Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Mar 1888, p. 8

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»" *'f 1 "i ( • I h&iffl1 « " J. - 1 T. U. DIPARTMCNT TO;:' *:<»< • r '^v. -„>%* ' <*> >~*-*\-"C«•»># - .* * i •. •* » F * * jj j ^ s 'j,1 n" * •asps? to* and Mottoes under the above head latooa *y theLwdie*ot DM W.O.*. V. Editor claim* no part or credit for «',«* HI <*.<- •»».,•»•« •ygf; J, ;_*, • SSKS GENERAL MERCHANTS fMcHenry, Illinois. now receiving a full assortment ot Since adopting the cash system our customers are >more than pleased with the • . -r; who cannot find happiness to §• not likely to And It anywhere. ••Mrty-elght p«r cent of the arrest* |tt Kansas City are for drunkenness, id yet the^ltceose fee there is $845. """", license Is an excellent solution of question, How not to do it. "It is many years since I altogether fcbendoncd the use ot all forms of alco­ holic drinks in the treatment of di­ sease, and with positive benefit to my patients," writes N. S. Davis, of Chl- Oftfe, to the president of the Maryland State Temperance Alliance. The Austin W. C. T. U. supports a Watering trough on West Madison Street. A boy stands with a cup and pails ready to serve farmers and their horses with "Adam's Ale." The saloon people have several times destroyed Ihelr outfit and broken the water pipes, but the White Blbboners are Hot easily disheartened, and pails are Cheap and plenty. <=t GO H -BHX&D8&3 OF-- MORGAN HORSES, % ' . m Short Horn. " Bid Foiled Angus, And Jersey Cattle. BilLsid# Farm, . ;# . West McHenry, III. Our Morgan Stock is all pure bred, and Originated from the best Morgan sto jk in tbe United States. Old Gifforrt Morgan, who stands at the head ef our Stock, is one ot the best bred Morgan twraes in tbe country, and can show more and better all purpose colts than any other horce in the West. We Invite the inspection of our stock by . hiraemen and all lovers ot fine animals. * A few full blood Morgan Colts and young btoeflc f°r S*le' A'®° one ma'ched team, full £n Uattle we have the full blood Short Horn Wuit hweare crossing with the Red Polled Angus and therefore instead of sawing off the ;»»m>« are breeding them off and with Isueeess, A tew Heifers and Bulla, both pure bre<^ 4l>ort Horns and the cross above mentioned •male. J- R- taylor 4t Sons. *•»« McHenry. DU. Feta, S7th. UK AXE TOBACCO. * • i > p o H >: z & 6 V 4 o o •"0 H CN H O o To be found at. our store. Baying and selling for Ca«h enables us to discount former prices, and yr® are our customers the benefit thereof. We have now, in every department, a finer line of Goods than ever before, and invite a careful inspection by the buying public, confident that by so doing you will GROCERIES, ts, Timesfe WITH THE v ' :'fev': BEST AND NEWEST GOODS, ii h we shall offer at as Low Prices as is consistent with hon­ est, upright, square dealing, which shall be our aim in all our transactions, iiy thus doing we hope to merit and receive a liberal share ot your esteemed patronage which is most respectfully So­ licited. STOFFEL & BLAKE. , u«») We are confident we can please you both in quality and price* In short we Defy Competition in any and all departments. * J^PGive tie a Call before Purchasing. Mcenry, III., January 18, 1888. ALTHOFF BROS V. SHEPARD, OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MILL, McHE>ltY - . ,1 LLINtUS. DEALER IN----- SflELF Hi BUI BUM o ^ Parker's v SPAVIN CURE IS CmEQVALEll as an application to horse* for the cure ot Spavin, Rhea* matism, Splint, Navicular JolntH, and all severe Lame­ ness, also for track tue when reduced. Price 91.00 per bottle?- Sold by druggists. Btron^ twtt- monlals on application. - E. VV. BAKER, C 8ole Proprietor, ASTRIM, S. H. Trade supplied by JAB. E. Davis ft Co., Detroit, Mich.; Peter Van Botinack & Sons, Chicago, Til ; Meyer Bra's *Co.,8t. Louis, Ma P. HAUPERlSCH, Coal and Wood Cooks, Small and Large Wood Parlors,^Elegant Coal Heaters.' - We have one of tbe £*JU'~ ... ves -DEALER IN fit, KINDS OF- Largest Stocks 6 IN MCHENRY COUNTY. Over sixtjr stoves from which to make a selection, la short everything in the Hardware, Stove and Tin line can bo fonnd at our Store. Come one and all und examine our Goods and learn Prices. To the Fanners of ficHenry County and Vicinity : I am now prepared to show a new and clean absortment ot' Agricultural Implements second to noue in the county and at prices that lam confident will pay you to investigate betore mak mg your purchases. * BAKER-CO MAKK I t , MoIIonry, . . Illinois. I have now on hand a lot of Top Buggies Spring Wagons, Lumber Wagons, all of my own make, which I will sell at, Prices, If you want to own the best, behold it here, finely finished, wel proportioned, light running, durable, superior quality, unexcelled Do you <vant a wagon? If so examine the Bishop before you buy, TURF & STUBBLE PLOWS) Pulverizers, both disk and knife, Prairie City Seeders, Prairie City Drills, Harrows, all kinds, Sulky Plows, wood and iron Pumps, for deep and shallow wells, platform spring Wagons, combination Wagons, fine Carriages, all kinds, that will bear close inspection, manufactured by the Watertown Spring Wagon Co., of Watertown N. Y„ who carry a three years stock, enabling them to season wel their goods before placing them on the market. Truly Yours, RICHARD BISHOP. And warrant them No. 1 in evprv par­ ticular. If yon want a .bargain in tills line o*ll on me. 1 also do a General Blacksmithing Baslnes*, and will do your work in the best . of manner and with the least possible delay. ALIRIJN G iilk' ,i WATERS Ml® Also the Celebrated ^ Garland Stoves and Ranges The Prize]and Black Acorn, Unlrvesal, Sterling, and Others. AJSD Promptly Attended To. 1 H. V. SHEPARD. McHenry,'Sept. 7th, 1887. ~i N- 1 BOOTS AND SHOES [ FELT BOOTS AND OVERS. Kip and Brain Wool Unod Boota, Bubbir and Gum Boots Men's, Women's Misses & Children's Buckle Arctics High Sutton ArQtics, And Warm Goods of all kinds, These goods will be sold so low that it will pay you to come from all ever McHenry County to trade with me. N. W. H. DWIGHT, Woodstock, III. -House Established in 1866. WEST SIDE Of all kia<!» prcmpt[y attended to. Call and : MMM Cttv. sausaaIJL I™ . * • P* HAUPERlSCH. McHenry. Sept 28, 1887. 'vCail «otl «ee our stock of Dou't pay a high price to a traveling •Iranger when you enn got Jjgt as BEFOBE BKEEDIK8 TOUR MAKES •end for eataloeue and illustrated circular giving p e d i g r e e s a n d 4 % d e s c r i p t i o n o f seven gtalllona • 111*•• If you breed a mare at all it A I 1 111 IE pays to breed to the best. W I W w 1% Fees very low terms liberal. Visitors welcome Hi flft week days. Come and see colts L by the stallions, and tbe other _ etock but send your address now • • WATERS STOCK FARM. 6EHOA JLTNCTIOFF, WIA. SURFACE V CULTIVATION • ICOOi] lor one-teurth the ui;tit y. Call I lncreaBes T'eld of corn aObn. per aeretn many c**ea. - - - -- -- gf»«t bv 1 K*perliuentg in this mode of culttTatlon, at Iowa imd H» convlnoed. GEO, M Mm* W«*t Side Drag Score. M.f 1U llilH UIUUV VI VUlllTBUVUi •• M rsi.ET, | State Aifrtcultural ( olie«e. Uhutrated, sent free. 8AN0WICH ENTERPRISE CQ., Sudwich, III. SIBLEY'S #|*TE8TED» OEE iplem'i l>y nail >n ippllcatlon. Dont neglect wrtting for tt> HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ROCHESTER, N. V. CMICASO. ILL. 823-tan.xateit la-us.cuaiL L. S. L11C0LH, P*op. Having recently rciitted my Restaurant, near the Depot, in first class style, I am now prepared to accommodate the public with Warm or* Cold Meals, At all hours of the day or evening. Hot Ooffue or Ten on live minutes notice. / A FULL STOCK OF Bakers' Supplies A LW A Y S O* HAND. Choice Fruits, of All Kinds, IN THEIR SEASON. L. D. LINCOLN. Weat MoHenry, May Slfft. >®7« H. FISH) Practical Fianter aid Decorator HEBRON, ILL. y > l," i.i i paction of tbe same. It Vfill be our aim BP OUR STOCK West McHenry # . - DEALER IN SHELF AND OETffOt Stoves, Tin, Coppey And Sheet-Iron Ware Opme^and see our Galvanized Iron Kerosene Tanks, that we make onraelves, th«t vi ^ The ClmwhSffivfllHay Carrier, with Tracks, Hangings, floor Hooks and Pulley*. 11^ best In the market. Call and see it. FUiiii zism of stovbis hold For both coal and wood, of the best makes, alwajs on hand. In short I will keep everything 111 the H ardware line, to be found in McHenry county. Do not fail to call when in want ot anything in my line and see what can be done. I have employed a nrst class Tinner, and all , JOBIt l XO AND H-EFAIKIKQ Yf ill be done on short 'notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A specialty of Butter Factory work. A share of public patronage respectfully solicits " ? • i,-^r.rF.:'BTiivENg. 1 HEN11Y*" --DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILIt Toilet PURE WINES AM XI<|irOBS« FOR MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hant^ PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. McHenry, December 28tb, 1887. G. W* BESLEY Are You Going to Build If so do not fail to get an estimate on your Lumber from « mm ijihbbr win,' i Near the Depot. West McHenry, Illinois. Our stock of Lumber, of all kinds, is the most complete of any and we are prepared to offer to th« public Decorating, Paper-Hanging, .CALCJMININQ, QRAININQ, Ac Done oil abort notice and satis Awtlon guaran­ teed. Call on or address, H. FISH. Hebron.lIlL, May »d, 1887. Farmers if you need any goods W& have no ||pfy> bring wood. • E, LAWLUS. r Th« Best Quality of lutbw, --AT THE--- LOWEST LIVING PRICES- I, UUV1UI """""I Casing, Door ancl Winclov Frames-Ready Maie-alvays 01 Hail Also the Best Brands of BarbCWireJ e shall kee.) our stock, complete at all times and spare no pun to .^commodate all wh > may favor us with their patronage. WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY i C, H. GRANGER, Manager

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