Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jul 1888, p. 1

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' ' > a..:-. "hS'*•: hw . . . . . . . • * i r'?f. ' »-i" ' i. ^ •£n&' ' .r \:"-v<v-' OAMtm ' -oiiium r»ur «#•*»*» Ball cntcitJO, H. Express Cot's EingCon St. CRM* Or SCTB10ftimi>% ttoM «r Six ly «K| soft I* • * 1®-- w f r - ' : W . « • year- . - . . 6«|OA t one year - - --- 10000 •jn* Inehtneans the meainrimentf of one •fcee&ewn the column, single column width. i rates, have often as they M. r. KLLSVPEF^ A TTORNEY at Law, s&jf Solicitor m Oban A eery, Stunda, 111. v A8A W. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT 1,4? A»<I SOIIOITORIPN Chancery.--Woodstock, HI. T MARY G. BA.BBIAN". HAIR WORKER. V',1 kn.<l> of Hair Work 4o«e in first ol*m style and at re&aertable price*. Rooms at roaidencr, north east earner of Public Square, MCHenry, 111. promptly KlM pairing Fine watches awl Chronometer*. SWA Fall Assortment of Goods In Ma llu 13 Weeks, Vi»i| and K« our next Mm Intfi, atui pp»y to TKE. G> >i|. ., Meet* th4 Ptaiwii of each month. . ,„»«* cards) will be wMrttled to laic. 1 notice* at ike rate of 9 cents mrjihe ,r*6k. AJ1 others wilt bd* charged 10 pine line tin first week, and 5 cents per will be charged iyartUemenFsntt oinst ' jMOTraMlie *»*•. two wcelt», fi.m) for^tnit«e S*OTT. an inch' week,' f wewka, The -•dKi wit . Mcktef the use eflts columns for pecuniary tfUkUSB will be liberal in iff!, but,/asa business rule,. It suitable fee from everybody Snil CARDS. T.BttOWN.ltilK PURSIOIAK AND 9CRGEOK. Office at Residence, McHenry, 111. O. H. FEGEKS, M. D- toHYBIOlAN AND StTUGKON, XcHenry, 1 Ills. Office At Residence. O. J. HOWARD, *. D. f»HY4IOIAN AND SOrKOKON, McHenry. I til. Office at Residence, one door West ef M. B. Church. BARBIAN BROS. or-niOAB Manafacturers, MoHenry, 111. %J dare Solicited. Shop, la Old McHenry, ~ (tar Block, third door west of Riverside snort notice. DBS. O. K. WILLIAMS A DAHLIN. DBNTI9T1 Residence Dnlidee. Will be at Parker House, the 10th nth »th and WJth orriach month. When dates or.cur Saturday or Sunday _ make ray visits on ttmfollowing Monday, and the first day of such vlsitoecurs en Friday, I will stay bat one day. Dniteft State? far Chili Ape? OF-- WM- H. COWLIN, Woodstock, - - Illinois. Proaecutos all classss and kinds of claims against the United States lor ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made In prosecuting old and rejected claims. AH communications promptly answered if Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, H. COWLlt t Office at Residence, Madison St., Woodttocc, Illinois. Attention Horsemen! HOHBKBT, III., April 1st, 1888, I woul<J rosnectfully invite the Public to call and examine m j stock of Horses before makinif arrangements elsewhere. No busl ness done on Sunday. ft. COLBY H'KBNRT' IU. 'AUSTIN, LiYeir,Baardi5S and Sale StaHe. At Patfcor House Barn« F"D«, CLASS RIGS, with or withont - rivers. Furnished at KCasonable Rates, Bus and Hacks run to and frnn all Trains.-- Orders for Baggage Promptly Attended to. West McHenry, III. ROGERS' ihestra, ii)i i t uiiii m-h- . • :§0mtt *MXbBP6T, ... W&&T MoHENBY, BL. leeps onen for the accommodation oflbe Public a tirst-Olasa Saloon and Rostauraot, Where' he will at all tlmea keep the beat " A'so Agent For * FRANZ rALK« MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER. •*&> Beer ta Largs or Small tCttt or Bottles al- ways eh hand, oheaper thsk a^y other* gaaU* ty censldered. Orders by mail promptly Attended t% 900D MTABL lN(i FOR HORSE?. frOftll stud aee wb. Robert 8ohlessle. West McHenrJfi 11L SALOON 0D RESTAUR ANT. MoHIMRV.ILUNOIS. Sales ot Stock, Farming T00I& iltttd Goods of all kinds attended to on the most mmasut fsm. Jf' C. Andrews, ( . t fit, , - Spring Grove, 111# iipr^ig 3*tt*e, fe^t 3th, 1885. U-ll-3m Freoeli filters, VfiBuirv L&9ir Beip. •m ikee Bottle Bal n» Smtz VTHOELSA.LE OK RETAIL or rate as THE BEST Or#tlt YtT. none out the best a»d ble Prioe*. ou w butsend at the ttmorowi teatiMWio UdlMtS etm Willn* Are prepared to furnish First Clans Musi* to the Dancing Public at Reasonable Rates. Ji Smith, 1st Violin. M. Rogers, 3d Violin and Prompter, Robt. Madden. Clarionet, C<- Curtis, Cornol. S. In gal Is, Basso. Address all com am nidations to Jerry Smith," Ringireod, Illinois^ or Mort Rogers, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, vv« ticai Mi- viirM tor low ices. A handsome »nd rouglf Bound Photo- _ 6rilP» Album, 8*4 x 10*4 inebjg, Rilt sicks at:d odKSSi toljlijBB 22 p*|RS of Cab» mot ana Card pinures Win for sOfantB, r«ta»l fries. >1.25. A ttcfl Piu»h Phstiwnm' AImm. s.H xld^ Kmliossed p«dded JIttnloii cla»l>, hol«lins 32 paces of ~ Mat- for 11 .int. r«-t«i l« eoer a; rliCC FIKF.H STVI.ES or i'orwHco A MpXaklBi Oaclsaad. Ohio, iablnM and Card picture* „.25. IllnstiratM circulars ALBUMS C. G. ANDREWS. « CENERAL SPRING GEOVE ILL. DEALER Rye and Mill Fesd, v CaVl f nd get figlres'before huy- ing elsewhere. Will guarantee you satisfa itioc^in every particu lar. f 9o0 Pay Anyone Find |n Yobl liar^e new Warehouse at the Pickle Factory in West McHenry, Ilinoi# • W. Ak OJRISTY, ; The POLIOS GAZETTE will be wasted, securely wrapped, to any address (n the United States for three months on receipt of ONfi DOLLAB. Liberal discount allowed to poctmastera, •Cents and clubs, sample cojfies mailed tree Address all orders to XICSAXD X. FOX, _ 1 Taumtux* aQVAB*, Now York. f ; ATTENTION! Farmers and Dairy ins*! 11 will pay those look! Dg for vi«eii lutiMto vi »|n»a0vi«| premises before purchasing, such by tbe car load or single CHOICE COWS Fresh milkers or springers, to call at ary I can furnish eow. ^ ' PORTER H. WOLF RUM, ^ CRBKVlMhr Farm ahoutifour miles northwest of Harvard, Illinois. JOHN P. SMITH, Watohmakw Jtc Jeweler* MoHENRY. ILLINOIS. Af INE stock of Clocks, Watches ftn<l Jew­elry al way son hand. Special attention given tft repairing fine watches. Give me a call. JOHN P- SMITH. O. NEKDHAM'S SONS JIS1U Oearteraamslk OUUM FOR SALE at H. V. ShbPASD'S H*MlW*re Store, McHenry. Wlitoa . open. ON JEULY WITH A CHOICB And oaeh Pitt HANI Everything of thel as any other Store.-* BOA! Reason a blS futSs!" «**Good Stal it he will Idlag, TEES, >ted with a iE NX •d as cheap rsE. Soarrtevs at se uae. . OS..#* ' II, Howe's McHENBT, CHAS. A. BAI We take pleasure In as' sens of McHenrT and Bti that we keep on iUMd «1 «4; of all kinds of BAKER'S Anil iioyo by •nerii the pnr long experiet,„. dent that we Ailk And in short everythtoC M| will oe kept on hMid . " the cttl- cotintr all a toe VMM UusincA)) to c. From a e arc eoafl- kery line •a '.V • > !hUdSaturday evenings tu E. BENXKTT, COM. mcaaaoMP tmt MOKS. Mettt the second FrUiaj evming of W*. PBA.003K, Com. WOOOETOO* KMT. m we. Meets ft^'-««d third Monday evenings of WK. AVKfcx, Oom. iroitOA roe*, vo 236, Meets ttfe '|S^mI and fourth Tuesday evenings of < Wx.BoTLaa.Orau OILBTAXD FOST, Moass. , Meets the seeiMwl ana tourtn Monday-eves Inge of each month. * a. J. WHITTLBTOS, Com. MASBMOO POST, No. 169, every Second and Fourth Friday h month. JoHer W. GSBUr. Oom. WAUOOMDA rOST, MO. 868. Post meeu every second and fourth Satur­ day oreuing lnG. A. K. Hall, Main St. WABRBN fi. POWER#, Com, Along the Skirmish Uae. Kansas hat 470. G. A, B. poets, unci •ISO W. K. G. The National oaoampmenl of the Grand Army or the Republic will be held Sept. 11-12-13. at Colmnbat, Ohio. It is claimel that 20.000 ex-Union soldlers^retlde In Sc. Louts, 6.000 being members of the Grand Army. Seven hundred and ninety comrades have been admitted to the Soldier's Home al Chelsea, Maae., «tace lt« op^nlns J«*ly 25.1$83; £«ex County, Massachusetts, has twenty .four G. A. B. posts, with a total membership of 3.S93. The Forty-fifth Massachusetts Infan­ try reuned for the thirteenth time at Nautasket Beach. June 18, Ladies* Nights" is a new departure in the Grand Army posts. •- The bronxe at a toe of General G. K. Warren to be erected ou Little Bound Top, Gettysburg, wilt be completed August.S, 1883, The. eighteenth aonnat* reunion of the Engineer Brigade, Army of the ., Myer be ^**tfctionat»?|ri»otite obllifier, aod Albert son, anfl othfr i^bel obtefe,«ftn with his insnmng treat] Union soldiers show wi is, and the people have jtnSlpid hla ao« cerding to his words and It ts now it order for uyelkttg1>ayo> oft po!ot»M ttogtre tke rei^lfs sf Mt very unoertaln »lpolots,n wbtoii n« tvgup the part he took t» help crash out the existence of that corte awvery, %ed bring to a dose an nnealled fer and unholy rebellion. We are aaxloas t4 see how the military record of the great objector to pensions wlll oom- pare with that of General Harrison.' Senlinei. Yes oomrailo South^rerth, we toe are anxious to hear froiit Young Bayo* net Pofuts as to Grjpver'e war record, and also as to the part Young Bayonet Points took In what he claims to be so conversant with. We know he was quite young when the trouble was going oo, but one can easily perceive that hie memory must be oi a remark­ able character by the manner In which he "dishes up" his war news. By the way we have failed to see any effusion from the gifted#pcn of the younster sine a he attempted to compare the military history of Gen. Palmer and Private "Joe** PI for. Boston Traveler: Benjamin Harrison and Grover Cleveland are net far apart in age. When the civil war oame and the old flag w"tired upon Abraham Llnooln callea for men to staad by the oeuutry, Harrison re­ sponded Cleveland did not. The war record of General Harrison is Written upon the pages of Amerloau history, that of Grover Cleveland Is embalmed In the services of a substitute. Yet Grover Cleveland tells the Aihorlcan people that It would be dangerous to the safety and prosperity of the -ooun- try to elect* Harrison. Speaking of the danger of too much surplus in the Treasury, writes; "Now the veterans always staad tie- tween the country and danger. Wei ii|i ready to reduce the aarpius; awf lf the* duties are J&pt eaand Industries protected, it The utid«raign«t ta peer ^ the line of Digging-.W#ll Pumps, Cementing " * ftsta ells, or to short notice and warrant-:L-„£_, pbort will do all work la this line. ' Oan ^ ftarnlsh you a new Pumjv eiiher wood' or Iron, warzanto4, |M eheap as. anyotMrMW. Good references furnished If desired. I# ypu want a Weil Dug, a Pamp Repaired or a new Pump, give me a call. sarOrdets by mail Post office, Johns burg! attended ta L. BANTE8. Johnsourgh, 111., MaySSth, 1SH6. TM1 CHICAGa NORTH- AMD ~:W> RAILWAY Penotratea: the :Osntsrs9ef2S Popula|lon?ln| .. All of the at \ lowest" A^BARBIE, ae«^ McHenry. March »th, is^i, 'j. '... aft' (' MORGAN HORSjES, Sh.ort Sor simple sj^' S'w § M hlii t* • j""' •' And Jsrsey Cattle. flS0H0Hry United States la all pare bred, the in the Nslirasia anil fyonim. tts train service is carefully arranged to maet requirements of local travel, as well aa to furnish the most attractive routes for through travel between important Trade Oentros, Its equipment of day and parlor cars, din- ingand place sleeping cars is without rival. its road-bed is perfection, of stone ballast­ ed steel. The Northwestern is the fsvonte route for theccoaiiaiercial tiaveler, the tourist and the Seeikers alter new homes in the golden Northwest. Detailed Information cheerfully furnished bJ BERNARD BUSS, Agent, McHenry, III. Old Gifford Morgan, who Mattis it the head »four Stock, is one ot the best twfd Morgan Horses in the country, and c^n show more and 'tetter all pureoie celts than any "Other horse in the West. >• ; We invite the inspection; of our Stock by hTTsemsn and all lovers ot ine aniosais. A fewfbli blood Morptn X7olts-,and younj aerses for sale. Ataoone Baatoh|^>t«am, ful In CHttle we have the fnll»blool Short Horn irkicti'W.oare crossing with the Oed Polled Angus a#d Htereforo Instead of saving off (the norn^wjvare breeding them off and with A few 0eifer* and Bulla, both pure bred Hhort Horns and tha cross above mentioned, for sale. J. W- Say lor tt Sensi Went McHaarv. fit., Feb. 27th, isas. Is He bad never been t|ls lawnust oomo. istice. Gov. Bodtner, of KenDMlcr, was the atoh rebel)Bt&sral, who sunpadered the pws «ad last <*!»!'jgqniis, aid is just havlof He has •My ^wil^pll^iaa^lBg memo- Getwral^ of the year, f^ght saveaty-eix IA|R» 90S balUo >»«oon. Gwatis M " E » r o o f Wtooheetor> A new law pasi^ft>y ttto last Gee- It a mis- wear the is not Boys see j. m, whitman. :. •*&» *«•' 0en. Mcuxaffer. B. a WICKER, Traffto Mcutagtti. V-v i t p. WILSON, -̂ '.jgeiwrol Pamatotr Afr*Mt. i * DBQOJtATEB. flEBROI), ILL. v ^ 1 twA Decorating. Paper-HaigiBg, Done on short nottceai 4.-. . for o«r took. auM er«l Assemb demeauor, badge Of rigour that the iebolas Greu wl!» ola irl»ado,/eoQslstUig of the "a mm-Mmh ju- lo#te ^Oluateers. m Tw||ty-flrst Mlchigan. and Tweoty.folirl^iriSoen- sin, is to be held at Fox- nf^M during the last week In Ju ty, ooj^^glng on the 23d, a»d closing oa ^atarday, the 28th. . • > • Great efforts have been made by the committee to preparO an attractive programme, and It is Bald that the place was soiected^tWfth an lipe^ial view to its beautlfttl^^WtoouaJltSp^ . General UoCoOk':il^lM,*J»l'eMnt' during the week,.\«#^pic|^d|o^ that the Govotmi^wBHW^^Iwka^ aln, and 1 least eoe^ durlnt^|h0;e«^<hent. Goveruoi^.|fc^jS(i« ^^fty-sixth and EightyJ^tf^^l^gtmeiits will be beMoa Frt^^Wfy m Grant's Bi^kjiisoa. ' , '-i The Mrthplace ot ^imrtd Gr«at, ln the viU^pitf Point Fleasaat, Okie, to still U repslr. and used as i dwell^, - #ltb9ao oocident It will la^a oet*uy yH, Th^wsliioatl centennlal-Muutaprs hafn»%fff»ed a big sum for ^be old home, and the Columbus I«i|||^i9al managers bar# OFLEREDTL,WT^L|S«PV^HA.GUA^ anteethtt -- upon fts f< olal is over. It Is ibt, market. In 1 American •>%lll be to the printer and baker and oandie ! |^|aj:,.ko0w nOt ObWe to lTttele Sam )t^#ii^«it( ' h)tt f<Jr pennies ~ beoause #j»: 1 We touch our bat aodsav ; 'In the dark ji;t«r65 #0 stood b«twel|| |«» CeHaia destruotieo, rlekto^ '! to save yours. All fought, and many died to order|bet yoa might live. Now we want yo^lo stand between us and our widow* and our orphan children and the poorheuse and may the flag wave always' W--A, A. Allen, late Sergeant Oootpany K< 7tt) Ktnsas Yeteran Velunteejr Cava)> ry. %%<* repienishod by Hte< ^ r happiij o n . . . . tnrO jvas to compel the st&mlttpou a heated grating beneath whlolt a fire, was kept burniag^ He Wf^'Jisilifklto..] the enclosure," rounded by ^strong: charcoal being place* of a metal funnel was another tion of fire torture. The tal taining the lighted charcoal curely bound in the _ oner, and he was forced by thei ants to walk quickly about, ex.. the broad, end of the tube toittpl thereby accelerat" creasing his own sulTel agonizing torture was ^ application of boiling ol^ t», t of the victim, and ft waa a |'" plied in so manv tfta that enitj^ details of hailiah tensihbjuiman suffering < if thjflnre possible, its The stone torture .was first cruelty practiced t^taaL He was forced to prostrate Itit face downward, u.p<M|"tiio".v'^i||j^ five trian^ilar>shape^ bl * - « wood, the front of hp. 1« posed to the sharp #|ge curely held in this positiwi stones Were jplaced on the thighs, and others were sloi to increase the terrible' til he became unconscious, or his intention to confess. The box torture was a still' atrocious contrivance. Bmujk and foot the culprit was a strong box, about two feetM having a covering made to fi£1 Side and capable of being lov raised at will. Heavy weight*, ced upon it, and ^theee wi * in number, depressixfg i >r wretch witliin the, IKHC I 6wly Crushed to death. |ttjtsing the water torture itwatf') |red^4iat the torment of thirst- uuce a prisoner to confess;, several days' subsistence on a 1' wp^tltllb^jind,, gdrumsroriite «#etohis bbdy. ferjoa^lbe POST AND BAIL PEOPLE. A friend of mine says there ari two sorts of people in the world--44posts" and "rails*" and a geo4 many wore rails than posts. The meaning Of this is that most people depend on some­ body else--a father, a sinter, a husband wife, or perhaps on a neighbor. Whether it is right to divide the whole population of the earth qdlte. to strictly, it ife true that we atf koow a food manv rail-like people." BTan<ate Ivans tells me one ef the Rail-girls sits by her in school, ^lips Bail never had a knife ef her own,, though she used** sort of pencil that continually needs sharpening; so Blanche s pretty pen-knife was borrowed until one day the Bail-girl snapped the blade. Blanche was so tired of lending the knife that she was not very sorry. Miss RalPs brother works beside Hearv Brown in thooffloe of the jDat> Hurricane. They both set type, «£ Henry's patience is sorely tried ttif Master Bail. H Henry tells him t&» day wnOther the I is doubled In moddt when^d l* added, bo will have forgo tertto-morrow; and Henry has to him whether the semicolon eooti fore or after vie. every time up." The truth Is the Rail-bofr try.te remember these thlngSf tatea Henry for a pest and ex be held up by M«B. . U mot two pretty young UtaHltog to getber last SUOMBI we* always appealing to the # khow if .they were to chaage to, or not until they 90 itable, or if they should ch^pge at all. She i^ked her 00: ion tle time though bar own wae 10 order ;she "couldn't bot remember*' mimes of routos a&d and people, but she found it very ventf&t for somebody to do all thl* herv aid she never conoealed. bar prifS lf her friend forgot or neglected post is often unpleasant, but ho#WMh^orsO^i«irtobearail!-We? ^5 ^* post c*n stand by itselli-iut tako & - Thurola Mie ""* adva. y fear ^eofaboa the .toto the examinttiotwroom bownd, and w«a forced tokneel dt tte investigation of hie aaeoi persisted in remaining mWffc pepredto equivocate In hi* " the questions addressed to h' vestigatiou whip" was used an instrument capable of great punishment, made of strips of bamboo cane. coutinue . stubborn a whip was applied, the ,r the blows uivtii yielded or fainted infliction. But m permitted to he preliminary invc Judge causing the ture to innocent of very advanced yea#. females, was himself i punishment.--Mattehet^ A citizen of arrested and fined ^e «>ther da^T displaying a Union, ' * ^ 1 A place of btwines* tached notifying* could find s |&lronhot An Amej$0a& in Ber onlus ap Franelmiiii and ill, * "* Pico, nors, is al lives near Los A treethat Was e Shookittn V JT.,-yteWed. *htoh,at |7.fi0 itlree . . , 8 that to an.. ow.a

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