rMmm am? ** y . ,vj^ :3h "• s* j, :H WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1888, r Hailroad Time Table. Taking eSact Jane Wth, train* will pass MeHenrr station dally, as follows: ooiiro IOCTH. 1 Lake Oonsva Passenger 7:28 A. m I Lak« Gtam Express-- - .F® I Lake Genera Frel«ht 2:00 r. u i Uk« Geneva Paasenger #:BS " | Laka Geneva Passenger 8:36 •« IXake Geneva 8untlay Pawenge*....7:3S » ooiie iroBTB. | Lake Geneva Freight 8-11 A. f Laka Geneva Passenger »:M •* x Lake Geneva Passenger M:l« " t Lake ienera Express i4;®p: * I Cake Geneva Paesenaer 6 :51 •• D*Ujr except 8anday. : Sunday* only. j stops only to Leave Pa**en«ers. • B. BUBS, Agent. McHenry, 111 MA80NIC. IfoHBlTBT LODOK, No. 156 A. F, and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and feartb Mondays in each month. J. VAN SLYKB, W. M ,K i\\ , MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA, ffeet at Parker House Hall, every Second and Last Tuesday evening of each month. Neighbors oortlally Invited. Churoh Directory. j/^IBTHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. ' jhrtaebitig every Sabfeatb, morning and even ^^j[i JUnawood at t:80 p. it. Cfwedla and worship with as. "Burtnets JOerrUtv. ICABDY E. WTCKOFF, A. B., Pastor. UNIVER3ALIST CHURCH.' '-'"'^lirvteee every Sundav morning, and every Int and third Sunday evenings In each jaonth. A cordial welcome is extended to every one toJoin as in oar worship. Our Motto--Study to know the truth. Ex amine--Be fleet.--"Prove all things; hold tast that which is good." REV. H. SLA.DE, Pastor. £MCHENRT will not celebrate to-day. S T /the THE voice of the Locust la beard In land. P*h-a<>r»o«b! Miss JULIA •. STORY eas been build ing a new awning in front of ber Drug Store. A good improvement, REMEMBER the excursion to Lake Geneva and Williams1 Bay, Wednes day, July 11th- Round trip only 91 00. TUB Willing Workers will meet wltb Mrs. E. M. Owen, Friday July m: 6tb. at 3 p. K. SECRETARY". • • • it . f;-: ; V L v I fcl- TV-" HB. 8LADE'S subject next Sunday morning will be •'Giving," and in the afternoon at 3 p. M., at Ringwood "The Religion for tbo world." • CORRESPONDENT asks us to give him the amount of the Chicago publle debt. We would de it In a minute but wo left our pocket book at home in our other pants. a 8MITH & ROGER'S Orchestra will fur nish the music at the Parker House this evenlDg, and the managers will •pare no pains to make it pleasant for all, . THE arrangements for tbe Annual 4th of July Party, at tbe Riverside House, In this village, are all complet ed, and with Slocum't Full Orchestra, a good time Is assured. ADVICES from the Executive Com mittee of tbe Old Settlers Association of MoHenry and Lake Counties, in forms us that tbe next Re-Union will be beld at Wauconda, August 23<0 ~ rri'wiiTbi^ Ian In these columns next week. BEN M. FORD, of Crystal Lake, has undergone the second physical exami nation and tbe one for scholarship, aud having passed successfully through both, has been duly enrolled as a mem ber of our National. ipilUary Academy it West Point. THE Good Templars will have an Ice Cream Festival, on tbe Public Square, oo Friday evening of next week, July ISth. Plenty of Ice Cream, Cake, Lemonade, etc.. and a general (good time expected. All are invited. More particulars next week. IF you do not wisb to miss the rich- •at treat of the season do not fail to attend the free Lecture, at Grand Army Hall, on Wednesday evening of next week, July 11th, by Dr. P. L. MuKlnnie, Head Physician of tbe Modem Woodmen of America. v>- ?- CENSUS ot School District No. 2, Township of McHenry, Mc Henry Couaty, 111., June 30th, 1888: Under SI years, Males 273, Females 259. Be tween 6 and 21, Males 187, Females 165, Total npmber under 21 years of age, 682. Total number between 6 aud 21, 852 THE Village Board appointod a committee on Monday evening to as« certain the prioe au<l terms at wh'.ch tbo Cheese Factory building, in- the center part of tbe village, could be purchased. If it can be purchased it will be used as a Council Room and Engine House, and for the storage ol Village property. EXCURSION to Lake Geneva- and Williams' Bay, Wednesday. July lltti. Bound trip only one dollar. Leave Crystal Lake, 8:28 A, V., Terra Cotta, S&l McHenry, 8.-40. Leave Williams' Bay 7d0 p. M.. Lake Geneva, 7:45. Bound trip only 91.00. Fill your lunch baskets and go on this tbe most pleas aint excursion of the year. / AT a regular meeting of Valley f Camp, No. 93, Modern Woodmen ot America, hold on Tuesday evening, Jane 26tn, the following named officers wore elected: Consul, J. Van aiyke Adviser, H. C. Mead. Clerk, W. P. Slovens. Banker, H. O Thompson. Escort, J. Hetael. Watchman, W. £. Oolhy. Sentry, Henry Slmes. Phy sician, Dr, A. 8. Chi Ids. 1HE latest game Is known as "esrd pitching," and Is played in the follow ing manner: Take a common derby hat and place it oo the floor rim up, Then take a pack of 52 cards, aud stand lag six feet from it pitch them one by •is Into the hat. It looks easy to the novice, but a person who has never Mod it will bo lucky if he succeeds In fitting two to land in the hat. Any ' - . %L. FRANK F. AMM. of Wheaton, was a caller on Monday morning. LARRY WELSH went to Chicago on Tuesday to spend the Fourth. GEO. YAGER and wife, of EvanBtnn have been visiting in this village tbe Mgt-neek. HOWARD PERRY graduated wltb honor at Jennings Seminary. Aurora, k last week. He arrived home Thursday. ^"WILLIRVINE, of Rock ford, has been tbe guest of Howard Perry tbe past week. THOS O'NEII.. of Chicago, is spend ing a short vacation with friends io this village. LEWIS KCHNERT and wife, of Chica go. visited at father Kuhnert's, at JobDsburgh, last week. MRS. ADAM LEIGHTNER returned from a two weeks *lalt io\ Chicago on Friday last. I J. COMPTON, R. Comptop and Bud Buson, of Volo, attended the Old Settlers Meeting here on Saturday. MRS. CORA THOMAS DICKERSON and son, visited with E. M. Owen and fam ily on Saturday. ; > Miss HATTIE 8TOR£, of Hartley. Iowa, Is visiting with" relatives and friends in this village. Miss KATE HALPIN. of Elgin, and her sister Mary Jane, are visiting their parents in this village. GEO. MCOMBER and a friend from Chicago, are spending the Fourth in this village. * Miss KL^A WELSH was reported quite sick on Monday but 1* now bet ter. Miss EVA MONTGOMERY, ot Wood stock, is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. H. O. Thompson, in this village. MRS . JOS. GLYNCH, of Wauconda, was the guest of Mrs, Frank Calkins ou Monday. MIES CLARA B, OWEN, of New York, is visiting with her parent*. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Owen, In this village. Miss BESSIE and Master Jay Going, of Chicago, are spending tbe "heated term with their Grandparents in this village. MRS. Jot. HEIMER, of Chicago, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clias. Kuhnert, at Johns- burgh, last week. ASA . W. SMITH, Joel 9. Johnson and E. E. Thomas, of Woo istock, wer* over to attend the Old Settlers Annual Meeting on Saturday last. WILL BUCKLIN, of Dakota, son ot tbe late Geo. Bucklin, of this village, was calling on friendilh1 this village, Saturday and Sunday. M RS. A . S . W RIGHT, of Woodstock, is spending tbe Fourth with ber pa rents, Mr, and Mrs. O. W. Owen, in this village. MISS JESSIE WiGHTitASr will camp at Fox Lake witb some Elgin friends this week. Daring her absence the PwtOflee will be under the efearge of Miss Clar* Wigbtman. •iw BY X. QUAD. „ "Hiirrrh! hurrah! It shocks the wave, It thunders on tbe rocky shore- One flag, one land, one heart, one hand. One nation, now, aad evermore!" To-day, Wednesday, is tbe glorious | • If I were a boy again I'd go a-fialiing. Fourth--' the day we celebrate," It Is j When a man goes a-ftshing it'a all solid not a mere eveut, it is a living, breath-1 business and no romance. He makes log principal --a principal wbich glows j his calculations days ahead, figures on burns and beats through all tional life, and gives it its distinctive place and purpose In history. Upon each recurring anniversary let us re member that we are oitizens of a oom- mon country and inheritors of a com mon freedom. Hence we say, hall! Ulustrous birthday of tbe Republic. THE following problem from an ex change may give the United Sons of Rest of this place something to thlok about these hot days. We publish it for their benefit: '*If a hen and a half lay an egg and a half, which will sell for a cent and a half, and keep it up for a year and a half, fed on oats at a dime aad a half per month and a half, how much will be the net; income per minute and a half, and what will be the aggregate for a year and half, is the revised conundrum which is, ac cord ing to Wal t . Mat iou , occupying tbe j Idle moments of the ex-statesmen Rutherford B. Hayes. Wo have a f r iend and a ha l f who wi l l g ive a do l - i lar and a half to any man and a half, who will give a correct answer in an hour and a half." AN editor, grown gray and bald In tbe service, gives utterauce to t.ie following, which is "true as preachln'.*1 "The man who handles tbe local de partment of a newspaper, learns alter due experience not to expect even briefly expressed thanks for a column of pie tsant things, but be knoweth as surety as cometh the winter that a single line in which there is an unin tentional misrepresentation, will cause some one to be heard from as on a house top. And we may add that wb >n he has made pleasant mention 999 times of some person, place or thing, but on the thousandth time falls to do so. he must not expect to lie for given. The omission may have been from accident, inadvertance or even an entire lack of knowledge. It mat ters not. The simple fact remains and be will be judged by that." SOMEWHERE sometime or sometime somewhere I either read or heard tome one or somebody speak about as fol lows, (of course it does not apply to anyone in this vicinity) : "Of all mon- steis of human birth, open or masked that go up and down the earth, slander is the chiefesi. i'erbaps no living soul has escaped its thrust. It fears not the high nor scorns not tbe low; its withering, blighting venom spreads everywhere enkindling hate and creat ing feud. Devilish child of an un bridled tongue, what pangs, what agonies, what remorse bast tbou be gotten. Agent of God one moment-- hell's servant th » next; angel to-day vampire to-morrow;ever stirring up raucor and discord io the neighbor hood." A blacK blasting lie is tbe pro per name for slander, or as the poet said. "The foulest whelp of sin." SPECIAL bargains In plain and fancy Blessed be the tongue that speaks well j just how many minutes he can spare, -- -.bble is reckoned at so muck Parasols. New lot of Dress Goods. Gingham, Sateen and Wool Remnants for children. Ecru Lace Cnrtaius from auction at very low prices. Black Spi«ni8h Skirting, 75 cents per yard, at the Ladies' Salesroom, Nichols1 Block. THE members of tbe Woman's For eign Missionary Society are requested to meet on Friday, July 6th, at Mr*, Julia Bishop's. The meeting will commence promptly at 2:30 p. M. and close at 3:30. There is Itu portant bus iness to transact. Let all be present if possible. MRS F. G. MAYES, Pres. Ax a meeting of the Village Board op Monday evening a committee was appointed to immediately purchase a ptreet Sprinkler, for the use of the 'Village, and also to ascertain tbe price tt whicb a good Chemical Fire Engine could be purchased, ai*d re port to the Board at their next meet- tug. The sum of $2090 was appropriate dfor a Fire Department. DR. P. L. MCKINNIE, Head Physician of tbe Modern Woodmen' of America, will give a Free Lecture at Grand Army Hall, in this village, on Wednes day evening of next week, July 11th, to which ail are cordially Invited. Dr. McKinnie comes highly recommended by both the public and the press, and we predict one of the most Interest ing Lectures ever giveu in this village. Turn Out and give him a full house. Remember the place and date, Grand Army Hall, Wednesday evening, July llth. i prisoners broke out Of the McHenrrcounty jail at Woodstock Tuesday night, June 26th, and are now at Urge, Tuey were John Webb alias John Strong, 24 years old; Bill Taylor aged 20 years aad John Taylor aged IB years, the last {$ro being Italians. They were arilated at Caty about a month ago for brsaklug into a school house. The turnkey, as be thought, locked them in their cells. He was duped, however, the prisoners having placed dummies in tbeir cots and bid den themselves in a closet at the end of the corridor. , COOS-KKLU. By a handsome engraved card, just received, we learn of tbe marriage at Aurora, 'Wednesday, June 27th, of Mr. Adelbert B, Coon, of Marengo, and Miss Carrie A. Kelly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Klein, of that city. Mr. Coon is the only son of Hon. A. B. Coon, of Marengo, and is one ot McHenry Counties most promising young Attorneys. He is tbe Republi can caudidate for State's Attorney* and has hosts of lriends ail over the county who will wisb him bon voyage ou tbe sea matrimonial. Do not bet on election, but bet that our new uncolored teas beat thorn all. BONSLETT & SIOVFEL, Keroseue, the beet quality, at Story's of neighbors; accursed the tongue that spreads falsehood and slander. NEXT Sunday night the second edi tion of "The Crystal Slipper*'will be presented at tbe Chicago Opera House. The great spectacle is one of the most emphatic successes ever achieved In Chicago, and Indeed in tho United States, hut iu accordance with tbe en- terprlslug policy which has always characterized the management ol tbe Chicago Opera House, it has been de cided to add new features to the many uew contained In the present produc tion. Next Sunday night tbe Dolls' Quadrilie wi.l be revived. It will be remembered that with tour dancers it created a sensation last summer at the Chicago Opera House. Eight dancers among whom will be Little i'eeh, Mile. Dorst and Mons. Oreste will figure in tbe revival. It Is expected that tbe uew Dolls' Quadrille will prove much more popular than tbe original danoe. Some slight alterations will be made in the last act. When the curtuia as cends 1'rtuce Prettiwiiz and the pages will be discovered in the throne room ot the palace. A serenade written by Mr. Tony Riefl, of New Yotk, will be sung. It l»8aid to be lull of melody and that it is bound to become one ot the most popular numbers In the piece. Some new business will be introduced by the Baron, (Mr. Graham), and by Yosemlty, (Mr. Foy). and there will be a new double soug and dance. There will be some changes In tbe bal- lets, aud tbe musical features of tbe tirst three acts. Mile. Dorst and Mons. Oreste will be seeu in w l'he Dancing Master," and Little Tech, who has proved himself tue most raSued van* darlle performer that has been seen in ibis country since Horace Lingard s*n£ "Captain Jenks," will be seen in one lot bis great specialties. "The Crystal Slipper" has done an enor mous business at tbe Chicago Opera House, tbe receipts for the fii^t three weeks having been 936,000--a larger sum than was ever taken in Chicago by a theatrical attraction In three weeks at regular prices. See the cigar fans, also the parasols, great variety, low prices at Bonslett & tttoflel's. Farmers Attention. 80 to 82 cents per bushel will be paid for good Milling Wheat at tbe Wauconda Mill. J. SPENCER. ' We fully warrant our Clsooette flour. Only 91.00 per ;sack at Boaslott & Stoflet's. NEW JMiS* WlaKdJfiftr. tO EUHOPK. Mr. Speer (of New Jersey) the Jreat Wine Man's Success, has arisen from the strict purity and valuable proper ties of his wines fer invalids and feeble persons, and his reputation ex tends around the world. His Port Grape Wine is now being ordered by in London and Parte. and avery nil money. He iB always out of pocket, and always comes home mad, not totry it again for a whole year. With « boy it is adventure and romance. He has all the time there is, and if he doesn't catch all the fish in Roaring Rivfer it is not his fault. c' . • I can remember all about it. In those way-back days a real fish-hook was per sonal property, something to carry to school tied up in a rag and exhibited only to the large boys--boys old enough to appreciate it. At home it was hidden away under the bureau, and its presence was kept a sacred secret . Most any sort of a string would do for a tish-line, and the old hunter who once gave me two bullets for sinkera is remembered with deepest gratitude to this day. When hook and line and sinkers were wound upon a maple chip and tucked away to wait for the fishing season, it was a red- letter day. I would have taken a dozen of the worst lickings a lioy could re ceive rather than give up the treasure, and, had a stranger come along and offered to trade me a horse for the out- Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTORS. MASONIC.--A. F. an<l A. M. meet at Masonic Hall on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even. u*r» of each month. <y MODERN WOODMEN or AMKP'CA.--^EET at Masonic Hall every 3d and 4th Thursday even ings of each month. Neighbors cordially in vited. SONS OF TEMPERANCE.--Meet at Union Hall on Tuesday evening of each week. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Ice Cream at Vincelette's every evening. Mrs. Frank Smith drove out from Marengo on Sunday, Johnnie Pierce attended the gradua* ting exercises at Aurora, last week. Aaron Rowe has been quite sick With rheumatic fever, but under thd are of Dr. Turner will soon be eroand agatn. \ Examine the limbs of your trees if you have not ere this, and see the cu rious workings of the locust. Mr. and Mrs. L. Z. Pieroe are house keeping In the elegant house belong ing to their mother, Mrs. E. Pierce. Euiil Kothe, from Elgin, made friends to this locality a pleasant call the first of last week. Mrs. Martha Rowe started recently fer Owatonna. Minn., to reside with fit i^houlii 1iat« nronin'lv refwuwi hi« j"®' son, Sidney. MUisi Elli Rowe ac- Doath of Enos W. Smith, y In tbe Arkansaw Ctipper, of June 21st, published at Arkadelphia, Arkan sas, we find the following account of tbe death of a former resident of this county: Hon. B. W. Smith, one of this ooun* ty's able, aged and bouorable citizeus. died at his home one uiile from this place last Tuesdiy. On Saturday, the 2J day of this month, Mr. Smith started on horseback to New Hope church at which plotce he had an ap pointment to make an Agricultural Wheel speech. He went to bis place of destination, made his speeoh, aud afterwards by invitation he went over on the De Gray for the purpose ot addressing the De Uray Wheel. After making his speech that night he went to the residence of W. A. Call to stay over night, aud after being there for a while he walked out to the gate at which time it is supposed that a blood vessel in bis head bursted, which caused immediate unconsciousness from which he did not recover until the next Tuesday. He was then moved home where he suilered continually till relieved by death last Tuesday. Mr. Smith was a good citizen, and was greatly admired by all who knew him. Mr. Smith was one of the early set tlers of Woodstootc, and published a paper called, we believe, the Wood- stocd Argus, and Is well remembered by the early settlers of this county. He was a brother-in-law to Henry Colby, of this village. *V OAKDOr THANKS. the undersigned, autrt'-'lrod cousins of the deoeased, wish in this public manuer to thank the many friends, one and all. who so kindly as sisted ua during the long sickness, and after the death, of Wm. Forth. And we would return especial thanks to the singers who furnis ted such choice music at the funorai servloes^ and also to those kind friends, who paid their respects to the departed by bringing such beautiful boquets and choice flowers to decorate his last resting place. May He, who doetb all things well, send equally as kind hearts aud willing hands to administer to your every Want, oow aud hereafter. Is the wish o| tii: ' MRS. HANNAHCAKB. Jas. M. CAKK, C V JANK AMKLIA CARS. 2nd, MM. ALCONOUIN. [NOTICE.--Persons in Algonquin anO vicin ity, knowing iheuiselve? indebted for tbe PLAIMUBALBR can learn of the amount by calling on John Helm, wbo is authorized to receive money and receipt for tbe same, in our name. Those wisbiog to subscribe can leave tbeir names at his store. Call on him and get a sample cu py . j EDITOB PLAINDEALER:--Mr. J. W. Adamek, of Elgin, spent Sanday witb his folks here. At D, W. Thomas' auction sale, on Monday of tbts week, consisting of 25 head of milch cows, they sold en an average of 938.68 per head. H. B. Throop Auctioneer. Miss Nettie Phillips started on Mon day of tnis week for Salt Lake Citv, to spend tbe summer with ber aunt Mrs. Sorter. Mr, Wilder, of Missouri, a former resident of Algonquin, called on friends here last we«k. Miss Nellie Wandrack is visiting friends here.. She is no longer a Watch Factory girl. Miss Delia Balob, of Elgin, Is a visi tor in Algonquin. Mrs. Wm. Morton gave an alternoen tea party to a few ot tbe young ladies of Algonquin, on June 30th, in honor of her daughter, Mrs. Ray, it being their first Wedding .Anniversary. JULY FOURTH, At the Riverside House. Arrangements have been completed for the annual party at the Riverside House in this villa^, on tbe erening of July4tb. ' ^ SLOCUM'S ORCH8TRA, Of six Pieces, Including Slocum Wiggins and Welsh, has been engaged and will be In attendance. Put down the Riverside oa your progamme for tjfourtn. A. CALKINS, Proprietor. PICNIC AND DANCE. Yourself and L*dy are cordially in vited to attend a Grand Fourth of July Party on tbe large Platform oo the east side of Lilly Lake, on Wednes day, July 4th. all day. Dancing to commence at 2 o'clock. Qeod music in attendance. Foot race at 11 o'clock. WIBTZ & COLEMAN. GRAND 4TH OF JUL¥ PARTY. Yourself and Lady are cordiall/ in vited to attend a Grand Fourth of July Party at theMcSenry House Hall, McHenry, III., Wednesday evening. July 4th. Mu3ic,.Mudgett's fuli| Baud. Tickets, including aupper and care of horses 91.00. JOHN THELEN, Proprietor. Campaign plug hats for both parties at Bonslett & Stoflet's. cimpanled hen Hebron is to havtf * Photographer. Mr, Hanchett, of Richmond, Is ex pected here soon and we advise every body to give him a call and get'took.' Our poet resides In South Hebron* Did be beat tbe applause from this dU rection wbich greeted his production last week? Mrs. E. O. Leech was struck on the forehead by something supposed to be a Honey Bee, a few Jays ago, whiob caused botb eyes to become swollen shut. Dr. Herriuk was called and al layed the pain. George Boughton will close another successful term of school lu the stone district on Saturday of this week with a picnic, to be held at tbe school houte, Literary exercises of an Interesting character, a bountitul picnic dinner and a grand good time will be the order ojf tbe day. Rey/Frank Smith reoeived a tele gram Sunday morning. Informing him that his father was Ivlug at tbe point of death at Cleveland, Ohio, He started Sunday afternoon for that city, once his home. Mr, Smiths ab» since will be a disappointment \o many In this vicinity as he was to deliver the oration at Ricbmonf^Joiy 4th., Fair Salutatory. The time has arrived when It be comes our duty to remind the people of this great county that the 36th an nual Fair is fast approaching, and only a few weeks remain fer Its accom plishment. It Is not necessary to re mind you, or promise that it Is our aim to make It more renown thau its predecessors, as our motto has and ifcer will be to make each year better. With such a brilliant outlook for all crops, and abundaoce of nutriment for stock, the year os 1888 will stamp tbe McHenry County Fair Infinitely greater in tbis the history of great Exposi tions. The programme decided upon is one in keeping for 1888. a year when this nation Is to elect a Presi dent tor four years more. As In the past It must be a season of excitement owing «to tbe closencss of tbe two great parties; hence each day will be given to such, Wednesday, Children's Day, also Labor Day, The Hon. A. atreeter, candidate for President, will address tbe masses. Thursday, Republican D«y. Senator John C. Spooner, ef Wisconsin, and tbejiominees of the state ticket will be present, Friday, Democratic Diy. Gen. J. M. Palmer, also tbe balance of tbe State nominees will be present. It is also expected Speaker Carlisle will be present, Tbis arrangement gives to each party, (or as much as tbe time will permit), aohanee of hearing each side and will no doubt be more satisfactory to all. Bear tn mind the programme Is not to bring politics foremost be fore tbe Fair, far from It but to have It fully understood that politics can be bandied and not come up as it has in the past, for ne speaker will forget making some allusloi to it and thus some delicate voter will feel oflended. By advertising It no one can blame the management. What Is wanted is to get the people Interested, and this programme will bring It*about. It was agreed upon after consulting prominent men of each party. The great aim of all should be to decide on something to exhibit. As It is Im possible to mail all a Premium List, let those wbo desire one drop a postal card to the Secretary and one will be mailed. Give us your assistance In every way and form. You can do something and bow much better you will feel over it. You admit the fair has done you good, that tt has been tbe means ef enrich ing your herds as well as raising the price of your lands. Henoe we are frank in stating, as a matter of busi ness. It is your duty to support tbe Fair to the bs^t af your ability. Will you do it F ^ A. 8. WRIOHT. Fourth of July Party. AT THE PARKER HOUSfc. There will be a Fourth of July Party at tbe Parker House, on Wednesday evening, July 4th. Music. Smith & Rogers' Full Orchestra, six pieces. Tickets f2. All are Invited. The Fourth At ruuqna UK*. Yourself and Lady are cordially; in vited to attend a Grand Fourth of Jnly Party at Pistaqua Lake, Wednes day July 4th Day And .Night. Music, Antioch Brass and String Bands. Tickets, Inoluding Supper, - #1.25. Fiieworks tn tho evening, J44NO, Proprietor. , , ' y*'", • < : BOARD OF HEALTHi i Notice to the Public.! Notice is hereby given to^ll persons within the corporate limits, to at once examine their out-bulldings, Hog Pens, Stables, Water Closet, etc., and to remove all Offal, Manure Plies and generally renovate their premises, And by tbe use of dislnfeotonts, wbich can be obtained at either*Vf the Drug Stores, effectually guard' the health of our citizens. This Board has reoeived notice from the State Board of Health notifying us that they shall insist that tbe law be complied wltb in every particular, and therefore it is imperative that each and every one of our citizens at tend to this Important matter at once Delays are dangerous. The Board will, in a^few days, make a tour of the village - and they hope to find that these suggestions have bees complied with, that they may be saved the disagreeable duty of en forcing the law. The Board will consider It a favor if persons knowing of any nuisance with in the Corporation limits will |rep'trt tbe Bame to any member of the Board when It will be attended to Qat once. The Board will meet on Wednesday evening of next week, at the PLAIN- DEALER office^to take further action and hear and act on any complaints that may be made. DR. O. J. HOWAKD . / GKO, W. I5KSLKY, UKO, W.OFT BS, Board of Health, , III,, June llth, 1333, Turkish Towels and bordered linen Ha .dkerchlefs on our 5 cent counter. STOFFEL & BLAKE. For a full line of Wall Stoftel & Blake's. Paper go to Oils, we have on hand a large quan tity of the different kinds for paintings lubricating, &c. We sell only tbe pure, unadulterated articles, and warrant them as such. J. A. Story's. Try Besley's Iron Tonic Bitters. • For a nice Walking Shoa come and see us. Our 20 cent Cofftje will beat Kelly as a catcher., Our 20 cent Tobaso will furnish smoke tor the campaign. They can beat UB on fish storlea but they cau!t beat us on prioes. We don't rush the can b»t we rush Canned Goods. Uucjlored Japan, Young Hyson and Oolong Teas always in stock. For Dress Goods of every description go to Stoffel & Blakes. As a good Shoe for tbe Fourth you will Had John Foster's tbe best. At Stoffdl & Blake's. Largest line of Flannel Shirts, In latest s-yles. STOFFEL & BLAKE. Toilet articles, suci as are usually found in a first class, well regtriated pharmacy can be bad at Story'sl>rug Store. Gents call and get the new coat col lar and lappell spring and have your coat In shape. E. LAWLUS, Agent. We have just received a very com plete line Ladies Muslin Underwear, which *we oiler at a bargain, Please investigate. JOHN EVAN SON & Co. Stationery, all kinds to be found at Story's. sure and bur a pair of fivanson's #2.50 Ladies fine Kid Sho ss. t Fanoy Fans at modest prioes, JOHN EVANSON & Co* Soaps.'.Tollet and less variety. Laundry,'an end- PO TATOES FOR SALE. For Sale, at the Pickle Factory of W. A. Crlsty. a lot of fine Potatoes for table use. Will be sold by the single bushel or In lar^e lots. 49-2w. The Chicago Meat Market. Situated near the Iron Bridge, Mc Henry, has been recently fitted up in first ciass shape, aad is now prepared to furnish customers witb Fresh and Salt Meats of all kinds, of the beat quality, and at Bed~Rock Prices vV ben we say Low Prices we. mean just what we say, and we invite you tooallandsee for yourselves. The Highest Market Price paid for Calves, Hydes and Tallow. GIVE ME3 A CALL. THOS. BURKE. Proprietor. Candles, a f ine assortment Jutt re ceived at Story's Drug Store. New Meat Market. In the Brick Bui ld ing opposite the Parker House, West Side, is now open and ready for business with a full stock of Fresb and Salt Meats, Smoked Meats, Sausa je, etc. Also a full line of Canned Goods and all kinds ol Veg etables in their season. A share of public patronage respectfully solicited Call aud see us. SIHES & BKCKEL. West MjHenry, May 23d, 1898. Plum-ba-go-ine, tbe Grease ever used/ a Besley's. finest Wagon new thing, at Seersucker coats and vests from #1.65 up, at Bouslett & Stoffel's. Ask for a sample of our new teas, wo warrant them the best In town. BONSLETT A STOFFEL. No more rouud shouldered ladies and gentlemen. Call and get a new style brace aad save doctors bills, at E. Lawlus'. JUNE AND JULY BILL OF FARE. $3.50 fine shoes down to 82 50. 93.00 fine shoes down to $2.00. $1.50 tine shirts, with cutis downlto $1.10. $2 50 stylish white stiff bats down to $1.90. $1.25 wool turbans, stylish hats down to 90 cents. Gents socks 4,10 and 15 ceots, bolt. Boys black knee pauts 50 cents. B. LAWLUS,, Call on Xr«. E. Confectibnaries. Lawlus fog choice Business Nedota. A choice line of BoxPaoer.^ at Besley's, West Side. ^ SMOKE tbe -Empire Ct»1 best Five Cent Cigar in the City residences for aale, Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, Besley's Worm Syrup for ohildrea baa no equal, All kinds Ladies' and Gent's Pocket books and bags at Besiey'a Drug store • west side, . . IF you want a first class Photograph, call on L. E. Bennett, over Perry* Owen's store. > v FOR 9ALJB. A^large quaotity of Shelled sale at Blsnop's Mill. SGo to Mrs. E. W. Howe's for Mltlio- ery and Dress Making. "Carrv the newa to Hannah," that tbe best place to buy Ladies FI»o Sboes is at Altboff Bros. Besley's Death to Rata 1* lure Mid certain. Don't be troubled with these pests longer. HOUSE TO RENT. Good garden and outbaildlnga. Terms reasonable. Inquire at tbSa office, Every thing in the Implement lino can be found at Bishop's Warehouse, Call and examine, Prices low. Drink Besiey'a Ale and be bMi&f 1 and happy ' - ./li MIDDLINGS, . 1 Corn Meal and Ground Feed at reo- ® sonable prices. Call and learn prloec at Bishop's Mill. Go to Althoff Bros, for Fine Shoes. The finest stock In town. The choicest brands of Cigara In town, at Besley's Drug Store. Weat Side. * Machine Oil, best quality, 60 oottt* per gallon, at Besley's Drag Store, West Side. If you waot to see the finest stoak of Fine Shoes at tbe loweat prioea, oall at Althoff Bros, Cigars at J. A. story's. *-*• fiSneloeo stamps and write to Mr*. F. F. Judd, 79 Madison St. Chicago, for important particulars of a practical course by mall. Besley's Famous Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett's, A, gleiTs and John Heimer's. WOrhave a few dozen silk Gloves at 10 cents John Evanson & Co's. Mimes black per pair at Bargains io Ladies Hose IrooiS cents to $1.25 per pair at John son A Co's. • Believing ^ That a good uew stock of clothing la needed In tbis place we have put fn a complfite iine. Call and look it over. •- * Yours truly. %-• STEVENS A MiLi.«gfc £* ' A 1 -- ^ Callin and get measured for a ?inte at $7. Don't pay f9 our choice out of 200 samples., have your clothes altered, fitted cleaned, as he can not be beat in a nice job. E. LAWLUS, Tailor WHEAT WANTED. . _ The highest market prlee ln om,:< will be paid for good MtlUng WMiat, at tbe Fox River Valley JffS]^3l*~ Henry. R. BlsMlP, No use going to ttte city for altke- nnss ot youreeif or friends who* yon can get a far better one by oallfiig at the Gallery of L. E. Bennett, over Perry & Owen's store, in this village. He will guarantee you satisfaction Call and 6ee hie specimens, CARPET WEAVING. Tbe undersigned is prepared to weave Rag Carpets on shert notice md at Reasonable rates. ReMAMno jne Block West of tbe residOftOi of if m. Walsh. Orders respectfully so licited, and satisfaction guaranteed. " MRS. WM. FOigS* > Artists material, a complete stoek always oo baud at Story's Drug Store. ALDBH, III, February 4, ISA J. DICKINSON & SON, Harrington ̂JU% Dear £%ir,--Please send mo by ex press two dozen Cow Prescriptions, I ;ot one of my neighbors to try it oo a x>w that was almost dead with milk tever, and it cured her. It is a good thing! B. 8. SMITH. Cigars and Tobacco, all the popular brands are found In our stock. J. A. Story's. Perfumery, all tbe latest popular | odors, always fresb, fragrant andlaat j Ing at Storys. • 1 Paints, all kinds and colors. In uo- J limited quantities Mixed pal it by tho pail or gallon at Story's. New styles of Rug Patteraot, Rug Machines. For sale by Mrs. E. Lawlus. Screen doors at Sbepard's hardware lowest prices. Brushes of every description, and for all purposes. All kinds, and »Ues, and prices are the lowest J, A. Story. a F. TORNOW, Custom Tailor, of Nunda. wishee IO- inforja tbe citizens of McHenry End vicinity that he will visit MoOenry on the 25th of each month, with a full line of samples, and will take otHere f for single garments or full suite and J guarantee satisfaction in quality ot I goods, good tits and low prices. , * l| Headquarters a' the Parker House. Should the 2oth tall on Sunday, will be here tbe loiiowiug Monday. o. F. Tobhow* Dated. April 25,1888. Furniture! Furnitur*! ? JOSTfcN BROS, wish to infer* the public that their store on tbo Kast 1 side, formerly occupied bv Jbho B, Blake, which bus been closed OO ao»' count of sickness, is now open will renin in open every day, whOM *tM bo found a full line of Furniture of all kinds, from a single chair to a fall par- i ior set. and at as low figures at any other store in the oounty. Any kind J of furniture for less mouoy than email* er dealers can aeli it. You can save J atoney by buying your house-keeping oiKfiu of us. CaU aad see us, Inspect goods and learn >rices before buying elsewhere. JUSTEN BHM McHenry, May 15,1SS5, E. LAWLUS has hired a GOOD Tailor wbo will cut, fit and make up suite Is the latest stales at lowest orics^ * ^ " ' ' Clover Blossoms! We waut ail tho Blossoms furnish us this season. Save your Hells and we w!H make ft pay you. * S. S. SHKI»ARD SON. Buokten'e Arnica Salvo. The beet Salve in the world ter «iii| orutoea, sores, ulcers, saltrt cores, tet|er. chapped baodM oorns. tnd all skin eruptions* tlvely oures plies, or nopajr it Is guaranteed to give perl faction, or money refunded. certs per box. For sals til"