Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jun 1888, p. 1

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r \ '"A. it*-'*" *• / • "• " \ ' . ' < _ 1 ""' ' *! _ / ;.;^V &Ai . ., Smp; •*¥l '•:••# "Wedged but to Truth, to Liberty «; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." SJfA" VOL. 13. JHH M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1888. NO. OTJSIXJESS CARDS. JCWLTN * CA.SEV, ATTORHETS AT LAW, Woodstock Ilk A All business will receive prompt at too- PHUHID KTKRT WKDSESDAT 9T . V A.N SLY K*2,-- *WTOE;ASO PROPRIMOE. Office in Bishop's Block, -Onoiin FHRT A AVAIL* . V*RX4 OF SdVBiOBIPTIOIT. §0« r<wr(ln Atrance) .} If Not P»id within Three Months...... .. *.00 J ^inscriptions received for three or six ipmtha li the tame proportion. W*f. OSBORNE, M. T». PHYlOtAS \HO IT RGROM'. Office nt the Parker Hou«e. West McHenry. Calls promptly attended to day and niirhl. PAUL BROWN, ATTORXKV AT T.VW. IT. S. Express Oo.*a Building, 87 ami 89 Washington St. CHICAGO, ILL. JOHN KLEIFGEN. HOUSE Painter, Gralner, CalcirainA and Paper Hanger. Residence one Block West of Riverside Houso. Work attended to promptly and on reasonable terms. ising tate 1 Inch one year {Inchesone year Inches one year tf Column one year - fr ' - Kates of Advertising. We announce liberal rates for advtt| I the PLAIWDBALER, and endeavor tH w™ so plainly tha,t they willjw c&uliljr un- lerstood. They are as follows: ~ - , . "500 ; • - 1 0 0 0 * * 1500 . . . * ii; moo F Ootnmn ene year. . . . , B**x> Column one yaar - *-> * # - . 100 00 #ns Inch means the measurement of one neh down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have lbs privilege of changing as often as they Shoos*, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) will be entitled to Insertion •f local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line •ach week. All others will be charged 10 Mats per ]ine the first week, and 5 cents per I!M fsr each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged it the rate of 1ft cents pe line, (nonpareil typo, sane as this is set In) the first Issue, and • Mats per line for subsequent issues. Thus, M inch advertisement will cost t LOO for one WHk, (1.89 for two weeks, .92.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PI.AIMDRAI.BK will be liberal in giving editorial notices, but, as a business rule, it wul require a suitable fee from everybody •Mklng the use of its columns for pecuniary f»in- M. P. ELLSWORTH, ATTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor in Chan eery, Nunda, III. ASA W. SMITH, TTORNEt AT L A W and Solicitor][1® L Chancery.--Woodstock, 111. MARY G. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER. All kiu<!s of Hair Work done in first class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms at residence, north* [ oast cornejof Public Square, McHenry, 111. . WILLIAMS & DAHLIN. Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th 11th 25th and 26th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sundav make my visits on the following Monday, and the first day of such visjt occurs on Friday, I will stay but one day. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. 112 SOUTH CLARK STREET, Chi­cago, 11!. Special Attention given to re­ pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. WA Full Assortment of Goods in his line DRS. C. J^ENTISTS *«#• BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN. M. D. IYS10IAN AND SURGEON. OSc« at Residence, McHenry, III. Me! Slates ffar Claim Apncv OF WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstock, - - Illinois. Prosecutes all classss and kinds of claims against the United States for ex-Soldiors, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made In prosecuting old and rejected claims • - All communications prr^piptlv answered if Postage Stamps are enclosed for reolv. WM, H. COW US \ Office at Residence, MadUati St., Woods toe*, Illinois. ; * Attention Horsemen! MOHENRT, III , April 1st, 1888. I would resnectfully invite the Public to | call and examine rn7 stock of Horse* before makintrarrangements elsewhere. No busi. ness done on Sunlaj'. 81 for 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address in the United States for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to poctmnatara, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free Address all orders to &ICHABD X. FOX, .FRANKLIN SQPARB, Hew York. • ATTENTION 1 Farmers and Dairymen. It will pay those looking for CHOICE COWg Fresh milkers or springers, to~ ftStt St or premises before purchasing. I can furnlsl such by the car load or single cow. PORTER H. WOLFRAM, CHRMCKO. Farm about four miles northwest of Harvard, Illinois. JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker & Jeweler, •AcHENRY. ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew. elry always on hand. Special attention watches. Give me JOifiV P. 8MITB. E. R. ^[JSTIN, Ltej.Birliii asi Sale Stable. At Parker Hobse Barn. THIRST OLASS RIGS, with or wittmnt L Soldiers9 Department. OOHTBlBCrD Br W*. H. COWLIN. THE BEST QipER YET. YOU WANT IT! delay, but send at once for HAW^ETB SIFTING*, tbe popular paper, with its forty columns of hnmorouiand literary natter, profusely i'l- luetrated, neatly printed on tinted nauer and containing the cream of tha best pn liiica' ttons of the day, as well JIB a Urge amount ol original matter by the oe« humanuis writ- ers 1 oil won't go to sleep reading it. In order to introduce it we will send it to ani address FOUR MONTHS ON *RI\L for onlv 10 cents in silver. Splendid premiums given awav. Nothing like it. Send today and show this to your friends. 'Address HAWKEY E SIFTIXGS. ' 1'-®* ©es Moines, Iowa given to repairing line a call. Howe's Block, MeHENBT, ILLINOIS, CHAS. A. BARBEE, Prop. We take pleasure In announcing to the citi­ zens of Mcltenrv and surrounding country .hat we keep 011 hand at all times a full stock of all kinds of , BAKER'S SUPPLIES, C A. R. Directory* U'HRNRT POST NO. 643. * «*W»the First and Third Saturdav etVtttngs of each month. L. E. BENNETT, Com. RICHMOND POST NO 286. Meets the Moond Frid*j evening of each month. WM. PEACOCK, Com. WOODSTOCK POST, HO 108. Meets first and third Monday evenings of Often month, W*. AVERT, Com. VtnrDA POST, NO 236, Meets the second and fourth Tuesdav evenings of each month. WM. BVTLBB, Com. HARVARD POST, NO 385. Meets the second and tourtn Monday 'even inga of each month. R. J. WHITTLETOX, Com. MARENGO POST, NO. 169, Meets every Second and Fourth Friday evenings of eaoh mouth. *». « JOHNIW. GREEN, Com. WATJCONDA POST, NO. 368. Post meets evorv second and fourth Satur­ day-evening in G; A. «. Hall, MainSt. WARRBN E. POWERS, Com, K. 8. COLBY H'UKNKT 1U C. H. FEQERS, M. D- jHTSlOlAX AND 8URGEOX, MeHenry, Ills. OiBce at Residence. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. YMOIAN AND SURGEON, McHenry I 111 •f M. E Office at Residence*, one door West Church. BARBIAN BROS. DIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or­ders solicited. Shop, la Old Mcllenrv, in Kelter Block, third door west of Riverside •ease. ixj-L. ii '.*.T * ' i Livery Stable. X. WIGHTMAN, "plL> class rigs, with or (ninlshed at reasonable rates, alljcinds done en short notice. First ivers Teaming of Froprietor. without drivers SMITH & ROGERS' Quintette Orchestra, BINQWOOD ILL. Are prepared to furnish First Clais Mu*ie to the Dancing Public at Reasonable Rates. J, Sm'th, 1st Violin. M. Rogers, 2d Violin and Prompter, Kobt. Madden. Clarionet, C, Curlis, Cot net. B. Ing^lls, Basso. Address all communications to Jerry Smith, Ring wood, Illinois, or Mort Rogers, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, ' N '• f ' ti-- W .II ..I IOI II..- a? juices. A l:.i:nlf<'me atij HQ strongly Found Photo- *6^ graph Album, 8S x 10:a inch-n. gilt Bifios and PI'.SPS, holding 22 pages i>f Cab­ inet anuCarrl fi' tun s «s nt for 60rmtsr n'Mil pries, ll.i'ft. A ttorf I'ljowirrwph Albuiu.S'4 xlu'i 1'IinboRned padded sides, pold od«re«. extension clanp. hol.lina 32 p:!«»•« of Cabini't and Card pictures sejit fi>r- ?!.<«>. retails for $2.25. llnstrated circulars CBCE the above and rllCC I'lM'.tt STYLES OF For»h<M*<tr ncMiihla, Clnciiimili. Ohio. D. NCKDHAM'S SONS llfl-lli Dearborn Street* OUOAM led fSxm Blossoms, And hope by a close ^ttent4 merit the patronage of the . :ong experience tn the busin dent that we can please ail. turn, Send for «ti>- PISS, to business to 'ublie. From a u we are conll- Bakery line FOR SALS at H. V. Store, McHenry. SHRPARD'S Hardware And in short averything It WUt lib kept on hand Fresh EveryDay. A FULL STOC^OF R" ; Confectionery and fflgars, Canned Goodn. Efc. •11 of the tost qualltv a«d at lowest prioos. Call and see us. ~|v • I / U 1 1 * U M M U U J NEAR THE DEPOT% HEST McHENRY, TTL*L», Keep* eoen for tha accommodation of the Pabltc a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant, C. G. ANDREWS* GENERAL Store he will at all times keep the-best brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found In the market. Also Agent For W FRANZ FALK'8 MILWAUKEE 1MB BEER. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al­ ways on hand, oheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. fjyders by mail promptly attended to, ^ 900D MTABLlNd FOR iTOall and sea as. Robart 8ohies8le. Vest MeHenry, I1L SPRING GE0VE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most C. G. Andrews, Spring Grove, IM; Spring 3*ove, Sept 8th, 1885. ll-ll-3m E. LAWLUS, Warrants a Fit or AND RESTAUR INT. MoHINRY, ILLINOIS. II Pomp Rcpaitiog, CEMENTINO, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all jobs la the line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps. Oementinr Wells, or Till put in ITew Pumps -On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In short will do all work in this line. Oau furnish you a now Pmnp, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished If desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump Repaired or a new Pump, give me a call. JVOrders by mail promptly attended to. Post office, Johnsburgn, III. L. BANTES. Johns&ar#h, 111., May 25th, 1886. A. BARBEE. *7th, -DGALKR IN- THECHICAG0*» NORTH- WESTERN •• RAILWAY. Panetratss the CsntersSofC • PopuiatlonSin [Uliois, Iowa, Wisconii, Corn, Oats, itye and Uill Feed. Prices n Low AS THE LOWEST Call f nd get figures before buy­ ing elsewhere. Will guarantee fou satisfa <tion in every particu- tlk-; Don't Pay Anyone fonr Fssd For Yob. Large uewr Warehouse at the Pickle Factory in West McHenr\, liu ok* W. A, CRI8TY. Fini Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, .«• -, --AND-- We make Suits to order of the oest Cloths, Foreign or Domes­ tic, I AT TEE LOWEST PRICES i'hat good Goods can be sold . AL»0 Cleans and Repairs Clothes Neatly and on short notice, iiive Me a Oall I. pit! liliaitee Bottje Beer, i a Snitz a LAWLUS. lHth. 1***. - • la any quantity from Glass to 5C0 barrels. AT WHOELSALE OB RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs or we as •gjlMpasthe cheapest. W• buy none but the best aad ••11 at Reasonable Prices. Gall aad see me and I will use .jawwell. ANTONY EN&ELN. Kefleiivy, UL, 1886. Owiowtt, to all ibe latMl style#, at Sloflelft. SIBLEY'S Mota, Nebraska aid fyomiii. Its train service Is carefully arranged to meet requirements of local travel, as well as to furnish the most attractive routes for through travel between important Trade Centres. Its equipment of day and parlor cars, din* ingaud place sleeping cars is without rival. its road bed is perfection, of stone ballast­ ed steel. The Northwestern is the favorite route for the commercial tiaveler, the tourist and the seekers after new homes tn the golden Northwest. Detailed information cheerfully furnishod --BRBED&E9 MORGAN HORSES, Short Horn. • < Bid Polled Angoi, And Jersey Cattle. Along the Skirmish Line. At a sale of war relics In Boston r«. ooatly a compter* file of a Richmond, Va.. paper for the entire period of the war brought 9184. Walter Q Greslum wears Ave rebel bullets ID his system, live reasons why the friends of the late Confederacy do not cire to see bim reside at the White House. The Sons of Veterans or Goldwater, lllcUigin. are organizing an artillery company. Application has been made to the Secretary of War for a battery of>ix guns. All the railrsadt letding into Co- umbia and their Eastern and Western connections will make a rate of 1 cent per mile going to and returning from (tie National encampment. Virginia used to be called "the Mother of Presidents." Ohio will justly take the honor of being "the mother ot generals of the army." Grant Sherm&n and now Sheridan all Ohio men. # The lltte wave of excitement caused by E. D. Baker, Post No. 8 Philadel­ phia, Is at end. The rebel, Joe John­ ston, is not now and never has been an honorary member of the Grand Army. Fhe membership of the Wisconsin department Is 10,788, as against 16,934 at the beginning of the quarter. During the last quarter the posts ex pended 61,511,78 for benevolent pur­ poses. June 6 the laying of the corner-itone of the Muskingum County Soldiers and Sailors* Memorial Building will take place at Zauesvilie, Ohio, under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic, and conducte d by the De partment of Ohio. Posts have bt»eh musterei la the De­ partment of Missouri as follows: No, 373. Corneau; No. 376, Walker; No. 377 Ozark; No. 37S, luka Springs; No.379 Leora; No,380, Chesapeake; 381, Kan sas City; No.332, Commerce; No. 384 Osceola. The Rev. i)r. John R. Paxton, now chaplain of the Seventh New Tork was one of the thirteen out of 103 men of his regiment at the battle ot Gettysburg who came out alive. The Doctor is proud of the fact, and la bis sermons to the beys recounts the Inci­ dent with greatest pleasure. Jan. 1, 1888, certificates had boen issued to 13,412 Mexican pension claimants. The Commissioner esti­ mates that 15,000 mere will be issued previous to June 30, 1889, and that after tbaf date QO new Glaloas will ce filed. " , speeches. During the course of bis re- marks he paid a growing tribute to the memory ef Judge E. G. Ayor, who. be said, had oa so many occasions, while Union soldiers were" passing through Harvard during the war, fed them and refused to accept pay for his trouble. Mr, Fairchiid also asked •f his soldier friends and all others, that as a monument was soon to be erected In Illinois to the memory of John A. Logan, he wanted them"to aid as muoh as possible by giving wbat money they could spare, IBr. Kendall's Position on TeasUs Legislation. Oen. Burst, of the G. A. R. National Pension Committee, remained a day longer in Washington than |the others to put on the finishing toaches to their work. Before he left for his home in Chicago Saturday night, he was asked what he thought of the out* look for pension legislation. Said he: "This Is the situation: We have bills onough reported In some shape so that If once called up In any way, except under the gag rule, or, as Matlson puts it, "under suspension of the rules." we might get something done. The trouble arises from the difficulty In getting fair considera­ tion. Our only h.ipe In this condition of affairs is Mr. Randall, of Pennsylva­ nia. This arises from the fact that he has the casting vote In the Committee on Rules. There are but five members of tbo committee, and twooftbem-- Carlisle and Mills--- are dead agaiust us They will eive nothing a show except the Mills bill. I saw Mr. Randall, aad I go away with a feeling of relief as a result of the Interview. Mr. Randal) has an unbroken record as a friend of tho Union soldiers, aad I fouad htm n the same frame of mind. It so happens now that he Is the key to the position, so to speak, and I believe we shall pull out of a very tight place by bis help. The Committee on Rules Is privileged to make a report any time, and If they bring In a recom­ mendation to the House to make a special order for a given date for con­ sideration of our business, tho Houso will vote us.the time. danger ahead, they never turning back. Animated bj \ regard of precaution!!* imagined that their friendly warning might lie peculiar. After the battle of when the Southern fleet pulsed, and was taking shallow streams, orders eaawtl tain Jonett to pursue the fl;t It was a delicate piece of i his ship drew twelve foot while the little Southern very little. "We're going aarronad, the lieutenant, as they started. "Never mind; keep her shouted Jouett. lint the Hei to ensure caution, oalled alar j him at work heaving the lea^ tiM the depth of water. Fifteen feet!1 came the Annua* port. That was quite satisfactory, aa| lieutenant remained placid until "Fourteen feet!" Thai was a more amtaaM "Thirteen feet!" It was getting dangerous; al feet the vessel weald groand. Jouett was oblivious to danger, 'Twelve teet!' came the warning oall. The captain awoke to tlnttr proaching peril, and, turning to the lieutenant, be wCall that man in with the makes me nervous r--Neto f fer j jy j una. Tho Tarantella. by BERKARD BUSS. Agent, McHenry , ill . WHITMAN, Oen. Manager. H. a WICKMR, Traffic Manager, & P. WILSON, General Ptmmger Agent. seno'--«lHiistr tei Ct lope Vegetable, Flower, Field A|"ei|\A Plants, Bulbs Impleiu'ts. SPCaBslvQP PIJETC by mail on application. • Don't neglect writing for it. BBAM SIBLKY & CO. Rftfihester, N. Y. Chicago, III. WMM1* Saia Sfc J18 14 «. CU'k Bt. Practical Pi* anil Decorator, HEBRON, ILL. Decorating, Paper-Hanging, CALCIMINING, Q&AININO, <*a Done oa short notice and satisfaction guaran­ teed. Oall on or address,.' H. ,FISH. HeteoojDjL,iurafcUiw; West McHenry, IM* Our llorgan Stock is all pure bred, and jriginated from the best Morgan sto )k in the 0mted States. Old Gifford Morgan, who stands at tho head »f our Stock, is one ot the best bred Morgan Horses in the country, and can show more and •letter all purpose colts than any other horte In the West. We invite the inspection of onr stock br h irsemen and a^ll lovers ol dine animals. A tew fnll blood Morgan Colts and young torses for sale. Also one matched team, full -4oodo. In U*ltle we hare the full blood Short Horn JTbictiweare crossing with the lied Polled %i>gusand therefore instead of sawing off ,the torus «-e are breeding them off and with CM*! suceess. A tew Heifers and Bulls, both pure bred 4hort Horns and the cross above mentioned finale. J. I?. Saylor A Sona. V'«i MrHanrv. III.. Feb. 27tb. IDM. ALDEN, III, February 4, 18S6. •it, DICKINSON & SON, Harrington, IU, Dear Mr.--Please send me by ex­ press two dozen Cow Prescriptions, I {Ot one of my neighbors to try it on a sow that was almost dead with milk (Sever, and it oared bar. It is a good thing. Jfi. S. HMITE . Union V^funteer Camp fTo. ,197, Sons of - ; Veterans- On Saturday evening, (May 28tb, Commandejr in chief George B. Abbott of the (J. S. Sons of Veterns, organized a camp of that order at ^funda, 111 after which they elected their officers in the following order. Captain, Charles P. Barnes, 1st Lieutenant, Eugene Cox. 2nd M Frank L. Snepijrd' 1st. Serge at, Tyler Huffman, Q. M, 44 George Smith. bergent of the Guard, Frank Andrns. „ m . . (A IMalory, Council of Administration. ̂ A Stevens, W Henderson The 15tk. Illinois Se-Union. At the seventh re-anlen of the Fifteenth Illinois Yet. Vol. Inf., at Lena, May 24. ulgbty-elght surviving members were present. The town was rairly alive with flags and bunting and brass and martial bands to give the veterans a royal welcome. There were addresses, toasts, a big banquet, and a good time generally 'for tbo once »'boys In blue," now the veterans,gray headed defenders of our country. The re*union was one of the best ever held by the surviving members. No Illinois regiment did more or better services in the field than did the noble oj/d Fifteenth.--Marengo Republican, Gen. Lucius Fairebild Post Comman­ der In Chief of tbe G, A. R., was present during the Memorial obser­ vance at Harvard, May the 30tb last. We quote from the Harvard Herald as follows: "G#n. Lucius Falrchild, Post Commaader-ln-chief of the G, A. R. with his fine platform presence, his oloar voice and faultless gestures, de­ livered . one of his entertaining /\*Y' A Comparison. - t at! The bondholders lent the Govern­ ment depreciated promises to pay dollars worth about 35 cents on the dollar. #hen ^^^rtfiiott settf¥d~~ui$ with them it magnanimously decided to pay them in gold dollars worth 100 cents. That Is, it repaid tbem about three times what It borrowed from tbem. Every year the average soldier was in tin army he gave tbe Government sevices that would have commanded outside of tbe army about 9600. For these the Government paid him about •190. To treat bins as fairly as tho bond­ holder has been treated, hd would be entitled to about 9400 more for every year be served, or 81,200 for three years' service. Multiplying this by 2,320,272, tbe number of men in the army reduced to a three years, standard, we have #2,794,326,400, or nearly four tidies as uuch as the total expenditures for pensions up to date. Every dollar of this sum is just as much due--to say tbe least--tbe soldiers, as tbe differ ence between 3$ cents and 100 eents was due the man who lent the Govern­ ment money, Until the Government has paid tbe veterans as liberally as It has tbo bondholders, no one has a right to complain of the size of tho pension bills --National Tribune. .^.v. Battlefield Civilities* A bravo man respects a bf^ aaVor- sary, but it is not often that two brave men exchange compliments ex­ actly in tbo manner described below Tbe incident is related by one of tbe participants, a Confederate officer. A Yankee officer had attracted his atten tion the previous day by his gallantry and tbe excellent dlsposi ;lou ho made of bis troops. Here I aaw bim again, galloping very near us on a handsome gray horse quickly discovering our weak points, and posting an i instructing his mea accordingly. After having left him undisturbed for some time, I thought it necessary to put a stop to his proceedings, and selecting two of my Infantrymen who had been pointed out totnae as th» best shots, I made across the iopen space In front of our lines directij toward b!m. Arriving within reason­ able distance I ordered my sharp­ shooters to fire at the daring colonel, who was moving along at an easy gallop, wltboat paying mo the sllghest attention. After ;several bullets bad whistled quite close to bim, he suddenly halted, and, turning round, advanced a few steps and made me a military salute in the most graceful manner. Then calling to one of his men to hand him carbine, he raised the weapon, took deliberate aim lit me, and sent his ball so close to my head that 1 thought it bad carried away a lock of my bair. I saluted him now on my part, and, wheeling round quietly, both of as rode back to onr respective lines. Only Nervona. Seme men are Ineflred by jiadi reckless daring that, whatever the A medieval legend relates that ! tarantella 'was played for the time by a monk, who for the sfXtifMi young maiden had sold himself la ' devil and. with his help had the entire holy brotherhood. much, at least, we know: that at| period in the middle strange melodies took ulation of southern Italy vtl&mj that certainly seemed d&monJatifce^ Children danced in the clip^| men on the brink of the ^ " sick had to be bound to theip< women forsook husbands aad:;; to roam through the Unit: " reeling bands that plat la from city to city. ] sacred walls of the cloister, was disturbed, and monka were carried away by die j dance. Stately counc " orable burgomasters si with such vigor thal4he j Roi interdict to bear ive demons. But they still live. Satan'fi not so easily put to rout; these tones ring exultant th* moonlight night it is as if fir#3 throughout the blood, ones sit still; even the stiff and set lishman hitches uneasily ab<ieiS|jBl chair and moves his thin legs.--.jfa> miliar* $ Magazine. What They Bought. Farther on we entered a Chiaeae shop and bought a Chinese fetigifc. it was illustrated profusely vrltlk lAiood- cuts. After some bagging we IS pence for it. "Nice book JohnP" "Welly good book!" at Which tibo Burroundiug pigtails were convulsed with laughter. We seized a passing Chinaman-- K "Read this!" ••Ah! welly good book--one joop book--days, moons--last year book--• him no good now!" The rascally Chinese had sold aft K old almanac. -- low/A's Companiom. wm r,,- MISSING LINKS. Electric lights are now being used by submarine divers with great effect. ^ It is said that Chauncey M. Dqpew carries $500,000 of insurance on hit life. There is another hitch in the deter­ mination of the German army riite. They think now the bullet is too small* Dr. Sehenerlin of Berlin has inocu­ lated dogs with tho newly dteowvited | bacillus of cancer. So far no cancer symptoms have been developed. The mystery of how Mr. O'Brien got his new pair of trousers in jail Is e*< plained. A friend visited his cell wtth two pairs on and gave him one. * The buyer of a large tobacco house, who is paid H| year to know good tobacco sees it, neither smokes nor An English engineer prof means of electricity to cont solid part of smoke, and solidified portion back to the Mr. Labouchere graciously that the royal family of Engls the ex-Empress Eugenie kindly ' because they hope to be repaeiftt largely in her will. The Efnpero^of China's Queen Victoria consisted i scepter in green jade, other • Wiite jade, and sixteen em! scrotiAjefa white satin. . Molkte is reported to have cently: "In my youth it vfljis: dieted I should take part in' wars. I have taken part When may we exjjeet t&e thi«li,F Miss Helen C. Smith, da« ex-Governor Smith, of aken the decree of M." P. Albans Cooking College. 3 this case is said to stand lor 1 Pies. The Chinese Government appointed Henry Merril§ missiouer of Customs at salary of $12,000. Honty tsa*1 boy, and was born attd raisod^Hl tuerston. Rufus C. Ilartranft. has one of tin* largest- plete collections of plays in existence. titan twenty thousand < his catalogue*

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