaome Raveling postof- tt̂ yel." le PostofBce De- be Tory apt to |This establishment I* nobody V got a right thisofflee?" itf rxvib&M to Jngiit Ms lie tome, here red," ses Seth, a- the settee an' sat foot into the Mi* old man Filkina." inyboy/ seehe, he al> m* tbat, se&' be lawMd tm^ ÎfplitfarP* mL • pextend ye don't kaow what afc'ye've got most folkse's yar beavy affliction,' s*a A . I sympathy!» aes I, *1 dent sta«d In need on't, as I know on. Can't ye aay vhat'a op ?' " " ~Boy/*aes he, 4ye*re actin' like a bearein' yer tcoiabl̂ withoat no ** aU what's thot P- le '̂lt, tnust"%i?,̂ to see„ the mother ov tooi y<^««We foftWhor. Mf«m: be ta^ofdssn' an' grindm* wcHrm tmmwB intojrwr viMs, when yer '« bu yer pardttec ao pn «*' has got her ftn*hr iiiml * ' •<- „'••• Jehoaopnat: 01a man, ef it gray hairs, I'd knock yer clean rnto" the middle o' next week. jBetin* yer pl«ty old enough to be my " % I woatjteeli yp, but tkee ttiat ye yer ttarda, o* W ghre ye law to yer<lm*H%aafeMteo^Ofi.* . "I expect X beilered theiai words load enoaghlrt' etsryOO ̂ta hear, 'cause I w ^ ' t t ™ ° ° d noth^ ̂hjvm ye or Helril̂ r!̂ . no! fer the world, ve know tljat, ami when 1 ia l̂yhafe yno w ̂it *mt"'" far /er sake tiiattliere it. Bat Ufa Hm enattt ml'ti' Jmmur. and her ji*' Mtyexpendî re.. thatl Am I reaUy in It essential to my * -- 1 1 ^ fanoied rale of thrift lw ̂ auuft tke taddbr J#* Of e6«(»e" încludes ex^m^ ̂fa t̂his and moBtiy inJarioaX •*)& expendi­ ture in tiiis country Tor bereragea hae become an eeoa<miio qnastion oi great importance, as it ia nndoabtedly a leading byjienic one, and whiltft the io<ttai o« cost to a nation of the 'ilty earned illfiiea w "Aitt*i4&ar a lei "Xmt: a.' long have joa been [reckon." 1 old fellow, c«a- way among the the Postmaster* lim, sprang to his feet doyoa wmit here, it paper*" that yer kain't get Iwed that yer mont a. • When yon refused slide an' hoastother yer couldn't git ^J.'opce," git that paper." are a better man than what I think." m,.: • Ming for each old t other and ,be- e. Abe 8mith in throwin f̂che Postauuter. Smith, e% he began to mer, "goia' ter l̂ t me from the Post- released his get itik as h e il̂ wand ;oa Iwnz 't know Come yer have !er me,tpo?N / :'h u£aĵ g ̂it» Abe. Ter fit for ther wihes, and beer consumed ia greatly exaggerated, yet the cost is rery cerions. ami falls mostly onper- aosf of small means, who can ill afford to exchange their earnings for anything batft&e actual necessities of life. <!Rm fnle applies to other expenditures Cbat v ay well bo postponed, at least antfl * idependen«e--not the hvlepend- that make&iabor unneeessary, bat tfee independence that aide labor, in enabling it to weather bad times, and to seleH location lor home aad work. Bfrnkaf s Monthly. A Bloodless Man. Not many miles from Berlin there lives a man wbok i' what report says of bim be troe, is certainly one of the most remarkable phenomena oa record. The papers state as a posithre fact that he hae no blood in bi* veins, and that a sciehtistshave ducls^e? ̂ ^ î!bil% to secoant for this extra r̂dimury cir> eumstanoe. The man is a eorpofal in the German army aad gfrw br the aame of Otto Sohreiber. He himself was quite aooonscioas of his Uoodlese oeaduloa mstii two months ago, wbna be foagbt a dnelrwitb a fellow soldier. Ilia opponent ran his sword through w T_.r._rT.TIT_ bis body, wltbont, however, the ctmursdae ef thiseorpocvd baire earefnl not to t*iad"oii Ui um, 00 ao eossideraltoa to aee ît a er letter," me e f̂in.® tbe Hevia* sooMy yittî idy. t been oat & the hones fer a week, seain' slM'd %d tbe ia- aa* to the sorfaty ibo an' dog life on 'ete tr ehap what's been • W< ,̂ aday% tbeiareto {tbe, ask 'lî htykeea '-"" l̂ia'me M ay ap »'d make i,yerj m t̂mrnrn Fmeorry.bat ktwas enough rile up enny man. Bat it who be hatflbed oat JWi slander an' hov it ootdd ba1 without nothiir bat tb«t •isî lo build oa.' " Tbat ain't jmrd to sayB Filkins. leaked l̂ aoe that Mrs. maa that tfis'd %Sa •ome»boatber 4 " a WSle ten, that comfluistered auT ketehed Btealia' t dowa to Nre she conm toasevsre B*r}in. A bsck f̂ wasspfl anbsduaamstmitdia ima tbiast iato iiia cooling oat at the ̂ Kbtadrop of Mood and Otto felt no pain dur­ ing the«MSatMMtTUemUemeairho examia ĵlbim era aow fu% eonviaaed that there are thiags la hearen and earththattboynever' dreamed ot Qtto ' as wciolV af la* timeil&p (L Ou, aest yea*);"toifl|©* himseU ia fee piinoipal eities <rf¥a- rop»^ Ĵtofer̂ a4» rami#** The b^ebrated Ltestng 'was remark­ able1*'" Holds' ' most ,1HM- of mind. -' patdodoe otlefoeayer "BlVelkendo "AU right, Abie.w . lliey went at it again; pranced around. str*kii)g .ich other. Fi- arfgr Plauamer a beavy eelf on tbe prostraw r̂o? he m [̂: "l>on't want tbe letter, do yer, Ai»fe?" ; "Reckon not, Plummer." "All right, come erhead aa' git yer paper." When Abe had goaethe Postmaster turned to the inspe< ̂aad jwid: "Want anything on'tea me?" "No ̂I bwevo not* "Had er letter here aa' I dida't want yer ter have it yer woaldn't argy tha oat want no track with met? "Jlooe" "Wall, tben, %ood-̂ v Got ter gp ia iM |̂«^m^ke ap ther aiafl." I A Handy Bunco Tram 1 A John street diamond dealer iay«: "Our building has aa entraOok on both John street aad Broadway. Several times I've noticed strangers la tbe hall ip«ently vniting fwr scaaebody, and sir Mia invariably weee **aad ,aad" mostified look oa defprtiag, wbfle Otoe maa in particular fjfeatwwtsdby aa offlcor as an e«OH :̂:i|saatiiB iOf̂ ea ̂ v " , tfie otbak ?mr -i-"'- 1^1 II -Will rr "V ' •dm' " ' fpwgm un r̂ iraieeA-aad badja .tiaetlng'amifaV î̂ B ̂ tt bonrafterm f̂ioiMdoa m in arite&M Xnaised'bî . *8m* eaftl •I &** a of «4@<|.he'oi«d :to fag. and be totd flM #' mat here ami he'd t̂ e ̂ tijgfrt oftgl to his hotel iai; givo i>:iii(|(db:';le^aiifc1W* ;̂-" ̂ " 'Ximfa from the country,; aren't yon?'Xaifced.' Hotw staid ^^Nt.̂ s«fpiMed 'af* at iavoltteir n *«rae* ewa eat, aa ' ,:batT w^ked the si . leading m .m«ie, b .̂ «maUs»dd)e^b*g« «MMie>»aadobeesa himsell of his bie laidfaadialo |be ottmra bnadlo ol lav a hemp r*-"" he^^^ l̂ forth,ilte «o2S? tbe ae> ffinee and in* 1MM*f at the oeortooomt be wlttibi the bai;tookaee^aad btkaa maimbing bis bread and e Wee. Thelewy«»and epectators smitedatthe awkwardcOuo- tryaiaa oa bia flnl iMfe tolhoe îtaL Soon a oaee wasoelled wbicheeemed to intereet OM oouatrytoa .̂ It involved the title to a bvge tract of land lying ' m**r* -'Country," r. Taylor, of Virginia, a leading ids argument by a All at onoe the r muaAing, and tbe oonnseloD thab«^k, co»- ""' U Ida laote." Sba lawyer at the busybody, and _ ' •mmatopbm< ftiimaMid ssrtn<, aad lB a few momsBf egain ccrrotrted the ooaaeei **1 beg the' coart to proteetaie Iwm the ruape "itf *!»•* -ptfypjaĵ sho^OK mach irrtott9a. Taylor" fin­ ished bkpowerfal : "" to tbe amaaement oi . . the bar, aad tim Jod8*. ts» nrst seen on a po* ̂ eUidttBta ma and*,! JBHC :a'«ieî od f̂ S^^ l̂tttoiroa ' iM igmm iw%; SsiSlXIÎ arO'-olliMl tlw pi Ctowmh*, i?'W tei „ mit em ••• Mae. Hai onr • ̂ rot . X dels you I vcN» 1 Iffc. " *" ie say what ft**** one ofthe best oratttraof raa' .jam,. step on all to tbia * e 00 sto» eonaHy, btrt liantrepntation. This faagw (frhtUna k&atica), which resett̂ Hes a grest red tong ̂ mere to " protrnding from-tree kaowa canaererbe ti#ea spedes. When purplish red," andpassea thron; it decays; the am with minute red becomiag yellownb wf1 generally eoailnee IbiilS often prostrate) oslte; - noî Forest it is not anoom&toa on thd beecb, and it has been ' obeorved ob the chostnu ̂walaa ĵ̂ bir, mid'- .eiber- frequentlyJ iw^^bia l̂',̂ :̂:'|mr̂ ot$X pounds, Ita- ."iaiiiatt. appearing and agafa disappXariniir, on ancieat trimkite>iimv'>'S îtmna.. ;:Wben cut, broken, or ^sttils» ms rMi itdee •: en gr̂ î m^slir. Badhsm, "it is scareelytobe t̂toy^ ̂ from brofl̂ ed a f̂ aiA BSwiMiegr jSeeorib î it as' '̂ me of ttw^^baW-'thinee be ever ate, whea pMpared by a ekillfal cook, i' There is a v^^ t̂ iM^dr&ivoe in the fungas when etokil, Vhieh adds oon- sideraUe piqaatfty to the dish; ft |»«c« tretaelytendor.saoeBlentandjnicy, "aad ̂ resmal̂ teadef ^N ̂or tbiH ̂ ia a remwkabie maaii nr> tbe jafoeitdistilla beiqt bi' 4a»ia« ««wft appearance like wbeo quite yo«M, fMeU and oJewi. aiid - once pre|mr«# fotjthe table ia tbe r > Wash and d*7, eat iaio sW haU an iaoh ̂ ide, aoak1a five mfnutes and •tew w£&kniH«r#nd herbs protk of ~ A ̂ bo^aldidfc aud aerre bot or stew wMi a good steak, adding aeoallion rad perskQT. aalt aad pepper. Mmdon M&hmtc. ̂ ?; ; IThwe tb» l̂ onsklners Wffft. TheWalk«p brotheri, ToIl>ert and eetiUbeaof, by.lOtortv 'aaieiam^nM ;̂:'aiid: '̂ ar' laoed tbe euth fi'Wa.the es %e mooth wa§ fbiehmadetheo. (w5»for •; tbe'" .. _ a rent. , ,( it ownatreotion, atidl acftbeen moj rid of it to " :W9m ^wmts bi a Swiw boM» vbo depead iiwa as Mapdasftle tot dnnsa dis- not to tbe viaitoM, bat to the auuAMfof the house. Moreover, the p&st kind of travelers woald find verv beavfiv taxed fer W>" '*i U the system in aseat IiBeerne<rf1 dtifwr oae eku|»fo« "^service" npoa »% hlU aad tHN^&iting ' gratuities, >>e aaiversidly adot»ted. I know, itly, tlu ̂tips are nqooMd to detto4r- alla(i||heir reeipieata. I do aot accept ilaftnew, thoogb I admit thatiaSwitz- jMdsnd, m daewher̂ generous givora" l»e b îter lfleed, and aM»e warmly re­ membered . tbaa . the pandmoaious. r̂ooted ia bttmaa aatare ibat tbe strloteet ngpbtbai will aot eradbmte ̂ .Wolwiooc r̂ to remem ̂ b«r «what happeaa on English railway platform ̂faoe to faioe Hvk pompous - pl«wnar<ts ' ^Sorely,; thca. -it blftMia îr hotel servaats to expeet irfuLgiatxdtkp than to receive them oa tbe sly. with a bad eoasoience.-- hange. ' ammberof towiA Orders ef Chivalry. 1%«re are^ebemt «• hundred ly oidiMni io ̂ aldrairy ia £urope, and oetM them are Hie;' market' wisw They vary în prieo from t300 to $1,000. The exiptenoe of these »iei sho«rs tbat HJe possible to; ob- a detMmitkm without having aOy ̂ te ft otherttan aparehasable one. reign of Henri XV. hfuioranr.dlstiactiona were soaetiaitlto oonveyed l̂ r faror, aad aot for anerur Wbea tiu^moaaaeb wmitted tbe oqDer of theoî Mrpf the H<dy Spirit to It, de XiaVieayQfe the recipient awdestly rop^ed : ̂ e, I am aot worth; ̂ bcS^*-I.know it,* replied tbT «• Tbe edito^nofl toit̂ bvit aH, furdelas' few< defaoka." dat titles yer terbs ̂ io*|ieiiBrit-l / ' ^aa doaH aadf iX*aeaoat tisnr Stitb t̂iieia ̂ jllf- lells" me

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