Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 May 1888, p. 5

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- . -- , - - . ; 4 : WEDNESDAY, MAT 16, 1888, Time Table. offset sept »th, trains will paw Mttiha dally, exeept Sundays, as fellows: OOIWQ sou**. UKI UNM Passenger l»1:." Lake Q«B«Ta .Express. Lake Geneva Fnitbt Lake QaMTaFaimier...H. OOIITO »o«r*. . 6:» .. 8:00 F. M •« Laka BaMra Freight.. lOeaova Passenger.. ,K UkaOaaanPi Laic* laBanXzpnii... • Itminr. ...t il A. H 7. 0:62 " 4:»P. H 6:61 " B. BUB#, Agent. Mcllenry, II) Church D1 factory. |§feTHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. preaching every Sabbath, morning and even- tag. At Stnmwood at 2:30 r. M. Crowd In and warship with as. "Butinett ItM/r Eternity. Hardy E. WroKorr, A. K, Pastor. UNIVERSALIS! CHURCH. m • tl t , Services every Sunday morning, and every | Eldredge, commenoed teaching school •rat and third Sunday month. AC* rejoin ^ Our Malta--Study to know the truth. Kx- amiae--Reflect--1"Prove all things; hold fast reRgustL FKAKK A PARKEB tod family moved ta Ylaton, Iowa, on Monday, RUBE WOOD and wife, ef Woodstock, wera calling on friends bereonSun- dty, W. H. FORD, of the Waverly House, Woodstock, wat on oar streets on Tuesday. /"JOHN W. SMITH, af Chicago, spent Sunday with Mrs. John McOmber, ID this village. Miss CORA MCOMBKR, Who has been in CbScago the past month, came home on Satardav evening. Miss ELSIB GAGE, Teaoher In the Primary Department of our Public School, has tpen wrestling with the measles. J A. GOING and Wife. Miss Bessie. Masters Jay and Robbie, of Chicago spent Sunday aad Monday with friends in this village, V r^ARCAIK ELDRKDGK. BOO irf % T. ontIU evenioga in eachl|Q ^jie g^epard District, Nunda, on A cardial welcome Is extended to every one |LMooday. i join as In onr worship _ |V A farmer In. Washington county that which Is good.' REV. II. SUDS, Pastor. MASON IO. Mo HENRY LODGE, NA J56- A. F, and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. J. VAK SLTKE, W. M. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second of each month aad Last Tuesday evening Neighbors cot lially Invited. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's for Mlllen- ry and Disss Making. TBB dates for the Spring meeting of the Elgin Driving Park Association art Jane 6th to 8th. Do not fail to see "The Little Brown Jug," at Riverside Hall on Friday and Saturday evenings of this week. Oua offer on the Hen Puzzle holds good uatll May 26th. Wo are reoolvlng letters on the subject by every mail. MB. BLADE will preach at Ringwood next Sunday afternoon. Subject, --D)lng as you would be done by." THE Willing Workers have twenty* Ave yards good rag carpet for sale at Perry A Owen's. HON. A. J. HOPKINS will aecept thanks for a copy of the Congressional Record, containing a report of his speech on the Mills Tariff bill. MR, SLADE'S subject next Sunday morning will be--The Witness of a Good Confession. And In the oyoning --Ten Times One li Ten," RKAD the now advertisements of Fitzslmmons A Henderson, Perry 4 Owen and John Ev&nson & Co., to be found elsewhere in this paper. IF you want to see the "Little Brown Jug," do not fall to go to Riv­ erside Hall on Friday and Saturday evenings of this week. /HiuKT SIMES is patting his building f opposite tbo Parker House, in shape', I putting In a patent cooler, and will 1 open a meat market at an early day. BY the Legal News we learn that Clarence A. Knight has resigned the position of assistant city attorney In order to accept the office of assistant corporation counsel, . ATTENTION IS directed to tbo state­ ment of the First National Bank. Woodstock, to be found la another place in this paper. They make the usual good showing. MISS CHBISTT, or Elgin, will take charge of her Muslo Class in this ril-j lage again next week, She Is a very* tine teacher and those contemplating, taking lessons could do no better than to call and see her. GRAND OPENING aft the now store et Fitzslmmons & Henderson, on' Tues­ day. They are showing up as fine a Una of goods as can be found In the * eounty. Read their advertisement In another column. < "ABB you the judge of reprobates?" *•1 am judge of ibe probate." "Well, that's It, 1 expect." said the old lady Yon see any father died detested and ' ho left several little lnfldels, and 1 ant to bo their executioner.--Ex. _____________ ^ MARRIED.--Thursday evening. May 3d, 1888, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Blakeslee, in Woodstock, Mr. Charles H. Donnelly, and Miss Nina Blakeslee, Rev. Father Clancy, pastor St. Mary's Catholic chnreh, officiating. A SPECIAL Communication of Mo- Henry Lodge, No. 158 A. F. & A. M., will be held on Saturdty evening next May 19. Work oa the Entered Ap­ prentice Degree. All memoers are earnestly requested to attend. Per Order. ' ' ON account ol the length of the drama aad the Inability to procure appropriate scenery, it has been de­ cided net to render the farce, "Don't Judge by Appearances," In COP nee tlon with the "Little Brown Jug," as advertised. Please remember. thinking to Increase the weight of some hogs he was about to take to market gave them all the salt water they could drink. Fourteen of them died on tlii tray to town or before they could be weighed and the tricky termors net loss was about 9150.' C. H OsTBANDKR lUS jllSt put a splendid new Ice Box in his s iloon and also a new patent Beer Pump, something new in this section. It works ou the oompressed air systeaa and is said not only to be a great sav­ ing but keeps the beer fresh and lively to the last. Colon keeps apace with hall the new improvements. '•Miss exclaimed a yenng man the other evening, as the girl made room for him to sit down by her side. "May I ask you a question?" I--I--I think you may," said the young lady timidly. The infatuated young man asked the question about the hen and a half and the egg aud a half and a day and a half. They do not' speak now as they pass on the streets. ONE of the numerous swindler which are being perpetrated in the cities Is an advertisement for ladies to address letters or envelopes and do the work at home. They will offer one cent for each address, pay postage and (urnis'i stationary but you must first send one dollar as a deposit to guarantee good intention. On receipt of thi#dollar by th^m ywu are dropped aud hear from them no more.--Ex. A Champaign county tanner write* to the secretary of the county fair association as follows: Please offer a premium for the biggest fool in th eounty. 1 stopped my county paper aud three weeks later a traveling swindler done me up for 983 in good money. I renewed my subscription and secured all the back numbers, an J oy the beard of the Prophet the ver> drst Issue a<ter 1 quit taking thai paper contained a full exposure of tiit same trick that got away with mo. 1 want to hire a dozen able uie-i to kick me all around my new barn. FRANK A. PARKER formerly of th« arker House, in mis village, has r«- noved with bis family to Vii,tou. iowa, wnere we understand, he ha* teased the Kalyea House, in that city. Isir. Parker is a born landlord, and the citizens of Vinton ar« fortuuatO in be log able to secure so competent a mai< to fill the first Hotel in their city Having been lu a Hotel all his life, lit auows tbe wauts of the public, and all •vuo eouie under his care are sure of being taken care of in the best oi uiauner. His many friends here wisii sucoess In his new Held. uiiin s Wi : B. A. HOWARD, of the West Side Market, has purchased of Burton Stevens, English Prairie, ten head of very ohelce corn fed steers, three and fourjrears old, which be will slaughter for his trade. Howard always keeps the best that money will buy, In his market. CONGRESSMAN HOPKINS has appoint­ ed Ben M. Ford, of Crystal Lake, to the military academy at West Point . WE believe this to be an excellent ap pefntmeat. Mr. Ford is a most worthy yoong man, and stands high in public estimation as to character, abui ty and attainments. He Is a diligent and painstaking student, and will BO doubt rank high at tbo academy both In scholarship and deportment. We un­ do ratand that ho most be la West ?ofat*r Jane 11th. HEN you succeed In lite yon will dud everyowdy willing to help you. «v ben you are In ill fortune and s.rug gling with adversity, many will be the amies that you will receive to help you along en the downward grade, lsn t it so kind reader? But wuat a world «f differeuce it would nake could w« oecome accustomed to the use of that word kindness. It saved a lost worlu once, and if rightly and more frequent­ ly used to d^y would oe iustruweutai in saving erring numanity from very many of its common misfortunes* li you don't believe it, try' It. LIBERAL OPF«K.--W« call the atten­ tion of the readers of the PLAINDEAL- ER to the advertisement iu another column, beaded "The Ues^ Offer Yet," in which the publisher oilers to send to any one a large 40-coiumn patier four months at a price whlclf barely t>ays the cost, relying on future sub ecriptions for his profit. Among, the premiums absolutely given to sub­ scribers we notice 80 acres «f goed timber land, gold and sliver watches, and many other premiums, a complete list of which will be sent each trial subscriber. 44 4w DAN CASTELLO'S Conso idated Show, said to be one of the finest exhibitions now travelin is advertised ta exhi­ bit in this village on Thursday, May 24, afternoon and evening. They come uighly recommended by both the pub Ho and the press as having the finest trained horses iu America, and a host of Arenic chimplons, the best to be found in the world. Every performer a star. The name of Dan Castello Is world-wide, and be will positively ap pear at each and everj performance. Remember the date May 24th, and do net fail to bring your sisters, vour ceu6iu3 and your aunts and see the great show. Read the advertise-nent in another column. We hayo special inducements to offer In Lace Curtains, Window gjades and Turkey-red Damask JoaiN EvANSON DP CO, School Books aud Stationery, ail kinds, at Beatey'a Drag Stan west i Side,. LOVERS of the Drama should bear in mind the entertainment at Riverside Hall, on Friday and Saturday evenings of this week, at which time will he produced the beautiful Three Act Drama, of "Tbo Little Brown Jug' No pains have been spared In the re hearsals and we confidently predict It will be brought out In a manner that Will be a credit to our home talent. The following is the cast of characters: John Natter, A Shoemaker ..FRANK VOSBUUO Will Nutter, his son o. H. KENNED* Ne<l Hartshorn, his Apprentice...L, H.OffE* Henry Douglas, a Spendthrift WAIXACB LCMLBT Jarius Jordan, a Yankee Speculator... ....O. W. SCAFTEB Hannah Nutter. John's Wife ... MIAN MYBTLB CHILDS Mary Nutter, John's Daughter Miss MAUDB VAN SLTKE Sally Peeslee, Yankee Help Miss KFFIE GILBERT HEAVEN help the man who imagines he can dodge enemies by trying to please everybody. If such an individ­ ual ever succeeded we should be glad to know it--not that one should bn ge- ing through the world trying to find beams to thump and knock hissed against, disputing every man's opin­ ion, fighting and elbowing, and crowd­ ing all who difler from hire. That igain is another extreme. Other peo­ ple have their eplulons--so have yon; don't fall late the error of supposing they respect you more for turning vour coat every day to match others. Wear your own colors, in spite of the winds aad weather, storms and sun nlilne. It costs the vacillating and ir resolute ten times the trouble to wind and shuffle and twist than It does hon­ est, manly independence to stand its eround.--Ex. THE Crystal Slipper," the second innual extravaganza at the Chicago Opera Rouse will be produced there on or about June 12. The affair, ac­ cording to the Chioago press, will be a neted one In every respect. Wm. Voegtlln, and assistants who began painting the scenery nine months ajge. are still at work, and those who have had an opportunity of witnessing the results say that the scenery wili sur­ pass In gorgaousnesj all other produc tiens of a similar character, and even that of the Arabian Nlghta, the pro­ duction of last summer. In the cast which is reearded as one of the strong­ est ever seen In a burlesque organiza­ tion, are Robert Graham, for three years chief comedian of the Temple Theatre, Philadelphia; Edwin Foy, lately leading comedian of Kate Cas tleton's Company; Little Tieh, for the psst four year* the leading eomedian of the principal London pantomime productions, and who is regarded a« the greatest "eccentric" that ever came to this country; Tom Martin, a voting comedian who made a distinct success in the role of the Grand Vizier In The Arabian Nights; Ernest Tarle- ton and Thos- W. Riley, boys of 19 who weie fiunkeyg la Adonis; Harry Allen, one of |iie best low comedy female impersonators In this country; Elma Delaro, the noted comedienne; Ida Mulle, the celebrated burlesque sou- May Yoke, the contralto who became so popular In the production of the ' Arabian Nights; Mile. Astegiano, the famous premiere danc­ er lntely with the National Opera Co.; Mile. Qualitz, the great character dancer; the original Rlnaldo*, and the famous acrobat, George Carrington. Uuu ual bargains la half and full ength white embroidered and oriental i ce skirting at prices which canaot be tduplicated. Brown Moss Trimming, fancy braid and new Ribbons. Plain and nigger head Jerseys from 50 cents up. Gents' fine linen H. S, Initial band* kerchiefs, 30 eents each. All the new shapes In Muhl caps at tbo Ladies' Salesroom. Nichols' Block IBB JUDICIAL CONVKNTION. The Supreme Judicial Convention was held at Rochelle, April 30, and Hon. Joseph M. Bailey of Freeport, was nominated on the first ballot to succeed Benj. R. Sheldon. Thirteen counties were represented, and when the convention was called to order, Hon. T. C. Moore, of Kane county, was made tempdrary chairman. Four nominations were made. Judge Bailey's name was presented by his former partner, Hon. James I. Nefl, and the name of Judge I. G, Wilson by Hon. T. E. Ryan. Judge A. B. Coon was named by Hon. C. E. Fuller and delegate Sweeney, of Rock Island, nominated Judge Pleasants. The Informal ballot resulted ae fol­ lows: Bailey. 63; Wilson, 18; Coon, 14; an J Pleasants. 10. On the tormal ballot the vote stood: Bailey, 64; Wilson, 22; Cooo, 19; and Pleasants, 13. On motion of Kane county the nom­ ination ef Bailey was made unanimous and after a speech by the nominee, the convention adjourned. Strayed or Stole** From tin b*rn of the underefgaecTin the village of McBenry, on the night of Monday, May 14, one bay mare live years old, lieht mane and tail. One hind foot a little white on. An/ one returning said mare or giving iofor mation where she may be found will be suitably rewarded. GEO. G.SMITH. Weft McHenry, May 14, 1888,' - T' .Furniture! Furnitur|||^| JUSTEN BROS, wish to inform the public that their store on the East side, formerly occupied bv John B. Blake, which has been closed on ac count of sickness, is now open and will remain open every day, wtiern cau bo found a fu'l line of Furniture of all kinds, from a single chair to a full par­ lor set, and at as low figures as any other store in the county. Any kind of furniture for less mouev than small er dealers can sell it. You can save money by buying your house-keeping outfits of us. Call and see us. Inspect goods and learn prices before buying elsewhere. JU8TBN BROS. McHenry, May 15,1888. If in want of a nobby hat oall at Evanson's. Proceedings ef the Board or Trustees. McHEUKT, III., May 7, 1888. Board met pursuant to adjournment. President Howard in the chair. Pres­ ent, Trustees Granger, Cristy, Parker, Walsh, Bishop aud Hauperisch. Minutes of last meeting read and after correction were approved. Bon is ef Jos, Buck and Jos. Pekov- sky with sureties were received ac­ cepted and approved, and the clerk ordered to issue liceose on the same on compliance with tbe ordinance. Boud of the Village Clerk was re­ ceived, accepted and approved. The "bids for care of lamps were opened, (three in number) when en motion the contract was awarded to Thoma9 Murphy at 820 per month. Report of the committee appointed to recommend a village constab'e was received, who reported that Geo. S. Curtis offered to take the appointment at $30 per month. Movrdby Trustee Walsh that Mr. Curtis be appointed village constable for the ensuing year at a salary of $30 per month, together with such fees as he may collect, Carried. On motiou of Trustee Granger James B. Ferry was appointed Village Treasurer for the ensuing year. OJ mo ion of Trustee Cristy, A, C. Granger was appointed street com- miesionor for the ensuing year, Moved by Trustee Wals»i that the pay of the street cemmisv.OQer be 92 per day for actual servica. Carried. The President then appointed thy following standing committees; On Finance--VrUty, Walsh aud Granger. On Streets and .i&eys--Walsh, Cristy and Bishop. On Miscellaneous Buainees--Granger, Parker and Hauperlseh. Moved by Trostee Hauperisch that the Street Commissioner be instructed to look over the walks In the village and make such^repalrs as are necessary, Carried. Moved by Trustee Granger that the Village Board, together with the Oierk, meet at the Council Room at 1 o'clock, #. M., Friday. M*y 11th, and fro n there make a tour of the village, for the purpose of examining the walks and streets-and report as to re pairs and improvements necessary. Carried. Moved by Trustee Cristy that a committee of three $e appeinted by the chair to use th*ir best efforts to eflect asettloment with Police Magis­ trate Holmes and report at the next meeting. Carried, The chair appointed as such commit­ tee, Trustees Cristy, iStrkir and Hau­ perisch. Moved by Trustee Gcanger that the Sireet Commissioner be instructed to remove the ashes aad other rubbish irom the streets at once. Carried. On motion the Street Committee were empowered to make such ar­ rangements for gravel necessary to be used as they may deem best uotil the next regular meeting. Moved by Trustee €ri<$y that the Ortrtnaocr-hi retKttern tWCXUhi nnrritftg at large be published, and that the Village Constable be Instructed to see that it is enforced. Carried. Moved that the collection of tbe poll tax he omitted for the present year. Carried. On motion of Trustee Cristy the PLAINDEALER was allowed $50 foi publisulng tbe Proeaedlogs et the Board for the ensuing year. Un motion the lamp lighter was em­ powered to procure necessary <>him- ueys tor the street lamps and present bill to the Board for the same, Oa motiou the Street Committee were instructed to notify Mrs. Sesrle* to remove fence from the street oti the west side of her residence aud lot .Oo motion adjourned to Iday af­ ternoon at 1 o'clock. m'*: R. A. HOWARD, President. ALTT&JJ. SLTKB, Clerk>:- • . Marengo Driving P*rfet. Special meeting. Saturday, June 9th. 1888, under tbe aus*><ces of the Maren­ go Agricultural Society. Programme:So. 1, purs a flOO; trotting; 2:50 class. No, 3, purse, $100; pacing, 2:40 class. No. 3, Purse, 8100; trotting, 2:26 class, Purses divided as lollow>:~Fifty per cent to first horse ; twenty-five per cent to second horse; fifteen per cent to third horse, and ten per cent to fourth horse. Conditions.-- All races will be mile heats, three in five to harness; Ave to enter and throe to go, and will be gov­ erned by the rules of the Amerlean Prottlng Association, of which we are a member. Any horse distancing the field or any portion thereof, will be awarded first money only. Heats may he trotted er paced al­ ternately. / Horses will be called at 4-P.M. and started at 1:30 prompt£]K*f: 'Entrance fee ten percent of purse. Stalls and bedding free. Entries will close on flonday, June 4th, at 3 p. M. Our unexcelled mile track will be in fine condition. ThjsVmeeting will occur immediately after the Elgin and previous to tbe Freeport meeting and as Marengo is directly on the road be­ tween those points it wili be very con- teaient for horsemen to stop over. LESTER BARBER, President. N. V. WOLKBEN, Sec'y, Hebron Department A'Sound Legal Opinion. E Balnbridge Muuday Esq. County Atty., Co,. I'ex. says: "Have used Electric Bitters with most happy re­ sults. My brother also was very lew with Malarial Fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medi­ cine. Am satisfied Eleotric Bitters saved his life." Mr, D I. Wilcox, of Horse Cave Ky - adds a little teetimeny, saying: He positively believes he would have died, had it not been for Electric Bitters. This great remedy will ward off, a6 well as cure all Malaria Diseases, and for all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Disorders stands unequaled. Price 60 eents, andfl at G. W. Besley's. LODGE DIRECTOR?. MASOWWJ.--A. F. and x. M. meot at Masonic Hall on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even- ii>rs of each month. MODERN WOODMBIT OF AMERICA.--Meet at Maaouio Hall every 2<l and 4th Thursday even­ ings of each month. Neighbors cordially in­ vited. SONS OF TBXPERANOB.--Meet at Union Hall on Tuesday evening of each week. EDITOR PLAINDBALER:--F. E. Grat- ton has bee a oa the sick list for some time. George Manor run tbe cream wagon for John Gates Saturday. Jack Frost was abroad the first of tbe week and left traces ef his stealthy footsteps. A wee stranger has lately arrived at tbe home of Mr. John Gates. Mrs. E. Pierce and Mrs. L. Bourne returned the last of the week from an overland trip to Elgin. It Is said we are to have another cornet bind and on their caps will be inscribed the letters, "M. W. A." C. J, Klogsley, of Alden, Secretary of the Alden and Hebron Mutual Fire Insurance Co., was in town Saturday. According to th« announcement the next Teachers' Meeting will be held at Richmond, on Saturday of next week. Newell Manor has purchased the *euth lot, occupied by the barn of Mr. Vlnoelette, for the sum of #750. M. S. Geodsell will raise his house to two stories and build a large addi­ tion to It. Mr. G. has one ef the finest lots in town. On account of the rain the Modern Woodmen's entertainment was post> joned until Tuesday evening. There was a large number present and the affair was a su cess in every partic­ ular. F. E. Gratton will add a summer fitches to his commodious oottage this summer, and Wall Harrison hat the foundation laid for an addition to his house. Lightning struck a barn Bear Alden on Thursday sight, the result |oeIng incomplete destruction by Are. One uerse and some other live stock per­ ished in the flames. Norris A. Chandler woald out off hie right arm before ho would be any­ thing else but a staunch Republican, lie frequeutly spends a leisure hour iu angling for suckers and with ready wit for bait never fails to land hit* game. ALCONOUIN. [NOTICE.--Persons in Algonquin and vicin­ ity, knowing themselves indebted for the T'LAIKDKALER can learn of the amount by '-ailing on John Helta, wno is authorized to receive money and receipt for ttie same, in turname. Those wtsluo* to subscribo can leave their nitmea at his store. Cail on him tnd get a sample oopy.j EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Wm. Mor on started out on Monday of last week to buy milch cows but we have <iot learned when he is expected In. C. E. Chapell oarne in from the Sorth on Saturday last. Hq only brought in one carload of milch cows tnd them he shipped to Wlnettka, Cook Co, where he *old them at pri- vate sate;-***' "*--•< Notices, are up for a meeting for Tuesday evonlng of this week to make arrangements for Decoration Das. We will give further particulars next week. Mrs. H. Smith, livlag en the Pyatt farm, is very sick with the diphtheria. Or. Nasou is attending her. . Tbe Ladies Aid Society, of the Con gregational Church, will meet at Mrs V. N. Ford's on Wednesday of next veek. May 23d. The farmers do not like to complain tbout the wet weather, but they would tike about oua week of good weather now so that they could get their corn O. D.W.Thomas started out to buy uileh cows oa Monday of this week, that is, If he can find any. That seems to be the greatest trouble now. V. N. Ford started for Seward, Neb,, on Monday of this week. He expeot- to be absent about two weeks. He pirchased a yearling oolt of D. W. Thomas aad took it out to his oousin, J U, Ford. W. P. Benson aad son Mark, are vis­ iting with relatives aad friends at May wood, and Chicago. J. W. Adatnek, of Elgin, spent Sun­ day here with his folks. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Chapell, are vlslt» ing with friends in Chicago. Mrs, Giflird, of Etgln, visited here with her sister one dav last week. SAIL BOAT FOR SALE. A large, fine Sail Boat, everything complete, for sale cheap. Enquire at this office. JOHN L. SULLIVAN Has landed, ready to knoak out tbe pugilists of America, and we are pre­ pared to knock out any and all high prices waged on the trading public, and don't you forget That our stock is all <rieaa and new. That our styles are the Utesi. That we buy as eheap as cash cau buy. That our goods^are as represented. That we keep a No. 1 general stock That we try to please our custom­ ers. • That we got a large patronage. That our prices are as low as the political star of a Chicago boodler. That the public know it, aud we- are thankful for it. Come and see us. Respectfully,. STOFFKL & BLAKE, Riverside Block. Hereford's Baking Powder for sale by John Evauson & Co. Hereford's Baking Powder for sale by John E^anson & Co. Horsford's Baking Powder for sale by John Evanson & Co. Look through our llae of table linen, towels and crashes. For all shades et Dress Goods /rem black down to white call OB us. Iu Satineg we have black, plain brown, figured browu, figured blue and also lighter shades in imported and domestics. An elegant line of latest shades ef tbe celebrated Jamestown dress goods. Fullatjockof choicest groceries al­ ways on hand. 6 BLAKB. Try Besley's Iron Yonis Bitters. •I stationery at J, A. Full line Story's. Worsted cable twist drees goods on­ ly 12} cents at Evanson's. New Spring Millinery goods In all tbe latest styles at Mrs. C. A. Hutson's Go'and see E. Lawlus' velvet finish­ ed Corduroy pants, very cheap. Extra Choice Flour, 91 per sack at Evanson's. A full assortment of Clothing, price from #5.00 a suit up at Stoffel A Blake. Wells. Richardson A Co.'s Butter Oolor for sale by J. A. Story. Potatoes 81.10 per bushel at Evan­ son's, Paints, oils, and .varnishes, brashes, eta; a full lino of painter's sapplies to bs found at J. A. Story's. Besley'* Death to Rats'In sore and certain. Don't be troubled With these pests longer. Go to J. A, Story's for drags, medi­ cines, dye stuffs, cigars, drug notions, stationery, etc. Sareen doors at Shepard's hardware lowest prices. Extra heavy white Bed Spreads fl each at Eviason's. Cigars at 3. A. Story's. A choice lino of Bo: at Besley's, WEEL Side. If you want to see the finest stock of Fine Shoes at the lowest prices, oall at Althofi Bros. FOR RENT. First class rooms suitable for a small family. Inquire of MRS. WM. MCCOLLUM. MoHenry, April 17,1888. Try the new Japan Tea 90 cents per pound at Evaason's. Go to J. A. Story's for stationery of all kinds. Legal cap, Letter Cap, Fool's Cap, Bill, Note, <fco.. in great variety. Also latest aoveltles In let­ ter and note paper. Call and examine. lofk to your horses. To in good trim fer spring Farmers, have them work use Besley's Condition Powders" The best in the market. Dyspepsia and Indigestion cured by use of genuine Vermont Spruce Gum fo be found at J. A. Story's drug store. Horsford's Baking Powder by John Evaasen & Co. J®1* FOR SALE OR REN& In the village of McHenry, a good house and four lots, with barn, good outbuildings, etc. Good well of water 'in the premises. A very desirable olace. Posiesslon given at once. In­ quire of AMOS WHITING, Or at this office. 4l-4w C. F. TORNOW, Custom Tailor, of Nunda. wishes to inform the citlzous of McHenry and vicinity that he will visit McHenry >n the 25th of each month, with a full line of samples, and will take orders for single garments er full suits and {•tarauiee satisfaction In quality of {oed8 good fits aad low prices. Headquarters a*- the Parker House. Should tbe 25th tall on Sunday, will he here tbe following Monday. C. F. TORNOW. Dated. April 25,1888. 42-tt Mrs. C. A. Hutsoa wishes to inform the ladies of McHenry and vlolnlty that she ia fully prepared to show as due a stock of Millinery Goods as can oe found. I have secured a first class Milliner and Dress-Maker, and can do )oth kinds of work ou short notice and will guarantee satisfaction. MRS, C. A. HDTSON. SPRING MILLINERY. I wish to infer.n the Ladies of Wau- •onda and vicinity that I have just re­ turned from tbe city with a new and complete line of spring Millinery, No- ions and Ladles' Furnishing Goods, to which I invtte their tttintlon confident that I can please them In quality, style ind price. I have secured Hie services el i first cla-ss milliner to assist me, and will do all work promptly and guaran­ tee to give satisfaction. Give me a <5ail. ' LIZZIE NEVILLE, * W au conda, 111. Olover Blossoms! We want all the Blossoms yon can furnish us this season. Save your dells and we will make It pay you. S. S. SHEPARD A SON. Cigars at J. A. Story's. See the English Satine corset at 75o. worth #1.00. See our btrgalns In table cloths and scrimb cloths. Look us over for Wall Paper, ceiling decorations and borders. We still sell the Fargo box-tip «hoes; warranted. Buy your seeds of as at lie carry a full line. "Our Leader" tobacco at 20 coats a pound. It cannot be beat. . Examine our boots, and rain ceata; way down. Clothing! Clothing! largest variety; lowest prices. Buy the correct style Mats ofos; very cheap. Our Groceries are always fresh and cheap. BONSLETT St STOFFKL. JUBILEE. Jubilee is a registered Snglish Shire horse, foaled in 1884, and Import ed in 1887. He is a dark bay In color, blank points. He is 16} hands high, and weighs 1700 pounds, with heavy bone and superior action and style. Sire, Admiral No. 2699. Dam, Beauty. Sire of dam, Champion, No 429. Jubilee will be at tbe Kiverside House, Mellenry, every Wednesday night, and SpringGorvo Tuesday.night. Farmers and horse breeders are iBvlt* ed to call and see him. CATER BROS. Prop'i*. 42-3w Ltbertyville, 111. Buckton'n Arnica Sslva The b#st Salve in tue world for cuts oruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhoum, fever sores, tetter, cnapped hands,chilblains corns, and all skin eruptians, and pos- tively cures piles, or no pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. Price 25 oe> ts per box. For sale by G. W. Beeley, Don't Experiment. You cannot afford to waste time In experiment when your lungs are ID danger. Consumption always seems, at first only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to Impose upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and colds, but be sure you get the genuine. Because he can mako more profit he may te'l you ho has something just as good or just the same. Don't be deceived, but Insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discov­ ery which is guaranteed to give relief in all throat, lung and chest affection*. Trial bottles fre at G. W. Beelej*e Drug Store. Large bottles fl. SMOKE the "Bjmplre Cuban,* the best Five Cent Cigar in the maMtiit, City,residences for sale, Apoly tl 1 Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. * . ̂ Artist's supplies at J. A. Story's. ^ ------ • X}. Go to J. A. Story's for heal grade ttf® Kerosene OH. , Gold Paints, Bronze Palnla, Sttfvr / H* Paints, etc., at J. A. Story's, > g Yea will find a full line of arttit*# j mateHal at J. A. Story's. Go to J. A. Story's for best grade of \ I Kerosene Oil. Besley's Worm Syrup for ehlldfSB * has DO equal. Try the Vermont Sprnee Gam Jost % received at J. A. Story s. Wells & Richardson's celebrated butter color for sale at IfeW Drag Store. All kinds Ladles' aad Gent's Pocket „ books and hags at Besley's Drag etore west side. IF yon want a first class Photograph, <*all on E; E.Bennett, over Perry A Owen's store. i Linseed Oils. Turpentine, Brasher, and all supplies for painters at J. A. Story's. FOK SALE. A large quantity of Shelled Cera for sale at Bishop's Mill. Besley's Condition Powders are at great benefit to cows. Increases Ml flow of milk and keeps them healthy. : HOUSE TO RENT. Good garden and outbuilding!. Terms reasonable. Inquire at thli office. Every thing in the Implement I toe can be found at Bishop's Warehouse* Call and examine. Prices lew. "Carry the news to Hannah," thai the best place to buy Ladles Fln% Shoes is at Altboff Bros. m Besley's Famous Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett's, A. glen's and John Heimer'a. Drink Besley's Ale and be healthjr and happy # All kinds of Story Books for childrett cheaper than dirt, at Besley's. Liuseed Oils, turpentine. Brushes, and all supplies for painters at J. A. Story's. MIDDLINGS, Corn Meal and Ground Feed at reto' sonable prices. Call and learn prieea at Bisnop's Mill. ° Go to Altboff Bros, for Fine The finest stock lo town. Believing That a good new stock of clothing If oeeded lo this place wo have pat to n. complete linn. Call and look it ovof* " ̂ • Yours truly, - -v-^ STEVENS A MILLER. •V; Besley's celebrated Ale on draught at John Helmer't. J. Bonslett's and A* c Engeln's. The most healthy drink fer any weather. . No use going to the city for a Hke-^ ot yourself or friends wheftyoif can get a far better one bv cam^ •& the Gallery of L. E. Bennett, over Perry & Owen's store. In this village. He will guarantee you satisfaction Call aad see bis specimens, Call In and get measured for a nobby pante at 97. Don't pay 99 and jlu. Your choice out of 200 samples. Aleo have your clothes altered,* fitted aikd cleaned, as ho cao not be beat Ir do inn a alee job. ; K. LAWLUS, Tailor. ; WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price in will be paid for good milii at the Fox River Valley M Henry. R, BISHOP. Ml M(k Disolution Notices. NOTICE ia hereby given that the parnef* ship heretofore existing between " ard Bonslett, Will Bonslett, and Stoffel is this day dissolved bv mutual sent All persons indebted to the late firm are requested to pay the same by Jane ttth next. The notes, acrwuots, etc., will betound at the store of the late lirm, and any one at said Arm are authorised to acoepv payment and to receipt for the same LEONARD BONSLKTT, * WILL LIONF [,ETT. SIMON STUFF at. Dated at MeHenry, April 10, 1 jJS. VrOTICE is hereby given that the under* i.^1 signed hav$ •or-ood a (..c>««-tnershlp f»r the purpose of 'onductinga general merchan­ dise business at the store former!occupied by the lit'm ef Bonslett & .-Hoffei at West McHenry, IlL DatedatW. MeHenry, April, W& WILL BONSLBTT, SmoNSTovriu* in., uoa lautoa^of 'Notice. : THE undersigned having sold hislhterest In the llrm of Bonslett A Stoffel to Will Bonslett and Simon Stoffel, who wilt continue the business of General Merchandise at the old stand, will devote his entire at sntion to the bran and feed business hereafter. LEONARD BONSLETT. THE BEST OFFER YET. YOU WANT IT! Don't delay, but send at once for UAWKETK SirriNGS, the popular paper, with its forty columns of humorous aud literary matter, profusely ll« lustrated, neatly printed on ttuted paper. •»nd containing the or-am of the best pawnea» tions of the day, as well as a Urge amount Of original matter Oy tbe oost humorous Wlit- ers You won't go to sleep reading It. In order to iutroduce it we will send it t» Say address FOUR MONTHS OJT TKIAL for oaly .m cents in silver. Splendid premiums give* away. Nothing like it. Send today and show this to vour friends. Address, HAWICICVK SIFTING3. 44-Sw Des Moines, lewa. WEST L. D. mrcour, Prop. Bavins recently refitted my Bestauraalh {« near the Depot, in first class style, I am »o<W >'• prepared to accommodate the public with • *. Warm or Cold Ibftls Hit At all hours of the day or evening. Coffee or Tea en Ave minutes notice. A FULL STOCK «T Bakers* ^iippUe# ALWAYS OX HAND. Ckiiice Ms, if ill Kail, IN I THE I It SKA9Qttt. La DA Went MOBSMAN** stst, OH. -f I

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