Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Feb 1888, p. 5

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? ^ ' F L S A F I S S A -n* ' ••' V.-."V;-. " • - v ^ \'v . ; • r:.vr • > \.'» •* ! • - . • • A1, * 1 „ y>>' ^ < , x in WEDNESD AY, FEB. 15, 1888. , Railroad Time Table. effect sept 19th, trains will pats ° TK Henry station daily, «zcept Suattays, as Mlowi: OOINO SOUTH. J- Lake Ueneva Passenger ...••#« 4. It Lake Geneva Express.. ...,.8:19 Lake Genera Freight M Lake Geneva Passenger •:» " 801*0 JCOITB. Lake Geneva Freight * Lake 3eneva Passenger. 9:52 Lake Geneva Express AMr.u Lake Geneva Passensrer. 7:00 •• . „ B. Birss, Agent. McHenry, III :* MODERN WOODMEN OP AMEBIC A. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second *•4 Last Tuesday evening of each montb. Neighbors cor lially Invited. MASONIC. MCHENHT LODGE, NO. 158 A. F, and A. 1L-- pilar Communications the second and rth Mondays in each month. J. VAN SLTKB, W. M Sffi mr Church Directory. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CMUB&H.V . Preaching every Sabbath, mernlng and even tag. " At Ring wood at 2:30 p. M. _ Qrowd in and worship with as. "Butineu mkefar RttrnUy. " ;V HARDY E. WTCKorv, A. B., Pastor. UNIVEBSALIST CHURCH. Services every Sunday morning, and every first and third Sunday evenings in each month. A cordial welcome is extended to every one tojoin ua in our worship. Our Motto--Study to know the truth. Ex­ amine--Reflect--" Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." Bav. H. SLIDE, Pastor. Do not fall lo re id the new adver­ tisement of Bonslett A Stoflel, to b* found in another place in this paper. REMEMBER the Masquerade, on Skates, at the Riverside Skating Rink, on Saturday evening next. C. E. CHAPELL will have an auction of a car of cows at Algonquin, on Tues­ day next, the 21at. H, B, Throop. Auctioneer, / 8TBPHEN RAYMOND Informs us that /he will, the last of this month, move I with his family, to Britt, Iowa, where 1 he has purchased a farm, .and Intends yo make his future home. WHO IS the man that will bring UP some wood on subscription? Quite a number have promised to do so, and il they do not respond at once we shall call on them for the hard cash. We want wood now. $FB. SLADE'S subject next Sunday morning will be 'A thousand years as a day and a day as a thousand years' and In the evening, 'TheworlJs hate be­ cause of the faithfulness of the worlds heralds/ WE are requested to announce that tfc# next Lecture of the Course will take place on Tuesday erenlng, Feb. 28tb. at Good Templar Hall. The sub­ ject and the speaker will be announoed next week. THE McHeury Social Club will give a Leap Year Party at Parker House Hall,on Wednesday evening of next week, Feb. 22d. Music, Smith A Rog­ ers' Full Orchestra, Nothing will be left undone to make thfi the party of the season. Look out for the tickets, which will be Issued soon. GEO. W. TBCSDELL died at Wood- Stock. on Saturday last, and was burried at Solon on Monday. He has been failing for some time and his death was not unexpected. He was an old resident of this county and must have reached nearly ninet) years. A MAN who worked for Job Toles at Greenwood, was severely injured by a horse at Johneburgh, on Monday last, and at the time It was thought b* could not recover, but is new reported as getting along finely. He is at the Parker House in this village.| We oannot remember bis name. TICKETS have been Issued for a grand Masquerade Party, at Rowe't Hall, Hebron, on Friday evening, 'Feb. 24tb. Music by smith A Corless' Or­ chestra, of Janesville. A glorious good time may be expected, and ibt dancing public should not fail t» attend. JOHN HOGAN says that be is still of the opinion that an ounce of blood it> worth more than a pound of meat. He has just purchased two famous flyers, I the stallion "Bruce" and "Nellie ' Wilkes," and says he Is now looking for aome of that money he put out at Interest at Liberty ville. He say» he last week received #20 forfeit, which bo applied on the interest, but be wanta tne principal. He says put up , or shut up must bo the motto," and ^John mean? business. As will bo seen by a notioe In our Beldler's Department, Win H. Cowlin, of Woodstock, has boon authorized to act as Agent for Frank W. Smith, dur­ ing the Spring months, and to make dates for his popular Lectures, "In aad out Of Andersonville," and "Under which Flag." These Lectures are bighly spoken of by both the public and the press, wherever delivered, and should be heard by all. They are both interesting and instructive. Send to Mr. Cowlin for terms and dates. THE Lecture at Good Templar Hall, tFriday evening last, by Captain miny. was the best of the season and one pf the beat Temperance Lectures we ever beard. The Captain Is a fluent speaker, calls everything by Its right name, and while telling right down solid facts, seasons bis remarks with just enough of wit to keep'bis audience in the best of humor all "the -tlmo, and all were sorry when he was through. We hope he may favor us With another Lecture at no distant day. FOB cuts, bruises, sprains or strains, twrns, scalds, frost-bites, chilblains, and bites of poisonous insects, nothing equals Salvation Oil. It annihilates pnaaoNAi. MRS. J. P. GotNG is visiting with friends In Chicago, this week. Miss CORA MCOMBEB is visiting with friends In Chicago, SMITH COLBT and wlf®, of Chicago, were calling on friends hero over Sunday. Jos. J. FRETT, of Chicago, was a pleasant caller at this offloe ono day last week. /JAS. B. PERRT, ESQ , IS attending IheHGrand Army mooting at Spring- be Idjthis week. D. L. Rows and Wm. Giddlngs, of Hebron, werelpleasant callers at this oflioe on Saturday last. MRS. SPAULDING, who Hves with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith, was reported as quite sick one day last week. MRS. PETER FRECND, oldest dangh- ter^of Jacob Bemlett. has been very sick the past week, but is now report­ ed better. W. D. WENT WORTH, who is attend ing Judd's College of Commeroe, ,Chi­ cago, spent Sunday with his parents. In this village. HARRY HOLMES, who has been depu­ ty Sheriff and Jailer the past year, is home for a short time) recruiting his health. MRS. R. A. HOWABD had the misfor­ tune to fall down stair* one day last week, injuring herself quite severly, but no bones, we believe, were broken. THE Ladies Willing Workers Socio* ty, connected with the Unlversalist Church, will meet with Mrs. R. Bishop, Thursday afternoon, Feb. 16, at tne usual hour." Mas. W. A. CRISTT, President, Miss JULIA A. STORT,(Secretary. ONE of the great events at the Chi­ cago Opera House in the hear future will be a production of the dramatiza­ tion of Haggard's great novel, "She," According to the Eastern papers where the pieee has met with great success, the wierd and imaginative quality of the story has been admira* bly transferred so the stage. The scenery is described as very gorgeous, the music is quaint, original and abun­ dant, and the whole piece is said to be a novelty of the most unusual charac­ ter. THOU shalt not covet thy neighbor's whole wood pile. *As the days begin to lengthen, the colds begin to strengthen," and your neighbor has need of all the fuel that he has. If you aro like an omnivorous porker In everything else, be a gentleman (?) when you visit your neighbor's wood pile, aud when you pluck the fruits ot his hen-roost. Do not back your sleigh up against bis already decima­ ted cord and take nine-tenths of the remainder, for In that wise you will soon have to sell. When you invade the ben-roost in the still night, do not go equipped with a four bushel coffee sack; you uan take four pullets n each band and a four-year-old Shanghai rooster between yonr teeth, and return home with fower chickens aud more manhood.--Ex. A PHILOSOPHER WQO called at this oflioe the other day to relieve his brain of some of the heayy troths accumu­ lated there, told us. among other tblng3. that "virtue was its own re ward." Wo agreed with him. We started in this business about eig bt Fears ago with a reasonably complete stock of virtue, and that is just about all we can show to-day--very little else, tIf we had as mueb money as w« have virtue, we would buy a pair el shoes and stockings for the protection •f the underpinning that holds up our possessions from out tbo mud and «lush. But then, this is a virtuous community, and people have little else with which to reward him who ear us something more necessary to the present requirements of life. Existence under such circumstances is well calculated to create a longing desire for something aside from virtue, and also the deplorable doubi of the pe8sibilily of finding potatoes tod virtue In the same hill. They 1on"t appear to thrive together.--«Sfcio {Ohio) Herald. THE coming revival by Bolossy Ki- ralfy of Around the World to SO Days, at the Chicago Opera House, promisee? to be upon an unusual scale of maguitl cence. Special scenery has been paint ed for it and a new ballet will be in­ troduced headed by "Bella," who is conceded to be the best dancer Europe has ever sent to this country. This will positively be Bella's last appear* ance in Chicago, she having engage­ ments extending over a number ol years in Milan, Paris, St. Petersburg, and other European cities. Mr. Bolossy JClralfy will personally super­ intend the production and the cast will be the strongest the piece has ever had. SAMPLB itOTof Lao* car tains very cheap. Gents laundrled shirts 50 cents. Kid gloves all slses and colors, white goods, calico from 3 to 8 cents, all shades of Watered Silks, no aivance on cotton goods at Ladles Salesrooms, MRS. H. S. GREGORY. HE said ho had beard that there was an end to all things--but there seemed to bo none to his cough. He changed his mini two days later, after using only one bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, Softool Itoport. T OXADBA. Lewis Owen Ml Mary Went worth.. .94 Archie Eldredge....911 Nelsoninuta .SO ORADR B, CLASS A. Ann* Nordqoist.....BS Wayne Wood burn .M John Ralston .......94 Amy Owen M Wallace Morey S8 Dora Besiey . .. ,.K Amos Smith .82 Belle Whiting M Edwin Granger ....SI Hattie Mead Christina Bnss 90 Robt. Howard Edith Carpenter....81 QBADI B, CLASS B. Josie Gage 95 Nina Wells Clarence Cartis 9t John Fay 9S Prank Mead W Hetty Weutworth..91 Ida Annas 96 Florence Seerlea... Maud Colby Chas. Nordqnist S9 Newton Gilbert 88 Eflle Kennedy 87 Thes. Walsh James Knox OK&DE A Nellie Hill 98 I Ralph Child* .S7 K»tie Laughlln 94 Joste Wheeler 86 Maggie Bonslett... 93 | James Perry 85 Alonso Bishop 931 John Bonslett 88 Ony Turner M Joseph Bnss 84 Geo. Gilbert 921 Bern ice Kimball .^..82 Josie McOmber . ..90 t Delia Welch .........80 Guy Clemens 90 Alvah Mead. So Edward Wlrft. 881 Katie Knox 77 The above Ir the average standing of the pupils lo the high school at McHenry, 111., for the month ending Jan. 27,1&8|, • F. it. JACKKAV, Principal. {INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT. Ella Welch.. Agneo Colby. Allie Smith Carrie Colby A GKADE.t ....911 Stella Morey ..91 Charles Black man.. ... 901 Josie Gilles j 89 | Mathias Weber. 84 Agnes Perry:..,.....88 Anna Aylward 83 LiHIe Hill | John Buss 8! Daisy Hill I Josie Bishop.... .. .81 Walter Evanson.. .88 | Clyde Cartis 78 Grace Mead .........87 Jacob Bickler. 78 Ray Lamphere......87 | l,yle Howe 7» • GRADE. SJsry Bickler | Willie Longhlin 88 Edgar Bishop . .90 Dora Colby .89 Stella NordqulSt....89 Frank Colby 87 Mabelle Wheeler ...80 AIMS Turner 85 Alice Frisby.... .86 Villa Morey 79 TAKE NOTICE. Hating sold out my Furnitnre busi­ ness I would respectfully ask all those Indebted to me to call aod settle the same at once as 1 must close my books. JOHN B. BLAKE. McHenry, Jan. 24th, 1888. Pure Pearl Buttons, lines 18 to 28. are dandies for a nickle a dozen, worth three times that much. STQPFEL A BLAKK. A Pne stylish Cutter at low figures at R. Bishop's Warehouse, McHenry. Harry VVightman...H7 | Carrie Auringer 79 Thomas Frisby 87 I Louis Block 77 Ida Wilson SC I Lena Smith 77 Miles Colby 88 | Willie Colby 66 C OR ADS. £ *""* Bern ice Perry 88 I Nellie Clemens ....SI Edith Curtis 86 | Dele Knox 78 LuraOwen ... .....8S Maria Quiun .76 Leis Whiting.. 86 | Edna Beckwtth... .63 CLARA L. WIGHTMAM, Teacher. PKIMA&T DEPARTMENT. A CLASS. Lntle Morey 96 i Ray Locke .98 Manny Auringer ...95 Clayton Wilson 91 Ethel Smith .94 | Willie Bistn».%.....90 Ltaale Simon K • CLASS. Wallle Wood burn...95 i Gny Colby...;. .... .9# Burt Locke *95 | Aloert Holly 88 Hattie Howard 94 i George Howe 86 Harold Colby 911 Julia Laughlin 8a C CLASS. ----• Johnnie Knox' ......99 . Charlie Gilles 88 Martie Howell OS Winfield Woodbarn87 Harry Kennedy ....Pt I Hodie Auringer .. .88 Eddie Simon. 9;} I Mary FrisUy 86 Harry Fay 9-2 I Charlie Block 85 Willie Overocker..»9« | Mary Overocker ...83 Lucy Overocker SO BLSIB GAOH.fTeacher, Report of the McHenrySWest Divis­ ion school for the month ending Jan. 27,1888. CLASS A, Otis Parker..........97 | Carrie simes... Si Harry EUlredge 96 Walter Besley 96 | Lonnie Howard 94 | Charles Wiedeman..9;i JohnSchriner si Lutie Lincoln 87 Herbert Bennett....83 John Wiifs 32 Margaret McDonaU193 I lienrv McDonald...82 Violeita Stevens--92 | Clmiie Nickels ....8: 1'imiKiinball 73 CLASS B. Harry Hanly 96 William Kamhois.. 93 Herman FelU 91 Oliver Blacktnan .. 90 (ieorge Hanly.......89 John swanliab .....84 Eddie Mead.... ....79 Frank Bennett 78 Charles AwardUh.. .77 Lizzie Dettmar 77 Peter Wirfs 76 Anna Pomeraning..76 Anna Sw*rdish 70 Theo. Wiedeman.. .70 OLASS C. .94 | Ollie Kamhois 86 Freu Feltz 86 Frank Tliurlwell...84 Willi* Blook 81 Willie Schreiner .. 80 Henry Potneraning.78 Willie White... Myrtle Slim pin 93 Alvina Block 92 Jacob Busa 91 rillie Feltz 87 Orvil Hutson 86 Willie Felt* .... CLASS D, Ettle 9!me» 93 i Willie ThnrlweU...88 Orton Gilbert 93 George Slimpin. 86 Mamie Besley 92 | Euuuu Aklredge .. .84 Lizzie Feltz ... ...92 i Willie Dettmar ....83 titiilie Cobij| 92 I Henry Blook Wt Minnie Nickels, ...90 | Henry Kamhois ....81 Pearl Lincoln 89 . Emma Felti 7fi Vvortben Kimball ..88 I Minnie Felts 74 tJUUe^'otaeraning..871 Amos Weill 72 B®s*lie Aldredge . 70 F. L. SURPASS, Teacher, Natural Gas will begin an engage­ ment at the Chioago Opera House on Sunday night, Feb. 12. The pieoe is the only great success that has been made this season among all the farce comedies produced. Wherever It has been given the theatres hsve not been large enough to accommodate the peo­ ple. The press everywhere concedes ihat Itfhas all the best features of the Rag Baby, Tin Soldier stylo of piece without their blemishes. The piece is a skit upon the Natural Gas craze and In its cast are the best known people on the American stage engaged In this class ot work. Such comedians as John Gilbert, Henr$ V. Donnelly, Eddie Uirard, Amy Ames. Baebel Booth, May Yoke and others, consti­ tute the cast, The music it is said Is positively sparkling aud comic sltua- ions nevei and Ingenious fellow one another with bewildering rapidity. Riterslde Skating Kink. MASQUERADE ON SKATES. There will be a Grand Masquerade en Skates at the Riverside skatlug Kink on Saturday evening, Feo. 18, Jjfo8.J If you want more fun tuau you ufefl bad in a year, be sure aud attend. Admission to hall, 15 cents; spectators, 19cents; masks, 10 cents. Masks can oe obtained at the Riverside House during the week or at the door on Sat­ urday evening. At 9:30 there will be a Grand March at which time all will unmask. Skating until 11 o'clock. Everybody couie out. The McHenry Military Band will bo present. A. CALKINS, Prop, Ta*es! Taxes! undersigned, CoUcctcrtPthe Town of McHenry, will commence re­ ceiving Taxes, January 10th^ aud can be found at tbo following places on the days named: % Mondays, at the store w Lty A Adams, Johnsburgb. Wednesdays, at the store of Perry A Owen, In the village of McHenry. Thursdays, st the store of J. W. Cristy A Soe, Ring wood. Saturdays, at the store of Stevens A Miller in West McHenry. Call and pay your taxes at as early a day as possible. MAT HBIMEB, Collector, Peika-dot Tumblers, In fancy colors only a nickle apiece at Stofiel A Blake's Go to Mrs. C. A. Hutson's for Dreis- Making, Dress Trimmings, and Millin­ ery goods, etc., at a very reasonable price. We visit the city every Mon­ day for goods ordered that I have not on hand. Call again. MBS. C. A. HUTSOK. West McHenry, Will you boy the best Rockford flan­ nels at 80 oents per yard. Evanson is THE announcement Is made that tbo name of tbet annual summer produc­ tion at the Chicago Opera House will be The Crystal Slipper, or Prlnee Prettywit and Little Cinderella. As may be gathered from the title the thread of the piece is the old story ot Cinderella and the Glass Slipper The production will beyond doubt be the most elaborate ever gotten up in the west and will far surptss the scenery, costumes, music and ballet, the pro­ duction of last summer. All the scen­ ery has been designed by Capt. Thompson, the beek Is by Capt. Thompson and Harry B, Smith. author| of The Begum. Tbo scenery is being painted by Wm. Veegtlin and Wm. Crane, late of the principal New York and London theatres. The piece may be used as a spectacular burlesque em­ bracing the services ot about ISO peo­ ple. The date of the production 4ls set down as May 14th. Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTORF. Moouo.-A. I*. and A. M, meet at Masonic Hall on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even .ifs of each month. Moocn* WOODMKST OK AMBFTCA.--Meet at Masonio Hall every 2d and 4th Thursday even, ing^of each month. Neighbors cordially in- sons or TBXFSSANCB.--Meet at Union Hail on Tuesday evening of each week. ALGONQUIN. [NOTICE.--Persons in Algonquin and violn lty, knowing themselves inaebted for the PLAUDgAi.ix can learn of the amount by calling on John Helm, who is authorised to reedtve money and receipt for tbe same, in our aome. Those wishing to subscribe can leave tneir names at tils, a tore, Gail on tkim and get a sample co py.j EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--At C. S. uhapell's auction sale of a carload of railch cows, on Tuesday of last week, cows sold on an average of 936.75 per head. H. B. xhroop did the talking, H. P. Dygert has sold his farm, cou- siatlug of 100 acres, situated two miles west of town, to Gottlelb Gadka. Consideration 97o per acre. Mr. and Mrs. Juliau gave a very pleasant Card Party on Friday even­ ing, Feb. 10th. Mrs. Howard Phillips and H. B. Throop received tbe honors. C. E. C^iapell started north the first of this week to buy milch cows. tfo took out for a choice lot, about tbe.last of this week or the first of next. A. G. Locke, of McHenry, made Al­ gonquin a short call on Friday of last week. Mrs. A. McKay and child, of Chicago, are the gue*t8„ ofgber parents, Mr, aud Jlrs. A. Deig. D. F, Babbitt and wife, of Elgin, were visiting frlends£ttere last week. Born Feb. 13tb, 1888, to the wife of John Janeok, a pair of twins, a son aod a daughter. Father, Mother and chil- dreujtre doing well. Report of tbo pnpils attendiag the Algonquin public school for the month ending Feb. 3d, 1888. Chas Adamek 911 Walter Johnston... 90 ItilUie A'lainolc 9*2 | Harry Jutuia 9i t'red AUains fcj i Lorn Julian MI o'lias iieutliuysen...M | Leoma Ktino*|.."....SH> Henry ttigeiow SS Aumo Mckee »1 u>enie itiink »3 sailie Alckeo tioy Brink 9a |fJosei>u Manas M ilerbort Chandler ..84, Uooige Morton. 88 ArthurCnapeil . ...871 Hairy Morion . . . tfl Jennie Chapell Wi | luu Moriou i»j Aiviu i>ouu Sd i Liiiie Muir!ieacl....:»J ueritia DoUd 91 lioui MumioaU sa Jiitlio L>oig 90 | Edward I'eter 85 Loon Helm 8ti. tirace Feter 91 Walter Helm 90 | Jos seyk si Willie Jayne 5to | Fred auufeldt ......76 Maudatnuott 94 > C. \V. 11 ART. Teacher. ENGLISH PAAIKIE- EDITOR PLAINDEALER;-- Uandlemas day has come aud gone and farmers ire rejoicing, for tfcf^Ground Hog stayed out. ' ';- Mrs. Frank Hatch is^>n tbe sick list, also Mrs. J. Motley, Mrs. Mffntgouiury,! of Chicago, Is vlsitiog her daughter,! Mrs, Walter Carey. Mr. Waterman will soon move into tbe Peacock house new owned by Walter Carey. Mr. Regeri, of Autloch takes his place on the James farm. There is a rumortof several wed­ dings soon. Mr. M. H. Cole Is drawing lumber preparatory to buildlug a new barn, iu tue Spring, on his farm occupied |by Ben Kerstiug. Jerome Churchill and family we un­ derstand will soon move to Iowa where they intend making their home in the future. Scnooi closes Saturday. the danoe at Mr. Waterman's last Friday night was well itteaded. Tuesday afternoon about four o'clock wo happened to glance down the roads aud saw, Wendiug Its way slowly across "Ttie Prairie" what seemed to be a funeral procession. As U drew near wo saw it was composed wholly of men, headed by Eiijsh, the ProphetC?) no, the Bruiser. They were on their way to tbe residence 01 our "Justice of ttii Peace" to see il tbe law upheld pouodlng your hired man (or some one else's as tbo case may he.) * PARTICULAR NOTICS. Ail persons knowing themselves lu- deb ted to tbe late firm of Fitzsimmons <k Evanson are hereby notified that if they do not call on tbe undersigned, and settle the saose on or before the 20th inst., tbe same will he put in the hands of a justice of the peace for col­ lection. These books must be closed at once, and if you wish to save costs attend to It now. . Jos. FITZSIMMOHS. McHenry, Feb. 7th,' 188& French Tissue Paper Leaves and Wire for Artittetal Flowers at &to£el A Blake's. ' -• A Woman'# DlaoovorjN "Another wonderful discovery has been made and that too by a lady in this county. Disease fastened 1 ts clutches upon her and ror seven years she withstood Its severest tests, but ber vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly aad could not sleep. She bought of JS a bottle of Dr. King s New Discovery for Consumption and was so much re­ lieved on taking first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has been miraccufouely cured. Her name Is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus writes W. C. Ham rick A C«»., of Shelby, N. C.--Get a free trial bottle at G. W. Besley's Drug Store. We have a good tea 6 pounds for 91 • Tea drinkers pleise call for sample. • - JOHN EVANSON & Co. 'it'S fSi£FOR.SALE' . I oiler lor sale my house and lot Sloasantly located in tbo village ot [oHonry. If applied for an once will bo sold obeap. Honse almost now, and a very desirable pliso. Inquire on tbo u;:• EDITOR PLAINDBALBR What [fun, dashing through the 'thank yon ma'ams. The receipts of tho school exhibi­ tion was 964,00. Dance at tbe residence of Fred Tryon Friday evening. Rev. Cross is holding a series of re­ vival meetings. Hawley Merrick went to Burlington on Saturday to visit his brother, Miss Myrtie Thomas, from Rich­ mond, spent last week with friends here. D. L, Row* and Wm, Giddlngs took a trip to McHenry Saturday. The Temperance Aid Society met at W. O. Boughton's Saturday evening. H, G. Ehle, of Woodstock, was in town, on business a few days ago. Frank Valentine bad an Auction Saturday. He will give up farming this spring. ' Wm, Giddlngs had a fine whip stolen from his cutter the night of the ' ex­ hibition. Russell Stewart's father and mother, from Evanston, have been making bins a visit. Frank Bill will go to Alden to work In a butter factory the first of next month. Frank Mason was home for a few days, returning ^o Chioago the first of the week. The train on tne Kenosha Division was blockaded^ l»r oft tho track tbe greater part of last wqek. „ Frank W. Smith preached at tbe Presbyterian Church Suhdty morn- inaj and evening. For some reason the attendance wa» small at the lecture delivered by Judge Gllmore, and many missed a rare treat. C. J. King, of Alden, accompanied by Wm. Wedgwood, of western Iowa, was in town Saturday. Frank Rotnour, Grant Phillips, and Frank Bill attended tin masquerade skate at Richmond. The public school will ~have a series of spelling schools at Union Hall. Tbe first one will bo Saturday evening Feb 25 tb, Gus Adams, from Greenwood, came to this village last week to prescribe for a sick horse belonging to Rev. Andrews. The horse is one highly prized by Mr. Andrews but at this writing Its reoevery is doubtful. E. F. Hswes is shipping bailed hay from tho west, by the car load, in town, and selling for 913 per ton. Ira Ellis and George Seaman aro also in the same business. Tbe Sons of Temperance will have a Leap year Sociable at Union Hall on Friday evening. The ladles will Cum* ish tho literary programme and the gentlemen the supper, Rumor says there Is to be a grand t-xchange of Real Estate this spriog. The Hotel Is to have a new landlord, aod the preseut landlord will guilder- take farming etc. t here will be a j;rand masquerade at Rowe's Hall on Friday evening, Feb. 24. Music by Smith and Corless Orchestra, witb harp, Janesville'* finest music. Tickets 91,00. Supper 50 oente. Every body (oordially In­ vited to attend, C. A. Stone has been putting lu a heater lu his store. It burns either wood or coal. Is both simple and pract­ ical in Its arraegment, aod its heating qualities has the approval of all who have examined or tested it. Probably another year, every store and public building in town will bo wrrmed in the same manner A certain jus; found Itself empty the other evening and Its possesfors, were wondering what they were going to do when one of tbo party exclaimed. "Hold on, boys, I will go to Genoa nnd get it filled and be back In fifteeu minutes." And ho did. Now people may think that there Is something supernatural about this fleet footed individual, that ^ tbe "spirits" may have lent him wings, but the speedy execution of bis plan Is only one of tbe wonders of the nineteenth century We aro a progressive age. Tbe world moves round and round with such rapidity that a secret screw has be­ come loose somewhere and In Its working, the distance from Hebron to Genoa has been greatly lessened' Report of Hebron Public School for tbo mouth ending Jan. 27. 1888, HIGHER DEPARTMENT. Enrolled during month ................ 41 Present Attendance 40 Average daily attendance 38 Roll of Honor--George Conn, Flor­ ence Brighani. Charlie Bally, Helen Damon, Gertie Gratton, Chas. Prouty. Mabel Housholder, Vernon Sherburn, George Phillips, Jennie Shoudy. Annie Slme, Menzo Stone, Frank Thayer, Cora Taylor. Leaders of Grades--A, George Conn; B, Lois Mason. JOHN F. CONANT, Principal. INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT. Enrolled during month .....46 Present attendance 48 Average daily attendance.... 13 Roll df Honor--Grace Hyde, Mabel Woodwortb, Bertie Soars, Mamie Earie, Agnes Housholder, Llllie Hook- stadt, Lura Leech, Erina Coon. Carl Taylor, Alice Ehle, Warren Gates, Florence Gates, Cyrus Dyke, Pbebe Shufelt, Palmer Weter, Albert Weter, Willie Fox. Leaders of Grades--A, Grace Hyde; B, Erma Conn; C, Lottie Taylor. ETTA E. TORRANCE, Teacher. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Enrolled during month .98 Present attendance SS Average daily attendance ... 26 Bell of Honor--Elsie Skinnor, Annie Fish, Ray Crane, Grove Stewart, Helen Stratton, Harry Leech, Bertie God- dard. Floyd Earle, Henry Hookstadt, Flora Wickham. Leaders of Grades-- A Ray Crane; B, Grove Stewart; C, Annie fish, LAURAE. MMQH* Teachof. ."J, Richmond CONTRIBUTED BT "THE PROWLER." Did yon got a valentine P What ailed tbe tbe ground hog. B. S. Benson paid 91,25 for Decem­ ber butter. Several cases of measles are reported tn aod around town, , C. S. Green was under tlie weather last week, bnt Is now reported better. Postal Clerk P. K. Allen made an extra run last week Wednesday. Jack Stilwell, the painter, Is rasbing business. He can't bo beat. Mr. Brill, a merchant tailor, has opened a shop in the Potter building, Mrs Butterfield, of Chicago, was visiting at Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Allen's last week. Oatraan Bros, paid 91,40 per hundred pounds for December milk. Their butter dividend jjras 91,39. The donation for Rev. Cross last Thursday evening, was well attended; the reoelpts were about 950. The Idea is fast gaining ground' that winter can live for some time after its back has been broken. Campaign birds are flying early;thls vear, and singly or In flocks, the air Is full of them. Our band Is en its feet again. Mr. Repass, of Lake Geneva, has been en­ gaged as Instructor for the present. The Richmond Orchestra gave a party at the Opera House last Friday evening. An enjoyable time. Tbe masquerade 'skate at tbe rink last Saturday evening drew out a large crowd. Richmond wand furnished muslo. Last Friday evening a large numbof of youog people--and some older ones--enjoyed a social dance at Henry Kehorst's, Frank Valentine had a sale last Sat­ urday ; Col. Wilson was the tfrator e f course. We understand Mr. Valentine will "Go west" in the spring. Ross Sill, foreman of the Lombard, til. cheese factory, is home for a few weeks recuperating from a severe at­ tack or rheumatism. He is pleased witb bis location. There is to be a school exhibition at the Genoa school house next Friday evening. Without doubt RichmonJ will be represented. Charles Pinckneys famous declara­ tion "Millions for defence, but not one cent for tribute1' changed to read 'Millions for^rusA, but not one cent for improvement" would fit our time and Ceugress admirably. The Gazette Is new publishing a very Interesting series of articles on "Hebron; Its Business Interests and Its Prominent Men." Last week's article related to the Pnblio Sehool ol the town and as Editor Faber was Principal of the higher department previous to coming to Richmond the article was one) of the* .best of tbe series so for imblished. • -- -- Richmond has lost one of her favor­ ite trotters; George Earing having disposed of bis roao mare "Spangle" to Antloch parties. We have several young ones growing up that give promise of making "fliers," and if every thing is favorable j the coming -teason'will bo tho most successful ever experienced by «*• Driving <?ark Association, Most people like a "snap" but when it oonaes.dowu to a cold soap like that of last week, the number who appreci­ ate is reduced mostly to tbe ice aod coal dealers and even they are begin- ning to growl this winter. Last Wed­ nesday morning the thermometer >narked 20 degrees below zero and on Thursday (morning 30 degrees below was registered. The Sundayj School Convention at tbe M. E. Church last Wednesday was t sucoess tn ail but attendance. Re­ marks were made and papers read b.\ Kev. A. W. Harbaugli, and Dr. Bili,ol Genoa Junction, Mr. I M. Phlllias ot the State Sunday School Association; Rev. W. A. Cross. Mr. Downing, Mr*. Alexander, Mrs. Covell. Mrs. Sill, and >thers of Richmond and vicinity Much interest was shown by those present and it seems a pity our citi zens did not take more interest in th*- proceedings. The M. E Church Choir lurnished very acceuta ile music. , A choice line of Box Paper, i •t Besley's, West Side. SMOKE tbe "Empire Cohan." tho best Five Cent Cigar In the tanrket. City residences for'sale. Apply fei Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111, i: Do yon want a pair of Bob 81eighsP If so do not boy until yon learn my prices. ^ * BI3BOP Candee Rubber Goods and the Bed Jacket Felt Boots at Bonslett & Stoffel's.' Besley's Famous Waukegmii Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslettfs, - glon's and John He liner's. r ^ WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price In' $hah will be paid for good Milling Whoat at the Fox River Valley Mills. Mc­ Henry* R, BISHOP. To thote that want Tubs, Vote, Hay Racks,and anything In my ilne.ofbjBSl* ness. Work dono on short notlee to order. Shop one door South of Law* lus' Store, „„ F. A. HKBARD. McHenry, Aug. M, 188S. H>|y . ^ WHEAT WANTED. TIM highest market prioe In et4K' will be paid tor good Milling Wheat at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mo- HeDry' R. BISHOP. Drink Besley's Ale and be healthy and happy Cloaksatyouroffn price, AlseOvercoats, Pea Jackets. Suits, etc., at Bonslett A ttof. fer*. - ..1 All kinds of Story Books for children cheaper than dirt, at Besley's. Plum-ba-go-ine, the finest Wagon Grease ever used, a new thing, at Besley's. . * ' School Books and Stationery, all knids, at Besley's Drag Store West Side. Shakespeare's Works, Red Lino. Edition, for only 91 at Besley's dniff store west side. .f MRS. M. BCHUMAUTLER. Wishes in this manner to thank ber many friends in McHenry and vicinity ror the very liberal patronage be­ stowed on her while here, aud would respectfully ask all these Indebted to her to call at the old stand, in West McHenry, where they will find her daughter ready to give them a receipt lor tho amouut We trust that all indebted to me will call at once as 1 wish to settle my outstanding ac- countt ss soon as possible. MRS. M. SCHUMACHER. Ttto Verdict Unanimous- W. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippus, Ind., testified, "I can recommend Electric Bitters as tbe very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every cuse. One man took six bottles, an J was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist. Bell ville, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medicine I have ever handled In my 20 years' experience, is Electric Bitters." Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Ooly a half dollar a bottle at G. W, Besley's Drug Store. FOR SALE. In the village"of Ringweod, the fol­ lowing property • One good Dwelling House contain- iog seven rooms, good cellar. On tbe same lot is a shop 12x32. one story, suitable for almost any kind of busl ness. If applied for at once, will sell bouse separate for 9500. Or will sell bouse, lot and shop for 9650, Posses* slon given Immediately, Also another house and lot well located. Tbe house contains ten rooms, and there Is a good stable and other outbuildings on the premises. Will be sold for 91000 cash. Call on or address, WESLEY LADD, Rlu^wood, ILL If • t, -'5 i&M ..rffTt;', " j We sell the well known Kenosha Crackers, * '"j always fresh. BOMSLSTT A STorrat. . Besley's celebrated Ale on draught J at John Helmer't. J. Bonslett's and A. Bngeln'S. The most healthy drink for * any weather. Bob Sleight or nay own manufactors ^ and warrauted cheap. Call and S«0 .- Y: bsm, R. BISHOP, »s| Ladies' ind Gents' hose and socks OF >' pure wool, splendid valno, at Evatk*> > v ^ son's closing out S tie. . For Floor, Feed, Hi»y. Ensilage Corn, Clover * ly Timothy, Millet, etc., se^Binslett A Stoffel ^ A Bor LOST.--He was lost for two hours in the crowd around our S cent Glassware counter. STOFFEL A BUUT We offer rare chances on Underwear; aMo y'fj Glores, Mitts, Caps, eto. , • - \ \ •JIOMSLKT T STOJFEU ^ A fbllllne of latest styles of GIOFF^ ? " nams and Prints, all new, at Stoflel LL Blake's, Our 30 cent Japan Tea is gool; tbe SO ceu| &ti' much better. Try it. BONSLETT A STOFFEL, FOR SALE OR REST. Fourteen acres of good land, sltuat* »d within a mile of the village of M<^ Henry. There is a good house, barn ind other outbuildings. Also a good >vell of water. Terms raasonablo. Apply on the premises of R. ATLWAROW SEWING MACHINES. The American No, 7, tho Helpmate, Bldredge, New Home, Wheeler A WIK SON No. 8 Household, Howe Improved, Davis and New York can all be bohght of O. W, Owen, McHenry, at 930 let than manufacturers' prices. Gall see tbom. WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price In cash *111 be paid for good Milling Wheat* it the Fox River Viliey Mills, M*» rtonry; R. BISHOP; Honest Abe Flohr, $1.05. Good Smektilg Tobacco, 30 cents at Bonslett ft Stoffbl'a, WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price in cash V:/" *111 be paid for good milling wheat • 4'J »t the Fox River Val.ey Mills. ME» V tteury. R, BISHOP. I! ---- Call and see our stock of spectacles. Don't pay a high price to a traveling V Htranger when you can get Just as ^OOD lor one-fourth tbe money. Cell •ind be convinced. GEO, W, BESLST« at the West Side Drug Store. ~ ^ WHEAT WANTED. . 1 Tbe highest market price in cash ,^.4 #111 be paid for good Milling Wheat "'-'*1 tt the Fox River Valley Mills. HO* Henry. R. BISHOP. | CARPE T WEAVING. < ^ Tbe undersigned Is prepared lo V ' w e a v e R a g C a r p e t s o n s h o r t n o t t a T ' ' . . ' > and at Reasouable rates. Residence one Block West of tbe resldonoe of IL Wm. Walsh. Orders respectfullv SO» : lie!ted, and satisfaction guaranteed. MRS. WM. FOLTZ. . ! . ^ FARM FOR RENT. : ? 1 I wish to rent my farm situated OH » * *] tbe corporation line, one half mtlO from Bishop's Mill, containing 133 acres, tbout 60 acres Fall plowed, has house and all out buildings, wind . % mill etc Best watered farm in MO> , ' Henry County, well fenced. Wtll re at . *3 reasonable. M. CLARX. * ; ? 89-3 w. * * ^ Buoklon'o Arnioa Stive, '> Tne best Salve i n the woi !d tor cute cruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bauds,chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptlans, aud pos- tively cures piles, or no pay required. IT is guaranteed to give perfect satlo- faction, or money refunded. Price V ER ts per box. For sale BY G. IT. Besley, A Special Sale of Clothing* ' At Auction Prices. Drab Overcoat $1.90 Diagonal Silk Faced, only 9.00 A Custer Fine Beaver 9.00 A Beaver Square Coat 3.75 Heavy Twilled Suit 4.90 Cheap and fine Cheek Pants 2.40 Boys Suits 1.00, 2.00 best 3,75 Scotch Caps, d'ble knit, 35 to 40 Leather faced Mittens .40 Undershirts to .50 English Hose only .15 • ^

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