Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jul 1888, p. 1

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VOL. 13. M'HENRY. ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1888, NO. 52. piaiaiealer. PBI:UBHRO EVKBV WEDNESDAY BY , V A N 8 L Y K E , - EVITOB AND PROPKIBTOB. in Bishop's Bltok.J , *Or*o«ITB P BSBY & OVII'I TERMS OF SUBSOBIPTIOX. :§ne Tear (in Advance) .11.80 If Not Paid within Three Months.... a.CO Subscriptions received for thro* or six months in the same proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. WM. OSB3BVE. M. T>. PH Y I O I .4.H AND IT ItGEOJT. Office at the Parker House. West McHenry. Calls attended to day and night. PAUL BROWV, ,A TTORNBY AT LAW. U. S. Evpress Co.'a XX Building, S7 and S.) W.ishuigtoa St. CHICAGO, ILL. M. F. ELLSWORTH, A TTOBKET at Law, and Solicitor in Chan A eery, Nun*.!a, 111. < ASA W. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Bolieitor|fln Ohancerv.--Woodstook, 1U. Kates of Advertising1. W« anueunce liberal rates for advertising In tho PtAW&KitBR, and Endeavor to state ihetn so plainly that thev will bo readily un­ derstood. They are as follows: 1 Inch one year . S Inches one year . . ' 'I nichesone year . ^ :M Column one year ,'if Ooiumn one year Column one year » „ !J 00 » lo 00 *1 : I s oo . *0 00 {U»"00 - 100 00 MAhT G. BARBIAN. HATR WORKER. All kind# of Hair Work dine in first class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms st resilience, north­ east corner of Public Square, McHenry, I1L •ne inch means the measurement of one «ch down the column,single columA width. . Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have * fthe privilege of changing as often as they •ho®Be, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) will be entitled to insertion •f local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will bo charged 10 fients per 'ine the first week, and 5 cents per ine for each subsequent woek. Transient advertisements will be charged St the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil |ype, same as this is set In) the first issuo, and .- Soeats per lino for subsequent issues. Thus, ,• An inch advertisement will cost 11.00 for one Week, fl.60 for two wooks, |2.00 for three Ireoks, and so on. The P IWLINDRAI.BR will te liberal in giving Clltorlal notices, but, as a business rule, it ill require a suitable fee from everybody keeking the UM of its columns for pecuniary «ea BUSINESS CARDS. B. T. BROWN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Besidence, McHenry, 111. once it C. H. FEGERS, M, D- PHYSICIAN AND SURGKON, MoHenry, Ills. Office at Residence. V O. J. HOWARD, M. D. •PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, 1 111. Office at Besidence, one door West •f M. E. Church. BABBIAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or-deoi solicited. Shop, in Old McHenry, in Keltfr Block, third door west of Biverside bouse. Livery Stable, jp.. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. First jk« class rigs, with or without drivers rnlshed at reasonable rates. Teaming of _.l kinds done on short notice. • tl E. 11. cla fife ^'^Turnlshed P> ill kinds NEAR THE DEPOT, WE^T MoHENRY, ILL, Keeps onen for the accommodation of the •' JPuolic a 1 irst-Olass Saloon and Restaurant, fc * Where he will at all times keep the beat #"> brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars v be found in the market. Also Agent For FRANZ PALK'S 'MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al- Says on hand, oheaper than any other, quali-' considered. t- Orders by mail promptly attendod to. QOOD STABLING FOB HOUSES. Mr Call and see us. R6bert Sohiessle. West MoHenry, IlL --/A. Englea's SALOON AND RESTAURANT. MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. IT- f fins Kentucky Liquors, French Bitte% McHenry Lager Beer, la any quantity fro# a Sqitz Glass to 5C0 barrels. f AT WHO ELS ALE OB RETAIL B--i in bottles, kegs oijpe as •heap as the cheapest. We buy none but the best and tell at fteasonutbl© Prices. Call and see me an#•'ji will use JQttWeU. ANTONY ENQELN. ^ liiBfliity. IU., 1886, n all the latest styles, at W., DRS. C. E. WILLI AM3 & D.VULIN. DENTISTS Residence Dundee. Will bo at McHenry, at Tarker House, the 10th 11th 25th and 26th of each mont h. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I my visits on the fi,H >wing Moaday.and the first day of such visit ocourson Friday, I wiM stay but one day. United States far Claim Ap OK-- WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstock, Illinois. Prosecute* s.11 class as and kinds of claims against the United States f>r ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is mude iu prosecuting old and rejected claims. All commun 'cations promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, H. COW LI IS Office at Residence, Madison St., Woods .oca, Illinois. Attention Horsemen! MCAENKT, III, April 1st, 1888, I would respectfully invite the Public to call and examine m 7 stock of Hoi 3es before making arrangements elsewhere. No buei. ness done on Sunday. ». a COLBY M'HENBT 1LV E." » 'AUSTIN, Livery.Boarflifltt M Sale Stable. At ParkerjHouse Barn. FIBST CLASS'RIGS, with or without Drivers, Furnished at Reasonable Kates. Bus and Hacks run u> and fnm all Trains.-- Orders for Baggage Promptly Attended lo. West MoHenry, 111. ^MITH & ROGEftJ* Quintette Orchestra, RINOWOOiy ILL. Are prepared to furaish 1T < st Class Musio to the Dancing Public at Reasonable Bales. J, Smith, 1st Violin. M. Itogors, 2il Violin and Prompter, Robt. Madden. <.".avionet, C, Curtis, Cornet. K, lngalls, Hasso. Address all communications «o Jerry Smith, Ringirood, . Illinois, or Mort Rogers, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, „ •- «i,® wo* world tor low sf fL. rj ptica. A bandtiome and Sii^«ap*5 L' Sn-cngly Bountl l'hoto- *4&i iU tei Is grnrl"! AU uin, S'i x WH •n- b„r, silt t:"V« :'i > h<d<lins22 pages of Cab- snot anilC«r<5 pi.~1 uifs 8< n1 f.-r wlr-' ntp, pnr.e, >l.a A Ifpcl t'luiih Pholoj;rn|ili Albnm, ^ *l<»'•: Embossed padded gold t-dites, cxtenmon cl*Hp. holding :>.2 pn«> s of Cabinet an<l Curd pictures ncnt for Jl.ixi, rftuiln for 42.25. lilnstrated circulars BDCC nl* tlie and RTLBC STYLKS or Forahcc «* HcMakla, Cincinnati. Ohio. S2.35. Illustrated circulars ALBUMS c. G. ANDREWS. CENERAL. AUCTIONEER, SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Fanning Tools and Goods of .all kinds attended to on tlu> most B2&SBMBL3 fEBMS. C. C. Andrews, Spring Grove, 11^ spring jHreve, 8ct>t 8th, 18S5. ll-ll-3m -DEALER IN- Corn, Oats, Rye and Hill Feed. Low AS THE LOWEST Call f nd get figures before buy­ ing elsewhere. Will guarantee J'ou satisfaction in every particu-ar. ' • Don't Pay Anyone Tb Boj You Feed For Yon. Large new Warehouse at the Pickle Factory in We3t McHenrj, Ilinois. W. A. CItlSTY. THE BEST OFFER YET. YOU WANT IT! Don't delay, but send at once for UAWKEYfi SIfcTlHQS, the popular paper, with its forty columns of humorous and literary matter," profusely il­ lustrated, ncatlv printed on tinted paper, and containing the cream of tlio best publica. tions of the day, as well as a large amount of original matter by the oest humorous writ­ ers You v on't go to sleep reading it. In order to introduce it we win send it to any address FOUB MOKTHS OS TRIAL for only 10 cents in silver. Splendid premiums given away. Nothing like it. Send to-day and •how this to your friends. Address, JBAWKKYE SIFTI-VGS. Ow MofciW, fawV JOSLYN FT [CASEY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, woodstook HL All buAlness will receive prompt atten­ tion. ,? JOHN KLEIPGEN. HOtTfJE Painter, Gralner, Calciminer and Paper Hanger. Residence one Block West of Riverside House. Work attended to promptly and on reasonable terms. A. JM. CHURCH, Watchmaker and .Jeweler NO. 112 SOUTH CLARK STREET, Chi­cago, 111. Special Attention given to re­ pairing Fine watches and Chronometer#, tat A Full Assortment of Goods in his line St for 13 Weeks. The POL ICE GAZETTE will be mailed, •ecurely wrapped, to any address In the UnitedStaies for three months on receipt or ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed froe Address all orders to &ICHAKD X. FOX, ̂SH FRANKLIN SQUABS, New York. ATTENTION! Farmers and Dafj-pitii. It will pay those looking for CHOICE CO## Fresh milkers or springers, to call at my premises before purchasing. I can furnish such by the car-load or single cow. , PORTER H. WOLF RUM, CHKMUNO. Farm at>oat„f6tir miles northwest of Harvard, Illinois. JOHN P. SMITH, Watohm alter Ac «Jeweler, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. A FINE stock, of Clocks, Watches and Jew. elryalwaveon hand. Special attention given te repairing line watches. Give me a call. v, ! u . JOHN P. SMITH. D. NCCDHAM'8 SONI 116-11 > Dearborn Street, OB1GACM* Clerer Blossons. Rheumatism, Oyspepaia. Sick Headache, Coiuupatlon^tlM, Whooptnir Oonjjh, and aU aiiMMttASa. Send for sir- Ottlar, AMention paper. ... , FOR SALE at H. V. SHBFARD's Hardware Store, McHenry. Pomp Repaiiiag, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all lobs la the line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps, .Cementing Wells, or will put in XTsct Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaotion. Ia short will do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pomp Repaired or a how Pump, give me a call. KT'Orders by mail promptly Post Office, Johnsburgn, 111. Z L. attended to. BANTES. Johnsourgh, 111*, Kay 85th, 1885, the CHICAGO*"® NORTH- WESTERN RAILWAY. Penetrates the :Centers^#f^5 Populfttlon'lnl Wisconsin, Minnesota, Dakota, Nebraska ni Vyomini. Its train service is carefully arranged to meet requirements ot local travel, as well as to furnish the most attractive routes for through travel between important Trade Centres. Its equipment of day and parlor cars, din­ ing and place sleeping cars is without rival. its road-be<f is perfection, of stone ballast­ ed steel. The Northwestern is the favorite route for the commercial tiaveler, the tourist and the seekers after new homes In the golden Northwest. Detailed information cheerfully furnished b7 BERNARD BUSS. Agent, McHenry* III* J. M. WHITMAN, Manager. A C. WICKER, Traffic " WILSON, General Pattenger AgtuL 1 •'«"" 1 ---- H. FI8U| Practical Painter A1TI> DECORATER. HEBRON, ILL • Decorating, Paper-Hanging, CALCIMINING, GRAINING, de Done on short notice and satisftvet'on pint. Mad.- "milor address,. , H. FISH. ptteoB, iter MUPA WESTERN LANDS. Illinois, J. G. McGregor A Co., Of Elgin, have t'er sale in the Great Pipestone Co., Minn. 50,000 Aena of Land. Which they offer at Low Prices and Easy Term*. See bills giving date of our next Excursion, and for full particulars apply to J. VAN SLYKE. MjUemy, IlL JOHN TEELEN, Wishes to inform the Public tbat he Will open. ON JULY 1st, in the MelTenry !eo» Building, WITH A CHOICE TEAS! And Spices. And oaeh Purchaser will be presented with ji HANDSOME PHESENT Everything of the best qaility and as as any other Store. Soldiers' Department. OOHTRIBUTD BT WU, U. COWLIN. OF FULI/|LINE '» COFFEES, BOAKD1NG HOI SE. Will also accommodate a few lioa,ders at i Reasonable Rates. *S*Call and See me. | MrGood Stabling l»r llorses.j^f Q. A. R. Directory. X'HBKRT R08T NO. 643. Meets the First and Third Sat urdav evenings of.each month. L."E. BBHHBTT, Com. sionxoHD-poar wo 286. | fUeats the second Fridti evening of each month. WHJPHACOCK, Com. WOOOSfOOK, POST, KO 106. Meets first and third Monday evenings of each month. W*. AVBRT, Com. / NTTHDA POST, HO *X, 1 Meets the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month. WM, BDTLBB, Com. BASVairn POST, WO 255. Man and brethren! There be those wh© are now ban tied together In the Grand Army ef the Republic and In the Loyal Legion. Can firmer bonds ®f sympathy and devotion be forged than those welded In the white heat of four leng years of battling and marching? All over eur beautiful land are homes by the thousands into which the influences of these scenes have entered, and bright-eyed lads and honest-hearted lasses are growing up patriotic and llbeirty loving, fit followers of the sons and daughters ot those other men wh© suffered at Val« lay Forge .and fought at liu^er Uill, . dreadful concussion#, when his ears ai* almost deafened with, the nolee nt j cannonade and musketry, when the bloed and brains of a comrade are dashed against his face as a fragment of a bursted shell passes on its shriek* ing way leaving death and agony is its traek--in this boar ef need by strong effort he sum mens all hff courage, resolved-to do his full duty whatever may be the result. ^ I , Howe's Block, HoHBNBV. II LINOIS, CHAS. A. BAHbE'i, Prop. We take pleasure In announcing to t)»e v tti- ienn ot McHenrv and surtour.ding rvumry that \ce keep on hand at all times a fui stock of all Kinds of BAKER'S SUPPLIES, And hope by a clo.<e -<ttartion to business to merit ti.e patronage of the Public. From a 10119experience In the buelno.-t.-s wo areeohti. dent that we can please ail. CAKES, And in short everything in tin) Bakery line will be kept on hand Hpsh Every Day. | A FULL STOCK or Confectionery and Cigars, Caused Goods, Eto. All of the best quality and at the lowest priof!^A:g|fall and see us. CHAS. A. BARBEE. McHenry, March 27th, 1888. • . <1 Meets the second and fourt h Monday°even ings ot each month. a. J. WiurruRTOH, Com. MARENGO POST, N<X 169, Meets every Second and Fourth Friday evenings of eaah month. . , JOHM jW. G SBBN, Coth. " ' WAUOOMl>A:fOST,VO. 898. Post meets every second and fourth Satur­ day oveiling in G. A. K. Hall, Main St. WAHUKN E. POWEBS, Ooin. . TARS. "Night drtws her sab'e manttoon And pins it with a star." darkness has come, and rest is won By those who thiV tiio dusty way Have marched their loegand weary day Across the prairies far, 4|d now the]bu£ler from his tont) , Comes forth to blow.the cat). By him 'tis sent. The regimeu^ . Will i^ear and know the hour has come Iftor sleep, until the rising sun Shall summon one and all. Lights out! Ligluaeuti The;ibugle'» clear Notesif-Ulingjon the:air, Sound to the ear, now far. new near: Mow almost ceasing, now enhanced By echoesfn'eo that wide ox pause Of prah-ies bleak and bare. WINS PURIFIED BIT ELKC1KICITT. Captain WInohell, a we?l-fenowi» New York nesws paper.writer^ately rf returned from a two yeare' trip a Florida, has been sojeurniug In Fassio tor the past weffk. He dropped Into Mr. Alfred 9peer's wine vaults eae day last week, and became' enthoslastio i over the purity and srreat popularity J of his wines. Mr, Spter h<u achfcv id /! : a success that Is msi-vclou-i. an a Us ia ! justly entitled to a reputation well ^ ' earned after a long and eipcrin^d . career. Over thirty-iwo years ago» Mr. Speer, knowing . the famous repn- | tatlon of the grape vmas of which tha ! I genulns port wine, is made fro® lbs v • ' 4.BILL Kelatia^ toisArrearg of PenstblBi, aad ltepeal- ing the 1880 Limitation. B* it enacted by the Senate and tloule of Representatives «f the Lnited Stales ef America in Congress assembled, that the Secretary of the Interior be, and is hereby, authorized ktul directed to abjudicate all pension claims ©n account of disabilities, i wounds or Injuries, incurred since the i fourth of March, eighteen hundred and | slxtyjone, tiled ou and after the first ,, _ | of July, eighteen hundred and eighty, Il mrK Valley'!n Port"Kaobtained it ; and up to the Ipassago of this act. and ! con8ider&ble expense 5,000 of the vine* I to readjudicau all such claims as have ; wbicl1 he 8et out" great | been allowed or tiled as aforesaid, as if tr°l,bl« ,n acclimatising the vices^ (the same had been filed < prior to said 1 RB(J fiD*1,y-aftcr y#ar» of first day el July, elghteeu hundred triaI aBd t?°s> 200 under succtisa- ind eighty. S hlJ cuHIvatIon, all the others havin|p f died. From tnese he obtained layers a J from which he has prop?.gated and formed his forty aore*y of haiideomaiy laid out vineyards. The Oporto grape vart^ty, very iBuehin sou, Miss. A confederate nonumeut was dedicatod to treason at that piace. Not content with a moa- M--BREEDERS OF MDHGAN nORSES, Slxort Horn. lUdPoilsd ^agtis, And Jersey Cattle. Hillside Farm, West McHenry, III. Our Morgan Stock is all pare brod, and originate i from the best Morgan sto»k in the United States. Old Gilford Morgan, who stands at the head 5f our Stock, is one of the best bred Morgan horses in the country, and can show more and better all purpose colts than any other horto in the West. We Invite the Inspection of our stock horsemen and all lovers of fine animals. by A few full blood Morgan Colts and young dorses for sale. Also one matched team, full •rtoodo. (n Cattle we have the full blood Short Horn which we are crossing with the Red Polled Angus and therefore instead of sawing off.the boms <ve are breeding them off and with food euoeess, A few Heifers and Bulls, both pure bred 4bort Horns and the cross above mentioned for sale. J. R. Saylor 6u Sons. Wont McHenry, III., Feb, 27th. 1W8. SIBLEY:S A«TESTED«A 0EED0 IllusiiiM Catalogue SEEDS SENDftn'0;"r Vegetable, Flower, Field Plants, Bulbs, Implem'ts. •-- JH mm M by mail on application, r fCCLC Don't neglect writing for it. HIBA1I SIBLEY & CO. Rochester, N. Y. Chicago, III. 13-14 N, Clark St 822-326 £. Main St. s WAITED N To canvass for the sale of Nursery Stock. Steady employment guaranteed. Salary and expenses paid. Apply at once stating age. Refer to this paper. SNELL A HOWL AND, Rochester. K. T. WHEAT WANTED. The highest market prlc« Its cash will be paid for good milling wheat At the Fox River Valley Mills. Mc- Lights out! Lights outi|t"rom every lamp The light is soen to die. With measured tiamp arouud tne camp The sentries guard against thoir foes. The rest are wrapped in sweet repose Beneath the starry sky. **^aps" fails far sweeter on the Mr than any other sound. Like opiate rare, it soothes all eare-- ®0 weary men a blosslng seemi-- And pleasantiare the soldiers dreams, Tho' stretched upon tho grounu. Ab(lTaps, the mournful signal call # Floats o'er a new-made grave. Thy soft notes fall where one fiem all Life's weary march forever rests- Asleep. Where^gwild birds bniki their . - nests. . ,. Unmindfui;»f the ta^Ve. '-John P. I>oret. Along tha Skirmish Line The number of men avallablo for military duty lu the UuItQd States is 7,171,600, Mrs. J. A. Grtrfleld baa ah income of $25,000, and $5,000 Is a pension from the government. General Crook, tbo famous Indian fighter, stands 6 feet In bis stockings, and Is straight as an arrow. He has been in the servtoe thirty-six years. The annual reunion of the Tweltb NewJHampahlre Volunteers was held at Tllton, N. if. Friday, Juno 15. The One Hundred aud Seventeenth New York Volunteers will hold a re­ union at Holland Patent Aug, 22 and 23. The Commissioners ef the District of Columbia have approved the bill making May 30 a holiday. The tomb of Geueral Grant, In Riverside Park,New York, was almost burled la flowers on Memorial day. The Grand Army po6ts of Queens and Suffolk Counties, New York, will hold a reunion at Willow Grove, Rock- away Beach, Aug. 23. The annual reunion of the Nine­ teenth New York Volunteers and Third New York Light Artillery will take place at the State Armory, Auburn, N. Y., July 13. Reunions of veterans at farm-houses are becoming popular. Down East they take the lead. Socially they are more enjoyable than the reunions held In large villages and cities. The beautiful statue of General Thomas, erected by the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, in Washington Is having four bronze lamps, costing $5,000, erected on marble pedestals. The Rev. Albert C. White, of Ames bury, Mass., now claims the honor of being the youngest soldier. He Was bu t6 years and 29 days old when he was mustered in as a drummer of Company D. Sixty-fourth Ohio Volun leers. The Soldiers monument at Hebokea, N. J., was nnvelled on Memorial Day with imposing ceremonies. Over forty thousand persons witnessed the parade General Sbermaa reviewed the proces­ sion and afterward delivered a short address. George Pleard Poet, No. 36, Brook­ lyn, Department of New York, has been playing second fiddle to E. D. Baker Post, ef Philadelphia, making Assistant District Attorney John U. Shorter, aa ex-rebel soldier, an aiso- ciate member of the post. Here Is a chance for the Commander-in-chief to use a^little discipline. The annual report of the Commis­ sioner of Pensions shows that only 19.2 per cent of the applications for invalid pensions filed in 1SS6 have been allowed; that only 29 per cent of the apfriicationa filed ia 1885 have been allowed, aoi that but 31 per ceat of the applications for original invalid pensions filed in 1884 have been allowed. flowers For the Union 8oldi«rs a»d Crown of Silver for Jeff Davis, As the preparation for Memorial t>ay was going ou In the North, the ,. . „ ., , South were having a jubilee at Jack- t ? 8 , sh&po and appearance of ear native wiid grape, sometimes called frost grapes. They are only fit for making Qoieur. to make the thing more em­ phatic ami couspieaous, they had pre pared a sliver u;own, or "tiara" as they called it to present to that "'arch trai­ tor and living embodiment of trea­ son, and wlio aught to have been dis­ posed of long siuoe at the end of a rope And^it is a sad commentary that while one section of the country is sad and In mourning; in preparing for it, to them the saddest day of the year that Ute other section ia permitted to glority aud perpetuate the very cause which flilod tho graves we decorate on Memorial Day, and going so far as to place a bright "tiara,'as they call it on,the brow of the J|chief conspirator. gaxMMMi i oa imIIi ibw» our own would permit such acts as this. But sudh is the ease here and If loyal­ ty dare speak out j,they say you ^are waiving tho "bloody shirt," while treason caajiperpetuate itself with marble and granite monuments and sliver crowns. But this is all in the interest of fraternity and good feeling Even'aa order can be had from the chief executive for tlis return of the captured battle Hags, lu Older to help heal up tho wounded and sensitive feelings of our •'dear south*rnj broth ran whom (wo bad Supposed wo had vanquished in the late unpleasantness 23 years ago. Wbat we nee<)| is tho good old fashioned loyal ideas and talk. Call things by their right names. Call rebellion treason, and a rebel t rebel.|lnstead ofjex-confederate. Main taiu thc|idea always and everywhere that the loyal millions ot the North represented loyalty and patriotism, and that t'uey of the South represented treasonjaud disloyalty, and that loyal­ ty is a virtue and treason a . disgrace Even though we may sometime be compelled to bloody some fellow's shirt iu order to make him understand what we moan,--Grand Army Advo­ cate. ' Going Into Battle. "What are a man's feelings, when goins Into battle?" Chiefly fear.fl think. It Is au awful demand to make upop a human being to ask him to stand up and be siiot at with rifle ball, grape, cauister and shell; to risk sudden death, or death accompanied by exquisite suffering for hours; to ruu the chance of being maimed for life, an object of pity to friends, and with never ceasing physical and men-r tal pain to one's self. It Is natural for a soldier to shrink from all of this. He lias his private interests, his plans for the ^future, ills wife aad babies, per- baps, and he has no longing whatever for death or sufierlug. During nearly four yoam' service I was in the battles of Donolson, Shiloh, Corinth, Atlanta, tho march to the sea, and the campaigns of South aud North Carolina, under Sherman, and, though L had bdilets cut through my eiothlng, wfts^never wounded, With all this ex­ perience 1 was as badly scared when we were falling Into line to fight the last battle of the war In the pine woods of North Carolina, at Rontons- ville, as when I hoard the first rebel volley aa we rushed up tho hill at Donalson, and if I could have avoided that last esgagement with credit to myself, I wouid have done so as cheer­ fully and readily bs I would the first. Pride, pride, pride is tho quality whichgsustalnB "the soldier, first, last and all the time, in the hour of battle. Love of our country lmpollod him ia the first Instanoe to leave home and friends to endure the hardships and dangers which he knew awaited him, and when the supreme moment comes, when the air is beavy^ w!th the fume* of burning powder, wnen the ground shakes heoeatb Uls (eel frem the wine, being too small for table use. As they contain iron aod other modi- cinal properties, giving the " wiue a / dark oolpr ami body, it has becomw!.^ valuable to physicians, who have . always recommended ft to invalid* r and others, when it could be obtained pure. An article labelled pert wine j Is extensively sold, but is is a danger- ous liquid, and more ; injurious than beneficial, when adulterated with log- •- wood and a hundred other drugs that are used te counterfeit the genuine article. Mr. Speer ataognakea a sped- •• alty of unfermented grape juloe from this Oporto, for cormnunloa purposes, which he reiuos by electric- • ity--areeeot discovery of bis own-- which destroy«f"thd g«rtif tf-ite decide is the cause of fernenta- tlon, and the means by which alcohol; is produced in wines. He also fumi- ^ gates bis barrels with sulphur, and bjr; his process produces a pure, nutricious unfermented wlae, that has neither the taste nor smell of alcohol. HIi » wicee aro sold In Dresden, Vi3uaa and other parts of Europe, aud are recom- - mended by all leading physicians in this country. Dr. Cyrus Edson, sanitary superintendent ef New York City, recommends It as one of the best and purest brands of wiae^that he uses. Doctors D" W. Bliss, of Washington,. | our late President{Garfiold's physician. J. G. AmblOr, A. S. Cozner, aod others , speak of it In tbo highest terms. Mr. ; Speer, while showing Captain fPinchell v through his vaults, brought him to a musty lookiug apartment, from which the cobwebs bung lo such profusloaas to almost impede locomotion. Flore choice wines, thirty years ©id, were sampled from dingy and dirty looking •" bottles. While tastlu." aome tw&<Hy\ years1 old port, Mr. Speer told a »co.-y $ about the late lamented Horace Greelv, who had ceosivod some bottles of Scupernong wine, made from the jiative grape in South Oarollua, w>;»ch £ Mr. Groely asked Mr.Spoor toopea and give his opinion of. Mr. 8peer, la; ; drawing out tbe plugs, as the boitlea .; were stopped with plugs instead of , corks, saw that they were made of ; pitel» pine, aud knew that tUe pitch would destroy the iluvor. Handing ft - glass ef the wine to Mr. Greoly, the latter smacked his lips, and said, , "Speer what a funny taste it haa. Take it away, I want my turpentine pure."--Pasmi * x>a% NeWx , No use going ta tfc* eHy for f iller %>>] noss ot yourself or frieads when you -l! cau get a far better oa* by caUiag at J *i; the Gallery of L, E. Bennett, over . J' Perry & Owen's store, in this village. * He will guarantee you satiata&totk Call and.see bis specimens, & CARPET WEAVING. The tinlerslgned Is prepared to weave Rag • '.-irnets on short aotit^e ind at Reasonable rates. . Kesidenoo jne Block West of tho residence of vVm. Walsh. Orders rospec^fullv so­ licited, aod satisfaction guaranteed. MRS . WM. FOLISS. •'HI Artists material, a complete etook always en hand at Story's Drug S;ore. AI.DKN, 111. T'obruary I, USifil 0. DICKINSON «& SON, Barringi",^ III, Dear Sir,--Please send uie by ex­ press two dozen Cow Prescriptions, I '{Ot one of my neighbors to try it oo a x>w that was almost dead with milk lever, aud it curod her. It is a good thing. E. S. SMITH.. Call in and get measured for a nobby pauta at 87. Don't pay and #10. Your Aioice out of 20# s^ojpi<?s. Also have your clothes aitere;!, fitted and uieaned, as he oao not be beat is doteg a nice job. ' B., Tailor. WHEAT WANTED. The highest market prioe U eeftb will be paid for good Miillag wh^t, ai the Fox River Valley Henry.

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