Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jul 1888, p. 4

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JULY 4. 1888. DAT. Editor. PAPER SfiT.Y olo." ™ &£jk CO.*9 Newspaper Advertising (JO^raoe^Uwt^where^ertislng YORK* may be From the Chloafo Mail. Vkat the Oatlook la. A correspoaden* writes to the Mail •sktng for a candid statement as to the relative chances of suooess of the Re­ publican and Democratic parties In November next. This, In the Mail's opinion, Is not a difficult task so far as the present condition of things goes. Here Is the showing: Electoral Dem states Vote flflTTbe right thing for Cleveland to do low, would be to withdraw and ttto« save his friends the expense of • campaign. It would be a patriotic act that would go thundering down the ages like a pension veto.--JSx, MTElght years ago Levi P. Morton, the next Vice Presl Jent^of the United States, fitted out the ship Constella­ tion with food for the starving people of Ireland. This benefaction, which undoubtedly saved many lives, oo*t tl*e, donor abont $50,000. >p.! California Colorado Illinois Iowa Kansas Maine Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Nebraska. ... .••••• Nevada ... New Hampshire.... Ohio Oregon ... Pennsylvania...... Rhode Inland ermont Wisconsin......... 'The New York Sun calls atten­ tion to the fact that the Republican party is now, for the first time in eight years, united and Its factions reconcil >d. The Sun should have also •tated that such harmony means that $T»w York is Republican again as It was in 1880. when Garfield^carried the State by 21,000 majority in spite of the Morey letter and other frauds in New tirk City. SVIt Is dangerous to belffted Into fame. The N. Y. Sun reports some wy damaging stories about Gen. Flsk. the Prohibition candidate for the Presidency. It Is claimed that his speculations in Wall street have not been of such a character as to elevate him in the estimation of hon­ est men. As the Prohibitionists de* light In criticising the character oi the candidates of other parties they may expect something In return. The y should take their medicine ttke little men. p#*The charge of extravagance wade by the Illinois Democrats against the last Republican Legisla tore of this State has proved to be a veritable boomerang for them and their gubernatorial candidate. General Palmer. The rate of the last State tax was 53 cents on the one hundred dollars and this rate, the Democrats cUlru, was exorbitant. But when old General Palmer was Governor of Illi­ nois, in 1870, the rate of the State tax was 66 cents on the 9106; the next year It was 90 cents, and, in 1872, it was 75 cents. la view of this comparison, Gen. Palmer oan scarcely gain any •oteB by claiming that the 53 cents rate Is extravagant while the faet re mains that during his official term as Governor the rate wes very much higher. & f flVFrom the Democratic New York Smn Free trade means putting all the laboring men of the world upon one level of competition. Protection ueaos restricting the competition Among laborers to those living la onr own country, and the consequence of such restriction Is that wages remain at a high level; whereas, if the coape tition of all the laborers in the world Iras allowed to operate here, they Would steadily fall to the lowest level. This is the reason why the working- men of this country are better paid, are more prosperous, live In a better manner, are better educated and bring op their children with more of hope and ambition than belongs to working men In any other country. This is why the workingmen of the United States like the American syste m of protec­ tion, and dislike the British 9yi|£gy free-trade. *'• > CHEAPER POSTAGE. The reduction of letter postage to | cent, as advised in the Republican ' gtatform. Is an excellent idea. : Cheaper postage would wipe out fonslderable portion of the surplus money now collected under onr reve* tuie law, without disturbing American Industry. V Cheaper postage would bo a decided relief to all "consumers*V-who number into the millions. As a plan to promote freer Inter­ course among the people, greater facility in the transaction of business and the spread of Intelligence, cheaper postage would be a national blessing. Better, freer postage facilities In >lfduclng the surplus, than freer en* trance Into the American markets of foreign articles, such as are being pro duced and manufactured by American Industry! .Rfff Every man who spent any tftne in Chicago during the convention knows the following; from the Chicago Tribune to be literally true: Neal Dow the Maine temperance and prohibition leader, is reported to have Indulged in fhe following language in the course of * recent Interview: "The drunken •cene among the delegates at Chicago fcave never been equalled in the his tory of Republican conventions." The facts are that never In the history of *uy perty has there been a great na tional convention in connection with which there was less drinking, com jpfratively speaking, than the lost Chi Mgo convention. The delegates theta- Mlves were a remarkably sober set of tnon. There were no scenes in the convention. There were no signs of Intoxication among the delegate# Bishop Fowler of the Methodist church remarked to one of the officers of the convention that ho never before saw •o many clear oomplexioned, healthy aad apparently temperate men in any pottle gathering a« he witnessed UhlB the auditorium building WM little drunkenness in the Thoro was no disorder. The authorities say they never had time with so large a crowd r't atteranoea oonstitftte iftti 11 bet Electoral Rep. States Vote. Alabama. Arkansas. Delaware...,.... Florida .... Georgia. Kentucky 14 | Louisiana, Total.. DOUBTFUL Maryland;-.*.. .. Mississippi Missouri North Carolina. ... South Carolina Tennessee . Texas Virginia West Virginia...... Total. ...158 Connecticut Indiana New Jersey.,,#.* New York Total . • •*• •»"•....' -.......4"«.. .... (16 The total number of votes In the electoral college is 401; necessary to eleqU-201,^ There Is not much doubt as the correctness of classification which appears above. Democrats may claim Michigan as doubtful, and Re­ publicans may claim West Virginia, but the only states where, at the pres­ ent time, the advantage Is not with one party or the other are the four here classed as doubtful. Reasoning must be in relation to the outcome in these states. If the Republicans carry No# York they win the presidency; if they lose New York and Connecticut but carry Iudlana and New Jersey they win; if they lose both New York and New Jersey and carry Indiana and Connec tlcut they win. On ttie other hand, if the Democrats carry only New York they lose; if they carry both New York and New Jersey, and neither Connecticut nor Indiana, they lose; if they carry New York and Connecticut, and neither New Jersey nor Indiana, they lose; if they carry Indiana, Con­ necticut, and New Jersey, and do not carry New York, they lose. The Democrats, to win, must, in short, carry New York and Indiana of the doubtful states, or New York, Con­ necticut. and New Jersey, With the prospe ;t in each of the four deubttul stales Republicans have no reason to be dissatisfied. The bit­ terest mugwump in New York has nothing to say against Harrison, and only those ot the group will remain with the Democracy who hapt>en to be with that party on the tariff issue; the Republican factions of the state are united for the first time in years and will work enthusiastically and deter­ minedly together for victory; Morton, the Republican candidate for the vice- Presidency, is deservedly popular and is a power; the voice of Blaine will be heard in the canvass, and the Irish- American voters recognize in Harrison bis legitimate heir where their inter­ ests are to bo conserved. New York should be carried by the Republicans. Indiana is the home of Harrison. He ran ahead of his ticket when be ran for governor. He Is trusted and believed in there, as be deserves. The Demo* cracy of the state is split Into factions. The Gray men went home bitter from the St. Louis convection. Even in the brief interval since the Republican convention the wave of enthusiasm over the ticket has swelled to grand proportions. Indiana will support her son. If the tariff issue should have force anywhere. If men should bo Republi­ cans from interest if nothing more, centainly it should be the case in Con necticut and New Jersey. Free trade means for those states financial disas­ ter, swift and certain; the closing of manufactories, and the Idleness and suffering of the masses. The people of those states are not without intelli gence, and they will not vote for their own bankruptcy. So stand the Republican and Demo­ cratic parties to-day. W ith admlra ble candidates and a platform which they consider best for the interests ot the country, the Republicans expect to win. With thousands of officehold­ ers working to retain their places foui years longer, the Democrats are not less confident. The Mail Is confident as to the issue. Yoc ask whence comes our Candida Our answer is to you £ •, - lie comes from Indiana, And his name is "Tippecanoe? Harrison! A COMMON-SENSE REMEDY. In the matter of on rat Ives what you want Is something that will to its work while you continue to do a remedy that will give yon no incon­ venience nor Interfere with your bust* ness. Such a remedy is A1 lock's Por­ ous Piasters. These plasters are pure- ly vegetable and absolutely harmless- They require no ohange of diet, and are not affected by wet or ooid. Their action does not interfere with labor or business; you can toil and yet be cured while hard at work. They are so pure that the youngest, the oldest, the most delicate person of either sex eau use them with great benefit. Beware of Imitations, and do not b<| deceived by misrepresentation. Ask for AHcock's, and let no expla­ nation or solicitation induce you to acoept a substitute. v-'-?. DR. OSBORNE wishes us to hit patrons and the public generally that his office In this village, will be closed for the next three or four weeks, busi­ ness having called him away, and that any indebted to him can settle the same by calling at Besley's Drug Store When he returns due notice will De given in these columns. Grand Excursions fo Ctfflfefhla The Burlington Route is the official route for the teachers bound for the National Educational Meeting at San Francisco. Official train from Ohio leaves Chicago via C.. B & Q. at 6:00 p. M., July 5tU--train of tourist sleep­ ing and Pullman cars. The official train from Michigan leaves Chicago via C., B, & Q. at 1:00 p. M., July 10th --free chair cars; also Pullman and dining care direct to Denver without change. The official train from Indi­ ana leaves Chicago via C., B. & Q. at IKK) p. M.July 3d; leaves Peoria same date. The official New York and Pennsylvania trains leave Chicago via C., B. & Q.. Sunday, July 8th. These magnificent special excursions via Denver and the scenic route of the world--the Denver and Rio Grande --will be under the personal supervis­ ion of the Educational Directors of the above named State. Special chair cars and sleepers for the Illinois dele­ gation will be attached to official Michigan train, leaving Chicago July 10th at 1:00 p. M., and run direct to Denver--only one night en route. Take this train at principal points on main line. One fare for the round trip, further information in regard to lliese excursions, address P. S. Eestis. G. P. & T. A., C. B., & Q. R. R, Chicago 111. 48--4 w. IS CONSUMPTION INCURABLE? Read the following: Mr, C. A. Mor­ ris, Newark, Arkansas, says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It Is the best modiolus ever made." Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I would nave died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by the doctors Am now in be«t of health." Try it. aamplS- bottles free at Besley's Drug Store. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE of John Schnenemann, deceased, i The undersigned having been appointed Administrator of the estate of John Schu- ene nann deceased, late'of the county of Mc- tlenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the county iourt of McHenry county, at the Court House IU Woodstock, at the Aug. term on the first Monday in Aug. next, at which time ail per­ sons having claims against said estate are no- titled and requested to attend for the purpose >f having the same adjusted. All parsons in lebted to said estate lire requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated, 12th day of June, A. 1). 1888. GEO. SCIIUENEMANN, Administrator. •8-4 w ' . Parker's n SPAVIN CURE IS mrEQVAXJBD as an application to horses for (be eon of Sparta, Rkea- mailam, Splint, Navicular Joints, and all severe Lame­ ness, also for track ose when reduced. Price 81.00 per battle. < Sold by druggists. Strong tastf- monials on application. w B. W. ^ Bole Proprietor, Altai*, H. H. Trade supplied by J A*. X. Davis ft Co* Detroit, Mich, i Peter Van fscbaack ft Sons, Chicago, CL| Meyer Bro'a ft Co., St. Louis, la Meeting of National Edaeatfoaal Association, San Franoiseo. The next annual meeting of the Ns- tfonal Educational Association of the United States will be held in San Francisco, Cal., from July 17th to 20th inclusive and the Chicago and North­ western Kaiiwajr Co. oilers a special Inducement of a rite of one fare for the round trip to all persons desirous of visiting California at that time. Tickets will be sold trom June 14tb to July inclusive, and will be good for return passage any time .within Binty days from date of sale. Circular containing full information can be obtained by applying to or addressing any ticket agent of the Chicago and North-Western Railway Co.. 45-eow5w PATENTS Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted for Moderate Fees. Oar Oflce is Op posite U. S. Patent Of­ fice. We have no sub-agencies, all business direct, hence can transact patent business in less time and at less cost thau those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing, or pnoto., with descrip­ tion. We advise if patentable or not, ftee of ch&rge. Our fee not <ftie til! patent Is ascorsd. A book, " How to Obtain Patents," with rate, ences to actual clients in youi State, couiity, Qg town, sent free. Address, C. A.SNOW& CO. Opposite Patent Offlce, WasUa«toa, D. G. , WATERS BEFOKK BB1RBITO YOU* Villi send for catalogue and illustrated circular crlvlni pedigrees and description o seven stallions • •••••* If you bree< a mare at all it • IIIIbL pays to bree to the best. I If lf|% Fees very low terms liberal. Visitors welcome •• M paBi week days. Come and see colts L SS UHI by the stallions, and the other ^ stock but send your address now • 1^1 • •••• WATER8 STOCK FARM. owroA JimcTioK, wis. ELECTBIC BITTERS. This remedy ig becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special ment'on. Ail who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise.--A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases ot the Liver and Kid­ neys, will remove Plmplea. Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood.--Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers.--For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigest­ ion try Electric Bitters--Entire satis­ faction guaranteed, or money refund ed.--Price SO cts. and #1.00 per bo»tle at G. W. Besley's Drug Store. Chemesette Colars onl^ 16o at John Kvanson & Co's. :f j V ,i a-; ' -A." v Hh'-, iiil odd expression Imd eimpiy becausa we are located in it country town 50^ miles from the great W estern Oi t y. We furnish everything irom a needle to an elegant Silk Dress, (Ban­ danas included), and from a box of matches to the finest table delicacies the world produces. r !'•:' ' , "'V •• t ^ \ * 1 „ <- 1 ' *•3 ~ , .-3 * J f* * r k ' y-w •r . ; ^ . * • <*» > >• / " yt * . *-i ^ Have just received a new lot of goods including lace flouncing, 42 inches wide, in Chantilly, Spanish. Guipure and Duchess Lace. A tine line of ^ - • , " ,' -7'^y ^ * 1 " j ^ 1 * v i a. vj » t * ^ * CLOTHING , We try and fnake it as f* Inuch a city store tor you as any 'you will find in Chicago, and ^ur prices are just as low. They .. r' $ • Ka' For Musical People NORTH'S MUSICAL JOURNAL Is the best musical monthly published. Con tains 16 to 20 pages of musical literature and 16 pages of new music in every issue. Every subscriber receives §2 worth .of sheet music selected from our catalogue of publications is a premium, thus the subscriber really re- oeives during the year music which would cost in sheet form not less than $'22 for tl With the February number an instructive serial Hints on Ballad Singing, by Emma O. Hewitt was commenced ana will continue tereral months. This series ot articles is slone worth many times the price of subscrip­ tion, and is but one of the many valuable fea- '.ures ot this popular publication. Only fi per year. Specimen copy 10 cents. A PIANO FREE. fncluditig French BatTste, Lawn Tennis and embroidered Swiss Goods. Also Sateens, lace stripes and checks, Ginghams, etc. Japune-e, gauze and feather Fans, ladies' ribbed Jersey Vests, •m : „ . . - . . vRibbons, Handkerchiefs, Lace Mitts, etc. All thea© goods havfiiff . fcay talk is cheap b'»t solid facts been bought at a great reduction we will sell at the win every time. ° ' ^ Ijowesi Possible Figures. "all and examine our stock and we will convince you that we have as fine a line as can be found in the country. We are selling fans from 5 cte. up; handkerchiefs from 1 ct. up. Also a flnq line of We have the best the market affords. We have plenty. * AVI \KTCLCk JWe sell as IJW as it is possible UUub W V^C4;Xa for a merchant to sell goods of a like character. ff Highest Slandartf, We offer you honest goods and know full well we can merit y our patronage. ^ i f fiSt-wc," ~t" V <i-' n tvanson Gas&line Stove The beat in the market for the following reasons* 1--It is not an. untiied experiment. 2--It is manufactured by the Rathlwne Stove Co., f hich is proof of its durability. v H' 3--It has a separate generator burner which saves thne and Gasoline in starting the stove, and causes a perfect combustion of vapor, thus doing away with that puffing and hissing sound caused by many inferior kinds in the market. GASOLINE STOVES '4. , Are Recommeded To Yol^. fo tl>6 persen Madia* the greatest number of subscrlBers to Serth's Musical Journal previous to July 1st, 1888. we will give a splendid Upright Piano with stool and cover. raluet400. Also a fine Wilcox it White or- pn to the one sending the second greatest dumber. For full particulars address I. A. NORTH A CO., Pub*.. 1808 Oheatnut St., Pltila., Pa, , • I--They will do all the work of a large family, washing, cook­ ing and ironing in less time and at less expense than any coal or wood stove made. r * Ul-, , . furnace of your little kitchen, and thus break down .the health of your wife or K * v i T'l i,y.i IL£ : \ v' G LASSWARE* CROC Decorated t^ sets for $3 m. Our stock dt GOODS, CLOT ?:)•$ BOOTS AND Is complete in every respect and ir® will guarantee to' give you satisfaction in quality and price. FITZSIMMONS & HENDER80N. Opposite Post Office, West McHeniy, June 26th, 1888. . it * 'I •' "*s» \ VICTOR. taiLA \kiiU .. > . ^ ...JifeiLi! * A i •' jVWYJt, > • HARVESTER <fc BINDER. NOTE' CAREFULLY,-- Stronger than the strongest, light a« the lightest, durability the greatest, light draft, good work and capaeity, never equaled. We have the Red White and Blue, Crown, changable speed ^ ^^iland McCormica: Steel. All kinds and at prices that are lower than,,the {lowest.' In fact everything in the Imn(^p|^Jine -can. bo found at my wareh(^pf ' ' Very Truly Youra, RICHARD BISHOP. Wes$ McHenry, DEALER Stores, Tin, Copper .. Sheet-Iron Ware n?lie Peninsular and Heiab e 9 The best Stove on the Market and cheap. *J Gome and aee our Galvanized Iron Kerosene Tanks, that <>nr" hOIiia barrel. The Church Swivel Hay Carrier, with Tracks, Hangings, Floor Hooks and Pullevs. tla 1 brat in the market. Call and see it. ' ' M ^.Screen Doors. The celebrated floatilg JMinno-jr Pail, a new Haish's Barb Wi AT BOTTOM PRICES, JOBBING AID DEPAIBUre Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A specialty of Hatter Pactoty work; Z& thare of^ public patron^# respectfully solicited. ? maewwm̂ J mD0X i ,• ^ v ( f t v ' i \ ' ft/tl _ »

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