Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 May 1888, p. 1

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£ ' < vi ;,f ^ >*:• ; »*• •*• " Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." 'VOL. 13. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1888. iiiiiMii .^YFUUISID EVRET WSDUBSOAT f. VAN SLYK«,- KOITOR AMD PROPRIETOR. ~ 0ffiee In Bishop's Block* RR ^ -OMIITI PLUT St TISXS OP svBwunioR. MM Tear (in AT ranee) $1.90 tf N«t Paid within Three Mouth* 5L00 Subscriptions received for three or six •tnthi It the same proportion.* Vfcm!Eproved lots in Toledo, valued at #5,000, and an insnranoe polwy lor #5,000, Ihere is nothing. JAMES D. FISH, ex-Preaidetit of the Marino Bank, now serving out his sen­ tence in the Albany penitentiary, is said to be Buffering from a severe at­ tack of goat. Perhaps the. prison fare lor rich rascals is not the same' as that •erred to the smaller thieves. C. P. HUNTINGTON has been whining to the San Francisco reporters that lie can't get "justice" from Congress this year because Congressmen are all look­ ing for re-election. It is generally Considered that "justice" is the tiling most to be feared by Mr. Huntington. MRS. ESTHER POTTER, of Long Ridge, Me., when on her deathbed, prayed that her youngest child, ah infant, jnight go with her. After bidding the test of the family good-bye, she clung li- BUSINESS CARDS. WM, OSBOUVE, M. R>. . PHYIOIAW AND (J RGROX. Office lit the Parker House. West McHenry. Calls prorap.iy attended to day and night. PATJL BROWN, A TTORNET AT LAW. U. 8. Express Co.'s £1L Building, 87 and 89 Washington St. CHICAGO, ILL. M. F. ELL WORTH, ATTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor tn Chan . eery, Nanda, 111. A.A W. SMITH, AT LAW and ATTORNEY ___ Chancery.--Woodstook, III. Solicitor] ;in AOWTTATR MART O. WORKER. BARBIAN. All kinds of Hair Work done in first class stvle and at •^'"treasonable prices. Rooms at residence,north- Thti***t corner of Public Square, McHen ry, I1L imi( JOSLYN * CASEY. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Woodstoek III. xm. All business will receive prempt atten- JOHN KLEIFCEN. HOU^E Partite*, Gralncr, Calciminer and Paper Hanger. Residence one Block West of Riverside House. Work attended to promptly and on reasonable terms. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker And Jeweler NO. U2 SOUTH CLARK STREET, Chi­cago, 111. Special attention given to re­ pairingFine^ratches and Chronometers. WA Full Assortment of Goods in his line 8tyl*v imkfU noti any DR . O. E. WILLIAMS A DAHLIN. ENTIST* Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenrv, at Parker House, the 10th 11th ith and'26th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I nake my visits on^the following Monday, and ""^he first day of sneta visit occurs on Friday, I of a**~n1 stay but one day. the thoi all ma^ Mi States War Claim Apcy OF he j WM. H. COWLIN, - Illinois. ^asWood stock, - the Prosecutes all claasss and kinds of claims no Hgainat the United States tor ex-Soldiers, -Qjjtheir Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made In prosecuung old and howejected claims • All communications promptly answered if COUpostage Stamps are enclosed for reoiv. won, WM, H. COWL IIS* Jffice at Residence, Madison St., Woods toe <, thai! Illinois. shipl BUSINESS CARDS. 1 B. T. BROWN, M.D. iBYSlOIAN AND STJRGKON. OMce at Residence, McHenry, 111. O. H. FEGERS, M. D- PHYSICiAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, nil Office at Residence. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, 111. Office at Residenoe, one door weal •f M. E. Church. • 0: a BARBIAN BROS. 1GAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or- 1 dors solicited. Shop, lo Old McHenry, Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside Livery Stable. E. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. First JL class rigs, with or without drivers Jraished at reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. 1 NEAR THE 'DEPOT, HTE8T McHENRY, ILL' Keeps open tor the accommodation of the Public a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant, S'V* ' •There he will at all times keep the beet brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigar* to be foand in the market. Also Agent For FRANZ PALE'S MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER. Beer tn Large or Small Kegs or Bottlea al­ ways «n hand, cheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. Order a by mall promptly attended to. HOOD UTABLlim FOB HOBJSB& 4VCall and see us. Robert 8ohlsss|p. We.t MoOenry, 111. -- 1-*--- JL. Eaglea'* SALOON AND REST 1] ANT. x McHENRY, ILLINOIS. ? Attention Horsemen! MOHEHRT, III., April 1st, 1868, t would respectfully Invite the Public to call and examine m j stock of Horses before making arrangements elsewhere. No busl. nessdone on Sunday. • *• 8. COLBY M'HSHRT ILL "'1,1)1^"" it. SMlfH Sl ROGERS' Quintette Orchestra, BING WOOD ILL. Are prepared to furnish First Class MuMc to the Dancing Public at Reasonable Rates. J, Smith, 1st Violin. M. Rogers, 2d Violin and Prompter, Robt. Madden. Clarionet, C. Curtis, Cornet. IC. Ingalls, Basso. Address all communications to Jerry Smith, Ring wood, Illinois, or Mort Rogors, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, Wo neat th« world for to* prices. A hiuulnome and Strongly Bound Pboto- , aw -m -w Rraph Allium, P'-fr X tfl'4 •icn.'s, gilt sides an<i edfies, iioldiEK 22 papes of Cab- •K t :i tin Curd pirturog f><-nt for 60cents, ri'tail price. 1.25. A r;i«it<!;;r»ph Albnm.sw sin'- Ktnbussed eold ed*«i, extension .Hasp, holiline ->2 of Cabinf-tnnd Card pictnre. <ciit for ri'tnils forS2.25. Illustrated circnliurs C5*F HI the AL'iivi'itnd "• -- alfCC Fixna STYLUS or A' ScWufciSi Clnein null Ohio. ALBUMS c. G. ANDREWS, ' GENERAL Fine Kentucky Liquors, Trench Bitters, . JUcHenry Lager Beef, lUka* MilwukM Bmt, --AND-- I. ScUitz lilfautee Bottle Beer, Is any quantity from a Sni|| Olans to 500 barrels. AT WHO ELS ALE OE RETAIL BNT in bottles, kegs or cafe as tkaap as the cheapest. - Wa boy none but th^ best Mid tail at Reasonable Prices, Call and see me and I will u» f«« well. ANTONY ENGELN, v|i6fienry. III.. 1886. Orereeata, la all tha Uteai ttytos, at liBrittl 4k Stofela. SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming- Tools and Goods ot' all kinds attended to on the most mSOSTABLE TIRJI3. C. C. Andrews, Spring Grove, IP. Spring Jrove, Sept. 3th, 1899. 11-U-3m Warrants a Fit or e make Suits to order of the oeet Cloths, Foreign or Domes­ tic. t TEE LOWEST PRICES i'hat good Goods can be sold *1 HE ALsO Cleans and Repairs Clothes Neatly and on short notice. Cilve "H© a Call E. LAWLU8. McHenrV. Jan 19th. 188f>. SIBLEY'S 8EHD'°r«wr Vegetable, Flower, Field Plants, Bnlb*, Implem'ts. Ilmstratefl Catalope 81 for 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address in the United States for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free Address all orders to • RICHARD X. FOX, FRANKLIN SQUARE, New York. AT THE OLD STAND, JACOB BONSLETTi £« ALOON AND RESTAURANT, at the Old j stand, opposite Bishop's mill, McHenry, 111. The choicest Winea, Liquors an«l Cigars to He found in the county. Warm or cold meals on short notice on application. PHIL BET'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Case, always on hand. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSIS. ATTENTION! Farmers and Dairymen. It will pay those looking for CHO ICE COWS Freeh milkers or springers, to call at wy premise* i-. fore purchasing. I can fnrntan •neb by the ear load or single cow. FORTES H. WOLFRUM, CHEXCire. Farm about tour Bile* northwest of Harvard, Illinois. CHICAGO COLLEGE OF COMMERCE, I IS Monroe Street. .Educate for Business at this practical Institnti>n, students can iter at any time. ?/. .* : •; „ VBBD F. JtrnD, Principal. JOHN P. SMITHS Watohmetlcex* Sc Jeweler, McHENRY. ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Je« -elryalwavson hand. Special attention given to repairing fine watches. Give me a call. JOKlf P- SMITH. O. NCKDHAM'8 SONS lie-11 > Dearborn StrMt, OHIOAOO ill dmrllt Rhennuttlsm, Dyspeiwla. Siok Headache, ConstipaUob.PllML whooping Coutrh, and all KMIttUia Send for all* rauur. Meifuon papwr. FOR SALE at 1L V. SHKFARD'S Hardware Store, McHenry. • ' Furap Repalt£ag, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all iobe in the line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps, Cementing Wells, or •"111 put in XTevr Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. la abort will do all work in this lino. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump Repaired ora new Pump, give me a call. WOrders by mail promptly attended to. Post Office, JonnsburRii, 111. L. BANTES. JobnsDurgh, 111., May 2Sth, MS. CHICAGO*"® NORTH- WESTERN WW RAILWAY. Penetrates the Centers lofj-v. PopulatloiOfii IMs, Iowa, Tinsii, MicMp, linnesota, Dakota, NeMa ni fjonini.. F pp bv mail on application. Don't neglect writing for it DBJJC SIBLEY ft CO. Rochester, N. Y. Chicago, III. SHtl t laii lt. 18-14 M, OlarkBt Its train service is carefully arranged »o meet requirements ot local travel, as well as to furnish the most attractive routes tor through travel between important Trade Centres. Its equipment of day and parlor cars, din. tag ami place sleeping cars is without rival. its rosd-bed is perfection, of stone ballast­ ed steel. The Northwestern is the fiivorite route for the commercial traveler, the tourist and tlie seekers after new hemes In the golden N o r t h w e s t . . . . . ^ ̂ Detailed information oheerfully furnished * BERNARD BUSS. Agent, McHenry, III* f '4 *' ~ B. a WWKMB, ;Mr TYafflo X. J». WILTON. "MAY 600 BLESS YOU." A Boston Paper-Hanger's Trouble and how he got out of it-Plain Words from the Sunny South. When we are in trouble we cry for help. When we are relieved, we oftsn fortet to be thank tn I. But not alwaya, iMr. W. W. Griflin, of Trout Creek ft. Olair Co., Ala., writes: "I had a bad attack of chili, and fever. Jly system was full of malaria, For two years I wa« scarcely able to wo-k at all. Sometimes mv heart WouUi palpitate for two hears at a time. Jtr Jeg* wouia get cold to the knees, ami I full* expeoteii to die. In September, 1881,1 botght a Imttle of Shaker I5xtract of Roots, or gfeicel's Curative Svrup, of your agent, Mr. K. M. King, ami before I hail taken the first fett le 1 fel t' better, and in a short time waaah'.e to pro jo work. May liofi oless you for UWgoori yon have liono.*' Mr Wm. J. MeCMRSt !W It-imlall St., Boston, writes: "Six moitM ago I began to throw np my food after <taUeg. I thought I was go ing into consumption.' I soon begsn to have pain in the cheat, at«e»ch anil sl.loa fitus sleep and awoke ah tired out. lost flye pounds in tout Extract of RS»t ch and sides. I got I once lays. I began using Shaker Extract of lWjM.% or Seigel's Srrup, and when I bad finished (lie sixth bottle I could eat three aquarfmeHls n day, and go to sleep the minute I struck the be I. I am a paper hanger by trade, and have worked every day since 1 took the second bottle, and f iiirted 18"pounds. I ott<ht to be thankful and am." • This remedy opens ail the natural passages of the body, expels the (loison from the blood and enablos native to rebuild what dt> sease has destroyed. Shaker Extract of^Hoots, or Seigel's Svrup is sold by all druggist^ or sena t« the propri­ etor, A. J. "Vhite, M Wjirren St, New York. Howe's: Block, MoHENRYt II.LINOIS, CHAS. A. BAR BEE, Prop. We take pleasure l««ftnonncing to the citi *eno of McHenrv an«l^surroun<tTng country -.hat tve keep on band Stall times a full stock af all kinds of BAKER'S SUPPLIES, And hope by a close attention to business to verlt the patronage of the Publio. From a ong experience In the business we are confi­ dent that we can please ail, SSXAS, FI1S, CASES, And in short everything in the Bakery line wall oe kept on (tana Fresh Every Da^t A FULL STOCK OF ~w Confectionery and Cigars, _ ISJO. . All of the best i|ualltr and at the lowest prices. Call and see us. CHAS. A. BARBIE* McHenry. March 87th, 1»S8. I. A. CRIST . ----'•DEALKR IN--i-- Corn, Oats, Rye and Mill Feed; Prices as LOT ASTHELOWEST Call f nd get figures before buy­ ing elsewhere. ' Will guarantee you satisfaction in every particu­ lar. Don't Psy Anyone To Bay Yon Fttd for Yon. Large new Warehouse at the Pickle Factory in West McHenrj, Ilia ois. A. emsTY. •BREEDERS OF- MORGAN HORSES, Short Horn. Btd Polled Angus, And Jersey Cattle. West McHenry," III. Our Morgan Stock is all pure bred, and iriginated from the beat Morgan sto :k in the United States. Old Gifford Morgan, who stands at the head if our Stock, is one ot the best bred Morgan <ior«es in the country, and can show more and ictter all purpo e colts than any other horce in the West. We invite the inspection of our stock by h iraemen and all lovers of fine animals, a few full blood Morgan Colts and young torses for sale, Also one matched team, full tloodo. in (;attle we have the full blood Short Horn #tju h we are crossing with the Red Polled Angus and therefore instead of sawing off the lorns *e are breeding them off and with food sueeess. A few Heifers and Bulla, both pure bred Short Horns and the oross above mentioned for sale. , _ . ^ _ J. R. taylor A Sons. West MaSenry, Ili* Feb, 87th. IN*. Soldiers' Department, OOWTRtBUTD BT WM. H. COWLIN. C* A. R. Directory. M'HBKBT POST HO. 643. Meets the First and Third Sat urday evenings ef each month. L. E. BGKHBTT, Com. MIOHKOVD POST NO 288. Meeta the seoouC, Friday evening ef each month. WM. PaaoooK, Oom. WOODeTOOK NtT. HO KM. Meets first and tlttrd Monday evenings ~of each month. WH. AVIST, Oom. KUWDA POST, HO 9ti Meeta the seoond and fourth Tuesday evenlnga of each month. WM, BUTLXX, Oom. " HASTAKD FOOT, *0 985. Meeta the second ana rourtn Monday-even ings ot each month. x R. J. WHITTL*TOK, Oom. Miitsoo POST, Ka 169, Meets every second and Fourth Friday evenings of each month. Jonv W. aasBtr, Oom. WAUCOWDA POST, HO. 868. Postmeets everv second and fourth Satur­ day evening in G. A. It. Hall, Main St. WARM* B. rowans, Oom, Alenf the Skirmish Line. Tbs cost to the State of Wisconsin for the case of flfty-one veterans at the Soldier's Heme at Waupaca for the quarter ending March 31, was $1,373. 16--13.60 par week. The bronze statue of Geaeral G, K Warren, to be erected en the summit of Little Round Tep, Gettysburg, will be completed for dedication Aug. 8. 1888. A reunion of union sod confederate soldiers from the Armies of tbs Poto~ mac and Northerti Virginia Is to be held at Gettysburg July 1, 2 and 3. Bryner Post, Peoria, recently loat all their war relics, records, and equip* tnents by fire. Frank C. Wilson, Ho. 1,312 Castle avenue, Philadelphia, Pa., defiires all members of thp Twentieth Pennsyl­ vania Cavalry to send him their ad­ dresses at once. There are only four men osw living who hane personally received th« thanks of the Coi.gress of the United States. They are Gens. Sherman. Sheridan, Howard and Terry. ILLINOIS SOLDIERS* AND SAILORS HOME, QUINCY, III,, April 14,--To the Editor,--Will you kindly request through the widely read Teteran Col­ umn, that ail comrades report to m« the nnraMMnd i-*)«tef«»<!?^>f.any,tMMaer- ably discharged soldiers or sailors ot the Mexican or Civil Wars, two year* resident of-.'this state, whose disability is euch that they cannot earn a living, and who desire admittance to th< home. It is the desire of the manage meut that all who are eligible, and wh- need the shelter of the home, should be provided for as soon as possible. Attention to this will much oblige J. G. ROWLAND, Supt. Richard W. Surby, late Quartermas­ ter Sargeaat Seveath Regiment Illl inois Veteran Volunteer Cavalry, and Chief of scouts of the famous Griersou raid from Tennessee to Louisiana, April and May 1863, is the designer of a beautiful illustrated Grand Arm? chart representing all the Past Com­ mas ders-in-ohlef G, A. R. all the Past ommanders-in-cblef Sons of Veteran* ail the Past Presidents Woman's Reliei Corps, all their different badges, al) the army corps badge*, and very man) other oyal features. The size of chart is 24x32, and Is now in prooees of com­ pletion, work being done by M. Umb- denstock ft Co., Chicago, and expected to be ready for the market by first ot July nsxt. \ The Order in General. General order No. 7, National head­ quarters Grand Army of the Republic has been promulgated under date of April ^6,1888. It calls attention to the near approach "of May 30, 1SS8, the twentieth annus! recurrence of Me­ morial Day." The order lays: "The spirit ind customs of our order impose upon all comrades the duty of partici­ pating in the public recognition of the day. Let it not be forgotten that our comrades dead were earnest, manly men. whs voluntarily faced death for a cause worthy of the sacrifice. Let all known graves of the men who fought for the Union, on land or sea, be mark­ ed by the pure blossoms of spring, which In all tetigues speak the language of gratitude and love." Let the people be assembled for special memorial ser­ vices where eloqueuce and song shall unite to teach and exemplify the dntles and rewards ef patriotism; and so may lbs better angels of our naiure touch- log the tender chords of memory which stretch from every battle-Meld and patriot grave to every living heart aod hearthstone all over this broad land,' so swell the chorus of the Union chat no discord shall ever again mar its glorious harmonies." Soldiers and the Civil Service. The new Civil Service rules boar hard upss the ex-soldiers of the De­ partments. Many of them were mak­ ing the existence of a Civil Service commission possible during the best years of tbelr lives. They were In the service of tbe Union in time sf war while many sf those now occupying places not touched by the new rules wers snjoylng ths benefits sf ths psaos sstabllsbment- Tst ths sx- aoldisr, undsr ths nsw rule*, upon fall we lo pan ths minimum, sr undsr a new trial after tlx meaths, may ,be humlliated by' reduction or be dismiss ed altogether. In ths meantime the man who has a fourth-class place has the advantage of tbe ex-asldlsr In education, because he prsfsrrod the walks of peace ts thoes sf war. justice seems to reqnlre that the fourth-ciaaa clerks should be compelled is stand an sxaminatton for the places thsy hsld, and the agitation for a Changs of the rules in this respect la not likely sosn ts aubslds. ^ AFTSE XAVY YEASS. Confederate Money Loaned in a Frlsoa Repaid in Greenbaoks. [JVom the Jiang or (Me.) Oormneretat,] On Tuesday of this week Csunty At- tsrney H. II. Burbank, of Saoo, paid ths following sots, which was recently forwarded him from Greenville, Pa.: |50. COLUMBIA, S. C.. Jan. 16. 1865. Fsr value received I promise to pay, on demand, to William Washburne, or order, the sum of fifty dollars. (Signed) HOBACB H. BUBBANK, Limerick, Me. When this note was given Col. Bur- bank was an inmate of Columbia pris­ on. unwillingly partaking of ths hospi­ tality of ths Confederacy. Among his companions was William Washburns, a Lieutenant of tbe 5th Mass., who had received from his father a large sum of Confederate money. Unwilling to alone enjoy ths advantages that Con federate money could purcbass, Wash hurne distributed his fsrtune amort his comrades In sums of #50 each, tak­ ing their notes therefor. Tbe #50 was then only worth #10 in United States money, but nevertheless It enabled tbe prissners to obtain many a luxury orN tn extra ration. Soon after Col. Burbank returned ts tils home bs wrots to Mr. Weehburne at Boston, where he gave his address, sking if hs still had ths nsts, but no answer was sver received, and till a <hort time ago he supposed that his benefactor had joined the silent ma­ jority. Receotly the Colonel found among his mall a long letter from Mr. *Ya8hburne, whs la now llvlnig In Greenville, Pa. Ths letter stated bat Its writer bad been paroled at < -harlotte, N. C., shortly after the fsr uuate escape of Col. Burbank and a number of others from Columbia Prls- »n. From Charlotte, Washburns wa*tak- n to Annapolis, Md., where he was exchanged. By this time he had be- *H»m« a physleal wreok , a«d . totally Hind. Under the care of his parents i" improved somewhat and regained ne partial use of his eyes, but is still Usabled. He says that since he has -^rjggled along trying to maintain hi? mall family. The letter Is gracefully worded, and tells In a modest way a ruly pathettc story. In the sam* nveiope was the old nsts, yellow, but <vell preserved. It Is needless to say that Cel. Bur- tank hastened ts pay off his old debt, md at the sams time to reilsvs tbe -«>e*8&ltlss of a prematurely old vet- ran soldier. HOW "ST0HEWALL" FILL, rhs Story of a Confederate Soldier who saw the Fatal 8hots Fired. Athens (Ga.) Bantutr: We followed »ur bottoms until we got ts the plank jad leading from Fredericksburg to 'hanjellorsville, being then near and m the front of Hooker's (bettor known is Fighting Joe) army. Ws were brown in line of battle three deep, tnd ordered to rest, but our rest was suddenly disturbed by the firing sf >ne of our cannon immediately In snr rear, and as the echoe died awav we ueard the answer from sns of Leo's guns. Tbe beys then knew that tbe next thing would be to fight, and in a tew minutes ws heard ths order oom- ing from tbe line, "Fix baysnets and charge." With a yell we pushed sn »ut had gone but a very short distance before we were on the enemy greatly 0 the'r surprise. As they were not looking for us at that time and plaoe. hey were not prspared ts receive us. «o they took to their heels rather than be taken prisoners, leaving their knap- •*acks laid In squares by companies, guns stacked and camp ksttles belling with beef. On we went In high spirits in double quick time, loading and firing. I passed one poor fellow with a ball through his leg bathing in a hole ot water. He looked up %t us and said: Go ahead. Johnnies;'thc Yanks are running liks !" The further wo went the mere stubbor.n the enemy became, but there was no stopping the Stonewall men. Just at dusk they made t bold stand in tbe edge of heavy woods, where they had tbrswn up some good breastworks, but we made no stop but forced them en. As It was dark we soon came to a halt. The best of my recollection is that we must have bee a on this charge sns and a half bsurs. When we stopped I found 1 bad strayed ofl from my company, but I soon found them 6tan.liag in the plank road telling as soldiers will, what each one bad seen, bow many rounds each one bad shot etc. While waiting we heard the clatter of horses' hoofs, and well does any old1 soldlsr know bow ws fslt to think of a cavalry charge in tbe night. Soon ws hsard tbe clinking of sabres: then we iMr- mentarily expected the dash of caval­ ry npon us. Our officers gays srders to all that bail loaded gone to fire when they cams near enough, and all that had empty ones ts pre pans eelve a cavalry charge. On closer aad closer, until tbsy bs almsst upon us. Being la an<j very dark, we could but we fired one volley. Only fired that were Immediately in read, and all was>ttil|as dsatii. Soldlsr-liks ws wsrs find that -the y had stepped easing their way bade. But oht|Mra» not so. It was Stonewall Urtiina Better would It have bssn bad*' band that pulled a trigger to a gun that night fallen dead than part In that disastrous killing. Ii diately after ths rain stopped the charge at dark Jackson rods la bs~ twssn the lines to find 0«t|wbere the snemy was (history gives It as a sap- pssltlon that he Intended matlag #ns of his night charges). One of.hto aides telling him they were among ifee^jtan* kees, they turned and put spue* far our lines, but were met by s afcower balls aad death. Were Beth Boys ta BtSS 1 A Soldiers' Home "Vet" was nMMjhklly brought before a Justice of in this oounty who was reoogalsed by tbe Justice as a comrade In . tbe Jate war. Tbe prisoner was slightly Milox- icated, lame and stoop aheuldeted. The Justice gave ths following com­ mands to ths prisonsr which wen efc>* rled ont to the letter: "A-t-t-e-n-t-l-s-al Salute your MM* rior officer!" JH He was saluted. "Pre-ssnt! Right about facs! Hs wassbsysd with a military mtea. "Forward 1 Marsh!" shooted the Justiee. The prisonsr obeyed going toward the entrance with tbs rsgnlatlosaltide Wheq, within tea feet of the doer ths Jostles cried "Haiti Attsntiont Keik time!" Tbe Home Inmate sslemaly tapped his foot on the floor. "Forward! March! Double qoie%!n Tbe boy in blue watted for no mors, but wsnt through the door lHm * rocket. ' AHoona in Parrots. That chattering genius of ths lbd tribe known as the poll-parrot is oro- ating something of a financial i 1 tion among fanciers, who find customers than parrots, but timid about holding their such prices as now preyftt that a,.Jfcg|india or Si fleet maFTre *ny imome the market. "Sure enough thereof a boom iu parrots," said a Ninth street dealer, "and we are getting high prices for the birds on hand, especial­ ly for Brazilian pets that can talk. The other day we sold a bird for #190, and we hold this one in the cage aire (pointing to a fine specimen oa.*' perch near by) at $125." i. W "O, yes. e sold the #150 parrot partly oh its merits and partly be­ cause it bore a" strong resemblance to the recently deceased pet of an old lady on Spring Garden street, who 'was as fond of her.bird as though it had been her daughter. But it w*S a Bright parrot, could whistle 10ES a flute and knew half a dozen such tunes as'Comin' Thro' the Rye.' 'Yankee Doodle,' 'Over the Fence is Ont»'S|kd •The Old Man's Drunk Again.* MO latter tune it learned from its late unto- tress, along with sundry profane < pressions, which cut down its vs! at least #50. A parrot that would split out half a dozen tunes without a cuss word, say 'good night' apd 'good morning* at the proper times, and would not fight with the house* c*t» 7,-ould, in the present condition of the market, fetch #250." "Is the parrot market corneredf* "O, no. That was tried once, and a New York firm bought up all Hie talking parrots in the country quietly, at fair prices, and waited for a big raise. Just as the corner was'ioOut to succeed two vessels sailed into Now York harbor wtih several hundwd birds on board, and the pool, WS* broken, the syndicate losing over #100,000 on the deal. "But that was not so queer as the bad luck of a captain who bopght over a hundred or more parrolsio 1884. He left Rio about two nMtipNl before the presidential election, Slid thought that he would make a ,tspec" by teaching the birds to say 'hstffeii for Blaine. The sailors were lwsy during the entire voyage it the birds in this single sentence* the vessel arrived Cleveland he&| elected, and the parrots were ft'< loss. The captain did not L for them to pay first cost*" "What are prevailing prices newf* "Well, Cuban parrots sell to #15 and Brazilian parrots from #S0 to #125. These are double the demand. which have been prevailing. " ' ' ply _ eat pets, and an old lady the other day bought a suit is due to a limited suj E>pfy and brisk Parrots are g$eat; parrot from us for #10, which we had about made up our minds to giveaway, just because the bird looked like one which she had owned for years and which had just died."--Phiiaitlpkitt Beoonk • i • -' * She Did Not Decline. , . >4 A*. ' V' .. r. * Mrs. Bascom--You wouldn't believe it, Mrs. Tibbitts, to look at me nowf but when I was a girl about 19 years old I lost my appetite, and grew so pale and thin that everybody said* was going to fade away and die. < Mrs. Tibbitts--Indeed! and #hst was tbe matter with you? Mrs. Bascom--Love. __ - Mrs. Tibbitts--Do tell! Bow tki yon ever recover? Mrs. Bascom--O, it kind of natural like. You-^ called to see me one nighty] awful blue; and says he. " folk say you're sroin' into a "Xo, I ain't Joshua." says I# you'll have me."-- TtdrMUm

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