Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jan 1888, p. 4

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JA*. 35. 1888. Editor. ill Mfcy ta fpiMl on lifrlls at GEO. P. iriNMr AdTWil'lic it). wnere adrertlsing " YORK. the Board of Trade, at |fl Monday, 68,640 pounds of OSpll* •old. Tb« market was ipikjB oents, though tome salse > «« 81 @32 cu. The total gof transactions was$I».4tf. «rm General Qraot who once |^Wheoov«r the democratic par- i «e«r complete control •( tbe It Will break its back across " (buy mountains on the tarifl Wioi,? .. ... . ft' " h MTTtie United States Bupfoftte Monday affirmed the sentence deatk passed upon Hugh M. Brooks, ftllas W. H Maxwell, who murdered & A. Frailer in a St. Louis hotel In 1873. aerThe funeral of Mrs. EHxa Ballou Oarfleld took place at Mentor, Ohio, Menday, the remains being placed hMldea these of President Oarfleld In ftho vault at Lake View Cemetery, Cleveland, the same day. MB^Tbe latest particulars of the re­ cent terrible blizzard in Dakota and Arlxoaa, and other portions of the north-west,ouly confirm the first re­ ports that .it was the worst storm in Decent years. The loss of life Is ap- palUaf. and additional victims are coastaftly being discovered. The number who perished will never he accurately known. • . |pr Peorla Transcript: '"The won- der Is, says the Springfield Register, Hfeat we have a surplus,1 It is a little extraordinary, under a Democratio ad­ ministration. We didn't have any under the last Democratic administra­ tion before Mr. Cleveland. In fact, was a time when It was a matter *f doabt whether we bad a govern­ ment or not." WGen. Fremont, who has receotly become a citizen of California, is to have a public reception from the citlsens of Los Angles,on the 21st inst, the occasion being bis 75th birthday. A subscription has also been started IftwMafeebalf and the probabilities are that be will at last be appreciated bv the Skate for which he didsgyptMeb forty years ago. •MrThe strike of the miners will ^iiM>My not l«ng be maintained uu- ^ the feeling shown by a vote at tfeeWm. Penn colliery Is at all general, On the question of continu­ ing the strike there were US votes in the affirmative and 186 In thn negative If la said that the old miners are die- peeedto resume work and that they are trksome under the leadership of the younger men. A single break ID the ranks of the strikers will speedily be followed by the collapse of the movement. M. E. Church Notes. - We have Just closed the second quar­ ter of the years work, with good re­ calls. The financial, Spiritual and g.: ncalal Interests of the church were £ netmt In a more prosperous condition. Hev. Vanhorn was with us on Satur­ day and Sunday and received bis usual •warm and kindly greeting among us Be ts an untiring and whole-souled f worker In the service of the Lord and bis many friends here do not fail to ^ manifest their hearts good will and * appreciation of his work among us. Tb* Services on Sunday morning were tmnwally Impressive and the large HSdlence seemed moved to higher, aoMer and better thoughts and feel- lii»nnder the pressure of the truths %* Which were so forcibly presented to them. The services closed with the •hoalquarterly Sacrlmental Service in which a large number participated The Services at Rlngwood in the af­ ternoon were well attended and a good spiritual day was enjoyed In the 4borab. The series of meetings at Blngweod have closed for the present Irttb good results, and a general good :|pii(og prevei Is amoDg the people Pfy. The ladies of the Methodist Church Ittteergaaized themselves Inteaso- ^^taldrcle and will give public meet- every few weeks to which all are > cordially invited to enjoy a good ill time and Its ten to our programs ~ i we will spare no pains to make tive. Our next public meeting L be held In the Temperance Hall, iJIWday evening, Feb. 3d, in the l Of a "Crazy Sociable" which will l atere fnlly noticed next week. . COM. The Last Chance ^The Chicago & Northwestew TPY •"Pip1*®# round trip tickets: to Cal- • * V points at the old ch^ap rate jBliretens leaving Omaha Thurs- Jsb. 16, or Kansas City. Friday. This Is the last chance for rate tickets. Regular excur- /^[ckets are new sold dally. Far "•flars apply to agent C. A N. W. .27-Iw ProMMlinfS of December Meet­ ing, 1887. The honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry county "met at the oourt room In the oourt house In W todstock, Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1SS7, as per call of the clerk. The meeting WHS called to order by the chairman, H. S. Williams. The following members answered to their nauies at roll call: Sups. John Hadsill, A. B. Coon, Jr., L. Woodard, R. J. Beck, H. S. Williams, M. W, Lake. W. H. Greesbeck, D. H. Flavin. O. B. Richards, F. E. Stevens. John Weltzlen E. M. Lamb, O. H. Garrison. H. W. Mead, A. R. Alexander. Fred Hatch, P. K, Granger, John H. Palmer, Charles F. Dike. Sup. Palmer moved that the bills and reports of officers be referred to the proper committees without read­ ing; carried. Sundry bills were referred to th» committee on claims. The semi-annual reports of the cir­ cuit clerk. sheriff and county clerk were referred to the committee on fees and salaries. Tbe report of E.M.Lamb, purchas­ ing agent, for tbe past five months ending Dec. 6. 1887, was referred to committee on claims. The quarterly report of the' county superintendent of schools was referred (o the committee on education. The bond of Wm. H. Stlwart, coun­ ty collector, was referred to tbe com­ mittee on finance. Th» semi-annual report of the county treasurer was refered to tbe commit­ tee on finance. The petition presented by the com mi88ionera of tbe town ef Riley was read to the Board and referred to tbe committee on roads and bridges 10-wit: To the honorable Board of Supervi­ sors of McHenry county: We the undersigned commissioner* of highways of the town of Riley. In said county, would respectfully submit the following petition to your honor­ able body: Be It known, that In consequence of the great freshet of last spring tbe bridges in our town were all of them badly injured and three ef them en­ tirely destroyed, which has necesslta ted the expending ef a large amount of money in repairs and the building of new bridges. The amount so ex­ pended reached the sum of 81,800 (as Is shown by the subjoined itemized statement) considerable more than three times a tax of twenty cents on each one hundred dollars on the asses­ sed valuation of the property of said town, anduhe town for two preceeding years bad raised the full amount allowed by law (xe) 60 cents on eacb one hundred dollars, tbe total amount ef which was needed and expended for ordinary road and bridge purposes, and as this extraordinary bridge ex­ pense would considerably more than absorb tbe total amount of tax that the town could raise within the limit ef the law, we would beg leave to lay before your honorable body, for your consideration, a petition for aid te tbe amount of 8600--a sum much less thao that for which the county would have been liable had a formal demand been made, and such demand, with its attendant delay, under the urgency of tbe case, would seriously have inconvenienced the traveling public Following the cost of the different bridges built and repaired (faring a year in the town of Riley: Williams bridge, 8§ feet long 300 RicharilBon bridges, OLO 75 feet' lone. »ae 2flfeetl>ng SfiO Underwood bridge, 76 feet long.......... 400 Hatney bridge, 45 feet long «... .. 200 Taylor bridge, 90 feet loug ... ..... 350 The Verdict Unanimous. J>. Suit, Druggist, Bippus, lnd. *|j **I can recommend Electric i as the very best remedy, bottle sold has given relief in MM, One man took six bottles. Ponced of Rheumatism of 10 Standing." Abraham Have, Bellvllle, Ohio, affirms: I selling medicine I have ever IWJ SO years* experience, is llHtten" Thoosands of others Id their testimony, so that _ * la unanimous that Electric Wi- cure alt diseases of; the or Blood. Only half a Heary Colby's Drug Af**, .v> 4 >* ri..$1,800 BICHARD DALBT, •/;" A- H. SEARS. _ Commissioner* of Highways. ibnljr 3VF, DeYarman, praying for refunding tbe amoun t paid on a piece of land bought at tax sale in tbe year 1885, he claiming that the tax was paid by other parties, thereby making bis tax sale certificate void, was read to the Board and referred te committee on finance. -- Supervisoi Granger moved that the Board adjourn until 10 o'clock to-mor­ row morning; carried. WEDNESDAY MORNING, DEC 23,1837. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Members all present at roll call. Minute* of yesterday's meeting read and approved, The committee on education made tbe following report. whj$h oor o*0JUen was adopted, to wit: STATE or ILLINOIS. 1 "i M'HEKRT CODKTT. J* Board of Supervisors, December term, December 27, A. D. 1887. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board ef Supervisors:--Your commit­ tee on education would beg leave te submit the following report on the matters before them: That we have examined tbe quarterly report of tbe county superintendent of ocbools of time spent from September 12 to December 2. 1887; that we have ap proved said report and recommend that tbe bills therein, amounting to 1330, be allowed. Expenses as follows; for 46 davs spent In school visitation at S4 per day *10100 For 48 <iays spent in school visitation at ' $1 per day 4500 For 9 days epent in examinations at *4 per day .. 36 0# For 16 days spent in office work at M per day 64 00 Total < 1330 00 All of which Is respectfully submit­ ted. / GEO B RICHARDS. GKO H G ARRiaoir, . F E STEVENS, JOHN WKLTZIEN. The committee ̂ oji finance presented the following report, which on motion was adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS. / >ss M HENRY COUNTY. ) Board of Supervisors, December term, A. D. 1888, Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee te whom was refered the bond of Wm. H. Stewart as county collector of said county would beg leave to submit the following report en the matters before them : That they have examined siid bond and find it in usual and proper form and duly signed and acknowl­ edged in accordance with the state- utes made and provided. Your com­ mittee believes said bond to be good and ample security for the purpose lor which it was given and recommend that it be accepted and adopted. All ef which is respectfully submit­ ted. r Sw MEAD, EO H GARRI30S, CXF DIKE. R J BECK. Committee on public buildings and grounds made tbe following report, which en motion was adopted, to*wlt. STATE OE ILLINOIS, ) . . fSS M IIEKRT jCOI'STT. 1 Board of Supervise!*, December term, A. D. 1887. ' Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of tbe Board of Supervisors:--Your commit­ tee to whom was referred the report of the county agent, JC. M. Lamb, as te improvements made about the oourt house and yard and as to ether neces- 'imi improvements, wo^ld beg leave 'tw mMtsra befbee amlnsd the *1 it be «do! ac*nt be a< tsnka for . - impend Ihtl that said county to erect ittttable •ewers about the oourt bouse and yard; and are of the opinion that another well la needed, bu*eo account o( the Impracticability of making the MOM until spring, we recommend that action upon that matter bt defered. As to the appli­ cation of Btditrdt & Jewett for the iM^i Of the two rooms below the new circuit clerk's office for an abstract office, we would recommend that tbe same be rented to them for that pur- ptte at a yearly rental of seventy dollars (970) in their present condition but they to have the right to make such repairs and altera'ions as they may think necessary, at their own ex penee. upon tbe consent ef the county agent; that said rooms be rented to said Riohards A Jewett for the term of one year, with tbe privilege of three years. All of wblob Is respeotfully submit­ ted. > '.•^i k • EM LAMB. iVi-5 > ' ABCOON.JB, " » • M W LAKE, f GEO B RIOHARDS, JP E STEVENS. Supervisor Beck moved that the re­ port of the committee on public grounds and buildings be referred back to the committee for alteration, which motion carried. The said committee made the fol­ lowing alteration in tbe report: -"In lieu or the words,'that en account of the imoracHcahiilty of making tbe same until spring, we recommend that action be deferred,'substituting, 'that the purchasing agent, iu conjunction with tbe committee en public build­ ings, be authorized to sink said well as soon as practicable.' '* The report as amended, carried. Committee on fees and salaries pre­ sented the following report, which on motion was adopted to-w-it: STATE OF ILLINOIS,) ? J WS y MCHBNRY COUNTY, ) Board of Supervi^Slifi,^'"'i0H(Sii&ibsr term, December 28, A D, 1887. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit­ tee on fees and salaries, to whom was referred the report) of the various county officers, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That we have examined the annual report of the Circuit Clerk and the records in his office and find the same correct. We find: Earned, Received. That he has received for re­ cording #1679 76 $1679 75 Clerk's fees »n suits in court 131556 436 55 Miscellaneous services 33 2# 33 26 Total earnings $30286$ Receipts <tnrlng current n - . for the services per­ formed in previous ; ^ years, heretofore r«K y- poried as not ree'd-#' ,f( court costs.. •*35567 *«$ii Si OM89 01 *TlC21 v Total receipts Expenditure». Olerk hire $ 955 08 Express and telegrams 5 7$ Miscellaneous and postage and cards 28 33 Salary for one year 1500 00 Total exp reported and all'4 ; * » , a Hal due county Costa collected of A8n(| t Udell, ex-sheriff sincfc / n | * his settlement wlttt ^ the county it- 487 60' Total bal due county.* , #40181 Which amount has been paid Into the county treasury. That we have examined the report o! the oounty clerk and the records In his office, and find the same correct. We find Amt of fees received from June 6, 1887. to Dec 6,1887 $ 635 81 Earned, due and nnpald 187 75 Amt of earnings June 6 to Dec 6, 1887... S30144 Total . $si25 to Less amt pre vion* earnings Included.. 62 60 Earnings for the half year $3962 40 Salary for half year $ 750 00 Olerk hire 70000 $145000 Fees secured for half y»ar.. S85 81 Bal dne clerk 764 19 And we recommend that an order be drawn for that amount In faver of the county clerk. That we have examined the report and records of the sheriff and And the same correct. We find: „ . , Earned. Received. For sheriff's fees In suits in court $64906 § 7395 Foes in other than court cost 357 SS 103 36 Fees in criminal cas s 9195 Total earnings half yi Receipts during lialf year for services performed fin the half year ending June 6, 1887; heretofore reported as not re- - ceived Total receipts. j|247 is Expenditure* ' :-p -r - Sheriff's salary for half yes# ....... . . | 600 00 Unpaid salary which remained dne and unpaid at the data of last re. port, J une 6, 1897 44 21 • Total Total receipts CO 86 ..$ 644 21 .. 247 16 Bal due sheriff $ 39705 Wo find named in amount 'other than court costs'* the sum of $103 36. earned and collected on executions which should have been placed with the court costs. Deducting this amount from the sum of $357 56, we have $254 20. which, together with the sum of $91.95. amount of service In criminal servioe, makes the sum 0/ $346.15 for services rendered tbe coun­ ty, for which amount we would rec­ ommend the drawing of an order on the treasury in favor of tbe sherifl, which will leave a balance due tbe sherifl for the ha'f year's salary of •6.69. which amount, added to the •44.20 remaining unpaid and due tbe sherifl on tbe previous half year's sal­ ary, will make 950 89 now due the said sheriff, All ef which 1$ respectfully 8UbD|||^4, ' * m FE GRANGER. A E ALEXANDER, ( , PBED HATCH. JOHN WELTZIEJff, H W MEAD. The following resolution was offered by Supervisor Granger, which on mo* tion was adopted to-wit: Metoived, That the clerk be directed to draw his order on the treasury for tbe amount of twenty five dollars each to tbe several county phpers entitled to the same for publishing tbe pro­ ceedings of tbe county board for tbe year 1887. , {To be Continued ) e For the Winter Carnival and loo Palaoe. The most elaborate preparations have been made for tbe winter earn- val and ice palace at St. Paul, begin­ ning January 25rh and continuing ten days, and the Chicago A Northwest­ ern R'y will sell excursion tickets to ^t. Paul and return during the Carnival at the very low rate of one fare for tbe round trip. For information regarding dates of sale, train service, etc., apply to egents of tbe C. A N. W. R'y. 27-3w A party paid ten dollars for a horse at an Motion sals. Tbe horse was lame, bruised all ever, and bad the scratches, and waB terribly "galled." A bottle of Salvation OH. costing 25 cents, was used, and in two week* you would not have known the animal. It fa aoir valued at two hundred dollars,, LtbilrtyvHIe, Minds. Importers and Dealers in CLEVELAND BATS. 00ACH. And BagUih tbln Soma. " u VVe have a fre«h itu portatn>!> ot the above Ktork in njrea from t» o to lire years all emita- breeding. Theso horses are all of our own selection, rey. lstcred, ftnd of high individual merit. Terms reasonable, r Can l>e seen at our sta- Mes. .Inspection ahd correspondence folio: ! S * Cat**** sOros*. FACTS YOU CAN BET ON. That the eldest and largtst tobacco factory i* ike world is in Jersey City, N. J. That this factory makes the popular and world- famed Climax Plug, the acknowledged stand* : • ard for first-class chewing tobacco. ThM' this factory was established as long ago as : 1760. 9ba iast ye^r (1886) it made and sold the enormous "quantity of 37,983,380 lbs. or fourteen thou- . • - f sand tons of tobacco. That this was more than one-seventh of all the to­ bacco made m the United States notvrith- ~ standing that there were 966 factories at work, in the last at years this factory has helped ' ^support the United States Government to the ^ ll®sttent °* over Forty-four million seven hui4- •V'Spdred thousand dollars ($44,700,000.00) paid •••jW: iato the U. S. Treasury in Internal Revenue " "Taxes. TfeM the payroll of this factory is about $1,000,- ; :'iooo.oo per year or $no,ooo.oo%er week.. That this factory employs about 3,500 operatives. That this factory makes such a wonderfully good 'Jjchew in Climax Plug that many other factories ^'f|have tried to imitate it in vain, and in despair ' ' ifnovr try to attract custom by offering larger • pieces of inferior goods for the same price. Vhet this factory nevertheless continues to increase ' its business every year. tktf thil factory belongs to and is operated by Youia, very truly, , mv P.WRILLABP & CO. 1 jrt. Mi INVENTION "" * •••* • ^,lgt |iajf century. Not least amonp tho • wonders or inven'ive progress is a motlio.l and system <>f work that can be performe<l all over the country with­ out separating the workers from their homes Pay liberal; any one can «lo the work; either sex, young or oM; noopeeial ability required. Capital not needed; von are started free Cut this out and return to us HIHI we will send'"vou free something of great val lie and Importance to you, that will start you iu bus iness which will bring you in more moftey rigwtaway j%<in any thing else in :ho worl 1 GraWl^oiMTfit free. Addreas Tkue & Co., Augusta, Maine. A- SIBLEY'S iplem' _ Dy .nail in tpplicatlon. Don't n^lect writing for It. HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ROCHESTER, N. V. tmse i. iuia it. CHICAGO, ILL mi s.ciukn. ^ Parker's > SPAVIN CURE IS UIVEQVAIjEP as an application to horses for the cure of Spavin, Rheu­ matism, Splint, Navicular Joints, and ail severe Lame­ ness, also for track use when reduced. Price 81.00 per bottle. Bold by druggists. Strong testi­ monials on application. r- E. W. BAKER, * Bole Proprietor, ACTUM, N. H. Trade supplied by J AS. E. Davis ft Co., Detroit, Mich, t Peter Van (3chaaclc & Sons, Chicago, I1L; Meyer Bro's & Co., St. Louis, Ma After Forty years* experience in the preparation of more than One Hundred Thousand applications for patents in the United Btates and Foreign coun­ tries, the publishers of the Scientifle American continue to act as solicitors for patents, o^reats, trade-marks, copy- rlgbte, etc., for the United States, and to obtain patents in Canada, England, France, Germany, and all other countries. Their experi­ ence is aneuualed and their facilities are unsor* passed. Drawings and specifications prepared and Med In the Patent Office on short notice. Terms very reasonable. No oharge for examination of models OX drawings. Advice by mail free. Patents obtained through Munn AOo.are noticed Inthe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, which has the largest circulation and is the most influential newspaper of its kind published in the world. Thy advantages of such a notice every patents* understands. This large and splendidly Illustrated newspaper Is published AVKEItLY at $3.00 a year, ana is admitted to be the best paper devoted to science, mechanics. Inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, pub­ lished in any country. It contains the names of all patentees and title of every invention patented eaen week. Try it four months for one dollar. 8old by all newsdealers. If you have an invention to patent write to Munn A Co., publishers of Scientiflo Amsrioao, M Broadway, new Vork. Handbook about patents mailed free. Obtained, and all I'A'iKXT Hi .>] A'ii'NN at­ tended to fur MOltKJiA TK I'I'.ICS Our office is opposite tho 1' !S. I'liti-iit Office, and we can ob­ tain I'aU-ntK in less time thitu those remoto from WASIIIXamW Sen.l MOl)/•;/.. ItltAU JMi or PHOTO of invention. We advise as to patent ability free of clmnje and we nmUe AO VllAUQE U x i . k s s I - A T E S T I S , s E C V U E I K For circular, mivice, terms »n<l references to actual clients in vunrmvti State. Countv, Cily or Town, Write in Opv<mle falt-nt Office, Washington, 1). Q. > SPECIAL On Saturday, Jan. 28, iti, or­ der to close put what ,*1 ' HOUSE BLANKETS, Bed Blankets, and Comforta­ bles we have left* we-offer the talanco at 10 per cent discount from wholesale prices. On Monday, Jan. 30, we will offer balance of cur stock of Mens, Boys and Cbildrens \ , ' OVERCOA'1%, At 15 per cent discount from wholesale prices. Tuesday, Jan. 31, the last day of the month, we offer the bal­ ance of our stock of UNDERWEAR, nearly iklf price. For in­ stance our 50 and 60 cent goods will go on that day at 30 cents. Feb. 1, balance of our stock of i'PW? t@P ' =* i 1 S-"#* V *1* 'v ' i, ' * ^ .F' i „ ^ •*! • j , Wi,. . '• fV|' : «mm f 11 tT T O Vil ^ 11 ^ THIS 'y * ; •t ' " v < \ i 4 tt'vv *! »•.*• f rli'V ' (<•." 1 !?*>' 'r H % : "I/*", \V ^ > • ! #»}'< - ^ 1 J ^S\ V.";« if A £" "'*'5 t • <'<i I i •- • • - •• < 'w»" >x . ' -i* * *' r s ^ .** Cloaks, Jackets, At nearly half price. Feb. • Rockford and At 15 cents per skein, former price 2.5 cents, Feb. 3, our La­ dies and Gent Woolen IIOSE AND SOCKSr ~ At 25 cents each, former price 40 to 60. Saturday, ̂ eb. 4, great When odds and ends must go at halt pi ice. Please remember that these prices are for such days only as mentioned above, and also that you can buy any Wool­ en Goods from as at W holesale Prices unlil all sold. , will pay you. . /7 RESPECT^ftirf, * * John Evanson & Co. tVTfTTT V Rewarded are those who H-lLn lii read tnis ana then act; they • will And honorable employ­ ment that will not take them from their hi.mps and fimilies. The prolits are large anil sure for every industrious person, many have made and are now making several hun­ dred dollars a i.omh. It is easy for any one to make $5 and upwards per day, who is will­ ing to work. Either sex, young or old; cap­ ital not needed; we start you. Everything now. No special ability required; you, reader can <1o it as well as any one. Write to us at ouco for full portionla>s, which we mail free. Address Stinson 4 Co., Portland, Uatne. LESS THAN ONE CENT A DAY Sci'iircu 1-Complete Nkw NOVKI.S, K-Mdi'd E^uys. Sin>rt Sun iert, Sketches. Povrns, ere. Kaeli liuiubir i.n complete, ,an<l n volume iu itself. Uno yc.vr s subscription luakesa NEARLY TWO THOUSAND PAGE8 Of tho choicest w<*r1cg of tlio b«»*t American nuthors. Among tbe Complete Novels which have already appenred are. Brueton's Bayou," "Mum Defarg-." " Sinftre/* ,4A Self-Made Man,*' •'Konyon'i Wife." 44 Douglas Dfl- ane," ,4The Deserter," ,4The Whittling Buoy," *'At Anchor/* *' A Land of Love," "The Ked Mountain Mines/' "Apple Seed and Brior Thorn," **The Terra­ cotta Bast/*44 From the Hanks.'* "'Check end Counter- Check." etc., etc. The subtcription price of this 44King of the Monthlies" in but $*».M a year. Sample copy sent on receipt of 10 cents in stamps. Address LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE, PHILADELPHIA ij fii i» I'i >•' 1 1 1 mr •ni 'WWIHS "saaitirwiM ' nn * I m n *V esojppy OOJJ B*OI -aonxscl tjnj pn* ernja^ fBjo -edB •AJO3ujo^ OAfsniaKO Aoaa0« cuno.>n pn« 0^BiJr)S0Am pmoqs'iu««i.<°|iltao «•>••• onwjgoitl JCJIUIO -OdSO JiUUltirtp bj.JIJJO IIUII PUT!' M' V'OOUJ io twqm.uu 'nora OT II M II ijuria •^jjjaoAvs* i -<ioa jo spautjuoqj jo " IS W oivi oqi m suqxoa ~<Tva„ AJ AV9 jonyos oq^ SU XDA,, M.oqs '^ooq'SuprBi 'qsaij y 113HS QNV lHi ina m Q31NVM S1N3SV -umuupys 'X'Ai •J*uiy jo &nqtia StiTpVAj otfj oj ijauiptiouiuio.>.},i muon OU |„ -%UT)Jf) £ '{I 'tUf) --i -aoo AJ8A«! ^i., '9unqpjj ofivoiyo-- MJOPOD AMUROQ OI OJOXUAPL V '99tuik M, A.I«').. f> p,"-"-" ' jaA jCjUlJiWjVVt* VQO//J uopioff--' ,'p9Ui|iqii(ltiw(i (|AfO no peivrno -4P AF9PIM 3SO*U FILJJ ©Q jo uo uor»q pvq 'tnwd--u'^saj^tri 3Juiqao«QU |p roo|ti|(Io amu WANTED LIABLE Tnil T»M._GhraTfl_Vinei Shruba,. Boses, &c KNKRflRTIr, HE --4-- MEN to He i I urine vines jdAL COMMISBlOlf or 8ALAEY and SIMS PAD b „ _j.,. twfl P. FaaaMAS A Oo„ BtlfhUm X.T USE ^EWART'S' HEALING CREAM For Chapped Hands, Lips, etc. It makes the skin smooth, soft and white; cools and heals the facc after shaving; also cures Burn^, Tetter, Salt-Rheum, cuts from corn husking-,1 I ctc. This Cream is the most satisfac- [tory preparation made. [Price, 15 and 50 cts. a bottle. If your drugijist does not keep it and , w ill not order it, Send 24 cents in kstamps for large sample bottle toj Stewart Healing Powder Co.. 404 N. 2nd Street, St. Louis, Mo. THOUSANDS OF THE BEST too GOLD t W O W A T C H avis KADI ASS isLUva ni on CO-OPERATIVE CLUBS. This is the Best, Cheapest, Most CraTsslrat. And only co-operative System of selling vratch«t. The watches are American I.ever Stem Winders, containing every essential to accuracy and durabil­ ity. and have, in addition, numerous patented im­ provements found in no other w atch. They are ab­ solutely the only ]Htst and Dampproof Move­ ments made in the W orld, and are jeweled through out with GENUINE RUBIXB. The patent made. 5F."»ejy are fully equal for appewr-- anee, acrumrp, durability and •eryfoe* to any $75 Watch. Our Co-operative Club System brings them within the reach of every one. We want an aetlT«, respeaslble rep­ resentative In ETBBT CITY aa* TOWN. Heavy profits gnar&nteed on limited investment. Write for full particulars. Jhe Keystone Watch Club Co. P. 0. Box 928, FUlaAdpUa, Pa. REFERENCESKeystOOS »Nfttional Bank, or any COM* poercial Agency, JLOXKOIEat VsvYttk. Y.Y. tinUbonlk ikiotco, Stmr, flEL ̂4; mm. BELONGS TO Dealers In ;"v ' " - '• «. fK >' -.rfi West McHenry^ : " r»~ , Offer all fall and winter goodi ' /fy,, <£t from now- until spring at * Greatly Reduced J • :1'1 tkir ^ock. erf' v ** f ^ ]4 "f", $ •< $ . ' * «*-j| . ' ' * ' A Is reasonably complete and nat^ . job lots either. : | •*m.f - '.t' wifov, <Ki"y $' high on very low quality * 1; , ^ J[^ck 6tSt Warm Suits* Will sell all above goodB your own price if reasonably. Drwi Flftsul, Bid ; Shiitiog flaaul. \ H-'J- -J Afl of the best makes, line ft patterns, good wearers. McHenry, . 4 r*1 1, non shrinkipg, IDNDERWEAR. For gentlemen, all sizes, only " $1.30 each, sold everywhere for ~ $1 50. Morris Mills fancy striped ? Shirts and Drawers, to bfr» ^ low regular prices, « * tw 4 * <, * BLANKETS. '» , Excellent quality, horrible cheap, for the human race or # horse race, from $1.00 to $4.50 ; all wool. The Ked Jacket Felt Boot " beats 'em all. We carry all sizes for men and boys. AH mankimj M admi ts wi thout a br ibe the Eg. ' Oandee *' •/'<',-< • , ' g bold fir it rank In variety and durability# To meet the requirements this line the coming spring w® have carefully selected a com­ plete stock oti new styles un^ best grades and for cash", of the old firm of C. H. Fargo & Co, Footwear is our Right Bower and Joker, not fail to s«if f , <": '?/• *- ' Wi us. M I 1 ^ ' Farmers attention. . 1£e bought 2 cars of farm seeds; Clover, Timothy, Millet, Red Top, Flax, etc., on a dowa mar* ket, best and purest to be had^ which we deliver March 15, and take your order now. ^ We have gathered in smother ear of j . r "Honest ifte Flour known all over. Wf can't sell it for less than $1.Q$ and warrant it. 20 sacks foi $20 cash. .. Clean, fre<h and as cli No. 1 goods can be soli. BIG DRIVES| To reduce stock before Sprinf' trade booms, and don't you for* get* See our locals. ? H ; . 1 *-4 t ,.«i 'f w " • * . .

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