Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jun 1888, p. 5

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i f f - itvtjs WEDNESDAY. JUNE 6, 1888. Railroad Time Table. Vkklni effect Sept. 19th, train* will p»w McHenry station daily, except SBIKI»»»,»« fellow*: GOING SOUTH. Lake Geneva Passenger... ..7:28 A. 31 Lake Geneva Express .8:2% ' Lake Geneva Freight Jw r. n Lake Geneva Passenger............ v*1™ ' ooivo NORTH. Lake Geneva rreljcht............ J...1*1! A. x Lake 3eneva Paeaeager..... . Lake Geneva Express 4:S5F.M Lake Ocn«va Patsenrer........ 6:51 B. Brsd, Agent. ; v MeHeiury, 111 4 " ? M A A O K I O . MOKBHRT LODGB, No. 186 A. P, and A, M.-- Bagalar Communication* the second and f#artb Meadays in each month. J. VAW SLTKK, W. M. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second and Last Tuesday evening of each month. Neighbors cor lially invited. WILL MoBenry Calibrate the 4th of ily this year? That it the question. V. J. OILUS has moved to the West 8lde, to tbe bouse lately purchased of| Jos. Buck. CHOICE Ice Cream at the Restaurant M" J Pj>VflT*lrT See ber notice mbere la this paper. STKAWBSRRV and Ice Cream Festi­ val, at Riverside Hall, on Friday even­ ing. of this week, June 8tb. W n. MORTON will *«11 a eairtOad of Cows, at Algonquin, on Friday next. Juno 8th. F. K. Granger Auctioneer. Do not forget the Strawberry atid Ice Cream Festival, at RtvexpAde Hail. Friday evening of this week.' E, if. OWEN owns two colts, two and four years old, full brothers, sired by 'George Ofor which he was offered the, handsome sum of 81000 last week r* would again call the attention ol stock men to the sale of Short Horns. •tAuotlon, in Libertyvllle June 14th. 8oe advertisement In another column. STRAWBKURIBS and Ioe Cream in abundance, will be served at thej River­ side Hall, on Friday evening, by the ladles of the Willing Workers Society. TMK Willing Workers will hold a 8trawberry and Ice-cream Festival, at Riverside Hall, Friday evening, June 8th, A cordial invitation is extended to all. C. B. CHAPELL advertises an Aaetion Sale of Thirty Cows and one stock Bull. In the village of Algonquin, on Saturday next, June 9ib, commencing ftt 9 o'clock, H. B. Throup, Auetioneer. HON. A. J. HOPKINS will accept thanks for a copy of his speech on "Protection to American Industries and to Am triean Labor." delivered in tbo House of Representatives, Tues­ day, May 8tb, 1888. \ THE Willing Workers ^rlll meet at Riverside Hall, Friday afternoon, June 8th, at 1 p. M. to complete tiie arrangements for a Strawberry Festi­ val, which will be held in the evening. MRS. W. A. OEtSTr, president. 7~. Oca 91-25 spring suitings for 75 and 8&«ents per yard, Ftf'lt for Lambre­ quins, with suitable trimmings to aatoh, Bmbroiderlery silks, fine silk gloves and mitts.\ and childrons em­ broidered skirtings at Ladles Sales- >ms. Nichols Block. B. GILBERT, the West Side Grocer, in order to get more room for hit business, has changed from the east to the west store In his block, which he haa fitted up conveniently to ao. >mmedate his Inoresslng trade. Tas Pupils of tbo Rlngwood School will give two choice Exhibitions on Friday and Saturday evenings of this week. June 8th, ana 9th, to consist of Singing, Dialogues, Recitations, etc, Admission 15 cents. Proceeds to be used for paying for a school Organ. MR. SJLADB'S subject next Sunday morning will be appropriate to Flower Sunday and will be glad to meet all the members of the Sunday School. In the afternoon at 3 o'clock will preaoh at Rlngwood. Subject "Religion and Life an Education or School,** WE would call particular Attention to tbo new advertisement of John Evf>nson A Co., to be^found In another place In this paper. They will open on Monday next, June 11th, a special •ale of Ladies' Shoes, to whicti they call tbo attention of the buying pub- lie. Read tbelr advertisement clear through. It will pay you. THE funeral of Walter Cristy, young* est son of J. W. Cristy, of Rlngwood, was largely attended from the reel deuce of bis father, on Sunday last, aympathiziag friends being present la largo numbers from McHenry, Nunda, Greenwood, Hibron, Wood!lock, and other places. He was a young man highly respected by all who knew him. and his parents and brothers have the heartfelt sympathy of all in this sad breaveinent. The funeral services wore conducted by ths Rev. Wm Nlckle. frJERSWNfttfc HARRY HOLMES, of Woodstock, was caMfng on friends here on Suuday. MBS. PLATER spent Sunday with friends at Nunda. MRS C. W. SLArtii femoYed to BHviderr on Monday^ THEitojt OAKI S. of ffiMwtidt, was a caller on Friday. DR H. T. Buows, and wif» spent a few days with friends In Elgin la«t W£*>k. ( FRANK SCHKORR, of Athol, Dakota, has beeh calling oh friends here the pau week. CHAS, FBORT. Paul Kennedy, and E l Chapman, of Woodstock, tfroni' in town on Wednesday last. " Miss KATE HOWS and Miss Mary W«ntworth returned f^om their visit to Hartley, Iowa, on Saturday last. Miss NETTIE BECKLSY Misses Mary and Lottie Shepard of Nunda, .|r*re the guests of JjTrs. fl. V. Sltepard Decoration Day. MRS. H. V. SHE PARS and Mrs. Dr. H. T. Brown, _ visited with Mrs. A. Clark and Mrs. Witt Cutter edge, at Lake Geneva, one day this we*k. A. M. JACOBI, a graduate Pbaror-aclet, has accepted a position in the Drug Store of Miss Julia A. Story, in this village, and can now be found (|i| that store, ready for business. Mr. Jacob! •peaks German, French and English fluently, and will be a valuable acqui­ sition to that establishment. THB Decoration Day servioes, in this village, were of the most Interest­ ing character, and drew out a good crowd. The exercises were undef the dirf ctior of McHenry Post No. 64^. G. Av R„ and were conducted in a ver> creditable manner, everything passing of in the most pleasant and agreeable manner. The Address «f H. V. Shep­ ard was a fine effort anH^was listened to with the closest attention, and was highly spoken of by all. The singing by the choir was excellent, the day was pleasant, and taken all Is all It ws« a day long to be remembered by the old soldiers and their friends. fHK DIED---At Rlngwood. Ill, June 1st, 1888, Walter, youngest son of Joseph W. and Saral) ^L, Oiisty aged 13 years2 months and 8 days. t?e desire, in this public manner, to thank the many kind ft lends and neighbors who were so kind to our beloved son and brother during his long sickness, and for their king assist ance and sympathy after bis death. We, also, desire to tbank the singers for the choice music they rendered se beautifully. Our wishes are, that, in their hour of like bereavement, which all must, sometime, have; that their lives may be blessed by the same kind offices. We assure them that any such assistance we may be abls. to render wiUta«ma*t 0*te*rfully tendered. •'-> ' « J. W. CRISTY, 1» " ? 8AKAH L. CBI8TT, V W. A. CRISTY, / J. K, CRIBTT, /. TBERB IS notblog that gives se much pleasure as to possess a « ood life-like picture of a friend, and when one finds where such can be procured he would be selfish indeed did he>not impart the information to friends. We have a life size Crayon Picture, from~1the Studio of Harting A Clarke, 103 State Street, Chicago, which ife invite all, and especially those who contemplate getting large pictures, to call aud see. Every one who has seen it pronounce it perfection Itself, We have aevet seen anything to equal it, and we take pleasure in recommending Messrs. Harting & Ciarke to our readers as gentlemen who understand their busi­ ness, and who will let nothing go out of their studio that is not perfectly satisfactory in every particular. We trust all will call and see this Picture, after which we shall have more to say in relation to Messrs. Harting & Clarke and their business of picture making. Platform Dance. > .£^1 the east side of Lilly Lake, on Friday eveuing, Juno I5th, 18S8, Your­ self and lady are cordinllp invited. Good Music in attendance. Tickets, 59 cents. A large Platform, good ac- commodatious, and a good time ex­ pected. Lot all turn out. PER ORDER COM. QUITB a n|D dog searo commenccd ftt Algonquin on Tbursdsy last and ended four miles southwest of Nunda the same night, by the death of the dog, but not before two persons had lM«n severely bitten. The victims are a girl 18 years of age, bitten In the hand, end a boy 4 years old, bitten In the face, both children of J. McGary, of Crystal Lake. The dog was afterwards killed by W. Foster. During bis trip frea Algonquin to the plaoe where he was killed quite a number of dogs are koown f> have been bitten by this rabid aBlmal. Prompt treatment of the children ot Mr. McGary «wy prevent aerieoa result*. ICE CREAM. MRS. J. PEKOVSKT, one door South of the Post Otiicl. is now ready to sup* ply her customers arid the public gen­ erally witb the choicest Ice Cream, either by the dish or quart. A full atock of Baker's Supplies con­ stantly on band. Choice Confectionery of all kinds. Fruits of all kinds IB their season. Call and see us and we will use you well a^d giff^ygp the worth of your money, "-J --: Mas, J. PEKOVSKT, HeBenry, juneotti, iass. JULYTOURTH, At the Riverside House. Arrangements have been completed for the annual party at the Riverside blouse in this village, on theerening of July 4th. SLOSUM'S ORCHSTRA, Of six Pieces, including Slocum, Wiggins and Welsh, has been engaged and will be in attendance. Put down the Riverside oa your prog amine for the Fourt'i. A. CALKINS. Proprietor. WORTH KNOWING. > f lat Allcock's Porous Plasters are the hlgbost result of medical science and skill, and In ingredients and meth­ od have never been equaled. That they are (he original and genu- porous pi tBterg upon whose reputation imitators trade. That Allcock's Porous Plasters never fail to perform their remedial work quickly and effectually. That lor Weak Back, Rheumatism, .Sciatica, Colds. Lung Trouble, Kidney Difficulties, Malaria, Dyspepsia, Liver and Stomach Affections, Strains and ail Local Pains, they are invaluable. That when you buy Allcock's Porous Pl.ttara pnn tt-- * nlnnfar.i made W? -5*1* wn TBB F.11R. Perhaps it Is yet eonewhat early to say very much about the agricultural fairs of the season, but the following paragraph, clipped from an old ox- change, reminds ua that the Weeks are sliding oa rapidly, and the time will soon be here, and that It is not too <>ar]y to begin to think how we can improve the fair, and Make it more helpful to the Interests of tlie farm aud the household: *'If a ma t thinks he will get no ben­ efit from attending the fair, and re­ gards It simply as au opportunity to i{o and see a horse-trot, or to speud a half d >llar in nickel cigars, or "blow in" a few quarters or dollars to enrlcB the proprietor of wheels of fortune he had better put his hand in his pocket and contribute a dollar or two to the fair fund, in the form of ft sub scriptlon, and stay away. If, en the other hand, he proposes to visit the fair, with as mauy of his family as can be spared, for the purpose of keeping his ejr'S sud ears wide open, and learn­ ing all he can by observation of the exhibits, and conversing with his neighbors who may be better inform­ ed on some subjects than he Is; for the purpose *f affording his wife and family a holiday, a day's recreation whore she and they £an ibet neighbor and friends rrem a distance, and have a good social time% and at the _ same time gain useful Information by wit­ nessing a collection of good stock, uuch better than they have at heme, and various Improvements in other department »f farm work, then by all means, let hi JI make hie plans now --not only to attend the fair but add to Its exhibits something worthy, of notiee." MARENGO. KL>. PLAINDEALBR: Our Attorneys have be$i "fl' Wbod- steck attending Court. Business ms to be good and they are corres­ pondingly happy. • Mr.Lefller Stull la quite sick. Dr. Richardson Is in attendance and hopes to have him out again soon. Memorial Sunday was duly observed here In the Opera House. The pro­ gramme consisted of the Post exeer- citK s^an address by Rev. J, C. Bigelow, and singing by a selected choir. Th* singing by the male ohoru* was a new feature and is deserving of special mention, because of Its excellence, both in selection and rendition. Decoration Day witnessed a great gathering of people in our village. I'hey came from every direction to assist lu solemnizing the occasion- The G. A. R's, Sous of Veterans, Mod­ ern Woodmen, and Select Knights, together with our Drum Corps and Brass Band, made a very creditable appearance upon the- line of march. After the decorating of the soldiers graves, which was solemn a id impres­ sive from tbe first to the last, the line or march was taken to the Park, where addresses were made by Rev. William Underwood, an old 15th Illinois boy. aow living in Kansas, and Judge O. H. Gillmore, of Woodstock, They need no encomium at our hands. Music by the Band and siuging was freely Inter­ spersed. Then the ^reat company went their way, feelirg that their country was dearer to them because ol ihe sacrifice made to maintain It. The Modern Woodmen of Northern Illinois have their fourth auunal picnic at Genoa, June 21sL These gatherings tre looked forward to by the Neigh­ bors as general gala days, as a good time is always assured and In the annual increase in the attendance they see tbe prosperity ef their noble order, wtilch is a source of pride to every loyal Woodman. I'he commencement exercises ef the Marengo High School takes place Thursday *venlrtg, June 7th, at tbe Opera House. There are fifteen graduates this year and an extended programme will necessarily be ren­ dered. We learn that the Junior Class will dispense with the nsual reception to the Senior Class this year, and if this be so, it is surely a commendable step, because hitherto, and more especially the last two yean, consid­ erable hard feelings were engendered, besides the receptions were made very expensive, against the deelre of the classes tendering them. •. X, Qnshsa In lbs Soutb. Atlanta Constitution: Jujge Gresltam is one of the most reputable Republi­ cans in tbe country. He Is not in active politics, he is not much of a partisan when It oooses to the bloedy shirt business, In short, he appears to be the one man who can win the sup­ port of all tbe Republican factions. He is probably not a great man; but Lincoln was not a great man until after he become President. He ie net known as a statesman, nor as a party leader, but he is available; and at this stage ot the game availability rises to dignity of a qualification. He has not only not sought the nomination, but be has expressed great oontempt for any judicial officer wbe would seek It; he was a soldier and a hard fighter, and his tariff ?iews are moderate. In short, his career commends him to the great mass of Republicans, aud if be is nominated he will give the Democrats a har J fight. We trust the nominee will be brother Blaine rather than Judge Gresbam for variouft- ^eft- sons. A.y Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTORY. MASOWO.--K. F. ani A. M. miot at Masonic Hail on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even- U TS of each month. MOKEKN WOODMEN OF AMEPTCA.--Meet at Masonic, Hall every 2d and 4th Thursday even­ ings of each month. Neighbors cordially in- vlted. Sons or TKMPKRAWOR.--Meet at Union Kail on Tuesday evening of each week. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Mr. Harvey ate wart returned home en Friday. Mrs. Slater has a brother vlslfine her. E. F. Hewes went to Chicago Friday night. Mrs Josle Manley, fr<»m Harvard, spent Decoration Day in Hebron. Allle Dart, from Minneapolis, Minn<- sota. is visiting his grandparents. Mrs. Smith, from Ring #ood, was the guest of Mrs. E. F. Hewed the tret of last week, I'rof. H. M. Soper, of Chicago, spent a tew days with old friends In this vicinity. ^ Mr. Joe Raestde, of Waukegan, was a caller in town on Saturday and Sun­ day. Several from here attended Memo- ria' exercises at Richmond Wednesday afternoon. H J. Vineelette, took possession ot bis new home on Saturday. The house has been newly painted and otherwise improved in appearance. Mrs. P. H. Woolfrom, frem Lawrence spent the last of the week with friends here aud at Richmond, Mrs. Orin Bougbton and Mrs. E. Conn visited Mrs. Minnie Uauver, at Blgfeot, on Thursday. Miss Nellie Andrews left on the eveuing train Monday, for a few we4ks sojourn at Lawrence. The publio school will have a picnic at Twin Lakes on Frld ty ef next week Everybody Is Invited to attend the first picnic of the*season- and partici­ pate in the good time. The game of base ball on Wednes­ day afternoon, betweeu the marri&d and unmarried men, resulted in the defeat of the latter. Score 24 to 29. Hebron will have a grand fourth of July celebration. There will be plen­ ty of amusement throughout the day and la the evenlug the "H. D. A." will present the beautiful drama MTbe Turn of the Tide." The third anuutl commencement ol tbe publio school will be held at the H. E. church on Saturday evening June 16th. The graduating Glass ot '88 is as large as usual. The Jeweler and Tailor have ex- 3 h a n * e d p l a c e s o f b u s i n e s s . H . J Viaclette has moved his jewelry good* Into che old drug store and any one in want of a ne v suit of clothes must call at the Furniture store# Cbildrens day will be observed at. the M. E. ehurch on Sunday, June I7th. There will be memorial aud ether in­ terest! ug exercises In the evening of that day. All are Invited. Decoration Day was observed jwtth tbe Interest, i'taf fleral tributes in their arrangements were complete, the most noteworthy being a large pyramid of flowers at tne church. The address by Mr. Frank Spitzer, ol Woodstock, was patriotic and eloquent and received by an attentive and ap­ preciative audience with great ap­ plause. Prof. A. M. Soper added to the Interest of the occasion by reciting in aa Impressive manner, peculiarly his own, a beautiful poem of the war. Tbe singing by the male qiartette was tbe finest ever listened to iu He­ bron en a similar o^oasion. A collec­ tion to the amount of 813.15 was taken at tbe close of tbe exercises to aid in the erection of a monument at Wash­ ington to the memory ef John A. Logan. Mr, and Mrs. Hamlin Fenner and daughter, Georgia, started Mondaj for a few weeks visit to friends in Nebraska. Rev. Frank Smith vlll deliver his two Lectures, "Mixed Candies" and "Rivets," at Rowe's Hall, on Thursday and Friday eveniogs, June 14 and 15. under (he auipecies of the M. W. A* An old lady on the train between Tallapoosa aud Anniston tbe other day apparently experiencing aer first ride on the cars, was very much disturbed when the train reached tbe bigb trestle near Anniston. Tbe ilevatlou of tbe road at this point Is very great, and the cars seem as | If suspended In mid air. As tbe trfin parsed over the trestle the old lady convulsively grasp­ ed the seat and held her breath until the opposite side of the chasm was reached, when she gave a deep sigh of relief and exolalmed. "Than^^g^dl she's 11 tr-Chicago | ALCONOUIN. [NOTIOB.--Persons in Algonquin and vicin­ ity, knowing thein«elvei indebted for tlie PLAINDKAL.BR can learn of the amount by oalting on John Helen, WHO is authorized to receive money and receipt for tne same, in our name. Those wishing to subscribe can leave their names at hid store. (Jail on him and get a sample oa py.J EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--At D. W. Thomas' Auction Sale of a car load ol jiilch cows, on Thursday of last week, oows sold on an average of 839.23 per bead. -- A. N. Fortfarrlved home from his Nebraska trip on Tuesday of last week He reports having .I Vary pleasant time. J. Vao Slyke, of the PLAINDEALER, was a caller ia town on Thursday of last week. Decoration Day parsed off very pleasantly, Jt being a beautiful day, and contrary to all expectations, there was an abundance of beautiful flowers. At 1 ;30 p. M. the procession, which had formed at the School House, started tor our silent city of the dead. The order of march was as follows: 1st, President of the day. 2nd, Cary Cornet Band. 8rd, Old Soldiers. 4th. Algooquin Cftmp otf Modern Woodmen. 5th' Boys with 11 *gs. 6th. Girls with flowers, 7th, Speakers ia Carriage. 8th, Citizens in Carriages. . When the Cemetery was reached tbe Band, Soldiers and Woodmen halted in open r^nks while tbe boys witb flags and the girls laden with beauti­ ful flowers marched to the front and strewed them over tbe ̂ graves of our fallen herojs. After visiting each grave they marched to the Grrnd Stand where the following program was given: * * . 1st, Song by -Quartette. ; 2nd, Prayer by Rev. P. cr. vtrrtrtV3. 3rd, Address bv Prof. C. W. Hart. 4th, Select reading by Miss Myrt ie ltoKee. 9)h( So [ by Quartette. 6th, Speech by Frank Jeslyn. 7th, Speech by Rev, P. 8. Burbans. 8th, Song by Quaitette. 9ih, Benediction by Rev. P. ft. Burbans. Each Decoration Diy finds more little flags near grave stones. Each y«&r the ioil call beyond grows longer, and soon the Grand Army of the Re­ public will be tented on fames eternal camping ground. The Commencement exercises of the Algonquin Puolic School were held at the Congregational church en Friday evening Jane 1st, 1S88. Tbe Primary department held their exercises first, which were well rendered by the little ones. Program for the Grammar de­ partment was as follows: 1st. Song by the school, What can the matter be. 2nd. Essay, New Inventions, by Arthur Cuapell. 3rd. Quartett. Home by the sea, by Misses McKee and Adamek, Messrs Morton and <£5hnston. 4th, Essay Slavery, by George Morton. 6th Trio Fisherman, by Misses McKee and Adamek. Mr. Morton. 6tb. Essay Suc­ cess and Happiness, by Ida Morton. 7th, Solo, Nothing else to do. by Miss Lizzie Dolg. 8th, Awarding Diplomas, by Prof. John R. Kellogg, of Dundee, 9th, Quartette, Fortune Teller, by Misse* McKee and Adamek, Messrs Morton and Johnston, Organist Miss Nellie Phillips. There Is much credit due both to Teachers and Pupils. Miss Jennie Balch, of Elgin, is the guest of Miss Ida Morton. Wm. Morton Is expected IR M- Wednesday of this week with a car lead of milch cows. The Algonquin Excelsior Club will give the Drama, uThe Little Jug," at the Congregational cbursb, on Wednes­ day evening, June 6th, and wiU con­ clude with the laughable Faroe We itre all Tee Totalers. There was quite a mad dog exoite- ment inlown last week. What was supposed to be a mad dog went through town on Thursday, and he had a set to with seyeral other dogs here in town. C. E. Chapell is expected In with four cir loads of cows ^n^Wednesday of this week and he Is billed for an Auction sale for Saturdty June 9th. Mrs. C. T, Montanye, of Clear Lake, Wisconsin, paid Algonquin a short visit on Sunday last. J Peter Is going to keep a stock of Bakery goods again this summer, so all of you who like the staff of life and are to tired to bake it, will find It at J. Peter's store. Wm. Morton started North on Sat­ urday last to buy milch cows, Mrs. J. D. Ferrusou, Jr. and son Maleom, of Aurora. Neb., made friends here a few days visit 1 an week. Mrs. finnerson,* of Chicago, made friendsbere a visit la>t week. ? - ' Highway Notice. 4 Public .Letting Aof Contract* Notice Is hereby given t iat propo­ sals will be received by the Commiss toners of Highways of the town ol McHenry, County of Metlenry and jitate of lliln9lfti_oi» the 9ch day ol June, 1888, for furnishing of twenty piles (20), 16 feet long, 10 inches at the butt eud, and the drawing of the same at the Xippersink Creek, at or near what Is kuowu as Nortbrop's Mill, in Koad District No. 4. Also eigb'i piles, 13 feet long, 10 In­ ches at the b ut end. to be delivered at the bridge near Mutt M. Freunds and Sdatt ivstins, in Road District No. 1. aud the driving of the same. Also to build a bridge on said piles, 14 feet long and 16 feet wide, at Mati M. Freuuds or Kohns. The above pieces of work may be bid JO separate ly or all together, and the same will be let to the lowest responsible bidder by public letting, at the McHenry Village Council Room, in McHenry Village, at the hour ol two o'clock p. M„ June 9th, 1888, Further description of tiie work will be given on the day of letting or a if'M lit). ti ie I »(" Ui s C » v i !• ir, , The Commissioners reserve the right te reject any or all bids. Dated at Mclienry this 26th day ol May, A. D. 1888. AL.LETF P. OOLBT, J P. O. MAVBS, Town Clerk. J;""* • •"} Bonsiett A gtoffdli" Keep constantly on haud, White Alfalfa, Mtm uotti and Juae clover, Timothy, R*d Top, omtnon and German Millet, Flax, Hungarian, Buckwheat, Amber Cane, Wniteaud Red top Virginl t ensilage corn. Pump­ kins seed. Pride of tbe North seed corn.cucu nber saed etc. Also a full stock of garden and flower seeds ol reliable tested seeds. Remnants at end of season to close out cheaij. Try our Honest Abe flour, only 105 warant- «d. We carry constantly all grades of flour and meal. Sattlemdnt Notice. ' All persons knowing themselves in­ debted to the late firm of B mslett & 4toflei, either by notes now due, book accounts or borrowed money, to April 101888, are hereby respectfully, but drmlv requested to call at tbe score of Bonsiett Stoff^l at once aud balance your account either by cash or note, as tbe books and notes will only be left there for a short time for above purpose. Yours truly. BONSLETT &STOFPBL. The notyts,accounts, etc., will be found at the store of the late llrin, and any one of said llrm are authorized to accept payment and to receipt far the same I* HOWARD BOW8LBTT, WILL BONSLETT, • . SIMON STOFFKL. Dated at Mo Henry, April 10, IMS. 46-8w No use going to the city for a like­ ness ot yourself or friends when you can get a far better one by calling at the Gallery of L. E. Bennett, over Perry A Owen's store, iu this village. He will guarantee you satisfaction Call and see his specimens, CARPET WEAVING. The undersigned is prepared to weave Rag Carpets on short notice ind at Reasonable rates. Residence >ne Block West of the residence of ATm. Wjlsh. Orders respectfu'lv 80- tclted, »nd satisfaction guaranteed, MRS. WM. FOLTZ. May 23th, 133% Came Into my pasture about May 15, 1888, and restrained May 23, a yearling Bull, color roan, head indicating Jer­ sey blood. The owner is requested to prove property, comply wlrh the law relating to this cltas of animals and take blm atyay. GEO. H. HARRISON. Two and one-half nailes Southwest Of Rlngwood, IU, 46-3w. • •;..,*«Ut NATIONALiKEPfTBUCAIf ' '• £ CONVENTION. n For the above convention tbe Chica­ go & North-Western\Railway Co. will sell excursion tickets\to Chicago and return at rate ot oneV fare for the round trip. Tickets will t|e sold June 16tb to 19th inclusive, and will be good for return from June 30th to 25th Inclusive. For full Information call on or ad­ dress any ticket agent of tbe Chicago A North-Western Railway. 45-4w. BUSINESS NOTICES* WE LITTLE BLIND GOD ON RAILS. Is the rather eccentric title te a uprightly romance published la most elaborate strle, profusely illustrated, the scenes laid in the Northwest. By Rand. McNaliy & Co., Chicago. Price flftv cents, post-paid to any address. 45-3 w. Meeting of National Edaoational -- Association, San Francisco. The next annual meeting of the Na­ tional Educational Association of the United StateB will be held in San Francisco. Cal., from July 17th to 20tb inclusive and the Chioago and North Western Railway Co. offers a special inducement of a rue of one fare for the round trip to all persons desirous of visiting California at that time. Tickets will be sold trom June 14th to July 13tn inclusive, and will be good for return passage any time within ninty days from date of sale. Circular containing full information can be obtained by applying to or addressing any ticket ageut of the ChUMMO and North-Western Railway Co. *" •' 45~eow5w s* Try Besley's Iron Tonic Bitters. Full line of stationery at J. A, Story's. Worsted cable twist dress goods on­ ly 12J cents at Evanson's. New Spring Millinery goods in all tbe latest styles at Mrs. C. A. Hutson's Go and see E. L awl us' velvet finish­ ed Corduroy pants, vet'y cheap. Good Potatoes 90 cents per bushel, at Evanson's Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's (er Millin­ ery and Dress Making. We h*Ve about 50 bushels good Peta* toes at 90 cents per bushel. JOHN EVANSON & Co, Buy the correct style Kftta of ns; very cheap. Our Groceries are always fresb and cheap. BONSLETT & STOFFEL. Boys Knee Pants, extra good quality 65 cents per pair, at Evauion's. Men's Suits, of goed clean goods, only $3 per suit, at Evanson's, Go to J. A. Story's for drdgs, medi­ cines, dye scuffs, olgars, drug notious, stationery, etc. Screen doors at Shepard's hardware lowest prioes, If you want to see tbe finest stock of Fine Shoes at the lowest prioes, call at Altboff Bros. < Go to J. A. Story's for stationery of 4ll kinds. Legal cap, Letter Cap, Fool's Cap, Bill, Note, «fcc.. in great variety. Also latest novelties in let­ ter and note paper. Call and examine. Dyspepsia and indigestion cured by use of genuine Vermont Spruco Gum to be found at J. A. Story's drug store. Mrs. C. A. Huiso& wishes to inform the ladies of McHenry and vicinity that she la fully propared to show as fine a stock of Millinery Goods as can be found. I have secured a first class Milliner and Dress-Maker, and can do both kinds of work ou short notice and will guarantee satisfaction. MRS, C. A. HUTSON. The Chicago Meat Market. Situated near the Iron Bridge, Mo- Henry, has been recently fitted up in lirst class shape, and is now prepared to furnish customers with Fresh aud Salt Meats of all kinds, of the best quality, and at Bed-Rock Prices When we say Lew Prices we mean just what we say, and we invite you to call and see for yourselves. The Highest Market Price paid for QalveS^Hydes and Tallow. GIVE ME A CALL. Taos. BURKE. Proprietor. New Meat Market* In the Brick Building opposite the Parker House, West Side, is now open and ready for business with a full stock of Fresb and Salt Meats, Smoked Meats, Sausa je, etc Also a full line of Canned Goods and all kinds o> Veg­ etables in their season. A share of publio patronage respectfully solicited Call and see us. SLMES A RLNDEL. West Mdllenry, May 23d, 18S8, Stylish Millinery, MRS. E. W. HOWE, three doors West ot the Rivertide House, Mo- Henry, has one ot tbe finest assort- mentsef millinery and fancy goods ever showu in town. LadieB are earnestly Invited to call aud see the latest and most attractive styles in ladies', misses' aud children's head- wear, for spring and summer. She has bad several years' experi­ ence in tbe business, and is confident that she can please all who desire stylish and artistic millinery. Satis­ faction guaranteed, and prices always reasonable. She Is also prepared to do all kinds of Dress Making oa short notice and in a style that cannot fall to please. Give her a call exirulne Goods and learn prioes before buying. ,. ,i Mr3 E- r F I R S T P I A C I % } 3 ^ A great amount o«' political engi­ neering will bo d^ne by friends of candidates to secure for their otn the first place on the ticket, aud the best man will probably secure the coveted place. Then if indorsed by the ma jority of the people, tbe election is assured. Electric Bitters has beeD put to the front, its merits passed up­ on, has been Indorsed, and unanimously given the first place, among remedies peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all Diseases of Kidneys, Liyer aud Stomach. Electric Bitters, being guaranteed, Is a safe Investment. Price 50c. and #1 per bottle at G. W. Besley's Drug Store. Call In and get measured for a nobby pants at #7. Don't pay 89 and 810. Your choice out of 209 samples. Also have your clothcs altered, fitted and cleaned, as he cao not be beat In doing a nice job. E. LAWLUS, Tailor. School Books and Stationery, all kinds, at Besley's Drug Store West Side. WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price tft eash will be paid for good Milling Wheat, at the Fox Rlrer Valley Mills, Mo- Henry. t H. BISHOP, Cigert at A. ^ • / " . < V1 . A choice line of Box Paper. <*!••••• : at Besley's, West Side. " SMOKE the "Empire Cuban," the best Five Cent Cigar in the market. City residences for sale. Aoslv Mi Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Artist's supplies at J. A. Story's. ' • Go to J. A. Story's for beet grade Kerosene Oil. Gold Paints, Bronze Palate, Silver Pal nt*, e tc., at J. A. Story's, : & Too will find a full line of artltVe material at J. A. Story's. Go te J. A. Story's for best grade Kerosene Oil. • Besley's Worm Syrup for chlldreit has no equal. _____ Try the Vermont Sproc6 Gem Jaiit received at J. A. Story s. Wells A Richardson's celebrated butter coler for sale at New Drag Store. _____ « All kinds Ladies' and Gent's Pocket books and bags at BeBley's Drag store west side. ' IF you want a first class Pbotograpb, call on L. E.Bennett, over Perry it Owen's store. • Linseed Oils. Turpentine, Brushes* and all supplies for painters at J. A. Story's. FOR SALE. ' ̂ A large quantity of Shelled CMn sale at Bishop's Mill. Besley's Condition Powders ftre ft (Treat benefit to cows. Increases the flow of milk and keeps them healthy. A full assortment of Clothing, piice from $5.00 a suit up at Stoffel & Blaise. - Wells, Richardson db Co.'s Butter Jolor for sale by J. A. Story. Potatoes $1.10 per bushel at Evft*- * son's, Paints, ells, and varnisbee, brosbeft, etc.; a full line of painter's inppllei |VV be found at J. A. Story's. • .> ; Besley's Death to Rats In sore aad certain. Don't b» troubled with these pests longer. HOUSE TO RENT. Good garden and outbuildings. Terms reasonable. Inquire at this office. Every thing In the Implement line can be found at Bisbop's Warehouse. Call and examine. Prices low, "Carry the news to Hannah," thftf tbe best place to buy Ladies Fine Shoes Is at Altboff Bros. Drink Besley's Ale and be healtlyr and happy All kluds of Story Books for children cheaper than dirt, at Besley's. / 4 MIDDLINGS, 44 V Corn Meal and Ground Feed at re^ sonable prices. Call and learn priest at Bishop's Mill. Go to Altboff Bros, for Fine Shoea^ The finest stock In town. [ Liuseed Oils, Turpentine, Brushes, and at) supplies for painters at J. A. Hory'a. : Believing That a good new stock ef dothtng le needed in this place we have put in a complete linn. Call and look it evsBtv Yours truly, "'""v* STKVKN8 A MILLER. WHEAT WANTED. Tl}e highest market price in cash will be paid for good milling wheat at the Fox River Valiey Mills, Met* Henry. R, BISHOP., C. F. TORNOW, Custom Tailor, of Nunda, wishes to inform the citizons of McHenry and vicinity that he will visit McHeary . on the 25th of each month, with a full line ol sample*, and will take orders for single garments or full suits and guarantee satisfaction in quality goods good fits and low prices. Headquarters a^ the Parker House. rthould the 25th tall on Suuday, will be bere the following Monday. 0. F. TORNOW. . l Dated. April 25,1888. 42-tf Farmers, look to your horses. *111 have them in good trim for spring work use Besley's Condition Powder*. The best in the market. Furniture! Furniture! JUSTEN BROS, wish to Inferfe the public that their store on the East «ide, formerly occupied bv John B. Blake, which has been closed on ac­ count of sickness, is now open and will remsiu open every day, where can be found a full line of Furniture of all kinds^ from a single chair to a full par­ lor set, and at as low figures as any other store in the county. Any klud of furniture for less money than small­ er dealers ean sell it. You can save money by buying your house-keeping / outfits of us. Call and see us, inspect goods and learn prices before buying , elsewhere. ,| JUSTEN BROS. -'."Si:- McHenry, May 15,1888. ^ vj THEIR BUSINESS BOOMING. f# Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of trade at Q* W. Besley's Drug Store as their giving v away to their customer* of se many free trial bottles ef Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very ' valuable article from tiie fact tnat It always cures and never disappoints* - Coughs, Co.ds, As ill ma, Bronchitis. * Croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test It befet* . buying by getting a trial bottle free, \ large size 81. Every bottle warranted Clover Blossoms! We want all the Blossoms you erift «*'» furnish us this season. , ^ Save your flelis and we will make t| . ^ pay you. S. S. SHEPARD A SON. Cigars at J. A. Story's. ^ J Bucklen's Arnica SalWk The b^st Salve in the woild tor cuts oruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands,chilblains, corns, and all skin eruotians, and pos- tively cures piles, or no pay required. .; it is guaranteed to give perfect satis- ^ faction, or money refunded. Price it * ts per box. For sale byG.W. Beeley. " 1 -i •U; •• 'yi THE BEST OFFER YET. YOU WANT IT! l*on't delay, hut send eS onee lor llVWbwfclfc SttTlNtiS. tne popular paper, with its forty column* ef humorous an<t literary matter," profusely il­ lustrated, iieaily pruite>l on tiuteil paper, ami containing the orram of the-best pti ulica. ti«>ns tif the day, ns well *4 a large amount of original matter uy tn« i*>*t tiuuiorutt* writ­ ers You won't go to 8le«p maittug it. 1ft oroer to mtroUiice it nre wHl a to SIT ATITtress FOCK MONTHS ON TKIAL for ooly IS cents iu silver. >pienaiil premtMM <ivea away. Noituug like it. Sead t«Mi»y mmi. Alwur tbi* tuyour frt£ad«. Address. sT UAWKKTS sirriNtts,

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