Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 May 1888, p. 4

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I&AY. HAY a. 1888. iLYSB, Editor. ^PAPftR*:y"&aE *" OO.'S Newspaper Advertising w_»tae8 Street), where advertising t f S N E W Y O R K . - •iy Northern Governor would have b *«n Impeached, such uotnimitr ft not only prima facie, but conclusive proof •f the most shameless fraud, and the mere so when it ia remembered that the entire population of the parish at the last census was only 28 aw.--State Jourgal. , / ; -•? ' * * Special Meeting of tlia of Supervisors, April 25, !^»»QlkC8SIONAl. TICKET. jfor Mmber of Oongresn--bth Distriti, ALBERT J. IlJPfCrXS, of Aurofik ||(|»IIBLICA*I COUNTY TICKET. Far Circuit Clerk, I, "JT, P. MORSK, of Wund*. - For State*' Attorney, • • " ADStSERT B. COOY, JO., »/J Marmgo. • A fbr County Surveyor, CSARLBSIH. TRTOy, of SebroH. Far Coronsr, CSARLES K. COOK, of BuMley. Senatorial Convention. 5the Republican voters «f the counties com- Wtslug the Eighth Senatorial District of the State ef Illi nois, are requested to sen ! dele «tea to a Senatorial District Convention, to bo bald at the Oourt House, in the city of Woodstock, on ThurMav, the 10th day of Mar, A, D- 1*H, at U o'clock a. m, for the nomination of candidates for State Senator, and Representatives from said district in the SttbOeneral Assembly of this State. The counties will be entitle:! to represents tlenin mil convention a* tollowe: , Boone „1« delegates Lake •••••P McHenry.... ... U " Boone Co--A O Fassett, F I Hall, John J Ooon take Oo--L Bmekwar, J A Mason, s H Flinn McHenry Oo--F K Granger, B K Bunker, L Barber, Senatorial Committee. t^TThe name of Celenel George H# Harlow is now added to the list of can­ didates for Secretary of State subjec' tO tfc§decision of the State Republican Otavefttlou, He in one of the best known men In the State and has friends ta e^ery school district. He wan elect­ ed Secretary of State twice en the Re­ publican ticket, but ba« been out of •pure politics for some yeare. He was U excellent official, no breath of scan­ dal ever tarnishing his record. |9*The Paducah New*, (Den) ipsaktng of Senator Far well's late speech on the plans he proposed for preserving the circulation of the Na­ tional banks, says: "The speech was asonnd one from beginning to end and shows Mr. Farwell to be the capable financier he has had the credit of being Oar present system of currency is the best the country ever bad, and It should be retained until a better sys­ tem is devised, If it is possible to de- vise one." All of which reads as though the News was becoming wiser than its party. Mr The high compliment paid to Hon. A. J. Hopkins, of Aurora, last wook by the Fifth Illinois District Republican convention, by nominating bias for re-election to Congress with­ out a voloe of dissent or opposition was well deserved. That district em­ braces the enlightened and progressive Be publican counties of De Kalb, Kane. BOOM, McHenry and Lake, and a pop­ ular endorsement from that source means something. Mr. Hopkins is a faithful and wide-awake Representa­ tive, and there is no question of bts re-election.--Journal, |tf*The So publicans of Ohio have tbe courage of their convictions, and their platform states thaselconvictions In language at once clear and concise. The first section urges the importance of free and honest sutrago and de­ nounces the shameless crimes against and the complicity of the party in power in those crimes. The second taction favor* legislation that will protect the industrial Interests oi thia country and shield American labor from competition with the pauper labor of Europe. The third favors a wise and comprehensible peasien bill. The fourth condemns the cowardly surrender of the Northern Democrats In Congress to the small minority of tbo ex-Confederates and their allies, la the abandonment of the direet tax bill. The fifth endorses and commends Of*. Foraker's administration. The sixth approves the legislation of the late General Assembly. The seventh Instructs for Sherman for President. Iks Louisiana Frauds. r Since the Louisiana majorities con­ tinue to Increase It would seem to be •till in order to refer to the methods by which those pretended majorities wore secured, la January Governor XcEoery had pledged himself to see that tbero wa« "an honest and fair election.'* That promise alarmed the Democrats and encouraged the Repub­ licans, and at once a vigorous campaign was opened by ex Gov. Warmoth, McEoery settled his differences wi|b Nicola, and la a speech made at Schrevesport March 15. called on the citizens not to "permit the negroes to organize," and avowed bis purpose to prevent it even If it were necessary to , **wrap the State In revolution from the Gulf to the Arkansas line,"and added, •*It Is time we shall say the laws shall be tilent and uphold our liberties (beat the Republican ticket) at all hazards." ; > A little later, he sent the notification to the election officers, which has al ready been published la our columns In which he charged them each to "See t© It that your (their) parish returns a large Democratic majority," His elect J tlon officers, each supposing apparently < that it all depended upon himself, did MSOO to It" so liberally that the major­ ities have been coming in g0 absurdly 4 large and out of proportion to the ac > tnal population that it has made It evl dent, to even the most Incredulous what a wretched outrageous farce . Louisiana election is, For example, dispatch to tho New York World y (Dem.) reported that Rapides Parish .> cut Us entire vote, 7,000, for the Dem •Gtftlft ticket. In an election so close contested as to alarm the ratty party, and call out from l^kMPirnor such atrocious utterances quoted, utterances for which TTi6 honorable Boar<3 of Supervise of McHenry county met at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Court Hou<*« io Woodstock Wednesday, April 25,1S8S. Meeting called to order by tbo clerltf. At roll call the following named members answered t*» their names:-- Sup?. John HadselL A. B. Coon, Jr. L VVoodard. R. J. Beck, 11. S. Williams. M. W. Lake, *'m. H. Groesbeck, D. H. Flavin, Geo. B, Richards. F. E. Stevens John Weltzies, E. M. Lamb. Geo. W. Conn, A. R. Alexander, F. K. Granger, John Gracy, Charles F. Dike, Frel Hatch. The first order of business being the election of a chairman of the Board of Supervisors for the ensuing year. Sup. Granger nominated Sup. Dike for chairman. There being no other nom­ inations. Sup. Dike was unanimously elected as chairman for the ensuing year. Sup. Beck moved that the same rules governing the Board last year, to­ gether with the same number of standing committees, ba in force the present year. Motion carried. Sup. Hadsell moved that the Beard adjourn until 2 o'clock P. M. Motion carried. TWO O'CLOCK p. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Members alt present at roll call ex­ cept Sup. 3 E, Clark. * Minutes of forenoon readjand ap­ proved. The following standing committees made by the chairman were read to tho Board, to-wit: On Farm Isands--R. J. Beck, Fred Hatch, W. H. Groesbeck, Geo. Richards, John Gracy. On Town and City JjOts--A.. B. Coon, Jr., J. Hadsell, H. S. Williams, F. K. Granger, J. Weltzion. On Personal Property--A. R. Alexan­ der, M. W. Lake, D. H. Flavin, G. W. Conn. F. E. Stevens. On Rail Roads --M. W. Lake, E. M. Lanb J. Weltzlen, li.' Woodward, Sam'l Clark. On Finance--Fred Hatch, D. H. Flavin A. R. Alexander, R. J. Beck, John Gracy. On Education--G. B. Richards, Fred Hatch, W. H. Groesbeck, S. Clark, A. B. Coon, Jr. On Roads and Bridges --John Hadsell F. K. Grange. F. E, Stevens," Geo, W. Conn, S. Clark. On Fees and Solaries--H. S. Williams, F. K. Granger, A. B. Coon Jr. Fred Hatch, A. R, Alexander, On Public Buildings-- E. M. Lamb, R. J. Bock, John Hadsell, L. Wood­ ward, G. W. Conn. On Claims-- D. H. Flavin, Geo. Rich­ ards, ;M. W. Lake, A. B. Coon Jr, H. S. Williams. To Settle with Co. Treas--F. K. Gran­ ger. E. M. Lamb, R. J. Beok, W. H. Groesbeck, John Weltzien, On Poor Farm--H. S. Williams, D, H. Flavin, L. Woodward, F. K.vGran­ ger, G. W. Conn, On Elections--Y. K. Granger, A. R. Alexander, F. E. Stevens, John Hadsell, G. Richards,* On Town Accounts--W. H. Groesbeck M. W. Lake, John Gracy, F, E. Stevens, S. Clark. On Rules--L. Woodward, A. R. Alex­ ander, R. J. Beck, D. H. Flavin, E. M. Lamb. The quarterly report of tho county superintendent of Sebools was read to the Board and referred to the commit­ tee on education. The committee on education made the following report, which was read to the Board and on motion was adopt­ ed to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, W s&r. PAIKEM blood. It fei SsEZr fog* roofidy fiy KIDNEY TOtoPLAlflt# } *. t< * PAINX'S the liver and curative power, tonicr, makes it kidney complaint*. DYSPEPSIA PAIKT'S CETJERT Cowpotnro Rtomach, and quiets tb# nerves quie five orirans. This is is way it OHMS worse eases of Uyepegsie, CONSTIPATION PADFE'R OELEBY COSFPOUKB LA HU tic. It is a laxative, Mtion to the bowels, lows its use. rtlonn. To enabfe ptttl ea interested to make a trip to the country reached by. the Chicago A Northwestern Railway system, and famUiatixe themselves with the splendid opportunities offer­ ed for aettlomeut and investment, that company wlli run a sories of cheap laud excursions during the months of M ircli, April, M*y, aud June. Ticket* tor these ex-ursi-jos will be sold from ail principal sratlous to various points in Iowa. Minnesota. Dakota and Xdbraeka, at the very low rate of ooo tare for the round trip, and will be for return pas­ sage at any time within thirty days froui date of sale. For full particulars apply io agent* of the C, & N, W. Ry. or write £ P, \Vii$a«, G#oemJ songer Agent, Chicago* v 34eow7w • ST VTE OF ILI.IVOIS.) MOMBSRV, uouv rv, >ss VlLLAGK OF MOdENRV, I The following is a statement by Jamos It. Perry, treasurer of the Village of McM«t>ry, in the county an I state aforesaid, of the amount of village fundi received and expeud- ed t>v him during the iluo-al year endluj April 3i), 1838 shoveirg th>? amount of villatro funds on hand at the commencement of s-ild flsiwtt year, the amount of vill i? i funds received and from what sources received, tho amount of village funds expended and for what pur. pose expended, during said fiscal year ending as aforesaid. The said James B. Perrv, being duly sworn, doth depose and say that tho fallow­ ing statement by him subs-ribed 1« a correc t statement of the amount of village funds on hand at the commencement of the ilscal year above stated, the amount of village funds re­ ceived and the sources fr#m which received, and the amount expended and purposes for which expended, as set forth In sizid state­ ment. JAMKS B. I'ERKY. Subscribed and sworn te before me this 30th day of April, 183S. F. K. GRANGER, N. P To the President and Board of. Trustees of the Village ot McHenry, III. f{. . The treasurer would respectfully aabinlt the following report: RECEIPTS. Balance on hand May 1st, 1S87 ... 153 40 Received from F K Granger, del tax... 7 50 Rec'd 1st instailm't saloon licenses..... IT50 00 " pool, billiard, and ten pin lie's... ^ 30 CO ,, t" ^upircits licenses ...^I^SSOO Jpeddler licenses '. iffy, 4 00 ' .§? k Granger, flne collected.....', ^CI0oo . .;f'm all night permits ... v 4 00 " T J Walsh, old plank sold.... • 150 •""•"V1 W A Cristy, tile sold 2 40 ' 3d inst sal lie S800 w» F K Granger, fine collected.. #»>••!•< H N Holmes, " Geo Courtis, peddler's lie ..... •S -'p' Mrs T J Walsh, unexp dona., i f* " H N Holmes, fine collected..^ Every citizen, (imported domestic), will waut a new for the coming Spring festivities as then will >e a spr tig shaking off. Buyer gets the <*uita ant dresses at a big discount from fm*t cost* The dog is made the tar­ get for an old run over boots and shoes for the next ten days. We earnestly request you to come to us and not go elsewhere to be soaked, as we are enabed to offer No. 1 Mdse. at living prices on ci'edit or iui ̂ NOTIONS, Hosiery, J » ^Undsrwiar, M'BBHST COUKTT, Board of Supervisors, April Term, A D.1888. Mr. Chairman aod Gentlemen Board of Supervisors. * Tour committees on Education would beg leave to submit the follow­ ing report on the matters before them. That we have examined the quarter­ ly report of the County Superintend­ ed of School of time spert from Dec. 1887, to April 24.1888, that we have approved said report and recommend that tbo bills therein amounting to 9553 be allowed. Expenses at fol­ lows, 61 days visiting schools at 91... ' expenses came at (1 ... ' office work at ft ' examinations • other official duties...... M peddler license EXPEWDITUHES, Pd for prtg rep of 18*6-7 " Order No. 1, to N L Holmes, police •• " 2, C Hutson, police.. " " 3, P Thelen, care of l'pf- " •' 4, Perry & Owen, oil,. . •• " 5, J I Story, shears..,!... " «, H Colby oil " •• 7, C V Stevens, oil " ' *' 8, Wm Schreiner, labor. " " 9, C Howard, labor .. " " 10, S McDonald, t'm W'k " " 11, B Gilbert, oil, etc.... •« " 12, Smith, Son & Co. lutn " 13, P Theleii. police .... " " li, A C Granger, police. •' •• 15, T Murphy, caro l'ps. " •' 1H, E I.amphere. labor.. " " 17, F Myers, libor.. .... " " IS, F Iv Granger, stilarv. " " 19, W A Cris ty, " " •* 20, D Parker, «? " •• 21, Geo Kothermel, M " 22, A Weber, •« •« 2.1, T J Walsh, •« •• " 24, J Van Slyke. •• *• " 25, Smith. Son & Co IniH *' " 2K, N L Holmes, polioe.. •* '• 27, W Thurlwell, " • ... " " 28, O TEI Iredge, *' " • 29, S McDonald, labof^.. " " 30, T Murphy, care I'OS. " . 31, J Van SI k'ke, prtg.»,»- '* ' •*:*, '32, J 1 Story, nails..,/sv, «• ^^i33, H Colov, oil ... • " 5^^-34, i'erry & Owen, oiiiv, .^t#35, C V Stevens, oil. B Gilbert,oil.... '-'r """ ^ ^ Hrrtfl Ail »»• 'W'®' i M= ' fir"' li 37, Althoff Bros, oil..,,^ : , 38, G Rethermel, exp ot committee!. ; 39, T J Walsh exp of com v40, K K Granger " " i;4l, Wm Timriwell work ;fl42, Win Thurlweil, rep, •on prtmpis ,,43, John Gilles, lal>or...j ' 44, T B Turner, salary..'37 00 400 14 40 13 00 300 1 00 4 60 7 00 3 00 300 50 45 00 3 CO 3 00 15 00 1 90 v 50 >2 02 80 8 33 , '5 4 50 7 70 83 54 2 50 2 60 14 35 2 01 3 00 v 7 50 7 50 0 00 7 50 7 50 •>7 no 7 6H 4 5X 5 00 •' 5 00 5 00 :: 64 li 20 15 50 20 1 00 1 00 *, ; ?1 (W 196 6 00 6 00 6 00 7 W 3 00 3 00 ...$ 244 CO ... 6100 ... 128 OS ... 92 Of ... 28 00 ....• 553 00 Total All of which Is respectfully submit­ ted. G. B. RICHARDS, Chairman, W. H. GROESBECK, G. W. CONN, FRED HATCH. The following resolution was efiered by Sup. Granger, which on motion was adopted te-wit: RESOLVBD-- that the application of the Hon. f. D. Murphy, for the trans- ler of land script be referred to a pecial committee consisting of Beck, Beor) and Hatch, with instructions for them to ascertain yelueofsald land script and to transfer said script to said Murphy, if io their judgment it is advisable upon such terms and condi­ tions as they may think the best inter­ ests of the ceunty demand. The Clerk of the county belne Instructed to m >ke assignment of said scrip; when direct­ ed to do so by said special committee, Sup. Woodnrd meved that the night watchman at the court heuse be retain­ ed until the July meeting of the^Board unless the police magistrate should r - move his office from the Court Heuse before the July meeting; in that case the services of said watchman is to cease. Motion carried. Sup Granger moved that tho clerk be Instructed to draw an order In fa­ vor of the tows of Richmond for the amount of judgment and interest rendered against McHenrv county" at the January term 1888. Motion car­ ried. Sup. Hadsell moved that the repairs on poor bouse be referred to commit­ tee on poor liouso with power to act Motion carried. Sup. Flavin moved that the Board adjourn to neet at tbo call or the clerk. Motion carried. C. F. DIKE, Chairman, Attest--WM. AVERT, Clerk. Bucklon's Arnica Salve. The belt Salve in the world for cuts orulses, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptiane, and pos- tively cures piles, or no pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect eatis faction, or money refunded. Price 26 «*rta per box. For sale by G. W X)68t6Y« .'45, N L Holmes, police. •; 46, T Murphy, care l'ps. 47, Wilbur J^umber Oo, lumber..*. 1 4.«, Smith, Son & Co. lnm :* 49, B Gilbert, oil 50 Perry & Owen, oil... „51, J IStorv. nails.. .... 52, Wm 1' Stevens, nails 53, H V Shepard, nails... 54, H Colby, oil...! 5i, S McDonald, labor... 5", C V Stevens,oil 67, J B Blake, park saats 58, John Neish.ptgpkfnc 59, E I.amphere, t'm w*k 60, G T How®, rent. ...^ 61, 8 McDonald, labor;.. 62, Wilbur Lumber OO,;- lumber 63, J I Story, nails .', 64, W Davis drwg grvl.. 66, T Murphy, care l'ps. 66 J Van Slyke, prtg.... 67, Smith, Son & Co lunib 68, Wilbur Lumber Oo" 69, C V Stevens, oil 70, H V Shepard, nails... 71, J Van Slyke, prtg and salary 72, T Murphy, c're l'ps. 73, Perrv & Owen, oil... 74, H Colb^', oil ... . 75, Althoff Bros, oil... 76, BGilbert, oil.... 77, Geo Curtis, sal eta;;, 78, B Robinson, labor ... 79, W Davis, gravel 80, S Mcoonald, labor .. Si, F K Granger, salary. 82, W A Cristy, «• 83, D Parker, •• 84, G Rothermel. " A Weber, «• 86, T J VV alsii, •' 87, T Murphy, care l'ps 88, S McDonald, labor... 89, Geo Curtis, ell etc... 90, B Robinson, laber.... 91, Wm Davi% gravel... 82, Wilbur I.umber Oe, lumber 93, H V Shepard, naii^.. 94, Geo Owen, salary,;.. 95, Geo Besley, " 9«, O J Howard, " - 97, F Quigley, labor 98, W P Stevens, nails... 99, J Van Slyke, new Ips 100, T Murphy, care l'pg 101, G Curtis, salary...,. 102, S McDonald, labor.. 103, W sc.hreiner, later. 10i, B Gilbert, oil JOS, Perry 4 Owen, oil.'. ' 106, Wilbur Lumber Oo., lumber, 107, Althoff Bros, oil 108, Stevens &Millcroil IO#, S McDonald, labor.. 110, W Schreiner, labor. 111, C Block, labor.... ... 112, H Block, labor 113, G Curtis, salary etc 114, it Bishop rep for p'p iy,care Ppo 3315 1163 80 SO 20 32 160 2 16 24 55 80 37 00 50 00 150 DPiO 800 8603 36 12 00 14 35 7*0 12 59 57 5« 2 40 1 JO 19 50 14 35 3 20 320 170 3 20 $5 98 20 50 ,79 20 13 84 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 15 00 8 38 ;n r»i . 6 00 S3 Ot) 39 00 2 56 4 Si; 4 h0 SCO 4 00 2 24 43 80 18 «>0 28 00 7 13 4 88 2 4o 2 40 9 90 3 40 160 9 39 60i 188 1 88 16 00 150 18 00 12 50 White Goods, Dress Goods, DOMESTICS9 We ean exhibit more new, desirable and cheap Dress Goods, than any house in town. •1;#8 Usual our Spring CLOTHING, like free whiskey on election day. Our Clothing is all njade and guaranteed to til by Kuh, Nathan and Fisher, the well known Chicago clothiers. Full Dress? or iVedding Suits always furnished on short notice. We still offer onr customers the long tried Beloit Overalls, Shirts and Jackets, as we know they will satisfy.' Again w$ justty claim to rank among the ill quality, fit, style and sousonable variety of Spots, Shoes, RUBBERir --OF-- C. 3. 7&rgovs Custom Utki Do not forget the fact that nearly all our " .L -< Borders, fDecor&tions. Shades, etc., are all bought at broken pool prices and offered to t he trade at a small margin above the very low cost compared with former seasons. Ceiling Decora­ tions a specialty. M. M, Secure, Racine made TRUNKS are among the very best and cheapest to be had „ on the market and can always be found at out- shanty; all sizes. THE SfEW H A T S We have now in inspection, a argor USUai of V(- open for stock than I7NB BLACK 115, T Murpl 116, J Van SI\ ke, prtn.'. Ill, Mrs T J Walsh, do- nat'n to Mrs. llolihea 118, T Murphy, salary... 119, Geo Curtis, salary.. 120, W Schreiner, labor 121, S McDonald, labor... 122, Stevens & Miller, oil 123, Althoff Bros, oil. ... 124, Perry & Owen, oli.. 126, B Gil bert, oil '126, Wilbur Lumber Co, lumber 127, S McDonald, labor.. 128, T Murphy, salary.. 129, G Curtis, salary, etc 130, p Thelen, labor I'l. £ K (iranger, salary 132, W A Cristy, •• 133, D Parker. " 134, T J Walsh. « 135, Geo Kothermel.•• 136, A Weber-, «• ?:S* i»Van. oly k,e- prt® 4 75 138, David I'arker, tm w'k 139, P Hanperisch, 140, W Schreiner, labor.. 141, 8 McDonald. •« 142, Perry & Owen,oil.. 143, B Gilbert, oil 144, Altliuff Bros, oil 145, steTcnH & Miller oil M';'>mb«r, jg« eln 14i, B fMbinson, park... 148. Geo Curtis, pi const 148, T Murjiliy, care l'ps ' " " HECARITCLATIO*. Total amount rec'd...... Total amonnt paid oot.. 10 90 18 ro 25 00 1 51* 5 00 400 3 30 3 20 4 U* 81 3 01 18 00 27 5i! 4 r>o 9 00 9 Oo 9 00 9 00 9 00 6 00 7 50 9 00 4 50 10 75 2 40 1 60 2 40 1 60 3 00 13 (X) 27 41 18 #0 ..$4,027 86 .. \,m 06 Balance on hand April 30,1888....$2,435 30 Cere all no Fakes la made from the most nutritious bart of the soundest grain and comes direct from the nilis ft sealed packages. For sale by John ytreWAti Mr Pa ' * * Offered just take the whole Bakery; so the boys say who them. WHEN GOOD •Jkxp wanted, bear us in miad as we get them just the same in quality, price and varietyi Garden and Field Seeds, We always have on hand, of best and purest quality, at mar­ ket prices, Timothy. Red Top, Blue Grass, Seed Corn, Ensilage Corn, Welcome and Bonanza. Seed Oats, extra choice, mam­ moth June Alfalfa, Alsyke and White Clover always in stock. Give a small share of your trading to yours, West McHenry, ¥ S.iSil .v, I?ir, Of the liew Spring tmttems, and a great variety of medium and low .priced Dress Goods, in plain and figured styles. We have an elegant line of Braid and Bead sets and tine sec­ tion Passementiere, Also a tine stock of back and colored Silk Velvets and Morie Silk. . We carry all kinds of Dress Trimmings and anything desired in fine Ribbons and Buttons, Wm, «*- 'if -• • « *-Jx . J, n WlwfE TOfeived a fine stock of Kid Goves, embroidered backs, all sizes, at A Big Bargain. In Table Linen and Turkey Red Table Cloths aud Towels, we can beat them all, and we lave a good big stock. We keep Dr. Warner's and )r. Schilling's celebrated Corsets We guarantee them to give sat­ isfaction, and will allow any lady to wear Dr. Schilling's Corset a month and if not then satisfied the money wii] be refunded» 'Vv «; Shoes, <Wj«t', "-'t* ~:""r Our large Spring stock of ilen's, Boy s, Ltadte's and Misses J Tine Shoes haa arrived. We carry in Ladies and Misses fine wear, Ludlow's, Henderson's and ingree & Smith's Shoes, three of the best manufacturers in the West. Every pair is warranted and we will stand by the guar­ antee. In Men's wear we have a larger stock than ever and finer goods. CLOTHING. We have a full stock of Men's aud Boy's Clothing and think we h;\ve the best made and best fitting clothes of any of them. WEDDIMI* . SUITS a specialty. Prices the lowest. Get our prices before buying. We anticipate a large trade in Paints and Oils, Mixed Paints and Floor Paints, and have put in a big stocK. We will sell Lead and Oil cheap. Inquire for prices. An extra large stock in all grades. New goods and elegant patterns at lower prices than ever bf tore known. This seas­ on's styles at 5 cents per roll, 10 cents per double roll and up. See our new line. \ A car! oad of Choicest Potatoes just received. Choice Fresh every week. In prices on all our goods. We will guar­ antee to compete with any cash store in the county. prcfesmoMUndl [ORES Nervous Prostration, Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Nervous Weakness, Stomach men." Bend for 1 and Liver Diseases, Rheumatism, Dys> Price $1.00. Sold by Druggtta. k 4 'pepala, entail affectiooa of the Kidney* WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO. ProtflC BUKUHOTOH, TO. H. V SHEPARD, •P .1. OPPOSITE BISHOP'* MILL lUcHEMiY ;r, • • A full line of Gasolene Stov< Warranted to gi^| ̂ atistacti©a» Garden Too1 uIViH n«iw on hand, at Bottom Priced Agent tor tlie celebrated Aickle Barn D&or Roller, now madfe of steel. . I . . . . , etc., always of - Fish Poles, Tackle, Boat Oars, l*owdet, hand. v . / , We guarantee to give satisfaction in shop work or no pay. ni-zant as we are of the scarcity of r-- those wbo accommodate us . money, we will accommodat||v Come one and all and examine\ur^6^fe mi-'Ptfew". Promptly McHenry/Apr.. 24th, 188$. Attended To, : - - Y, o STANDARD STALLION; c«i -s-,: - Record, 2:30. PEDIGREE. * sired by Lakeland Abdalleh brother to Harold, the sire of Maud S, '.Queen ot .he turf) 2:08% ; Noontide, 2:2<iX'> Ma,ttie Graham, 2:21>f, McCurdy's Mamliletonian, 2-.2fi.J6; Dcciana. 2:27>^; Heruaes, 2:27>f; Good Morning, 2:23>6'; Temple, 2:30; and others. Also aire of 19 in 30 list. Lakeland Abdallab by Bysdykes Hambletonian. Sire Of forty 7:80 performer*, also Sire of dangh- • ters with 2 30 performers. One hundred and two sens that have sired 2.30 horses, he by Abdallali, by MambrL no, by Imp, Messenger; Dam the Chas. Kent Mare, by Iinp. ilelliounder, etc. Lakeland AbdulUh's Pam was Enchantress, by Abdal- lab, by Marnbrino, cto., asaboye. •'GeorRo O's" Dam was the fast Pacinpr Mare Fannie B, (who paced the Chicago Track at Seventeen years of age in 2:27, without any preparation), sired by Autocrat, Geo M. Patohen, (record 2:23^) by CassluB M. Clay, by Andrew Jackson, by Bashaw, etc. Dam of Kannie B by the Kowlan 1 Horse, by the Baley Horse, by Woodbury and he by Justin Morgan. "George O." will be bred from March 1st to June 10th, and should his stiile admit of training, he will be prepar­ ed to lower bis record TERMS, $25 CASH Or good Note, at time of service. Mares not being in foal are entitled to a return season free. Accidents and escapes entirely at owners risk. ' For further particulars address ' McHenry Co, GEORGE W. OWEN, HeHenry, Illinois. a4M3LEt01IIAH IE3IIIB0 SIALUGt, INT INTERIOR, Slack stallion, Bred bv James Wadsworth, Chicago, II'. Sired by Iron <>uka' No 181 the sire of Corian-ier, 2:29^; Kelsie, 2.23^; Maud Cook, 2 30; Monroe, 2:27ji; Silver Duke, 2:28%. Also the eire of Warwick Bo/, the sire of Bart .heldon, 2:29>f, and. Tom^; Barry, 2:26^. ~ 1st dam, Olara Jones, by Marnbrino Chief Xo, 11, Clara Jones also the dam ol Rose Medinott 2:26>^. Balance of dams to the 11th all thoroughbred. Iron Duke 131, sired by Ilvsdyk's Mninbletonian, No. 10 1st dam by Miller'a Sir Henry, b#*' ,f\ ,le "enrJ ! 2'I "am liy Young Red Jacket, by Red Jacket, by Duroc; 3d dam by Han* ' 7 brlno Messenger, by Marnbrino; itu dam by R"d Bird, by Bishop's Hambletonian. ' . * DESCRIPTION' --Interior, l?laok Stall ion,hands high, weighs 1235 pounds, trotted a itlt ^ heat in 2:44^. Interior is a llaint>lei«'niau nil over; clean limbs and sound as a dollar; with fc M level bead and fine disposition; witti bis breeding should get trotters, and doea get AM IIMMP- colts that are valuable tor all purposes. * i BAY HEXI1Y, ROADSTER STALLION. Bay Henry li By Richmond Boy, Dam by Turner norse. son by Colby's Toung Morril, too well known to need any description. His stock shows for him. " • P TERMS.--Interior will serve a limited number of approved Mares at fSOtetnaaiea martt> W •' with foal; (30 to insurca living colt Bay Hoiiry will *erve a limited number of approved ^ -f mares at (10 the sen son. All mares i.nst be returned regularly. I shall hold persons reapen-r' k sible for service for marcs that are traded or disposed of .without my consent, or ma rea that :-:-M are hot returned regularly. The service money shall be due immediately when mares are < I disposed of. All accidents ai.d escapes at owner's risk. Insurance money will be due Marck^:* 1st, lti^9, and must be paid in cash or approved note. « "« v { These stallions will stand at my Stables, three-fourths of a mile Baat ef Solon, antil* if:,'* further notice. • , {' " E. S. JOHONNOTT. Solon, III. Notice. This la te certify that my w ife. Janette H. 'jpanidiag did leave my home June 9th, 1S8R, without just cause, an i still stays awav, therefore this is lo warn all persons against barboritg er trusting heron my account for I •hall pay no debts of h'ciiiitracting alter this date. M V B. bPAULDiNW. Ring wood, April 4th, 1S88 Dissolution Notice. 'I^HE Co-partnership heretcfore existing X under the firm name of Bar bee & Lay ton in the Baking business, at McHenry, 111 . Is this day dissolved by mutual consent l'he business will be continued at the old stand by Mr. Cbas. Barbee. to whom all billf due the late firm must be paid, and who will pay all debts against the firm. Signod by CHAS. BARBER, McHenry, 111., April 17th. 1888^^ " 40 3w Plum-ba-Ko-lne, the Grease ever aud, s Bestey1!, filtatt Wagon s waited IV To canvass for the sale of Kariery Stock. Steady employment guaranteed. Salary and expenses paid. Apply at once Bhtiing age. Ucler to this paper. SMELL ft HOWLAND. Boeheatar. N. T. _ _ ALDEN, 111, February 4, 1888, C. DICKINSON & SON, Barring ton. III, Dear Ur.--Please send me by ex« press two dozen Cow Prescriptions, I got one of my neighbors to try It oo a cow that was almost dead with milk' fever, aud it eared her. It li a good * thing. K. 8. SMITH, Pearl Buttena, extra foaJ per doses at EvanaoaV •1 , T ,?4S » - 1 ' ..fkiiSS-r? »• S- a .. .v. i v - ! ' £ '

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