Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Mar 1888, p. 4

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rESDAY, MAKCH 21.1888. HllllLTKB, Editor. "Th# butter market on the Elgin of Trade on Menday was active, ia)M war® 16.740 pounds at 30 eenta, and 840 pound* at 89J cents; total sates, #5,269. K^The assaults ef Blackburn, Vest Wid other Domocr&ts in the United State* Senate upen the Union soldier*. Indicate the real spirit of the Demo­ cratic party more clearly than any­ thing we have had since Cleveland's „ fsto message. They are all of a piece. £ MTThe soorelng that Senator ingftils gave Senator Vest has com­ pletely taken away the little fellows courage, it weuId seem, Rumor says that the end of his present term in the Senate he will retire from public life. It ts always more or less dangerous to •Monkey with a buzz-saw. iM^St Paul Pioneer-Preat: "Spring- lj| Is mighty liberal with other people's property. He offers Dakota 6,000,000 acres of land If she will ao. oept'hit bill Who was that fellow from 'away back' who took one whom be wanted to convert up into a high mountain, showed him all the king­ doms of the earth and offered him the Whole If he would fall down and worship him? We hope Springer is •ot a lineal decendant, an heir at law to that chap, for It turned out that the ffilow didn't own a rod of the prop­ erty." - SIISBIRO IBB HAC8I5B. fiayS the Bloomlngton Pantograph: i.; f%he suggestion of General McNulta )tt his Chicago speech th*t the Repub­ lican party smash the machine and throw off its self-conatitnted bosses is ft good one. But the truth is that the party was never freer from such domination than just now. But If there Is still a remnant of that spirit that would gain political ends despite •f, rather than by the consent of the people, we join General McNulta in 'demanding that it be driven from (he republican domain, and we suggest that the effective way of driving It •Htls for the republican voters to attend en masse the primaries in their •••oral counties this spring and ex­ press their preferences In the choice 0 candidates. Chicago Tribunes (Senator Flfer's speech before the Republican gathering at the Grand Pacific Tues­ day was a clever piece of lmpromtu oratory. It recalled some of the humorous periods of the late Emery Storrs. The best passages were those referring to Grover Cleveland's patri­ otism by proxy and the hypocrisy •f the Democratic party la matters of Xffara. But underlying the humor of |£M» speech there was much seriousness and the gentleman from Bioomlngton •cored a point when he said it was MKWtsary not only that the Republi­ can* should appear before the people with a better record than their oppo- aants, but also that they should pre­ sent a better "prospectu8u--a better program for the future, in order to •eiecre suocess. The speeches of the other Gubernatorial candidates were ttsaely and eloquent, and proved that oratory is act a lost art in the State of Llwpoln and Douglas. States' Attorney. v'TWi) weeks ago, in calling attention to bis Announcement, we spoke of the candidacy of M. F. Ellsworth for the Office of States1 Attorney, but in ad- Wtently omitted to notice the An­ nouncements of A. W. Young, of Harvard, and A. B. Coon, Jr., of Jlareogo, which appeared last week. A. W. YOCNO, of Harvard, the pres­ ent incumbent of the office, has held the same for on* term, and we believe has discharged the duties to the en­ tire satisfaction of the people of the eeanty. He has the ability, is pains- taking, and we believe, if elected, will In the future, as in the past, do hlm- eelf and the office honor. His An­ nouncement can be found iu another place in this paper. A. B, COON, JB., IS a rising young lawyer of Marengo, and a son of A. B. 'Qoen, the Nestor of the McHenry County bar. He has had a large ex­ perience, has ability of a marked de­ gree, is a sound Republican, honest and upright, and should he be nomi­ nated |and elected, would do honor teeth to himself and the office which be ieeks. Read his Announcement else­ where in this paper. > SOP" Hen. A. M. Jones, Chairman of the Republican State Central Cotn- ultteee, has issued the oflclal call for the state convention. The materal part of the call is as follows: Republican voters of Illinois are quested to meet in county conventions Md elect delegates to a Republican State Convention to he held at Spring- laid, on Wednesday, May 2,1888, 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose nominating candidates to be voted nt the November election of 1888 •11 the following office, to wn: Governor, Lieutenant-Governor,, See^ ? rotary of State, Auditor of Publie •oeounts, States Treasurer, Attorney ; General, four Trustees of the Unlver- altf of Illinois, and «lect four dele- gatos-at large and four alternates to tfce Republican National Convention, Wad of transacting such other business Mmay come before it, the delegates imm the county of Cook, so elected, to t£ flailed and to vote :by Senatorial lets. The basis of representation he the vtote oast for the Repubit- Presidential Electors of 1884, to " One delegate for every 400 votes 00 for each fraction of 200 votes." total number of delegates in the n urn pdT ftmrrfrt'"~ will be 847. of which pPMtaiy Genntf will bate oin«f < , "• ' The re- at of I for to wit ' MR. C* The totter of Hen. to the Secretary of the Conkllng Clab of Pittsburg. Pa., has undoubtedly been read with deep Interest by Re­ publicans all over the country. Aftor stressing his thanks for the compli­ ment conveyed In the mention of bis name as a candidate for the Presiden­ cy, and in naming a campaign club In his honor, the essential portion ol the letter proceeds to say: **Without reference ' to candidates, it will be a great satisfaction If a club bearing my name shall contribute la any way to reinstate the organization, whose wisdom and earnestness proved so useful during the most traglo and try­ ing period ot our history. To ate that parly again triumphant and united, worthy of itself and of Its past the brave and honest champion of the right, the welfare and progress of 63- 000,000 people, is Inspiration enough for all Republicans, in that hope I unite with you and all who cherish It in sincerity." This leaves no doubt as to where Mr. Conkling will be found In the ap­ proaching campaign. It is safe to say that he will be found doing yeoman's service in behalf of the Republican cause hereafter, as be has been In the past, whether as a standard-bearer of the party, or as a subordinate In the ranks. Though withdrawn from public service for years, Mr. Conkling ts still recognized as a power In the State where bin ability, Influence and elo­ quence have constituted so important a factor In previous campaigns. That bo will be so in the campaign of this year may be assured without doubt.-- Springfield Journal, Annual Town Meeting* NOTICE is hereby given co the citizens, le-gal voters of the Town of McHenry, and State of Illinois, chat the Annual Town Meet­ ing for said town, will be held at the Council Room in said town, on Tuesday, the 3d day of April nest, being the first Tuesday in caid month, for the purposes following, viz.: FIRST-- To choose a Moderator to preside at said meeting. SEOOJfD--To elect one supervisor (who shall be ex-offiei® Overseer of the Poor), one Town Clerk, one Assessor, one Collector, one Commissioner of Highways, and as many pound masters as the electors may deter­ mine. And to act upon any additional snbjects which may in pursuance of law come before said meeting when convened. Which meeting will be called to order be­ tween the hours of eight and nine o'clock in the forenoon, and kept ope a nntll seven o'clock in the afternoon. Given under my hand at McHenry. the 16th day of March, A. D. 188i 0 F. G. MATE8, Town Clerk. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE of Peter Schumaker, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Administrator of the estate of Peter Schu­ maker deceased. late of the county of Mc­ Henry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the county court of McHenry county, at the Court House iu Weodstock, at the May term on the first Monday in May next, at which time all per­ sons having claims against said estate are no­ tified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All parsons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated, 14th day of March, A D. 18#8. NICK SCHUMAKER, Administrator. 36-4 w Executor's Notice* * ESTATE of John Reed, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed executor of the last will and testament of John Reed, ^deceased, late of the county of McHenry and {State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he win appear before the County Court of McHenry county, at the Court House in Woodstock, at t'he Jane term, on the first Monday in June next, at which time all persons having claims again; t said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the under­ signed. Dated this 7th day of March, A. D. 1888. P. M. O'NEILL, Executor. THIS MIABS Saving decided^ to close out my stock of Wagons, without regard to cost, I am now prepared to offer you a LUMBER WAGON, • At lower prices than the same can be bought for in any other place in tbe State of Illinois. These Wagons are all of my own manufac­ ture and are warranted just as represented •r money refunded. If you want a irticul ' buy. Wagon, first class in every Particular, for a little mpney now is tbe time Call and examine them and learn price*. McHenry th® Parker Hou*«» We,t H. SIMEf. West Mcfienry, March 2Sth, 188& OPENING -AT THE- FRIDAY, ACarch. -rf i l -•M'-Jl-VV*, V£\, 1 t' »' f J*. • •" ~ fo* , ; » v ^ - • sfttiiij "t W© have BOW in and open for inspection, a larger stock than USUii.of :J FINE BLACK - . . *mkt¥XX f r E7 > I** i,v.- % v • * '/»• if*,, i. t b>.'- ! f ^ • » t , . > 4?" * » * . < 4 '"1 r -»-V' >ii» t • ' J . '*# W'<°' »9 « w* • ** „vKS " K» *" * ^ " la- s - Mas' • v, it' s . -r, : ' t'lhh < \ % j'v f. h- " .*"r . ̂ ; . .--V;., -'vv*- ;*ik • t f v ' i - 7 t , „ 1 -w . V ! - V-' ' .'-f O f t b i e ^ p a t t e r n s , and a great "variety of medium and low priced Dress Goods, in plain $nd figured styles. We have an elegant line of Braid and Bead sets and fine sec­ tion Passementiere, Also a fine stock of black and colored Silk Velvets and Morie Silk. We carry all kinds of Dress Trimmings and anything desired in fine Bibbons and Buttonst We have jast received $ fine stock of Kid Gloves, embroidered backs, all sizes, at In Table tAum and Tar key Red Table Cloths and Towels, we can beat them all, and wo have a good big s We keep Dr. Warner's and Dr. Schilling's celebrated Corsets We guarantee them to give sat­ isfaction, and will allow any lady to wear Dr, Schilling's Corset a month and if not then satisfied the money will be refunded • - •£' ' Our large Spring stock of Men's, Boy s, Ladie's and Misses Fine Shoes has arrived. We carry in Ladies and Misses fine wear, Ludlow's, Henderson's and Pingree & Smith's Shoes, three of the best manufacturers in the West, Every pair is warranted and we will stand by the guar­ antee In Men's wear we have a larger stock than ever and finer goods. CLOTHING. We have a full stock of Men's and Boy's Clothing and think we have the best made and best fitting clothes of any of them. WEDDIMO SUITS a specialty. Prices the lowest. Get our prices before buying. We anticipate a large trade in Paints and Oils, Mixed Paints and Floor Paints, and have put in a big stocs, We will sell Lead and Oil cheap. Inquire for pricfBT Wall Paper 4,jj» • i V * <&ls RICHARD BISHOP ^ DEALER m ALL KINDS Farmers of McHenry County and Vicinity: I am now prepared to show a new and clean assortment of Agricultural Implements second to none in the county and it prices that I am confident will pay you to investigate before mas* •RKfft'CV sMmk 1SHOF 7 % We extend a cordial invitation to all, particularly the ladies, to call, examine our goods and fli­ fe pect oar work-room. WITH EVERY 20 Cents Worth of foods, Sold on that day a package of Bon-Bons will be presented. ftfj|,Open on Sunday RESPECTFULLY, ~ •ARBEE & LAYT0N. Bakers and Confectioners. : i Ik at grades. New goods and elegajj patterns at lower prices than ever before known. This seas­ on's styles at 5 cents per roll, 10 cents per double roll and up. See our new line. A carload of Choicest Potatoes just received. Choice Fresh every week. In prices on all our goods. We will guar­ antee to compete with any caih store in the county. If you want to own the best, behold it here, finely finished, well proportioned, light running, durable^ superior quality, unexcelled. Do you <vant a wagon? If so examine the Bishop before you buy. & STUBBIjS! PLOWS) Pulverizers, both disk and knife, Prairie City Seeders, Prairie vCity Drills, Harrows, all kinds, Sulky Plows, wood and iron Pumps W deep and shallow wells, platform spring Wagons, combination wagons, fine Carriages, ail kinds, that will bear close inspection* manufactured by the Watertown Spring Wagon Co., of Watertown, 'ft. Y„ who carry a three years stock, enabling them to season well their goods before placing them on the market. Very Tidily YorojjUr ; '4r-* 1-4 * ii I ftlCHARD BISHOP. WATERS BirOSE BBERDIRO TOT* MABBSI Mid for catalogue and (HnstraMd clrcular frtTln* dMortption of If yon breed yi to breed pedigree* and •eYenrtalllon* a mare at all It to tbe beat. term* liberal. ' weekday*- Come and aee by tbe stallions, and the Oni.* h stock bat send your address now • nillVII WATERS STOCK FARM. S1ROA JUXOTIOff, WM. CULTIVATION I of oorn 10 bo. per acre In oases. ;tom w. SIBLEY'S A*TESTED|v% t A :One Door West of Riverside House,) 1*" r > * V > * i • t vS K ~-««-DEALEB DRUGS^ 1 MEDICI N^S " i ? i f 1 *' u " 'U---£ FULL-LINE ' •V ^ y . J*\ * ^ '.1 ̂ • -«'.v -Z ! Drags, Chsmieals, Dys Stuffs, Faints, Oils and Colon. Constantly on hand, Also a large line ot s • / 'Vv>, -- , ^ >4 , J* 'J Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, vegetable 710 /er. *>1eid a PlsA^Boltia impiemta. S HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ROCHESTER, N. Y. CHICAGO. ILL COMPLETE STOCK Of^fe|| j DRUGGISTS it] Fhy îcians JRreseription# 1 * ' _a_ STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS * - ft Carefully and accurately compounded by a Registered Pharraai* 'I' cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. ? ^ JULIA A. STORY. FARM MACHINERY' [uarters for all kinds of Farming Tools at E. M. O WEN & SON 'S rm I I 1 We keep on hand all the first class ones, such as the Gofhiftfift^ Buckeye, Van Brunt. Kenosha and Badger. All the best and old makes with the latest improvements. PULVERIZING HARROWS} Both 16 and 20 inch, at Bottom Prices. Also a Spring Tootli Harrow that beats them all. Harrows in both 40, 6C and 72 teetli, with lever or common, two or three section. Call before yoQ buy oue, Always on hand. Such makes as the celebrated Norwegian, thf? hardest plow on earth, will outwear two cheap plows. Also Sta|| Garden City, Moline, tirand Detour, and others. Remember Plowif have advanced ten per cent, but we will not be ^undersold neverthe­ less. All warranted as represented.,' . " • , ' > . *4? ' • v i- ^ v i '\'"f ' ^ Carriages, Bdth Milk and heavy, at fe^itom Priced. Also the best ITfle of high price Carriages ever handled in the County, of the LaCiossI^ Wallace, Henney, Cortland and others. Call before you buy anything in our liiw, as alwavs have the best made. " ^ E. M. OWEN & SON. : i ' t * ^ 'J' . ^ I§mi e. STANDARD STALLIONÎ if *• t>' . •* •- iitm; ,*r /•f:' * Record, 2: PEDIGREE. lambtetonian, 2:26>^; Deciana, 2:27>f; Hermes, 2:27^; ioort Morninir, 2:28V; Temple. 2:30; anil others. Also j(|re of 19 in 30 list. ^Lakelanrt Abdallah by Bysdykes Hambletonian. Sirei,» w forty 2:30 performers. Also Sire of fifty-one dangh* i s r... Ipfs with 2*30 performers. One hundred and two sons(? /• wat have sired 2.30 horses, he by Abdallah, by MambrUg».,;<j; <W>, by Imp. Messenger; Dam tne Cbas. KentMare, byr ®np. Belifounder, etc. £&0£ . ..I'Hkeland Abdaliah's Dam was Enchantress, by Abdal- . < lah, by Mambrino, etc., as aboye. "George O's" Da ri was the fast Pacing Mare Fannie • (wh# paced the Chicago Track at Seventeen years of e in 2:27, without any preparation), sired by Autocrat, Geo M. Patched, (record 2:23^) by Cassius M. Olay,^.^ Andrew Jackson, by Bashaw, etc. s , -» Dam of Fannie B. by"the Rowlan l Horse, by the fialey J . orse, by Woodbury and he by Justin Morgan. " ••k "George O." will be bred from March 1st to Jane 16th, f #id should his stifle admit of training, he will be pre par *^p to lower his record TERMS, $25 CASH, •Wv r ?¥. iii'. 'hisi-.t. i>f '; : ' •K t " t -'A-f Or good Note, due at time of service. Mares not betogte^ v^ Accidents m.;m foal are entitled to a return season free, d escapes entirely at owners risk. For further particulars address «bHeni7«», GEORGE W. OWEN, KoHenry. Iliinoia. HAUBLSTOVJM TEOTTIHQ STALUOtT, INTERIOR NO, -ill 0: INTERIOR, Black Stallion, Bred bv James Wad8worth, Chicago, ft'- Sired by Iron i)qlli " "So. 181. the sire of Corlanrter, ScSflX; Kelsie, 2:23)t; Maud tkwk, 2 30; Monroe, 2:87.}*; Silver Duke, 2:28«. Also the eire of Warwick Boy, the sire of.Bart Sheldon, 2:29^, and Ton Barry. 2:26)1. 1st dam, Clara Jones, bv Mambrino Chief No, 11, Clara Jones also the dam of RoseMediuip, 2:26X. Balance of dams to the 11th all thoroughbred. Iron Duke IS 1, sired by Uysdyk's Hiunbletonian, No. 10. 1st dara by Miller's Sir Henry, ttjf Cole's Sir Henry ; 2d >'am by Young Red Jacket, by Red Jacket, by Diiroc; 3d dam by MaogjB brino Messenger, by Mambrino; 4th ilam by R*<1 Binl, by Bishop's Hambletonian. DESCRIPTION --Interior, Black Stitliion, W?4 hands high, weighs 1235 pounds, trotted a tt)( ' heat In 2:44X. Interior is a Hambletonian all over; clean limbs and sound as a dollar; with* level head and line disposition ; witn his breeding should get trotters, and does get fine larg» «eMa tb»t are valuable for all purposes. . . . - - BAY HENRY, ROADSTER 8TAULION, By Richmond Boy, Dam by Turner Horse, son by Colby's Young Morril. too well known to neeil any description. His stock shows for him. Bay Henry |# TERMS.--Interior will serve a limited number of approved Mares at tSO to Insure a mar* with foal; $90 to Insure a living colt Bay Henry will serve a limited number of approved ' mares at $10 the season. Alt mares must be returned regularly. I shall hold persons respon­ sible for seryice for mares that are traded or disposed of without nay consent, or mares thljA are hot returned regularly. The service money shall bo due immediately wben maresara : disposed of. All accidents at<d escapcs at owner's risk. Insurance money will be due Maroii 1st, 1838, and must be paid in oath or approved note. w ' rills These' Mtallions farther notice. stand at my approvi Stables throe-fourths of a mile East ef Soteo, . • * ,.r E. & JOHONNOTTt 8olonr IIU ••a.v • •• • . 0. i "v •!."•: •

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