Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jan 1888, p. 8

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* V »s ^ -v j?> • WEST Indian. •Itowtroii exhibition at the #tr*»t one of the finest ol Indian rolics and ctirios- Men in this city. Their by Capt. Newton H. IMk the Queen Charlotte British Columbia. Thepeo- EtUete islands, now reduced to 750 ftfeW fair complexion and re- sfttkftbly intelligent In accordance villi a well-known etymological prin- tfceir name, "Hydalis," means i people." „ le Of these Hydah curiosities is a ItajiWttcr, carved and on granite. Its iMw* tlx inches long, is shaped like 'Wlj&af-tba eagle. As the tribe is di­ vided i 6to political parties, known re- ttNtttiToly as the Bears and the Eagles, £»• hammer was probably a political jftttbtom. Another implement is a ••Trior's weapon, made of Alaskan Helper and shaped like a battle-ax. ^SPfie head of the Hydah god Wasco is luiXBl&ered on one end of the ax. These 18 are highly prized, and Capt. iden obtained this sample from « woman after promising to conceal , ft aotil he should leave the country. 93ie captain did not s&y what he gave !• return for this most interesting furiosity, but it is known that a simi­ lar one was secured in exchange for jfx slaves at $300each,eighty elk skins at $3 each, ten boxes of oil at $3 a box, fero dance dresses valued at $45 apiece, and a canoe eighty-four feet i/oag valued at #90, the whole amount- Ingto |2,250. The collection also includes a very extraordinary set of gambling sticks sued by the natives. The usual set «mtaiu* fifty sticks, but this one is aomposed of only twenty-six. They .art cylindrical in form aad abont four inches long. Twenty-four of them are beautifully carved with the images fish, birds, and beasts found in that 4Nftion. The peculiar feature of the* -#et is that two of the sticks are carved' with human figures almost exact coun­ terparts of the figures found on the old Egyptian monuments and in Assyrian earving. One represents a high priest #ith an ax raised to slay the sacrifice. Vie other is the figure of a mummy. The fire-making implement of these people is a narrow piece of walrus tusk about a foot and a half long, shaped Kkea bow, and on which are en­ graved hunting scenes. To this is at­ tached a sealskin string. Fire is made %; taking a turn of the string around a stick of hard wood, and by these r weans revolving it against another jnece of hard wood; punk is placed . from time to time in the hole worn in the under board, and the heat gen­ erated from the friction of the two pieces of wood causes the punk to ig- aite. Th%music of the hydolia is an ^imitation of the cries of the birds, and to made by a series of whistle with which the natives become very expert. They also use the tom-tom, maae of Walrus hides. I These people have a novel way of {ranting, using instead of a bow and i arrow, a peculiarly shaped harpoon..' This instrument is about five feet: long, the point being made of a piece of walrus tusk ten inches long, lite stick is of cypress, and about half way ttp three fish bones are arranged around the stick, these points extend­ ing outward in order to stick the bird in case the point on the end should miss. This harpoon, when used, is lteld in the left hand. In the right is a paddle of hard Wood eighteen inches long, on the face of which is a groove extending almost to the end. The tip of the harpoon is fitted into this groove,. and the weapon is thrown with double force. The native can a fowl in water folly one hun­ dred feet distant. A hunter usually eatrita with him a number of these >ns of various sizes.--New Fork I and Express. Clerk---What can we do for you, P&tf Customer--I wish to purchase an overcoat. Clerk--Ah, yes! Some­ thing in a chinchilla,-sir? Customer-- Ho. Something in a chin-warwer* it you please.--Lotoell Citizen. L 0. LINCOLN, Prep. Warinjt recently refitted my Restaurant* near the Depot, in lirat. class style. I am nobr prepared to accommodate the public with .- OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MILL, :y> -DfiAXttR IN-- Warm or Cold Meald, At all hours ®f the day or evening.. Ooflfee or Tea on live minute* notiee. A FULL STOCK OF | Bakers' Supplies ALWAYS ON HAND. dice Fruits, if All KMi IS Tfl^IR SBASOff, ' - X ' ' t < • ^ <' J-*' • '.vS-i 4 * 'J-'-. Iiv.thsBulk, Can or uish. AIpo the Choicest Brands of Cigars rand Tobacco to be found in the market. With everything in first class order, «ntt promptness to wait npon customers we solicit a share of public patronagf. L. D. LINCOLN: West McBenry, May Slat, 1887/ • ^ ' P. HAUFERISCH, o z < MnHenrj, Illinois. I hate bow on hand a lot of Top Bomlei, Spring Wagons, Lnmher Wagons, all of vaf own make, which I will sell at Bottom Prices, And warrant them ti> lie A No. 1 in every par­ ticular. It yon want a bargain in this line call on me. I also do a General Blacksmithing Business, and will do yonr work in the best of manner and with the least possible delay'* RKPAIRI]>#: Of all kinds promptly attended to. Call and see tor yourself. | P. HAUPERISCH. IfcHenry. Sept. 28, 1887.* A Professor's Adventure. sy to invest d how some Tele boys wanted mone 4>n their team last week, an ef them procured it is suggested by CM* story, told in the New Haven tfems; "A few days previous' to the Thanksgiving game, a young man, who wore glasses and bore the ap­ pearance of being a Yale student, en­ tered a local ready made clothing store > end asked for a suit of a fair material *«d price.. He was quickly fitted. • hen came the fun. • "Shall I send the bill to your lather P" inquired the salesman. /'Let we see, you live in Buffalo, don't you? I'll fix it--say $40 or $50. I can give JT<m the remainder in three days any Way, or, if you are hard up, I'll ad- : Vance it now." The figures named were donble what . 4e suit cost, and the customer, who lloneof Yale's youngest professors, ]|pked the clothier what he meant. The clothier explained: "Oh," hd "I do a good deal of that sort of. ic now for the boys, and I am will­ ing u> accommodate you if you want _ The professor thanked him, smiled, Itod said he thought he'd pay. The Merchant was, at last accounts, una­ ware that his customer was a profes­ sor, and not a student. The professor thought the story too good to keep and •old it to some of his friends. Its •ruel publication may end a clever *&heme to deplete the parental pocket* Poison Trees of the Carribbean. c«ne to numbers of manchineel tte^. These are so far identical with the deadly upas that their effects JMsrly the same; quite, so far as test* them and getting away alive per- A me to say. If a raindrop glides ^v :;|K|ia a manchineel tree and strikes |fe fhe skin of an unwary stranger it poi- «oes instantly with effects like those "poison ivy." I did not know the *£•> two when a rainstorm drove two of us to shelter beneath its low, thick, I#;. - gtossy-leaved branches, but in a few Blfaiutes dizziness and nausea camo 00» with great languor, and we ^ot e«t of its Influence at once to give it a Wide berth for all future time. Neither '£'•.2; «f »S entirely recovered from the poi- ^ eoa for two or three days. It appears exhale from the leaves, is densest in • rainstorm, and is soluble in water; l|fHt its nature has not been investi- jeted so far as I am aware. Natives that even handling its wood will the hands of susceptible people, ;h it may have been cut a lone American Magazine. '% auJEkIT"February 4,1886. C. IhCKIKSOH ft Son, Barringtun III. Dear Air --Please send me by ex *Wedi«il*Cow Prescriptions. I e# sur neighbors to try It on » almost dead with >^Uk Vend ft enred her, Ic is a (rood * X. S. Surra. SB! ra ileal PiBtfrjia^Dearator, HEBRCN, ILL. Decoratinf, Paper-Hangifff^ ALClMlNiNQ% OhAINIHG. (See Done on start notice and satisfaction guarai- address. tt. FISH, Hebron Attention HortemetlY" I would call the attention of the Publi< to in 7 stable of Stock Morses, four in num t>er: Two Murgah*, one \ Pew-heron, an« ine ImporteU Horse. They are alt good rep resentatives of their bre> d Also a fev Merino sheep tut Sale. The public are cot 4Ully invited to call and examine «toek, gei prices, etc. No business done on isunday, N. 8. COI.BY M'HENBT ILL THOUSAHDS OF *HE BEST <D»00 G O L D ( P O O W A T C t t '• 'J tUh L : 'r Also the Celebrated Garland Stoves and | * The Priza and Black Acorn, :,..St|jrnng, and others if. Coal and Wood Corks, Small Wfr LaT^e #obd Kl^fan t Coal Heaters. VVe have one of the ; T: , Largest Stocks of Stoves IN MCHENRY COUNTY. Over sixljristoves from which to. make a selection, fn short everything in the Hardware, Stove and Tin line can bo found at our titore. Come one and all and examine our Goods and learn Prices. JOBBX2TG A£m Promptly Attended To. H. iV, SHEFABD. IMcHeury, Sept. 27th, 1887. I Jlpe Î ter Oeeap Zm Published Every t) a j ot the Yemr, and is the Leading Repub­ lican Paper 0/ the Northwest. Price, exclusive of Sunday, bv mall, Prloe. Sunday Included, by mail, postpaii aid : $8.00 per year _ ....IO.OO per year It also publishes a Semi-Weekly and Weekly Edition. THE SEMI- WEEKL Y INTER OCEAN Jspnblished on MONDAYS and THl'HSIJAYS, and beside the news condensed from the Daily, it contains many Kpeeial teatures of great value to those so situated thattbey can not secure the Daily every day; . THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN Has the LARGEST flKCl'LATlOS of any weekly paper west of New York. This edition is edited with frc»t care, the endeavor beinK to make it both as to its NKWSAKD LITEKAKY FKATi lll'JS, A MODEL FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Bound and wholesome in every respect. It lontains each week a very carefully prepared summary of the NKH'S OF fllE WORLD, and the VliliV HF.ST UTKItVKY MAT- JTbR thatMONKY CAN Hill. Among its siu>cial df;i)artmeiits THE KAitM AND HOME, WOMAN'S KI.NiiDOW, and THfe CUKIOSiTY SHOP are superior to any such departments in any otlipp American publication. The popularity of Till] WI J .KM' f?'< l'Klt 0€U \X is shown by the fact that it has iv '"K^,l1LsTi'4TI3 A'NO TI;1CK!XOKY IN TIIK I NION, AM» >ia>Y IN FORMCJN (L'OUNTIIIISS. It has achieved thin treat success by a conacieiitioiM endeavor to faithfully serve its readers. It aims to become the friend of every member of the family, and at the same time act the part of instructor and entertainer for the home circle. How well it lias filled these parts hundreds of thousands of readers can testify, and many of them do testify in beautiful and grateful letters to the Editor. ; THE MARKET REPORTS OP ALL EDITIONS OP THE PiTER OCEAN ARE RELIABLE AND C0MPLB& ' j» < SCKIBNER'S MAGAZINE AND THE INTER OCEAN.' For the benefit of subscribers to THE JHVTKR_ OCEAN special arrangements hart • AZIN]<<, by which we can furnish 1 THE WKl "" " . I #3 ot art, aad is one of the beot published in America. been made with the publishers of SCIUitJSKK'S MA 4 that popular snd elegant publication ne year, for THREE DOLLARS at popular snd elegant publication wilh THE WKEKLY INTKk OCEAN, both for - W3.00). The Milgasine is illustrated in tb* highest The American Agriculturist and The Inter Ocean. JLJ y»h»Te alsomade arranKemeftts with the publisher of THE AMERICAN AGRI­CULTURIST, by which that periodical is furnished with THE WKEKLY INTKR OCEAN, both for one yean, for ONIC DOLLAR ANI> SIXTY CENTS (Sl.COl. THE AuKlCULTtRIST has maintained its position at the bead of American farm ioucoala lor OVER THIRTY YEARS, and is now better than ever before. THE SEMI-WEEKLY in an; of these COMBINATIONS is $L50~M0RE than THE WEEKLY. Do not forget that IN 188R A PRESIDENT WILL BE ELECTED, and events of (Treat Importance sre portending in Europe. At such times every family should have a thoroughly reliable newspaper. The fathers and mothers need it as well as the chit aren. Send for sample copy of THE INT Fit OCEAN. ^Remittances may be made at our risk, either by draft, exprt-sa. postofflce order, express 1 letter. Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. ITO KADI A21 ULLXVa IX OTB CO-OPERATIVE CLUBS. This to the Best. Cheapest, Most Csnrealsit, And only co-operative System of selling watchoL The watches are American Lever Stem WindeM, containing every essential to accuracy and durabil­ ity, rug have, in addition, namerous patented iin* provements found in no other watch. They are ab •olutely the only Iiumt mnd Dsmmtm/ Jf*«s> made in the World, and sre jeweledthroaoh- ontwith GEtrVINB JtTTBlBB. The Pmtemt Stem Wind and Set is the strongest and simplest made. They are fully equal for appimtr- mnce, accurney, durability and wrslw. to any $78 Watch. Our Co-operative Club System brings them within the reach or every one. We want an active, reepoMlMe rep* isentatiTe In EVEKT CITT sown. WriteforftSfwttciiSil"" b>TMt,IMBt- The Keystone Watch Club Co. P. 0. Box 938, PUUddpliU, Pi. REFKKENCES:--Keyston« iNational Bank, or any C«a> mercial Agency. A.OBNCIE8t sg: -s: 1%% INVENTION '-V- > 'i*j .h ' 1 • " ' i" ;iJK > ' f' * * ; L *»IJI pive from ;f- '^4, • -X X ....... I I Per Cent h has revolutionized the ,world during lh<: lust half renini 'V Not leiist jtnionn the wonders of invennv> propr- s>8 is a metlini and svntein "f work thin ran l>e per form rd nil over th<< count r> wili- out neiiaiillin^ the Workers from their h"m«'s Pay liberitl; any one c;in <lo the work; puller *ex, voii»•>ir or old ; no special ibiiil req lireii ('npiial not need'd; »ou Hre Htartt-ii Irt'e Cutthisout ami return to u« mid we win sen<l vou free something of )ireat *a 1 lie nmt importance to you, tn.-it will start you in l>u* mess which will brinjt yon in more monej rlffht away than any tliinir else in :lio worlt* Gr«n<l out lit tree. Address True & Co., Autriinla, Maine iSuocawdrt to Smith, Son A Ca.) eat* the 'V .^v ' f'- '•tk'* Illinois, : Vw -*t i -;-:h iK'r'iib*1 • r K ' - v • f "r--~ ^ Hayinj: purchased th# Lumber Tard and stock of Lumber of Smith. Son cfc Op., West cMHenrpr 111., and repe nished the same wit* FULL STOCK OP LUMBER Of all kinds, we are now pared §c> offer to the public, the best quality of Lumber at th# LOWEST LIVING PRICES. I Casiois, Door and Winilow Frames-Bead; lade-alTafi n Hasil . - > We shall Itee ) our stock, complete at all times and spare no^pailti tp aceonmodife all wh > may favor us with their patronage. Our yard at this place will be under tne charge of Charles f|. who will be ready at all times to make y«u pric«f^oi large or sinill lots ""all and see us. I WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY. West McRenry, llf^i 8th, 1887. Wert McHenry, WlliSf" --DKALER IN ^ f t H E L F A M D Stoves, Tin, Copper And Sheet-Iron War*. il Come and see our ualvanizert Ironi' IteiraMB* Tanks, that we make ourselves. thaU will bold » linvrel. .»•""» K-«,Th®f^l"n c,?S.wiv6X1,,.ay C^rier, with Tracks, Hangings, Floor Hooks aBd Pulleys, the best in the market. Call umi see it. . •«< FULL LINE' OF STOTTBS For both coal and wood,, of the best makes', always on hand*! dhort 1 will keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found !! McHenry couuty. Do not iail to call wheiMn want ot anything in my line and see what can bo done. I hiLve'ft^nlnyprl ^ Tinner, and all 7^^^ mfi ##• All BIFAIBIN6 VV ill be done on short notice and Specially ot J^utler b'actory work, respectfully solicited. J. Fekc^raky kad Beitaaraat, Ob| «oor Sontk of tbePost j ILLINOIS McHENRY Pure Wtnes, LI<{u<Mf W^tl Cifars always to be found here. % H P T S O U P , For Free Lunch every day. Warm or Cold- At all-hours and on short notice. O Y STEHS By the dish, can or bulk. We keep none but the best brands, anil guarantee tbetn treeh and niee. Call anfl see us and we will do our beet to please you. - . . \ . f 1 . P E K 0 V $ K * . XteRe^ty, iJecember 7th, IWt P#- VVAMTED Fruit Tree*. Orane Vin< SNKftOETIC, U1 LIAB1JE MBH tosell rait Tree*. Orane Vines ShroM, &QM(, te ®AL«C0p1IA18#lw ur BAiaT ' AJ areas H. V Fkbsmav * 0o„ BrighMm N. Y- AXE" TOBACCO. SIBLEY'S • T E S T E D * Plaata, Balba Impiem'ta 9 KL K V9 for ont new Flo /er. «^elu Bulbs Implem'ts. Dy nail in application, Don't neglect writing for It, HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ROCHESTER, N. V. 838-3881. KsItSl CHICA60. ILL u-iim.oiukfib Satisfaction Guaranteed. A. A share of public patrona^p W> vS 8TBVBN8, »' ?.'« t '.•\T7 ' A K f.'M'-r'W. BOOKS, THiwEE CENTS EACH! We are also closing out a U S E 'STEWART ̂ H E A L I N G CREAM For Chapped Hands, Lips, cte. It makes the skin smooth, soft and white; , cool* and heats the face after , shaving; also cures Bums, Tetter, _ [ Salt-Rheum, cuts from corn husking,! I «tc. This Cream is the asost Htilftc- Itory preparation made. 1 Prlc*. 15 and 50 eta. • bottle, j i If your druggist docs not keep it and will not order it, send 34 cents in ' ̂ stamps for large sample bottle toj Stewart Healing Powder Co. 404 N. 2nd Street, St. Louis, Me. Obtained, and all I'A TEST Hl.s/A&V! tended to tor MODERATE FEES Our office is opposite the V. 8. Patent Office, and we can ob­ tain Patents in less time than those remote from WASHING TON. Send MODEL, DHA WISH or PBOTO of indention. We advlM as to patent ability free of rliarae and we make AO VUAhGE VKl.ESS PATENT IS SBVVRED. For circular, advice, terms and references to actual clients in your own Rate,County. City or Towu, write to CppoMt* Potent Offiat, Wmhb&im, V. 0 After Forty years experience in the Thousand > the United preparation of more than One Hundred illeatlons for patents in lates and Foreien conn-. tries, the publishers of the Rcientiflo American eonttnne to net as solicitors for patents, caveats, trade-marks, copy- rights, eto., for the United States, and to obtain patents in Canada, England. France, Germany, and all other eonntries Their eiperi- snee is unequaled and their facilities are unsor- and specifications prepared and filed In the Patent Ofloe on short notice. Terms very reasonable. Mo charge for examination of models or drawings. Advice by mail free Patents obtained through MnnnftCo.are noticed Inthe SCIK1VT1PIC AMERICAN, which has the largest cironlation and is the most influential newspaper of its kind published in the world. Th) advantages of saoh a notice every patentee MHlerttanda This large an ldidly illustrated newspaper Is published WEEKLY at »3.00 a year, and is admitted U» be the best paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, pub- listitd in Any country. It eoottioi tbi Dtnei of •II patentees and title of every invention patented eaen week. Try it four months for one dollar. •old by all newsdealers. If ron have an invention to patent write te ktunn & Co., publishers of Seientifie / ' Wl Broadway, Hew York _ Handbook abent patenU mailed ftea. Parker's SPAVIN CURE IS VREttVALEO as an application to horses for the cure of Spavin, Rhea- •latlam, Hpllnt, Naricslsr Joints, and all severe Lame­ ness, also for track use when reduced. Price V1.00 iter bottle. Bold by druggists. Strong Csflfr menials on application. ^ " E. W. BAKER, ^ »• 8<rie Proprietor, A jrbim, K. H. Trade supplied by J as. K. 0avis *Co.f Detroit, MJeh. [ Peter Van Hokaick * Sons, Chicago, QLi Meyer Bro's Jk Lnh, Ko. Th« flnogt styles in baugiriK lam •r«rae«o in fthia vtlltge at Oeoa Beiie;'* Weal Side Dzug store. , . . . f - V xmESst Below -whole- We have i f-'u,{ P f ' : >1 aay- OLO THING P; h-iii _ And a full stock of Wool B o o t g FlB^ed literati: The following hooks are published In neat pamphlet form, printed fress ed. ~ ... . > t) . - . ag expem timen th® price at which th*y are here offered, £&ch on® i® complet# in itcvlf; and many of them liandsomely illustrated. They are without exception ihs ehsspeit feeol ln an/ ]anJ or language, and furni»li to the masses of the people aa spportaaity te secure the terature of the day_ at the most trifling expense. * " " gos4 rsMaMs type the shsspsst bsoks i . . tppoitaaitr M aeenre In any other series these great works weald ssst Wonder* of the World, Natc ih and OTBE*. Con- «»Jn§ lifUciipHoiM unci iiiu8tr«tioii9 of the rooiit wonderful *oi k* ̂ ti nin•* «m<I < i niitu, Vpt v ittinp mirt inetrurtive. U t»i0^r« ul* Utc e»eii. A <U^cM|.tiou o( the many wondtr- ^lt Hllji t'<1 ll|£it l(01tt oi tiiO OCVftQ pntiMS" iiiti>i t /.tit.tit. ' J-xortlon," and Other fffcetcliea. By's W.KI." A roi|,.>'M<ui „i itivniHUhiv funny Skit. '.}• i:,s 11.. f, | ,")M ilur 1; i,i,,o> oi.a wi iiei «.t ti.e rtn'y. 1 hi- \«»t Kiietaii I'liperv, 1 yC lara ai'must*. anthor ef "Ti.« tt... A „..«l funny book • •Ifl \Vit-' trjU -t i • ••\«h|.»w '.>,»! | < Muriv«» ••>* CiiAHi Ks Dicrksh, Ill I'm* )»!«».t .-it:,, HSM.ff ClU*Ullr« HiOll.p t> Hi t* wr l iv i 'Whu 'Vrr l f^ i l , KA' ho t i r n Koiftt i t •«e r.' rali;iv 2<ntH|*e A t.o»k • I I- t. f \ * I ill !*• »«•!.! * : I l*u{*«»lMr uttO IViiWucuvM. tlr Hil l !• •! 'ti'M . Iit I i t in* ill J .•«! *,!,, Tlu- .Vcn or !W<nW'r»i Time*. Conisilrinpor-in. I i«t|»'»1**i« • >i tainiUf. stii itiitiic Aiiiericaua, limit lit* ot Pia'iMiu !•> ti-« pr»'i»rm. KHiitUlnr r..ntnl»itng fit*origin und •>' iitft'M' ft'.i«H,v*s !•<{ i I *. iin-i In i°eA*ln>tr nn«i coii^ciatk* llttn. A V«hut lilt} \V'»tfc •' 11* «»l Low Ltre <n Ni-tt' York. A of |»mi p*cltir«i •howIn*- ti»w <Urk si u> nf It1.* In thf gr«**t city. THwtiratf.ii. The limit! to Wtwtliu Not ah ahv*>rt!«Mns clicrtlir, bnt a thnronfthly |imrtirn! work, polming out ft way by which aH mny n.nn.-y ennity, rnphlly *ml hnnently. ng«* ^ntimentiil.paihelle l<illim^ iiimM ««' the tnvm ltes. new Ami oltl. 11,-lr, A N..V.I, B.V Mm. Miv Aomks PLBaiice. A Novel. By Mahion Har!.ani>. A Novel. By Mrs. Am* S. Hundred sn.1 ruin'.'-. 4m*l.i,lill Wr Noel A ltiir(<•«'•! I ITc. An Old Stun'e 8aerl0ce> Stbphrns. The FerrelHiil KaMss, A ttersl. By V. T. OiitNa The Old Makea Cbeek a Uml. By Stltarts Ce», ft. The l'earl eftheOeeaa. iX*nl. IrCim Avatiara. Hollow Ask Halt. A Xetel. By liMtast BbooWk Jllnetratfd. . ^ ( ItHc lloase. AFe»sl. By B tta W. Pissea. 'J \ I'mter the LOaea. A KotsI. By the anther ef wtM9t The ninmond Bracelet, 1 Hersl. By Mrs. Rssln * W'.on. Itlu*tialfd. Tlic«r'» Seeret. A Novel. ByMlnsM. I. BSAOnea,, The Mmnure (>«r of Dr, d^ktB end In Ilyde. £• Novel: liv K. J,. 5TK*KNI*nN. A IVIckrri titrl. AVonl. -•>» »l*a* C«. il.Rat. ^Lndy Valn-orth's Dlaateads. a Suvel. By ltot ween Two Kins, A Kevel. Bytke aath Tlini nr." /Uiutrairi. ne of Hearts. A !?oy»1. By It. T.. Fa Forluii<s A Nor,I. RyFi.osKKrit Wa lUnrrlnae. A Jiov.l. By Mli l«e Uiillty Klver. A Novel. ByWn.i tie 1'ol.on of Axp*. A Novel. Br ft oalUrasie. A Novel. By Mrs. Hskav Woes. orsrlnB the Fetter*. A novel. By Mrs. limntl, 1 A IMHywrlcM'e Itauchteik A Hovel, By lire. AMJ)S Kkwakps. lllHitruled. Fair bat False. A Kovel. By the aatlior of « Dp* l^ioiiie." IllutUatrd. I.anpaoter'a Cskla A (ml, Br Mrs. M.T. •lerSfc ' Illustrated. > ' ' Florence Ivlnaten's till. A Itenl. My Mis. M4|| . A. Dmiiim, Illustrated. _Tke W«sas Hater, A XevsL By I>r. i. H. R»»i*«4i." ahutroitd. The Callfbrala Cabin. A Kovel. By M. 1. Calcsb. __ "ill send any f»<irr>t the above hook* by mail post paid noon receipt of only It Cental any ten fat n.^ twfniy-jhieivt AO Cents; th,* entirw list (40books) for TS Oaatat the entire list bound in boards wuh ̂ >"th hack lorisi .10, This iKthpirreatem bargain in book s ever offered. Do not fail to take advantage of 111 m < 'i Satisfactionyu/xrant M or money refundftt. >er puh" ••tarn nail. Address all letters bargain in bookst PoKturo stamps taken for fractions of a dollar. As to ear rellah we refer to any nnvspaner puhliiihed in New York, likewise to the Commercial Acsncles. All ardi ~'"r" m*" • F. M. LVfrox,Psbllstor,Ms.m Mtiway«ls ssMIt 11KBY ^*#DBALEB IN--§ PAINTS, OILa, Toilet WIf\ES AND ZsIQUOBBy FOB MEDICAL vJtTSE. Also Bottled Ale &Dd Porter:for Medical nee. .'J The be»t brands ot Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacofl always on hand.. 6 PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Gi*»«e»s»ll. V' SJcHenry, December 2Stbt 1387. C. W- BE t . - " ii'i;

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