Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jan 1888, p. 5

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Railroad Time Table. •y;C / Taking effect sept 19th. train# paas - ,v. • MeHenry station daily, •«•?' Sundays, as i*' ' fellows: OOIKO sour a. !<'. f ' • Ukl Geneva Passenger -SpfeisLake Geneva Express • •• - Lake Genera Freight t»ke Geneva Pa»een*er....... ^ X OOtWO WOBTtt. \J. - Lake Geneva Freight.. Lake 3enev» Passenger ?.|HM •" Lake tawn Bxpresa ' , - Lake Genera Passenger -.7:25 4. * ..8:28 " . 2:00 r. H ..8:28 •« •m ...SLL A.* 9:W " 4:KP. U . 7:00 " B. Buss, Agent. Mctlenrv, III r'C.'k MODERV WOODMEN OF AMElilCA.. ' Meet at Parked House Hall, every Second » .>in4 Las* Tuesday evening ot each mont ' V > NellUtwrs cor lially invited- uj. ̂ - m--mmmmmm--wmm-- -- - M AHOXIG. ,*•%; -X'MoHBWBT LODGB, NO. 15S A. F, and A. M. % 'V.'.'v1? Regular *#;•' m » • Communication* the second feortb Monday* in each month. J. VAU SltTKB, W. and Church Directory. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CBffttCtf. Preaching every Sabbath, merning and even- "Butinesi t-f? At Ringwood at 2 :S0 p. II. Crowd in and worship with ns. done for SXtmity. P?*1 "•-> HABDT E. WTCKOM, A. B., Pastor. 1 , . UNIVEB8ALIST CHURCH. ' ^ " Services every Sunday mornio?, and every v: 'i JSrst and third Sunday evenings In each i • •» month. •j«„. -» cardial welcome is extended k> every one „ ,,'jto join us in our worship. Our Motto--Study to know the truth- Bx- ffA, *miae--Reflect--"Prove all things; hold fast kii" sthat which is good." ,J-, , REV. U. BLADE, Pastor. !* THB proceedings of the Board of Supervisors will appear next week. " ALTHOFF BBO8. bave A new adver­ tisement this week wb'ch should fell t® read. . , ;i H I'}, READ the new advertisement of W H, Dwight, Woodstock, to be found in another column. FUN at the Riverside skating Rink on Saturday evening next. Read the notice In another place in this paper. FOUND, a pair of child's Mittens. The owner cab have the same by call­ ing at this office. ^ * FRANK WRAT and Walter Culver, of iRIchmond, was on our s'reets on Sun­ day. ..... GEO£W. YKLDREDOE, of Richmond. was attending to business Inthis tillage on Tuesday. : > * " : 1 1 "'--'f * 'f A. 0. GBANGEK has moved into the f bouse first door Bast of the M. £. ^Church, owned by Fred Schoorr. BEY VAN HORN will preach in TIN 3d. E. Church, in this village on *atur :t a turn up his head ozif asm' ,day next, Jan. 21st, at 2 o'clock C didn't run. He teas me dat REMEMBER the Club Party, at the Farker House, on Friday evening of next week, Jan. 27th. Music Smith's Orchestra, Mort Rogers Prompter. Tickets 50 cents* A DANVJXLB paper says: Coffins are now made of paper. Dead beats who have all their lives swindled editor* out of their paper can now keep rlgbtj en after death, and swindle undertak­ ers out of their paper through all etei nity, : THO8. BOLGBB, who Is well know] in this vicinity, died quite suddenlj at his home. In the town of Green­ wood. en Tuesday morning. He haJ been lu poor health for some time, but his friends had no thought that be .was dangerous. MORE white goods, chemeee and drawers lees than half prlc, E nbrold- ered curtain scrim, red table cloths 25 cents per yard. More of the 5 cent goods. A lot of linen Handkerchiefs 10 cents and an extra fine line of black drees goods at Ladles sales room this week, MRS. H. S. GREGORY, THERE seems to be a tew business men in McHenry who do not think It pays to advettise In a regular paper because if cost4 something, but prefer to patronize some snide affair that ha? not the semblance of a newspaper about it, and that is not read by » dozen persons*. This ?s just the reason they always say "It does not pay to advertise " We claim their ladgment in this matter is of no aocount. MR DAVID HENDERSON, manager of the Chicago Opera House, returned from New York Monday evening where be has been cementing arrange­ ments for a grand spectacular bur­ lesque attraction for tbe coming sum mer at tbe theatre, an attraction, be says that will rival the Arabian Nights that last summer for a period or thirteen weeks, packed tbe Chicago Opera House nightly. ON account of the storm tbe attend­ ance at the Club Dance, on Frldav evening last was small, but neverthe­ less all report a good time, and speak highly of the Orchestra. Mort Rogers, of Lake Geneva, who Is so well known to the Jancijg public here, wan prompter, and we need not say it w»k first class. Their sec? ad dance will be on Friday evening of next week thr 27th. Let ail who ever dance turn out. taken posse as! en of the atoir* formerly occupied by Mrs. Schumacher, and with a fine new stock of Goods is pre­ pared to show the ladiea as fin* a stock of Fashionable Millinery as can be found In this section. She also will do Dress Making on short netloe and guarantee satisfaction Read her notice and call and examine her good*. S. RAYMOND, of this village, has re­ ceived a letter from B. Grlswold, now of Jackson. Tenn.. formerly a resident or this village, which states that the weather In that section is warm and suoQtnerllke, the thermometer ranging from 61 to 80 degrees above zero, and that plowing is being done evory day in that vicinity. This Is In marked contrast to the weather hero at the ^present time. SUNDAY night Jan. 8th at the Chlca. go Opera House saw tbe opening ol Imre Kiralfy's great spectacle, Lagar* dere. The house was parked, and the standing room sign which has grown gray In the aotlve servlee of this thea­ tre was as usual hung out In front. The play is re illy a spectacular ver­ sion of The Duke's Motto, and the dramatic part of the performance Is stronger than any of tbe spectacular plays that have appeared Iu Chicago aod Is interpreted by a^trong dramat­ ic company. The spectacular features are the best that the Klrslfy's have given for some time, and consists of two grand ballets, led by the prem ieres Cornalba and Francionl, namely the Gypsy Revels aod the Seven Ages Ballet of tbe Sbakesperlan parable. The scenery is all new, and with the exception of one or two minor scenes, is the work of tba best European ar- tilts. Lagardere will remain at tbe Chicago Opera House this week and next. . . • •• • ' GRAND GALA NIGHT, At Riverside Skating Rink, Saturday Eve'ng. Jan. 21, '88 Ten Lap Race, and Ring Rtue. Also m- quarterly Conference following. "o°run p^'or W6' 1 four a to run pas' or big sycamore tbe wai in er snake wur so bizzy look in' anothfi face he didn't notis de tree, When I *, , . , i ick dar he wuz, his head pin tin' autograph and pay him the shekels. ^ up, waitin' fo' mo tor come MB. SLADB'S subject next Suudaj umn. and call Tax Collector is on Read his notice In him, receive hl>™? nVto ,d? ̂ P-. on yon member aw do ohu'oh, t" asked the first old darky. Ring - a Gold Watch given away, Elgin move­ ment. On Saturday evening next, January 21st, tbe proprietor of tbe Riverside Skating Rink will offer Prizes for tbe above attractions as follows: For tbe Ten Lap and Ring Race, a Prise of a 11.00 Ticket to the Rink. ADMISSION" TO HALL, 25 CENT?. Which entitles the holder to Skate and also one chanoe oa thi Gold Watch which will be drawn on that evening, providing one hundred numbers or nere *r. sold. The Watch oan be No bui"een rrom now until Saturday at the not ha Jewelry Store of O. W. Owen. Let you kn< til come out and witness more fun ence foj ||aD you have seen before in a year. I'HE MCHENRY MILITARY BAtfD Will be present and furaisb Music, A. CALKINS, Proprietor. & morning will be 'An Awakening,' at the afternooaat 2 o'clock, In King ^ g^. j'ge er deacon. Why?" iwood, 'The Garden of Eden, where It (e dar wur some featers in dat ia and what of it.1 V dat seemed kinder 'iection- * !Bnt If ton's er deaoon I know expect. But an oughly humble asks to IT eomes sudden like, lust as tht- :::«ongtegatlon have finished singlo^ j#*8alvation's free^' to have the preach- k jer announce that -'the collection WIIJ now be taken up." THB best minstrel organization ot: the read--Thatcher. Prlmre»e A West will fill a week's engagement at th» Chicago Opera House following Lagardere. MARRIED,--At the residence of tti*- bride's parents, in Harvard, Januar.v 10th, 1888, by Rev. M. N. Clark, Mr. Charles S. Knox and M ss Hattle Rich­ er dee n, all of Harvard. H.C. MEAD had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse last week. It bad its leg broken by the kick of another horse In the stable and he w*s obliged to kill it. PBTER SCHUMACHER, who lived neat Pistaqua Lake, died quite suddenly ot Friday nlgnt last. He had been around as usual all day Friday. We did no> learn the cause of his death. iC THAT open winter has struck us at last. The Thermometer in this village ranged from 22 to 30 degriSes below zero. In different parts of the vlllag* •o Monday morning, Oh, but it'* .jaild. SOME think there's nothing likes fine education, it gives to the gifted ; such eloquent tongues; but Dr BuiPf »<J Cough Syrup is the thing In creation V*"- that knocks into sm It hers a pain In the i,' lungs. < THE best way to get ail the fur 1.^';.^ there is out of a sleigh ride is to sit In a warm, cozy parlor, with the curtains drawn with your best girl in an eas> chair by a glowing open fire and talk ahont It. • - A CURIOUS number: Here issome- thiog to scratch your bead over. A very curious number Is 142,857, which multiplied by 1,2,3,4. 5,6, gives the same figures in the order, beglo- Ing at a different point, but if multl jflled by 7 gives all 9*s. AN exchange says that- a folded newspaper placed under tbe ooat I the small of tbe back Is an excellent substitute for an overcoat. There if considerable warmth in a newspaper that's a fact. Many a man has become heated by simply reading an article I a newspaper, and at such times he wants to make it hot for th% editor. . "HSU. THB postmaster general has Issued au order that postal clerks 6hall cancel BO more stamps ou tbe train. If a letter Is mailed on a train It Is thrown tatoarack to be put ofi'at tbe n«xt postoffice on the route where stamp* are canceled and it Is remalled. This delays a letter one mall, so you may as well mail your letters at home and lei the poetoffioe have tbe benefit of bSScauw THE Ladies Willing Workers Socle, overybr connected with the Universalis and n Church, will meet with Mrs Elijah ho end Carpenter. Thursday afternoon, Jan. I9tb, at toe usual hour. Mae. W. A. CBISTT, President. Miss JCLTA A STORY, Secretary. T 20 Musical Sooiuble, At tbe residence of Mr. and Mrs J. Walsh, on Friday evening, Jan. tor the benefit of the M. E. Church understood that he had bean ar Jome and listen tei a real treat of in- Htrumentai and vocal music and reclta* ions. The following IS pro­ gramme: . [Lstrumental Duct Misses Ttaflt Whiting I and fined for a little fight he ras a small fellow, and his an- b was about six feet four and a and Mary Wentworth, •iolo Mrs. C. A. Walsh ttea'iing Miss Dora MrOmbfr i > u e t . . . H r t , > h e p a r d a n d r . J a c k m a n •>«lo Mrs, Nicholi- L>uot........... . Miss Dora Whiting anil " ' Mrs. Himnau Recitation.... MR 8hepar<i solo W A Oristy at these ery seat mine), box and I felt eerely h 1 was n< parent been Too mapy spoil ooakiug It palatable. t tastes Insipid. m a k i n g a good cup of tea Is so simph hat It is surprising to find a house­ wife who does not understand it* Ye1 there aie many such. Heat a black nartbenwaie teapot. Put Into it a easoounful of tea leaves and pour >ver It a pint of freshly boiled water Let it stand two minutes on the back >f the range where It will not bell And that Is all there Is to It. If It t>oiis It will become bitter, and no del icate palate will accept it M tea. W. P, AT a meeting of Valley Camp, No. 98, Modern Woodmen of America, held on Saturday eveuing last* (he follow­ ing officers were elected t Consul% J. Van Slyke. Adviser, H. C, Mead. Clerk, W. P. Stevens, Banker, F. A Parker. Encort. J. Hetzell, Watchman* H. O. Thompson. Sentry, E. J Hanly. Physician, Dr. A. S. Childs. Manager% E. J. Hanly. De If gate to Head Caunp. Stevgns, The new officers will be Installed on Tuesday eveuing, J an, 31st. A CRAFT, a profession or a society that maintains its respectibillty and jealously guards its boBerable reputa­ tion is deserving of commendation but we could never quite understand why the medical profession should raboo and attempt to put tbe mark ot •llograce upon those of Its members who. In a seemingly manner, advertise their legitimate business In the news papers. There is no more impropriety in a skilled physician advertising in the papers than there is in a merchant or a manufacturer doing the like There is nothing dishonorable or dis­ creditable in a business advertisement, properly worded, whether it be that of a doctor, a merchant or a shoemaker. Professional ethics are well enough so long as they are reasonable and busi­ nesslike, but when they smack of snobbery and Pecksniffism; they are •dmply ridiculous.--Chicago Journal, k at me," the little fellow said. look like a quarrelsome man ? ain't. I goes my own way )le and quiet, and never inter- rith anybody's bnsiness, and led mo tor assaultin' a man six r. Why, I couldn't get np to I could I'd have battered the tea instead nf* °.f him».you bet I was in the Hvhen this tall fellow began bill- It is b#U#d untile I'm the most harmless man The process ol U wouldn't hit abov. T 1J-'* _ FOX LAKE. / EDITOR PLAIN DEALER AS I have iot seen any items from Fox Lake In t long time, I thought I would take rbe pleasure of sending yon some Items which might be interesting to he readers of your valuable paper. We are well blessed with plenty of weather such as it Is, and would like to see the man that predicted ao open winter. There Is quite a good deal of sick­ ness around our little city at present. Mrs. C. Kucker. Sr., Is very poorly, and is not expected to last but a very short time at tbe longest. P. R. Blunt has been sick for a long time and at this writing be Is gradually failing and the end cannot ue far distant. The funeral of Mrs. L. Hook took place last Saaday, three miles east of Wadsworth. She leaves a loving hus­ band and one small child to mourn her ioss. She was buried lo tbe Fox Lake cemetery. Our school is progressing with if its Tira Walsh, of Fox Lake, teacher; and the parents are all well pleased with her careful Instructions, and the 'sporting farmei* has taken the con­ tract to build fires for her, which makes It very pleasant tor her and her pupils. Bob, our milter. Is In the land of the living and he takes It very cool at present. As the crops were rather poor last season In this section it makes bis business very dull and Stoker' has it quite easy to attend the engine. Our merchants are doing a moderate business. A. Tweed Is busy shipping his eggs, which Is his principal bosi ness, H. J. Nelson has a new feed mill with which be does good work, and be thinks It is a ereat saving to farmers to grind their own feed. The Ice harvest is good this winter. All of the big houses along tbe W, C. R. R. are about full, and the loe houses around Fox Lake are all full with a very fine quality of Ice. We will try and keep tbe patrons of tbe Lakes cool next summer. OHB or MANY, Puumiutt em team of the amount ealttiiwMn Helat, wao is authorised receive aaonev and receipt for the same, ia onr nam*. Tnoee wtaMeg to subscribe ean leave tbelr names at his (Store. Call on .him and get a sample oopy.] EDITOR PLAINDBALER:--The Algon­ quin Ice houses were filled last week with a very fine quality of Ice. The Algonquin Creamery Company don't fill their house this year. There was a sleigh load of our Mod­ ern Woodmen attended Camp at Nunda, on WedoiSday evening last and report having a very pleasant time, as well as getting considerable Insight into tbe workings of the Camp There was quite a delegation from here summoned before the Grand Jury, at Woodstock, en Wednesday of last week, and we expeqt that -out Saloons are to have a pulling over tbe ooftls again. C. E. Chapell started North on Saturday last to buy milch cows, ap<l It ls: hoped that he will have better luck than he had the last trip. Rev. E. F. Wright, of Crystal Lake, ore ached at the Congregational church here on Sunday afternoon last. D. W. Thomas has a number of teams drawing wood from his weed lot, be- vond Cary. They have a road broke on the river and each team can draw two leaded sleigh# with a cord on eaob sleigh. Mr. and Mrs. S, A. French, Mr. and Mrs. Garry Franob, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Bloomfield, of Elgin, and Mr. tnd Mrs' Belos Dunton, of Carpenter- ville, attended tbe funeral of Mr. Robert Phillips on Friday last. Died. January 12tb, 1888, Mr, Fred­ erick Pruss, of Typhoid fever, compli­ cated with Senile Bronchitis, aged 66 years. The funeral was held at the German Luthern church oi Sitnrday, the 14th Inst, and the remains were intered In the Cemetery en the bill. Ira Jaynes, who has been very sick with Pneumonia for the past week, Is considered out of danger, nnder the killfui treatment ot Dr Na-on, Mrs, E. A, Ford was called to Chloago on Wednesday of last week to see ber sister. Mrs. John true, who has been -tick for some *time past, Mrs. Crue lied on Friday and .was brought to Elgin on Monday ^of this week for in­ terment. We have been having some decided winter weather for the past week. Mercury registered from 18 to 22 below on Sunday morning and from 21 to 25 below on Monday morning last, In this section. DIED:--January 10th, 1888, Mr. Rob­ ert Philips, of Parilysls, aged 90 year* aod 7 months, Robert Phillips was born in Buck* county, Pa. June 19tb, 1797, of Quakei parentage bis mother being a preacher in the Quaker Church, He was ih* last of a family of ton. He resigned tiis connection with the Quakers Ot> tccount of their Intolerance on thr question of temperance and slavery. He followed the occupation of miller in Pennsylvania for a number of year* 'la. JBMUtled Naomi Garrison March 9 '• 1831, who still survives him, He came to Chicago lo NOT. 1847 and to Algonquin in April 1843, where be followed th« occupation of farming oa a farm ad­ joining the village of Algonquin where be died. He had a family of ^Ixohildren. 3 sons and 8 daughters, four ot whom survive him, E. H of Cape May, New Jersey. Wtllet and Howard Phillips, of Algon qnin, and Mrs. Emma P. Sortor, of Halt Lake City. Tbe funeral was held at the house on Friday, the 13th, Inst. Tbe services were conducted by Hon George Gage, of McHenry^ and the ' LM& attempt the exp the unl ther tha eels pilq Phillips TANK HEATERS. The fioest Tank Heater known, at sc remains were Intered in the Cemetery was oert 00 tl,e deceased in bis latter he woul<|Fears was a strong advocate of Splrit- n°AfteiM '8in an<* wu ,,er *®ady for an argument In favor of bis belief. He was noted for his nonesty and integri­ ty, as well as being a kind and indul­ gent father, a faithful friend, and a good neighbor. The family have the sympathy of the entire community In 'his their beresvement, especiallr the widow, who has been his faithful/wlfe and companion for the past 57 years. 8M Owens Taak Heater before |So RING WOOD. M EDITOR PLAINDEALBB: -- Splendid winter weather and fine sleighing Nature always takes oare of her chil­ dren, If they will only obey her laws The cheese factory Is doing a tine business, receiving 7500 pounds of milk per day with everything satis­ factory to tbe patrons. Feed is coming in and the cash Is going out. Mr. H. C. Allen received a tine oar load from Cole A Bro., Rich­ mond, . Mr. O. Richardson has returned from Fine sleighing. Cold, colder, coldest! The teachers' meeting last Saturday proved a (allure, as the teachers failed to meet. A, M. Wray has been chosen Super­ intendent of the cattle department of tbe McHenry County Fair for 1888, The Northern Illllnois Sheep Breeders'Association held a. meetin* at tbe Culver House last week Wednes­ day. There Is t# be * donation for the Rev. Mr, Harbaugh, the pastor of the Ocngregatlonai Church, at J. V. Aid- rich's, next Friday evening. Tame bay Is now worth 814 per ton and It Is bard to find at that price. What It will be worth bf next spring oo one can surmise. James T. Hodge, our tax collector. Is now ready to exchange his auto *raph for your shekels. He can be found at Haythorn's drug Store Wednesday and Saturday of each week. Call and see him. Last Monday evening tlMi iwWly elected officers of Riohmond Lodge of tiasom were publicly Installed at Burton's Opera House before a goed- *lzed audience. Tbe* literary pro­ gramme consisted oC vocal and Instru­ mental music, and an able andelo* quent address by Rev. Chas. Frazer, of Elkhorn, Wis. During the past week we have been treated to some remarkably oold veatber. Last Thursday afternoon a genuine Dakota blizzard paid us a vis it, leaving in Its wake a cold inap which gradually Increased until on Sunday morning the mercury marked 23 degrees below zero. Monday morn­ ing not to 1>e outdone came up smiling and gave us the coldest yet, the ther mometer registering 28 degrees.below at seven o'clock. We can dispense with any more such weather for a while. It is easy enough to observe, here In little Richmond, eyen, that the Presi­ dential campaign has already begun. Bvery other man one meets Is talking ibout "tariff' and "surplus" and Blaine and Cleveland. It Is astonish­ ing to hear men chatter about "Free Trade," who are new made converts 'o that sort of doctrine, and who sur­ prise their listeners by the extent of the ignorance they manifest concern­ ing even th^ plainest details of the matter; while oo the other haud, 'Pro ection" becomes In .the mouths of *ome the most complex, knotty and -enseless question Imaginable. In fact, for once at least, tbe average cit­ izen is puzzled, having as little jus> dea of the merits of all slQes of the arid, or international trade subjects. «s a oalf has or astronomy. < Neverthe­ less the Mugwump holds up both tands for Cleveland, the ultaa-Repub- iican swears by Blaine and Protection, he Democrat applauds the message (whllsi admitting that the President ias gone further than his party ever <iared to), while the sensible, observ­ ing men look with distrust--and por- napscontempt--upon the boiling ele­ ments in the political pot and wonder what kind of a stew will be served up in tbe end. If a Republican dares to ->ay a word In favor of a reduction ot (be tariff'on wool, sugar. Iron or lum­ ber, his brother Republicans aocuse him of being a 'traitor.' of *g»lng hack' on his party, etc., evidently for­ getting that plaok in the plitform of 1884, adopted at Chloago, which de olares that 'The Republican party pledges itself to correct tbe ioequai, ities of the tariff.' That was tbe Rf publican doctrine then, why not nowlP Echo answers, why f No Intelligent voter, be be Republican or Democrat •ellevec lo free trade. All admit thai it is not to be thought of for a mo nsent; but oo the other hand tbe voters '»f all parties concede that tbe tarifi ••hould be revised; that as it now itandslt Is of nearly as much tiarm a* good. Your correspondent looks to tbe Republican party to make that revision when tbe time comes (as it aurely will sooner or later), as that Is the party that has brought about all the great reforms in tbe United States during the past thirty years. The Democrats are so hopelessly divided into factions we can n*er hope for any great.reform from that party. JOMN8BURCH. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--Tbe fellow that promised us a mild winter (Hade a sad mistake, •"The Johnsburg butter aod cbee|e . factory paid 90 cents for October milk his trip to Canada and reports a good • Peter Adam, „ |n Minnesota and time in tbe old domain, where be went to see bis mother. F, L. Carr and Carl Fay have gone back to the Seminary of Rev. RjK. Todd to teach for six months, flood for our Ring wood boys. Quite a number of Rtngwoodltes attended tbe dance at McHenry on Friday night. Tbe boxlug sohooi Is well attended. It draws a crowd every night, and wbat with dancing parties, protracted meetings euchre parties and boxing, tbe tlmeis divided to make tbe win­ ter evenings interesting to all. Mrs. H. Dwelly bad tbe misfortune to fall and put her wrist out and broke five of tbe small bones. Dr. Cbllds was called and put the wrist back in its place aod set tbei bones. Tbe post office is well patronized every tt}gbt. Oh, tbe smoke. H. C. Allen's arm Is improving slow­ ly, It was a bad hurt--worse than was at first expected. The cheese factory paid for Novem­ ber butter, 81,10 and fof butter end milk 8125, which will average well with other factories. , ? Tank Heaters pay 81 per day easy, In a herd of C«»ws. Call and examine tbt boat at B. M. Owon 4 Sous. LODOB DIRECTOR*. MASOTFTC.--A. r. and A. M. meet at Mfeaonie Hall on every lfet and 3d Wednesday even- of each month. Moo KAW WOODVSH or AMKF'CA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every 3d and 4th Thursday even- infra of each month. Neighbors cordially In­ vited . SONS OF TKXFHKAKCR.--Meet at Union Hail oo Tuesday evening of each week. EDITOR PLAINDBALBB:--The Soas of Temperance are to bave an entertain­ ment soon. Miss Nellie Andrews has been -•pending a week with friends here, Norman Browo will work A. Tyler's farm next season. Arthur Baker, from Greenwood, was in town one day last w^ek. The school •exhibition will bo given •n Rowe's Hall, Friday evening, Fob. 3d. Henry Rolve, Collector f5lr the town •»f Hebron, has his books in shape to receive taxes at any time. Misses Rose Buchanan and Orpha Weils will move their millinery goods his week Into rooms above tha fur­ niture store. The yourg ladles are to bava a Leap Year Dance at Rewe's Hall lo the near future, probably next week. Look out for the invitations, girls, and do not fall to be present. Frank W. Smith, the evangelist. Is drawing large crowds at the Presby­ terian Church. The attendance in­ creases nightly, Mrs. S. came Friday o help In tbe good work and make be series of meetings more interest­ ing and profitable. Mr. S. will re nain with us until Monday, preaching each evening. A large crowd Usthned to "In and Out of Andersonvllte" Saturday night, many being present to hear this grand lecture tor the seond time. Mr. Smith has a remarkable gift as a lecturer, holding his hearers spell bound, changing bis theme from the most sad and pathetic to the most ludicrous One moment his audience is in tears, the next, convulsed with laughter. He portrays tbe scenes on the battle field and in prison to the lite. His description of Anderson- vllle should be beard by every man. woman and child in the country. Mr. ^ruith will deliver his second lecture Under Which Flag," at the Presby­ terian Churcb Saturday evening oi his week. Admission, twenty>ffve cental his wife and children will follow him sometime, tills weetoi ; %'i/f Married, at John Thelon, from Kenosha, Wis., and Miss Maggie Myer, of Johnsburg There were quite a number from Kenosha to attend the wedding. The ladies of Jobosburgh are trying to raite about thirty dollars from the members ot their society for the pur­ pose of buying a sewing machine for our Sisters. There is no machine In t^plr house, and they are having too much sewing to do to do 11 by hand. WE are In hopes that the ladies will give liberally and as soon as possible as they are very much In need of it. We are sorry to announce the sudden death of Mr. Peter Schumacher, near Pistaqua Lake. Mr Schumacher was sick but one or two days. He died Friday evening between eleven and twelve o'clock. His remains were burled Ian Sunday. As tbe weather was very cold the funeral was attend ed by a few friends aod relatives only. Mr. Schumacher leaves a wife and two children to mourn bis sudden death, Mrs. ticbumacheii Is almost totally blind. ' Ladies' Chemesette Collars, 10 osata as«h at Evansoa's. :?iv. ^ v Papa's Pet. This ls a Charming little pIctMfe* Of exquisite softness and deilcacy, re­ sembling a photograph finished it India Ink. The subjejt Is a sweet little girl crossing a brook, and bear­ ing a basket of wild flowers she hss been gathering in the woods. It is a real work of art, and it Is impossible ro form a corrct conception of Its beauty without seeing It. According to the price usually paid for engrav ings of this character, Papa's Pel would be cheap at one dollar, but the publishers of the Western Plowman. Moiine, Illinois, In order to get their paper widely Introduced, oiler to send >necopy of this picture, by mail se *urely tubed, and a three months' trial subscription for only 20 cents. A sample copy of the Plowman will be •wnt free. Address, WBSTEBN PLOW­ MAN, Moiine, 111. Taxes! Taxes I t'he undersigned, Collector:M the Town of McHenry, will commence re­ ceiving Taxes, January lOtb, and can he found at tbe following places on tin- days named: Mondays, at the store of Lay A Adams, Johnsburgh. Wednesdays, at the store of Ptrry A Owen, in the village of McHenry. Thursdays, at the store of J. W. Oristy & Soe, Ring wood. Saturdays, at the store of Stevens & Miller lu West McHenry. Call and pay your taxes at as early a day as possible. MAT Rancaa, Collector, FARMERS, CalVat IS. M. Owen A Sons and ex*' imine their Tank Heater before you buy. The best in the market. MRS. C. Am HUTSON, Will be prepared to show Goods and commence Dressmaking on and after January 16<,h, and will hereafter con- luct her business In the same manner a* Mrs. Schumacher. Will visit th* city every week and take orders for all kinds of goods that I bave not on band My goods are all new and of the lates style, both In Millinery and other g Oils. All wool nress goods one ya>d wide at 35 cents, with pattero braid t< match. Good Astrakhan jerseys for 89 cents. I bave Jet trimmings. Cor *ers, ladies furnishiog goods etc, at a bargain. Olve me a call and see for yourselves. MRS. C. A. HOT-SON West McHenry. Bob 8)elghs of ay own manufacture and warranted cheap. Call and M hem, R. $ISHOP, Ladles' and Gents' hose and socks of pure woo), splendid value, at Evan- sen's closing out sale. A 'fine stylish Cutter at lew figures at R. Bishop's Warehouse, McHenry. Oaltewioee them. For 8ale» Lots Five tyid Six, Block Seventeen, in the village of McHenry, 111, This property is now being used as a black­ smith shop, and is one of the best lo­ cations in the county for that business. For. mm. call 00 or address, • •**$*•*•••* 'JGTMBS B. PBBBT, 26 4* McHenry, III. A choice line of Box Paps*, i et Besley's, ffest Side. SMOKB the "Empire best Five Cent Cigar fo thi et. Ci&rastdenafta for ail*,- Apply Asa W.Smith, WooAtodk,Ill. caps for misses and cbtl- cents to elope at Evao- To dren son's. boggan only 20 Do yon want a pair of Bob Slelffctf If so do not boy until you leantS# prices.-'- ; - _ BHBor •' 8edey*I Ate and On draught at J. glen's and John Heisaei's. WHEAT WANTED. The highest market prioe in t)a|IT will be paid for good Milliog Vkfft at the Vox River Valley MtllOi*- Henry. / . R. BISHOP, i Notice. To tboee that want Tubs, Vats, 1 Racks,and anything: in my line of I •ess. Work done on short notice »rder. Shop one door South of Law« f us' Store, F. A. HBBABB, I «oBeary, AOG. KU8SS. : V WHEAT WANTED. \ | The highest market price in ttash will be paid for good Milling Wheal "i at tbe Fox River Valley Mills, Xo- C Henry. R. BISHOP. ^ Drink Besley's Ale and be healthy and happy * , ^ All kinds of Story Books fer'dtildmb;.^i cheaper than dirt, at Besley's. Plum-ba-go-ine, tbe finest Wagon J Grease ever used, a new thing,at li Besley's. ^ • School Books and Stationery, yifii kinds, at Besley's Drag Store -Week side. ^ Shakespeare's Works, Bed Line *j Edition, for only ft at Besley's drag -«| •tore welt side; Buckien's Arnica Salve. Tue b"St Salve in the wot id for cuts oruises, sores, ulcers, salt rbmim, fever sores, tetter, cuapped hands,chilblains corns, and all skin eruptian6, and pos- r.ively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. Price 26 cents per box. For sale by Henry Colby,- Please note a few special bargain*. We have just received about 600 ladies' Chemesette Collars, retailing the world over at 35 cents. We ofi«r this let at 10 cents each. Children's and Misses'Toboggans, 20 cents each. We bave a small lot odds and ends In shoes at half price. 5 pounds good Tea 91 or 20 cents per pound. Also a few bosh -Is of Onions at 95 cents per bushel, if taken at ooce, and good po­ tatoes at 75 cents per bushel. JOHN EVANSON it Co. Besley's celebrated Ale on draught tt Jehu Helmer't. J. Bonslett's and A. Engeln's. The most healthy drink far any weather. v XV • - . . ; sAt • WHEAT WAN TBIl. v, The highest market price in cash will be paid for good Milling Wheat, tt the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc­ Henry. R. BISHOP. All kinds'Ladies' and Gent's Pocket books and bags at Besley's Drug store, «est side. __ * Special Notice. * AM parties owing me are again no* tilled that all notes as well as book ao- counts must be settled at once.- Migagementa make this imperative tnd not optloua! with me. I trust hose Interested will give this their prompt attention. HENRT COLBT. . Call in and get measured for a nobby oants at 97. Don't pay #9 andtlC Your choloe out of 200 Bamples. Also •ave your clothos altered, fitted aad •leaned, as he cao not be beat ir do tag 4 F E LAWLGS, Tailor. ^ WHEAT WANTED. - The highest market prl^e in cash *111 be paid for good milling wheat «t the Fox River Valley Mills. Me- Henry. R, BISHOP. BONSLETT A STOFFEL, Dealers in flour, corn, oats, bran, oiddlings, ollmeal. etc. Call or' write f»rprices, . 7$i\\ . ^ Visit Evanson's closing out said* " WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price In oaStr. *111 be paid for good Milling Wh^at >t tbe Fox River Valley Mills, Me- • • ' ̂ "lenry. a BISHOP. Ladles' Chemesette Collars 10 ceats - ach at Evansen's. - v $0 •4 Honest StofleTs. Abe flour 91 at tt A Fur caps, new styles at Boaslett 41 HtoffeTs. Best Klalm Oil. 20 oeuts; 5 gallona* 18} cents at Bonslett ft Stofiei's Goat Robes, large stook at Bonslett St StofieTs, Wool boots and overs at Jlohslett Htofiel's, For cloaks, jacket*^ irrai* *o Bonslett & Stoffel's. Headquarters for underwear aV Bonslett & Stoffel's. C. H. Farce's boots and shoes at. Bonslett A Stoffel's. For a dandy overcoat go to Booslett A Stofiei's. Pea jackets and vests et Bonslett StofieTs. Shawls aad flannels at Bonslett A Stoffel's. Newest Hats In town at Bonsletf At Staffers. • Np| Boot anil Shoe Shop I HURRELL, Having opened a Boat snd Shoo Shop, lo Keller's Block, next door t*; Barbian's Cigar Manufactory, at tbo .. «lgn of the lied Boot, would raapeotr- -1 fully inform tbe public that befS»sl#r J ready to make Boots and Shoes der and guarantee a fit every tlase. Good stock, work done promptly, and^f low prices, will be our motto. Repairing of all kinds done prosisf^ ly and In a workmanlike mannas; «WO me a call. J. Hubbbu. .'! McHenry, Dec. 13th, 188?.,. * i .! Groatly Excitant ' -ol Not a few of the citizens of MeHea>g -M have recently become greatly osmml.^ over the astounding facts, that seV0t*& ^ of their friends who had been pW**"%M aounced by their physicians as loeura- s ble and beyond all hope--sufferlac ^ with that dreaded monster Consump'- rf tioii--have been completely cured ^ Dr. King's New Discovery for COSH* FT •umptioo, tbe only remedy that doea ^ postively core all throat aad lhag .dl#». eases, Coughs, Colds, Asthma tflMt * Bronchitis. Trial bottle free at Hear* Colby's Drag Store, large bottles fUA FOR 8ALE. In the village of lowing property • . . « One good Dwelling House oootalo* log seven rootus, good cellar. On \liif;:; same lot is a $bop 12x32, one a suitable for almost any kind of. ness. If applied for at ooce. w» I house ee paras* for 9500. Orwiirl bouse, lot aad eh »p 'or WW, sion given immediately, ,, Also a n o t h e r h o u s e a o d l o t w e l l ' - ' located. Tbe houee oontaias.teB aad there is a good stable -I* * outbuildings oe the promtsea. sold for •!«» cash. Call oooru_ f»«t Ml* Ring wood, thefOl* i ' ,4.?Uv. / "

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