ARE SURE TO WIN.: * WW<- • A. STORY Btdir the above head tb« Ladles of tbaW .G. T. U. iter claims no pari or credit for <\Vv / v, **• - \ \ »t « f ^ Sn / , 1 *>: y- ^ .1 »'*{ V. . * » - *< mrm •\ . sfiV'/ • ' - vi'i"' ,/? • 1 *> * *• •>, *- ; ' '•' *" (One Door West of Riverside House.) •*'**, .i \ fT* 4f- "4-1* £ r»f * *• ' * „ *_ I C I N E S -1' -> s *"K. .. v: - %:• - J ^ ** * L*y*l T«mp*ruo« legion |||wf Friday afternoon at four at Go«d Templar Hall. A gen- tfeviUtion Is extctiJcd to tb« |of this village. »nd vicinity t« UtU« boys, «n« and all, corn* join !«• Loyal TemperanceJLtgian it yon trow up to be fgood and useful U| en. ' j A rough tempered boy or man !• * l^lulaanoe in any business concern, and t)M sooner he is sot about soruethfnj to which ho is better adapted, the bet- tar. One who smells of whisky, beer, #r tobacco, Is unfit to stand^boUind tht Counter and wait on customers. The conflict In Tennessee to-day Is One of right against wrong; homo f gainst saloon; and intelllgenco «g&tost Ignorance. Who Is she who walks with lively fir and breathes tho sweet breeze of |'io nsoming, rose-blushes on her Cheeks, cheerfulness of heart in all her (••orementsP Her name is Health. Site is tho daughter of Exercise and temperance. J. B. Chad wick, editor of the Gin* t'.aoatl Southwest, the organ of the 2!quor dealers, dropped dead In a sa*- ! on on tho 23th nit., killed by his own tnedicine. Drop the curtain. FOR SALE. V In tho village of Rtngwood, tho fol lowing property One good Dwelling House contain- ' Jog seven rooms, good cellar. On tho ~ • ^nme lot is a shop 12x32, one story, ilwitable for almost any kind of busl- • ifcess. If applied for at once,, will sell i Touae separate for 8500, Or will sell jiouse, lot and shop for 9650,. Posses sion given Immediately. > Also another house and lot well tocated. The house contains ten rooms, t nd there is a good stable and other • utbulldings on the premises. Will be *old for #1000 cash. Cull on or address, WESLEY LADD, 13-18-Sm, fllngwood. I1L w.jt. For rtttcal People. IIORTH'S MUSICAL JOURNAL ' j 8 the bpst musical monthly published Con- : ,<lns lfi to-20 pages of musical literature and 3 > pages of new music in evtfry issue. Every » iibscriber receives S*2 worth |of sheef- music i '.'lectert from our catalogue of publications *'"r 48 premium, thus the subscriber really re ceives during the year music which would » ost in sheet form not less than Si*, lor $1. ,Viih the February number an instructive » erial Hints on Ballad Singing, by Emma U. •*!ewitt was commenced and Will continue - ;veral months. This series of articles is Ik tone worth many times the price of subscrip. ""ion, and is but one of the many valuable fea- * ures ot this popular publication. Only $1 '••ryear. Specimen copy 10 cents. A. PIANO FREE. **'o the person sending the greatest number « f subscribers to North's Musical Journal •? revious to July 1st, 1&J8. we will give a i plendid Upright Piano with stool and cover, "value $400L Also a Fine Wilcox & White or- f.un to the one sending the second greatest 3.umber. For full particulars address * F. A. NORTH & »JO, Pubs., if 1308 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. r-1 C L I M B - A X E " TOBACCO. After Forty years* experience in th« rjdred Thousand applications for patents in the United state* and Foreign coun tries, the publisher* of the Scientific? American continue to act as solicitors for pa tents, caveats, trade-marke. copy- . rigot«, etc., lor the United States, and to obtain pat«Dte in Canada, England, France, GOTmanj, and all other countries. Their experi- •aw to unequaled and their iacilitiefl are UUBUT- 7_5rawinge and Bpecificationi prepared and filed IB the Patent Office on short notice. Terms very reasonable. No charge for examination of models or drawings. Advice by mail free. . Patents obtained through M n n n 4 Cn.are noticed Inthe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, which has the l&rsest circulation and in the moat influential sevspaper of its kind pubHshed in the world. The advantages of such a notice every patentee understands. This Urge and splendidly illustrated newspaper published WEEKLY at $3.00 a year, ana is admitted to be the best paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, pub- lisnsd in any country. It contains the names of all patentees and title of every invention patented ' each week. Try it four monthe for one dollar, oola by all newsdealers. If you have an invention to patent write t* LL^OADWA ' SU^^R^erS ®C^ENT^C AMERICAN^ e/abmil pUenU mailed tea. Z a A FULL LINE \ <6!;(' . Stua, ?»iau, Oils . « OoQstantly on hand. Also a large line uf Patent Medicine*, Toilet Articles, „• - AND COMPLETE STOCK OF STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. " Physicians! |Presoriptions . Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma cist* ¥<otir patronage is respectfully soliciteS. ^ JULIA A. STORY* H . V . S H E P A R D , OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MILL, MoHEMtY - - ILUmilS. -DEALER IN If ) o o A full line of Gasolene Stoves now on hand, at Bottom Prices, warranted to give satisfaction. Gtarden Tools, All Kinds. Agent for the celebrated NickJe Barn Door Roller, new made of steel. ; Fish Poles,^Tackle, Boat Oars, Powder, Shot, etc., always on hand. We guarantee to give satisfaction in shop work or no pay. Cog nizant as we are of the scarcity of money, we will accommodate those wbo accommodate us. Come one and all and examine our Goods and learn Prices. JOBBING! AJSD REPAIRING I Promptly Attended To, McHenry, Apiv 24th, 1888. -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- To the Farmers of McHenry County and Vicinity: LI am now prepared to show a new .and clean assortment of Agricultural implements second to noue in the county and at prices that I wn confident will pay you to investigate betore mak- mg^your purchases. Have now a full stock ot all the latest novelties in Dress Goods, of every description from 15 cents per yard up. In " •'V v BISHOP WAQQN Parkersx SPAVIN CURE IS l.TVKqt'AI.ED •? ®n appll' afi' a to hornegfor the cure ol hpavin, Rhea, maiisin, Hplint, Navicular JoiutM, and all severe Lame ness, also for track use when reduced. ««»• Price «1.00 per bottle." Sold by druggist*. Strong twtt- monlalE on application. _ E. W. BAKER, ^ BOLE Proprietor, AKTBIM, H. H. Trad® rappUed by J AS, K. Dartt ft Ca, Detroit, Mich.; Peter Van Bchaack ft Sons, Chicago, 111.; Meyer Bro'« ft Co., 8u Louis, Ha f'urkish Towels and bordered linen JIftidkerclilef# on our 5 cent counter. SIDPFEL A BLAKE. Gebool Books and Stationery. &1] at Betley's Drug Store We it Side. PSnoi-bft-ftc-iue, ti»e floe*t Wagon - *mr nmA, * tWi*g, t| - ti .. -5 s lit. If you want to own the best, behol^ it here, finely tfnished, well proportioneu, light running, durable, superior quality, unexcelled. D<» you *ant a wagon? If so examine the Bishop before you bu EXAMINE the Force Drop Corn Planter, the only peii^ct^plant- er made. ; The advantages of straight rows are as follows: No coni will be plowed up or covered in cultivating; better Corn can be raised, as it can be kept cleaner; one man can tend one-third more Corn, besides doing better work. With theso advantages the price of the Force Drop Planter can be more than saved on a field ot" 100 acresr. Wood and iron Pumps, platform spring Wagons,': combination Wagons, fine Carriages, all kinds, that will bear close inspection manufactured by the Watertown Spring Wagon 'Jo., of Watertown N. Y., who carry a three years stock, enabling them to season well their goods before placing them on the market. V Very Truly Yours, RICHARD BISHOP. WATERS BXFOBE BBCKDIire YOTTR BABES •end for catalogue and Illustrated circular irtvina description ot STOCK n.ttor* welcome •• A BkBS rAKM. If you breed f iyB to breed ee» very low pedlgreeB and seven stalllona a mare at all it to the best. _ _ teram liberal. Visitor* weekdays. Come and see colt« by the Btalliorin. und the other Stock but send your address now WATERS STOCK FARM. CUENOA. JVSOTlOjr. wu. SURFACE W CULTIVATION Bi P A T E N T S (,'aveaU, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted for Moderate I '«cs. Our »«<•« is (tp poHitt< IJ. s. Patent Of fice. We liave no eub-agencies, all bualneoa direct, hence can transact j>atent buaineDs in less time and at lees cost Uian ihotte remote from •Washington. Send model, drawing, or photo., with descrip tion. We advise if patentable or not, free Ot Charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured. A book, " How to Obtain ratenta," with refcc. ences to actual clients in your Stete. county town, tent free. Addrews, C. A. SNOW Sc CO. OtpmIU fatsat Offios, WaeliifigtciB, B. 0. For a full Hr.e of Wall ifaptr ma to Stoflel £ Blake's. ^ m .•$*••• SHEPABD. ft, /:• STOFFEL & BLAKE. For Ladies wear, we have the never exclleed John Foster. For Men and Boys we have the John Foster and Buffalo. In Boots, the 13ufta o and Kedpath Bros. For house cleaning time we have laid in a fine assortment of W A L L P A P E R A N D B Q R D K R 3 . Also Lace Curtains, Lambrequins, Drapery Plushes, Curtain ?o'es and Window Shades. In G R O C E R I E S , We have all clean, frjgh, .first cl iss goods, and we shall BEAR the MARKET DOWN Tu the Lowest Living Pricet. In CLOTHING! CLOTHING! Come and get the dandiest fit and the.finest goods for the least loney todm had in the town . STOFFEL & BLAKE. zhumxtmm TBoiTma STALIM, I N T E R I O R . « J f O . & 2 5 0 i.VTERIOH, Black Stallion, Bred bv James Whirls worth, Chi sire of Coriander, 2:29%; Kelaie, 2:23X; Maud Cook, Also the eirtt of Warwick Boy, the sire of Bart ; !V. Sired by Iron • Hike 30; Monroe, 2:27j^; Silvei Sheldon, 2:29X, and Tom lat^aw, Olft ualanc Iron I)tike IS! Colo's Sir Hen brino rt Jor cfct ' fflr; Jonpa, by Mambrfno Chief K^, 11, Clar» Jones also the dam of Rose Medium iiam8 to the 11th all thorough bred. * cl by Rysdyk's Hamblotonian, No. 10. 1st dam by Miller's Pir Henry, by 2.1 'lam by Young Red Jacket, by Red Jacket, by Duroc; 3d dam by Hra- r, by Mnmbrino; 4tli dam by Red Bird,'by Bishop's Hainbletonian. DK^CRI PtHON --Interior, Black Stallion, 162£ hands high, weighs 1235 pounds, trotted a 4th heat in 2:14K. Interior ia a Ilumbletonian all over; clean limbs and sound as a do'.lar; with a level ircail itnd line .1 Imposition; witn his breeding should get trotters, and does get flne large colts thill ;<re valuubto for all purposes. BAY HEXRY, ROADSTER STALLION. T>v Uiclimond Bov, Dam by Turner Horse, eon by Colby's Young Morril. Bay Henry is too well known to need niiy description. Ilia stock shows for him TKItM*.--Interior wlllscrvea limited number of approved Mares nt #20 te insure a mare wit li foul; #:{(» to insure a living colt B*y Henry will serve a limited number of approved mares at $10 the sen son. All mares .mist be returned regularly. I shall hold persons respen- Mble tor service for mares that are traded or disposed «f without my consent, or mores that arc .hot returned regularly. The service money shall bedue immediately wnen mares ure >liai*o»i>d of. All arvidents ai.d esrapes at owner's risk. Insurance money will oe due March 'st, lttf9, and must be Mid in oath or approved note. These Stallions wlUT itand at my SiablcH, ttiree.fourtlis of a mile East of Solon, until further notice. E. . JOHONNOTT. Solon, III. *. j®^zing advertisements, tempting baites, and great inducements are °"lPire" y°u ®very week and sometimes the facts are a trifle mixed perhaps. We aim to build our business on the founda- ti*w of! I ruth. Our prices are just wnat yte claim them to hft Md more, no less. Our -^prinr ifitnh in nam m shape to offer you bargains ia 8 ^ ^ •nd we AGENTS WANTED. To canvass tor one of the largest, oldest es. UtMished, bRst known Nurseries in the coun- •ry. Most liUiial terms. Unequaled facil ities. Genova Nursery. Kstabiished 1846, W. & T. SMITH, , 89-4W (Jeneva, N~. T. Pearl Buttons, extra good, quality 60 P«r dozen at Evanson's. EMPEROR is I. >11 l . A full ml trloi 1..11" r«'l(rn. » lik li he changed wi The Kownrtrrof the Sow uul authentic history or ins I The g'l'ina u.arch of events tlim ,.t the map of Europe, leading Die Herman Kntion to vic- nutlonal unit> :tud MI|1'. IIIHCV. By Uro. lirrauaa M«S, the distinsrniilifi Oerinan Sofitier nn<l Writer, fubllahedinOernianiind KniiliMh. Fifty full i>a{roilluft- Crationii,flne port 1 ait-.^. send t.. 1 terms " ~ U/A||TCn or send qiiiek Tr-i eiit^ foi outiit, ffnnl I tLl and Ht-.iiro choice at territory. BKACUdtCtJ., I SO WutUngtun Bt., Chicago, 1U, ApfS c. B. BKAC f i ' a . • (H- .• "v.. >S ' Wi* '\'k Of Nearly Every Deeioriptlon. W&ll Paper, Window Shades, Cottoia Hettiag, Pxiats, Gingham. Embroidery, Clothing, Groceries, And in fact anything you may need. Honest woitb, correct prices are what we offer you and we would be pleased to halre the r' 'i opportunity ot" convincing you that we mean to keep a little ahead i of the procession. HjrFAltMEUS PRODUCE WANTED^ John Evanson & Oi West McHenry f tJttiSV" T-ffOI . $ ki...I..DEALER IN. •*. " 'V, S H E L F A N D Stoves, Tin, Copper And Sheet-Iron Ware hold ""barrel1 860 ° ir Galv ln /e<1 lron Kertsene Tanks, that we make oureelres, th»t v II The Church Swivel Hay Carrier, with Tracks, Hangings. Floor Hoaka and Pn1l«v*. u* beat in the market. Call and see it. noeaa ana ifaueya» »• FULL LISTS OF . j For both coal and wood, ol the best makes, always on hand. In short I will keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found in--: ^ McHenry county. Do not fail to call when in want of anything in ^ my line and see what can be done. I have employed a first clast ? Tinner, and all JFOBJIINIw -AND EIPAIBINO Will be done on short uotice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A specialty of Butter Factory woi^ A share of public patronage respectfully solicited. .* 14 -• W. P. STEVENS. • i ? •' 3 ; H1NBT* " --DEALER IN--- Drugs and Medicines, PAINTS, OIL* Toilet Article®, sy- PURE W U V K f S A N D L I Q U O R S , FOE MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. •"vV> McHenry, December 28th, 1887. C. W- BE8LEY. A re Y ou Going to Build If so do not fail to get an estimate on your Lumber from Near tli© Depot^- "West McHenry, Iltinois. Our stock of Lumber, of all kinds, is the most complete of any [| and we are prepared to offer to the public Th# Sist Quality of Lombw, • THE--- LOWEST LIVING PRICES- Windows, Doors. BMs, Monli Casp, Door and WMoi Frimes-Reaiy Mafle-alwajs oa Also the Best Brands of BarblWire.T We shall kee i our stock, complete at all times and spare ho to accommodate all wh > may favor us with their patronage. WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY C, H. GRANGER, Manager i - ^ JllS.