Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jan 1888, p. 1

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Y i , * ^ * J*"*5 t "Vf* ^ , JV * ^ ' J^.. ->i(«f»* ~#-T •> - ft" .»»-..» JS , 1 M'HEifRY, ILLINOI BUSINESS CARDS J08LTN CA8ET, ••»<> <•' * ' " >V'^ '•• ?*l.T ..,1 «||;'»- '•< <Y(i^ -*• >::.7. ..=»a •'<•» -•>»'«* i >•/ ! **"' '; "' ' Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty an|f Law) No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." EDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1888. ^ -1 PBBLISII*P ETBRY WRDJTESDAT' nr . T • ni4* - V AN8LY K IC,- K9ITOK.AHD TP&OPaiKTOR. Office in Bishop's Block, •*• **' *+4 , • v. • ... .•.»" ,.' .w^Swerore' Paaar :vi!. 0#Ttart|j TBftVS JOF <SIJBSC(IIPTIONC #np .vivaaee) .$1.50 ffXet Paid within Three Month* SUMcriptimis received for three or six Matlia ii the same proportion. PAUL BROWN, A TTORN«T AT UW. as LaSaHe Street a. CHICAGO, ILL. »; , M. F. BLLSWORTH, v ATTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor in Chan A. eery, N'unda, Hi. ; ASA W. SMITH.: ATTORNEY AT LAW and sortsitor* it Chancery.--Woodstock, III.' 10W imi 15 M ,.i;- .- MM "Vv -• ' - COM - !•• OS if*-\ Bates »t Advertising'. v;dir« announce liberal rates for advertising nitha Pr,Ar?rT»EAr,BB, and endeavor te state then •• plainly that the? will be readily nn- lersteed. They are as follows: 1 Inch one year . . net 9 laches one rear* '# Inches on* yeay - 4 Column one year 4 Oelnmn em ycar- Celumn one yoar •no inch means the measurement of one •eh dewa the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege ef changing an often as they • Iheese, without extp-a charge. Bern lar advertisers (meaning those having Itanding cards) will be entitled to insertion •f local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line •Uk week. All ethers will bo charged 1# Male per Mne the Hi st week, and Scents per tine fer each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate ef 16 cents pe line, (nonpareil !r»«. same as this is set In) the first issue, and leeats per line for subsequent issues. Tins, ft* inch advertisement will cest f 1.00 for one week, S1.5S fer two weeks, #2.00 for throe weeks, and se en. The PLAINDRALBR will be liberal in giving Mt '.terinl notices, but, as a business rule, it •ill require a suitable fee from everybody Making the use ofits columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. R. T. BROWN. M.D. ; TSIOIAN ANli SUKGROS.i ^C« *t Residence, McHenry, III. . C. a. FEGEH3, M, D- YSIOIAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, Office at Residence. O. J. HOWARD, It. D. OHY1IOIAN AND SURGEON, ttcfttenff, I 111. OtBbe at Resilience, one door West •f It. E. Church. BARBIAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or­ders solicited. Shop, In Old McHenry, tft*eiter Block, third door west of iUvoraiae House. > Livery Stable. aK. WiGHTMAN, Proprietor. First , class rigs, with or without drivers famished at reasonable rates. Teaming ef all kinds dene on short notice. h ' - : : NEAR THE DEPOT\ :6?':JTJB»X MoHENBY, tlL.1^. Keeps open fer the accommodation of 4be Public a First Class Saloon and Restaurant, i^jH^iero he will at all times keep the beat ' brauda of Wiues, Liquors ami Cigars to be found in the market. v. Also A jisnt For ' :fnANZ FALK'S - IILfiOKEE LAGER BEER. * Beer in Large er Small Kegs or Bottles al­ ways en hand, cheaper than any other, qnalL tj ceasldered. rpj Orders by mail promptly attended to. . ^ ^ 900D#TABL1NU FOR HORSES. JVCall and see us. Robert Schiessle. |Teet ll«Uenry. III. MARY «. BARBIAN. HATIt WORKER. All kinds of Hair Work dene in first class style and at reason ft !>le prices. Rooms st residence, north- oast corner of Public Square, McHenry, 111. •• si in. ••• -i. I.... min^f • --. DR<. C. E. WILLIAMS A D AH LIN. DENTISTS. Residence Dundee. Witl be at McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th iltft 25th and 'ifith of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Snndav I make my visits on the fallowing Monday, and the first day of each visit occurs on Friday, I will atav bat one day. Mei States ffar Claim Apcy OF WM, H. COWLIN, Woodstock, - - Illinois. Prosecutes all classss and kinds of claims against the United States for ex SoH'.«rs; their Witlows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made in prosecuting eld and rejected claims. All communications promptly answered if Postage Stamps are enoiosed for reply. TFAf, IT. COWLTX, Office at Residence, Madison St., Woodstoec, II line! s. John Neison, -PR ACTIO AL-- v- Shop|'g|.> Bishop,m Warenouse imar |j » Iron Bridge. McHenry, - Illinois. Ilavinsran experience of many years in the business I flatter myself that I can please.ait who may give me a call. R E P A I R I N G . Ironinar, and all kinds of General Black- smithing done promptly and in a workman­ like manner. My motto will be low prices, good work and done.|^(Ma$>tly. Give me a cali. • ft JOHN INKISOIW. M«vtTenVy, Nov. 30th, 1S87 SALESMEN WANTED. We are in want of a few more good men to canvass for the sale of choice varieties of Nursery Stock. To men who can make a sue- cess of the business we san pay good salaries or commission a«d Rive permanent employ­ ment. We have many new and choice spe­ cialties, both in the fruit and ornamental line, which others do not handle. Send for onrnew cBtaloirue of grfff nhouse, bulb and bedding plants inallod free on application. Address a^onoe. with reforencos, L L. HAY ft CO., Nui-aerymen and Floriata, XT f'Ar'L. V! XX. AGENTS AND RESTAURANT. MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. i*1 * - riie Kentucky Liquors, ' French Bitters, : McH«nry Lager Beer, Talks' VilwaukM Ben, ^ ' v "X : " -AND-- J; Seklitz Hilvaakee Battle Bscr, f ' V v ' I u a n y q u a n t i t y f r o i a ^ 5 > o i t l 5 Glas« to 5G0 barrels. ^ ; s . « m 4 ̂ v AT WHOELSALE OR RE TAIL Be«r in bottles, kegs or ca*e as • «h«*p *8 the cheapest. ^ r," . We buy none but the host a«d |tll at RAiisanAblo Prioes / ' Call and see me and I- will use k < • yon well. • ^ ANTONY ENGELN. ^MeAenry. III., 1886. • | * ' OTerooat8. ia ail tbe aty,J<n, aft; '§»•' A Ktngala WoV)cat ttip wor!<5 for low trices. A handsoine and Jtrongly Bound 1'hoto- v graph Album, 8'i x 10M Incb-^, gilt sides and edges, holding 22 pages of Cab­ inet and Card pictures sent for 60 cents, retail price. (1.25. A Bed Plush Photograph Album, -1'.. xlOH KinlinsHed padded sides, sold edges, extension clasp, holding 32 pages of Cabinet and Card pictures sent for $1.00, retails for $2.29. Illustrated circulars CBCC of the above and -- RIHX FINER STYLES or Ferthr* A JlfMskln,. Claclnnati, OlilOi •2.29. Illustrated circulars ALBUMS c. G. ANDREWS GENERAL SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming- Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most BSASQWA5LS TIBXS. C. C. Anredws, Spring Grove, 111. Spring Jrove, Sept. 3th, 1S85. ll-ll-3in E. LAV7LUS, ' TAILfll Warrants a Fit or Wo make Suits to order of the oesit (Moths, Foreign or Domes­ tic A'!- THE LOWEST PRICES i hat good Goods can sold ALmO , Cioans anfl Repairs Clofth^s Neatly and on short notice. «J-ivo , Me A Call E. LAWLU8. 'Jr : ' "?ir? Jte- 4 TTORXKT9 AT LAW, WeiMstMk III. A A11 bueinen wilt receive prenapt atten* JOHN KLEIFGEN. HOU^e Painter, Oralner, Oalcimlner and faiierj Hanger. Residence one Block Weet of Riverside House. Work attended te promptly and on reasonable terms. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler No. in SOUTH CLARK STREET, Chi­cago, ill. Special attention given te re­ pairing Pine watches and Chronometers, •fi fall Assortment of Goads In biBllnjf SI for 13 Weeks. ^ The PCT.ICE GAZETTB Will he mailed Vee&rely wrapped, to any addresa la tine United Staes for three months on receiptor ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to poetmaetera, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free Address all orders to RICHARD X. FOX, FMAMU.NR SQDAR*, New York. GOD BLESS YOU" A Bos not: At THE OLD STAND, JACOB BOXSlftCTT O ALOOJT AND RESTAURANT, at the Old ^ stand, opposite Bishop's mill, McHenry, 111. The choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars to he found in the county. Warm or cold meals on short notice on application. PHIL BET'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Case, always on hand. GOOD STABLINU VOR HUBSBS. ATTENTION! Farmers and Dairymen, It will pay those looking for CHOICE COWS Fresh milkers or springers, to call at wy premises beforo purchasing. I can furnish such by the car load or single cow. PORTER n. WOLFRUM, CHKMCHO. Farm about four mllea northwMt of Uarvard, Illinois. ^ IGG1 PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all jobs in tbe line of Digging Welis, Repairing are in re reliev But Tront O; "I had a My sysiept i years I «u i MMtines my (M>j Miirs at a time. I kned, and I iwbar; im. I of Root§fcflr, NTSR& in a short (In* Ood oless ydw ' M r Wm« " writes; « P W ' tngintooona pun HXbeehest, si little tile sleep and aw«k*i |« f of lost fiveypMUKte t« Shaker Kxtiitt ol langer's Trouble out of it-Plain i Sunny South. e we cry for help. often forget to Ins ays, Mr. W. W. St. Olair Co., Ala., attack of chills aad fall of malaria, For ly able to work at all. Id palpitate fer two i wouid get cold to spec ted to die. In a bottle ol Shaker Mi's On rati vo Svrup, King, and bet*re I felt- better, and go to work. May 1 you have it one." Randall at, Boston. I began to throw 1 thought I was go- soon hesan to havo h and sides, I got tired out. I once pa. I began nsing ;, or Seinel's Syruo, ; the sixth bottle I Is a day, and go to the bed. I am a and have worked second bottle, and to be thankful and and whe* I bad could eat ||n« square sleep the minute 1 »r" paper bangar by t1 every day aince I to< gained 18 pounds. I I am." This remedy opens all the natural pusages of the body, expels the poison froil the tdoed and enables nature to rebuild what dl- seaae baa destroyed. . Shaker Extract of RoOts, or Seigel's Syrup \s sold by all drngifists. ov send to the propri­ etor, A. J. White, &4 W*rrea 8t, Kew fork. mess at this ofi. students can CHICAGO COLLEGE OF COMMERCE, Monroe Street. ' JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmakor He Joweler, MoHENRY. ILLINOIS. AriNE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew­elry always on hand. Special attention Educate tor Practical Instit r, JUDD, Principal. given t* repairing fin* a call. watehes. Give ma JOHN P. SMITH. >« CHICAGO*"0 Pumps, Cementing vill put in Wells, Hew Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. Iu short will do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump llepaired or M^*«iiip, give mea <jalV . •^"Orders bv mail Fonn attended to. promptly Post ONoa,!Johnsburgn, III. L. BANTES. Johnsourgh, 111., Kay 28th, WW. -DEAIER IN-- and Uill Feed. 4' ;r ' i WESTERN WW RAILWAY. RAILWAY. ' ^onetrcitos tho Centr»«^o|C Population In, l.r ill 7 » 1S1D, AS THE LOWEST fcffrf f nd get figures before buy­ ing elsewhere. Will guarantee you satisfa Uion in evory particu­ lar. Don*t Pay Anyone To Boy You Fttd for Yon. Large new Warehouse at the Fickle Factory in West McHenry, Illinois. W. A, CRISTY. -BREEDERS MORGAN HORSJJS, Sh.ort . Bod FoUsd 4- - And Jersey Cattle., Hillside West MoHenry, IIL Our Morgan Stock is al 11 pure bred, and originated from the best Morgan sto Jk in the United States. Olfl Gilford Morgan, who stands at the head >f our Slock, is one ot the best breed Morgan torses io the country, and can show more and «tterall purpo e rolts than any other horte i the West. We invite tbe inspection of our stock by orsemen and all lovora ot Ana aoimala. A few foil blood Morgan Oolts and young >iorsea for sale. Also one matched team, full •loeds. (n Cattle we have the full blood short Horn which we are crossing with the Red Polled Angus and therefore instead ef sawing off the dorns we are breeding them faff and with <ood suoeess. A few Heifers and Bulls, both pure bred Ihert Horns and the cross above mentioned for sale. . • J. R- Saylor A Son* Dakota, y Jleiraslraj|iffOffliBj. It$. servlco is carefully arranged to meet requirements ol local travel, as well as io furnish the most attractive routes for through travel between important Trade Centres. ' Its equipment of day and parlor cars, din- lingand place steeping cars is without lival. Its road bed is perfection, of stone ballast­ ed steel. The Northwestern is the favorite route for the commercial tiaveler, the tourist and the seekers after new homes In the golden Northwest. Detailed information oheerfully furnished ** BIRNARD BUSS. Agent, McHenry, III. J. M. WHITMAN, ;'4'\s v Vio-»Pre*. arid Urn. Manager. H. c. wirjcm, •} r Traffic Manager. & P. W1LSOX. Passenger AgenL O. NCKDHAM'8 SONS lie-llf Dearborn 8tMSt» CHIOAOO OmrlliSMB. Cures _ Iwum, un, DyspoMia. Blok Oons&MiUon.PllM. FOR SALE at H. V. Shbi'Ard's Hardware Store, McHenry. r Sale Cheap " A SAES CHASCI Ti Secure a Good Business Location. I |f offOT^for sale my elore hulldings, aituated Jin ithe village of McHenry. They are of jbrick, two stories high, and suitable for any %ind OJ buslnt)«8, with gooa residence rooms in second story. Also good barn and out. houses. Centrally located, nearly opposite Bishop's Mill ami next door to the post office. Also offer for sale my Cigar and Tobacco business. Will sell building either with er Jwithout business to suit purchaser J. PEKOFSltY. McHenry, 111,, May 11,1887. ARBUCKLES' name on a paokage of GOFFSE is a guarantee of excellence* ARIOSA |: ! ls kept In all stores from the Atlantic to the Pacific. • _ COFFEE ^we^er good when exposed td th# a!r. Always buy this brand in hermetically sealed ONE POUND PACKAGES. DEEP Sen Wonders exist in bu' thous­ ands of forms, but are surpassed by the marvels of invention. Those who are in need of profitable work that can be done while living at home, should at one* sand their address to Hallett & 3o., Portland, Matne, and receive free full infor mation how either sex, of all ages, can earn from SB to $25 per day and upwards, where- ever they live. You art started free Cap­ ital net required Bone have made over to0 Aa aaoaead. Soldiers' Department. OOKTKIBCTED BT WM, H. COWLIN, P s ; C- A. IV, Directory* 7. M'HKNRT POST NO. #48. ^Mocta thb First and Third Frlda v evenings of each month. L.R BBKMBTT, Com. KTCHXOND POST KO 988. Meets the seoond Friday evening of each month. Wit. PsACOCK. Com. WOODSTOCK POST, HO 108. Meats first and third Monday evenings of each month. W*. AVSRT, Com. INRIRDA POST, no--. K«Mi the second and fourth Wednesday evening* of each month. * WS. BtJTLXK, Com. HAMTASD POST, HO S55. Heats the second ana tourtn Monday-even ings ot each month. il. W. SSATBSHS, Com. MAKBHOO POST, NA 169, Meets every Second and Fourth Friday evenings of eaob month. B. R. MOKSIS. OOBL WATTCi>in>A POST, HO. S«8. Po%t meet8 everv second and fourth Satur­ day eveulng In G . A. R. Hall, Main St. WAKREN E. POWERS, Gem, Alosf the 8kirmi(h Line. Tbe Hon. Samuel Randall, of Penn­ sylvania, is said to have been a pri­ vate In a cavalry regiment. . General Abner Doubleday, who flred the first gun fer the Unloti from Fort Sumter is now engaged In busi­ ness in New York. The flrit American flag; ef tbe^de- sign approved by Congresfi, was made by Mrs. Elisabeth Ross, ef Philadel­ phia. The fifth annual convention of the Department or Iowa, W. R. C., will be held March 7. S, and 9, at Cedar Rap­ ids. Beok< are slways acceptable te the inmates Of the Soldiers'1 Home at Qulncy. Earl Post, No. 166, Ottawa, has 238 members. Also a relief fund:of 9500. M. P. Ellsworth, Nunda, was recent­ ly presented with a tine high back of­ fice chair. The W, R. C., ladles were the doudrs. Post Ne. 226, Nunda, was Inspected by the Department luspector, Com* rade A. D. Reade, on tbs Tuesday evening following Christmas. tiazlett Corps, No. 11, ZanetvtUe, Ohio, recently gave a corn fesdvsl. fife » 'McOteHfcS ^ MWwiUttKi a I t »fmd ameuuts to $6,473.82. The Minnesota Soldiers' Home drill be built en the co tage plan. Charles Ward Relief Corps, No. 86, Newton. Mass., was Instituted Dec. 16, with 137 charter members. There are four colored posts in Obio --Daniels, No, 500, Xenla; Shaw, No 680, Cinclnuati; Brown, No. 633, Springfield; Logwood, No. 643, Mid- dleport. Commander Jacob gohelder, of Cam­ eron Post, Ne. 79. New York, donated 500 pounds of poultry which was dis tributed to the widows of deceased comrades. The Pennsylvania State eoat-of- arms to be placed oa all monuments erected (under the appropriations made by tlie State) at Gettysburg, will be of copper, 30x20} inches. The Department of New York has 620 posts; of this number only tour are delinquent in tbeir reports to depart­ ment headquarters for the third quar­ ter ending Sept. 30,1887. The South Csrolina Legislature ba« passed a bill pensioning all disabled- soldiers who fought in the army or navy of the Confederacy. It witl cost $50,000 annually. General W. T. Sherman has a< cept- ed tbe Invitation of the Obio Centen­ nial Commiaslon, through Governor Foraker, to be present at the spelling exerclse9 In September next, and with General P. H. Sheridan review the National Guards parales. General U. S. Grant post, No. 317, Brooklyn, N. Y., is setting a very creditable example to other large posts In tbe Grand Army. They In­ tend to erect a memorial building to cest 9100.(00 and to be used for Grand Army purposes, A site has already been purchased at Cumberland street and Greene Avenue. During the week ending January 7, 1888, 4,028 claims were received, of which 8C3 were original invalid; 280 widows; 5 war of 1812; 8 bounty land; 20 nivy; 4 old war; 133 en account of Mexicau service, and 2 775 applications fer I .crease. 1 The soldiers of 1812 and of the Mex­ ican war get $8 a month. Why should not the disabled Uulon veteran get at least thatf The average three months regiment in the war of ihe Rebellion saw more service and more fighting than the average regiment in tlie war of 1812 and the Mexican war. How much longer does Cong ress pro­ pose to 1st 100,000 disabled veterans starve en from 3£ to 13 cents a day? That is a burning question of more lm* portance to a great number of people than any tinkering with the revenue. When the government promised to properly pension all tbo«e who should become disabled in tbe army did any­ body. imagine that that premise meant only from 3| to 13 cents a day for 100.000 of them ? It Is preposter­ ous to say so. Eight dollars a month is small enough for a minimum. Major Geo. W. E. Dorsey, of Nebras* ka, presented In tbe House ot Repre­ sentatives last Monday the joint reso­ lution of the Nebraska legislature ask­ ing for the repeal of the limitation of tbe Arrears of Peu*lons,^and the pas­ sage of the bill recommended by the National G. A, R. Pension Committee. Xrs Logan in Washington, Mrs, Logan has returned to Washing* ten with tbe evident Intention of mak' ing it her home for some time, If not permanently. She is looking exceed ingly well. Though io widow's weeds, with her young face, gray hairs and vivacious manner she is once more her­ self. The mention of the General's name, however, brings up "into her eyes tears from the deep well ef her wifely devotion, admiration and love fer her departed husband. She is yet suffering inconvenience from her broken arm. Although better than it was she feels that its entire usefulness will never be restored.]} The home of the late soldier and statesman In Chicago has been closed, and the furniture given away or sent to Washington. The plaoe ef final sepulture of the General, on the shores of Lake Michigan, Is not yet ready. His rsmasns still rest in the borrowed vault at Reck Creek, and will oontlnue to do so f«Jr the coming winter at lesst. The tardiness in get­ ting the remains of Gen. Logan to* their last resting place is causing some apprehension In tbe minds of bis friends that his posthumous glorifica­ tion In monuments! and sculptured art will share the fate of that other hero, whose inanimate clay lies upon the banks of the Hudson,--Chicago Tribune. leal history and death cause to the widow or children to This bill simply gives the children. Instead of the j_ the benefit ef the doubt as cause of death In such cases."--i JournaL Arrears of Pensions Every dellar of the arreare ef pen- ion is an honest debt long overdue, and dishonored by non-payment. The veterans have been systematically de­ frauded by the Government's failure to meet its obligations to them. The proper placegior the millions of idle money In the treasury vaults is to the pockets of the veterans, and in the tills of the grocers, dry-goods snd clothing merchants, shoe dealers, and other retailers to whom they are In­ debted. » This will be an honest and just dis- i iTbii rt So " of^tliir^ ̂ atf oiPs ^fui^pftis which will be the most effective way to guard against any stringency in tbe money market by tbe withdrawal of the circulating medium. Iustead of striving to derange the business of tbe country by uncalled-for tariff tinker­ ing, let our Congressmen do their duty by paying the Nation's debts to her veterans and removing the" stigma of dishonesty and Ingratitude that now rests upon her. Do nott tinker the revenue, Use the surplus to pay the debt to the veteran and the bondholder.--National Tribune. An Important Pension Bill- Mr. Edmunds has Introduced a':liw tn the Senate providing that If any invalid pensioner, who was reoelviog or entitled to receive, at the date ef bis death under the general law, a pension of not less than #8 a month, has died, or shall hereafter die, leav­ ing a widow or minor child or children under 16 years of age, suoh widow or child or children shall be plaoed upod the pension roll at the rates establish ed by law for widows and minot chil­ dren, without regard te tbecause of death of such pensioner. Mr. Edmunds has receive da letter from T. J. Deavltt of Montpeller, who prepared the bill. In which he says: "There are a great many invalid sol­ diers who are pensioned at high rates from 924 to 972 a month) for loss of limbs snd equivalent disabilities with families--wives and children--with no means ef support, except In some cases tbe tririal earnings of the dis­ abled soldier himself, other than tbe quarterly payments of pension. If such a pensioner is killed by acoldent, er dies ef a disease not contracted in his service in the army, his widow and children are not entitled to pension under existing laws, and they often beoome subjects of charity or paupers. The community where such a pension­ er and his family dwells are often sur­ prised to learn, after his death, that in this country and in this age ol lib eral pensions, no part>f bis large*pen» sion Is continued to bis family. This bill does Lot give te the widow wbo has shared her husband's peusion and bis sorrows for many years, bis high rate of pension, if receiving mure than tbe widow's rste, but It gives her the same pension that is given the widow of a soldier who fell in the field, er died of a disease easily shown to have the service. It is not a service pension bill, The presump­ tion that death is due, directly or In­ directly, to the pensioner's great and long continued dissbilities is almost conclusive without being shewn by testimony. • Such pensioners, With their great disabilities are(deficient in power to prevent and escape tbe bad effects of accidents. Tbey cannot withstand the attacks of acute diseas­ es. They d'e suddenly, with no pby- slclau near to give ihe required med- Soldier Candidates for Osveras*. There are no less than foar^f five soldier candidates for Ge^tti^r of the great state of Illinois, Of tbey can't all "knock the peril and as the time draws near nomination some having 'the smallest backing will likely retire their nem#s so that the chances of being the win* ning man will be narrowed down to two or three. We do not propeee to champion the cause of any one of the comrades who would be pleased to "get there," for it is not in oar lias of business, as editor of this depfcrtatent. Suffice it to say all have good war ree« ords and either are worthy to- be tlte choloe of ear soldier comrades throughout tbe state. Very prominent among the list Who propose to shie tbeir caps late tbe arena Is Hon, Joseph W. Fifer of Bloomington, whose record since he served for over three years in tbe field during the late war, the peo­ ple of the whole state will not long be left io doubt of It it tbey are not al­ ready posted. Being a private sol­ dier like eurself, we take; pleasure |ta copying from the Bloomington Panto­ graph the following as regards "Joe Flfer's" military service whleb we think out comrades will acknowledge after reading to have been a credlt£to Mr Flfer at the time, and worthy of more than passing notice now: . «: SHOUTING THE BATTLE CUT OF F DOM." . * Among the first to go to the front from Western McLaan county In 1861, were two farmer boys, Joseph W. and George H. Fifer. They left tbe log cabin of tbeir father, and, traditlOQ says, both walked to Bloomington to enlist. Full of the high patriotic Im­ pulse of the hour, and animated by the buoyancy rf youth and Milth, little did they dream as tbey trttdfeeil up to Bleomington that the'fortunes ot grim vlsaged war freuld leave one in a lonely grave on a battlefield by the Gult and that the other ^Otti^ fall in tbe wild frenzy of the chargO an<t be left by his comrades for dead ta front of a rebel abattls. The eld 33d Illinois lufantry, which they joined, like all the Illinois regiments, was composed of splendid fighting ial--made up as it wa« of fcemtbatstufdymtdd fefcrttt-ail-aKee soldiers. The regiment share of marching and fighting in the west. George H. Filer, being the eld* er arose to be First Lieutenant of his company, and late in the war Was killed In battle at Fort Esparaass, Tex. Joseph was a private soldier, carrying a mueket "through the Wat in the ranks, and he lives to-day as a proof of the superb material of Wbich tbe Northern army was cdmfMI|t*<). Who cij witness the career of tateh men as Gov. Foraker, Mr. Fifer knd thousands of others who might be named, and n-1 agree that the bay­ onets or* the Union had braiok ami character behind them? The great affection with wbich Joseph's com*** rades of tbe old 33d have ever regard­ ed him is proof that in the army as elsewhere he exerted those same trails of character which have sinoe SO en­ deared him te the masses of this and neighboring counties. Just after the selge and fall ef Vicksburg, in which the 33d regiment took a promlaial- and honorible part, tbe 13th corp9 to which the 33d regit longed, turned fiercely ui Johnston, wbo had during tha selge been threatening Grant's rear. Oa July 13,1863, at Jackson, the capital of Mississippi, Sherman's force assaulted the intrenchment of Johnstoa, and there and then it was that Joseph* the youthful private, feli in front ef a rebel abattis, pierced through the body with a Minie rifle ball, fiiseom* rades wbo saw him fall thought Jo< seph was no more, Tbe weather was torrid in the extreme. The surgeon. Dr. Rex, told Lieutenant Flfer that unless ice could be procured his broth­ er Joseph must die. It was fifty miles to Vicksburg, the nearest place where ice could be had. The country be­ tween was hostile, wild, and war-tfrn. Jonathan B. Lett, a comrade Who touched elbows with Joseph la the ranks, at length bravely volaafMired to go with an ambulance fer toe. ?-flls mission succeeded, ice was pnipirad and Joseph's life was saved. Tearfully his comrades of tbe 33d bade Joe good* bye, when be set otl mangled aa^r,al­ most dying, to seek health oaee wore under his father's lowly roof up "in God's country." His recovery from this terrible wound was, perhaps, more complete than was ever known from one of like severity; and for this result be has largely to thank bis rag­ ged constitution, bis temperate habits, and his early enurement to labor and hardships. Bad as Mr. Flfer was wounded he did not ask nor receive a discbarge from service because of dis­ ability. He in fact served hts ceaatry some months over the three yeai# tor which he enlisted, and has ltvf«l to fight many a battle in civil llffe #fclch required no less courage than that which nerved his arm as be sealed tbe ramparts ol treason. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the woi !d for oruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bands,cfcitbtatajV corns, and all skin eruntians, aadjpoe- tively cures piles, or ho pay re^Mfed* It is guaranteed to give perfeetas&ls- factlon, or money refunded. Prl«f IB cents per box. For sale by Henry Colby. A fine stylish Cutter at lew at R. Bishop's W»refaoo»a, McEts Call and see them. Tbe finest styles in habgt ever seen in this village at , . Besley's West Side Drug tMfflta. ladies' Chemisette CoUan 19 etCi at Ivaoson'4, PI

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