Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Mar 1888, p. 8

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„ w . )»Md time married. >'^N»rs ago. To- fimme in t»e same _ 1ni« lived. Thej 'iHira Bates. f fll Leoompton, Kan., which ipagowasone of the most [IDWM In the west, is to-day example of a "busted lots that sold for $1,000 . i cannot now be disposed rmad the half million dollar then onder way is now a Jjralna. i French Academy, by its recent kl distribution of "prizes ol I,3" has proclaimed Jean Adolphe loy, a Calais pilot, the most snclimen. He has risked life twenty-one times in saving elced crews and is loaded with He also wears the cross of # Hi* Legion of Honor. ^ Tvmu of India says that a gen Oral order is about to be issued by the OOR)mander-in-chief directing that Qftvalry, like infantry, shall hence iMrth cheer when charging. . It is sug- SiBted that when colonels give out eir commands on other matters, soldiers mighl also be permitted to «it|>r«sft their approval by a "hear' hear!" A Boston Highlands Sunday-school ^MToFTEWrRY. newest shades, LARGEST VARIETY fLOSEST PRCES a We received last week 25styles including the elegant ^ t Forty-six inches wide, of fine We al«o have a complete and new stock of A X . Mi.' ' 1 Beaded Sets, 811k Set* v Wool Sets. Bead Trimming by the yard or ornament, in black and colors. Braids, Velvets, etc. Inspection invited. CARPETS, By Sample, latest styles, selection. large was told by the teacher to find {"fabric, andverj handsome shades, out all they could about Solomon and - - - tdate it on the next Sunday. When the Sunday came the teacher said to the brightest boy in the class: "Well, Andrew, of whom did I ask you to fv« a succinct account to-day P' allivan," answered Andrew with great Interest. It is proper to warn art collectors •gminst purchasing any Rem- Stebrandts, Durers, or Raphaels which amy stray into the market at present. A new scientific process of copying is to have been applied to the stares in the Esterhazy gallery at with startling results, and the feet has become a subject of investiga­ tion by the Hungarian Congress. The following is told of Lord Salis- Imry's recent oration at Oxford: He la in the habit when speaking of oc­ casionally wetting his lips with a little whisky and water, and, happening to poor out a supply of whisky, he for- S, the water, and drank the spirits ne. It nearly strangled him at first, tafrwhen he recovered he proceeded to deliver the most extraordinary •ration of his career. A benevolent Philadelphian con­ ceived the idea ot selling chickens by the quarter, in order that poor per­ sons who were directed by physicians to use chicken broth in case of illness might be able to buy chickens. A cer­ tain dealer sells them that way, dialling 15 cents for a fore quarter and 10 for a hind quarter. It is not a profitable business, and the loss on sales for a year has been $300, but the benevolent man makes up the loss. Biff Lake, near Osceola, Ark., is usually a large body of water, forty •ailes long and eleven wide, but the long-oontinued dry weather of the past summer restricted the limits of the lake to less than two miles, and the water became so shallow that a man night wade from shore to shore • ®u» water was fairly alive with fish, which were taken in quanti­ ties by men who armed with clubs, teat them to death. A party from Nashville recently returned from the lake with 175 trout and twenty drum- fish which weighed 375 pounds. St ill among the tiring and at the front with ft superb stock of the newest and best Wall Paper .»• • • | GENERAL; 1 Since adopting the cash system our customer* are more than pleased with the Incomparable Bargains To be found ah our store. . Baying and selling tor Ca-h enable* us to discount foi mer prices, and we are giving our customers the benefit thereof. We have now, in every department, a finer line of Goods than ever before, and invite a careful inspection, by the buying public, confident that by so doing you will ikM It is our Constant Ainu F I R S T , cHenry, Illinois. Kr• &l*:-• * sr:tv '-&ii We are confident we can please you both in quality and price* In short we Defy Competition in any and all departments. t^lpGive pg a jGali Wore Purchasing. _gFl ALTHOFF Mcenry, III,, January 18, 1888. now receiving McHE^ I SHEPARD, BISHOP'S MILL, TL,u:m>is, ice on each article the most «©EALER And last but forget our new not least don't ---BBXEDJEKS Of- And fixtures of all kinds. In­ veterate fault finders admit them to be awful cheap and dreadful nice. kew CLOTHING, MORGAN HOESES. Going styles, ruining prices. Do not fail to see that new let [of Beloit Overalls, Pants, Jack­ ets, Shirts, etc., received this week. They are O. K. Also the Celebrated Gadand Stows and llanges The Prize and Black Acorn, l^f|lr¥^98kl| Sterling, and Others. Coal and Wood Cooks, Small and Large Wood Parlors/ Elegant Coal Heaters. We have one of the Largest Stocks of Stoves IN MCHENRY COUNTY. Over sixtjr stoves from which to make a selection. In short everything in the Hardware, Stove and Tin line can bo fonnd at our Store. Come one and all and examine our Goods and learn Pricgr. JOBBING AiSD REPAIRING! Promptly.Attended To. ^ „ „ ' . „ , H. V. SHEPARD. " MeHerffy, -Sept. 7th, 1887. pi-'. m- M Mai And Jersey Cattle. New colors, new shapes, gooc quality, small profits West McHenry, ill. £^n^ttcUSUS|BOIB An VALIS1S, Our Moi ;K Old Gilford Morgan, who stands at the head •fourStock. i« one of the best bred Morgan Innet in th. country, and can show more and' better all purpose colts than any other horse in the West. We Invite the inspection ef ottr stock br horsemen and all ot line animals, A few fnll blood Morgan Colts and toting •erses lor sale. Also one matched team, fall Moods. In Oattle we hare the fall blood Short Dora which we are crossing with the Bed Polled Angus and therefore instead of sawing off. the herM we are breeding them off and with CMMraeeese. A tew Heifers and Balls, both pare bred «srt Horns and the cross above mentioned for sale. J* R- Saylor Jt 'Sons. West McHenry. UU Feb. S7U. UffS . HAVIPERlSCH, s< Carrie • ; M A E E B , riV<* MoHenrj, • • Illiiioii lhave now on hand a lot of Top BuKKieS. Spring Wagons, Lumber Wagons, all of my own make, which I iUU.Mll at Look over our large new stock of Sw • All our custom goods are made and warranted by the pioneers in the west for good footwear <3. rf. Faigo & Co. By buying liberally for cash we are en able c to reduce prices on many favor­ ites, in addition to recent improvements. 7 I S Lent. L#ht demands lots of Fish. We carry a complete stock of No. 1 Fish And warnnt them U*t*|A Ho. l in every par ttmiar. If you want a.bargain in this line Mil on me. I also do a General Blacksmithing Bnslaess, and will do your work in the best of auamer and with the least possible delay. • jfccjtd* A.I^X/11% d' Of an kinds promptly attended to. .Call and w*eU. ( ' let" +' *auwi«CH. ^ m&antu*. * wr. ^ : , - COFFEE, SPICES; We handle a full, clean, gooc and cheap line of Family Grocer­ ies. Remember your faults and give part of you* trade to K v SPRING STOCK If now arriving and We re­ spectfully solicit a part of the cash paying trade. Highest mar­ ket-price paid for Farmer'# pro­ duce. MESPECTFULL John Evanson & Co. N- | BOOTS AND SHOES fELT BOOTS AND OVERS. , * Hip ud Qndn Wool Li&id Boots, Bubbir and Bnm Booti, assortment to V. 11 i i/ili. iaS pection of the same^ OUR STC>CK 'ompiete at All f Tijnesi Xt .. . ----WITH THE & *BEST AND NEWEST GOODS, Which we shall offer at as Low Prices as is consistent with hafe* «st, upricrht, square dealing, which shall be our aim in all our ^transactions. By thus doing we hope to merit and receive a liberal share oi your patronage which is most respectfully bo» licited, : . > - , v'i. 8T0FFEL A BUAKB. im Si '•>1 West JMLcHenry DKALER IN SHELF AND , Tin, Coppet Sheet-Iron Ware see our Galvanized Iron Kerosene Tanks, that we make ourselves, that will Oom« hold a bal^^ beB^th^L^iV9OanMeelc' wIthTracks» Han«ln»8. Floor Hooks and Pulleys, the V:! For both coal and wood, of the best makes^ always on hand . lit short I will keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found in -VicHenry county. Do not fail to call when in want of anything in my line and see wha£ be done* X have employed a first class inner, and all r ? « Will be done on short notice and stpecialty of Butter Factory work, respectfully solicited. FACTS YOU CAN an ON. That th. and Urg^t tobeeoo factory *» *** twrtf isin JwssyCHy, N.J. That this factory makss die popular mi world- famed CUmsv Flag, the actaowlsigsd stsad> «rd for first-class chswlagtofaMoo. That this factory was wtablished as loag ago as tjto. that last yMur(x886)it made and sold the «noraot|S quantity of 97,98a,«6o lbs. or foutssa thoa> sand tons of tobacco. That this was more than on. ssventh of all th. to­ bacco made in the United States notwith­ standing that there were 966 factories at work. That in th. last ax years this factory has helped support th. United States Government to the if extent of over Forty-four million seven hun> ' ' ;dred thousand dollars ($44,700,000.00) paid | into the U. S. Trsasury in Internal Rsvsaue •• Taxes, That th. pay-roll of this factory Is about $1,000,- ooo^o par yaar «r fso,ooo«o per WMk. That this factory employs about 3,900 operatives. That this factory makes such a wonderfully good chaw in Climax Plug that many other factories ' have tried to imitate it in vain, and in dMpak « aow try to attract custom by offering laqpr piicN of infarior goods for th. aaas. petes. That this factory nevertheless continuM to iasnass Its business every yw. That lUiJllgtofy bdongs to aad is opsmted by Yows, vwy truly, . P. LOR1LLARD A CO. IS Me&'g^Women's Hisses & Children's Buckle Hlgli Biitton -Aui-eticii, And Warm Goods of all kinds, A Thesegoods will be sokl bo low that it will pay you to come from all over McHenry County to trade with me. W. H. DWIGHT, Woodstock, III. N. B.--House Established in 1866. WEST SIDE L. D. LnrCOLN, Prop. Having recently refitted my Restaurant, near the Depot, in firgt class style. I am now prepared to accommodate the public with West • fh Warm or Cold Meals, At all hours of the day or evening, Oo®ee or Tea on five minutes notice. , A FULL 8TOCK OF Bakers1 Supplieii always ok hand. Choice Ipbi, if ill Kinis, # ^m«;thbie season. L. D. LINCOLN. 3355 H. Practical Pianter aid Decorator, : ' •V'V y- CALCIMININQ, GRAINING, Ac Doae on short notice and satisfaction guaraa- Call •• or address. H. FISH. Hebron/IIL, Ha^ sid. 1887. farmers if you need any goods and have no money, bring wood. USE STEWART' HEALING CREAM For Chapped Hands, Lip.,.tc. It makes the skin smooth, soft and white; cools and heals the face after r shaving; also cures Burns, Tetter, Salt-Rheum, cuts from corn husking,l f etc. This Cream is the most satisfac-] I tory preparation made. I Price, 15 and 60 ots. a bottle. J ^If your druggist does not keep it and j will not order it, send 24 centa in ^stamps for large sample bottle toj Stewart Healing Powder Co.^ 404 N. 2nd Street* St, Louis, Mo. , Parker's SPAVIN CURE nvnsatALBo as an application to bones for the core of Hpavlii Rheu- aaaUeait Hpllnt* Havlealsv Joints* and alkeevers Lam oms, also for track use whs reduoed. ^ Prlee 91.00 per bottle, •old by druggists. Strong tssM- aaoclal. em appUoatloo. ^ B. W. BAKKB/v Bole Propriety, Urnun. ft. ft Trade supplied by JAS.B. Davis ft Oo^ Detroit, Kleh. 1 Peter Van Kehaaek * Sons, Ohloago. DL1 Meyer Bio's * OO..M. Koto, Met LINE OF STOVES -j % m Satisfaction Guaranteed. A A share of pubiio patronage W. P. STEVENS® M WI -UKALER nr- DRUGS, PAINTS, OILflb Toilet Articlei, -PURE- FOB MEDICAL USE, Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. The best brands ot Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS , iM Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. McHenry, December 28th, 1887. C. W- BESLE y. WHEAT WANTED. The hlfrhoat fltftrkek prloo Id cash P' III at the Fox Rim Valley fl< will be pMd fof gO*4 ltllHoe Wheat Mills, Mo- If so do not fail to get an estimate on your Lumber from l i inumiw Hear tlio Depot. West McHenry, Illinois. Our stock of Lumber, of all kinds, is the most complete of any and we are prepared to offer to the public Ths S«t Qulitj of linabtr, . --at the-- LOWEST LIVING PRICES* Wiiita, Doors. Blinds, Moilfliii Casing, Door aodfMow Frdinas-Beady Mafle-always on Also the Best Brands of BarbZWIreJ Wo shall keep our stock complete at all times and spare no pain to/accommodate all wh# may favor us with their patronage. ^ r; WILBUR LUMBER OOMPANT^ €. H. GRANGER, Manager ^ m>- * *' . * • « isil "k * i rf. *1*.(" •«. k'&jkJkiJ., «»•._ V. P-- St 'r, -

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