Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Feb 1888, p. 4

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;h • suv •1 rESDAY, FEB. 1. 1888. 8LYKE; Editor. WW"*" r ISPAPER EE* 0a*9 Newsp: May be found on (lie at GEO. P. _ _ Newspaper Advertising -(It Itpraoe Street), where advertising *TttNEW YORK- fl^Btnter took a drop of 2 cents on thm B«trd of Trade at Elgin on Mon­ day. Only six sales ware made on call; 8100 lb* were sold at 3l@32c. all Hut one sale at the lower rtirure. Total •ales, •2 634. MP*A Washington dispatch say6: "Hon. E. M. Haines registered at the Kbbett Houmi Washington, D. C. last itonda?.* Entering the corridor, he trolled his pant lears down] ov»r hi? boots, pulled up his'c&p and shook the h*y seed from his hair; ordered a back worn and refused the c^rds of a!) newspaper men, a« he claimed not to lie seeking notoriety. He visited Sen­ ator Far well Tuesday morning and •dually paid forfthe smiles* MTThe earnest protest of the Rev. Wilbur Crafts in the I'oice against the desecration of the Sabbath by Prohi­ bition meetings, is timely. The other political parties hold their meeting? oa week days--some of them from genuine respect for the Sabbath, and other* from respect to the mora) sentiment of the community. It Is tr» he hoped that the Prohibitionists rnav find in one or the other of these reas­ ons a motive to follow the laudable example. •tiTA Washington correspondent •ay: "The anti-Cleveland element in the Democratic parly is rapidly grow­ ing and secretly organizing iq a num­ ber of states, if politicians from these Mates, who visit this city from time to time, may be believed. That the feel- lag is encouraged by quite a number of prominent Democrats in Congress is a taet well known. It is Bald here that an organized open opposition to the re-nomination of Cleveland if shortly to be started in the States of Pennsylvania, New York, Massachu­ setts, Connecticut. Rhode Island, Ma­ ryland, Virginia. West Virginia. Tennessee, Alabama, and possibly others." IfirThe Chicago Times replying to Ihe Stale Register's foolish argument to the effect that the claim for the admission of Dakota' Is 'largely worked up by wouid-be office holders,' etc., says: "This Is an old foolish pretense of an argument. There U little similarity between Dakota's- claim for admission and that of other Teriitories. Ten years ago she had a larger population than was ever be­ fore required for admission. She has Were now than either one of six or eight States--more than Secretary Biyard's State and that of Senator Stewart combined. It is simply Bhort sighted and shameful infustice to Ion# dwaddle about the admission of a Ter- titory of such magnitude as Dakota. t0"The legislative commission which favors tbo substitution of elec­ tricity for the gallows in the State oi New York, makes one minor recom- menlation that will be sure to receive the approval of all the people whose •pialon are worth caring about. It is that the public accounts of executions be limited as regards details. One of the worst features of some of the journalis n of the period is the elabo­ rate and detailed narratives of every hanging tbat occurs. * The murderer by this means In part is made to ap­ pear as the hero, as he is certainly the central figure of the whole afiair. %It he cau be dispatched so quietly as not to be aware himself of the approach of the fatal moment, and if the news paper accounts can be condensed into a simple statement of the fact of the *9*WtUtQ, it will be a great gain. - , t' . ,i Ll r ; ILLINOIS POLiriua. The political situation in Iliiuola is ^•Oonoing interesting. The general opinion seems to be that the state will be for Blaine for President, and Ogles by for Vice President. If Blaine •, the second place M the ticket would, of course, be filled by a soldier, and no one could com­ mand more votes than the present Governor of Illinois. It is all well enough for "Uncle Dick* to talk about retiring to his farm, but all the same he won't do It. The most serious controversy seems to be as to who shall be chosen to fill Oglesby's place as Governor. There are a host of names mentioned for the honor, the most conspicuous being Gen John C. Smith, the present Lieutenant Governor; Gen. John McKulta, Re­ ceiver of the Wabasi} Railway Co. Gen. John I. Rlnaker, Railroad and t Warehouse Commissioner; Maj. James A. Connlley, Ex-U. S. Attorney for the Southern District of Illinois; Col. Clark E. Carr, of Galesburgh; Msj. R. W. McClaugry, Warden of the Jeliet penitentiary; and Private Joseph W. Flfer, ex-State Senator from MpLean county. Theie are all -geod men and true,* and any one of them If nomina­ ted by the Republican Convention, WQnld be certain of election, and would worthily peform the duties of tbo high position. Mr. Pifer is evi­ dently the choice £of the younger men 9t the party, and those who are in favor of what Is called "a new deal." / For the* second place on the ticket, lieutenant Governor, a number of names have also beea mentioned, among them Senator J. S. Cochran, of Itareport, Representative W. H. Col- lias, of Quiacy, Judge J. B. Messick of Xast St. Louis, and Representative Charles E. Fuller of Belvldere. Sen­ ator Cochran aod Mr Collins are active If seeking the nomination, while Judge Messick with a large following In Southern Illinois has^lectlned to be a candidate, and declare^ himself In favor of Mr. Fuller, who as yet refuses to say whether be will or will net be a candidate. The famous "1031* who elected Gen. Logah U. S. Senator In 1885, and of which organization Mr. Fuller Is President, are understood to be pretty unanimously for him, if he shall decide to be a candidate. The present Auditor of Public Ac counts, Is Mr. Swlgert, a candidate for re-election. Be was a private soldier, lost an arm In battle, atd has made a good record in office. Senator Dau Hogan. of Pulaski county, Senator John Yost of Gallatin county, and Hon E. C. Lewis, ex-Railroad,Commission­ er. of LaSeile county, are also candi­ dates. and are all good men. For Secretary of State, ex-Speaker, W. F. Calhoun of DeWitt county; Senator I. N. Pearson, of McDonough county; Gen, Reece of Springfield, and Hon. H. D. Dement, the present Incum bent are candidates. Speaker Calhoun is making the most active canvass, and evidently expects to'*get there." For Treasurer. Jacob Gross of Chicago, ex-State Treasurer, and Charlie Becker of St. Clair county, are the leading candidates. For Attorney General there seems to be no serious opposition to the re- nomlnatlon of George Hunt, who has made a splendid record and deserves: the honor of a second term, which be is sure to get. Of course there are others talked about, but the nominees of the Repub lican Convention are liable to be taken from^tbe list here given, and the ticket nominated H sure «f at leas 25 000 majority in the state,--Belviderc North western. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Proceedings of Ing, December Moot* 1887. THURSDAY, DEC. 29, 1887. met pursuant to adjonrntnent. Members all present at roll call. Minutes of yesterday's meeting read and approved. The committee en Finanoe made the following report In regard to the petition of J. F. DeYarmond for re­ funding the amount paid for tax sale certificate, which was adopted, te-wlt: STATE OF ILLINOIS, t Vsa M'HEVKT COUKT X. I Board «of Supervisors, Xtocember term, December 29, 1887. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit­ tee to whom was referred the petition of J. F. DeYarmond in regard to error in tax sale, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: First--We find that there was error n the sale and recommend the refund •ng of the same, to-wit: The sale, 86; subsequent taxes on the same. #694; making $13.80; and tbat the treasurer charge up the same to the several taxes as the same was dlsburs ed. Second--From the committee to set tie with the treasurer: It appears there will probably he a deficit ot funds to run the current expenses of the county until taxes begin to be paid In. We therefore recommend rhat the county treasurer be author­ ized to botrow, when necessary, a sum sufficient to meet the expenses, not to exceed the sum of $1,000, and pay the same from th« taxes as soon as paid In. AU 0: wj^iefa is respectfully submit­ ted. » II W MEAD, GEO H GAKttlSOX, •M-V- ^ R J BECK, V •* . ,V . C F DIKE. J EM LAMB. to settle with the treas­ urer made the following report which on motion was adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, 1 >81 McHenrv County, ) Board of Supervisors, December term, December 27. A. D. 1887. Mf. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit tee to whom was referred the matter of settling with the county treasurer would beg leave to submit the follow ing report on the matters before ttieta: The receipts for all par poses.... Disbursements Leaving balance §~ Funds not subject to draft $4,974 59 1'aid since Dec 1 854 SS • 92.137 31 85,738 M 6,888 77 4,929 17 Balance tn hand* of treaa $ 1,459 60 We *£ould further report tbat we have examined the books, various ac­ counts and vouchers (which are here with presented, subject to the order of the Board) in the county treasurer's office, and find the same correct, as per treasurer's semi-annual report, wbiob is submitted with and made a part of this report, to-wit: 1% per cent com on SU.29t.18 ree'd frem t col £ 3 per cent com on #32,485.73'coiiectecT as co col ; Transcribing del tax list.' l,2u"ei>. tries, 3 per cent List for print adv tax list,'881'en. tries, 3 percent el list for judgt, 156 at 3 974 57 *664 41 37 28 26 48 13 68 1368 7 S3 8550 3,400 53 2,016 76 881 77 1,500 00 900 53 50 00 12 75 500 75') 00 and,oire of said * patient, said bond or agreement to be approved by said superintendent and supervisor, and held by said superintendent; and be It further iteaMved, Tbat any insane person becoming violent or dangerous to per­ son or property after being removed from the county asylum, as above pro- vided. may be returned to the county asylum Within six months without a re-bearlng before the county court, on giving notice to th<\supervisor of the township where said patient lives, the physician and superintendent of the county asylum, said parties to investi­ gate, and If they find that such person has become violent and dangerous within the specified time above men­ tioned, then to be returned according to provisions of agreement en re­ moval: and be it further liesowtd. That the resolution of the Board of Supervisors, adopted Dec. 15,1885, providing that ' the insane and not paupers, be charged at the rate of $3 per week," be so amended as to read after the word "charged," "at such rate per week* as shall he fixed by the superintendent of the insane asylum and the committee on poor farm." The report of the committee on Poor Farm and Insane Asylum was read to the Board and btt motion adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS. > >8* MCHBKKT OOUKTT, J Board of Supervisors, December Term, A. D. 1887. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors. Your committee on Poor Farm and Insane Asylum, beg leave to submit the following report on matters before tbera: Committee met at Poor Farm. Aug. 30. Present, Chairman, Flavin and Garrison. Committee proceeded to estimate cost per week of Instates slnoo March 22,1887. The following bills for running ex peases were exam­ ined and approved. Apr 28 G H Garrison | V F Dike May 13 F D Janvrin NSltobb Mike Grebe 11 •L D Kelly Jul jr 18 t» H Garrison 1A Austin . An«i7 Hunker Bros Mil in part EH Richmond J D Donovan's bill in part..... T J Dacy " •• .... M Flavin •' " K Whitson J H Gari ison ft Go E A Murphy & Co bill in part.. G Boniwell Aug 29 A S Wright G H Garrison Aug 30 N s Robb, salary to date Making del pc Making del list in j and sale reo'dV 456, at 3 p ©. i. Selling lots and lands for 'taxes!.!! Making etatera'ts and certificate*. dog tax to sup (17), school to t treas (20) r and b and rii to r<t trca®,(17), cor to cor treas (4;, • school to pres b of trustees (20) and clerks of school dists '179)1 making 26iat 3 pc Being for whole year a First half years report *. Leaving for earnings 2d half rr# Salary for year . "Balance to ci ot salary acit" J..*". Expendtiunet. Clerk hire . g Stationery pd by co Postage .*;••* Salary for halt year ... ".I. Respectfully submitted, Dec l! 1887. WM H STEWART. Oo Trees. We would recommend t >at the clerk hire (#60). postage (•&). salary for half year (#75«), as appenrlog In semi-annual report be paid All*of which is respectfully submit­ ted. JOHN H PALMER, KRKD HATCH. KM LAMB, R J BECK, G B RICHABD8. Sup Richards moved that the county' orders and jury certificates, together with the blank county bonds be burn­ ed In presence of the Board. Motion carried. Sup Garrison oflered the following resolution and moved its adoption, which was carried, to-wit: Mesolved, That any li tiane person confined in the county asylum, and not violent or .dangerous, may, by consent of the superintendent of the county asylum, the phvslclan to charge and supervisor of the township from which said patient was sent, be delivered to their friends or conservator, they, the said friends, executing a bond of agreement assuming all wipoosiblllty life #• iiiV, V-v •• ..* 76 2S 10 00 22 60 80 51 19 SO 160 47 32 .300 192 92 845 145 658 17 30 265 00 14 57 488 367 00 Margaret Hallaay Pat Piley. 420 01 13 0» 604 ..$1027 72 Vetai The following items were deduoted from the foregoing list before board of inmates was compu ed. Board of * hite, Lawson ft Kobs $154 71 Corn 30 00 Hog is 00 f199 71 Total cost ... ........82801 Whols number of weeks, 970, Cost per week, 85$ cents. The following bills were sent to the Supervisors of the various towns and individuals liable for the same: Kiley Coral Marengo Grafton Allien Hebron Dunham Har land Chemung Me Henry Greenwood Dorr Seneca Nunda vlgonquin ,E E I tH ' . iMrds . . . . . . . . Jas White Geo Kobs t84 01 32 43 . . . . . . 61*2 21 19 ..... . 66 04 28 14 .. ... 21 Ml 83 72 ... ... S600 47 00 23 58 91 36 60 94 62 89 211 13 SB 8t> 69 00 16 72 The following bills were Incurred for permanent Improvements: J D Donovan bill In pait 20 00 T J Daoy •« •• ]s 00 John Ward, well 38 00 Bunker Bros.. 39 21 Your committee would also report they have contracted with Mr. Robb to superintend the county poor farm, poor house and Insane asylum, from Dec. 1st, 1887, to Jan. 1st. 1889. Sal ary to be at tbe rate of one thousand and fifty dollars per year. Said Robb to furnish all hired help needed for the running of the same. Your committee met at County Farm Dec. 9tb, for tbe purpose ot tak­ ing account or stock, with the follow­ ing result: Farm stock ..$1157 00 Farm products 604 80 Groceries 130 00 goat 304M Farm implements.... 63385 Household Goods 1290 si Total amount invoice .$4120 96 Which will mere fully appear from schedule hereto attached. The following bill» not previously reported have been examined and ap­ proved since the report of your com­ mittee at the July session: July 28 Thomas Shiller Aug 11 N i Robb on salary ....' 9 D F Janvrin 14 P E -aundera.... • 14 H H Williams 87 G H GirriMi., 87 # D Hall 80 D Crumb 30 G W Bo rd well 89 A 8 Wright SO C F Thorne 8ept 2 G S South worth. H N S R o b b . c o s t o f r e t a r n i n g p a u ......$84 60 60 00 32 00 330 as 65 SOfiu 8S 84 11 so 44 67 14 85 12 20 6 SO 88 per for town of Alden. £ B Bradley.... K V Anderson........ Oct 8 James Cooney 4 JM Murphy . » N 8 Robb, freight ... A F Field....." 80 James Green Dee 7 Bunker Bros 9 Geo tiarriaon Frank Kane Sept 20 N 8 Robb, Salary to Sept l. 23 28 18 50 60 00 .... . 7 00 168 28 . ... 48 32 301 06 40 00 814 77 66 75 600 ....662 60 Dec 27 Henry Hogan... 105 00 Your committee would further re­ port the Improvements on barn com­ pleted at a total cost of 9796 92< a well has also been dug for the convenience of bsrn and stock at a cost of 938. We would also recommend tbat Dr. E. Y. Anderson be retained as physician in eharge at the county house on the same terms and conditions as hereto­ fore. All of wbleh Is respectfully submit­ ted. . C F DIKE, L WjDODAHD. PH FLAVIN, GEO H GAUR190X, JOHN H PALMER. {Concluded Next Week.) • Tho Last Chance The Chicago & Northwestern R'y Co. will sell round trip tickets to Cal­ ifornia points at the old cheap rate for excursions leaving Omaha Thurs­ day, Feb. 16, or Kansas City. Friday. Feb. 17. This is tbe last chance for reduced rate tickets. Regular excur­ sion tickets are new sold daily. For particulars apply to agent C. & N. W R'y Co; 27-»w Executor's Notice. E STATE of Ohatin<yy Beckwith, deceased The undersigned having been appoinie • Kxecutnx of the Hat Will and Testament of Cbauncy Beckwith, deceased, late of the County ot MoHenry and State ot Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear be- fore tbe County Court of Mcilenry County, at tbe Court House, in Woo<lBtock, at the April Term, on tho flr»t Mon iay in April next, at which time all persons having claims against •aid estate are notified and requested to at­ tend for the purpose of having the same ad­ justed. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the underaigued. Dated this 24th Say of January, A. D., 1SSS Sopiibomia BECKWITH, Executrix. * GENERAL R MERCHANTS 4% V.M0HENRY, ILL. 'R' - • -"wr* > "r.rS' v 1 Are now receiving a l"f "VJ r Ik. ' ' ic.f •• assortment o And invl# ^iaspec|l|a of the sanity^ ft; will t>e our aim t o k e e p • v - " ^ v ^ ' ' . - i< OUB STOCK COMPLCTFI $%&>, A|L, TITHES, . «**--WITH THE----* •. ST ANt> NEWEST GObBS, Whieh we shall offer at as Low Prices as is consistent wltl^dn est, upright, square dealing, which shall be our aim in all our transactions, liy thus doing we hope to merit and receive 9 liberal share ot your esteemed patronage which is most respectfully sof licited. ^ • fTOFFEL & BLAKE. V* • ' { **v ^ : •-'* * * * t " *' OW3B» A; Pointer' < o y - Why pay $1 when you can buy for 50 cents? • A few weeks ago we had a Special Sale of Ginghams'at 5c per yard, they were well worth 10c per vard. Many went away disappointed because we did not have enough to go around Last Saturday we had another Special Sale ot Hamburg Em­ broideries, we sold some at 2 1-2 cenf^per yard that was fichly worth 5c, another lot at 5c per yard that were well worth 10c, another lot at 10c that were worth 15 to 20c, and so on up to 40 inches wide tor $2, worth $4. They are very fine , good , the best that are made. 'Ihese Spec­ ial Sales mean business. We always have ti-e bargains we ad­ vertise. The goods are sold low because they are »ougbt low. We expect to have these Spec­ ial Sales of seasonable goods ever week or two Just what the people want. We shall make prices is near half the v»lue ot the goods as possible. We shall try and have enough to go arontid. We will always have bargains for all who come, but thrse Special Sales are well worth the attention of cash buy­ ers, At these dpecial Salet we must sell for cashes it takes the cash to get these snaps. W e are now :\rranging for a very import­ ant vSpecial Sale of goods that every family will be interested in as every family in McHenry County uses them. This sale will be advertised in the papers and the goods are all right, per­ fect every way, and will be sold for half theii value. We are now offering Men's wool ,Over#hirts at fl.25, that are «ell worth S2.0C. They are just what the men want this"cold weather. Butterick*s Patterns sent by mail to any part of the country. Send to us for a fashion sheet. J. C. CHOATE. Woodstock, III. KBIAT SPECIAL OUT On Saturday, Jan; 28, in or­ der taelose out what HORSE BLANKETS,] Bed Blankets, and Comforta­ bles we have left, we offer the balance at 10 per cent discount from wholesale prices. On Monday, Jan. 30, we will offer balance of our stock of Mens, Boys apd Cbildrens OVERCOATS, At 15 per cent discount from wholesale prices. * • Tuesday, Jan. 31, the last day of the month, we offer the bal­ ance of our stock of UNDERW^IT, At nearly half price. For in­ stance our 50 and 60 cent goods will go on that day at 30 cents. . Feb. 1, balance of our stock of Cloaks, Jackets, At nearly half price. Feb. 2, our Vermont lulfl Rockford A AXE" TOBACCO. AtJ5 cents per skein, former price 25 cents, Feb. 3, our Las- dies and Gent Woolen -HOSE AND SOOKSr At 25 cents each, former price 40 to 60. Saturday, Feb. 4, great Remnant Sale, When odds and ends must go at halt pi ice. Please remember tiiat these prices are for such days only as mentioned above, and also that you can buy any Wool­ en Goods from as at W holesale Prices unlil all sold. Come, it will pay you. RESPECTFULLY, John Evanson & Co. f)f/WTT V Rewarded are those who ILIliM I j V read this and then act; they * will find honorable employ, raent that will not take them from their hi.ines and funilies The prodls are large nnd sure for every Industrious person, many have made and art now uiakinir several hun­ dred dollars a ontli. Itiseasr for any one to nutke f5 aud upwards per day, who is will, ing to work. Either sex. young or old; cap. 1 tit I not needed; we start you. Everything new. No special ability required;y»ii, leader can do it as well as any one. Write to us at oucc for lull particulars, which we mail tree. AddressStinson A Co., Portland, Uume. CATER BROTHERS, Libertyville, Illinois. Importer* and Dealer* In CLEVELAND BATS. COACH. And Eagliafc Shire Henea, We have a freata Im portal ion ot the above , itock in nges from tu o (olive years all a 111 ta­ ttle for breeding. These horses are all of our own selection, rev. Istered, and of bigm Individual merit. Terms reasonable. Can be seen at our it* bltw. taapection sadjcorrespondence *olto> Cater Bros. s»-*a IFTHEY Well 1 should remark. you all kinds of Salt Fish cheaper than any ot them. We buy at sp.M use. And sell at the lowest SPOT CASH PRICES. We Have Plain Cod, * - Boneless Cod, W hite Fish, Mackerel, Holland Herring Labrador Herring, Scaled Herring, Salmon, etc. Come and get prices before buying. 1 1 IP J ... / -J.!--"r/ '"/• S*k OSs. >» ^ 3 C j ^ " • i "*•-> . zmwi " 4 . i - c ( A* i. - , t - . V' .* A' "West McHenry Offer all fall and winter goods from now until spring at t • Greatly Reduced Prices. Oar Stock of r 'tiwiiCjX .Vii-5 r*i.: Prices very 1^# quality high on * • k, -1 *1 ifc,- Warm $uits. Will sell all above goods your own pr ice i f reasonable . Dress Fk&oel, Btd Fknntl, SLittiag Fi&sstl. All of the best makes, finest patterns, good wearers. Line 1,- non shrinking, ^ool UNDERWEAia. '€z<< 5 For gentlemen, all sixes, $1 .31) each, 9old everywhere for 50. Morris Mills fancy stjiped Shirts and Drawers^ to ^close, be­ low regular prices, BI Excellent qut^ity, horrible cheap, for the human race or horse race, from $l.t)0 to $4 50 in all wool. The Ked Jacket Felt Boot beats 'em all. We carry all sizes for men and boys. AH mankind admits without a bribe the L. f^andee BUB3SB G03DS To hold fir 4 rank in variety and durability. To meet the requirements m this line tho coming sprinsf we have carefully selected a ^com­ plete stock oti new styles and best grades and for cash", of the old firm of C. H. Fargo & Co, Footwear is our Right Bower and Joker. Do not fail to see us. , EDS I Farmers attention. We have bought 2 cars of farm seeds; ('lover, Timothy, Millet, Red Top, Flax, etc., on a dowa mar­ ket, best and purest to be had, which we deliver March. *and take your order now. , We have gathered in another car of .* "Honest Abe" Flour known all, ovw. - W® can't sell it for less than $1.05 and warrant it. 20 sacks forf20 ^ cash. ; " . CfKOCKKI E If t Clean, fre-h and as cheap .jflr "•* No. 1 goods can be sold. . ?' ? BIC DRIVES. : J ' To reduce stock before Spring trade booms, and don't you.rJor^ get. See our locals.' " - T ~ ' •*$ •«. "y-l • r * •" *•

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