Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 May 1888, p. 8

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-•>• <^R- '. ltJ.~ *j~, /* - .£. -.'. - v - -fc -••'^ -- •. i • -r V •sTi'^m- -fww X'r,'5«B *"' . » ^ * , * * * . • » v r ( 5? %f V •" > i <«*><.1 * ^ *' '« * « Sflftf '* lt *• ' * r l w<* the »V»ov« head t*to*of tbe W.O. T. U. » no part 01 credit for JULIA Jk. vOne Door* West of Riverside House.) f * t TS •«*> J) f / * ' * H* - * t J* !* £. #•> *1 V |\*"» *'V", r* ' ,$ H f * * V ^ • ^%rC^4^ j-r > /-£v mm - v.^ur* ?*rU> Every Department in MODEftATB* is filled withnew Mid f&T# f\» i J< rbr*~fif% v •-* ^ :< %*• ' * r-v 'rf*l: •* ^ ;»s btore Merchandise, dpecial bargains in DEALER SSHM Vlift .%.•«- n > *' •• r-> .',lf ^ 'uJ* i >4 + r > #**. f xk 2Y -: <•** rfd Pf-: fe?'- • jj^'s fe gC- ( Of the W, C. T Ui will meet w;th Mrs. BL MtOaber, on Thursday Kfttrnoen May 17, at 2:30. W« wish »o extend a cordial iavUatleo t* all }«41m t# neet with as. Mrs. J. B. Pcrby, President. Itta. V. JT. WALSH, secretary. Ho sua sets upon America that hits not witnessed fresh Borders at tfi*" fe*nd* *f the liquor traffic; ao nifht ialls that does net hear Its victims' (lylsigiMM, Iost!table, la it? Your jndlftereooe only, voter, makes ft to. . Ik* Iftel •! Alcohol oa Food. Hoohol aots on vegetable and aal- nttl matter as a preservative. Dead bodies oan be kept in alcohol an al­ most unlimited time without decay. This Illustrates the effect alcohol has on the food in the stomach; on meats H makes them something like leather, and on things of a similar character, «• far as digestion is concerned, for it to sot by what we eat that the body is nourished but by what we digest. Ton can put dead men in ! whisky to fweeerve thera; but if jeii want life and vitality keep beer and whisky out of live stomachs; its effect8 are only •loteoning, or rather, death in disguise. Toil are first cheated by an exhllara* tlon that Is only hastening tbe process of death la your own bodies by pro­ ducing a premature deterioration of •11 tbe vital tissues, and the food which was iatended for the process of digestion Is changed Into a material analogous to leather, so that perfect digestion Is next to Impossible, and congestion of all the vital organs is Inevitable. Aldxn, 111. February 4, 1888. <3. Diohxson A Son, Harrington. HI, Dear <Sir.--Please send me by ex­ press two dozen Cow Prescriptions, I *®t one of my neighbors to try It on a cow that was almost dead with milk fever, and It cared her. It Is a good thing. E. S. SMITH * For Muslol People. ^ HORTH'S MUSICAL JOURNAL fa tbe best musical monthly published Oon- tales 16 to20 pages of mnsical literature and IS pages of new music in every issue. Every aUMt-riber receives fi worth :of sheet music selected from our catalogue of publications is a premium, thus the subscriber really re ceives during the Tear music which would eoat in sheet form not less than $22 for$l. With the February number an instractiye carial Hints on Ballad Singing, by Emma O. jlewitt was commenced and will continue iereral months. This series of articles ii alono worth many times the priceof subacrip lion, and is but one of the many valuable fea tnrea of this popular publication. Only 91 Veryear. Specimen copy 10 cents. A PIANO FREE. to the person sending the greatest number of subscribers to North's Musical Journal prerioas to July 1st, 1888. we will give a •plendid Upright Piano with stool and cover, value $460. Also a Fine Wilcox A White or- gan to the one sending the second greatest nnmber. For full particulars address F. A. NORTH & 00.,Puba„ 1 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. strictly prices «Ka»j Q you to «et them 00 SOT coin TO fOWH mmm im;T. m without ^3tamining our Bargains ^thoff •cHENRY, ILL m ,-y; '" o n 1 • A FULL ONE Of ^ '* ' Drags, Chemicals, Ore Sli&s, Faints, Oils and Colon ih . • !•<? ' " "• S-'^V ' -Y'rt Constantly on hand. Also a large line ef Medicines, Toilet Articles, AND COMPLETE STOCK QF, STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRES. Prescriptioiiif i" f^PliT'Ad.oiaiis Oftrefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharraa- .• £ 4 ̂ -r*r • , w~ Trrw JULIA Aa sxC RŶ : V. SHEPARD, OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MILL, McHE> S tY - . .iLLIiXOIS, mm -DEALER IK1"-*1 A full line of Gasolene Stoves now on hand, at Bottom Prices, warranted to give satisfaction. Oarden Tools, Ail Kinds. 'M $*s£L RICHARD BISHOP, ^^DEALEB IN AtC-KINDS 0Fi^« . tor the celebrated Nickfe Hitrii Dbor Holler, now made of steel. Fish Poles, Tackle, Boat Oars, Powder, Shot, etc., always on band. We guarantee to give satisfaction in shop work or no pay. Cog- tiizant as we are of the scarcity of money, we will accommodate those who accommodate us. Cbrae one and all and examine our Goods and learn Prices. rOBBIHa REPAIRING Promptly Attended To, H. Y. SHEPARD. McHenry, Apr,. 24th, 1888. I To the Farmers of McHenry County and Vicinity : I am now prepared to show anew and clean absortment ot' Agricultural Implements second to none in the county and at |f I prices that I am confident will pay you to investigate before Inak- ingjyour purchases. * BAKER-GO Ss THE BISHOP WAQOH If you want to own the best, behold it here, finely finished,: well proportioned, light running, durable, superior quality, unexcelled. Do you -"ant a wagon? If so examine the Bishop before you buy. EXAMINE the Force Drop Corn Planter, the only perfect plant­ er made. The advantages of straight rows are as follows: No corn will be plowed up or covered in cultivating; better Corn can be raised, as it can be kept cleaner; one man can tend one-third more Corn, besides doin<* better work. With these advantages the price of the Force Drop Planter can be more than saved on a field of 100 acres. Wood and iron Pumps, platform spring Wagons, ; combination Wagonk, fine Carriages, all kinds, that will bear close inspection, manufactured by the Watertown Spring Wagon Co., of Watertown, N. Y., who carry a three years stock, enabling them to sea&on well their goods before placing them on the market. Truly Yonrs, " RICHARD BISHOP. STOFFEL & BLAKE, Kave now a full stock of all the latest novelties in Drew Goods, of every description from 15 cents per yard up. In we have the never exclleed John Foster. - Por ave the John Foster and buffalo. In Boots, the Bros. For house cleaning time we have laid of • P A P E R Aleo Lace Curtains, Lambrequins. Dracerv Plushes, Curtain Poles and Window Shades. In J*. !*Tr GROCERIES, have all clean, fresh, first cliss goods, and we shall BEAR THE market DOWN In m. & the Lowest Living Price*. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! Come and get the dandiest fit and the finest goods for the least money to b& &id iurthe town. i. STOFFEL & BLAKE# , Parker's ̂ SPAVIN CURE II mTEQtALED M an Application to horaec for the cure of Spavin, Bhea- miluii Mim> Navicular J«lBt«s and all severe L*m«- MM, abo tor track use wbea ndmd, . Prlov 81.00 Kr battle. »• BoldbjOranlsU. Strong twit- m^olalaoa appUeatloo. ^ ( B. W. Mitafrialer, AJITEIM, H. aL" tnO» BBppUed by SaH, E. Da-rH ft Co., DattcHt, Mich,; Fetcr Vaa Hchaaek * a<»8, CMoa«o, IIL| Meyer Bra's A Co., I Turkish Towels and bordered Hnen fta&dkercblefB on eur 5 cent counter. 8TOFFEL A BLAKE. ' "' "• : T- ' ' ' Caveat*, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Patent bueineM condacted for Moderate Fees. Our OIBc* Is Opposite U. S. Patent Of- ?Icr- We hare no aub agencies, all bnaineaa direct, hence can transact patent baainesa in leas tune and at leu coat tnau those remote from Washington, bond model, drawing, OT pboto,, with dencrlp. We advise if patentable OF nnt free U Con. cbai iixumui Btonm mux, INTERIOR NO. BSE B,®ck Stallion, Bred br James Wad8worth, Chicago, IP. Sired by Iron '»nk« No. 181. the sire of Coriander, 2:29^; Kolsie, 2:23^; Maud Took, 2.36; Monroe, 2:27X; Silvei Barry' 2 ail' 4 eir* of *arwlck «or. (be aire of Bart :heidon, 2:20^, and Tom o i^w<lai!V V,ara J2"e8> Mambrln® chief Ne, li, Olar* Jones alio the dam of Rose Medina 2:26>tf. Balance of dams to the 11th all thoroughbred. r, 'ron .P"'?-0 sired by Rysdyk's Ifamblfitoman, No. 10. 1st dam bv Miller's fir Henry, by Cole s Sir Henry ; 2d <tam by Young lied Jackot, by Red Jacket, by Duroe; 3d dam by Mam- br,'.n^ .^?,8,8.!n.,?llCTby.Mrtm.1>r,no;4tn ,Um by K"" by Bishop's Hambletonian. Uh^CIlII 1 ION --Interior, Black Stallion, 16% hands high, weighs 1-235 pounds, (rotted a 4th beat in ! Iaterior is a Hambletenian all over; clean limbs and sound M a dollar; with a level bead and fine disposition; witn his breeding should get trotters, and does get line large colts that are valuable for all purposes. BAY HENjpY, ROADSTER STALLION. Bay Henry la By Richmond Boy, Dam by Turner Horse, son by Colby's Young Morril, too well Jinown to need any description. His gtock shows for him F. ^"terior will serve a limited number of approved Mares at 920 to insure a mare with foal; f:so to insure a living colt Hay Henry will serve a limited number ot approved mares at $:o the sonson. A1I mares must be returned regularly. I shall hold persons respon­ sible lor service for mares that are traded or disposed of without my consent, or mures that are hot returned regularly. The service money shall be due immediately when maros are disposed of. All accidents ai.d escapes at owner's risk. Insurance money will oe due March 1st, 18s9, ami must be paid in caeh or approved note. These stallions will stand at my Stables, three-fourths of a mile £ast of Solon, until farther not fas. . E. 8. JOHONNOTT, Solon, III. on. we advise if patentable or not, tUI I*1®111 & ncoKd. !Jbtmn fttonts," with refer- uSZZSSS.'Sgy; « C. A. SNOW & CO. Q|»yotiU Fatsat Ottcs, WMfcUytoa, ft. C. For s f u l l lice of Will FaperJjjo to AGENTS WANTED. EHneR !"o can vans for one of the la rtrest. oldest es. fcWIl fcsBS To canvass for one of the largest, oldest es­ tablished, best known Nurseries in the coun­ try. Most liberal tersns. Uwequaled facil­ ities. Geneva Nursery. Established 1846, „ W. T. SMITH, ' 8C-4W Geneva, N. T. Pearl Bati«n«, sxtrs •I S Ti^nbm %. i rtkii • The FoiiiKtc-rul'lite Mew <;< rtiutii \T-\i r. A Hid sattlul til* lusll.iy Ii.i ;,,c u,, , , .I.-) rhe (rrina u.ari h of cvpiitfc I t r J'IL-II y,'• i• 'i 1 . . I, ,• 1» map of, :r:i>iir.« a.<- «.t>rnu>.> /'•.« .»%. V »• nationsl m s a'ou ":n«cy. t!i . •1*0, the dip.«incnisi'f<l Oei mmi HMI : > * ulCJslied ill (4."ri.iai< >ml KaKllxii. Mfrv f-,-. pri • r;>'.'ons.fin-.' |>u! • r»"-. battle Hats, Soft Hats, Straw Hate and Crushers for Men and Boys. | Ginghams Prints, sateens, Hosiery, Embroidery, yard wide mibleaehed hheetiag. 5 cents per yard; yaid wide bleached Sheetinxr 8 cents per yard. Our » ^ Boot and Shoe Department Is veiy^^vmplete, compriftiup ̂ Ips. Dodsfe &1 Kockt'ord, Kacine, the well , Palmer, ete. known -makeA «f • ' -* h /-v "-f' - „• , . . Only of the purest and best obtainable. Housekeepers attention is particularly iuvi ed to our superior brands of Flour. Every aMft^Jn stock sold on'smallest possible. ^ ; : j P A . S H _ Call oii us, it will pay you 5 "fi. i John Evanson Sl CO. West McHenry, •ZfaiOtiu <#-*--DEAL EH SHELF 1 Stoves, Tin, Copper And Sheet-Iron Ware hold^"bair-oil 8e° °nr Galvan,M<l we Mk« U, "oo.Hort.Mdr.ii.jvu. fOLL LINE; OF STOVBSS Jor both coal and wood, of the best makes, always on hand. In short I will keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found in McHenry county. Do not fail to call when in want of anything in my line and see what can be done. I have employed a first clas» Tmner, and all - JOBBING AHD REFAIRIlffi notice and Satisfaction Will be done on short specialty of Butter respectfully solicited. Guaranteed. A A share of pubtic patronage W. P. STEYEKS. HIHBT# ««i|>KALBR IN and Uedicines, > W . P A I N T S , O I L S , * ' • Toilet PURE- WXIfMS AID LIQUORS^ FOR MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and Por ter for Medical use. The best ̂ brands of Cigars and Smo&in? and Chewitiflr Tohscco alwayson hand. , PHYSICIAIf^ PRESCRIPTIONS, Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. , McHenry, December 28th, 18||# j ^ m Are You Going to Build If so do not fail to get an estimate on your Lumber Irott^C WILBUR LUMBER Near the Depot, ;< West McHenry, Illinois. Our stock of Lumber, of all kinds, is the most complete of any figa and we are spared tp offer ,to Mm --AT THE-- PRICES LIVING LOWEST Casing, Boor and Window Frdmes-Ready Made-always oi HjiI Also the Best Brands of BarblWire.l i ; shall kee > our stock complete at all times and ppnrft M-fiu'liT to accommodate all wh t may favor us with their patronage. 1

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