Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Feb 1888, p. 8

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-V\g: ;?^V' v^„ M •^Sl< ; •' essors to Smith. Son oHENRY. i % . - V l i *^afc§ your interest to buy your Illinois. Since adopting the pleased with the system customers more purchased the Lumber stock of Lumber Smith. Son A Co., West cMHen HI..and repenished the same wit a Havinjr Yard and * v >te, is a 1 remember a la talking about the which prevails so _ m. TMi is, i ft cue ef towdiea and taffy, ottc delights in saying sweat aitMietehbor's face whatever to Tilt neighbor's back. Mhis, Mr. Cannon said: tads me of an old fellow in Bt, Whom I will call Jones, a good Word to say for every the community, and whose i sever failed to be expressed at WheBever a neighbor died him to the skies, and he did without respect to per- i last"one of the worst ropro- !tt the village dropped off. He ft man who had absolutely no jpHtdlft him, and certain men of the fojm, la discussing the approaching JtfWWrftl, made a bet that Jones could aotfind • good word to say about him. Jongs was accustomed to make his as he passed the coffin, which, low, is always open in such vil» ^ for a last look of the friends on tbeghastlv features of the deceased, and the betting men took their station baek of the approaching column on mday of the funeral and waited for Mi approach. He came up solemnly, aiowfy, and with a benevolent look on Ite features. He leaned over the coffin ftiii looked long and anxiously at the fifttares of the dead reprobate. At raised his head, looked around *p*m Us friends, and whispered with " *• 'Well, he had good teeth!' / "And ao," continued Mr. Cannon, "'Washington is sure to find something *** about every man, and if it would eftatinue to say it as Jones did after a •na's political life had passed away, 1 would ask no better chronicle of my virtues and my doings."--New York 'World. . The Gull* and the Peliowi Two immense pelicans found their f̂fty in through the Golden Gate on i&orsday morning, and immediately commenced fishing operatious off Fort Point. They were apparently very successful for awhile, and had it all their own way. Their sense of sight must be exceedingly keen, as they rose in the air to quite a height, then gracefully circled about until they Saw a fish, when they suddenly de­ scended, and, like a flash, thrust"their bills into tije briny deep, seldom fail­ ing to secure a catch. Thw evident­ ly thought they had a good thing of it, but as with mortals sometimes, the good thing did not last long. A small sock of voracious sea gulls observed the pelicans at work, and flew toward ttom to share in the plunder. As soon as a pelican lowered for a fish and caught it the sea gulls swarmed about the fisher, and with ear splitting clatter attempted to seize the game, in which they were usually success­ ful. Other gulls attracted by the struggle, continued to gather, until a large space in the bay was literally coverea with them. Some sharp prac­ tice then commenced, forcibly remind­ ing the observer that "the struggle for existence" was as bitter on sea as oa land. At times a pelican would rise With its plunder and soar away up in the air to enjoy it, but 100 gull's followed in close pursuit, and, being evidently swifter in flight than the pur­ sued, soon overtook the larger bird, and, encircling it, literallv tore the fifth to pieces. The struggle lasted quite awhile, the gulls in the mean­ time- screaming themselves hoarse. They kept worrying and attacking tile pelicans until the latter seemed to leave in disgust and sought peace from their tormentors by flying out to sea. --San Francisco Examiner. In addition tootnr nftnal itook «f Goods, we hnre added a fall line of An undertaker at Jacksonville made til assignment last week, and the pa­ pers there have used this as a fresh argument in favor of the healthfulness of Florida's metropolis.--Hotel MaiL § Origin of Old Phi- Dido, Queen of Tyre about seven eenturie* before Christ, after her hus­ band had been put to death by her brother, fled from that city and estab­ lished a colony on the north coast of Africa. Having bargained with the natives for as much land as could be surrounded with a hull's hide, she cut the -hide into narrow strips, tied them together, and claimed the land that could be surrounded with the line thus made. She was allowed to have her way, and now, when one plays a sharp trick he is said to "cut a dido." - A tailor of Samarcand, Asia, who lived on a street leading to the bury- ing ground, kept near his shop an earthen pot, in which he was accus- tomed to deposit a pebble whenever a body was carried to its final resting place. Finally the tailor died; and, seein; V occupant. "He had gone to pot him* --" -- the reply of one of the de- leeing the shop deserted, a person in- inired what had become of its former f • v GROCER IES To which *t invite KMattoa. NMtee * tow: of the twrgains we ASfer, 1 pound choice Japan tea, 3® cents l pound fancy Mnyune Gunpowder Ttt44 l pound poo'1 Coffee, K o««ts ) pound O <T .lava, beat, 35 cents 1 pound good Baking Powd«r. IS 1 pound choice Baking powder. 25 ooats 1 pound Dr Price's cream fe'ng Pdr, 46 CtS 3 pound can8 beat Tomatoes. '2 pound cano heat Own, ISM K 1 pound new Pigs, 1$)( NEW AU kinds l«nd prtoM. A fall ltn« el ting's California » Out- To he found a*, our store. Buying and selling for Ca h enable us to discount foimer prices, and we are giviug our customer? the benefit thereof. "" • We have now, in every department, a finer line of Goods thin ever before, and.invite a careful inspection, by, the confident that by so doing you w;ill * J CANNED FRUITS, THB VSBRT BEST. J LAMP CHIMNEYS, j B iirners, W ieks, Bluing, Soap, Starch, Matdiw, Scrub Bnuhti, Currants, Raisins, Citron, k LOCK'S HOMI BAKXRY ** WEST SIDt We are confident we can please you both in quality and , i*jice* In short i^e Defy Competition in any and all departments. L. S. LIHCOLH, Freyi f Baring recently refitted my Bntoannt, near the Depot, in first class style, I am now prepared to accommodate the public with Warm or Cold Heals, At all hours ef the day or evening. Hot Coffee or lea on fire minutes aoticej^ r a FULL STOCK OF •alt* •eased's neighbors. During a oattie between the Bns- aians ana Tartars a private soldier of the former cried out: "Captain, I've caught a Tartar." "Bring him along," said the officer. "He won't let me," was the response. Investigation ?roved that the captive had the captor y the arm and would not allow him to move. So "catching a Tartar" is applicable to one who has found an antagonist too powerful for him. While lying on the ground over a •low fire St. Lawrence--in whose feonor the escurial was built by Philip ft said to the Emperor who was Watching his sufferings: "Assatus ess; jam versa et manduca;" which one translator, not quite literally, but ap­ preciatively of the same grim humor characterizing the original, rendered: "This aide enough is toasted, Then turn me, tyrant, and eat; i And see whether raw or routed I am the better meat." Hence, "Done to a turn." Formerly in London when a small dealer bought bread of the baker, for •very dozen loaves purchased he was given an extra loaf as his profit, from ^«dh||Rll"^Ktiiinstance "a baker's dozen" aigtttfles thirteen. Various origins hav* t>een assigned the phrase, but the - k the only one that is based on a •are foundation. . In a work, "Essays from the Desk of Poor Robert the Scribe," published ia 1S16, the author, C. Miner, tells the jfaejot a boy who, by the offer of liberal compensation, was induced to tarn the grind-stone for a man who to sharpen his ax. The prom* compensation was never paid, of one who disguises his own sel- under an appearance of gen* or disinterestedness it is re- "He has an ax to grind."-- to* Union. ALWAYS ON HAND. Fruits, of 111 M, INnTHEIR|.SBASOH, f XE ^ By the Buik.iCan oriOish. ' Also the Choicest Brands of Cigars Tand Tobacco to be found in the market. With everything in flrst class order, and promptness to wait upon customers we solioit ashare of pablie patronage.* L.SD. LINCOLN. •West McHanry, May Slat. 1887. rA. , i- P. HAUPERlSCH, M AK E'R M flHenry( Illinois. 1 have now on hand Spring Wagons, Ln own make, which ~ ind a lot of Top Baggies, Bottom And warrant them to be A No. 1 in every par­ ticular, If yon want a bargain in this ll^f call on me. I also do a General Blacksmithing Business, and will do your work in the best ef manner and with the least possible delay REPAIRI1S G Of all kinds promptly attended to. Call and see for yourself. „ P- HAUPERlSCH. KoHenry. Sept. 38,1887.? H. FISH| Practical Fitter ail Decorator, HEBRON, if-tefbre Purchasing. ; ALTHOFFBROS. McHenry, 111., January 18, 1888. Hi V. SHEPARD, OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MILL, I tY, . ILLINOIS. DiRAt'.ER IN-- Of us for the SO DAYS, Remember that Also the Celebrated el Garland Stoves and I The Prize and Black Acorn, .IMpMftpand others. 1 Coal and Wood Parldfi, Elegant Coal Heaters. We have one of the Largest Stocks of Stoves IN MCHENRY COUN Over sixty stoves from which to make a selection. In short everything in the Hardware, Stove and Tin line can bo fonnd at our Store. Come one and all and examine our Goods and learn Prices. AND Promptly Attended To. H. V. SHEPARD. McHenry, Sept. 27th, 1887, OZUEAV BAROAIHS And know that we have Sto meet any and all com­ petition. Call -I N- BOOTS AND SHOES Decorating, Paper-Hanging, CALCIMINING, GRAINING. 6c Dene on short notice and satisfaction guftiaa* {teed. Gall on or address,; Hebron, H1L, May Hd, 1887. m-tf. Attention Horsemen! ir".' 1 would call the attention of the PnMIe num. and rep resentatlves of their breed. Also a few Merino Pheep for Sale. The pnbile are cor. dUlly invited to call an«i examine stock, get prices, etc. No business done on Sunday l wouia can tne attention oi tne rn torn j Stable of Stock Horses, four In n bar: Two Morgans, one M JPercheron. one Imported Horse. They are all good 1 X. & COLOT M'HBMBT ILL FARMERS, , X* X, Owen & Sons end |>«lf Tank Heater bifore Tlw best la the «axk?t. y«o BILL OF PARE, In Front of th« Rlv«rsld« Hot«L Men's Fine Check Pants, $2.40 Men's heavy, check ftrats, 1.00 Finest Kiting Jackets, in Black 13.00 Al8) in Blue 6*75 Men's Beaver Caps, heavy cloth Leather front, knit Mittens, Boys' Knee Pante, heavy Twilled .50 and .47 Boys Turban, double Caps, Men's Undershirts. .25 to .75 Keep your eyes open. I'4WltV8| .50 .50 FELT BOOTS AND OVERS. Kip ud Bnln Wo9l|dii4||it«, Bum BooU, Ken's, Women's Hisses & Children's Buckle Arctics Hlg-h lJuttoii Arctics,.- And Warm Goods of all kinds. These goods will be sold so low that it will pay you to come from all over McHenry County to trade with me. N. W. H. DWIGHT, Woodstock, lH. -House Established in 1866. BRANCH O US LTN1D ct> Drawer 1180, ELMIRA, N. T« 110 loatk Csaal Itmt, CHICAGO, Ilk S TO R E ull of oodsin every Depart- ment and that we a fienlar FULL STOCK OF LUIIBEB Of all kinds, we are now fared to offer to the public, the best quality of Lumber at the > LOWEST LIVING PRICES. pre- , Door and f inflow Frames-Ready Mafle-alwiys 01 Hail 8hall kee^^ur stook complete at all tinMand spare no pai«§ to accommodate all wh » may favor us with their patronage. ? Our yard at this place will be under tne charge of CHARLES .RIU who will bet-ready at all times to make you large or smill lots "all and see us. WILBUR 1 West McHenry, III.,. Aug. 8th, 1887. . ii*1 prices o^ West McHenry. rfttfSULA DEALER IN- &HELF Stoves, Tin, Copper And Sheet-Iron War# hoiu'a'barrei! 8Ce our Galvanize(l 1*°* Kwaeno makeeuMLVe^'? lfkffctVakuaaya,uref1L' WIth Track8' Hangings, Floor Hooks and Pulley Th# Church S best in the mur FXJItL IiIlTE OF STORES * "> For both coal and wood, of the best makes, always on hand. In a»I0L 1 ^ everything iu the Hardware line, to be found lil i-lctleury county. i>o not lail to call when in want ot anything xny line and see what can be done. I have employed, a brst ciaatf 1 inner, and all ' AMD KBl'AIKJNG Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed, specialty of Jtytter Factory work. A share of public respectfully solicited. W. P. STEVENS, A patronage see we can make you a Special Offer for a short time on Yours Truly, STEVENS i BOOKS,THl.EE CENTS EACH iphlet form, printed from good readable type on L'hey are without exception the cheapest^ooks ever masses of the people an opportunity to secure the _ ^ - ~ expense. In any other serieB these great work# would cost mi times the price at which they are here offered. Each one is complete in itself: Wonder* of, the World, NATURAL AND OTHER. Con* ««in9 descriptions mid Illustrations of the' nmnt wonderful *orfc8of natiue and of mail. Very lutcieBlinc mid tnf>trur(ive. Wondvrsof tUef^eu. A de»ciiptlou of the JIIHII.V wonder- fbl ami lotiud at the Loltom ol the oceau. with profuse lllnsti atioiifi. "A IMeaiure Exertion,n and Other ^ketrhea. By "JOFIIAH ALLKN 'S WIKK ." A collection of IrienitttlMy funny •ketches by the mont popular liomorona wilier nt the day. The Aunt Kor.luJi I'npera* BY CLARA AVUUBTA, author #F 41 The HURX Dtx I I INTTIU," A rno^t ridiculously funny book ••In every way efjunl to "Widow Iteilott. '* ChrUtmua ^torlci, b.v CHARI.KH DICRKSB. Contains a number of the mo*tcharmiit^ CiiNStmaa stories ever written *y tlie groatent writer wlu> ever lived. Karh or>e isromplele. Kound the I'vetiliitf I.uinp. A ltook of stories,pictures, puzzle* mi l gftim-K, l«>r lhe lutic ui Popular Hccltutlon* nnd IHnhmni'*, iinmorou^. drama- Itc and puiheit'", iix iM.llm; aii Die Uiffi, l^»>t ntui mnsi popular. TlieKHr.mnde .\le»i of Modern Tlmea. Contains por­ traits and Mnsrr«|iiii«a of fmixtUM seit-maOe Americana,fioni the time of PranUlIn to the ffc.-crnt. Famlllur QuolsUlon*. Contalnin* theorlRin and anthor- Shlpof many phrasrs. 1i e-inont ly met lu reading atid couvetea* tlon. A valuable work o' rnfeitlice. Low Life In New York. A aeries of pen pictures •bowing the dark aide of I * u» in the great oily. Jlhtatrated. The Hoad to Wealth* Not an advertising circular, but a thoroughly practical work, pointing out a way by Which all may make HKHIOV. easily, rapidly and honestly. ONE BI IIIHIIHMI Popular 8onira, sentimental ,pathetic and comlr, mom of the favorites, new and old. Sip NOEL** A NOVPI . By Mrs. MAY AGNKS FLCHINO. A ISartcred L^LFE* A Novel. By MARION HARI.AND. An Old Msu't Saerkflce* A Novel. By Mrs. AM S. 'STEPHENS. A Novel. Br M. T. Cal»o^' The Foroelllnl Itubl. TlieOlil OukvnChett* A Novel. By STLVANVS COBB The Pearl ot'the Ocean. A Novel. KyCLARA AVUIIRT^ Hollow Ash HalL • Novel. By UaRoaaicT BLOUK^ Jltu*t i utfd. C1IKV House* A Novel. By ETTA W. PIBICB. I ndor the Lllaca* A Novel. By ths author of 14 Dora Thome." The Plnniond Bracelet. A Novel. By Mrs. BBR«V WOOD, llhttty ated. The Lawyer'* Secret- A Novel. By Miss M. E. BRannoa* The Nraiitrv ( use of Or* •feikvll and Mr. Ilyda A Novel: Hv K. J . Si KVKNPON. A Wicked Girl. A Novel, I* MIL* Cto 'L HAT. Lady Valworth's Diamonds. A Novsl. By M TBI DNCHBSA." llet ween Two Plna» A Novel. Bjtbi Mthor of MDvd Thotne." Ttluftmted. Tlu- Nine of llearta* > Novel. ByB.L. PASJBOII. llorl*'* Fortune. A Novel. IJy FLOBRKCK WAR***. A l.ow Marrhiffe. A Novel. By Miss Mui.oc*. /Uu#« The <«ulltv Hlven A Novel. By WII.KIK COLMNS. The Polaoh ot' Aans. A Novel. By FLORKNCK UaaaTAT* Bloat Grange. A Novel. By Mn. AKNRV WOOD. Vorislnie the Fetter*. A Novel. By Mrs. AT.Bxa*t>Ra, A Playwright'* Daughter* A Novel. By URT. ANMB EPW-AHNN. llluttrated. Fair but FnW. A Novel. By the author ef 44 Dora Thorne." /Utisfrat^ef. LancsKter's Cabls* A Novel. By Mrs. M. V. VicToa* Illustrated. Florence Ivlngtanfa Oath* A Novel. By Mrs. Maaf A. HKMBON. Illustrated. The Woman Hatca A NovsL By Or. J.H. ROBIMSO** Illustrated. The CALIFORNIA CABIN# A Novel. BY M. T. CALDO: ay We will nend any four of the above books by mail PORt paid upon receiptor only 18 Cental any ten fo S5 t entstany twentv-Jlve for SO Cental the entire list (40 books) for Centa; the entire list bound in boartf with cloth back, for SI .10. Thisis the greatest bargain in books ever offered. Do not fall totake advantage of i gatltfactlon guaranteed or money refunded. PostaKe"Btarap8 taken for fractions of a dollar. As to our rellabili Ire refer to any newspaper published In New York, likewise to the Commercial Agencies. All ordersnlled (•tun mall. Addraf* all letter*; V. M. LITTOJI. PabUaker. *8 Hamr ttm»i New Y ami DEALER WIST1' M HEIfRT. DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS. Toilet Articles. -PURE- IWIIFE'S. AND> |<IQUOB8 FOB MEDICAL Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. The best brands ot Cigars and SmoRing an# always on hand. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Claretully Compounded, Give me a call. \ C. W. BE8LBY, */' lenry, Dwember 28th, 18(1. //•

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