Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Mar 1888, p. 5

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* • . - ttgarsat J, A. Story1!. Try Besley's Iron Toole Bitter#. LODGE DIRKOTOKT. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1888, /Y4:: •• P fc\ Railroad Time Table. > ttftktn* effect Sept. mh, trains will pass IKeHenry stuion daily, except Sundays, as fellows: eoixo SOUTH. „ ske Geneva Passenger A;,* i , # ' l e e .'..„. 2:0r» P. H .,8:96 «« j*ke Geneva Express. Lake Genera Freight-- Lake Geneva Passenger.. SOISO «0«IB. „ Lake Geneva Freight Lake Geneva Passenger..... ... -*•*£* Lake aeneraKxpreas............... -4.56F.II IS. o».™ McHenry, 111 &•: MASONIC. CHUNK* LODGE, NA 158 A. F, and A. M.-- alar Communications the second and tli Monday* in each month. J. VAN SLTKE, W. M. *1?r. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. ,Sleet at Parker House Hall, every Second >jnt T,».i«t Tuesday evening of each month, nitfcltbore cov lially Invited- I / f Chi^rch Directory, $TS METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. . teaching every Sabbath, morning and even* IW- Ringwood at 2:S0 p. ir. Jpretcd in and worship with as. "Evtinets itline for Eternity. HABDV E. WrcitOFF, A. B., Pastor. UNIVEBSALIST CHURCH. ; Services every Sunday morning, and eyerjr Ittt and third Sunday evenings in each «Onth. A coraial welceme is extended to every one to join us in our worship. . • " Our Motte--Study to know the truth. Kx- *mine--Reflect--"Prove alt things; hold fast that which is good." REV. li. SLA.DE. Pastor. Announcements. ;i: »0R STATE'S ATTOfcNBT. - thereby announce myself a candidate for JJje office of State's Attorney, subject to the approval of the Republican Convention of the ^oanly' M. F. ELL8WOIiT&. Dated February 27tb, 1888. FOR STATE'S .ATTORNRT. UI hereby announce myself as a candidate ^||r the office of State's Attorney, subject to (he approval of the Republican Convention of this county. A. B. COON, Jit. Marengo, 111., Feb. 22(1, 1838. "V." FOR STATE'S ATTORNEY. Xdesiie the nomination as Republican dictate for the office of State's Attorney, such oandldacy subject to the decision of the Re­ publican County Convention. A. W.YOUNG. 'liiiii 111 f. B' Boy Wanted. t$Tanted, a boy from 14 to 18 years to learn tbe art of Printing. To one who means business a first class chance will be given. Apply at this offloo. •' ..OUR Public School close! dflFrf day lilt for a two weeks vacation. PEBBY A OWEN have a new adver- 'tlSement this week, Read It. RICHARD BISHOP has a word to say to the farmers In another column. Be pare and read it. AT tbe time of going to press sever- «t«f our correspondence have failed to " itoabh us, among them being Algon- quln and Richmond. F PETER SCHRKINKR bad the mis- / fortune to get knocked down and trod I upon by a cow, one day last week, and y was quite severely injured. I4 -THE old Central Meat Market Is a • thing of the past, it having 'beeii lpulled down the put week. It makes uulte an Improvement in that locality. VHCHENRY has A man who catcher between his fingers bullets fired from ft revolver. But he says, "mine aclous, but dot vos hot." THE Annual Town Meeting occurs one week from next Tuesday^ April 8d^ The Clerk's notice can be found In toother column. f at REMEMBER "George O." has a Record .Of 2:30, obtained the third heat in a bet race, after trotting first heat in 2:28}. See advertisement. THE Ice has all left tbe river and .hunters are getting ready for tbe I semi-annual duck bunt. Quite a 1 number of flocks were seen passing up Yand down the river the past few days. ^ Do not fall to read the new adver­ tisement, In another column, of Stev­ ens & Miller, West McHenry. Their stock is uew and complete, and prices low. IF you want to buy a good wagon, cheap, read tbe advertisement of H Blmes, to be found In another column, and call at bis sbop. opposite the Parker House. DR. WM. OSBORNE, whose office Is at tbe Parker House and Besley's Drug Store, gives special attention to the treatment of diseases of tbe eye, ear and throat. Persons thus troubled Should call and see htm. MOHENRY POST* NO. 643? bave decided to bold their regular meetings on the first and third Satur­ day evenings of eacb month, instead of on tbe first and third Friday evenings aa heretofore. REV. MR. SLADS wishes me to aay that he finds himself in possession of an umbrella not his own. and is desir­ ous of ascertaining if any one else has bla obanged in like manner. It iaa D«w experience with bin which, be says be does not greatly enjoy, and would be glad if some one would re- llsve blm. The umbrella pan be found at this office. IJNDKR the new law, at the 'coStiig ^R)rporatlon election, which oceure 'Aprili|7th, it will be necessary to elect one /resident oTthe jfoard, In addi­ tion to tbe three Jfrustees, the /oard then being composed of onfyTresideat, who will hold his office for one year, six trustees, who hold their office for two years, and one iflerk who holds his for one year. The auestlon now to will be our new ^Jfayor ?" Offiflft PMtSONAL.I THOS. VENARD, of Marengo, was I caller on Saturday. MRS. M. A. HOWELL was vlsltir J with friends In Chenoa, 111., last wee I . MISS BESSIE GOING, of Chicago, i visiting with her grandparents, in thn village, this week. II MAT WEBER, JR., will remove, with* bis family, to Little Falls, Minn., this week. "SENATOR H. H. TBBM, of Elkhorn, Wis., made us a pleasant call on Fri­ day last. STACY CLARK, who has been in low! tbe past winter, is calling on friend] in this village this week. STATE'S ATTORNEY A. W. YOUNG, Harvard, was on en our streets o Thursday last. ^ ; ' CLARENCE MYERS Jesae Vai Slyke spent.Saturday end Sunday in Chicago. Miss CORA MCOXBER returned on Saturday evening from quite an ex-' tended visit in Chicago. Miss LENA MUNCH, of Barreville, was the guest of Mrs. ff. V. Shepard, a few day* last week. MISS CAUEY, of Waukeg&n, la« btfen the guest of Geo. W#Besley and fam­ ily the past few days. JOHN W. SMITH was taken slok while in Chicago, and was forced to remain there several days. He was able to come boose on Monday. F JACOB JCSTKN, who we 'reported as sick some weeks since, had a relapse last week, and at one time hU life was despaired of. He is now reported ^better. THERE will be a Universl#lt Socia­ ble at the residence of O. N. Owen, on Friday evening, March 23. A good programme will be rendered and all are cordially invited. S. COV.IL, President. MTBTLB CHILD8, Secretary. LADIES of the W, C. T U. will meet with Mrs. A. H. Colby, on Thursday afternoon March 22, at 2:30. We wish to extend a cordial iavitation to all ladies to meet with us. MRS. J B. PERRT, President. MRS. E. PERKINS, Secretary. Wells, Richardson A Co.'s Batter THE McHenry Bank Is now open and ready for husiaesguf; This will prove a great convenience to our business men. and also to the farmers. It is an insti­ tution that has been long needed and we believe will be a„ profitable under* taking for those having the matter In ciiarge. The Bank of McHenry is row a fixed institution. REV. MR. SLADE'S subject next Sun« day morning will be the giving ol some reminiscences from tbe life of the late Rev. Wm. S. Balch who has been so widely known in all our com­ munities, and so greatly honored throughout bis own and other denom­ inations ever the country, and will re­ peat the same in the evening at Ring- wood. A COUNIRY editor haa been doing some thinkiug lately with the follow* • ng unique results: "AD editor work* 365J days in a year to get out 52 issue* of a paper--that's labor; once in a while a subscriber pays in advance for bis paper--that's capital; and once in a while some son-of-a-sea cook of a dead-beat takes the paper for two or three years and then skips out without paying for It--that's anarchy; bat later on Justice will overtake tbe last- named animal--that's hell." THE Marengo republican says: "Dr. Cook, of Huntley, our present coroner, has served well and faithfully, and to ihe satisfaction of all. He will be a candidate for re-nouiioation at the Republican county convention, and will feel grateful to his friends every­ where for their support. The office of Coroner is not specially desirable (yet it Is a public necessity) so far as the salary la concerned, and if the Doctor iMmIS tor our village alnoe our last, Althofi Bros, having bought out T. B, Turner's Meat Market, and will hereafter run the same. They propose to oroct at onqe a new building for that purpose just east of their store, and having en­ gaged the services of Jas. Freund, a first class butcher, will keep a Market second to none in this secti^n.\ Wo wii^them success. WE learn that a daughter of Mr. verocker, who lives in tho Mowe Block, aged about alx years, mot with a serious accident on Sunday morning, and one which may prove fateL It appears she was klodliag the fire with some shavings, when the flames burst ont, setting her clothing on fire, and before ihey could be extinguished, her arms and breast was burned in a horrid manner. In attempting to put out tbo flames ber mother had her ^iauds and arms quite badly burned. •ONE of the latest rules of leap year is that if a marriageable man refuses the offer of heart and hand made by a lady, he is expected to purchase th» fair one a silk dress as a balm for her blighted afiections. It Is Said that some susceptible bachelors are so greatly exorcised over this recent do cree of Cupid's court that they won't allow themselves to be caught alous by auy female whom tbey suspect con* templates matrimony. Some of tbe girls say they will have a husbaad or a trunk full of silk gowns before the season is over--that Is, if pr$j)$gals will do the business, . . i DIED.--At her home near HorSeo, Iowa, Mrs. Anna M. Dather, after a brief illness. Anna M. Pierce was born in tbe town of Burton, McHenry County, 111,. August 16,1861, and was the youngest daughter of Robert and Melissa Pierce. In ber eighteenth year, she moved with ber parents to Bremer Co.. IOWP( was married to J. F. Datber, Jan. 1C, 1885, with whom she lived until her death, which occurred'Feb. 17th, 1888. Funeral services at the house by Rev. Calkins, who selected for his text the following verses: And as It Is appointed uhtO men once to die, but after this the judg­ ment. So Christ was once oflered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the sec­ ond time without sin unto salvation. --Hebrews, JX;27-28. 'Tls ever thus, tbey fade and die, \ . And flee from earth away; ' IVseems the things we prise the ilitftt, Are soonest te decay. Bnt there is a land far, far away, JTree from every earthly care. where moth nor rust cannot corrode. And tiod will keep them safely there. ON April 1st the regular spring sea son of the McCaull Opera Co.. will be­ gin at the Chicago Opera House. The engagement will open with The Be­ gum, which was such a phenomenal success at the same theatre some months ago, and which, owing to ether engagements of the theatre, had to be taken from the boards after a run of two weeks. The Begum will be fol­ lowed by a new version of Boeoaclo, written by Harry B. Smith, author of The Begum, and aho author of the Crystal Slipper, the annual extrava­ ganza to be produced at the Chicago Opera House the coming summer. The new version differs ii many re spects from the old one. It adheres more closely to the original German text and will be produced with tbe strongest cast It has ever had^in this country, among the people being Do Wolfl Hopper, Digby Bell, Jefi DeAn­ gel is, Harry MacDonough, Hofl, At- trelly, Laura Jeyoe Bell, Marion Ma- nola,etc„ etc. WWMO fVV&V ORAOB», CLASS A. A . Anna Nordqulst 96 Wallace Morey *S Wayne Woodburn ..M John Ralstan 98 Belle Whiting 9S Amy Owen tt Dora Besley %.. , .92 Autos Smith..,.. . Ed win Grander . Edith Carpenter, SHattie Mead 87 ate Howe 87 htristina Buss 86 - - .78 Jocie Oi Oaae.... wilta... GRADE B, ;S5 nay Betty wentworth..SS Ida Annas Root. Howard CLASS B. Florence SearMs....ftl Nellie mil.... Geo, Gilbert.. osaxmo. ..»} Delia Welof;..; .84 j Josie Wheeler 89 Maggie Bonslett... S4 I Alonzo Bishop 89 Katie Laughlin 9A ' ' " Josie McQmber . . .to i Ralph Child* »! Guy Clemens # Alvah Mead. .90 James Perry ....... 88 Joseph Buss 8R John Bonalett 82 Ony Turner 78 Beriuce Kimball ....73 The above Is the average standing of the pupils In the ^ftlgii school at McHenry, 111. for the. month ending March 16,1888. f • ! P. R. JACKMAN, frinoipal. DEPARTMENT. AOitADk Ella Welch. Ajcne* Oolby... Ailier -9? I .90 9* .92 I GmceMead .... Jacob Hickler... Mathias Webet, J«hn Buss Cl.vtie Curtis.. .87 Gille8 87 Daisy I iR~ ....85 Smith... Agn«« ferry. Charles Black man..92 Litsle Hill 91, Carrie Colby 91 Daisy Hill .....86 Stella Morev .90 (Walter Evanson.. .84 l.yle Howe:; B ORAt)K. Stella Nordqulst. ...98 i^.ouisBlock Dora Colby M Turne Krauk OolW 90 *ite« Colby ..." 85 Willie iJou?hl»n..o..88 ITJlla Morey..,, 82 Hurry WiKhtman...«7 tjfabelle Wheeler.. .80 <? C OBADB. Lura 0#ef|,?*• W I Edith Curtis .... ,.,9i Nellie OWlli^as ....W Bernice Perry.......91 Lois Whlltot- 93 [ Dele Knox .85 - Edna BeokwUh ... .78 ' CLARA L. WIGHT has, Teacher. •^PRIMARXi DEPARTMENT. A Ot>ASS. Lutie Morey 95 I Lizzie Simon.. .91 Bay Locke.. .9# Clayton Wilson 90 Ethel Smith .,94 | Willie Bishop 89 B CLASS. Rattle Howard S6 I Julia Laughtfa .96 Burt Locke........JM | Guy Colby..,,, .a;.. 95 Aluert Holly 97 J Wallle Woodhurn...9t Harold Colby ..W | George Ho we........93 O CLASS. Charlie Block ,.97 I Martie Ho wo 11 94 Mary Fnsby 90 1 Charlie Gilies 94 Kddle Simon Si I Hodie Auringer ... .91 Harry fay ,...M Willie OTorocker..»S8 Johnnie Knox ......961 Win Held Woodburn87 Harry Kennedy ....87 ELSIE GAGS, Teacheit Report of the Mclfenr.v West Divis­ ion school for the month ending March 16,1888, fOLASSA, WaUer Besley 97 | VloUtta SteveaS....91 Harry Eldredge 98 l.onnle Howard.....90 John Schriner 95 1 Lutio Lincoln 89 Charles Wtedeman..9* 1 Charlie Nickels ....83 Herbert Bennett.. ..93 | Otiu Parker 83 Margaret MoDonald92 I Henrv McDooald..«81 Carrie Hlmes 92 Tim Kimball v„80 John Witfs SO ? CLASS B. [ Charles Swardiih.. .86 | Herman Fells 86 .. .93 t Lizzie Dottmar 85 .. .911 Anna Pomeranlng..84 90 j Theo. Wiedeman....S2 Harry JHanly... Frank Bennett.. George Hanly... Kcidie Mead .... Oliver Blackman .. | Tbco. iw John Swardlsh .....9011'eter wirfs CLASS o. Myrtle iSlimpin. ....SI f Willi; Block. Alvina Block 94 Jacob Buss ..93 riWie Feltz .98 Frea Felts 91 Willie Feltc 90 . Minnie Bosmau GLASS D. Orton Gilbert 941 Tillie Pomeranlng..88 90 Frank Thurlwell...89 Ollie Kainlioli 86 Orvil Hulsou 86 Willie Schreiner .. 84 Henry Pomerantnf.Sit ....83 MA80WTC.--A. F. and A, V. meet at Masonic Hall on every 1st and Sd Wednesday even. «*s of each month. KOORNWOODXIHOV AMKFTCA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every 3d and 4th Thursday even- ingsof each month. Neighbors cordially in- Sows OF TBMPBRAKCR.--Meet at Union Hall on Tuesday evening of each week. ...93 Willie X>ettmar ..4>3 j fnitt!* Felts .. .....87 lloiiKi' Block 87 Binina Aklre^ga... .86 Am hols ....85 Eddie Cobb Etttc 81me» .... Lizzie Feltz ... Pearl L i n c o l n . . \vortben Klml»ll...#l | Henry K Wilue TUurlweil...U0 i Minnie Nickels, ...8t Mamie Besley 90 Ainos Wolff, ..83 George Slim pin.....89 | Bertha Aldredge.. 82 F. L. SII EPAB», Teacher, liles away from any habitation. At Pagahn, once the capital of ihe :ingdom, on a space along the river of jght miles, by two miles deep, there re said to be 9,999; many of them oi reat size and gilded from top to bot- om. The gilding, however, is much Arnished. There are several here AN alleged wit and possibly not-so- much-alleged liar writes to a New York paper that-ho has a relative with a son aorri Feb. 8,1888, at 8 p. M. Tbe child was the eighth child and weighed exactly eight pounds. His father was boru ou Feb. 8, and was married on the same date. To add to the horror of the situation, the writer hints that as tbe boy was pre-eight-ed he will in all probability be crem-elght-ed when he dies, The pa­ per published all this with tbe head­ line: "A W-elgbt-y Matter." There is but one comment to be made on the above: It is simply 8-rocious. New dress goods in serpent blue, tan garnet, green and brown, with surah, velvet and moire for trimmings. Alex­ ander or Foster Kid Glovet) to match suit, material lor wraps In beaded overnet velvet, etc., with jetted trimmings, cut and fitted to order at Ladies' Salesrooms. MRS. IL 8. GBEQOBT. A newly sleeted Congressman said last week, speaking of an old friend who bad voted against blm. "New there's nothing mean about me, for when I saw that fellow suffering with a terrible cougb, I forgave his going back on me and told htm to use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup." Artist's supplies at J.A«»torj,s» '< *r.v ' ' •• ' ^ 4 IAAV nrmn thie Examinations. ioing totally different from the ordinary pat is willing to accept it he should bave fern, having the appearance of noble it--it may prove a stepping stone to Cruciform cathedrals, with windows and something better in the years to come.?reat halls within, and surmounted with -- r, lofty domes and conical spires. Both ON the 25tb of this month Mr. John on our upward and downward voyages A. Mackey will reappear at the Chlca-we anchored opposite this old town. It K go Opera House after an absence of ,ir,"n fV,m" Ave years, in a piece which used to paok tbe theatres of tbe country. "Fop" is its title. This is the piece in which Kate Castleton made her first great hit. Mackev has been for the past five years amusing tbe New York and Boston public, where he Is an ex­ traordinary favorite. The piece is full of pretty music, rollicking humor. and Its casi embraces a large bevy of pretty girls. Tbe engagement Is lim­ ited to one week. Teachers For the purpose teachers I will be at-- I Richmond, March 22dj, Hebron, March 23d. Harvard, March 24th. Woodstock, March Marengo, March 27th. . Examinations will 6ommeoce promptly at 9 o'clock A. Mm and punc­ tuality will be necessary in order to complete the work in one day. LSSTBR BARBER, Co. Supt. Schools. Marengo, March 1st, 1888. THERE are two forms of chronic rheumatism: one In which tho joints are swollen and red without fever, and tbe appetite and digestion good, in the Other the joints are neither red or swollen, but only stifi and painful. In either form Salvation Oil may be re- lied on to effect a cure. It kills pain. Price 25 cents a bottle. * THS coming season of the McOaull Opera Co. at tbe Chicago Opera House, which will begin in three weeks, promises to bs especially brilliant. Owing to £he great desire evinced by tbe people "The Begum" will be the opening piece; this will be followed by the great revival of "Boccaccio" which is at tbe present time packing to tbe doors tbe Park Theatre in Boston. The new version of Boccaocio differs entirely from the past versions of the story in as much as It adheres more closely to the original german text. The full strength of tbe Me- Caull Company will be seen in it. During the season ' Falka" will also be produced with the same cast that made the production a few weeks ago, such a furore in Now York. We have a large line of spring Pants at 11.75, #2,00, «2.SO and $3.00. To tlt« Republicans of MoHonry County. "A plan of campaign" has been given you by the State League, which rtkaj be stated in brief to be the formation of local and county constituent leagues. As a memb«r of tbe execu* tlve Committee of the State League, it Is obligatory upon me to do all In toy powi r to urge and assist iu the or­ ganization of local leagues at once, preparatory to sending delegates to the coflnty convention to be called tn apt time for forming a county league, and as the State Executive Com ml t- < tee are to meet at Springfield on May 1 2d, it is Important that these constit* uent organizations be perfected as early as may be, that your member may report McHenry Cottoty as beard from In working order. It is ray pleasure as we!I as duty to render such assistance as I am able In the formation of constituent leagues, and I may add with assurance, tbe boys will lend a helping band and tongue in the*geod cause. I sm dally expecting a supply of oopies of tbe short form of constitution for local clubs, which will be distributed as ealled for aftoit their arrival. . ^^||ttfS respectfully, ASA WJ SMIT|L Of the Stale Ex.|Jo(a . Woodstock, March 19t£l888. V fQTTlie Presidential outlook from a republican standpoint remains un­ ci) anged. No one candidate is going to tho front very fast, although Senator Sherman is said to be making rapid strides in tbe Souib. The same thing was said In 1880, however, and he was not nominated, and unless be shall develop some strength elsewhere than in the South and in Ohio It if thought he is not likely to fare any bettor this year. 0|fe result of his present prominence is tbat be le being made the target for democratic attack in and out of Congress, all of which Is not. to his discredit. John Sherman may never be President but be will live In history as one of tbe greatest statesmen tbat tbe topubllcan party has produced. Olobe Democrat: , "Thf fact cited by tbe Hon. Warper Miller In bis Springfield speecti that tbe cost of everything most used by the common people Is from 25 to 50 per cent cheaper than it was twenty-five year ago, while wages a?o 50 per cent blither than In any other country, toils the story of the beneAt of protection in a'very striking and conclusive way. It Is by practical results tbat the value of an economic policy can bo determined; and in that respect, tbe protective tariff system of the United States easily takes rank as one of tbe -. ..,va. .«» ». ; EDITOR PLAINDEALBR:--New eot- talns adorn the Billiard Hall; Mrs. Sam Cropper visited frlsndi in town last week. Mr. Hiram Rowe is quite sick at this writing, H,J. Vfneelettehas sold his lotto Frank Torre nee. Drew Stewart, from Elgin, is naak Ing his cousin, L. Z. Pierce, a visit. Miss Rett Van Hoozen, from Green­ wood. is spending a few weeks with her sister. Our three physician are very busy these days. Tbe veritable peddler ha* made bis appearance with other spring birds of proy. Mr. Goddard has been staying some time with his son George. Mr. and Mrs, E. O. Rowe entertained a large party with progressive eushre, Friday evening. Henry Rowe finished collecting and returned his books last week. Thurston Mason will move toUanes- ville soon, where he Intends to work at tbe carpenter trade. Messrs. Frank Rowe, D. A, Clary C. A. Stonn, John Alexander, Chas, Smith, Gelos Blodgett and H. J. Vincelette, were ia Chicago last week attending tbo Mason I e School, The usual number of buildings will be erected this year. E. O. Leach, our boss oarpenter, has work aon- tracted for the entire summer. Mr. Arnold, from Geneva Lake, visited bis friend, J. A. Cooant, last week, and was present at the Liter­ ary Wednesday evening. In some unaccountable manner Mrs. R. Hawley fell to the floor a few days ago, dislocating her shoulder and .sustaining other severe bruises, Walter Scot Stewart went to Jobn- sons Creek, Saturday night, to visit bis brother Harvey, who la telegraph operator at tbat place. Miss Olive Stevens called on old friends here the last of the week. She has lately returned from a visit in the east. Report says, Mr. Hyde has sold bis farm to J. Reynolds and will have an auction of personal property soon, Mr. Robert Benson, from Winne­ bago City, Is v Isltlng friends in this viotaity. He moved from this plaoe to Minnesota about aeventeen years sgo. " Mr. and Mrs. Henry Earle will again take charge of the Hotel.v This will bo welcome news to many who remem­ ber them as a kind and accommodating host and hostess. It Is truly time fo* a Rose and Its companion flower, to put In an ap­ pearance and being attraction, to tbe little Sbop under tbe amblgous sign of Drug Store" on tbe east side of Main The bargain was oonsumated a few days ago, wblob makes W. E Hyde owner of the Hotel. J. F Brown bought out the Livery business of Manor and Reynolds. A short time ago the Genoa school visited Hebron. Last week our school* returned the compliment and spent a pleasant day Nat Genoa. A special (hand) car was chartered, an experi­ enced engineer or propeller, furnished, and about twenty five young ladies and gentlemen boarded tbe, "light-, nlng express," and made the journey at the rate of forty miles an hour,' etbecs^plng by the overland rot^ , Beautiful Easter Cards at J. A, Story, A choice line of w at Besley's, Weet Side. ir.< New Spring styles Roekford Shoes just In at Evansoo's & Co.'s. ^ ? Full line of stationery1 ttt '?• A. Story's. ' ' - New Spring stock of Wall Paper just received at John Evanson Ss Co.'s Go to J. A. Story's for heal grade of Kerosene Oil. EASTER PARTY. Heimer's Hall, At Heimer's Hall, McHenry. 111., Monday evening, April 2d. 1888. Musio, Smith & Roger's Orchestra. Tickets, SOcenta. All are oordlally invited. JOHN HBIMBR, Prop.9 Carpets by 8ampls> Wo shall receive April 1st. a new and select line of samples of all styles and quality of c»rpeis, and shall, from that time until April 15, offer them at lower prices than ever before heard of in this section. If in want of a carpet do not fail to call, as we can, for 15 days, save you big money. JUSTEN BROS. West McHenry. March 20th, 1888. Go to J. A. Story's for drags, medi­ cines, dye stuffs, cigars, drug notions, stationery, etc. Our line of hats In spring styles is complete. STOFFSL & BLAKB. SULKY PLOWS THE BOSS. E. M. Owen A Son have the Big Injun Sulky Plow that Is claimed for it that it beats tbe Dutchman, the Yankee, tbe Norwegian, tho Scandi­ navian. tbe Irishman, and all others. Call and see It and the Dutchman side by side, A boy can handle tbem as well as a man. Light draft, etc. Nev­ er will be undersold, Paints, oils, and varnishes, brushes, eto ; a full line of painter's supplies to bs found at J. A, Story's. For a nice cutaway suit brown or blue go to Stoffel In black, A Blake. SCOTCH COLLEY PUPS FOR SALE. I have a few very fine, full blood Scotch Celley Pups for sale. Call at my residence, one mile West of Mo- Henry, on tbe Woodstock road. H. C. MEAD. Easter eggs, dyes, Easter c%rds, and a variety of Easter Notions at J. A. Story's. Look at the Easter Cards at J. A. Story's. One given with each package of Easter Dyo. SCOTCH TERRIERS, FOR SALE. A few fine Scotch Terrier Pups for sale If called for soon Apply at my residence, East of MeHenrv village. N. Q ENSIGN, Do not forget to call and see E»ster novelties at J. A. Story's. Call and see our stock of spectacles. Don't pay a high price to a traveling stranger when you can get Just as good lor one-fourth the money. Call and be oonvinoed. GEO, W, BESLKT, Gold Paints, Bronze Paints, Silver Paints, eto., at J. A. Story's, You will find a full line of art!it's material at J. A. Story's. Gerham Seeders are ahead of them all. Sold by E. M. Owen A Soc. Easter Egg Dyes for sale at J, A. Story's. Fish of all kinds CHEAP at Stoffel & Blake's. Go to J. A. Story's for best grade of Kerosene Oil. Besley's Worn has no equal. Syrup for ohlldren Cigars at J. A. Story'S. > Call at Mrs. H. H, Nichols for Easter goods. \ A full assortment of Clothing, price from #5.00 a suit up at Stoffel A Blake. Weils A Richardson's butter color for sale at Store. celebrated New Drug All kinds Ladles' and Gent's Pocket books and bags at Besley's Drug store west side, Linseed Oils, Turpentine, Brushes, and all supplies for painters at J. A. Story's.. FOK SALE. % A Targe quantity of Shelled &*n lor sale at Bishop's Mill. Besley's Condition Powders are a great benefit to cows. Increases tbe flow of milk and keeps them healthy. Our 25 cent fTea Is elegant. If It don't please you return it, STOFFEL & BLAKE, Look at beautiful Easter Cards te bo given with each package of Easter Egg Dyes sold by J. A. Story. Besley's Death to Rats la sure and certain. Don't be troubled with these pests ldnger. The custom of sending Easter Cards, is Increasing each year. You will find beautiful cards at J. A. Story's. Farmers, look to your horses. To have them in good trim for spring work use Besley's Condition Powders. The best in the market. Goto Mrs. C. A. Hutson's for milli­ nery goods, and to get your dressmak­ ing done cheap. We guarantee satis­ faction, Call and see the erand display of latest style pattern Hats and Bonnets at Mrs. H. H. Nichols. MIDDLINGS, Corn Meal and Ground Feed at rea­ sonable prices. Call and learn prices at Bishop's Mill. See the latest improved Wheel Pul­ verizer that beats either the knife or solid wheel, at E. M. Owen & Son's Remember and see It before you buy. Go to J. A. Story's for stationery ot <tll kinds. Legal cap, Letter Cap Fool's Cap, Bill. Note, &c.. In great variety. Also latest novelties lu let­ ter and note paper. Call and examine. Believing That a good uew stock of clothing is needed in this pl$pe we have put in a complete line. Call and look It over. Yours truly, . V ' 7 - S T E V E N S A MILLER. **-> t * - Special Notice. We will deliver all Seeds and Ensl lage Corn contracted for with our pat­ rons, on March 15, 16 and 17, without tail, and request all to come on either day prepared as per our agreement. , BONSLETT A STOFFEL. FOR SALE. I offer for sale my house, two lotf and shop, situated in the village of McHenry, cheap for cash. 1? pleasantly located aud a desirable property. For further particulars ctll on the uuderslgned, on the premises E. OABFFNTEB. MoHenry, March 13, 1888, FARM FOR RENT. The undersigned offers for rent what is known as the Kimball farm in tbe town of Burton. Contains 160 acres. 40 acres meadow, 45 acres of plow land and the remainder pasture. Has good house and two barns on tbe premises. Will be rented reasonable for cash rent. Apply to FRANK COLE, 84$ , Spring Grove, 111. ' ' u,Jk I V-.V'V 'i g* * THIS WEBK. Haying decided te continue business In McHenry, I have enlarged my store and put it In better shape than ever before. I bave just been ID tbe city and bought a fine new stock of Milli­ nery and ladies furnishing goods as fine as was ever brought'to McHenry. 1 shall keep first class help in the Mill­ inery and Dressmaking departments and I wish the Ladles of McHenry and surrounding country to call and exam ine for themselves. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS. Don't Exporlmonti You cannot afford to waste time In experiment when your lungs are in danger. Consumption always seems, at first onlj a cold. Do not- permit any dealer to impose upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and colds, but be sure you get tbe genuine. Because he can make more profit he may te]l you he has something just as good or just the same. Don't be deceived, but iusist upon getting Dr. King's New Discov­ ery which is guaranteed to give relief In all throat, lung and chest aflectlous. Trial bottles fre at G. W. Besley's Drug Store. Large bottles fl. A Sound Legal Opinion. E^Balnbrldge Muuday Esq. County Atty., Co,. I'ex. says: "Have used Electric Bitters with most happy re­ sults. My brother also was very low with Malarial Fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medi­ cine. Am satlsfiod Electric Bitters saved his life." Mr, D I. Wlloox, of Horse Cave Ky.. adds a little testimony, saying: He positively believes he would have died, bad it not boon for Electric Bitters. This great remedy will ward off, as well as cure all Malaria Diseases, aud fer all Kidney. Liver and Stomach Disorders stands unequ»led. Price 50 4 fit ; • . . - • SMOKE the MEmpire Cuban," tho best Five Cent Cigar in the «Krot. City residences for sale, AflAtr Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, mr^ • Do you want a pair of Bob Sleighst uo^U you learn mir prices; , '• 11' " * BISHOP CandeeItehW'goMsand the Red Jacket Felt Boots at Bonslett & Stoffel's. , ' Besley's Famous Wnkfint Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett's, A X*. glen s and John Heimer's. > 5$ ' $5 WHEAT WANTED. s" The highest market price la cash will be paid for good Milling Wbeat at tho Fox River Valley R. Notice. To those that want Tubs, Vate.*Hsz Racks,and anything1 in my line of bosf- °®®' Work done on short notice to order. Shop one door South of Law- ius' Store, .... „ too. r. A. HEBSRW. , ; McHenry, Aug. 10,1886. Il-l-ly WHEAT WANTED. • A The highest market price |n cash will be paid tor good Milling Wheat at the Fox River Valley MIIUL MA~ °ry* R. BISHOP/ , Drink Besley's Ale and be healthy and happy Cloaks at your own price. Alee Overcoats, Pea Jackets, Suits, etc., at Bonslett A Slot. - + fel's. . Ail kinds of Story Books for ditldiii ' cheaper than dirt, at Besley's. Lluseed Oils, t urpentine. Brashes. *tory's,UpPl,*sfor p*iaUr* M & Ju Plum-ba-go-ine, the finest, Grease ever used, a new Besley's, Tin-klsh Towels and bordered line* Handkerchiefs on our 5 cent counter* SIOFFEL A BLAKB. G or ham Seeders are ahead of tbem < all. Sold by E. M. Owen A Son. See tbe latest improved Wheel PM- verlzer tbat beats either tbe knife or solid wheel, at E. M. Owen A Bon's. Remember and see it before you buy, School Books and Stationery, nil kinds, at Besley's Drug Store Weil side. Shakespeare's Works, Red Line Edition, for only 91 at Besley's drhr store west side. We sell the well KNOVO Kenosha Craekeias'̂ "1' always fresh. BOHSLKIT A STONRN* ' Besley's celebrated Ale on draught *t John Helmer't. J. Bonslett's and A. Engeln's. The most healthy drink for any weather. Ladles' and Gents' hose and todtt - pare wool, splendid value, at Ew»~ son's closing out sile. 4 - .f •v. , r - ' l •- J The flnnst styles In hanging IftmlW ever seen in this village at Geo. W. Besley's .Vest Side Drug Store. For Flour, Feed, Hay. Ensilage Oorn,Clover Timothy, Millet, etc., see Bonslett A Sto<j^l Our 30 cent Japan Tea is gooi; the SB oenSie laueh better. Try it, BONSLETT A STNR»MT.L Examine tho • new stock Roefcfard 3hoe8 for Men and B»ys, These goods «re reliable aud prices very wiiwniMt -it John Evansoo's A Co.'s SEWING MACHINES. The American No, 7, the Helpmate. Bldredge, New Home, Wheeler & Wil- -<on No. 8, Household, Howe improved* •avis and New York can all bo booHbt •»f O. W, Owen, McHenry, at filets than manufacturers' prioes. Call tJftd •ieo tbem. WHEAT WANTED. Tbe highest market price in will be paid for good Milling W1 it the Fox River Valley Mills, Henry, R. BISHOI WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price in VMH will be paid for good milling wheat U the Fox River Valley Mills, Me- Henry. R, BISHOP. Call in and get measured for a nobby pants at 87. Don't pay 99 end iloL Your choice out of 200 samples. Also have your clothoa altered, fitted and cleaned, as he oao not be beat la doiar a nice job. - B. LAWLPS, Tailor, CARPET WEAVING. " The undersigned Is prepared to weave Rag Carpets on short notice and at Reasonable rates. Resldenoe one Block West of the resldenoe of Wm. Walsh. Orders respectfully so­ licited, and satisfaction guaranteed. ' " MRS. WM. Fowt^i Bucklon'o Arnica 8alv«. ; The best Salve In the world for cute oruiees, sores, ulcers, s^lt rheum, fever sores, tetter, ciiapped hands, chilblains^ corns, and all skin eruptiaus, and posi­ tively cures piles, or no pay required, it is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. Prioe 25 *rts per box. For Bale by G. W» Besley, J FOR SALE. ' A In the village of Ringwood. tho fot- lowlog property • ; One good Dwelling House oontaia* Ing seven rooms, good cellar. On the same lot is a shop 12x32, OQO Story. <tuitable for almost any kind of h*sl* ness. If applied for at once, will sell house separate for 9500. Or will sell house, lot aad shop for 9650, Pemos sion given immediately. Also another house and lot welt located. The house contaius ten rooaat, and there is a good stable aud other outbuildings ou the premises. Will bo sold for #1003 cash. Call on or address WKSL&Y LADI>, 13-18-6m« Rlagwood, 111, j "!T ; i A Special Sale of At Auction Prices. Drab Overcoat Diagonal Silk Faced, only A Custer Fine Beaver A Beaver Square Coat Heavy Twilled Suit Cheap and 6ae Check P&nt9 140 Boys Suits 1.00, 2.0G best 3*7$ Scotch Cap9, d'ble knit, 35 to 40 Leather faced Mittens Undershirts .85 to JM) ^nnrluh HfWfl ftnlv }t kAWUI% " •to front of the R: vers Id* •c: ; ; /. ' . "-y • ' • • "•

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