Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jul 1888, p. 8

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T«ap«rMK» L«ftoa at four Hall. A it« exmM to ih« Village ud vlclnltj to ; I wish some strong, stood before you just reid; to fluh before IWirdof mloe can, the power to help or to hinder the perance; to make jou feel Ibtltty, because yea era btlees you have heard a about the value of your t»t do you knofir the value of wua? I wiab I oould make you A* value of your frowm and the not of knowing just what or to frewn upon. What a man must by a blow, a woman oan do by a wn. When the time comet that youog man who now shares his ime In your company and the saloon; jokes about temperance In your 'ftgoeonos, and takes a glass socially, MW tad then, is made to feel that tlM* things cannot be if you are to be fctt<wapan!on at party, ride or church, thftiKl^od society c$nnot tolerate these UkiagS In Its meml>era; In short, tbat * tWs kind of man is ̂ unfashl^qable and napopalar, then aich^H^Wlll tremble ••Its throne, and the liquor trade win f Ule its cancerous face.*' Iff- strictly, and see prices. mm X ' 4 ;v* * $ f < iv * :• 4* j- ™* •*" .% ' :-,ij ':Wi ' /-r » 1 , >.-g ^ ̂ r I* &'<T» ' J ' * ' ' V * •X / !W- , *F-T' •Jt • -•-* v:'- f̂crnmrnmA::..- .vv 5 ' : ' ; i '»mSM -, x t| . A«. V * . L,*H We have a large stock of? » „? • !si W&t Will Papc, i' dothing,, •. J" ~ • ct -fvV^ ^ >>±' v.c4 «* : - e * * mvu e "•<••• v* >. r- S ' . >, 'VA4^ ^ "L ' Have jasfc receive«l a new lot of ffoods including lace flouncing* 41 fine^ne^* "* Spanish^ tiNiipnro and Dnchcsa Lace? ^4 flte Finest Line of *.f w «x ' -""v > 'i / • \4^ / ' * • > - & > * ' > >• * v - . . " . i'-V- J* • 'il. ">'.*..,"*•1 £ &r<*. 4 ' v/ , ^ t W ' "f * y * 4 r ' ? *>i> . ^ o '• *,V ' . CLOTHING ;\t, 'v ( ' ^ • .r la the county; in all sizes and the latest styles and best fits, ' - *.i* J I w r»\ *••- * ' «' '4;. ^ ^ ? j. i wB»VU'JHJKH3B(i|» We buy all our goods in large | quantities, for Cash, and guaran­ tee to sell as low and many times lower than any tl STORE In the county. We have now I in an elegant line of cn a Sioglitttti, i GOODii Fine Dras 8« In Black and Colors, and trim­ ming* to match. New Spring I styles in Is larger than ever before and we keep finer goods in Men's Ladies' and Children's wear, and Prices Lower. Our Stockjof CARPETS, er Cannot be excellil* We carry tte largest stock and Q M and it Q HIP? Wl11'. i= ^ wt-'-e&ih Q to Q IM {et than Q Q so IOT com to towi ^;Q | :q ^ KpP Q without calling at the Q Q <1 wi j1*" i • P GASH STQRB Q Q and Bargain8v Q ALTHOFF BR08. IfcHENRY, H.L. For Musical People HORTH'S MUSICAL JOURNAL itthi talu S)5; It Ihe be«t musical monthly pi ^ '• tains K to 20 pages of music*! rablished. Con. literature and JULIA A* STOBY, £. M HAND Ja T H CELEBRATED -DEALER IK--. 1i»tlUVyi(tE»lUL OWE EVER MADE. PuTSOHAlOllDlHM MINUTES OR LESS. OfrtH Ms *or rrsoF • IK OlHyASOfl.' MammwsiMOL MOWERS I Zooo oSOLQk -muT- &f:;- -BVARANTEEIfcf QVIUME SrwjNeliyC9 A FULt lt^E Df^--- , - j . P a i n t s , O i l S t t d C t i t o t s . f-on8tantly on hatld. Also a large line rf Medicines, Toilet/ Articles, •i -AND COMPLETE STOCK OF- STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. mi Fhysicians Prescriptions farefully and accuratey .compounded by a Registered Pharma- I cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. JULIA A. STORY. With the celebrated. Eureka j Mower we handle the standard, 4, i />» * • « ^ y < ->•>- y ~w ^ 4 1-2. 5 and 6 foot cuts; Knowlton I ^ | C ||h IH I-7T ^V7" ' l-^T* A \C lH 4 ,4 1-2 and 5 foo t cu t s ; Manny] v l ) A X iv I J OC F) 1 J /i Minneapolis. Crawford, Piano and] W arrior. Call and Examine our >,y;S tiave now a full stock ot all the latest novelties in Dress Goods, I of every description from 15 cents per yard up. H5 w SI IS pagea of new music in every issue. Every MMerlbtT receives (8 worth iot sheet music ass premium, thus the subs criber really re­ ceives daring the year music which would *eo»t la sheet form not less than $22 for $1. f i With the February number an instructive al Hints on Ballad Singing, by Emma O. rlU was commenced ana will continue *1 menths. This series of articles is „ ' werth many times the i>riceof aubscrip-pf ltd is but one of the many valuable fea- ' IBTM et this popular publication. Only SI (Mr year. Specimen copy 10 cents. A PIANO FREE. yersen sending the greatest number ttaetlbere to Nerth's Musical Journal I® fiLly i?4' 1888> w® *m «•*« » Ffrigfat Piano with stool acd coTe'r. lefM. Also* Fine Wilcox & White or. f Ike. OB« sending the second greatest abor. Per full particulars address F. A. NOETH ft CO., Pubs., 18W Chestnut St., Fhila., Pa. onl an The Minneapolis ail steel machine k a world boater, being ihe | ly Binder made with the packer trip, two speeds to the elevators, a the car shaped steel truss. We will warrant this machine to bind the worst tangled grain without clogging. The light run- j Also Lace Curtains, Lambrequins, Drapery Plushes, Curtain mng Piano, all steel, is a noble machine, it will handle grain from I p0ie8 and Window Shades In 6 inches to 8 feet in length. If you are thinking of buying a bind­ er be sure and examine the Minneapolis and Piano thoroughly be-1 , ^ l ore buying, , ITERS circular gtvtm For Ladies wear, we have the never exclleed John Foster . For Men and Boys we have the John Foster and Buffalo. In Boots, the Buifa o and Kedpath Bros. For house cleaning time we have laid in a fine assortment of W A L L i P A P E R Including French B»«ste, L«wn tVkiSImm^ ffmhrnlikMI Swia uood8. Also batccns, hwe stripes and chocks, Ginghams ctc Japane-e, gauze and feather Fans, ladies' ribbed Jersey Vests, Kibjons, Handkerchiefs, LJVCO Mitts, etc. All these goods havfne been bought at a great reduction we will sell at the ' vd * ,V I , 1 ' * Ldwest Mi ;' * i ~ . r ' * . v •m #•' Figures. t ' a f l a f td examine o t iv s tock an^ we wl l f conv ince you tha t we 'V -V have as f ine a J ine a s can be found in the country. We are baIIum* • • |ptrom 5 ct8. up; handkercWeft ^ i • } * . H GLASSWARE, CROCKERY i ° ' ^4" Decorated tea sets for $3^98; #^ stock ' >• ^V7 : . &~uy ; J" $v» \ • ' ̂ •1^.3 • i j C:? * ̂a C&i BOOTS AND Is complete in every respect and we will guarantee to give yon satisfaction in quality and price. • ' FITZSIMMON8 & HENDER80Ne aid WEST 11 HENir* -DEALER IN Drugs and Uedieutis, PAINTS, OILS. PURE-- WJUKS AHD FOB MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. ' < PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Carefully Compounded, Give me A call. * ^ o. w. BE8LEV» McHenry, December 28th, 1887. H If so do not fail to get an estimate on your Lumber from We have all clean, fresh, first cliss goods, and we shall BAR THE MARHET I^OWIf To the Lowest Living Price*. In WSmt Platform, Milk and Heavy Wagons, in large rarities. Abo have IftT ATU1 TVT/̂ L P T AmTTI TITS** the best light single and double Harness en the market, all at bed ] WaJw X XLLll v3T y Xj \Jr J. XXXli x3f • I'OOJr Y\1*1AAI Tl* will nni itaii /toll /\n lift KfifAI*A KllVin<v nnvt^UiMM I » yock prices. It will paj you to call on ui before buying anything in the machine line. ̂ *; ̂ \ Come and get the dandiest fit and the finest goods for the least mtjLmJh •/ |nioii«r to be had in the towii. |^#lt>; VWEir * SOK. «. 8T0FFEL * BLAKK« . . * f\^'A «-k i . /V- - v ' r . ' . Near tlie Depot. ̂ West McHenry, Illinois. Our stodc of Lumber, of all kinds, is the most complete of any WM and we are prepared to offef to the ; public ! lb 3§R| Quality ot$mb* i - -- A T T H I S -- -- LOWEST LIVING PRICES* , v' J ^4: IH Yr'f , „.j. BliDQS, Moliai. m Casing, Door and Window Frames-Ready laie-always on Also the Boat Brands of BarKWIreJ i > / \ We shall keep our stock complete at all times and spare us pafaM to accommodate all wh<* may favor us with their patronage. C. H. WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY* ,%t£: •! uw» wourxun^ \"f * «• ^ f t j

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