mtQood Templar Hall. These ar« for the purpose of teacli-4 illc ailoaulants and narcotic* ttiwaest and a general invita-* and vicinity to attend. tread of the Temperance Army. A1 food temperance people have reason | » rejoice, and work more vigorously to accomplish Ilka result! in otbef' towns in the future. Integrity and faithjftilnesa lead to f roeperity and happiness. If you would not rob your wife and. fbildren, don't pay your money for tlrlnk, " . * The habit of uaiaf alcoholic liquors fry my men In office has created more (injury to the public service, and given, more trouble to me than any other circumstance which has occurred in ?he internal concerns of the country •luring my administration. If I had *o commence my administration again With the knowledge I have derived;; srom experience, tbe first question; 'vbieh I would atk a candidate far trablle favor would be, "Is be addicted to tbe mm of ardent spirits*" --Thomas Jefferson. England is ruled by a queen; Amer- by a monster-king--King Alcohol No man ever oflended his own cen- Mclence but first or last> it was reveng ed on him for doing it. • 1 ' 1 1 - • " * Administrator's Notice* fESTATE of Peter Schnmaker, deren'pil. U The unrtersipnPd having lieen appointed .Administrator of the estate ot Peter Sehu- tuaker deceased, late of the county of 51c- .ilenry and .State »f Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the county «»urt of McHenry county, at the Court House «t Woodstock, at"the May term on the first .Monday in May next, at which time all per sons having claims against sai l estate are no- P-ified and requested to attend for the purpose *»f havmg the same adjusted. All perrons in •lefoted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated, Hth day of March, A. D. 1S#S. Nick SCHITHaKEK, Administrator. 3&4w Executor's Notice* INSTATE of John Ueed, deceased. IV Tbe undersigned having been appointed •ixecutor of tiie last will and testament of .fohn Iteed. Jdeceased, late of the county ot >tcHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County*! \"«urt of McHenry county, at tlie Court Jionse in Woodstock, at ttie June term, on "^•se first Mondav in June next, at which time ail persouB having claims agaiDtt 6aid estatei *re notified and requested to attend for thee •purpose of having the same adjusted. All IWeOBs indebted to raid estate are requested^ v> make immediate payment to the unuer signed. OalLd Ujia Itli day of March, A. D. lt!38. 5 s P. M. O'NEILL, Executor. ARE SURE TO WIN. i&to* 9 m \ (One Door Wast of Riverside House,) KEALEB JWni"WM|f, i , '• if " { \ •' • • : <'•* U- ,,n> ** i '«t*4r ?»<<• * % . FULL LINE Of-- ;?rujl#, Ctomlctls, DyrSiuto, F&inta, Oils and Colots. , .. . ̂ • . 'v1 • . . . . . . . • • v l f v j ' r - < ; > ; « • ] _ ] Constantly on band. Also a large line of ' * * - -*. i Patent Medicines, Toilet Article** AND COMPLETE STOCK OP -- STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. • *m > * * < $ • , .Physicians Prescriptions fllrefullyan4 accurateycompounded l|y a Registered Pharma cist; TOnr patronage is respectfully solicited. r JULIA A. STCRYr ebder tbe »l>w* haw *,uV7«u« Lftdtea of t*»| it*r claims no part #r credit for v*iw t. I <t?\ \<3\ ' " ' i .» >, I s -* » V"*t .>•# !««'•; >1 jtf'wiS ^ v j i' 4' • *? ' 'M \ s A r>| «<• -v *» U* »v . . ,-b* ' f v * * r < ( , • « . » • • > $ > > * • #Vi-s>, >. > H f \. <• DRUGS + ? nw> *1 , l"< 0 0 I CI NES "1. .A & i t Flf ' * ' I *' Hasin^-'ftdvertisemeiits, ̂ teinpti^ bftiieg, and great indqcemenls on Paper are offered you every week and sometimes the facts aia a <•'**** trifle mixed perhaps. We aim to build our business on the founda- ' r Uur pi icea^ie just wnat we claim them tp bw -r I Sibce adopting the bash system our customers are more than pleased with tip f « £ To be found at our store. Baying and selling for Ca*h enables us to discount former prices, and we are giving our customers the benefit thereof. We have now, in every department, a finer line of Goods than ever before, and invite a careful inspection by the buying public, confident that by so doing you will ENPERQE W l i ! %m i Tfcef«m4errf ihf Ln?»>rt> AtYli »ad a«thvrtic hl.-tvry of ti.t lue rt.-nl fMJMia ibKirh ->t events through v. hit.-i smap of K«ro;.e, leatiinir <ke Gmu«n Ka»f#n*t."-rj/*. national unit*and stiDrerwa^v. IJyG»i», Uertuna ' .«><•<«"• «nsnu»h"i tifnuw Sr.|<!1<-r «>.:id '%Vliter, ished luOeriiiarir.i Ef;cl!-!i. fi': v fn>. ;>np-'. j!!us-portrait? bati!cM-eu<-K.«:ac. !-*wi f. i tenns and'P«.'ure ehai^'.f t'.^ritorv.' JkCO-, 126 ^ asbingtoufct.,Chicago,III. I. AGENTS WANTED. To canvass for one of the largest, oldest es - tablished, best known Nurseries in the coun 'Tj. Most litieral tersaa. Unequaled facil- itfes. Gaaeva Nursery. K»tat>iisUed 1S4C. IF. & T. &MITII, #•4* Geneva, iV. Y. Notice. 5hla is to certify that my. wife. Janette • H. HfMiildiBCdid leave my borne June 9th, 1886, Without Just cause, an<i still stnvs a war, therefore this is to warn all persons Agninftt totrboricg or trusting heron my account for I •hellpay no debts of her contracting after this date. M V. B. SPAULDING. Eingwood, April 4th, 1888 Dissolution Notice*. THE Co-Partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of Barbee A Lay ton in the Baking business, at McHenry, 111., is thladay dissolved by mutual consent The business will be continued at the old stand L»jr Mr. Ohas. Barbee. to whom all billf due the iftM firm must bo- paid, and who will pay all debts against the firm. Signed by CHA9. BARBEE, „ „ . . A. L. LAY TON. McHenry, I1L, April 17th. 1868. 40 3w RICHARD BISHOP, -DEALER IN kbt KINDS OF- To the Farmers of McHenry County and Vicinity : ^ I am now prepared to show a jiew and clean assortment ot' Agricultural implements second to none in the county and a' prices that I am confident will pay you to investigate betore mak ing your purchases. * w%m - A X E " TOBACCO us' MKE.K- CO If you want to own the best, behold it here, finely finished, wel proportioned, light running, durable, superior quality, unexcelled. Do you <vant a wagon? If so examine the Bishop betore yfu buy. TUBF & STUBBIE PluOWS, Pulverizers, both disk and knife, Prairie City Seeders, Prairie City Drills, Harrows, all kinds, Sulky Plows, wood and iron Pumps, for deep and shallow wells, platform spring Wagons, combination Wagons, fine Carriages, all kinds, that will bear close inspection manufactured by the Watertown Spring Wagon Co., of Watertown N. Y., who carry a three years stock, enabling them to season well their goods before placing them on the market. ~ " ^ Very Truly Yours, , - T I * £ R I C H A R D B I S H O P . ^ Parker's •. SPAVIN CURE IS UKE<ilL*AXED M an application to horses for the -cure of Hpavln, Khen- •satiam, Splint, Navicular and all severe ij>me- ZI6M« also tor track when reduced. wu™ Price 81.00 per bottle^v Sold by drogglsUk- Strong Uatt- •onlals on application. ^ < E. W. BAKEU,/ >' Bole Proprietor, axtbim, N. I. Trade supplied by Jar E. Oavla *COw, Detroit, Hlch.; Vepet Tan Hohaack A; Sons, Chicago, XH. j X*/ef Bro'c & Co., St. Louis, Ko, WATERS ALTIIOI F BROTHERS Incomparable ains: • -. t * »* i ! ,r;i, •:>•» J K^'fhore, no less. Our shape to offer you targdins in. ' t 1 ! i . . , , ' • • r * - v*. Ji •A- • rtwii i . sT" , ... , • ' • <*** IVe^-riy - JEJvery l>e«i<^rtptlon. ***'." t *'\'r * : t'kl • a; . '-!• '* r Wall Paper, Wtodiw Siaclss, Cntda Hettlng, 6iBgluuB. EmbroMiry, Clothlsg, Brocniaa, 1 : ^nd in fact' anything you may^neeifc/ Honest woitb, correct ^ pices are what we offer you and we wduid be pleased to have the VA opportunity of convincing you that ^e mean to keep a little ahead i of the procession ;^iT'FARME^S :PRODtX^:; WANTED, l"" " John Evanson & Cog ̂ »ill: :'M V' West McHenry, DEALER < ISHELF AND R. oves, Tin, Copper And Sheet-Iron Ware Oortio and soo our Galvanize h«l*l a barrei. S KLONE' GROCERIES I W e are confident we can please you both in quality and price* n short we Defy Competition in any and all departments. | Kbrbsea® Tank*, tbat w« make oartelret, that |> | • The Church Swivel Hay Carrier, with Tracks, Hangings, floor Hooka and Pnll««a. S, best In the market. Call and sec it. 8 ' nw" *^a rnueW»sil < FULL LXOTS OF STOVES fc : For both coal and wood, of the best makes, always on hand. In lort I will keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found in McHenry county. Do not fail to call when in want of anything in my line and see what can be done. I have employed a first class Tinner, and all tTOBBINIw AID BEFAIRINGI Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A specialty ot Hutter. ^(^o^^wor^ r share of public patronage respectfully solicited# r r »• C "; ; W. P. STEVENS. , |®"Give us a before Purchasing. ^UTHOFF BROS •; --i STOFFET & BLAKE. Kave now a full stoQk ot all the latest novelties in Dress Goods, of every description from 15 cents per yard up. In For Ladies wear, we have the never exclleed John Foster. For Men and Boys we have the John Foster and Buffalo. In Boots, the Buffa o and Kedpath Bros. For house cleaning time we have laid in a fine assortment of * W A I L L P A P E I R AND BORDERS, Also Lace Curtains, Lambrequins, Drapery Plushes* Curtain Po>es and Window Shades. In * GROCERIES, We have all clean, fresh,, first d iss goods, and we shall BEAR TJtJE MARE EX DOWN To the Lowest Living Pricefe, In CLOTHING! CLOTHING! Come and get the dandiest fit and the finest goods for the least money to be hud in the town. STOFFEL & BLAKE. WEST SIDE BEFOBK BKBRDIRO TOtB MAKES •end for catalogue and illustrated circular rItIdk pedigrees and aVAAII description of seven stallions P | f||" •• 11 Tou breed a mare at all It 2% • III • pars to breed to the best. I Fee* very low teraiH liberal. Visitor* welcome • fall week days. Come and see colt* by the lalllons, and the other •>•«•••_ •tock but send youraddreaenow • m wH WATERS STOCK FARM. OENOA JUKCTIOH, WIS. ba-go-iop, Vb* flneur Wagoo SURFACE W CULTIVATION H Tncreaseg yield of corn 20 bu. peracrelnmanr chh. Experiments in thin mode of cultivation, at Iowa £t?ifv/^Frlca,tal'al "ollejte, illustrated, sent free. SANDWICH ENTERPRISE CO., Sandwich, HL Caveata, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Patent tmeiuees conducted for Moderate l'eeg. Our Office is Opposite I . S. Patent Of fice. Wc have no eub agencit-B, all busineea direct, hence can trangact i)atent business in less time and at less coat than those remote from- Vuehington. fcend model, drawing, or photo., with descrip* lion. We advise If patentable or not, free of Charge. Oar fee not <fne till patent is seemed. A book, " How to Obtain Patent*,•• with lefeiw •ncea to actual clients in your State, countv. off- town, sent free. Address, C. A. SNOW & CO. Opposite FaUat Oflee, WMblagtoa, J>. C. . Pearl Button*, extra good quality 60 1 er dr>z^a at Gvni!> oil's. LD.H, Prop Havina r<»cpntly reflttof* my Restaurant, nenr the Dopot, in llrwt cli»a3 8tyl«, I am now prenurcd to acc >miuo<late »fcc put>lic with Warm or Cold Meals, • r At all hours of the <lay or evening- Kfofc Coffee or Tea on live minutes notice, A FULL STOCK Of ^ Qaker^ Nupplleii ALWAYS ON HAND. Choice Fruts, of ill lisis, IN THEIR SKASOW L. D. LINCOLN. ,'f May Slat. 1887. H. FISH, Practical Pianler and Decorator HEBRON, ILL. Decorating, Paper-HanQing, CALCIMININQ, GhAININQ. Ac Dona on short notice and satisfaction guiu* teod. Call on or address, H. FISH. GEO. W.' BHSI.EY, ist aid ----DEALER IN^4;,;V Erugs and Medicines, PAINTS, OIIA Toilet Article*, " - t -- P U R E - -- . ' i ' . - X Z WlfTlS® AID FOR MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. The best brands ot Cigars and Smofcing and Chewing Tobacco always 011 hand* PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. McHenry, December 28tb, 1887. C. W- BE8LKY Are You Going to Build so du not fail to get an estimate on yoor Lumber from Tffi MBl mil CHI. Near tlie Depot̂ ;;(;j % West McHenry, Illinois. ^ur 8toc^ Lumber, of all is the most complete of any and we are prepared to offer totb« public. . East Quality of Lombw, LOW EST J .1 VIN& PRICES. H01» i*« *>V» ?i Hebron.mL, May *M, 1887 Farmers if you need any goods and haT« no nuney, bring wood. £, LAWLUS. Csiiiii, Door aMfiniow Frus-Readf Maie-alwajs on Hail Iso the Best Brands of BarbuWIreJ Wis shaft free > our stocfe complete at all times and spare to accommodate all wh » may favor us with their patronage. Wn.BUR liUMBER COMPANTi C« H. GRANGER, Manager . \