Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jan 1888, p. 8

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• •'v #K';V - T? * 5.'." •&**& ^JuV^V._ * **"' , jpS®®;SS6S4*»IS. '•«' f;» HM, the f *.f-.; i Believing as wo tlo that it is fot theintWeeta of both bttycr and seller to buy and sell for cash ouly, we shall* Woodstock! tof tM in*-- t, then captured * i iu Vs 1 rf/» ft -• j " * if A, htn > .»-«% Mi b, .. 1 s ' { »* , "It f , V*»it.sUi»(» *£ A,t 4i •>•** 1" i a, Sf»-. «t» w'-M v4-f l"i ?T~ V" n ' "<-14*' •X *•""**>, ' *:•'•*: >** V..! iliV 3t ,f< Ml *)>•> "U .'t' 4i4# iti **3 <r < 1 ti,'> I ... f.M)1* 3*-*^ j! '»• ..i \ s v •< , *MTFJ'«*»R I" 4 __ ,">^ -*'» 1;>1 aw.J / |8uoceM$ri to Smithy ion ft CO»l UTetM* tli© brooklets oommonte ran. m-;W liBMOn the well-worn fan- it WOirian'n fan don't speak; and the sea and call, moonlit scenes, when and man was weak, and Ml the rest Wen had lovingly Baring leased the Store in Dacy 's New Block, hate (u&BMmwith alar^and s^a onable sto$k sNf^Jisfc ?-u • • j.'SfM* J «f. $mt'a 0 !i* * * li>-,5.'8 •I i»ta i*'i'-" Vi I,/? \j nw moonlight shadows one and a and pledges they •W% ' 4 ' * *•*.. ' ^ Boots, Shoes, Gilts for a face In the coals look feature unbidden there, court, and the raoe at sea, (a Sails spread and foam a-beam, tn thought, as her jewelled hand toyed with her dark brown W':M? attention df the To which we Invite the bnying public. rtppllng laughter died away, s on the diamond settings play, bar eyes grew tender, and soft, and bright, in the flickering firelight's gleam. a summer romance--nothing more--a lei-fly's story, so often told, with the monogram drawn on the and ending in heart-pangs and sigh* I for the stake with her faith In the , ... ' game, the struggle was fair and bold; >\ But the slenderest web that a heart held f-.-~ fast ;r Had broken the bands to its freedom at i& . last, K And in oonqursts to oome all regrets for tha past in the twillrht's gtoom were dying. •--^^riaiMChamberiatn, in Judge. A RUSSIAN WEDDING* _ In Ae higher circles, almost imm&» Aiatelyafter the betrothal, workmen are hirfcd to make the trousseau. Ac­ cording to ail old Russian rule, the bridegroom makes his bride a present of»wedding costume as well as of jewelry. The dowry of a Russian maiden will consist of a fall wardrobe, household linen, kitchen utensiis, sil- ver articles, carpets, curtains, china, farnitare and a piano. The latter is Mid to be indispensable. They do not care for plated articles, but require that everything should be of solid sil­ ver. People in very moderate circum­ stances begin early to lay by some­ thing for the dowry of their daughters. "Wedding presents are Ladiis and Gests fine Shoes, At Bottom Prices For First-OI&es Goods. Our .Vinter Stock is now just comins in and it will pay you while at the Fair to justcall^ ia ami loot over QUI- T»took. * We will gnarante« to please in both quality * • of Goods ami price. ^ RUDOLPH & McNETT. Woodstock, Sept, 6th, $87* la this chae^e vre shall bt^VE DO jEriends nor foes, but serve all alike, CASH ON DfELIVEKTf Itcin^ our.motto to nit* We know that in doing1 this ive can sell groods cheaper, and therefore our customers will be benefitted as well as ourselves. ^ 74*/ j- r PHI. iit %<*!$>% • -lit VV ivs; , 4 I % T#r i A ' * "1 .•>«- 'rf/V i1 •, ̂ £ ' O&JJR - 3.^00 K. v ;|^ f«. I - J : a , * :r* ! \ • >.» i, -t/i h,S 1' f , • U SS+i,*i', uj , i" •4% %. :f44 •Wp'-i ':•&$jfr WEST SI Tn-'• 4*' w* 4-! 4 • , **/ * •*» " »» s? -it. „ •» t« Will always bo jftiffjl 'ana we invite"dur old cus­ tomers and many new ones to call as we are sure we can save ytiu money. - • Wishing you all***A HAPPY NEW TEAR," we remain# L 9. LINCOLN, Prep. HaTing recently refitted my Restaurant, near the Depot, in first class style, I am now prepared to accommodate the public with '-Ji' ' s i .W - ^Yourd for Cash and One Price Only, ALTHOFF BROS • % McHenry, III., December 28, 1887. Warm or Cold Meals, seldom given by friends.- Shonld a young wife die without leaving any children behind, her dowry can be lawfully claimed by her parents. The husband can retain enhr the bed, and the picture with Which his deceased wife was ceremo- blessed. t Sometimes young ladies form par­ ties to help the intended bride make Iter clothes. It is said to be a popular belief that if any part of the trousseau forming the dowry be unpicked, the ig couple will pick quarrels when are tied together. month of May is supposed to be .an anhtcky month for marrying. The name of the month resembles in sound the Russian verb "to worry;" hence, is part, the superstition." A more likely explanation is this: that, as the Winter breaks up in May and the •now melts, leaving such garbage and filth to fester in the hot sun, a great aHfeonnt of sickness is prevalent, and tipe month comes to be regarded as wnlncky and trying. The guests arc far more numerous at a Rtmian than at an English wed- They are invited to be "assist- at the wedding. The witness, erally the grandest of the s" of the family, is the rtant person. He pays the Then come the laaies of the bridesmon. The latter hase sweetmeats for the The "bovrain," who the sacred picture of Christ in md gilt, is generally a little When~the party arrives at the it is his duty to hand the two to the "reader," who places behind the "royal gates," or 19 against the altar screen. The old nurse, or housekeeper, su- tends the carrying of the dowry the house of the bride to that of f ller future husband, and arranges "P ; everything for the use of the bride. 3?here is no law as to the number o* bridesmaids or their costumes. Theit 1 4WMM are not all alike. On the ev* I",<ig§ tha wedding day sometimes a "fare- ** " Is' party is given. No gen* attends this. All those pres- be from the unmarried. They (shiyrnBes, chase each other in the and romp to their heart's con- jfhey devour any amount of It eream, lemonade, and sweet- After supper they say fare- l'" weB and leave the intended bride very exhausted in view of the ceremonies of p.. the following day. The old custom is I?. ; for the betrothed pair to fast (eat noth- '*£•, ^ ing) on the day of their marriage un- m tiithe ceremony, which, in the fam- i fiyof a noble, always takes place in tiae evening. This makes -the day ttMt tiresome to a girl. The bride distributes her cast-off girlish toys, ribbons and jewelry to her compan­ ions. These tbingi are called "maiden beauty." The peasant girls cut np and divide among their companions on their wedding day the long ribbons which are fastened at the end of the plait of hair which hangs down the sack. These peasants, immediately alter their marriage, have the hair plaited in two braids and wound round the head, then covered with a sort of tight cap tied behind, or with a ootton or silk handkerchief. When at Pargola, in Finland, I often saw the unmarried girls trooping along in the eventide, hand in hand, singing their weird melodies, and friends tola me to notice the difference in the style of the hair of the unmarried and married. The married women have in addition, tender the invariable handkerchief, a little piece of linen, a dappet about the IN®* a florin, hanging over the cen­ ter of the forehea£ This is a more evident proof of marriage than wear­ ing a wedding ring. When the women begin to braid up the hair they sing part of a wedding song-- Ab! my braid, my braid of maiden halrt - Ah! soon shall it be divided lu twol ~-Ca88ells Family Magazine. At all hour* ef the day or evening. vHWr Coffee or Tea on five minutes notice. A FULL STOCK OF Bakers9 Supplies ALWAYS ON HAND. ^ Choice Troils, of AH IN THEIR SEASON. Byjthe Bulk, Can or Dish. Also the Choicest Brands of OlgarsFjand Tobacco to be .found in the market. With everything in ilrst class order, and promptness to wait upon customers we solicit a share of public patronage. L. D. LINCOLN. West McHenry, May 31st, 1887. P. HAUPERISCH, Bt"A,: i:- W I N H t t 'XAlirD iiiQVOBSj M« Henry, » »# Illinoi*. »v ' 11 lot of Top Baggies, Wagons, all of my I have now on hand Spring Wagons, Lumber own make, which I will sell at Bottom Prices, And warrant them to be A No. 1 in every par­ ticular. If yon want a bargain in this line call on me. I also do a General Blacksmithing Business, and will do your work in the best of manner and with the least possible delay HEPAIltl ISO Of all kinds promptly attended - lb Qall and •ee for yourself. | * P. HAUPERI8CH. McHenry. Sept. 28,1887.* i in in..') i M FOB MEDICAL Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. The best brands of Cigars and Smofeing and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. ; / PHYSICIANS* PRESCRIPTIONS F1SH| Pracial.Painter>fliDecofator, HEBRON, IIS •i'S .'W Decorating, Paper-Hanging, VALC1M1NINQ, GRAINING, &• Dene on short notice and satisfaction guaraa- ;teed. Oall on or address. H. FISH. "Hebron,tllL.May «d,|1887. Attention Horsemen! I would call the attention of the Public to m7 Stable of Stock Horses, four in num­ ber: Two Morgans, one % Percheron, and one Imported Ilorse. They are all good rep Tesentatives of their bre^d. Also a few Merino Sheep for Sale. The public are cor­ dially invited to call and examine stock, igst prices, etc. No business done on Sunday Jf..- V* 1. fi. COLBY M*HKKKT IU THOUSANDS OF TBB BEST G O L D W A T C H $38 "'VI > <*»» h'i'fii* s- Hi Si-'i ' r /. i1 i t *vf i I'. I , 5 \'1 • ' ! j ' i • - " • { M ^; nj'i <4 -< % lit* i. t \ • ^ « V s * \ '»• ' '.f-. i" p t. > ' ' *r S -iv I !' - ! '• est McHenry, Illinois, r Having purcbaded tba Lumber Yard and stock of Lumber o! Smith. Son & Co., West cMHeni III., and repe nished the same wit PULL STOCK OP LVKBE| Of all kinds; we are now pared to offer to the public, the best quality of Lumber at tha* b LOWEST LIVING PRICES- " f CasiDus, Door aid WMOT Frames-Beaily Made-alvajs ooM Ttjis week and next Jfve I ^re shall kee-) our stock Complete at all times and spare no paioa 4 ^»to iiccornmodule all wh > may favor .us with their patronage. Our yard at this place will be auder tne charge of CHARLES iUA^ajBB, who will be ready at all times to make you price? ok targe or smill lots ^ --J r (<kt •* ! tvti >'; •' i f '-Irs"- 4 $ vil! erive from, - - « > . » ' 1 _ ,V, V titilwh til i[ ' h;i ? 4 > f ami lp *vV^~ . • !}•(•> S u' ni>" 'M ,«»V> "jI? CM' tH ! • u>! " ̂ i <u*t r'~; (it,*,- 'i ~ <«, i V <i, ' t*1-- , *, • Sr«»^r KM ' if.* -A Sf" , « - i • - « » , - I'O®'. nEKBTi' v,(;-,i^DKALER DRUGS, MEDICINES, ; . FAINTS, OILS* j, ' Toilet Articles* ^ --J* XJRE- Carelully Compounded, Give me a call. 4 c. W. BESLEY, McHenry, December 28tb, 1887. d Is Published Every Day ot theYear, and is the Leading Repub­ lican Paper of the Northwest. Price, exclusive of Sunday, by mall, postpaid $8.00 per year Price, Sunday included, tov mail, postpaid 10.OOper year It also publishes a Sami-Weekly and Weaisly Edition. K THE SEMI- WEEKLY INTER OCEAN tsvnbllshed on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, and beside the news condensed from theDkily, it contains many special tcatiu-tis ot great value to those so situated thatfheT MB not secure the Daily every day. THE Hm the tAR(iKST CIRCULATION of any weekly paper west of New York. 9M| edition is edited with wat care, the eudoavoc beiu* to raaku it both as to its IlfiWS AND LIIDKAKV FEATL iiiifi, WEEKLY INTER OCEAN CULATiON of any weekly paper westof Nei dition is edited with irreat care, the ttudeavocbciuj; to maku it both as to ita£lEWSi L1T1UUBX FEATLUlxuS, A MODEL FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Sound and wholp^omn in overr ros'wet. It :ontain< each woek a very carefully prepared summary of tlic M:',VX OF ( !IK \VOKI,J>, oiid tlio VEKV HKST 1.11'EItAUV MAT-TOR that MONK Y CAN BUY.' Am on* its si,.'rial departments THK FARM AN© EOME, WOMAN'S JUNwDO>1, and l'JHK CURIOSITY SHOP are superior to any such departments in any otin.-r Aiucrii" vn The popularity of Tif r" lVKtlKtY JliTKi? Oi;iCAN Is fhown by the factthat it has : subscribers in KVBHY STATU A NI» TKRKITOttY IN THIS UNION, AND MANY • IN FORKJUN COUNTR1KS. It has acnicred th-i« !?reat PIICCCBS by a consciontloiM , endeavor to faithfully wrra its reuuci-s. It uim* to bcromc the friend of <ivcry member ' of the family, and at tho name time act the psirtof in> t-rnctor and entertainer for the liomo Circle. How well it has fil'ed theFO linrts lini'd fcdn tl fiiiisandp of readers can testify# and many of them do testify in berw'.ilul and grateful lutters to tne .Editor. TDK MABKEI GELDKTS OF ALL EDITIONS OP TIIKINTHI: 0CI:.VS AEE RELIABLE AMD COXFLEIK SCIilBNEE'S MAGAZINE AND THE INTEB OCEAN. For tho benefit of subscribers to THK IVflUt OrKA\ ' nerial arranRements haTS been made with the publiHbt rs of S?'3;Ili'N M A(.,iZi ,'iK, liv which wo can furniah that popular and eleaautnublicatiou with TIIK VVKKKLY INTER OCEAN, both (or one year, for THREE bOLLAKS Tlie Magazine is illUHtrated in tn* highest style of art, a nd is one ot tho be«t pabltKhe-l in A:noric». The American Agriculturist and The Inter Ocean. We have also mado arrangements with the publisher of TII15 AMERICAN AGRI-CUIjTURIST, by which that periodical is furnished THli WKIiKLY INTKK OCKAN.botli for one year, for ONK DOI.T.AR AND SIXTY CUNTS (Sl.SOJ.THK AORICUXTURIST has mjiintained its position at tho head of American farm jouinfls tor OVER THIRTY YEARS, and is now better than ever before. THE SEMI-WEEKLY in any of these COJIBIXaTIOXS IS gl.50 MORE than THE WEEKLY. Do notfonret that IN 1888 A I'RFSIDKNT WELL UK ELECTED, and events ot (Treat importance are portendinir in Europe. At such times every family should have a thoroughly reliable iiewHnm«?r. The father i and mothers need It as well as the chil­dren. Send for sample copy of THE INTER OCEAN. Remittances may be made at our risk, either by draft express, postofflce order, exp»M . oners, postal notes, or registered letter. AdurttMH .: 'v.; V'i >* f ' vs , • h i I1 {5 fre»teeftl kl. i ! 'If C L O A K S Solda'bnrrei1 "®e our Ga,vanizod Kerosene^ Tanks, tint we m»keourselves, thatl PULI. wrs OT STOVES S For both coal and wood, ot the best makes,always on hand. Ill short I will keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found in McHenry county. Do not fail to call when in wa«t of anything in my line and see ̂ what can be done, i bave employed a first clae» inner, and all » AND REPAIRING Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. 4 specialty of Gutter Factory work. A share of' pubiic patronage respectfully solicited. *, W. P. STEVENS!̂ are also closing out a THE INTER OCEAN,\ Chicago. t m fct %' Hi ' London's census of paupers, exclu­ sive of lunatics in asyluma and va- its, for the third week of October, i_year, showed a total of 92,620, up of 56,419 to whom indoor re- was afforded, and 36,201 who re­ ed outdoor relief. There were : persons in the public fever and ill-pox hospitals, 937 vagrants were relieved in the same week. CrsatTy" fxclted. ~ Not * few of the citizens of licQenry ,ve recently become greatly exei ted >4fli •fttMMldiBff facts, that several Iptfr friend* who had been pre- IMSed by tbetr pbysiciaus us mcura :-'%4Nod all bope--suflering ilfded moosier Conoump- %<N>n completely cured by N*w Discovery for C »n- I th* only remedy that does rV#ff cn?* all tbrokt and lung dls- Colds, Asthma and [*«. Trial bottle frtA at T<nry t rc, Jgggt bottles fl. im KA01 ASl 8ZLLQ73 IK OUS CO-OPERATIVE CLUBS. This ia the Bent, Cheapest, Host Convenient, And only co-operative System of selling watched. Hie watches are American Lever Stem Winders, containing every essential to accuracy and durabil­ ity, and have, in addition, numerous patented im- provements found in no other watch. They are ab­ solutely the only Ihut and Dwmpproof Mom*- ment* made in the World, and are jeweled through­ out with GENUINE KVIilEB. The PmUmt Stem Wind and Set is the strongest and simplest made. They are fully faxial for appear- anee, accuracy, durability and oerviee, to any $75 Wateh. Our Co-opeM^tiTe Club System bring* them within the reach of every one. We «nt as active, renoeiiM* •teUve In EVEBT DITY TOWH Hesry nroflts guaranteed en Write for foil psrticalsrs. The Keystone Watch Club Co. P.O. Box 928, PhllsdilphlA, Fa. „ REFERKHCBS :-Key8tOM Rational Bsak, or any Ooa>> mercisl Agsocy. JLQMXOtmBi «nrT(rt.I.T. iMHMM.fl. BOOKS, THi.EE CENTS EACH! The following books are published In neat pamphlet form, printed from (food readable type ?&_?oo4 *iem handsomely illanratea. Tn "* . .. » laDgua^e, and fumiHli to lay at the mo*t trifling expi which they are here ottered. •aper, and many of them handsomely iUanratea. They are without exception the cheftpeat hooka ever pub* lined in anv land or language, and furniflh to the inaMRea of the people an opportunity to necure the Deal iterature of " - . .. ....... .... ,. -the da; time* the price at at the nioft trifling expenne. In any other nerie* the«e great works would cost many Each one is complete in Itself: WMdem of the World* NATCIAL AND OTBEM. Con-^alos HII<1 tllu*tr»lioiifl of tlie ttiont worxK-rlitl Worts ot nature ati<l of mau. Very inWetKng «tni 1n»trt»rtive. Wonder# of th«* Sen. A de»ciipttou of the mxnjr uon>ter-il tml beautiftil thiny* louod st H»c tollum ot tlie uceaut with profUMu illu^llntlol.S. "A 1'leuMiire KWHIM," and Other 9kHche«. By AM.K.-I'n NVikk." A ROLLFCIJFIN <.f Irnfinilhly funuy by Hie pojmUr Itiin.otom wi Her t»! tl»e May. \uut kcslftk 1'Mpern, 1>> Ci.AKA AVOTITTA, •nttinr '«• Th* Hiuc A.m<i0t rl'iiculousiy funoy book every w.ty «?rjirtM<> "WI«low llwiott." OhrUtmtt* Wlorlc«» l y CHAHIKS t>irKKK«. Cnntnln* a annib« r of tin? ni"«i - I»»j miu^ < tu i^itiiHn nt<>ii**e «vir wiUt«u by lit.-rtt ivr:I•• r u l»o t'Vcr liveti. K*rl, .Mir ls< on»|>l»-le. Houtid the* Kventiitf l.ttmp. A <>i «t«>i it*,pictures, potfil««nu<l fur t. e llMl« «t P»|)tilur tUi'ltn(ion« unit hnmmnoi, <9rnm»-lle and p on tiif iitia*#i. Hti<i m<«i fwimUr. Thc ^elf-itmde Men oS' lloilvrit Timvu. o.nuiin por­trait® l bi<'i;r»»pi»f (HIUOUH Aiu«ricaO», tfom tba ItOSfi Ol FlituUUtl lf> til* pffHrllt. F»miUur Quotation*. Coi.Utnlnr !)»•• nrlght an<1 antbor> ^htpof many plir*^* I»*•<{«i«*nt 1 y met la raadlutf atid couvctaa-ftlon. A va\tiAl>!u wotk <>' iv^tturc. l*w Life In New York* A Mrtea of p«ii pictures flhowlof the «iark &1>I« of liu-. lu tlie great cily. Wuttfaied. Til* Kos4 to Wealth* K»f an adverttaliif circular, lit « thoroughly practical work, polottof oat • way by Wbleb all nay make mon«>y. «A8tty, raptdly and honestly. OM Hftftdred Popnliftr Hong*. a«ntfmenta!,patb«tle ftftteomle, luclitding most of tlte favoritea. new and old. Wr NoelV Heir. A Novel. By Mrs. MAT A^KIEA FLSMIB*. IBsrteK^ lJf«. A Novvl. By MAKIOM HAHLAKD. If Old 6serlfic«i A Novel. By Mrs. A** S. HarHRvi Tkc- Forcclllnl liubl«ft> A F?ve!. By V. T, Cunoa Tketlld OitLpn Cheat. AKovcl. ByBvLVAjcuiffloiis, Jr. Thv I'ifur! ot theOceftB. A Novel. BvCI.AKA AVUVKTA. Hollow Ank Hull* A Novel, By UaaoAftsT BLOUMT. lU*tstrnttd. Clltfe lloaae* 'A Novel. By ETTA W. Tiaaca. fader the Lllfte*. A Novel. By tha author of "Dot* Tliome." The »liimon4 Brscflct. A Koval. By Mrs. H**«* Wonn. ItlustT nted. v« r-.l»oor«>t. A Sowl. K. lluiHwa. The htruiiKi' 4'uc «f l»r. and Sir. Iljld *• N«vfI Hvi: !.. STKVKNIOK. A Wlt'lii'il Ulrl. A Nowl. r«ni. n*T. l.udy Valwurtb'. lllaaiOBd^ * "T "Tna Ptlt'HK ' Dura llt>hv«cn Two Pint. A Novel. By the aatlior or Tlirtinc.*' iU\i$tnxttd. The Nlnr of llrart*. * So»»1. By B. I,.Klurno. LL«rl» » Foriunc. AMo»l. V.jVI.OBKNCB W*KI>*K. A I^ow Mnrrlujct'. A Xn'tl. By MUI.OCK. JUU»T The Utility Klv er. A Nnv.l. By WILKIK Tlie of Aw A Novel. By Kl.oBKvcit liAMTAT. Mout Kritn|e. A Nov.l, By Mr.. Hknky Wooii. Forelnic tin- Ttttei*. *• Sov.l. Uy Mr». A A I'lHywrichfn L>««*lltcr. AKOMI. I»«it J tit//ih tiled. Vitlr but Value. A JCowl. Thorite." JUuttrated. l>nea*t«r'it Cubtn. A Korti. Illustrated. Ptorowe Ivlnstaa'a (tetW A»«nl. B! »n. But A. DBKMOM. Illustrated. _ _ The WMIIU Uatw. A IML By Dr. J.H. lUuHratui. I Tk* Hilhiall CaMa. A Buve!. By M. T. C»tt.o*. By tha antltor of " Dora By Mt». X. V. Virroa, n-We will Bend any four of the abore hooko by mail port-paid upon neelptof only 18 Ccnt»» MCentt;liny twenty Jive for SO Cent.; th<* entire list <«b00k«) for T»^C**tst the entire list bound In board* wltli cloth buck, for»l .10, This is the itreatext bargain in book* twrofferrt. I>o notf ai I to take advanuure of St, SMlifiu-tlonguarantsnl ormmry rtfunAeA. i'o((ta)re' taken for fraction. o( adollar. Astoonr we refer to any n^nMpajmr publlithed in N*-w York. liVewin. to tha Commgrelal Agwcltj. All orjemclled b)| «*ttu»nuiU. AddrM. all totten: V, M. UTTOX.PiOTiir. Maea Mam* Below vi hole- 1 We have a good line of - J ' * ' * 3R.©aay-Mfttta West Mcflenry, III., Aug. 8th, 1887. '"all and see us. WILBUR LUALBER COMPANY. s fl Qua ,m "0. i; West McHenry. 4 SHELF i • - Stoves, Tin, Copper And Sheet-Iron Warff *;• trJ1, " •M -r*t. BARGAINS I BOOTS AND SHOES. I We have just bought a carload of s, SI ©ASH BOTTOM FBXCESj* And knowing well the fact that there has been a great drouth over McHenry County, we shall sell these goods so low as to Iftet tfct Wants VI It will pay with us N. fWa ^ you ' Irtry Vu, Womta tad Chili. to come from all parts of the county to trade W. H. DWIGHT, Woodstock, IN. B.--House Established ir fl " ^ V H. V. SHEPARD, OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MILL, i«4Y, - - if VS*1 •DEALER ' I CLOTHING And a full stock ot Wool Boots iUf^ jSisr » " ! • ' ' "'fa"' SHELF IM HM •r. Also the ,rr * Qarland Stoves and Ranges The Prize and Black mmi Unirvesal, Sterling, and Others. Coal and Wood Cooks, Small and Large Wood Parlors, Elegant Coal Heaters. We have one of the . * ' Largest Stocks bf Sto\nei IN MCHENRY COUNTY. Over sixty^ stoves from which to make a selection* • In shcrt everything in the Hardware, Stove and Tin line can Wfonnd a| our ritore. Come one and all and examine our Goods and learn Prices. ^ , ,-gl AAD Promptly Attended ' • : • . ..... «l McHenry^ Sept. 2?th, 1887. To, V, SHKVAltn. T " -mbk -. t m&m ^ ifciW-JwL .&:£• .%kk4,.r^hv^

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