Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Feb 1888, p. 1

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V'S •*;* Fledged but to Truth* to Liberty arid L«w; No Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe." VOL. 13. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS. DNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1888. NO.#. * PRHLisaso EVBBT WBDSTESDAr jlt . r V A N 8 L Y K ^ EDITOR AND "PROPRIETOR. • J Bishop's Block.) >" • •, --OWMIITK PBSBT A OvrEW**1 \ [ yy? ^trBsofttPTioi*^* ^ •we Tt.vr (In vtradoe) .$1.80 If Net Paiil within Throe Months 3.00 Subscription* received for three or six smiths in the tame proportion. |fc Kates of Advertising. announce liberal rates for advertising -• ta the PiiAtNf»F.alek, and enteuvor to state them so plainly that they will he readily un- ierstood. They are as follows: . " i'l*- -i • ' j.-: 500 woo 15 00 30 no 6000 100 00 1 Inch «ne year 9* one rear '# Inches one ye:ir - S; Column one year -' Column one year- Column one year - ,pne inch means the measurement of one jjieh down the column, single colnmn width., ' Yearly advertisers, at the alxvre rates, have the privilege of changing as often as thoy thoose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning -those having (tending cards) will be entitled to insertion •f local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line saefr week. All others will be charged 10 cents per Mne the flist week, and 5 cents per llae for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first Issue, and I cents per line for subsequent issues. Th'is, la inch advertisement will cost $1.00 for one week, $1.50 for two weeks, $2.00 for three WOiks, and so on. The Plaivdbat.ER will be liberal in giving Mt.torial notices, but, as a business rule, it Will require a suitable fee from everybody looking the use of its columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. P a. T. BROWN. M. D. IHVSIOIAK A\l> StTROEON. 0«oe at Residence, McHenry, III. 1 ii-i- rv".' . 1 . O. H. FEGEKS, M, D- PiHVSlOlAN IND StJRGEON. McHenry, |ll«. Office at Residence. V' O. J. HOWARD, M. D. PYSIOIAS AND SURGEON, McHenry, 111. Office at Residence, one door West •f M. E. Church. BAliBIAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or-dors solicited. 01 *" w Shop, ta Old Mcllenr' IB Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside Boose. I ' •* j- Livery Stable. ri E. WW HTM AN, Proprietor. First el . class rigs, with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming or ill kinds done on short notice* I 9 NEAR THE DEPOT, :||eST McHENtlY, ILL. Koen open for the accommodation of the Public a rirstOlaas Saloon AND Restaurant, H*ere he will at all times keep the !»»• ^ : brands of, Liquors and Oigirs to be found in the market. Also Agent For . XTJXJkNSg FALIt'S MILWAUKEE LAGER IEER. Beer in Large or 9mall Kegs or Bottles al­ ways en hand, cheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. 4Jrdere by mail promptly attended to. " } GOOD &TABL1NU FOR HORSE&. - jj^Call and see us. . * Robert Sfcfiiessle. /^jjf est McHenry, III. ~ A. Englen'a S4L00N AND RESTAURANT. M o H E N R V , I L L I N O I S . BUSINESS CAKDS. PAUL BROWN . A TTOttkfcY AT h \w. 83 LaSal'e Street A r CHICAGO, ILL. M. F. ELLSWORTH, TTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor m Chan L eery, Nunda, III. A8A W. 8MITH. TTORNEY At LAW and Solicitor] la k, Chancery.--Woodstock, III. MART G. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER, AH kn.«?s of mn Work done In flrst class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms at residence, north­ east corner of Public Square, McHenry, 111. j % --* DR*. C. E. WILLIAMS ft D AH LIN. DENTISTS. Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th 11th 25th and 26th of each month . When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the flrst day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one day. UnM States War Claim Ajency _!_6K W\T. H. COWLIN, Woodstock# • - Illinois. Prosecutes all classss and kinds of claims against the United Slates for ex Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made in prosecuting old and rejected claims All comm tin'nations promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. * IF AT H. COWlsIIT Office at Residence, Madison'St., Woods toe*, Illinois. John Neison, PR ACTIO AL-- Shop at Bishop,8 Old Warehouse noai* the Iron McHenry, - IP Havinsran experience of many years in the business I fl.tuer uii self that I ,cau please all who may give me a calL ' REPAIR Ironinr, and all kinds of General Black- smithing don»* promptly and in a workman­ like manner. My motto will be low prices, good work and done promptly. Give me a cali. JTOUN IVKISOI^. McHenry, Nov SOth, ia^7 SALESMEN WANTED. We are m want of a few more good men1 to canvass for the sale of choice varieties of Nurseiy stock. To men who can make a sue- ess ot the business we *nn pay ^<>od salaries r commission »"d give permanent employ­ ment We have many new a<ol choice spe­ cialties, both iu the fruit and ornamenta' line, which oihers do not handle Send for our (lew cutaloifiiM of g"ernh<)use, bulb :and bedding plants mxfl*-<| fret- on a|ipl;cation. VidresMat o oe, with ref«*ren «'s, L L. MAY ft C0-. Nurserymen and Florista. vr P4 T'L. 1// .V.V We beat th. world for low iriccs. A handsome and Jtrongly Bound Photo- m s mmm m H H graph Album, 8l<> x 10H Inch's, gilt sides and edges, holding 22 pages of Cab­ inet ana Card pictures sent for 60 cents, retail price, $1.25. A Red Plnatk Photograph Albii«*», 8 4 xldS Embossed padded sides, pold edges, extension clasp, holding 32 paces of Cabinet, and Card pictures sent for SI.(to. retails for $2.25. Illustrated circulars ran of the above and rllEE FINER Stvub or Fsnhse A Meliskta, Cincinnati, Ohio, AGENTS fine Kentucky Liquors, % French Bitters, > McHenry Lager Beer, WKT Xiliraakei Ben, lit an j quantity from a Suitz Glass to 5C0 barrels. AT WHOELSA-LE OE RET"AIL yr Beer in bottles, kegs or cafe as clittap as the cheapest. • • f t " We bny none but the best and • iMttl at Se:isonable Prices Call and see me and I will use , yen well. ;v; ANTONY ENtiEIiB. ?IBHIeiaeni3r. 111., 1886. ' v/'v.i Ov«Foo»ts, Id *1) iIm latest sty lei, at ;• " ALBUMS mw? C. G. ANDREVVS. GENERAL' A U C T I O N E E R , SPRING GE0VE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farraing' Toolft and Goods of all kinds attended to on the mnst * SEASONABLE TBB2I8. C. C. Andrews, JSpring Grove, 111. orlnjr 5ro*e, Sept. sth, 1885. ll-ll-3ra E.-LAWLUS, Warrants a Fit or We make Suits to order of the, oust Cliths, Foreign or Domes­ tic 41 TBI LOWEST PRICKS t hat ?ood Goods can be sold HE ALmO : -j""*': Cleans and Repairs Clothes Neatly and on short notice. «Jive Me a Oa.ll E. LAWLUS. McHenry, J an 19th* 1686 JOSLYN a CASET. Woodstock III. , receive prompt atten- A TTOUNBY3 AT LAW, A Ail business will raeeii JOHN KLBIFCEM. HODj»E Painter, Grainer, Caleiminer and Paiier Hanger. Uesidenre one Block West of Riverside House. Worlc attended t*> promptly and on reasonable terms. A. M. CHURCH, Watohmnker and Jewoler NO. 112 SOUTH CLARK STREET. Chi­cago, 111. special attention given to re pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. WT A Pull Assortment of Goods in his line '•AY GOD YOU." A Boston Paper-Hanger's Trouble and how he got out of it-Plain Wordsfrom the S^finy South. SI for 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address In the Halted Stales Cor three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discodnt allowed to poetmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free Address all orders to BICHAKD X- FOX, rtiHKLra SQUARE, New York. AT THE OLD STAND, JACOB BON8LKTT ^ALd^rAND RESTAURANT, it the Old j stand, opposite Bishop's mill, McHenry, III. The choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars to he found in the county. Warm or cold meals on short notice on application. PHIL BET'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Cuse, always on hand. GOOD STABLING FOR IIOKSBS. ATTENTION! Farmers and Dairymen* It will pay those looking for CHOICE COWS Fresh milkers er springers, to nail at nry premises before purchasing. I can furnish such by the car load or single cow. PORTER II. WOLFRUM, CHEMUMO. Farm about four mile* northwest of Harvard, Illinois. LL DIGGI PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared, to do all ioba In ttie line of Digging Wells, Repairing I Pumps, Cementing Well*, or ••ill put in Wkttwetre in trouble jre cry for help. When we are relieved we ofien forget to be thankful. But not always, Mr. W. W Griffin, ot Trout Creek Olajr Co., Ala. writes: "I had a bad atljick of chills and fever. Mvss'stem was full of miliaria, For two years I wa« scarcely able wo-k at all. Sometimes mv heart would pslpitate for two hours at a time. Mv legs wo';i<i pet cold to the knees, and I fully expeote l to die. In September, 1S8L I bought a: bottle ol Shaker Extract of li^ois, or ScigePaCurntive Syrun, of your agent, Mr. R. M. Ifl'ic, and before I hwl taken the flrst bottle J4felt 'letter, an«l in a short time w*s able to gift to work. May God Dless you for the £on<t y3ii have done." Mr Wm. J. McCann, J»9 8i^'i:U! st, Boston, writes: "Six months ago. |^bi ^ar. to throw up iny food after eating. I ing into consumption I pain in the chest, stomach little sleep and n woke all lost five pounds in four ds Shaker Extract of Knots* and when I had finished could eat. three square mi sleep the minute 1 struck paper hanger by trade, every day since I took the gained 18 pounds. Iou^ht I am " This remedy opens all the aitural passages of the body, expels the pot Kim from the blood and enables nature to »build what di­ sease has destroyed. w Shaker Extract of Roots, or. Hoigel's Svrup \a sold by all druggists, or sepn to the proprl- •tor, A. J. White, ."4 Warren St, * uplit I was go ^toegin to have sides. I got out. I once I l»egan using iisel's Syrup, i\th bottle I day, and go to hod. I am a liHve worked nil bottle, and thankful and CJ LICAGO ICOLLEG IM Monroe sERCE, ;-^B<1aeat« for Bustnc**. at this fl-a'-tical Instituti >n, StM^ntlctaii «Uer at any time, principal. I'Offijli • ^-Iiijirij'tf" ;II'- Soldiers' JJepartment, OOKTR.tBUTD BT WM, H. COWLIN. . G A. R. Directory. M'HEintr POST NO. 613. KeeM the First and Third Friday eveflitgs ofeach month. L. E. Bsv HTT, Com. KIOHMOKD JPOBT WO 288. Meets the seeond Friday evening of each month. W*. PsacocK, Com. WOODSTOCK POST, NO 108. Meets flrst and third Monday evenings of each month. v WM. AVERT, Com. mxm»A rOST, MO , Me«ts the second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month. W*. BDTtitm, Com. fcHABYlikD POST, KO KO. Meets the second ana tourta Monday -even ings ot each month. <L W. SCAVBBVS, Com. MABENOO POST, NO. 169, Meets every Second and Fourth Friday evenings of each month. . ' B. R. MOBBIS. 0«i. WAtTOONDA POST, MO. 368. Post meets everv second and fourth Satur­ day evening tn G. A. K. Hall, Main St. Warrex E. POWERS, Com, . JOHN P. 8M!TH» Watohmaker 4k. Jeweler, MoHENRY. ILLIHOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watehes and Jew. elryalwavson hand. Spuclai attention given t» roi alriqg fine wd tch^s. Give me aoalL vi \ JOHN f. SMITH. On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In short will do all work in this line. Can furnish yon a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as N any other man. Good references furnished if desired.~TF von want a Well l>ug, a Pump lie paired or - new Pump, give me a call. •WOrders by mail promptly attended to- PosluaUHH Johnsburgh, 111. L. BANTES. Johnsotirgli, 111.. May 25th, IMS. -DBALBR IN- Corn, Oats, Rye and Hill Feed. Prices as LOT AS THE LOWEST Call f nd get figures before buy­ ing1 elsewhere. Will guarantee you sitiafii *ion in every particu­ lar, Don't. Pay Anyone To BAY Your Feed For Yon. Large new Warehouse at th*1 Pickle Factory in West McHenrj, Illinois. W. A. CRISTY. -BREEDERS OF- MORGAN HORSES, Shost Som. Bid FoIl*D Angu, ^ And Jersey Cattle. illsidi West McHenryV 111. £ Our Morgan Stock is all ;pure bred, and jriginated from the best Morgan sto ik in the United States. Old Gitt>rd Morgan, who stands at the head >f our Stock, is one ot the best breed Morgan lorses in the country, and can show more and «tter»ll purpo e coits than any other horee i the West. • tVe invite the inspection of oar stock bv orsetnen and all lovors of fine animals. A few fall blood Morgan Colts and young torses for sale, 'Also one matched team, fall •loods. in Cattle we have the full blood short Horn •vbirh we are crossing with the Bed Polled tngus and therefore tnstead of sawing off the aorns are breeding them |Off and with rood sueeess. A tew Heifers and Bulls, both pare bred itract Horns aid the cross above mentioned brisla . J. R Saylor A Son«» t'lL PeOi Mth. THE CHICAGO AH0 NORTH BAIL WAY. Atenctrtttea th» Cent#rs ofC Populatt r Iiiilflwa, Visconsta, Minnesota, Dakota, AOFL fyoaiui[. Its train service is carefully arranged to meet requirements oi local travel, as well as to furnish the mos'. attractive routes for through travel between important Trade Centres. Its equipment of day au<i parlor cars, <lin- ingand place sleeping cars is without rival. tt6 road-bed is perfection, of stone ballast­ ed steel. The Northwestern is the favorite route for the commercial tiaveler, the tourist and the seekers after new homes In the golden Northwest. Detailed information cheerfully furnished bf BERNARD BUSS. Agent, « McHenry, III- J. M. WHITMAN, Vio-ePru. and (Jen, Manager H. C. WICKlUL Traffic Manager. & p. wiLsoir, General Pauenger Agent. , f D. NKEDHAM'8' SONS 116-11' Dearborn Street, CIU0A60 ltd Oner Blossoms, Andruir FOR SALE at II. Store, Meflenry. Cures eum. Sick Dyspepsia, Sick ;he, Constipation,PilM. WhoopInK Couith, and all "" Send for air- Suei'AKD'8 Hardware For SALE Cheap A BMS CEANC1 . To ken: a Good Business Location . I|f|offer lor sale my store buildings, situated In tthe village of ' McHenry. They are* of brick, two stories high, and suitable for any kind oi businoes, with gooa residence rooms In second story. Also good b^rn and out. houses. Centrally located, nearly opposite Bishop's Mill and next door to the post, office. Also offer for sale ray Cigar and Tobacco business. Will sell building either wtjh or frithout business to suit purchaser. r J. PEKOV3KY. •' McHenr^, III,, May 11, 1887. ARBUCKLES' name on a package of COFFEE is a guarantee of excellence. ARIOSA COFFEE is kept in all first-class stores from the Atlantic to the Pacific. COFFEE ir Is never good when exposed to'ffcs sir. Always buy this brand in hermetically sealed ONE POUND PACKAGES. Set Wonders'*xi«t thous- U£l£ir a"ds of forms, but are surpassed ™by the marvels invention. Those who are in need of jwrofltable work that can be done while livingatjhouie, should at once send their addresaAo lirallett ft ;;a., Portland, Maine, and revive Uee full infor mation how either pelc, of ail ages, can earn from f6 to 925 per"<l:i_v and iA>war<is, where- ever they live. You are started free Cap­ ital not required ta a single <tty at this work. ma<le over too AU succeed. Along the Skirmiah!Line. There arc seventy-alx Q. A,,R. potts ID Keotucky. The Soldiers Home for regulars at Washington had, Sep, 30, 991 inoiates. General W. T. Sherman, It la said, does not talk politic*, usually smokes, a fat, chunky cigar, and wears a short coat. The Nationil Heme at Lavenwerth. Kan,, cost 9250/00. Quantrelle, the guerrilla leaded, was born at Canal Dover, Ohio. The American soldiet Is the best clothed ol any soldier in the werld, The Department of Massacliuftetis, G. A. R„ reports the sum of $51,0U.,32 as expended in charity last year. Gilbert Head, of Danforth, Me<, a pensioaed veteran of the war of 1812, will be lOO^ears^old Feb. 9.1888, The Sta'e Soldiers' Home at Erie, Pa,, is full, and arrangements j an being made to increase the capacity se as to adanit double the present nqm ber of inmates. Thirty-eight thousand and twenty •even 'dollars and seventy oeots was expended by the <Grand Army lu r': The Senate Ootnmlttee on Peosionc corisfsts of Senators Davi^, Blair, Saw­ yer^ Paddock, Quay, Wilson of^Mary- land, Turpie and Blodgett. The l^fe and service of General George H. Thomas are being placed io book form by Colonel Dot. Piatt. Senator Palmer, of Michigan, will assist the posts in Detroit io building a G. A. R. hail to the amount of I10.00G. "More thiin 35,OCO veterans en thf pensions roll do not get as much pet day as a bootblack on the corner ge^ for "shining up" a single pa*r et shors Yet peop!e continue to speak ef tb« Government1!} "lavish generosity" to its 8oldier8.,, Report of certificates Issued during kveek ending Jan. 14, 1888: Original. 820; increase,670; reissue, 151; restora­ tion, 37; duplicate, 25; accrued, 79; arrears 0; Act of March 3, 1883 , 0; Order of April 3,1884. 2; Act of March 3, 1885, 0; Order of Oct. 7, 1S85, 2; Act of Aug. 4, 1886, 2; Supplemental Act Aug 4 1886, 8; Mexican war, 250; total, 2,046. Reissue same date, 5. Burnett (Neb.) Blade: With three hundred millions of money in the Treasury at Washington It is high!}' disgraceful thai the G. A. R. should br obliged to pay out large sums ot money every winter In aid of dlf>- iressed comrades, and all the aid cOmee from men who are poor th^m selves. Is there not sense enough in the National legislature to second the wishes of a generous people and smash • be rotten pension department into smlthieens, and save the money spent en dude clerks, male and female hum-t bugs, and not have it said, as it is now that the people of the impoverished Southern States are aotually doing better by their soldieri than the American Nation? More than 100,000 of the veterand on the, pension roll--that Is, more than one-third of the entir • number--get $4 a month or lees. That is, T8J cents a day or lass; the average is less than 10 cebts a day. That Is the average daily pension of these 100.000 men who broke themselves down at Shiloh. Vicksburg* Chickamauea. Gettysburg and the Wilderness, will not buy them a half-pound of good the usual market prices.--National Trib- ne. There* are 15.000 old soldiers now supported in the county and town alinf houses. Their support is a local tax that it really belong? to the Govern­ ment to pay. The soldier who went from, the town ot Richmond was not fighting for the town of Richmond alone, but fo^ the whole country, and the whole country should stand the ex. pense of the support of that soldier it he were te became an object of public support. It is our looal taxes that grind--that are a burden, Who knows about, thinks of, cares for, or feels our National taxes? Wty>, except the political tinkers, wants then reducedf ""SI Is there any sense of justice, fer in­ stance. in taking the tax of whiskey, beer and tobacco, while these 15,000 soldiers are supported by local taxa­ tion, or the arrears of pensions or equalized bounties, or other debts to the soldier remain unpaid? The Presl dent's Message is full of dire prophe­ sies of disaster tcf*the country from the immense surplus which Is locked up in the treasury and thus kept out of the legitimate channels ot trade and commerce. And the President is right. The one bundred^millions mare or less, of surplus locked up in the vaults of the treasury ought to be In circulation among the people. It would be, If the Government paid its debts to the soliier! There is where the "surplus,*' 'hat nightmare ot the politicians, ought to go. Pay your debts to the soldier before you proceed to cheapen, whiskey, beer of tobacco --& F. Ben­ nett in hichmind Gazette. Bills Introduced. The following Is a list o# fife Important bill recently introduced for the benefit of solJiersand sailors oi the late war. By Mr. Cutcheon--H. R. 1689--Grant­ ing pensions to certain soldiers and sailors of the United States In the late war who have attained the age of six ty-two years, or who are disabled from gaiuing a livelihood, or who are de­ pendent, and for other purposes, By Mr. Gorosvenor--H. R. 1730--Pro. vidiug a pension to surviving ex-prls* oners of war. By Mr. Joseph D. Taylor--H. R 1754 --Repealing all limitations as to th« dole within which meritorious ^appli­ cations for pensions may beflled. By Mr. Houk--H.,R. 1827--To extend the 'provisions of the arrears ot pen- ion act approved, March 3, 1879, t<- pensioners under special acts of Con­ gress and to repeal the limitations oi arrears act. By Mr. Enhr-H. R. 1853--To droi trom the pension rolls the pames of itensioners who have forsaken citizen- iiip in the United States and havt ^iven their allegiance to foreign gov­ ernments. By Mr. Thomas, of Wisconsin--U. R. 1924--Directing the payment»of boun ivs to veteran volunteers who wort promoted after re-enlistment. By Mr. Mctfiilln--B. R. Grart • peastoiino th^sorv4i^wi Florida war, Bv Mr. Plumb--S, 1207--For the relief of John ^uliivan. By Mr, Bingham--H. R. 4340--To in -rease the pension of soldiers ami sailors of i he war of the rebellion wb< nave lost both arms or feet, «tc.te and 0 pay the same monthly. By Mr. La Follette--H. R. 4408--T« tuiend chapter 236 or the laws of 1880. relating to certain pensioned soldle^ ntd sailors who are utterly helples>- roui iojjrles received or disease con racted while in the United State* •• rvice. By Mr. Harmer--H, B. 4355--To In- urease the pensions of those who havt •ost eyes, limbs, or the use of tbeai. tre totally helpless^ are deaf ^and foi •>tber purposes. By Mr. Butterworth--H. R. 4325-- b'or the relief of ex soldiers and ex tailors who eulisted In the army ot uavy while minors uoder assumes >iames, and served faithfully according io the terms of enlistment. By Mr. Bingham--H. ^r 4337--To increase pensions for deafness. By Mr. Cowles--H. R. 4313--Granting 1 pension to the soldiers engaged 1*. removal of the Cherokee Indians,, By M. Galltager-- H. R. 4277--T» a! low appeal* In cases arising under tb,* pension laws of the United States. By Mr. Biker, ef New York-- H. R. 4285--For the relief of certain mem hers of Companies G and K,Thirteenth Regiment New York Volunteers. Oglesby's Mistake. When- Grant was appointed bri^a* dier general and ordered to Cairo to take command, Col. Oglesby was act ing In that capacity. The latter had received notice of appointment from the war department and was advised that the new geueral was on his way sooth. A day or so after, the Colonel was seated at his desk, busily writing, In the room were several officers chat­ ting together in subdued tones. The chief of the staft entered and arceun- 'he arrival of Grant. The Colonel nodded and went on writing; evident­ ly he had not understood the officer., Presently a man dressed in a plain sn^per'f. blouse, slouch hat and nonde­ script trousers sauntered In, remarka­ ble for nothing unless it was for a generous quantity of du»t on bis clothes, a stubby, reddish beard, • keen grey eye *nd a hair consumed cigar clenched between bis teeth. Taking a survey of the apartment and its occupants, be approached the Colonfl and said in a quiet voice: "Will you let me have a sheet Of paper?* * ' Help yourself my man," responded the Colonel In a surprised and some­ what lndigaant tone, as his pen scratched on uninteruptedly, "you'll find or e over tbera on the far side of the table.' The stranger seated himself oninvi* ted and drawing the paper toward him wrote a f^v words* knocked the ashes from his cigar and coolly passed the scrawl over to the Colonel. The surprise -- i nn Oglesby's face deepened, btM^pally gave way to astonishment jMtyefe lie had mastered the words, miff proved to be an order relieving hla tVMk hia' present duty and ordering him to join his regiment ever the river. It.waa dated "Headquarters, Cairo,* and signed U. S. Grant, Brigadier Ghsam- al, commanding, etc.' *•? Colonel Oglesby rose and walked around the insignificant figure iersai the tbe table, never removing his eye* from it, aid finally burst forth with: 'Well you are Grant? Why, I thenglkt you were some one's orderly and was near ordering you out a moment ago.1 Then turning, 'Geutlemen, onr chief, Brigadier General Grant.' A NDEBS0NVILLB. The Georgia Prison Pen where 13,189 of our JVatirm's Defenders fftxve M><< their Lives for their Country. [This article is most respectfully dedicatee for the amusement of Young Bayonet Mil in McHenry County Democrat.] CONCLUSION. In concluding onr sketch of Ander- onvllle prison we would add that It has not been ear aim to get right ' down to every-day prison life while there because tbe story has been at- empted to be told by many who wen far more capable of picturing the «cenes and incidents of every-day ee» ourrence enacted therein, and even hey have failed to portray Andenea- ville as It really was. And for that natter it would be utterly imposelble lor any living being to tell it this late late of tbe awful situation men were in whose lot it Was to be held prle- •ners of war by the so-called Confed- •rate Government. We have simply ndeavored to show the nature of the urroundings, location of grounds, eto,, -»tc., and by the testlmeuy of rebels, iew our men were treated and the ufterings tbey were subjected to ia hat particular pristfn pen. There *ere many other channel houses ia ebeldom io those dask days of war, md hundreds of our brave comradee <ave up their lives therein, by being tarved, chilled, or allected by the ho; <nd piercing rays of the sun, power­ ful as It was la that climate. ]|«t \ndereonville was the place of all 'M>?SSuWhefe mfco w$r» ogetber as cattle In transit, there to -emain fer months unless relieved rom their sufferings by death. Theft vere a greater number ef men eest* dned, and in a smaller space In Ander- •envllle, than in any of the other no- orious prisons of the South. More oen died there than In any other, lencs It has always been conoeded hat ft was tbe worst place to speed •no's days should tbey have been un- ucky enough to have fallen Into/t|ii -iutcbes of the enemy. s- Col. C. T. Chandler's C. S. A„ re- oort on Andersonville dated August 3tb, 1864, In which be said: "It is dlffi - "ilt to describe tbe horrors of the •rieon which is a disgrace to civilizat­ ion," which was endorsed by Col. B» •I. Chiltoo, Inspector General C. S. A. is follows: "Tbe condition ef the orisoaers at Andersonville Is a re-* proach te us as a nation." The follow* <ng is given to show the average death rate during eight months: April, one m every sixteen died; May, one la •Very twenty-six; June, one In every twenty-two; July, one ia every eight­ een; August, one In every eleven; September, one In every three; Octo­ ber, one in every two; November, one in every three. » Thus In September, ene-thlrd of hese in the stockade and hospital lied, In October, one-half of the re- nainder, and in November one-third if those who still survived died. These figures to many will seem al­ most incredible on account ef their .treat magnitude. One writer Id speaking on this subject says: "It It rme that the fearful disproportionate mortality of those months was largely lue to the fact that it was mostly the *ick that remained behind. But tbie diminishes but little the frightfttleeii of tbe showing." Reader, compare r he -above figures beside those fwntleth- ed from tbe results of Any epidemic ever heard of. and we doubt that the fatality can be proven to be aa (ieat as the numbers just quoted. Uoder these circumstances we ailt our readers if it Is improper or out of place that,the survivors of these rebel hell boles should be granted a of from two to eight dollars per month in ease they are not pensioners under present laws on account of dtsa* bility? We have questioned Yooag Bayonet Pointa as to what they would do In tbe premises, hut never a word can we get from them. ^ THE END. * *VJ * *<v rM ^3 Bucklen'a Arnica Salvew The best Salve io the wot Id for oatft orulses, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped ban da, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptians, and pee Uvely cures piles, or no pay nfnlie4 It is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction. or money refunded. Prlee IV «nts per box. For sale by Hoary Colby. A line stylish Cotter at lew at R. Bishop's Wareheuae, 1ft Call and see them. Tbe finest styles In ha _ ^ ever seen in this village at ' Besley's West Side Otag SHW»

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