WEDNESDAY, MARCH ?8, 1888, Railroad Time Table. .Taking effect Sept 19th, traina will pass McHenry Station dally, eaeept Sundays, aa fellows: OOINO SOUTH. Lake Uenava Paaaenger Lake Geneva Express Lake Genera Freight Lake Genera Paaaenger OOTWO WORT*. Lake Geneva Freight Lake Genera Pasaenger Lake Jenera Express Lake Geneva Paaaenaer ....7:28 A. M 8:22 " 2:00 r. M . ..8:98 •• ....••11 a. M 9:52 •• 4:86 P. II 7:00 " B. Buss, Agent. McHenry, 111 MASONIC. UOHVHKT LODGE, NO. 158 A. F, and A. KL-- Regular Communication# the second and fearth Mendaya in each month. J. VAK SLTKB , W. M. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second and Laat Tuesday evening of each month. Neighbors COT liaUy invited. Church Directory* MBTHODIST EPISCOPAL OMURCH. Preaching every Sabbath, merning and even- in* At Ringtcood, at 2:30 P. K. Crowd in and worship with as. "Murines* tone for Eternity. HARDY E. WYCKOFF, A. B., Pastor. UNIVEBSALIST CHUECH. Ices every Sunday morning, and every Brat and third Sunday evenings In each nonth. A cardial welcome ia extended to every one to jein us in our worship. Our Mott*--Study to know the truth. Ex amine--Reflect--"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.*' 1 RBV. II. SLADB. Pastor. Announcements. IPOE STATE'S ATTOBXjB^t. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of State's Attorney, subject to the approval of the Republican Convention of the County. ^ ^ ELLSWORTH. Dated February 27th, 1888, FOB STATE'S .ATTORNEY. t hereby announce myself as a candidate far the office of State's Attorney, subject to the approval of the Republican Convention of this county, A. B. COON, J It. MaieDgo, ill,, Feb. 22d, 1888. FOB STATE'S ATTORNEY. I desiie the nomination as Republican can dldate for the office of State's Attorney, such candidacy subject to the decision of the Re publican County Convention. A. W. YOUNG, TOWN MEETING OD Tuesday next! CORPORATION ELECTION on Tuesday, April 17th. See netice elsewhere In this paper. READ the new advertisement of Bonslett & Stofiel, to be found In an other column. WE understand the McHenry Mili tary Band propose to give a dance sometime about April particulars next week. 12th. Full THE Elgin Driving Park Association has decided upen June 6, 6. and 7, as the dates for their opeoln'g and spring meeting. THE report that Frank Sayles. of r Fox Lake. was frozen to death In a Dakota blizzard proves not to be true. He has been in Chicago since he was in Dakota. HON. A. J. HOPKINS will accept our thaaks for a copy of the Memorial Ad* dress en the Life and character et Hon. Joha A. Logan, delivered in the Heuse o€ Representatives. WE learn that the next Lecture of the Course will be given at Good Templar's Hall, oa Friday evening ol this week, the 39th, by Rev. Clenden- ning, of Elgin. We have not learned the subject. THERE will be a Seelal dance, at Riverside Hall, in this village, oo Friday evening. April 6th. Music, Smith A Rogers' Orchestra. Tickets 50 eents. Tickets will>e issued In a few days. THE daughter of Geo. Overocker. who we noticed last week as getting burned by her clothes catching Are. died this Wednesday morning. She has euflered terribly the past week and 1 oe doubt death came as a relief. we / *h< (las b'-m WE understand that Postmaster 'Walsh,ef West McHenry will immedi* ately com me nee * the erection ef a building, just east of Stevens A [Miller's store, to be occupied as a 'Post Office and Harness Shep. FITZSIMMONS A HENDERSON IS the oanse ef the new firus who will open a general Mercantile business about May 1st, to the stere new occupied bj the West McHenry Post Offloe and ^Valah's Harness Shop* THE body of Mrs. Ileal, daughter ol Robt. E. Stanley, of Fox Lake, arrived here on the 10 A. M. train en Monday from Rocfcford,at which place she died quite suddenly a few days since. The funeral was held at the Methodist church, and her remains intered in Woodland Cemetery. AT a special meeting of Star Ledge No. 64,1.0. G, T., on Tuesday evening It was decided to postpone the tem peraoce lecture by Rev. H. Slade, to Tuesday evening, April 3rd. All In terested will bear this In mind, Tues day evening, April 3rd, at Good Templar Hall. All are Invited. Prof. L. Galitzki, the well known graduate optician, will make Hebron an#ther visit on Thursday, the 29tb, when be oan be consulted at John Brown's from 8 A. M. to 2:30 p. M., not later. Prof. L. Galitzki met with a great success during his last visit. All those in need of glasses will do well to call In time. THE first grand opera of the year seen in Chicago will be at the Chicago Opera House in a few weeks when the fall strength of the National Opera Company will appear In the repertoire Aylvla and all of the prominent mem bers of the company will appear and Y.YR' vwij PERSONAL. MRS. S. B. HANLKT, of Chicago, was calling en friends here last week. MRS. JAS. B. PERRT visited with friends In Elgin, last week. MRS. J. P, GOING returned from her visit to Chicago, ou Thursday last. R. HOLLEY spent a few day* with friends in Chicago, last week. Miss LURA OWEN IS spending this week in Elgin, visiting with Miss Mary Curtis. CHAS. GOING, of Chicago t was call ing on friends here on Friday and Saturday. Miss MAY WIGHT*AN has been visit- leg with friends in Elgin, the past week. I$KRT DARLING was rejoicing over he arrival of a daughter at his heme ast Friday. J. B. STONE, of Richmond, was a pleasant caller at our sanctum this morning. ^ MRS. H. E. WIGHTMAN and daughter* Clara, are visiting With friends In Elgin, this week. S. S. SHEPARD and wife, of Birre- ville, spent Sunday with the family of 6. V.Shepard, in this village. Miss LUCY MCLEAN went to Baraboo, Wis., on Monday, where she will make her hope with the family of A. G. Locke. MRS. A. N. TRIPP, of Belvldere. has been visiting with her mother, Mrs. L. 'Stoddard, in this village, the past week, A. B. COON. JR., of Marengo, was on our streets on Saturday last. Mr. Coon ia a candidate for State's Attor ney. ADAM LEIUHTNER and family, who have been spending the winter at Fox Lake, have again moved Into their residence in this village. BE home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. iger, at So. Evanston, was gladden- d on F rlday of last week by the arri val of a little daughter. So says the Waukegan Patriot. Mrs. Yager was formerly Miss Jennie Searles, of this .111 age. MRS. HARRIET HOLMES, mother of Mrs. O. W. Owen, is very sick, and at this writing but little hopes are enter tained of her recovery. She is passed SO years of age. THERE will be an Esster and Com munion Service at the Universalis' church next Sunday morning, and in the evening Easter doings by the Sunday School, iu the way of a Concert, assisted by others. THE calls for the Republican Con gressional and County Convention can be found in another place in this paper. The former Is to be held at Geneva, III., April 19tb, and the latter at Woodstock, April 14th. We shall have more to say in relation to them next week. * SEE the new advertisement the Home Bakery, to be feuud iu another column. Messrs,. Barbee A Layton have their salesroom and Bakery fixed up in a neat and tasty manner, and are furnishing Bread, Cakes and Pies of a quality not to be surpassed any where. We predict for them a libera) patronage. THE Illinois llsh law, between the 15th day of February and the 15tb day of June, makes it unlawful to capture black, green, silver or white bass, pike, pickerel, salmon, jack salmon, land- lock salmon, croppy or green bass, sun dsh, sun perch, or other fish commonly known as game (iili, in any way except vlth hook and line. THE M. 0. T. A. will meet In Roam 86, ef the Woodstock school building at 10:30, Saturday, March 31, '8S. PROGRAMME, , I Schoel Government-- General DlSCUBHion, led by Prof. Grimes, Nunc!#. Intermission. 8 Examinations P. H. Bert, Marengo Discussion led ty Mist* Alice E. Biakoslee Woodstock, 3 History.....Miss Florence Sessions, Nunda 4 Science in the ll*gli School Miss A<1die Gochey. Marengo Discussion leii by Mrs. F. B. Kale, Wood stock. 5 German in the Public Schools, C.W. Harf, Algonquin Discussion led by L. Barber, Marengo. ROBSON & CRANE, after an absence of nearly eighteen months, will shortly make their reappearance at the Chi cago Opera House in their famous comedy by Bronson Howard, entitled. The Henrietta, which has run in New York during the entire season to standing room every evening. It if conceded by all who have witnessed the plajjr that it Is the finest comedy yet written by an American, and the two comedians, Rebsou A Crane, are fitted with parts such as they have never before had. WE were told a few days since, »tbat there was no way in which a man could invest money here so that It would pay interest. We find the fol lowing suggestion in an exchange. "The market for canned goods is as llmitlesss as the world itself, the pro lit Is good, and the product of an acre far in excess of ordinary grains. Corn cut and canned while green, gives to the farmer $25 per acre, while if al lowed to ripen it Is allowed 99 per acre. An acre of tomatoes, with a canning factory in the neighborhood, is worth 875. An acre of raspberries will return the farmer $200. A can ning plant costing only 93,000 will put up 3,000 caas of tomatoes, and 5,000 caus of corn per day, and provide a pay roll for women and children, ol from 9100 to 1200 per day." if it pays the raisers ot the produce so well, It ought to pay the factory owner Baby Bunting Again. One of the greatest literary bits ol the season is the story of Baby Bunt ing; or, the Alphabet of Love" by Laura Jean Libbey, which is at pres ent being published in the columns of the New York Family Story Paper. The paper containing the opening chapters of this wonderfully popular romance appeared on the news stands this morning. The tremendous rush for that number by the youug ladies of the town shows clearly that the publishers have struck a bonanza. The Family Story Paper is for sale by all newsdealers, or will be sent to any address four months, postage free, for 91. Norman L. Munro, publisher, 24 and 26 Vandewater Street. New York. E. A. MURPHY A Co., ot Wosdstock, 111,, have secured the services, for the coming spring millinery trade, of Mise Emma Richcr, who Is considered one of the best designers In Illinois. Their stock of goods for ladles' bead- gear Is elaborate and choice, and with in expert milliner to do the work, there is no need of the ladies going elsewhere to buy their hats anil bon nets. This firm has aiwass stood at the bead in this line of tiade and does not propose to be left' iu the r ice thit* season, Ladies, go and examine. GEORGE ABBOTT, who lives this side of Woodstock, passed through here the 16Lh lust., with a number ot Polled Angus or Aberdeen cattlc, com prising oue bull and six heifers, which he had purchased of Anderson A Fin- ley, ot Lake Forest. Mr. Abbott makes this cattle breeding a specialty, and has a fine herd on bis farm. WHEN yon hear a, man sneering at the local paper you oan safely bet that be doe«n't squander his wealth in making them better but that, gener ally, the papers have done mere for him than he has for them. The maa who cannot see the benefit arising to a town from its newspapers hasn't got as much sense as a cove oyster, and he IB of about as much value to a town as a ten year old delinquent list. SUPERVISORS Coon, Granger and Garrrison, a special committee of our County Board, are in Chicago to-day before the Cook County Board ef Commissioners, having a hearing in the Dacy matter, It will be remem^ bered that our county was put to an expense of over-three thousand dollars in Dacy's case, Cook County so far has only allowed $840. In Repayment, The committee seek a fuller reimburse* ment for our oounty. EASIER services will be observed in the M. E. Church, morning and even ing. An interesting missionary con cert wlll>be given in tbe evening by the Sunday School. Let the efforts of the Sunday School be appreciated by a crowded house, THERE will also be an Easter Social at tbe parsonage on Saturday evening of this week. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all. construction of the Soothill Brothers, PLAIN, white and embroidered tuck- WIIT be one „F the tlnest in town, log by the yard, tucked and figured * QUR enterprising young merchant, skirtings, extra fine figufft) cream ^ Cristj, Is also about ready to EDITOR ^jTTxoK^EK^-Our proph etess is mistaken I think in an early spring. Our butcher, J, Dermoot, H doing a good business. Miss Olive Stevens spent a lew days of ilast week and the week before calling on friends at Hebron and Genoa. Mr. F. L. Carr, of Todd's Seminary, Woodstock, made us a short visit on Saturday last. Mr. Edwin Lumley arrived home from Dixon last week, where be has been attending school-the past winter. Mrs. J. W, Grltuolby has been enter taining cempaiy from Wauconda the past two weeks. Miss C, L. Robblns, of Chicago, was calling oo frleiids here Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Miss Mary Ladd has been on tbe sick list, but ib reported better. Our school opened for the spring term a week ago Monday with a good attendance. Oeo. Spauldlng and family, have [moved Into town to live. [ A few of oar young people attended the calico party at McHeery last week and report a good time. Mr. Yernie Nickle who hais been at tending school at Evan°ton, is bottle on a two weeks vacation. W. W. Cristy arrived home from Valparaiso, Ind, one day last week, where be has been attending school the past year. His smiling face may be seen behiud the counter In tbe future. Walter says he had the measels. /Mr. A. L. Francisco and Mr. Walter ^Waterman, with two car loads of farming implements and stock, leave this Tuesday for their new home near St. James. Minnesota. 'f The bouse that has been in progress /the past week for F, Hall 1s completed knd Frank is one ef ye happy men. V Our Ex Dr. Sootbill^Ue of Harvard, and Brother are weik putting up a new residence for our depot agent Harrison, on his lot on Michigan Avenue. When completed under the grenadines at 75c, worth 92.59 per yard, hand made lace, neck ties at one ihird their usual value, rubbers, cor sets, lacee, etc., at Ladies Salesroom, Maa. H. s. GBBOOBT. SETTLEMENT NOTICE. Having sold out my Meat Market I hereby give notice to all those Indebt- ed to me to call and settle without de lay, as my books must be closed. My books can be found for the present at tbe Market. T. B, Tu^fili. MCBENRT, March S7th, 1888^ T have a residence put up, wbfch, wheo completed will be a credit to tbe tewn. A few more of these 9300 lote left For particulars apply ut No. 90 Me tropolitan Block J, G. C. & Co. real •state agents. Quite a number of our young people are sick with the measels. Among the man? are Cbas. Thompson, who has been rolling in glory the pas, two weeks, but Is able to be out again jtad will soon we hope be able to r«- 'inoM bis former duties,; MARENCO. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--HOW do von do? It has been some time since Ma rengo was represented In your columns and we make bold tQ otter our com munication, hoping that your old cor* respondent will take no oflence, wher ever be may be. Our weather prophets must be hi bernating about now. They had bet* ter attend a little closer to regulat ing the weather or they will be minus their position. Zero weather plus blizzard plus snow equals mighty un comfortable time to be out. Will Hutchinson took a trip to Min> nepota last week and was snowbound in a regular Northern blizzard. Ho came home Saturday evening as smil ing a6 ever. The Marengo Pickling Co. have stopped making contracts for cucum bers for the coming season, having contracted all that they think they will be able to iia»idle. Who'll be tbe next? We mean by tbis, who'll be the next to oiler him self a candidate for some one of the tewn or corporation offices. There is room for all in the first heat, but ol course you can't all "get there" Mr. Wheeler closed his schopl at Union last Tuesday. We uoderstanA that he la not going to. tea^h through the spring term. Mr. Richardson closed a successful term of school at the Dake school- house a week ago Friday. Mr. R., we think, is a new teacher in this vicinity, and we are glad to note his success. Mr. Jason Marks closed a year's school In the Evergreen District, Sen eca, a week ago Friday. This is the largest country school in McHenry County, but we learn that Mr. Marks well sustained the reputation ho had earned as a thorough, practical tvaob- er. Our merchants are rejoicing In a better trade dllice tax-paying time Is past--more goods sold and more cash taken in. That is good. The weather has changed. As we go to post to d3posit our communica tion, a steady warm rain Is In progress aud as showers bring flower;, we are content. Quite a number of the Modern Woodmen of this place drove dowu to Garden Prairie last Sunday to partici pate, with the Belvldere camp, in the funeral services of Timothy Davey. the young man who was killed at Bel videre last Friday, while doing duty as brakeman on a freight train. The ceremonies as conducted by tbe Wood men were solemn and Impressive, and notwithstanding the cold, driving storm which prevailed, nearly a hun dred members of the order assembled to pay their last tribute of respect and love for their departed neighbor, and to extend their sympathy to tbe be reaved ones and shire in the sorrow, which, like a dark cloud, so suddenly feUij^pi their pathway A. X. ALCONOUIN- [Noi^bu--Persons in Algott<nuu ami vicin- itv, knowing chemseivcM iuaoUieil lor the .I'LAINI)* AI.KU OHR letwn ot' aiffyunt by calling on John Helm, who fh aullKxized to receive inonov ami rocoipt for tne same, in oar name. Those wialnag to Subscribe can leave uieir names at lus store. Call on ibim ami get a aauijjle copy.J EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Died, March 19th, 18SS, Miss Tina Stewart, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs James Stewart. Toe deceased was born April 3d, 1861, The funural services were held at the Congregational church , on Thursday morning, at 10,30 A. M. Mr. Ferris of Dundee conducted the funeral ••ervicea. The remains were iutered at the Dundee Ceonetery, Miss Tina was a member of the Congregational church, a most lovely girl aud an afiec- tienate sister. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and family have the sympathy of their many friends, this boing tbe second time they have been ualled upon to mourn the loss of a dearly beloved daughter within three months. D. W. Thomas shipped his draught horses to Chicago on Monday of last week. J. C. Ford, of Seward, Nebraska, is here trying to sell his firm, sltutted two miles west of town. ' Jas. L. Johnson, of Chicigo, a brother of John Johnson of tbis place, ca ne out on Tuesday of last week to attend the funeral of Tina Stewart. Mrs Nicol and Mrs. Craig, of Chicago attended tbe funeral of Mies Tina Stewart on Tuesday of last week. At Wm. Morton's auction sale, o f a carload of m'lch cows, on Friday ef of last week, cows sold on an average of $36,07 per head, Ennault \ Tenoak are putting In a tubular well for Joe Wienke, on his town lot. ,TheX b*v® secured the services Andersen to assist them. Algonquin Carnp^M. W. A. have re ceived an invitation from Silver leaf Camp, of Elgin, to, attend a Banquet given by thelrtcam^ on the evening ef April 6th. - Miss Blake, of Chicago, has been visiting friends here for the past two weeks. Dr. Nason's brother, from Chicago, visited with him on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Died, March 22nd, infant §on of Wm. Rattary Jr. Wm. GUzier, of Chicago,Is visiting here with Esq. Philp. Mrs. John Miller is quite sick with pneumonia. Word was received on Friday of last week announcing tbe death ot Mr. S. S. Chandler^at Uarnett, Kansas, where he has been residing with bis daughter Mrs. Gardner, since the death of Mrs. Chandler Ia3t fall. Chas. Wandraek captured a wild goose on Friday ol last week. Hugh Barnes, of Huntley, shipped a car load of stock from here to Chicago on Saturday last. The Chicago Telephoie Company are going to put an office In Heltu'e Hardware store about April let. Wm. Julian expects to go to Maple Fftrk to xili lbs fsotory of Oatmsn Bros, about April ISth. Wo are all very sorry to have his family leave this place as they are very pleasant neighbors. Wot, Morton shipped * car load of stock to Chicago on Monday of this week* Mrs. C, E. Miller sold her household goods at auction on the 13th, Mrs. M. and daughter Eva. started for Crook, Col., where they intend making their future home. Cbas. Wandrtofcv bought Jlmmle Lynch's barn at thffv cheese factory. Be took It down and jre-erected it on hls,lot on Chicagbs^N Tbe families ef E. H. and L. Benson shipped their goods from here to May- wood on tbe 16th, where they intend making their future home. Mrs J. A. Sherwood, who has been spending tbe winter with friends in Michigan returned home for a few days last week. Fred Netzbandt bas bought a lot of James Hubbard, opposite the German Luihern Parsonage, where he Intends building a residenoe this spring. Good for Fred. ^ The families of Vic Enault and Tank Marshall have moved Into tbe Fred Perry heuse on the bill side. Wm. Ogbln is finishing oil the rooms over his ware bouse and they will be occupied by E Sinnott when finished, For Sale. Stock of Millinery and fixtures fo sale cheap. Good location. Only Mill-- iaery store in place. Cause sickness. Call on or address. L. L. GRAFTON, Algonquin 111. 37-Im «* A Boy eighteen yeatt ottf. strong, healthy honest, and wilting, wishes a good home on a farm. Will make my self useful for one year for board and olothing, Please address Mrs LaMoitt. 3021 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chioago 111. Top fiat. FOR SAttXL One Bay Mare coming 3 years old, well broke, 1 black colt two yoars old. also well broke, 1 bay celt one year old, for sale cheap, inquire of O.W.OWEN, McHenry, III. j -------- \ Order your new spring Hat or Bon-* net tor Easter of Mrs. Hutson's, One and two-man read carts« three styles at E. M. Ow^n A Son's. See them before you buy. Also some second hand carts, low Ladies Muslin Underwear at grfat bargains at Evanson's. FOR SALE OK REEPF, Fourteen acres of good land, situat ed within a mile of the village of Mc Henry. There is a good house, barn and other outbuildings. Also a good well of water. Terms reasonable. Apply on the premises of R. AYLWARD. Go and see E. L awl us' velvet finish ed Corduroy pants, very cheap. The Prairie City Seeders are the strongest and best made machine for sale. R. BISHOP. "Carrv the news to Hannah," that tbe best place, to buy Ladies Fine Shoes is at Althoff Bros. , LI VERT STABLE FOR SALE. Having other business to attend to I ofler my Livery Stock, at what Is known as the Waverl; House Livery Barn, Woodstock, for sale at a Bargain It is one of the best stables in the County, and has a big paring pitrou- a;e. Rigs ail new. Call on our ad dress. WIC. QUINN. WOODSTOCK, Maroh 27 th, 1888, New Spring Millinery goods ID al the latest styles at Mrs. C. A. Hutson's COWS FOR SALE. The undersigned has for sale four choice new milch Cows, with calves by their side. Inquire on my farm 2} miles east ef McHenry, on the Fox Lake road. JOHN A SMITH. A GENTLE TIP. Remember 920 buys one Ton of straight Corn Meal at Bishop's Mill. Those Prairie City Feeders are a spendid machine and are sold at bottom prices at Bishop's Warehouse Every thing In the Implement line can be found at Bishop's Warehouse. Call and examine. Prices lew, 5 pounds extra good roasted, ground or greeu Coflae onlyil, at Evanson's. Choice California Dried Fruits of nearly every description at.reasonable prices at Evanson's. See the English Satlne corset at 75c, worth 91.00. See our bargains IQ table cloths and scrimb cloths. Look us over for Wall Papor, ceiling decorations and borders. We still sell the Fargo box-tip shoes; warranted. Buy your seeds of us as we carry a full-line. "Our Leader" tobacco at 30 oents a pound. It cannot be beat. Examine our boots, and rain ooats; way down. Clothing! Clothing! largest variety; lowest prices. Buy the correct style Hats of 04; very cheap. Our Groceries are always fresh and cheap. BONSLETT A STOFFEL. Cheap Land Excursions. To enable all parties Interested to make a trip to the country reached by the Chicago A Northwestern Railway system, and famlliaiize themselves with the splendid opportunities offer ed for settlement and Investment, that company will run a series of cheap land excursions during the months of March, April, May, and June. Tickets for these ex'mrsijns will be sold from all principal stations to various points in Iowa. Minnesota. Dakota and Nebraska, at tbe very low rate of one fare for the round trip, and will be good for return pas sage at any time within thirty days from date of sale. For full particulars apply to agenta of the C. A N, W. Ry. or write E P, Wilson, General Pas senger Agent. Chicago. 34eow7w If you want to see tbe fioest stock of Fine Shoes at the lowest pricei. call *1 Althoff BROE. Artist's supplies at J. A. Story's?" Beautiful Easter Cards at J. A, Story, Call at Mrs. H. H, Nichols for Easter goods. Full line of stationery A. Story's. _______ v A full assortment of Clothing, price from $5.00 a suit up at Stofiel A Blake. Wells. Richardson & Co.'s Butter Color for sale by J. A. Story. For a nfce cutaway suit in black, brown orWue goto Stofiel & Blake, Wells A Richardson's celebrated butter color for sale at New Drug Store. All kinds Ladies' and Gent's Pocket books and bags at Besley's Drug store west side. Our line of bats In spring styles is complete. STOFFEL A BLAKE. Linseed Oils. Turpentine, Brashes, and all supplies for painters at J, A. Story's. P FOR SALE. A Urge quantity of Shelled Corn for sal* It Bishop's Mill. Besley's Condition Powders are a great benefit to cows. Increases the flow of milk and keeps them healthy. Paints, oils, and varuishes, brushes, etc ; a full line of painter's supplies to be found at J. A. Story's. Easter eggs, dyes, Easter cirds, aud a variety of Easter Notions at J. A. Story's. Our 25 cent Tea is elegant. If it don't please you return It, STOFFEL A BLAKE, Look at beautiful Easter Cards to be given with each package of Easter Egg Dyes sold by J. A. Story. * Besley's Death to Rats I* sure and certain. Don't be troubled with these pests longer. The custom of sending Easter Cards, Is increasing each year. ASTOU will find beautiful cards at J. A. btory's. Go to J. A. Story's for drags, medi cines, dye stutts, cigars, drug notions, stationery, etc. Farmers, look to your horses. To have them In good trim for spring work use Besley's Condition Powders. The best in the market. V Look at the Easter Cards at J. A. Story's. One given with each package of Easter Dye. - Call and sen the erand display of latest style pattern Hats and Bonnets at Mrs. H. H. Nichols. We have a large line of spring Pants at 91.75,92.00,92.50 and $3.00. STOFFEL A BLAKE. MIDDLINGS, Corn Heal and Ground Feed at rea sonable prices. Call and learn prices at Bishop's Mill, See the latest Imaroved Wheel Pul verizer that beats either the knife or solid wheel, at E. M. Owen & Son's. Remember aud see it before you buy. WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price in cash will be paid for good Milling Wheat at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc Henry. R. BISHOP. SCOTCH COLLET. PUPS FOR SALE. I have a few very fine, full blood Scotch ('elley Pups for sale. Call at my residence, one mile West of Mc Henry, on tbe Woodstock road^ H. C. MEAD. Go to J. A. Story's for stationery of all kinds. Legal cap, Letter Cap Fool's Cap, Bill, Note, &c.. in great variety. Also latest novelties in let ter and note paper. Call and examine. SCOTCH TERRIERS, FOR SALE. A few floe Scotch' Terrier Pups for sale if called tor soon Apply at my residence, East of McHenrv village. N. Q ENSIGN, • Believing That a good uew stock of clothing is needed In this place we have ppt in a complete line. Call and look it ever. Tours truly, STEVENS & MILLER. EASTER PARTY. At Heimer's Hall, Mchenry. 111., Monday evening, April 2d. 1888. Music, Smith A Roger's Orchestra. Tickets. 50 cents. All are cordially invited. JOHN UEIUKU, Prop. FOR„SALE. I offer for sale my house, two lots and shop, situated in the village of McHenry, cheap for cash. 1* pleasantly located and a desirable A choice line of Box Papsr, dMMi '•-••".am at Besley's, West Side. * I Genuine Brass Pina only Scents par •' paper at Evanson's. ' SMOKE the "Empire Cuban," m /1 best Five Cent Cigar in the market. ~ City residences for sale. Apply t# Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Go to J. A. Story's for best grade M Kerosene Oil. ... * Gold Paints, Bronze Paints, Silver ~ * Paint®, etc., at J. A. Story's, Pearl Buttons, extra good quality So per dozen at Evanson's. , • „ • You will find a full line of artiltfs ' material at J. A. Story's. • fi Gorham Seeders .are ahead Of ttMMH ' v!; all. Sold by E, M. Owen A Son. - - < Easter Egg Dyes for sale at J, A. Story's. / . Fish of all kinds CHEAP at Stoffel f A Blake's. "• Go to J. A. Story's for best grade af v •' Kerosene OH. ^ Besley's Worm Syrup lor Childrea "if" has no equal. , <1. Do you want a pair of Bob Sleighs? If so do not buy until you learn mf' prices. • R BISHOP Besley's Famous Waukega* Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett's, A, In- glen's and John Heimer's. • ' 'MZ WHEAT WANTED. J ^ The highest market price in oasfei fi will be paid for good Milliug Wheat at the Fox River Valley Mills. Mo- Henry. R. BISHOP, j'.m} •>, Notice. £ To those that want Tubs, Vats, Hay ' Racks,and anything In my line of bosi- * aess. Work done ou short notice tO> order. Shop one door South of Law* - lus'Store, F. A. HERARD. . ' if; ttoHeory, Aug. 10,1885. IMOr /<%" { WHEAT WANTED. t The highest market price in ftiM* will be paid lor good Milling Wheat at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mo-» Henry. R. BISHOP. , ,^| Drink Besley's Ale and be health^ and happy All kinds of Story Book^for childrea cheaper than dirt, at Besley's. Liu8eed Oils, I urpentlne, Brushes, and ail supplies for painters at J. A. story's. - 1 > * Plum-ba-go-lne, the finest Wagon Grease ever used, a new thing,at' Besley's, * ' --•>", .s "t-i Turkish Towels and bordered ltne« * Handkerchiefs on our 5 cent counter. , *5? S10FFEL A BLAKE. Gorham Seeders are ahead of thesa ^ all. Sold by E. M. Owen A Son, ^ .c; See the latest improved Wheel Pul*» verizer that beats either the knife or. solid wheel, at E. M. Owen A Son's, Remember aud see it before you bujr • School Books and Stationery, ail kinds, .at Besley's Drug Store Wast Slde. WHEAT WAN TED. • \ The highest market price in cask will be paid for good Milling Wheat, H the Fox River Valley Mills. . ,S: Henry. R. BISHOP, * W* have just received an extra fiua * assortment of Embroideries, ranging" In prica from 3 to SO cents per yard, ; . * ind we guarantee every piece to b§ 20 per cent cheaper than the sama *oods can be had elsewit«re. Also a new stock Corsats. Hosiery, Rucheing, Curtains, Wall Paper and the best stock of good and durable shoes fat Ludies, Gents and Children, to ba found in the County. It will pay yo^ to look us over. We aim to save yo^ money. JOHN EVAXSON A Co, WHEAT WANTED. , £ Tbe highest markec price in cash "M' will be paid for good milling wheat 1 at* the Fox River Valley Mills, MQ* }' J Henry. R, BISHOP. <f& II 1 TO 6 DATS. "^•Tipiviiu tut m«»-- T*.W ofthU disease. «•* O. H.IN(3RAHAM.1I. D. ABoatrrdam, N. Y. W* har* Bold Big G lor many years, and It ba* firm th* beat ol taction. _ . D. &. DYCHE t CO.. Chicago, Uli ai.OO. Sold by Droniata, The OLOEST MEDICINE in the WORLD is probably Dr. Isaac Thompson's If • Thin article is a rarefully prepared physician's pre- 1 Islsbrated Eye Wstsl w" A * V* r r. T. 1 1, This article i* a carefully prepared \x property. For further particulars call eru>tu>tt.atuil""*>iLl on the undersigned, on^the premises E. CAKITNTEK. MeBenry, March 13, 1888. FARM FOR RENT. jtions that have IKH-U introdu.v I int.' tli ule »i this article is > iuc.easiu: tile of this article is > iuc.easius. ii tiio di- are followed it will never faiL We particu larly invite the attention of pUysiciui* to iU merits. John fj. TAomjMOM, Moiw <T Co., TitOY, N. Y. The undersigned oilers for rent whit is known as th« Kimball farm In the NORTHERN PACIFIC town of Burton. Contains lGGi acre*, ill IIMf DPIflC PHI Pfllll I 40 acres meadow. 45 acres of plow MMwm.^ Bas ••$5 land and the remainder pasture good house and two barns on tbe premises. Wlil be rented reasonable for cash rent. Apply to • FRANK COLK, 34tf Spring Grove, III. SULKY PLOWS THE BOS8. E. M. Owen A Son have the Big Injun Sulky Plow that Is claimed foi It that it beats tbe Dutchman, the Yankee, the Norwegian, the Scandi navian. the Irishman, and all others. Call and see it and the Dutchman aide by side, A boy can habile them as well as a man. Light drm. etc. Nev er will be undersold, ' 60 to Althoff Bros, for Flee dfcaes. Tbe fioest stock In town. Carpets by Sample. . We shall receive April 1st, a new and select line of samples of all styles and quality of carpets, and shall. Iroiu that time until April 15, oiler them at lower prices thau ever before beard of in this section. If in want of a carpet do not fail to call, as we can, for 15 dayq, save you big mou«v. . . JUSTEN BROS. West McHenry. March 40tb, 1888. Call in and get measured for a nobby pante at 97. Dan't pay $!) and #10. Your choice out of 200 samples. Also have your clothcs altered, fitted and cleaned, as he cat) not be beat ic doing a nice job. ' ' E. LAWLCS, Tailor. CARPET WEAVING. The undersigned is prepared to weave Rag Carpets on short notice and at Reasonable rates. Residence one Block West of the residence of Wm. Walsh. Orders respectfully so licited, and satisfaction guaranteed. ftEE Government LANDS- raiLUOSN 0P iCBBS of each In Minnesota. North, ikata, Montana, liluho, Wa-hinct.m and OliM. "ill CAD Pnblicatum* wiUi Maps <Vscr!b)nf '•U l-UII tblnrtk* Howe's Block, McHENRY, ILLINOIS, BARBEE & LAYTON, Prop's. We take pleasure In antumnetii* to tbe clti* zenu ot McHenry and surronmling country that we keep on hand at all times a fail siocfc all kiutls of BAKER'S SUPPLIES, And hope by a close attention to busineea to tiu'rit the patronage of Lho Public. From a lonir experience iu the business we are eon£. dent that we can please ail. fM';- BESAD, FIBS, CABS, And in short everything in the Baktrr te*. wilt ne kept oa hand laffresh Every Day. A FULL STOCK OF * J, Confectionery and Cigars, Canmnl Gooda XSte. All of (he quality and at th* lewtol Call »u<l see us. U { BARBEE & • *cne«rjr. Vareh«Tt!i» UM LAYTON. • : * *?\T