Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Apr 1888, p. 5

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. .•' . '•' '"-'V • • ' • ' • : • : • - M • V - v * ' ' • C:/-rT^^Hry^V ,^V: . J :7, WKDNBBDAT, APRIL 25, 188$, Railroad Time Table. Tftkinr aflfret (Sept lSth. train* will psn ScHanry Wtdn dally, except Sundays, aa •01*0 ioot^' ' I k * t t a n e v a P a s s e n g e r . . . . A . * iktoeunlxpnu :S ike Geneva Preltbt ..i.*.-.*.. »:W r. n ike Sonera PtimKer " S'-I IMMIO Broarn, Lake Genera Freight ........9-II a. h Lake Genera Paaaenger. .....9:52 » .Lake Genera Express •*:»?.« •* Uke Genera Paaaenaer. «*1 B. BOSS, Agent. McHenry, Ill MASONIC. ; Mollmr LODGE, No. 158 A. F, and A. M.-- {tegular Ownmunieations the second and Feartfc Meaday* in each month. J. VAN SLTKB, W. H. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERIOA. ' , Meet at Parker House Hall, erery Second tad Last Tuesday evening of each month, relghbors cot tially Invited- Ohurch Directory. T; METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Preaching erery Sabkath, morning and eren- Ing. M Ringwoodat 2:30 p. it. CVottUIn and wership with at. "JBusfoest £en«/er Eternity. MABDT E. WTGKOFF, A. B., Pastor. UKIVBBSALIST CHURCH. Sarrioes every Sunday morning, and every Irat and third Sunday ereniags in each lODth. > A. oerdial welcome ia extended t J erery one to jela ns in our worship. Our Motto--Study to know the truth. Ex- Smiae--Reflect--"Prove all things; hold fast that which ia good." R»v. H. Sun. Pastor. I; TBE Rev. Mr.Aloett, ef Elgin, will preach In the Unlvs realist Church next Sunday morning and evening. F HENRT SIMPS IS building a new ham / ia- tbe rear of hit brick store, lately 4 purchsscd of B, Gilbert. ' READ tbe new advertisement of H. V. Shepard, of the Central Hardware Store, te be found In another column. • FOUND, in tbe street* of this village, t small blade sbawl. The owner can fcave the sasae by calling at tbis offiee. BE sure and attend tbe Baking Ex­ hibition and Coffee Festival at John ICvanson 4b Co.'s store, Friday, April §7tb,1888. THE Elgin Driving Park will hold Jkheir spring meeting June 5th, 6th, 7tb tad 8th. Some interesting raoes may e expected. FRANK CALKINS had the misfortune to lose his fine young Mastiff dog on Saturday last. Tbe diuse of her death !« unknown. THE Rev. Mr. Scborb, tbe blind preacher and lecturer, will Iscturo at llingwood Friday evening and at Good Templar Hall, in tbis village. Saturday evening. F MARRIRD.--At the Church, in Johns- / burgh, Tuesday, April 24tb, 1888, by R Rev. Father Mebrlng. George Scbaid |( »nd Miss Kate Gleason, both of Mc- V,,"T- -- < , THE new President and Boar<T of Trustees were sworn In on Saturday tvening last, and will bold their first meeting on Thursday evening of this tWeek. REV. SCHORB, tbe blind preacher, %lll deliver a temperance lecture. In Good Templar Hall, In this village, on Saturday evening next, April 28th. A general Invitation is extended to ali* MORE than usual interest was mani­ fested at tbe election for School Di­ rector on Saturday last, oae hundred End sixty-nine votes belag polled, and resulted in the re-election of Charles C. Colby by a majority of 25, THE new organization, called "Tbe Der etlbw dna eulb Club," held their irst meeting on Saturday night. It Iras a secret gathering, but verf open jjaoutbed. We shall have more to say . #f Its objeot In tbe fnture. QUITE a number of our citizens have Seen setting out shade trees In front of 4belr premises the past week, among whom are Dr. C. H. Fegers, Wm. S toff el, John Helmer, and Geo. jy, Owen. Let the good work go on. 'G WE learn that the Ladle*1 Salesroom jkt Mrs. B. S. Gregory, will be removed so tbe store of H. H. Nichols about Jiay 1st. Tbev are oarrying a fine ftoek of goods aad will then have a letter chance to display them than heretofore. A "Jog Concert" erlll be given next £ucday evening, Apr. 29, at the M. E. ^ Church, Ring wood. A beautiful pro gramme will be rendered by the chil- ino. Each child will break his owe fug and oount tbe money; all the chll- Jlren will be treated from a basket .of Aloe candy. All are welcome. ^ "PROWLER," our Richmond corres­ pondent, bu been taking a vaoation Jtha past few weeks, but we expect ItariU return and aesume control of tbe fSlchmead Department again soonL jWe trust our friends in that vicinity Jwill bear with the omission, as the ibeat of us fiad a vaoation neoeasary •opoe in a while. m.\ -- , GIVE yonr boys a better start io tbir ;Worl<l than you had.' Jolu tbe Modern ^|Woodmen of Amerioa and stlok to it. ; |Glve your family a substantial memen- to In the shape of the proceeds of a woodmen certificate when yonr hand fc|ls powerless to maintain them atd •Myour lips silent to their call. "There - Is nothing certain In man's ltfa but W th»s, that be must loae It." WE wish to again call the attention .j©f our citizens to tbe advertisement of the Home Bakery, Chas. A. Barbee, . proprietor. We do not exaggerate .' when we say It Is one of the neatest aad best arranged bakeries te be found In the oounty, and persons wanting anything la the bakery line -cannot fall to be pleased by calling at the Hease Bakery, Howe1s Block. We have good Potatoes for table oae • * at 11.10 per bushel. Kv-:; rsraosiiL I. H. MEAD will remove his family JanesvlUe. Wis., tills week. MISS STELLA BECKWITH IS visiting With friends In Minneapolis, Minn. CAPT. DOJUNT and wife are spending a few days In this village.- JUDGE T D. MURPHT, of Woodstock, was on our streets on Monday* MRS. M A. HOWELL Is reported quite sick at tbis writing. L. E. BKNNBTT has been quite sick tbe put week, but is able to be around •gain. MRS. BERT DARLING and baby are spending a few weeks with friends at Minneapolis, Minn. D. L. JONES and wife, of Mont Clare 111., are visiting with friends i# this* village. Miss DORA OSMOND, of Marengo, Is vlaltlng with her aunt. Mrs. Cbas. T. Eldredge, In tbis village. CHAS. MEAD, who Is teaohlng school near Richmond, spent Saturday »nd Sunday with bis parents in this vil­ lage. GEO. GRIMOLBT, who has been spending tbe winter In Dakota, ar­ rived home <*8t week, and is now con­ fined to tbe bouse with rheumatism. ED. CARPENTER, while at work in his father's shop on Saturday, bad the misfortune to have a piece of hot iron fly and strike him on the lip, cutting and burning it severely. THE Ladies Witling Workers Socie­ ty, connected with the Universallst Church, will meet with Mrs. W. A. Cristy, Thursday afternoon, April 26, at the usual hour. Mas. W. A. CRISTT, President, Miss JULIA A. STOBY,|3ecretary. THE editor of a Western paper lost an ear. a foot and his left hand, in a blizzard while going from the office to his home, but he ettme promptly to the front the n^xt week with the follow­ ing: "The line climate, pure and bracing atmosphere, the rich and pro­ ductive soil, the nutritious grasses, the pure water, the One building stone the pleasant weather the year round and the fact that cyclones, tornadoes and blizzards are onknow In tbis coun­ try, is beginning to tell." WHT lilt that some people get tbe very errSneous Idea Into their heade that a newspaper Is run simply fej their benefit, that it costs hut little to publish a paper, that there Is no par> tlcular hurry about paying their bills and tbe more the publisher acoomme dates them the more thev kick when tbe bill is finally presented. There are a few of this class In every city, persons who claim io be business men, yet want all the business to be on their side and kick if they have to pay out a cent to the newspaper men. willing however to have all the puffs and com­ plimentary notices imaginable.--Ex. Many Men, Matrons an^Malds esay meet at the Modern Mansion Of Mr. Geo. W. Besley, on FRIDAY, APRIL 27. May muster for the Meal from -5:80 to 10 p.m. MENU. Many Moulded Mixtures Moistened with Milk, manipulated for Munching. Meats. Most Meritorious In Market, Measured out Meudfully. Marvelous Mocha, Minus Molasses. Manufactured by Multlpotent Maidens. Marmaiaded and Marmorated Mix­ tures on Majolica, by Many Munificent Makers.;/ MUSIC. By Mfmtrels of Merited' M*rit, Mingling with the Multiloquence, to Meliorate Many Melancholy Moods. The Managers ofv Vr he Meeting mean to tuakt-|ll| r his a memorable Mer ry-mak ing.|yi meriting med itation. m as t ilVIc a 11 • n and Money. 1,1 Maids of model manners will mean­ der among the multitude tomind th<3 strangers that may appear. Methodical maidens will manage the money after the meal. Mission bands from other meeting bouses, merchants, milliners and med­ ical men most cordially Invited. Admission, magnanimously minus money. As soon as possible after May 1st, we shall be located at tbe Nichols' building which will enable us to serve our patrons better than we have been able to do In the past, notice of which will be given In this paper. Thauklng youforyoar kind patronage, we re­ main, \'Vmry respectfully, MRS. H. S. GREGORY. More of"'"the 10c half wool goods, plain and figured French black satine on band. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction, on the premises of the late ChauDcev Beckwith, in tbe village ef McMenry, on Tuesday, May 1st. 1S88, commencing at 9 o'clock A. M. sharp, the following property: Four cows, 1 four years old, with calf by her side, 1 new milch and 2 springers. 1 pair good work horses, 1 medium fine wool buck, a quantity of slough hay, several tons tame hay, 1 two-wheeled walking cultivator, 1 fanning mill, 1 single buggy, 1 cutter, 1 Champion light mower, 1 lumber wagon, 1 pair bob sleighs. 1 hay rack, 1 garden hand seeder, 1 set double harness. 1 single harness, 1 saddle and bridle, plows, drags and other farming tools not mentioned. TERMS -- Sums of 810 and under cash Over that sum a credit of six months on approved notes at 7 per cent inter- eat. Two pet cent oft for cash MRS. C. BECKWITH. F. K. GRANDER, Auctioneer. FOR SALE OR RE N'T. Io the village of McHenry, a good bouse and four lets, with barn, good eutbuiidings, etc. Good well of water on the premises. A very desirable place. Possession given at once. In­ quire of AMOS WHITING, Or at this effloe. 41-4w If you want to see the finest stock of Flue Shoes at the lowest prices, call at Althofl Bros, A QUEER genius who signs as "Uncle Zeke", fires the following at aa unpro­ tected public. I <lon't mean to reflect on Provi­ dence, out I'd like to kno* why a feller can't never hit a kit just once in a life­ time. when he is just bllin' over wltb f age t I'd like to koo' why it takes so much sicrifizen and so many good actions to get a good name, when it only takes bne bad action to lose it? i Seems to me that a lot of good ac­ tions orter be stronger than one bad action. I'd like to kno' why It takes so little truth for some folks re git along on seela' ez iyin' costs u»or our truth duz ? I'd like to kno' why a "bloody shirt" don't fit sum folks, when it is just 'bout their size too? An' while I am on polltlx I'd like to kno' If the "mug wump" ain't tho on- suspicious feller that's holdln' the mug fur the Democrats to drink all the wump an' ho hizself don't get nou'F That bothers me more nur it does to kno' why a cow lais down with Its fored end and get* up with the tuther end. I'd like to kno' why "liberal Chris- tianfe" are so onllberal in their liberal­ ity, It seems to me as though the boss charity in this world is to be lib­ eral tords the onllberal. I'd like to kno' bow fur a man is from be In' a fuie, who is ignorant uv his own Igneraaoe, and just how many sich fellers it will take to raize a fuss that a wize man oan't stop? I'd like to kne' why the soil Is s luvin' mother to all t^o weeds (and specially the pusly) and only a step- muther to all the best grafted froot andsich? I'd give my mother-in-law to kno* why sum folks will allow a preacher or a editor to express their opinion on every question uv interest but on poiitlx and religion P Don't you 40 jfc or I'll "stop your paper." IT has been decided to produce the new extravaganza, tbe Crystal Slipper, it tbe Chicago Opera House about the first week in June. The piece has been in preparation since September last and rehearsals will begin about the first of May. The piece is regard­ ed as the most elaborate spectacular burlesque ever gotten up in this coun­ try, and will exceed in gorgeeusues* the production of last season, tbe Arabian Nights. No stronger cast has ever been brought together fcr bur­ lesque than( that which wl|l appear in the piece. Half a dozen of tbe peo­ ple have already been starring throughout tbe country and occupy places of national importance m tbe theatrical profetEion, The dancers nave all been selected by Mauagcr Henderson with tbe special view of the requirements of tbe piece. The piece is In form like the production ef last year, that It, It is fashioned after the style of the English pantomime without the harlequinade, being a combination ef the brightest mualc, extravagant burlesque with dancing and ballet features striking and novel in their character. In addition to tbe principals and the ballet there have been engaged some of tbe prettiest women ou the stage selected from tbe leading opera companies, Rice's Cor- «air, Evangeline and Adonis compa­ nies and other well-known organiza­ tions. The |>lay will run during the eutire summer, and it Is safe to say the fujcess will be greater than that achieved by any spectacular piece ever given in tbe city of Chicago. The es­ timated cost of the production is nearly 850,000. After it runs Its course at the Chicago Opera House it will go io the leading theatres in Best n, Sew York, Baltimore and Philadel­ phia for extended runs. The East in tbe pa*t has been sending the West productions, but now the Eist is eager to get tbe Western productions. ' " • EDITOR PLAINDEALER:-IH tbe Auc­ tion Bill, calling Itself a newspaper, dated at Nunda, we find the follow­ ing: The Nuada voteis sbadld bave a chance to read what our highway com- tnisoieuers do wltb the money, but the ireaeurer, Mr. H, Werden, sees fit to bave bis report published in a paper printed OJI of town, is thai so our people cannot Inspect it, Mr. Werden F Now we^ to say to tbe thing tnat penned the above: first, tbe law says the rt port shall be published in a newspaper (net an Auctloa Bill), sod tbe PL&INDEALER >being tho nearost paper, recognized as auob, and being taken by a large majority ef our citi­ zens, we have seen fit te publish our report in said papar, and when we wish any advice as to our actions of this * would be" at Nunda, we will call on bim. During tbe years arc have been Treasurer of the Road Commis­ sioners, we have accounted for every cent that has come into our bands and we bave the certificate of tbe Board of Audit to that eflect, and our books bave always been open for Inspection. And yet, this blatant lunkhead says, 'Is that so our people cannot Inspect it, Mr. WerdenP" No, but it is be­ cause we waut our report published correctly, in a regular newspaper, and not bungled by a blacksmith--or worse. Only this and nothing more. * H. WRRDEN. ": Professor Horsford's Baking Powder absolutely pure, for sale at Evanson's. NURSEKY STOCK. Come to the Ringwood Nursery and get your nursery stock at honest pri­ ces. Have a good line of the standard bardy varieties of Apple Trees, Cherry Trees, Grape Viues, etc. Also shade trees of Maple, Ash, Elm, Box Elder. Black Walnut, Catalpa and Evergreens of different kinds aad sizes. All first olassstock and cheap for cash. i ...-'t.: J V. BUCKLA.ND, Prop. r 40-3ir Ringwood, !Uf Cere aline Fakes is made from the most nutritious bart of tbe soundest grain and comas direct from tbe as ills in sealed packages. Fer sale bj Jehu Evanseu & Co. t ALGONQUIN- [NQTIC*.--Personam Algonquin and vicin­ ity, knowing themselV6t Indebted for the PLAiNDKALsa oaa lean of the amount by oal ling on John Helm, who ta authorised to receive money and receipt for the same, in our name. Those wishing to subscribe can leave their names at hla store. Call on him and get a sample copy.] EDITOR PLAINDEALBR:--Henry Al­ bright and Frank Adamek bave re­ turned home from Colorado. It seems it did uot take them long to get enough of tbe far West. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ftatler, of Kansas, made Algonquin a short visit on Tuas> day of last week, but It was too short to suit their many friends here, C. E. Chapell was re-elected school director at the school election on Sat­ urday last. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson, of Elgin, are the guests of Mr, and Mrs. C. C. Chunn. W. H. Ha-back, ot Kldgefield, and Rev. Mr. Sharp, of Crystal Lake, were fishing and shivering here on the banks of the raging Fox on Saturday last. Wm. Morton came In on Saturday last with a oar-load of milch cows. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Ray, of Huntley, visited here with Father Morton on Sunday last. H B. Throop sold a Urge sale of household goods for Frank Patterson, in Chicago, on Tuesday of this week. H. B. T. is getting there just the same.- • Died, April afttb. 1888. Mr. Christ Geisler, of dropsy, aged 58 years and 11 days. The deceased leaves a wife «nd three sons to mourn his loss. The funeral was bold at the Congregational Church on Monday, at 1:30 o'clock. .The servloes were conducted by a min­ ister frdm Barringtoo, we did not learn bis name. The remains were in­ terred In tbe cemetery on the hill. At Wm. Morton's auction sale, of a car-load of milch cows, on Monday ot this week, the demand was poor #nd ouly twelve of them were sold. Tbey 6old on an average of 833 per bead fbe farmers are not very anxious to boy any more cows at present on ac­ count of tbe low offerings for their milk and scarcity of feed, as well as the continued cold weather. C, E. Chapell ctiue in with three car-loads of milch cows on Saturday last. One he unloaded here and the other two he shipped to tiffaeka, where he had them sold. Hebron Department MARENGO. EDROB PLAINDEALBR:--Strawberry season has commenced at Hutohisou's /'Only twenty cenis a pint. John Kennedy has moved his house from tbe lot he sold to Porter to his new home, tbe Wheeler place on For­ est street. Miss Josie Spauldlng has opened a alillinery store in Weeke's block Everything new, all the latest stylet on haud and a charming proprietress to wait on you. " ' The proprietors j$f the German Store are offering extra inducements to the trade In tbe line of can:ied goods and staple groceries. Their store is not oe&traUy foftttadAed they work at a disadvantage. Jfcrasa Is slew in making Its appear­ ance. Cold, cloudy weather is not iKeuduclve to its rapid growth, and ktock already {forced to pick their liv­ ing find it pretty close nibbling. ** The graduating class of our High -School went to Reckford Saturday to have their plotures taken. There were fifteen of them, fourteen ladies and gentlemen and one dudj. Perhaps the sensation of the times is tbe marriage of Mrs. L. Parsons to Mouroe Marks, both of Marengo, at Harvard Saturday afternoon, April 21, 1888. We use the word perhaps ad­ visedly for It may be inany bavr noticed the unusual melody, plalutive- nessande/en sweetness of the black­ bird's song this spring--a great depar­ ture from the ordinary notes of that biped--and considering it tho harbing­ er of some noteworthy event were not surprised by the facts of the above aon ounce ascot. Be that as It may, we wish them success and prosperity In tbis life--to do otherwise would be to do wrong. And now just a word--be guided by past experience which is as the ratio of 2 to 1. Be helpful, be cheerful, long-suffering, kind, and -- took out for breakers. A. X. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--In year Is­ sue of the 18ih inst. I have observed a notice signed by M. V. B. Spuulding which requires correction upon points •>f vital importance to me. In tbe first plsco I ws8 his wife, and did not leavfe our home until after he lett our home, and left me in feeble ^ealtb and in destitute circunstanoes. He left me to provide for myself and onr young daughter who needed a father's and a mother's care and assistance in tbe most, important period of ber life. He not only deserted bis wife and his child and our home,'but for two years be has made his absence con­ spicuously visible, durlog which time be has not furnished tbe value of a farthlog for.tbe support of either or us. And now, after two years neglect, be warns the public agaiust trusting me on bis account. I want bim to un­ derstand that when I have asked to be trusted on bis account, will be time enough for bim to "rush into print." Such a man Is too good for this world. He ought to be an angel, antl be clothed in a white robe and have a harp. Duty to myself acd justice to my character requires that 1 make tbis statement. I also wish to warn the public not to trust him, as I shall pay no debts of his contracting, as I have dene many times lu former years. JANKTTE H. SPACLDING. FOR RENT. First OIBM rooms suitable for a small family. Inquire of MRS WM. MCCOLLUK. McHenry, April 17,18S8. LODGE DIREOTORT. MABOWTO.--A. P. and a. M. meet at Masonic Hall on every 1st and Id Wednesday even* n^sof each month. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMBFTCA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every 2d and 4th Thursday even­ ings of each month. Neighbors cordially in­ vited. SONS OF THJIFERAWCB.--Meet at Union Hall on Tuesday evening of each week. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:-- Vrs.|Harvey Burgett Is on the sick liat. Mr. and Mrs. Ylncelette spent Sun­ day at Alden. Hebron Cheese Factory paid #1.14 for February milk. ^ « j Mrs. Frank Rowe is quite, and under the care of Dr. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. E, F. Hewes went te Lawrence an Thursday of last week. James Stewart is now owner of tbe whole of the Erokenbrack farm. A girl to do general housework wanted Immediately at the betel. Mrs. Cross Is organizing a class In music In this vlclntty. She has the promise ofa number ef pupils. Frank Rowe and E. O. Leeoh are remodeling and building to their cot­ tages In South Hebron. Miss Crewe has lately finished a por­ trait in Crayon of Mrs. Georgo Turner, whioh is one of her best efforts and a perfect picture. Mrs. Ayers left Monday night for Benntngton, Vt„ to spend the sumper with ber son. Mr. and Mrs. James Mlllls, of Geneva Lake, have been staying a few days at C. F. Prouty's, and calling on other friends. The boys Will have a grand Hay Party on the evening of May 25th. J* M. Smith's Orchestra, ef JanesvlUe will furnish music. School meeting on Saturday last re­ sulted In the election of C.F. Prouty for director. Frank Rotnour and Miss Llbbic Rot* nourwent Tuesday to Marqnette, to locate a claim of 160 acres each of the timber land of northera Michigan. George Manor is having good success instituting camps of Modern Wood- na^n at different places. He has latelj organized camps at Alden, Greenwood and Ringwood. Miss Rose Buchanan has a large stock of Mililinerjr goods. Including all tbe latest stylfes. She would be pleased to see all ber old customers and many new ones at ber rooms above the Furniture store. It must be a double attraction that entices two of eur young gentlemen >verto Alden regularly every Tues­ day, or perhaps it is principally a bus­ iness trip, tor wblie one stays to look tfter the gates in that section, the other aspires te be an artist and while returning take9 a drawing lesson by moonlight. AUCTION SALE. TVBSDAT, MAT 1ST, 1888. The undersigned will sell at public auction, on what Is known as the old Hufi farm, two miles north-east of Kidgvfield, and one mile west of the rloleomb scho »1 housa on the Wood- nock road, on Tuesday, May 1st, 1888 commencing at. one o'clock, a. m., tbe toliowing property: 22cows, new milcb «nd springers, eight wltb calves by titeir side. I Jersey Bull, 1 Holstein Bull, and a quantity of milk caus. TERMS OF SALE.--Six mouths' time on approved Notes at 8 per cent intcr- <4g(. Two pur caul oil lor cash. A. P. PECK. H. B, THKOJP, Auctioneer. AUCTION >»ALE. MORTGAGE AND INDIVIDUAL SALE. The subscribers will sell at public <iale. on Monday April 30;b, 1888, com­ mencing at ten o'o<ock, a. in., on tbe bank of Fox River, three miles south of McHeury, tbe following property, a part of which Is held by chattel mort gage: 20 choice cows, new milch aud npringers, 1 three-y<>ar-old mare celt, 1 four-year-old colt, 3 two-year-old neifers, 1 two-year-old bull, 2 plows, 2 drags, 1 mower, 1 Tiger sulky rake, 1 three spring wagon, 1 lumber wagon, 1 corn planter, 6 shoats, and other property too numerous to mention. At same place and time 50 acres of plow land to rent, together with barn and house, on shares or for oash. To be rented in lots to suit renters. Sale absolute and without reserve. TERMS OF SALE:-- #10 and under, cash. Over that amount, eight months' itmc on approved notes drawing 7 per ceet Interest; 2 per ueut off for casb. it. U. SMITH, Mortgagee. SMITH, SON & i'o, Mrs. C. A. Huison wishes to Inform the ladies of McHenry and violnltj that she la fully prepared to show as tine a stock of Millinery Goods as can be found. I have secured a first class Milliner and Dress-Maker, and can do ootb kinds of work on short notice and will guarantee satisfaction. MRS, C. A. HUTSON. INVITATION.--Our customers and friends are respectfully invited to be preseut at a practical Biking Exhibi­ tion with Horsford's Biking Powder, and 'food of foods', cereallne fiaken< at jhe store of John Evanson & Co., West Mcdenry, III., Friday. April 27tb. Dyspepsia and indigestion cured by use of genuine Vermont Spruce Gum to be found at J. A. story's drug store. Call In and get measured for a nobby pants at $7. Doo't pay #9 and 810. Your choice out of 209 samples. Also have your clotbos altered, fitted and oleaned. as he can not be beat in doing a alee job. ? V. JE. LAWLUS, Tailor. Buckteil*# Arnica Salve. fne but Salve in tne world (or cuts oruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptian6, and pos- tively cures piles, or no pay required, it is guaranteed to^glve perfect satis­ faction, or money Refunded. Price 26 •e» ts per box. For sale by G. W. Bealey, " 'a • " SKTTLEMENr NOTICE. Having sold out my Maat Market I hereby give notice to all tnose indebt­ ed to me to call and settle without de­ lay, as my books must be closed. My books can be found for the present at tbe Market. T. B, TURNER. MCHENRY, Mareh 27th, 1888. £ For Sale. 9t#clc of Millinery and fixtures fo sale cheap. Good location. Only Mill­ inery store in place. Cause sickness. Call ca or address. L. L. GRAFTON, Algonquin I1L 37-lm Try Bcsley's IIPM Toaic Bitters* Artist's supplies at J. A. Story's. Boy your children's school shoos al Evanson's. • of stationery Full line Story's. New Spring Millinery goods In all the latest styles at Mrs. C. A. Hutson's Ladles Muslin Underwear at great bsrgalns at Evanson's. Go and soe E. Lawlus' velvet finish­ ed Corduroy pants, very cheap. A full assortment of Clothing, price from #5.00 a suit up at Stoffel & Blake. Wells, Richardson 4b Co.'s Butter Color for sale by.J. A. Story. For a nice cutaway suit in black, brown or blue go to Stoffel SB Blake. 5 pounds extra good roasted, ground or green Coffee only fl, at Evanson's. Paints, oils, and varnishes, brushes, eto.; a full line of painter's supplies to be found at J. A. Story's. Our 25 cent Tea is elegant. If It •don't please you return it, STOFFEL 4B BLAKE, Besley'J Death to Rats la sure and oertaln. Don't be troubled with these pests longer. Go to J. A, Story's for drags, modi­ olus 3, dye stuffs, cigars, drug notions, stationery, etc. Farmers, look te your horses. To bave them In good trim fer spring work use Besley's Condition Powders. The best in the market. The food of foods. Cerealine Flakes the most digestible of all farenacious foods, for sale at Joha Evanson 4k Co.'s. Go to J. A. Story's for stationery of sll kinds. Legal cap, Letter Cap. Fool's Cap, Bill, Note, &c.. In great variety. Also latest novelties in let­ ter and note paper. Call and examine. WHEAT WANTED. Tbe highest market price In cash will be paid for good milliog wheat at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc­ Henry. R, BISHOP. Plow Shoes, great week at Evanson's. bargalas this NEW MILLINERY STORE. WILL OPEN AT WAUGONDA, : * APBIL IO, '88. ".s: f to announce te the Wauconda and vicinity that 1 bav* j'lit purchased a full line of new Spring millinery, also ladles' furnish­ ing goods, notions, etc., and hope by close attention to business to merit a <baro of tbe public patronage. Please call, examine goods and learn prices. Respectfully, 88tf L. NEVILLE, Extra heavy Men's working aud fine Shirts, 50 Cents at Evanson's. T ie latest shades in Dress Flannels at bed rook prices at Stoffel 4b Blake's Try the Vermont Spruce* Gam Just received at J. A. Story s. No use going to the city for a like­ ness ot yourself or friends whea you can get a far better one by calling at he Gallery of L. E. Bennett, over Perry & Owen's store, In tbis village. He will guarantee you satisfaction Call and see his specimens,. Elegant line Ladles 31oves and Em- broiqeries at Evanson's. , NOTICE. FOR SALE, a good pair of young horses. Weight, 1,300 pounds. Four tnd five years old. Also a farm of 134 acrea-to root wltb or without cows. Al*e three good dwelling houses for sale or rent, situated in the village ot Greenwood. For further particulars call on or ad­ dress JOB TOLE8. 38-4w Greenwood, 111. Our 92.00 shoe will knock ent tbe w hole town.. STOFPEL A BLAKE . Nobby Hats- Evansoa's. -moderate prloes at ANY FARMER, Wanting to purchase a Pulverizer will find Uto his Interest to examine the Bud long at Bishop's warehouse be­ fore buying. Cigars at J. A. Story's. .Ip you want a first class Photograph, call on L. E. Bennett, over Perry 4b Owen's store. - HOUSE TO RENT. garden and outbuiHHiijft. reasonable. Inquire at this Good T^rins office. _______ See the English Satine corset at 75c, worth 81.00. See our bargains In table cloths and scrlmb cloths. Look us over for Wall Paper, celling decorations and borders. We still sell the Faigo box-tip shoes; warranted. Buy your seeds ef us as we carry a full line. "Our Leader" tobacco at 20 coats a pound. It cannot be beat. Examine our boots, and rain coats; way down. Clotting! Clothing! largest variety; lowest prices. Buy the correot style Hats of us; very cheap. Our Groceries are always fresh and cheap. BON9LETT A STOFFEL. . CARPET WEAVING. The undersigned Is prepared to weave Rag Carpets en short notice and at Reasonable rates. Residence one Block West of the residence of Wm. Walsh. Orders respectfully so­ licited, and satisfaction guaranteed. MRS. WM. FOLTZ.* WHEAT WANTED. highest market price In casb will be paid fer good Milling Wheat, at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc­ Henry. R. BISHOP, FOR SALE. Oae Bay Mare coming S years old. well broke, 1 black colt two years old, also well broke, 1 bay celt one year old, for sale cheap, inquire of , , *s O. W. OWEN. • McHenry, 111. W* Ttavt * complete line of Sweet Orr 4b Co.'s Overall, and pants, best goods made. Prices moderate. JOHN EVANSON 4b Co. TO FARMERS AND HORSEMEN. The undersigned will attend to all calls for castrating Colts. Orders left with T, B. Turner or E. J. Haoly will tseelve prompt attention. EANLY A TURNER. McHenry, April 2, Cigars at J. A. Story's. A choice Hoe of Box PiM^ i at Besley's, West Side. Genuine Brass Pins only 5 cents pari paper at Evanson's. SMOKE the "Empire Cuban,** the best Five Cent Cigar in the market. City residences for sale. Apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, HL Go to J. A. Story's for best grade of Kerosene Oil. Gold Paints, Bronze Paints, Stiver - Paints, etc., at J, A. Story's, Tou wiil find a full line of artist's material at J. A. Story's. Fish of all kinds CHEAP at Stoffel 4b Blake's. Go to J. A. Story's for best grhde of Kerosene OU. ' Besley's Worm Syrup fOr children has no equal. Wells 4b Richardson's celebrated butter color for sale at New Drag Store. j All kinds Ladies' and Gent's Pocket books and bags at Besley's Drug store west side. Our lino of hats In spring styles la oomplete. STOFFEL 4b BLAKE. Linseed Oils. Turpentine, Brushes, and all supplies for painters at J. A. Story's. FOR SALE. A large quantity of Shelled Corn tor sale at Bishop's Mill. Besley's Condition Powders are a great benefit to cows. Increases tho flow of milk and keeps them healthy. Those Prsirle City Feeders are a spendid machine and are sold at l bottom prices at Bishop's Warehouse Erery thing In the Implement line can be /ound at Bishop's Warehouse. $- Call and examine. Prices lew, Fine fresh Figs and Dates ouly 10' cents per pound, 3 pounds for 25 cents,-- -* at Evanson's. Choice California Dried Fruits of ' nearly every description ac reasonable y prices at Evanson's. ^ The Prairie Ctty Seeders us the strongest aad best made machine for; : •ale. R. BISHOP. ^ It will pay you to examine the fine ,*• : assortment of wall paper and wlaiow- ^ shades at Evanson's. "Carry the news to Hannah," that the best place to buy Ladies Fine 3bot»s is at Aitboff Bros. Besley's Famous Wankegan If; Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslettlg A, ln> glen's and John Heimer's. ' -A ' ALDEN, 111. February 4, IBSS. JML C. DICKINSON 4b SON, Barrington. Ill, *'H Dear 6ir.--Please send me by ex- ® ^ press two dazen Cow Prescriptions, I got one of my neighbors to try It on a - _, ^ cow that was almost do ad with milk >' fever, and it cored her. It Is a thing. a E.B.SMlTa. 1 Drink Besley's Ale and be healthy ^* / and happy _____ ; * r J- All kinds of Story Books for children ^ ^ cheaper than dirt, at Besley's. - - Liuseed Oils, turpentine, Brushes^..-rLi- and all supplies for painters at J. A, ' Jv " . '"1; Call and see the grand display of" ' latest style pattern Hats and Bennett at Mrs. H. H. Nichols. Wo have a larg* line of spring Pants at #1.75,92,00, $2.50 and 83.00. STOFFEL 4b BLAKE. MIDDLINGS, Corn Meal and Groond Feed at rea­ sonable prices. Call and learn prtcee at Blsnop's Mill. Go to Althoff Bros. Tor Fine Shoe* The finest stock In town. .% - * • v-i -• ¥»> . 1 Believing ̂ That a good new stock of clothing is , 4" needed In this place we bave put in a ' complete line. Call and look it over. ; Yours truly, V; STEVENS 4b MILLER. i: ; _ Besley's celebrated Ale on draught at John Helmer't. J. Bonslett's and A. Bngoln's. The meat healthy drintele* say weather. Don't Experiment, Tou cannot afford to waste time in experiment whsihj your lungs are In danger. Consumption always seems, at first only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose upon yon with some cheap imitation of Dr. King's Nfew Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and colds, but be sure you get tbe genuine. Because be can make more profit.he may tc'l you he has' something Just as good or just the same. Don't be deceived, - but insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discov­ ery which is guaranteed to give relief In ail throat,lung and chest a flections. Trial bottles fre at G. W. Besley'a Drugstore. Large bottlesfl. ...Av< " FOR SALE. In the village of Ringwood, the fot- S lowing property One good Dwelling House contain* ^ ing seven rooms, good cellar. Ou the 4" ^ same lot is a shop 12x32. one story, suitable for almost any kind of heal* ness. If applied for at once, win aaH^S8l bouse separata for §500. Or wltt eat! bouse, lot and shop for 8650, P< slon given ICQ mediately, •»,' Also another house and los well- .*f located. The house contains tea rooms* , and there is a good stable and other :r-~ : outbuildings ou the premises. Will be ^ sold for flMp jjaab, Call on or addiiM, '!SS' WESLEY LADD, »-.? F, 13-18-6®, Ringwood. Dl. A Sound Legal Opinion. E Balnbrldge Muuday Esq. County Ally., Co,, Vex. says: "Have used Electric Bitters with most happy re­ sults. My brother also was very low with Malarial Fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medi­ cine. Am satisfied Eleotric Bitters saved his life." Mr. D I. Wilcox, of Horse Cave Ky., adds a little testimony, saying: He positively believes he would have died, bad it not been for Electric Bitters. This great remedy will ward off, as well as cur® al! Malaria Diseases, and for ail Kidney. Liver and Stomach Disorders stands unequ«led. Price 50 eonts, and $1 at G. W. Besley's. s WAITED N To canvass for the sale of Nureerj Steady em ploy men I guaranteed. expeoeea paid. Apply at oaee stat « HOWLA-Uj^

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