Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Feb 1888, p. 4

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jt' <W *r* • x. * '* *; «* WEDNESDAY, FEB. 8. 1888. & VAJS 8LYKE, Editor. FTC OA t>T?TJ Maybe found on Llo rAr Hilt, Die at GEO. P. '*I.L * OO.'S Newspaper Advertising (M Spruce Street), where advertising STS-S'SNEW YORK- MFOo tli© Elgin Board of Trade on Monday 12,600 pounds of Butter were told at SI cents. Total sal«9 3 906. M^It la significant that the only ftronounwd opposition to the bill *• %hich passed the United States Senate |li« other day awarding a pension to Ch« widow of Gen. Logan, should not ttfnlr come from the South, but follow Closely on the heels of the passage through one branch of the m$;l8sipp! " €.«f lalature of a bill pensioning Con- -tederate soldiers. •BTThe Indianapolis Journal calls •Attention to the fact, that, of the nine JDemdcrats constituting a majority of •he Houae Elections Committee, which lias, by a partisan vote, deolded to un­ seat White, the Republican Represent- JUive from the Twelth Indiana ^ittricl, In the face of a popular juajority of nearly 2,600 In his favor, live (Including the Chairman) are ex- confederates. It is natural, as the journal suggests, that, with such a -Committee, a Republican, especially If .•#n old soldier, stands little chance. Republican clubs are being oi- fanlzed In almest every section of the tate, and members are everywhere joining In large numbers. This Is a to ore In the right direction. The presidential campaign will be formal­ ly opened in less than fire months, and much depends upon an early and effi­ cient party organlz it Ion. Now Is the . time to sow the seed for a Republican victory. In this vicinity, as well as all Others, there are scores of young men Who will vote for the first time next November These are the voters to fee reached by club organization. The ianks of the Republican party have "illways held the best young men of the •State and nation. Many a bard-earned Victory has been won for the party by yifbe votes and efforts of young, earnest •nd enthusiastic voters. No time Should be lost in organizing a Repub­ lican club here. There are enough ?nung Republicans, with others who #111 naturally be drawn to the organi­ sation, to make a strong club, whose labors and influence would greatly aid ibe county committee In their efforts aecure an incieased majority next B0AR0 OF SUPERVISORS. Letter from Dakota. . EDITOK PLIINDSALEB.--I have many times thought of writing you express- fog oar regard for your excellent pa­ per, which we often receive through Mrs. Carrie Combs, of Fort Hill, and read with as much Interest as any of fur eastern papers. .We like It for its loyalties, for Its paunch Republicanism, for Its sympa­ thy for the soldiers in blue, and not leaat If last, for its favorable notice ol Dakota from time to time. Tour pa­ trons ought to be many and apprecia live. Even the local news are inter- fating although it is nearly' thirty jeears since 1 was a resident of Mc- Ifenry, and but a few of the old pa­ trons appear in the advertising col­ umns that I kuow at this time. . Just at Ibis writing the news ot the disasters are coining in from the ef­ fects of the late terriffiostorm. Very •My persons have perished by freez­ ing, while many more are snflerlng from frozen limbs. The number of frozen horses and cattle must be large, too, as the storm came up about the time of watering them. The weather fctout noon was quite mild, the wind south-east. As a consequence many formers had taken advantage of the •iiiness of the weather to get bay an d to water their stock oto. In less thaD ton minutes the wind changed to the norsbwest and came down upon us without warning (as the sky was over cast while the wind was south) with the fierceness of &' cyclone accompa­ nted with a blinding snow and Intense cold. Everything alive stampeded before it. No person or animal could move against it any distance if they had tried. The storm continued una­ bated until after midnight and even in the morning of the next day the air was full of snow although clear over- hood, and bitter cold. Terrible mis­ takes were made by many teaehers by dismissing their schools and attempt­ ing to got to their homes. In meet instances they all perished. The atmosphere was so dense with snow that no object however large could be •eon for a distance of twenty feet, and the wind was nearly a hurricane. It was at Jthe price of one's life if an at­ tempt at rescue was made. Even in ^ |bo streets of Huron it was with great difficulty that th% children got to tfaelr ho nes and that in an exhausted and frightened condition. The whis­ tle of the utaohine shops blew every tea miouteO as a guide, and this whis­ tle Is as sonorous as that of any large lake steamer and can be distinctly hoard for fifteen miles. Only a few were frostbitten sad these bad bee lost for two hours. The telegraph had conveyed the news of the ap- proaohing storm as early as eight #0lock In the morning, but this was aothlng new and as a consequence no jpg*p*rajtIon made for the fearful bllz- aard. All trains everywhere were and the road effectually blocked. Should the railroads east gUa closed we are liable to suffer If,want of fuel. Still we have an kdt^co of straw and can use it by up a little exertion. |o storm Is uprecedented. No one hoxperlenoed the like in this terri­ ft. H. BorgrOBI). .fi.--tw.? . M"* ' . ~ .11;-r *t THURSDAY, DEC. 29,1887. The Committee on Claims presented the following report, which was read to the Board and on motioa adopted to-wit: STATK OF ILLINOIS. ) MCIIENKY COUNTT, J Board of Supervisors, December Term, A. D. 1887. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors.*--Your commit­ tee on claims would beg leave to re* port that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recom­ mend the payment of the following, and that the clerk be directed to issue orders on the couuty treasurer to the claimants for the several amounts al­ lowed, to-wit: Wm Avery postage and express ..# E M Lamb inireh'g ag't 6 mo " telephone P J Kronbrack boarding jurors.... Lester Barter, stamps, stationery, etn Fredreka Pimrow witness Christ Peters. HenryVierck I"II"""'.I!'!! Predreka Pimrow Charles Huffman........ . ... Lafe Benthusen,. Agusta Green .... E H Richmond, boarding jurors.^. ..... Geo Kckert sherliPbni Geo Eckert, retaking prisoner #70 00 '• dieting prisoners rt mas AS Wright, by Latnb, sundries (orjail Lafe Benthusen, People v» Wise. etc.. D C M'tllory J P A W Young vs McHenry Co. 3 trips to Chicago in Dacey case. Richmond llogart case, etc., $5190 3000 1 he following bills have been paid, the vouchers accompanying the same examined and found correct.: L H Jones, bailiff M. Ch urc it 12 85 41*6 60 13 #5 11SU 200 2 40 3 40 420 200 2 40- 2 40 190 190 1 10 1 10 9 10 226 15 '25 00 125 00 17 25 6 30 985 AH Bailey.. . . . Philo ilkenson 22 50 14 W> 22 50 22 80 10 00 20 00 4 50 15 00 180 15 00 1110 480 500 S00 H D Holmes .... H G Ehle A Barber, services «n swamp lands. H O Faber, pub sup report I?. J A Dutteld, special call D H Flavin, 5 dr.ys on p'r f*m and mil's K K Granger. 3 ilaya court w'k A K Alexander, 1. M W I ake U J Beck, 2 A B Coon on town lots at Nunda and Algonquin 1000 J H Palmer, 2 days co work, 1 day poor hou se work and mileage L Wooilmd, 2 days county on poorfarm L Leidig, shaving prisoners G B Kie.hards, potatoes tor p'r house... O F Dike, 3 Jays co work and milqaigA. Elgin Insane Asylum Kankakee Asylum Asylum feeble minded child'n Lincoln Fred Renic.h, prtg proceeding, 1887 G S Soutbworih, blank flies " blanks Cont'g't fond for Jai I, labor and oil Chas Blakeeiee. 1 cd wood F S Brink, labor M D Hoy & Son. miscellaneous ..... E A Murphy & Co, mdse' F N Anderson cleaning chimneys...... A F Field coal for court house Chas Brink, painting roof, etc liobt Schryver, carpenter work F ltunker. lamp for sheriff Hon skin & Clark, 1 bbl oil ..!.... Fred Albright. 4 yds b dirt for yard.. . •Vm Wilcox, charcoal 25.Jf bu C F Thorne, 2 pair boots E Furer, 3 cds wood M M Morlev, 2 loads sand and dirt II Smith, sawing wood Brown, Pettibone & Kelly, stationery 26 bills ; 84011 G S South worth, notice of meetings.... 4 so " 500 note heads bar docket 17 26 " blanks, 3 bills L SCO '• pub pamphlet 15 Ou JohnADufield •• jsoo ' '• pub proceeding^......., 26 00 W l> Hall, Inmber tor couit house 4c.. 713 84 Whitsjn Bros, work and material... .. 71 00 " hardware 12 13 Lafe Benthusen, bailiff Sept term 22 60 Thos dmith, labor 35 days .... i 7S00 ut H Garrison, tile and elbows 36 75 " sewer pipe and tile 3196 H Smith,labor 626 W X Barber and Co, iron fence for jail. 348 02 And we would recommend the fol­ lowing bills back to the Board with­ out action: * A H Bailey, dep sheriff, 18ST........... 86 50 L H Jones, 48 #0 Philo vVUkinson, 4560 Tour committee would report tha' they have examined the report of E M. Lamb, purchasing agent, and the vouchers accom pauylng the same, and find the same correct. Said report is h e r e w i t h s u b m i t t e d : t • STATE OF ILLINOIS, 112 15 K'HEPRT COUNTT. Board of Supervisors, December term, December 29, 1887. Mr Chairman and gentlemen of the Board ot Supervisors:--The under­ signed, your purchasing agent, beg- leave to report his actious and doing? (or the Ave months ending Dec 6,1887, as follow*: Brewn, Pettibone A Co July 8, Records, blanks, etc " 12 " •• Aug 2 ^ .. Oct 25 " •• G B Soutbworth, Aug 15, blanks, printing • 27 •• •• 8ept 2 •« . - 28 •« « Oct 9 " «• .... Oct 21, John A Dufield, printing Dec 6, W D Hall, lumber, etc Sept 19, E Whitson A Bros Dec S, *• •' sept 16, Tom Smith, laying aewer pipe Oct *2. •« «• it 116 43 73 19 73 74 7tt 65 600 460 4 60 17 25 18 00 16 00 173 84 7100 12 13 60 00 20 00 36 75 29 36 2 0T» 848 S3 625 750 5 80 12 00 6 26 5 10 260 5 72 2 50 260 12 50 27 60 37 90 112 15 800 7 50 41 44 2 00 460 30 37 . . . . . . . jUH ^4 Oct 22, Ang 31, G H Garrisen, tile eto .......... Oct 13, . <• «• 21, «• •« 28, W TBarber, iron fence ......... Hiram Smith, sawing wood, etc. Nov 23, «• "• 22, M M Morley, sand and gravel... 23. B Furer, 3 cords wood ... 15, OF Thorne, mdse..' ' 14. Wm Wilcox, charcoal 9, Fred Albright, gravel...: Oct 22. Hodgkins & Clark bfl kerosen#*" 20, F M Bunker, lamps Sept 15, Robt Schryver, work.... Oct 15, «• Sov5, " '• Oct 11, Cbas Brink, painting, etc 8, A F Field, coal. 4, F M Andersen, el'g chimneys on court house Sept 14, E A Murphy ft Oo, mdse I , M D H o y f t S o n . mdse 6, F • Br'nk, work Oct 13, Chas Blakeslee. wood Dec 11, Jail fund, work and material... Total $149104 All of which will more fully appear by the bill* and vouchers herewith submitted. Your purchasing agent would fur­ ther report that in accordance with the resolutions pacsed at the annual meeting in September last, he hal the roof, dome, chimneys and gutters of the court house, put In complete re­ pair by painting, etc., and also had an iron fence put up iu front ef the new jail building and also caused a side­ walk to be built in front of and around said jail building and other Improve­ ments as directed by the Board of Supervisors. Your purchasing agent would respectfully call the attention of the Board, to the necessity of pro­ curing a greater supply of water te flood the sewers in case of drouth, as has been demonstrated during the past summer and fall. Respectfully submitted. £. M. LAMB, Agt. Dec. 6,1887. All of wbiob Is respectfull submit­ ted. W H GUOESBECK, »H FLAVIN, L WOODARD, C F DIKE, FK GRANGER. Committee. Supervisor Iladsill moved that the three bills disallowed by the commit tee on claims namely, A. H. Bailey L. H. Jones sod Philo Wilkinson as deputy sheriffs be allowed. Motion declared lost. Supervisor Lamb moved that the County Clerk be authorized to execute the lease to Richards A Jewett for the Boems In basement of court house tut* *' # .•. « -M< der the new offloe for Circuit Clerk. Motion carried. The report of the Committee on Koads and bridges in relation to the petition of the commissioners of high­ ways tor aid to build bridges in tewn of Riley was read to the Beardt eudoa motion adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, 1 » < >8* . V •' Mellcnrv Co.inty, J Board of Supervisors, December term, l>ecember 27. A. D. 1887. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of f.he Board of Supervisors:--Your commit­ tee to whom was referred the petition fer aid from the town of Klley in building their bridges would beg leave to submit the following report oa tho matters before them: The committee would report that alter due consideration of the petition and tiie relation in which the county stands to other townfc in matters per­ taining to aid on bridges, that the same should not be allow«d. And further in relation to 'suits now pending, as far as ha* been brought to our notice, nothing new has been de­ veloped. The case simply rests wait­ ing the action of the courts. All of which Is respectfully submit­ ted.' D H FLAVIN, FK GRANGER. JOHN II PALMER, • F E STKVENS. Th# committee on New Jail and Sherifl's residence presented the fol­ lowing report which was read to the Boird and on motion adopted to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, 1^" " McHenry Comity, I Board of Supervisors, September Term A. D. 1887. Mr. Cbairmau MK1 Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors:--Your commit­ tee having charge of the building of the jail and the sheriff's residence and makiug needed alterations and Im­ provements in the Court House build uig would beg leave to submit the fol­ lowing report: That we have fully completed the work assigned to us; that* in all mat­ ters and things we have used cuir best judgments to best serve the Interests of the county. In building the jail and sheriff's residence we found it nec­ essary to make but few changes from our original plat<s and those changes cousisted in alterations and additions 1 hat added to the strength, good looks and convenience of the building. The total cost ®t the jail and sher­ iff's residence, including entire beat­ ing apparatus, aa will more fully ap­ pear by reference to vouchers on file in the county clerk's office, amounts to the sum of 912,891.58. Deduct from this amouut tha sum of $370, cost of the furnaces for heating, and we have $12,52108 as total cost of building, while our original estimate was #13,- ,000. a ^•£0 making alterations and improve- mentajn the court house building our first anulnosKImportant object to be obtained was to furnish the county with needed secure vault room. Sec­ ond, to make such alterations as would best accommodate the county officers occupying the building and the public doin ; business with the various county officers. Each of the vaults now stands oe solid piers of stone masonrv. it requir­ ing 6eveuty-e?ght cords of stone ier the same. The tetal cost of alterations and Im­ provements in the court bouse build­ ing amount to $3,088.16. The Items ef largest expenditures In the above amount, are the vault fixtures. Our contract price for interior shelvjng and tills was $1050, iron floor, $80 and vault door and front $95, The items and vouchers for every expenditure will be found on file in the county clerk's office to which we invite your closest scrutiny. We have caused the following couo- <y orders to be issued, on which the face value In cash has been realized and turned into the county treasury: March 1,1887. 20 orders, $250 each, 5 per cent bonds payable to J. J. Mur­ phy; due April 1, 1888, $5,000. May 16,1887, same number and kind of orders payable to J. C. Crussh, $5,000. Payable, April 1,1889. October 12, 18S7, same number and kind or orders payable April 1, 1887, to R. M. Patrick. $5000. And like amount and number of or­ ders dated December 20, 1887, due April 1, 1888, Payable to J. J. Murphy $5000,making total amount of county orders issued, $20,000. Total expenditures: Jail and sheriff's residence, $12,521 ft? Furnaces . S70 00 Lot 4,000 00 Court House improvements... . ft.oss 17 Total...'.- ....$19,979 74 Leaving balance to county ot fund. . 20 26 In arranging the offices in the court houae we have located the Circuit Clerk'6 office adjacent to the new"* vault and sheriff's office; arranged for moving the county clerk's offieo Into the two front rooms on the north side of the hall leaving the two back rooms on the north side of the hall for the County Court. Leaving the treasur­ er's office where it new is All of which Is respectfully submit­ ted, FK GRANGER, Chairman. JOfcN H PALMER, R J BECK. Supervisor granger moved that the sheriff be allowed twenty dollars per month from January 1, 1888 for five months thereafter, fer tbe services of a good trusty man to take care of the court hous*: and offices during night time. Motion carried. Supervisor Alexander offered tbe following resolutions, which on mo­ tion was adopted, to-wit: Jiesolved That the special commit­ tee heretofore appointed by this board having in hand the collecting of the claim against Cook county in tbe mat­ ter of the trial and execution of James Dacy, brought on change of venue from Cook county to this county, be and they are hureby fully empowered and authorized to take such action and measures as they may think necessary to secure the adjustment and settle­ ment of said claim. Said committee being hereby authorized to make such settlement with Cook County as to them may seem advisable and for the best interests of McIIenry County. Supervisor Granger offered the fol­ lowing resolution which on motion was a<|ppted, to-wit: WHEREAS. The county has provided a jail for the safe keepiog ef the coun­ ty prisoners outside of tbe court house building, and WHEREAS, The city of Woodstock still claims to use a limited portion of tbe court house S6 a police station and lockup, and W HKKEAS, It IS alleged that the offi cere of the city of Woodstock allow the occupancy ef the police court room in said building bv tramps by night, whereby the safety of the county property Is endangered. There­ fore. be It Resolved. That the city ef Wood­ stock be required In the future to al­ low no tramp or criminal to occupy tbe police court room as a sleeping room. Further be It h'esolved. That the city ef Wood­ stock be requested to turn over to the County of McHenry at the earliest practicable date, not. later ,th*n tbe grsfc daj ofJune next, the undisputed possession of the conrl boqse building and property. Supervisor Granger moved that the members of the several committees, bonrd of supervisors and clerk be al-. lowed their usual per diem and mile­ age. Motion carried. Supervisor Granger moved that the thanks of this board be tendered to the chairman, II. 8. William* for the able and impartial manneV in which he has conducted the affairs of this board during the past year. Carried by a unanimous vnie. Supei visor Wo.»dard moved that tbe board nojw adjourn to meet at tbe call of the clerk. Carried. If S WILLIAMS, Chairman. ATTEST--WM AvERY, Clerk. n ~i Is;.-,, j ' Si i ^.1. - ; DEEP CUTOJ rfi r>- i.'> ̂DEEP .'CUTS- »ow! fd . fait* 8k r: > offered & ie-w days longer to close MIT HOL«NCA OF OUT W T'W .f-,- • •• . , . *•<.. <-.* /f*r«44 ,j -! " ,t»- -b 1 I t^..1 • ' f. OTERCOAT8; JILANKETS, Sec. , -'tv if b(w- A ' «• 'u. j fij ; r*. >' i * '<1 .*« 1 1 £-->r < ••"v* : t ^o i f ..f iiT 1 < mat n * jji(J ( « • ' . j.-fi', > -r- . f - > . ' v r - . . i ' V . ' - i " • > '.siiiSi'sv. t&t•• <1 : '-f! h.Wdi&iiitS i Rockiord "WOODSTOCK, ILL. W by pay $1 when you can buy for 50 cents? B&rgain JSale of AT ABOUT HALF PRICE. Lot 1--At 19, 29 and 39, in­ cludes Ladies and f-hiluren* Night Robes, trimmed Chemise, tucked and trimmed Princess Skirts, tucked Drawers with Hamburg flounce, Corset Covers, .Hamburg edge. Misses Aprons, large size, Infants Slips, Dresses and Night Cfownss. Above goods are worth 37 to 50. Lot 2--At 49, 59 and 69, in­ cludes Mother Hubbard Night Gowns, Hamburg embroidered and tucked Chemise, Hamburg embroidered insertion and tuck­ ed Drawers, with insertion and flounce of Hamburg, Skirts, with tucks and Hamburg em­ broidered flounce, Corset Covers, tucked Yokes, Hamburg Em­ broidery trimmed. Send far Illustrated Citeolar Butterick's Patterns sent by mail to any part of the country. Send to us for a fashion sheet. J. G. CHOATE. Woodstock, III.- Executor's Notice* ESTATE of Ohftnncy Beckwith, deceased. • The untlorHignetl having be^n appointe'i Executrix of the Hst Will and Testament of Chauncy Beckwith, deceased, late of the County ot McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear be- fore the County Court of McHcnry County, at the Court Houae, in Woodstock, at the April Term, on the flrat Mon lay in April next, Mt which time all persons having claims ngainnt said estate are notiilud nnd requested to at­ tend for the purpose of having the same ad­ justed. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the uuderxigned. Dated this 24th day of Jannary, A. D., 18S8- SOPHBONIA BECKWITH, Executrix. 09--4w INVENTION has revolutionized the world durine the last half century. Not least amon? tho wonders or inventive progress is n method and system of work that can be performed all over tho country with­ out separating the workers from their homes. Pay liberal; any one can do the work; either sex, young:or old; n» special ability required. Capital not needed; you are staftaa free Cut this out and return to u# and we wilt «end you free something of great value and importance to you, that will start vou in bus iness which will bring yon In more money right away than any thing else in tho world. Grand outflt tree. Add rota T&UK A CO., Augusta, Maine. #hieb formerly gold tit 10 to 50 cents has been reduced to 30 cents. "'.i.v-" Good $2.00; Better $4.00 to $5.00. BLANKETS White, Scarlet and Gray, re­ duced one-thiid from former price. We also have many bar­ gains in OTHER GOODS, ' 3*0 which we respectfully in­ vite your attention. sP^ Of all descriptions, »t lowest market prices, Please look us over. • 4 . RESPECTFULLY\ John Evanson it Co. llffiijllgiiti 5*S li-W.r- 'iV 'tf A ji «('t | i witmrntn*: "> tif V'1 •ii&i?-- •!?! Drrar "V Rewarded are those who UlLifl 1 j I read this and then act; they • will And honorable employ­ ment that will not take them from their homes and funities. The profits are large ami sure for every industrious person, many have made and are now making several hun­ dred dollars a outh. It 'seasr for any One to maJie and upwards per day, who is will­ ing to work. Eitner sex, young or old; eap- italnot needed; we start you. Everything new. No special ability required; you, reader can do It as well as any one. Write to us at ouce for full particulars, which we mail free. Address Stlnson A Co., Portland, Maine. CATER BROTHERS, Libertyville, Illinois, N yj V Imp* rtera and,Dealers In CLEVELAND BAYS, COACH, lad Engliab Shir* Honu. we have a fresh tm portatio« of the above slock in ages from tw o to Ave years all suita­ ble for breeding. These horses are all of our own selection, reg­ istered, and of high individual merit. Terms reasonable. • Can be seen at oar sta bles. Inspection and^correspondence solic­ ited. Cater Qfon. 18-tti & T" M?" ;:;ia i ; r »• i' ' • < ..• h > GENERAL MERC^STTS, MOHENRY* Are niow receiving a full assortment oif'-^; ^ i * • iriii *> Nef i i Aud invite your inspection of the same, will t)iS our aim to keep 1 + ' " - ' '• ' • " * I '•' I •• / Q U R S T O C K . , ' ' • • /t ' j Complete at #.11 Times ̂ ' ' a t . i-WITH THE--r^ BEST AND NEWEST GOODS, ' Which we shall offer at as Low Prices as is consistent with hon­ est, upright, square dealing, which shall be our aim in all our transactions. By thus doing we hope to merit and receive a liberal share ot your esteemed patronage which is most respectfully so­ licited. 8TOFFEL & BLAKE* • vm'si- 5M! = IF THEY KEEP -FZSH I- Well 1 should remark. We can sell you all kinds of Salt Fisl ^cheaper than any ot them. WE BUY at SWT CASH And sell at the lowest We Have Plajin Cod, Boneless Cod, White Fish, Mackerel, • Holland Herring Labrador Herring, Scaled Herring, Salmon, etc. Come and get prices before buying. k Rff cri un ry • - Offer all iall and winter goods from now until spring at 1 Greatly Reduced Prices. B- ls. r. Is reasonably complete anfhuot job lots either. ^ Prices v^ low Quality iwy nigh ou , » n . . . . . Pea Jackets, • ' v ; " ' it Warm 8uits. Will sell ail above goo<|8 at your own price if reasonable. Dress Flanstl, Btd flannel, Skirting flan&il. All of the best makes, finest patterns, good wearers. Line 1, non shrinking, wool UNDERWEAR. For gentlemen, all sizes, only $1.30 each, sold everywhere for $1 -50. Morris Mills fancy stripefl Shirts and Drawers, to close, be­ low regular prices, " BLANKETS. Excellent quality,horrible Mieap, for the hnmati race or horse race, from $1.00 to $4.50 in all wool. The Ked Jacket Felt Boot beats 'em all. We carry all sizes for men and boys. All mankind admits without a bribe the L* fandee RUBBER 6D0SS To hold fir^t rank in style, variety and durability. To meet the requirements in this line the coming spring we have carefully selected a 'com­ plete stock oii new styles and best grades and for cash*, of the old firm of C. H. Fargo & Co. Footwear is our Right Bower and Joker. Do not fail to see us. Farmers attention. We have bought 2 cars of farm seeds; Clover, Timothy, Millet, Red Topi Flax, etc., on. a down mar­ ket, best and purest to be had, which we deliver March 1£» and take your order now. We have gathered in another Car Of -M*: ; . . "HonestAbe" Flour kno»n all over. We can't sell it for less than $1.05 and warrant it. 20 sacks foi $20 cash. GROCERIES, Clean, fre<h and as cheap as No. 1 goods can be sold. BIC DRIVES. To reduce stock before Spring trade booms, and don't you ior- get. See our locals;

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